National and patriotic upbringing of the fourth-grade schoolchildren by means of Ukrainian studies in the process of learning the subject «I am in the world»

The course "I am in the world" as an component of the content of primary education, an effective means and form of formation of national-patriotic education. Methods of national-patriotic education of junior schoolchildren by means of Ukrainian studies.

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Precarpathian Vasyl Stefanyk national university

National and patriotic upbringing of the fourth-grade schoolchildren by means of Ukrainian studies in the process of learning the subject «I am in the world»

Lesya Vysochan,

Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Professional and Methods and Technologies of Elementary Education Department


education ukrainian patriotic

It is revealed that the subject «I am in the world» being an important component of the general elementary education content, is an effective tool and form of formation of the national and patriotic upbringing of the junior pupil. It is these lessons that give the opportunity to provide students with interesting textbooks about their native land, Ukraine, famous Ukrainians, history, and appeal to the people's and spiritual heritage.

The method of national and patriotic upbringing of junior pupils by means of Ukrainian studies is described, which reflects the purpose, tasks, and separate pedagogical conditions, methods of patriotic education and expected results of this process. Among the pedagogical conditions is the stimulation of interest in the history of the Ukrainian people, native land, expansion of knowledge about prominent Ukrainians, involvement of junior pupils in development of projects based on the Ukrainian studies, preparation of future teachers for similar work in school, etc.

It is emphasized that the upbringing of the patriot of Ukraine has a national character, that is, it is based on ethno-national traditions of the Ukrainian people. The national consciousness is the core of national and patriotic upbringing - awareness of its national identity and the national past, which is an attribute of every nation. Based on the results of the questioning of junior schoolchildren and the students - future teachers, the following characteristics of this quality have been identified, such as: love for Ukraine and for historical past of the Ukrainian people; faith in its spiritual strength and purpose; the will and responsibility for bringing the Ukrainian people to a place of honor in a civilized world; the ability to understand and comprehend its history, culture, art, values, moral, customs, rituals, as well as the symbolism of its nation and native land; readiness to serve consciously the interests of Ukraine and take responsibility for its fate.

Keywords: national and patriotic upbringing; fourth-grade schoolchildren; Ukrainian studies; «I am in the world».


Леся Височан, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри фахових методик та технологій початкової освіти ДВНЗ «Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника»

Національно-патріотичне виховання учнів четвертого класу засобами українознавства в процесі вивчення предмета «Я у світі»

З'ясовано, що курс «Яу світі» - важливий компонент загального змісту початкової освіти, є ефективним засобом і формою формування національно-патріотичного виховання молодшого школяра. Саме ці уроки дають можливість надати учням цікаві тексти про рідний край, Україну, відомихукраїнців, історію, звернутися до народної та духовної спадщини. Окреслено методику національно-патріотичного виховання молодших школярів засобами українознавства, яка відображає мету, завдання, окремі педагогічні умови, методи патріотичного виховання та очікувані результати цього процесу. Доведено ефективність методики опрацювання змістової лінії «Відомі українці» у процесі вивчення курсу «Я у світі» у 4 класі.

Ключові слова: національно-патріотичне виховання; учні четвертого класу; українознавство; навчальний предмет «Я у світі».I

Main part

Introduction. Ukrainian education, as well as the Ukrainian State as a whole, is experiencing complex processes of national and cultural formation. Under the current challenges facing Ukraine (the annexation of Crimea by Russia, hostilities in the Eastern Ukraine), the issue of national and patriotic upbringing of the young Ukrainian, the formation of high civil values and upbringing of the growing person on the basis of Ukrainian studies, are especially actualized. We believe that Ukrainian studies serve as a significant factor in the education of love for native land, the Motherland, etc. This problem is updated by the fundamental state documents (Law of Ukraine «On education», Law of Ukraine «On extracurricular education», Concept of national and patriotic upbringing of children and youth, Concept of artistic and aesthetic education of pupils in general educational institutions, Concept of extracurricular education and upbringing, National strategy for the education development in Ukraine until the year of 2021, etc.), which, in particular, emphasizes that the cornerstone of the education system of pupils is the national idea and patriotism, which involves the formation of love and readiness for the Motherland protection, civic duty, interest and desire to preserve national history, culture, traditions and respect for the cultural values of other nations.

