Problems of translation of English-language legal terminology: linguistic and cultural aspect

Study of the peculiarities of English legal terms and ways of their reproduction in the Ukrainian language. Analysis of the peculiarities of English legal terms (in particular and the linguistic aspect) and ways of their translation into Ukrainian.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Department of Philology and Translation

Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

Problems of translation of English-language legal terminology: linguistic and cultural aspect

Zabrudska Liudmyla Mykolaivna, Senior Lecturer

Kovalenko Inna Mykolaivna, Senior Lecturer

Mykhailova Alla Serhiivna, Senior Lecturer

Oleshkevich Irina Pavlivna, Senior Lecturer

Sazonova Viktoriia Serhiivna. Senior Lecturer


The article deals with the consideration of the peculiarities of English legal terms and ways of their translation into the Ukrainian language.

It is noted that terminology is a science that is constantly developing, since new processes and concepts that need a name appear almost every day. Therefore, it was and is very relevant. This is especially true of terminology in the legal system. Each country has its own laws and regulations, which are constantly changing, modifying, creating new ones, which encourages the study of not only the legal case, but also the language, as its most important tool.

In the course of the study, the most characteristic features of the terms were determined and considered: clarity, systematicity, ambiguity, lack of emotional coloring.

The relevance of the research, therefore, is determined by the constant appearance of new concepts in terminology, caused by the progress and development of human activity. And since each country has its own pace of development and certain traditions and culture, the number of terms also increases, making it difficult for translators, because their main task is to translate the target text as accurately and clearly as possible.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the peculiarities of English legal terms (in particular, the linguistic and cultural aspect) and ways of their reproduction in the Ukrainian language.

It is emphasized that the translation of legal terms using the calquing method is characterized by a high degree of manipulation, which is the main disadvantage of this method. It is often necessary to resort to some transformations, in particular, changing case forms, the number of words in a phrase, affixes, word order, etc. The reader does not always understand the meaning of the phrase. In this case, the combinatorial composition of the word or components of the stable expression is reproduced. As a result, the translation is literal, so there is a distortion of the true meaning of the term. This method is often used to translate structurally complex terms.

It is noted that descriptive translation creates prerequisites for the target text to be transmitted through the influence of the translator's cognitive apparatus.

The article emphasizes that in the legal text it is very important to observe the limits of correct translation, taking into account the grammar, structure and cultural features of the reproduction of terms. The translation of a legal text must always be accurate, concise and reliable.

It is noted that linguists often use several translation methods at once, in particular, they combine transcription or calculations with descriptive translation. In this way, they often achieve the most successful result, which is both understandable to the recipient and most perfectly reflects the meaning of the phrase.

Keywords: equivalent, descriptive translation, calquing, methods of translation, structural and semantic analysis.

Забрудська Людмила Миколаївна старший викладач кафедри філології та перекладу, Український Державний Хіміко-технологічний Університет, м. Дніпро

Коваленко Інна Миколаївна старший викладач кафедри філології та перекладу, Український Державний Хіміко-технологічний Університет, м. Дніпро

Михайлова Алла Сергіївна старший викладач кафедри філології та перекладу, Український Державний Хіміко-технологічний Університет, м. Дніпро

Олешкевич Ірина Павлівна старший викладач кафедри філології та перекладу, Український Державний Хіміко-технологічний Університет, м. Дніпро

Сазонова Вікторія Сергіївна старший викладач кафедри філології та перекладу, Український Державний Хіміко-технологічний Університет, м. Дніпро

Проблеми перекладу англомовної юридичної термінології: лінгвокультурологічний аспект


Стаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей англійських юридичних термінів та способів їхнього відтворення в українській мові.

Відзначено, що термінологія - це наука, що постійно розвивається, оскільки ледве не щодня виникають нові процеси та поняття, яким необхідна назва. Тому вона була і є дуже актуальною. Особливо це стосується термінології в юридичній системі. У кожній країні є свої закони та правила, які постійно змінюють, модифікують, створюють нові, що спонукає до вивчення не лише юридичної справи, а й мови, як її найголовнішого засобу.

У ході дослідження було визначено та розглянуто найбільш характерні ознаки термінів: чіткість, системність, однозначність, відсутність емоційного забарвлення.

Актуальність дослідження, отже, зумовлена постійною появою нових понять у термінології, спричинених прогресом та розвитком людської діяльності. І оскільки для кожної країни характерний свій темп розвитку та свої певні традиції і культура, кількість термінів також збільшується, ускладнюючи роботу перекладачам, адже їхнє головне завдання - якомога точніше та зрозуміліше перекласти цільовий текст.

