Speaking competence while mastering reading

The importance of developing students' speaking skills in English classes. The influence of reading on improving communication levels. Development of oral language. Consideration of educational and professional motives for learning a foreign language.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 16.04.2020
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Dnipro National University of Railway Transport, Ukraine

Speaking competence while mastering reading

Senior Lecturer Pererva K.M.

Academician V. Lazaryan


The aim of this article is to show the importance of speaking skills in the classroom in order to get a perfect acquisition of the second language. The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of reading strategy instruction on students' speaking achievement and strategy use. The article is devoted to reading consideration as development tools of oral speech in the context of foreign language training. The reading role as important source of satisfaction of informative needs of students and development tool of educational and professional motives of foreign language learning is noted. Need of inclusion of speech activity in the educational activity realized by students is emphasized. For Ukrainian speakers, speaking tends to be more complicated than the acquisition of other skills, such as reading or writing, since the former are quite difficult to practice when the student does not live in an English speaking country. For this reason, this paper deals with some activities that develop those skills and shows why it is important to boost those qualifications. The present study was designed to discover the most effective reading-based tasks. The article focuses on the system of exercises for forming students' speaking skills via reading. The results provide evidence that reading helps enhance EFL learners' speaking performance. The findings of this research could attract EFL and ESL teachers' attention to utilize the same task types in their classes in the form of class activities and could provide EFL and ESL students with an effective way of vocabulary learning and retention.

Keywords: Speaking, reading, competence, importance, development, difficulties, activities, teaching Ст. викладач Перерва К. М.


Дніпровський національний університет залізничного транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна, Україна


and learning, tasks, comprehension, EFL, ESL.

Метою даної статті є висвітлення важливості формування розмовних навичок студентів на заняттях англійської мови. Дане дослідження розглядає вплив читання на іноземній мові на підвищення рівня розмовної мови. Стаття присвячена розгляду читання як засобу розвитку усного мовлення в контексті навчання іноземної мови. Відзначається роль читання як важливого джерела задоволення пізнавальних потреб студентів і засобу розвитку навчально-професійних мотивів вивчення іноземної мови. Підкреслюється необхідність включення мовленнєвої діяльності в усвідомлювану студентами навчальну діяльність. У носіїв української мови навички розмовної англійської мови є найбільш слабкими у порівнянні з іншими навичками такими, як читання та письмо, оскільки розмовна практика є складним завданням в умовах, коли студенти позбавленні англомовного середовища. У зв 'язку з цим, ця стаття розглядає читання як засіб розвитку розмовних здібностей. У статті розглядається вправи та види текстів для формування вмінь говоріння у студентів, які вивчають англійську мову засобами читання. Результати дослідження можуть бути корисними, як для викладачів іноземної мови, так і для студентів, які вивчають іноземну мову.

Ключові слова: говоріння, читання, компетенція, розвиток, складнощі, завдання, викладання, навчання, вправи, розуміння, англійська як іноземна, англійська як друга мова.


Ст. преподаватель Перерва Е. М.

Днипровский национальный университет имени академика В. Лазаряна, Украина


Целью данной статьи является освещение необходимости формирования разговорных навыков студентов на занятиях английского языка. Данное исследование рассматривает влияние чтения на иностранном языке на повышение уровня разговорной речи. Статья посвящена рассмотрению чтения как средства развития устной речи в контексте обучения иностранному языку. Отмечается роль чтения как важного источника удовлетворения познавательных потребностей студентов и средства развития учебно-профессиональных мотивов изучения иностранного языка. Подчеркивается необходимость включения речевой деятельности в осознаваемую студентами учебную деятельность. У носителей украинского языка навыки разговорной английской речи являются наиболее слабыми в сравнении с такими навыками, как чтение и письмо. Это связано с тем, что в отсутствии языковой среды у студентов практически отсутствует возможность разговорной практики. В связи с этим, данная статья рассматривает чтение как средство развитие устной речи. В статье рассматривается упражнения и виды текстов для формирования умений говорения у студентов, изучающих английский язык средствами чтения. Результаты исследования могут быть полезными, как для преподавателей иностранного языка, так и для студентов, изучающих иностранный язык.

Ключевые слова: говорение, чтение, компетенция, важность, развитие, сложности, задания, преподавание, обучение, упражнения, понимание, английский как иностранный, английский как второй язык.

Purpose. The aim of this report is the improvement of studying and teaching Speaking English with the help of reading.

Methodology. The basic principle of this kind of teaching English is motivation of students who are not confident in their knowledge to use reading as an effective tool to improve their Speaking English skills.