The study of various aspects of upbringing of the patriot and citizen has a profound tradition, originated from the classics of the national pedagogical thought (H. Vashchenko, I. Ohienko, S. Rusova, H. Skovoroda, V. Sukhomlynskyi, K. Ushynskyi, etc.) and to modern scholars, which consider it in the general context of the educational process, in the relationship between national and multicultural phenomena, in the regional dimension and from other perspectives (A. Aleksiuk, A. Bezkorovaina, I. Bekh, H. Bilavych, O. Budnyk, H. Vasianovych, O. Vyshnevskyi, T. Zavhorodnia, V. Kononenko, V. Kyrychok, O. Kobernyk, N. Lysenko, S. Lytvyn-Kindratiuk, H. Lozko, P Losiuk, O. Onoprienko, A. Savchuk, O. Sukhomlynska, H. Tarasenko, K. Chorna, etc.). We highlight the creative work of M. Stelmakhovych and R. Skulskyi [7], who made a significant contribution into the study of the achievements of Ukrainian studies, the applied aspect of the use of ethnography in the educational process of the Ukrainian school, in the early 90's of the XX century actualized the problem of expediency of Ukrainian educational policy. However, the issue raised in the article has not been deeply studied by scholars.

The aim and objectives of the research. The aim of the article is to theoretically substantiate the pedagogical principles of the implementation of national and patriotic upbringing of the fourth-grade schoolchildren by means of Ukrainian studies in the process of studying the subject «I am in the world».

Methods of the research. In the process of work, the following methods are used: the theoretical ones - study, analysis, comparison, systematization, classification and generalization of theoretical data presented in pedagogical, psychological and methodical literature; analysis of modern scientific researches and legislative and normative base of national upbringing, as well as educational literature for fourth-grade pupils, textbooks «I am in the world», curriculum; content analysis of the manual and methodological support of the subject «I am in the world» for the fourth grade, etc.; empirical - pedagogical observation, analysis of educational and methodological documentation, study programs, conversations, questionnaires of primary school pupils and students - future elementary school teachers, processing of results, studying advanced pedagogical experience of teachers; statistical - methods of mathematical statistics and processing of the obtained data in order to provide qualitative interpretation of the research results.

Research results. Under current conditions of the Ukrainian state development, one of the main educational tasks is the upbringing of a national patriotic personality, a pupil as a patriot and a future citizen of Ukraine.

Information about the customs, traditions, life, beliefs and worldview of the Ukrainian people, information about the famous socio-political, cultural and educational figures, writers, scholars, statesmen, and heroic figures of Ukraine, is an important component of this educational process. Such cultural content of the educational process contributes to the formation of the Ukrainian outlook of the junior schoolchild's personality [1; 2].

Thus, it is necessary to form a system of beliefs of Ukrainians as a nation that has its own history, present and future, its own rich culture, folk customs and ordinances. Such a cultural approach to teaching junior pupils can be realized in the process of studying the subject «I am in the world». The educational subj ect «I am in the world» implements the educational branch «Social Science» of the State standard of elementary general education and aims at the socialization of the junior pupil's personality, in particular his civil and patriotic education. In the «Explanatory note» to the educational program «I am in the world» (3 - 4 classes) it is stated: «The purpose of the subject is to develop the ability of the child to self-development in accordance with its abilities, interests and needs; upbringing of a junior schoolchild as a citizen of Ukraine - a free, democratic, educated person capable of independent moral action; the formation of educational skills and abilities and the need for learning, as well as the ability to apply practical and creative use of acquired knowledge; promoting the enrichment of spiritual world and moral culture of the child, the formation of its outlook» [8].

The subject «I am in the world» under the curriculum is implemented in the third and fourth grades and covers the following topics: «I am a human», «Me and others», «I am a Ukrainian», «I am a European», which promotes gradual awareness among students of unity components of «Me - family - school - native land - Ukraine - world»; reveals the interaction between people in the family, team, society; involves active contacts of children with natural and social environment, accumulation of experience of personal attitude to the system of values of a democratic society [3; 8].

In our opinion, the content of this curriculum emphasizes the importance of a junior pupil's acquiring vital competencies necessary for a life in society and a rapidly changing world; focuses on a personally - oriented and activity-oriented approach to learning, promotes the formation of social, civic, cultural, informational and communicative competencies, ability to study, etc. However, the national-patriotic factor here is insufficiently completed.

This conclusion is caused by the results of content analysis of the current textbooks of the «I am in the world» subject for the fourth grade. So, having analyzed the textbook for the fourth grade (author N. Bibik) [3], we highlighted a small number of topics which are aimed at forming the national and patriotic personality on the basis of Ukrainian studies (see Table 1).