Метою дослідження є аналіз особливостей англійських юридичних термінів (зокрема лінгвокультурологійний аспект) та способи їхнього відтворення в українській мові.

Підкреслено, що переклад юридичних термінів методом калькування характеризують високим ступенем маніпуляцій, що і є головним недоліком цього способу. Часто необхідно вдаватися до деяких трансформацій, зокрема зміни відмінкових форм, кількості слів у словосполученні, афіксів, порядку слів, та ін. Читач не завжди розуміє зміст фрази. У цьому випадку відтворюють комбінаторний склад слова або компонентів стійкого виразу. В результаті переклад є буквальним, тому йде спотворення істинного значення терміну. Цей спосіб часто використовують для перекладу складних за структурою термінів.

Зазначено, що описовий переклад створює передумови для того, що цільовий текст буде передано через вплив когнітивного апарату перекладача.

У статті підкреслено, що у юридичному тексті дуже важливо дотримуватись межі правильного перекладу з урахуванням граматики, структури та культурних особливостей відтворення термінів. Переклад юридичного тексту має бути завжди точним, лаконічним та достовірним.

Зазначено, що часто лінгвісти використовують відразу декілька методів перекладу, зокрема поєднують транскрипцію або обчислення з описовим перекладом. У такий спосіб часто досягають найбільш вдалого результату, який одночасно і зрозумілий реципієнту, і найбільш досконало відображає зміст фрази.

Ключові слова: еквівалент, описовий переклад, калькування, способи перекладу, структурний та семантичний аналіз.


english legal terms translation

The relevance of the problem. There are certain groups of words that are characteristic of a particular industry and have their own specificity within each sphere of life. The science that studies these words is called terminology. Professional vocabulary is extremely diverse and can have many differences, depending on the spheres or cultural features. Therefore, when translating terms, you should pay attention to the close connection of language and culture. Moreover, there are terms that do not have equivalents in another culture or country. A considerable number of such terms are historically formed, but due to the rapid changes and the emergence of new processes and concepts, the number of lacunae in different languages and spheres of activity is steadily increasing.

The relevance of the study, therefore, is due to the constant emergence of new concepts in the terminology caused by progress and development of human activity. And since each country is characterized by its own pace of development and its own traditions and culture, the number of lacunae is also increasing, complicating the work of translators, because their main task is to translate the target text as accurately and clearly as possible.

Terminology is a constantly developing science, since new processes and concepts that need the name are going further almost daily. Therefore, it was and is very relevant. This is especially true of terminology in the legal system. Each country has its own laws and rules that are constantly changing, modifying, the new ones are created, which encourages not only a legal business, but also language as its most important means. Terminology is an extremely extensive science that is constantly replenished with new units. It develops together with time and is one of the largest components of each language. Of particular importance is the legal terminology, which fills the content of state documents, laws, etc. The language of the legal field is very important because it reflects the state itself, and a large part of the vocabulary of its professional and business state papers is the legal terminology. Each person has been faced with the need to participate in the process of working with legal vocabulary. It is both the resolution of court disputes, and the protection of their rights, and working with documentation. However, not everyone is capable of translation of lacunar units, since in this case the translator deals not only with the reproduction of linguistic elements, but also cultural ones.

The main research methods in the article are descriptive and comparative. Analysis of last researches and publications. Terminology is perhaps the most powerful means of storage, processing and transmission of information. According to scientists, the volume of new information doubles every five to seven years. The legal terminology contains lexical units from different industries, it is not established and depends on social, political and technological changes [2, p. 120-126].

Ukrainian terminology is especially rapidly developing, since almost all areas of knowledge are international, so they borrow not only knowledge but also vocabulary for expanding and achieving faster progress of its terminology system. Ukrainian terminology should develop on the same level with foreign ones, but it has a number of specific problems caused historically, and an urgent need to create national terminology standards, terminology dictionaries and more [1, p.56].

The main reason for the creation of new terms is historical events in countries that have taken place during the existence of a legal case. Both countries have been greatly influenced by other countries (often countries- invaders), because there are a lot of borrowing from other languages in the English and in the Ukrainian language.

Legal terminology can be divided into the following types:

- the terminology of pure law, i.e. only the legal field that expresses the concept of one or another branch of law (estoppel is a legal principle according to which a person due to some circumstances loses the right to refer to any facts in substantiating his claims);

- legal terminology that exists in everyday speech (law);

- technical terminology that has its own specific meaning in the legal field (it includes terms from various fields, such as: medical, biological, economic vocabulary);

- everyday words that are given a special meaning in a certain legal context.