Findings. As the research showed, individual development in a speaking strategies through reading course involves a complex interrelationship between various cognitive and individual factors, and varies between learners.

Originality. The findings of this study have implications for teacher educators and educational decision makers in bringing about higher levels of speaking ability among English language learners.

Introduction. Having good English speaking is very essential especially for the students because it becomes the bridge for them to know the world. So improving the English speaking competence is very important for the Ukrainian students where we know speaking is extremely need to gives the big contribution to students to perform their communication skills better.

Literature review. According to Ukrainian researches Kuptsova T. A. and Miroshnychenko I. G. the current state of foreign language teaching in Ukraine demands new teaching standards and methods [1, p. 94]. The students of college or university graduate are expected to be able to communicate English well. It means that speaking is the primary competence to develop. Researchers have empirically established the efficacy of repeated reading with regard to comprehension and fluency. For instance, research with both L1 and second-language (L2) learners has indicated that it leads to faster reading rates [2; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8].

Language acquisition without reading is difficult. Reading is a good way of comprehension. A good reader is able to understand sentences and structures of a written text. Bright and McGregor are of the opinion that reading is `the most pleasant route to command of the language', because it is via reading `the student is most likely to find words used memorably with force and point'[2, p. 53]. It appears that reading is a key factor in language learning. One important notion of developing reading skills and speaking skills is to use the language for learning as well as communication. Reading can play a big part in successful language learning. It can develop speaking skills. It needs to be noted that speaking holds a very significant place in foreign language learning because through speech messages are conveyed.

Reading outside the classroom is the most significant influence on oral communication ability. Students who read a lot are more likely to speak well. Students through reading develop in both fluency and accuracy of expression in their speaking. Davies and Pearse stress the importance of communication as: --Real success in English teaching and learning is when the learners can actually communicate in English inside and outside the classroom” [5, p.47].

Speaking is being capable of speech, expressing or exchanging thoughts through using language. “Speaking is a productive aural/oral skill and it consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning” [6, p.48]. He notes down that from the communicative point of view, speaking has many different aspects including two major categories - accuracy, involving the correct use of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation practised through controlled and guided activities; and, fluency, considered to be `the ability to keep going when speaking spontaneously'. Knowledge of the language, and skill in using this knowledge for an effective communication. Language knowledge and skill in using it, are considered two fundamental elements of an effective communication.

Among the elements necessary for spoken production, are the following [8 p.269].

• Connected Speech: effective learners of English need to be able not only to produce the individual phonemes of English (as in saying I would have gone) but also to use fluent `connected speech' as in (I'd `ve gone). In connected speech sounds are modified, omitted, added or weakened.

• Expressive Devices: native speakers of English change the pitch and stress of particular parts of utterances, vary volume and speed, and show by other physical and nonverbal means how they are feeling.

• Lexis and Grammar: spontaneous speech is marked by the use of number of common lexical phrases, especially in the performance of certain language functions.

• Negotiation and language: effective speaking benefits from the negotiatory language we use to seek clarification and to show the structure of what we are saying.

Reading will enable learners to develop their vocabulary and grammar knowledge which will effectively contribute to their speaking skills. Vocabulary and grammar knowledge will enable learners to understand so reading will increase learners' understanding capability which they need for a better communication.

Reading is one of the most effective ways of foreign language learning. Reading simply is the interpretation of a written message. It is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text and their own background knowledge to build meaning and the goal of reading is comprehension (Nunan, 2003, p.68). Adams states that reading is built from two components: word recognition and comprehension [1, p.34]. These two components gained through reading will foster learners' language competence.

Hedge writes the goals of learners' in a reading process as [9, p.76]:

• The ability to read a wide range of texts in English.

• Building a knowledge of language which will facilitate reading ability

• Building schematic knowledge

• The ability to adapt the reading style according to reading purpose (skimming, scanning)

• Developing an awareness of the structure of written texts in English

• Taking a critical stance to the contexts of the texts.

Reading will help learners to decipher new words that they need for conversations. Through reading language learners will have vocabulary knowledge which will facilitate their speaking performance and their usage of structure in the target language will develop. These components which are required through reading are all necessary for developing speaking skills. Similarly, Williams [10, p.13] suggests some reasons why language learners should read in a foreign language: english reading language educational

• Learners can have further practice in the language that they have learnt,

• Learners can practice language in order to reuse it in other skills such as speaking and writing.

• Learners can learn how to get benefit from the texts to extract the information they need.

• Learners can find enjoyment or interest through reading.