Such an experience is common in many schools of Ukraine. It is described in numerous publications (for example, H. Bilavych [1], etc.), therefore, it can be applied in any educational institution. For instance, the fourth grade pupils can be invited to create miniature works in the form of a linguistic and cultural sketch or project («History of my city/village»,» Kyiv is the heart of Ukraine», «Heroes of the Revolution of Dignity», «Ukraine is Europe», «Glorious sons of my land», «Famous writers (composers, scientists, musicians, artists, historical figures, etc.) of my land», etc.).

In our opinion, the topic «Famous Ukrainians» is very important for interdisciplinary comprehension at the Ukrainian language classes, since pupils, having received and analyzed such information, will be able

Table 1. Topics which are aimed at forming the national and patriotic personality on the basis of Ukrainian studies



«Great achievements of little Ukrainians»


«Learning to love our homeland», «Symbolics. What is this?», «State symbols of Ukraine», «Ukrainian language - the official language of Ukraine», «Cultural heritage of the nation», «Holidays in our state»

«Human in society»

«Ukraine and the world», «Ukrainians who have perfected the world», «What Ukrainians are respected for», «In every corner of the world there are unique traditions and customs»

«Human and the world»

Topics on Ukrainian studies in the textbook «I am in the world» for the fourth grade (author N. Bibik) [3].

On the basis of analysis of scientific and methodological literature and practical experience, we determine the following main ways of implementing the cultural component of teaching the subject «I am in the world» and upbringing the national and patriotic personality: 1) selecting and using the system of thematically united Ukrainian texts of different genres and styles of speech; 2) the use of ethnographic materials and oral folk art; 3) selection and application of appropriate traditional and newest learning technologies for the purpose of practical development of cultural values, certain types of activities and behavior, national and cultural component through language, etc. While studying the topic «What Ukrainians are respected for», we suggest focusing on such an aspect as familiarizing the fourth-graders with the biographies of famous Ukrainians. The educational project «Famous Ukrainians» may become the key factor while studying the subject «I am in the world».

To, firstly, use it as arguments in their own writings, and secondly and most importantly, they will reflect on the primordial values of their nation, will compare their worldview with its outlook, and will form themselves as patriotic citizens. For example, in the fourth grade, children are shown three historical periods which are represented by outstanding figures of a given age:

1. People of Kievan Rus' - Ukraine.

These people are characterized by beautiful appearance, tallness, bright hair, blue eyes, long face with a straight thin nose and developed chin. Mind characteristics: endurance, truthfulness, will power, vigilance, neatness, self-confidence, prudence. The human of this period does not stand backwardness, incontinence in behavior, noise; does not know how to forgive, does not like to repent herself. Such a person does not quickly find friends, is far from being accepted by everyone. They are very picky to a company, to their surroundings, and therefore prefer loneliness. Most of all, they appreciate their own freedom, but more committed to a public idea than their own family.

2. People of the Cossack Hetmanate.

These people are stout, tall, heavy built, physically strong. They are merry and like to sing. They love their land and their house. Honest, proud, bold, but very vulnerable, good-natured. Being innate warriors they fight and rebel in extreme cases. This type is more marked by sensitivity, which is not aimed at transforming the world, because people of this period put their feelings under knowledge and will. Having good leaders, these people can achieve great success in building the state.

3. People of XIX-XX centuries.

People are mostly of average height, with dark hair, long face, narrow straight nose and gray or blue eyes. By character - the most creative people who love life, art - rebels, conspirators, idealists. Among them there are many inventors, who are talented, passionate, gifted. They are characterized by creative combustion, a certain intangible spiritual energy that forms society. They love everything exquisite - bright colors, relief shapes. They are good preachers, eloquent speakers [6].

The generalized information enables to simulate the fourth-grader's impression about the well-known people of Ukraine by the following indicators: a) historical period; b) specific figures of a certain period; c) typical characteristic features inherent in people of this period.

Materials for the sphere of relations «Me and the Motherland» will help pupils understand how important the future of Ukraine is in relation to the historical past of Ukraine, how the historical figures influenced the development of our state. The task of this sphere of relations is the formation of patriotic feelings among the fourth-graders.