As with terms in general, there are also a number of requirements for the legal term system:

- legal terms must be stable, that is, their meaning cannot change, have a stable form and meaning. It follows from this that the terms have their own unity - in legal documents and laws, a certain term should be used in only one meaning;

- in addition, it can be noted that the compiler of normative documents cannot invent his\her own terms or own meanings, since they are fixed, it is allowed to use only codified terms;

- in addition, legal names should be available - although they are quite complex, but it is worth remembering that business papers should not be overwhelmed with business vocabulary [3, p. 231].

Legal text is often difficult to read because of its specialized language. Technical terms are used to convey legal doctrine in statutes, court decisions, and business contracts. Although these terms vary in origin and purpose, they generally fall into three categories: specialized terminology, foreign terminology, and archaic terminology [5, p. 531].

Specialized terminology belongs to words specific to the legal profession. Some specialized terms arose in the legal system to convey meanings specific to law. Examples of such terms are affidavit (a written or printed statement made under oath), tort (wrongful conduct that violates the law and harms society), injunction (a written order from a court ordering a person to do or refrain from doing a certain act), legal process (procedure of consideration and resolution of the case by the court).

Other specialized terms are common terms that have been adopted by the legal profession and given a new meaning [7, p. 120]. This category includes, for example, pleadings (a procedural mechanism that allows a limited issue to be brought before a court for adjudication), damages (money paid by a defendant to a plaintiff in a civil case if the plaintiff wins), and presumptions (a statement that is believed to be true without concrete evidence to support it).

Understanding of the technical language of the legal profession is the first step to analyzing a legal document as a primary source [4, p. 451]. An inaccurate or unsuccessful choice of a legal term, violations of the logic of the presentation can distort the content of the legal norm, the provisions of the normative legal act, which as a result can lead to the complication of their use and to other undesirable consequences.

First of all, legal terminology is not established, designed for a long term, its relevance depends on time, laws, history and culture. It is quite dependent on social changes in the state system and the legal field [6, p. 121]. As technology, politics, and society change, new terms emerge. However, all of them should be regulated by legislative acts that meet modern requirements and conditions.

The purpose of the research is to analyze the features of English legal terms (in particular the linguocultural aspect) and ways of their reproduction in the Ukrainian language.

Presentation of main material of the research

Legal translation, like any other type of special translation, has a number of features that a translator of a legal text must be aware of, as mistakes in the translation can lead to conflict between the parties to the legal discourse, lawsuits or termination of cooperation. The peculiarities of legal texts, including in the field of criminal law, include the following.

1. Fullness of legal texts with special legal vocabulary, the main part of which consists of legal concepts and realities (law, prosecutor, witness, litigation, etc.).

2. Use of commonly used vocabulary in its usual meaning (accept, money) and use of commonly used vocabulary with a special unusual meaning (agreement, assessment, warrant).

3. The presence of abbreviations, most of which are found only in legal texts (cc. - chapters, CO A - court of appeals, CIF - Coming into Force, J- Judge).

4. Use of synonyms (paired and tripled) used to denote one concept in order to avoid ambiguity; cliches and fixed expressions.

5. The presence in legal texts (especially artistic and journalistic) of idiomatic expressions and phraseological combinations denoting this or that term in criminal law, which are not used or rarely used in literary and official business language (the jury finds guilty, bad actor, fruits of the poisonous tree).

The methods of translation of legal terms include the most effective translation methods, such as transliteration, calque, generalization or clarification, and descriptive method. Often, linguists use several translation options, including different methods of translating. By this they achieve the most successful result, which is simultaneously understood by the recipient, and most fully reflects the content of the phrase.

Transliteration is the process of reproducing the form of another word. It is most often used when there is no equivalent in the target language of translation. Transliteration involves the change of writing, that is, the transformation of letters and symbols of the original language into their equivalent symbols of another language. This method transmits the spelling of words, while transcription is responsible for transmitting sounds.

However, transliteration cannot be used as the only method of translation, because by overloading the text with transliteration, the text loses its meaning and becomes incomprehensible for reading. Usually, translators use this method when there are no other translation options.

Sometimes transliteration can hinder the translator if he does not have a wide enough vocabulary. When using transliteration, it is often possible to make a mistake when translating false friends of the interpreter, for example, conservator is not a conservator, but a guardian for the supervision of adults. Examples of using of this way of translation: affidavit - афідевіт, certiorari - цертіорарі, barrister - баристер, beneficiary - бенефіціарій, codicil - кодиціль, misdemeanors - місдімінори, delict - делікт, delinquent - делінквент, felony - фелонія, fiduciary - фідуціарій, gambling - гемлінг, indorsement - індосамент, solicitor - соліситор.