In a reading process six component skills have been suggested. Among these knowledge fields vocabulary and structural knowledge which are acquired through reading, influence learner's speaking achievement.

1) Automatic recognition skills

2) Vocabulary and structural knowledge

3) Formal discourse structure knowledge

4) Content/world background knowledge

5) Synthesis and evaluation skills/strategies

6) Metacognitive knowledge and skills monitoring.

How do these component skills contribute to speaking skills? It is commonly known that oral communication is based on four dimensions or competences: grammatical competence (phonology, vocabulary, word and sentence formation); sociolinguistic competence (rules for interaction, social meanings); discourse competence (cohesion and how sentences are liked together); and strategic competence (compensatory strategies to use in difficult strategies). Vocabulary knowledge and grammar are two essential factors of foreign language learning, and they both influence learner's speaking performance.

Vocabulary knowledge is indispensable for effective communication. Learning vocabulary is the core task in second language learning and any language skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating cannot exist without vocabulary. A broad and deep vocabulary knowledge makes learners precise and articulate. Through reading learners see how the new words connect to other words. Vocabulary is one of the essential and fundamental components of communication. And stresses the importance of vocabulary knowledge and adds that without words to express a wider range of meaning, communication in a second language cannot happen in a meaningful way. Learners will improve their speaking competence if they have better vocabulary knowledge which they can get through reading.

For spoken English the best reading materials are dramas, plays and dialogues. Learners have the opportunity to find sentences and phrases used in our daily conversation in dramas, plays and dialogues because they are all based on one person talking to another. Some studies have shown that using authentic texts has a positive effect on learning the target language by developing communicative competence. A text is usually regarded as authentic if it is not written for teaching purposes but for a real-life communicative purpose, where the writer has a certain message to pass on to the reader. As such, an authentic text is one that possesses an intrinsically communicative quality. It is real language created by native speakers of the target language in pursuit of communicative outcomes.

Integrating speaking and reading skills deepens students' understanding of the reading material, reveals any problem they have understanding a text, and, most importantly, lets them apply the information they have read into authentic speaking practice that improves their fluency [11, p.34]. Communication without vocabulary will break down. One of the most useful ways to improve your communication skills is extensive reading. Extensive reading will help you to develop your ability to express ideas, whilst also enlarging the size of vocabulary. Vocabulary knowledge is one of the crucial factors that will influence fluency in speaking. Reading introduces learners to a wider body of language and contexts. Reading helps learners build up better grammar skills. As learners develop stronger reading skills, they develop more sophisticated speaking skills.

Findings and directions for future research. In conclusion, the study suggests the need to teach, or at the very least raise learner awareness of, a variety of strategies for individuals to utilize those that meet their needs. Future research could examine why less-proficient learners tend to adopt distinctive bottom-up or top-down processing orientations. The research may serve as a precursor to investigating strategies approaches individualized to different learner traits, particularly that of processing orientation.


1. Купцова Т. А. Упровадження інноваційних підходів у формуванні іншомовної компетентності студентів технічного профілю / Т. А. Купцова,

2. Г. Мірошниченко // Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія «Перекладознавство та міжкультурна комунікація». Вип. 5. Херсон : Видавничий дім «Гельветика». 2016. С. 93-98.

3. Adams, M. L. (1980). Five coocurring factors in speaking proficiency. In J. R. Firth (Ed.), Measuring spoken language proficiency (pp. 1-6). Washington, DC : Georgetown University Press.

4. Bright, J. A., & G. P. McGregor. (1970). Teaching English as a Second Language. London: Longman.

5. Bygate, M. (1991). Speaking. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Cunningham,

6. Davies, P., Pearse, E. (2002). Success in English Teaching. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

7. Dole, A. J., Sloan, C., & Trathen, W. (1995). Teaching Vocabulary within the Context of Literature. Journal of Reading, 38(6), 452-460 р.

8. Dubin, F., & Olshtain, E. (1977). Facilitating Language Learning: A Guidebook for the ESL/EFL Teacher. N.Y: McGrow: Hill International Book Company.

9. Harmer, J. (2001) The practice of English language teaching / JeremyHarmer. - 3rd ed., completely rev & updated. Harlow, England Pearson Education, 370 pages, 2001,

10. Hedge, T. (1985). Using Readers in Language Teaching. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Hedge, T. (2003). Teaching & learning in the language Classroom. UK: OUP.

11. Williams, E. (1984). Reading in the Language Classroom. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

12. Zhang, Y. (2009). Reading to Speak: Integrating Oral Communication Skills. English Teaching Forum, 2009 (1), 32-34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/41052(346)25

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