Quite interesting was the questioning of pupils from two schools in Ivano-Frankivsk. In the first school, teaching was carried out according to the traditional method. In the second one, a model of national and patriotic upbringing was introduced on the basis of Ukrainian studies. The pupils of both schools were asked to answer the question: l. What do I value in people? 2. What features of Ukrainians do I like? 3. What do I dislike? 4. Who of the famous Ukrainians is a role model for me? Why? 5. What kind of personality do I want to be?

75% of primary school pupils value kindness in people, 12% - money, and 12% do not have values at all. Twenty respondents (50%) answered that the positive features of Ukrainians are cleverness, hardworking, seven (14%) - kindness and hospitality, the rest (42%) did not answer the second question. The third question did not answer the majority of respondents (75%), and 10 (25%) of them said that drinking is a negative trait of Ukrainians. 16 children (38%) do not consider it necessary to follow famous Ukrainians, 6 pupils (13%) distinguish Klitschko brothers, especially Vitali, because he is strong and rich, five (12%) look up to the Heavenly Hundreds heroes. And only three students (6%) consider Taras Shevchenko and Lesya Ukrainka to be their role models, arguing that they have done a lot for Ukraine (but the children do not mention what exactly). The fifth question was not answered by all of the respondents as well. Ten (25%) did not respond, 15 (38%) want to be smart, fun, hardworking, witty, five schoolchildren (12%) want to be wealthy, four (8%) - savvy and only one pupil (2%) dreams of being wise.

So, we can see that the fourth grade pupils of the Ivano-Frankivsk school who study under the traditional system, without involving Ukrainian studies materials and information of cultural content from other subjects, know less about famous Ukrainians.

There is another case for the fourth grade pupils of the Private Catholic School St. Basil the Great. Teacher-methodologist Svitlana Levytska actively introduces the Ukrainian-language material into the educational process, in particular, through the means of the content line «Famous Ukrainians». 19 pupils of the class «Nadiya (Hope)» were involved in the survey. Ten children (51%) praise Christian virtues, diligence, intelligence, loyalty, friendliness, and 12% of respondents consider bringing up to be the best trait, 13% - education, 25% - desire to selfimprovement. We also found out what features of Ukrainians, in the opinion of junior students, are negative. 72% of fourth-graders do not like such traits as betrayal and jealousy. 24% noted that the negative features of the Ukrainians are «whistle-blowing» and a low level culture; three students (10%) said that Ukrainians do not have negative traits at all. For example, 70% of respondents consider heroes of Euromaidan, Revolution of Dignity, Heavenly Hundred as their role models. Ten students (30%) look up to Ivan Mazepa, Stepan Bandera, Bogdan Khmelnytsky, Cossacks, UPA heroes, because they «were fighters for independence, struggled for Ukraine». For five students (13%), role models are Taras Shevchenko, Mykola Lysenko, Ivan Franko, Mytr. Andrey Sheptytsky. Two students (4%) deemed Vitali Klitschko a courageous, brave. 35% of boys noted that they look up to the defenders of the Donetsk airport, the heroes of ATO, because they «defended their native land to the end», «did not give up to the enemy», «went to death for the sake of Ukraine». All respondents answered that they want to be courageous, patriots, as well as hospitable, hardworking, well-educated, good Christians. Five (12%) added that they want to be polite and creative. Ten students (30%) said that they want to be loyal to their homeland. Consequently, fourth grade pupils from the Private Catholic School St. Basil the Great recognize famous Ukrainians, they look up to them.

It was of a great interest to find out whether future elementary school teachers are ready for the formation of the national-language personality of the junior pupil, how modern students are aware of the shrines of Ukraine. From the book of T. Pistun «Love your Ukraine…» [5] the information recommended for a review was gathered and the following questions were asked: 1. What is the area of Ukraine? (603 628 кмІ). 2. What is the largest mountain system in Ukraine? (Carpathians). 3. What is the highest mountain in our country? (Hoverla). 4. When the name «Ukraine» appeared? (at the end of the XII century, year 1187). 5. In what document for the first time appeared the name «Ukraine»? (Hypatian Codex). 6. By who, where and when was the first library in Ukraine founded? (a) Yaroslav the Wise; b) at the St. Sophia Cathedral; c) in 1037). 7. Name the first higher educational institution of Ukraine. (Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium, since 1701 - Kyiv-Mohyla Academy).

In total, 35 fourth-year students of the Pedagogical Faculty of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University took part in the survey. According to the survey results, modern graduates from higher education institutions in general are keen on questions on the history of Ukraine. And it proves that the future teacher is ready to implement the process of national and patriotic upbringing of a junior pupil on the basis of Ukrainian studies.

Conclusions. Thus, on the basis of the analysis of scientific sources, the concept of «national and patriotic upbringing of junior schoolchildren» is defined as a complex personality-oriented process based on the Ukrainian studies, aimed at acquiring spiritual (in particular, social and patriotic) qualities which characterize emotional and value relation to the historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, and which are manifested in the knowledge of prominent Ukrainians, respect for national ideals, states symbols, etc.

It is revealed that the subject «I am in the world» being an important component of the general elementary education content, is an effective tool and form of formation of the national and patriotic upbringing of the junior pupil. It is these lessons that give the opportunity to provide students with interesting textbooks about their native land, Ukraine, famous Ukrainians, history, and appeal to people's and spiritual heritage. The method of national and patriotic upbringing of junior pupils by means of Ukrainian studies is described, which reflects the purpose, tasks, and separate pedagogical conditions, methods of patriotic education and expected results of this process. Among the pedagogical conditions is the stimulation of interest in the history of the Ukrainian people, native land, expansion of knowledge about prominent Ukrainians, involvement of junior pupils in development of projects based on the Ukrainian studies, preparation of future teachers for similar work in school, etc. It is emphasized that the upbringing of the patriot of Ukraine has a national character, that is, it is based on ethno-national traditions of the Ukrainian people. The national consciousness is the core of national and patriotic upbringing - awareness of its national identity and the national past, which is an attribute of every nation. Based on the results of the questioning of junior schoolchildren and students - future teachers, the following characteristics of this quality have been identified, such as: love for Ukraine and for historical past of the Ukrainian people; faith in its spiritual strength and purpose; the will and responsibility for bringing the Ukrainian people to a place of honor in a civilized world; the ability to understand and comprehend its history, culture, art, values, moral, customs, rituals, as well as the symbolism of its nation and native land; readiness to serve consciously the interests of Ukraine and take responsibility for its fate.


1. Bilavych, H. (2016). Avtorska shkola «Tryvita»: dosvid vykhovannia natsionalno-movnoi osobystosti molodshoho shkoliara [The author's school «Tryvita»: the experience of upbringing the national-linguistic personality of the junior schoolboy]. Methodical Guide. Ivano - Frankivsk, p. 203. [in Ukrainian].

2. Bilavych, H. (2008). Ukrainoznavstvo yak vazhlyvyi skladnyk natsionalnoi osvity [Ukrainian studies as an important component of national education]. Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. Pedagogy. Vol. XXY, pp.120-124. [in Ukrainian].

3. Bibik, N.M. (2015). Ya u sviti. 4 klas. Pidruchnyk dlia zahalnoosvit. navch. zakl [I am in the world. Grade 4: Textbook for general educational institutions]. Kharkiv, p. 160. [in Ukrainian].

4. Novosolova, V I. (2007). Ukrainska mova. Zbirnyk testovykh zavdan dlia pidhotovky do zovnishnoho nezalezhnoho otsiniuvannia. 11 klas [Ukrainian language. Collection of test tasks for preparation for external independent evaluation. Grade 11]. Kyiv, p. 104. [in Ukrainian].

5. Pistun, T V (2008). «Svoiu Ukrainu liubit…» [«Love your Ukraine…»]. Ternopil, pp. 7-9. [in Ukrainian].

6. Savchuk, B. (2004). Ukrainska etnolohiia [Ukrainian ethnology]. Ivano-Frankivsk, p. 559. [in Ukrainian].

7. Skulskyi, R.P. & Stelmakhovych, M.H. (1995). Metodyka vykladannia narodoznavstva u shkoli [Methodology of teaching ethnography at school]. Ivano - Frankivsk, p. 167. [in Ukrainian].

8. Ya u sviti. Navchalna prohrama dlia zahalnoosvitnikh navchalnykh [I am in the world. Educational program for general education institutions]. Available at: https:// mon.…/ 7.-ya-u-sviti. - 3-4-klas.docx [in Ukrainian].


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2. Білавич Г Українознавство як важливий складник національної освіти. Вісник Прикарпатського університету. Педагогіка. 2008. Вип. ХХУ. С. 120-124.

3. Бібік Н.М. Я у світі. 4 клас: Підручник для загальноосвіт. навч. закл. Харків, 2015. 160 с.

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5. Пістун Т.В. «Свою Україну любіть…». Тернопіль, 2008. С. 7-9.

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