Examples of usage of such terms in the context: The subject covered by these chapters are: homicide, assault, menacing threats, kidnapping, abduction, false imprisonment, extortion, coercion, parent abuse and neglect, rape and other sexual assaults. - Серед видів правопорушень, передбачених у цих розділах - вбивство, напад, словесна образа та погроза фізичним насильством, залякування з погрозами, кіднепінг, викрадення людей, незаконне позбавлення волі, вимагання (шантаж), примус, зґвалтування та інші сексуальні насильницькі дії.

Wills may be amended by a codicil, a document which meets the same requirements as an original will. - Поправки до заповіту можуть також вноситися через кодиціль - документ, вимоги до якого є такими ж, як і до заповіту.

In cases other than a felony, only law enforcement officers can make an arrest. - У випадках, що не відносяться до фелоній, затримувати особу мають право тільки представники правоохоронних органів.

Descriptive translation is used in those cases when there is no other version of the translation of the word and it is necessary to fully explain its meaning with the help of a detailed description. Also, this method is often used to translate neologisms or those lacunae that are generally unfamiliar in the target language. But the descriptive method of translation has a significant drawback - in order to convey the essence, it is necessary to use a whole sentence instead of a term.

In addition, descriptive translation creates prerequisites for the target text to be transmitted through the influence of the translator's cognitive apparatus. Often, the translator cannot choose an already existing version of word transmission, so he can project his own vision and experience on the translation process, which leads to obtaining a new text with the contribution of another person. Therefore, it is worth avoiding your own ideas and using those equivalents that are already established in dictionaries. Examples: alleged offense - злочин, що, як вважають, мав місце, злочин, що інкримінується, capital case - злочин, за який передбачена смертна кара, conveyance - акт про передачу правового титулу, double jeopardy

- ризик повторного притягнення до кримінальної відповідальності за те ж саме правопорушення, escrow closing - укладання документa, що набуває формальних властивостей документа за печаткою лише після виконання зазначеної в ній умови, hung jury - присяжні, які не дійшли спільної думки, shock probation - шокове умовне звільнення (після відбуття місячного терміну у виправному закладі) під нагляд.

Using the refinement method, a word or phrase with a broad meaning is replaced by a word or phrase with a narrower meaning. When generalizing - on the contrary. This technique is often used when translating from the original language to the target language. Clarification can be linguistic or contextual. During language refinement, the replacement of a word with a broad meaning by a word with a narrower meaning is due to differences in the vocabulary of languages, that is, the absence of a lexical unit in the target language that has the same broad meaning as the word in the original. Contextual clarification is a clarification that is necessary only by context, without the influence of grammatical and stylistic characteristics.

Generalization involves the replacement of a unit of a foreign language with a narrower meaning by a unit with a wider meaning. This method is used less often than clarification, because, for example, in the English language there are more words with an abstract concept that are not fully understood in the Ukrainian language. It is often used when there are several terms in English, and in Ukrainian they can all be translated by one word, then translators, depending on the context, use the clarification method. For example: burglary - пограбування або протиправне проникнення до приміщення з наміром вчинити тяжкий злочин або крадіжку та robbery - пограбування із застосуванням насильства; розбій, promisee - кредитор або особа, яка отримує вигоду від наданого їй зобов'язання (вибір перекладу залежить від контексту), attorney-in-fact - особа, яка діє у суді за дорученням, murder - вбивство із заздалегідь сформованим злим умислом, consecutive misdemeanors - повторні правопорушення, що межують з адміністративними правопорушеннями.

In linguistics, a calquing is a word or phrase borrowed from another language through literal translation. This term is borrowed from the French language and comes from the verb calquer, which means to copy, trace. Hence, it is used to borrow words and phrases from another language during their translation to create a new lexeme in the target language.

Translation by the calquing method is characterized by a high degree of manipulation, which is the main disadvantage of this method. It is often necessary to resort to some transformations, in particular, changing case forms, the number of words in a phrase, affixes, word order, etc. The reader does not always understand the meaning of the phrase. In this case, the combinatorial composition of the word or components of the stable expression is reproduced. As a result, the translation is literal, so there is a distortion of the true meaning of the term. This method is often used to translate structurally complex terms.

In addition, it can be concluded that the calquing method is often used to indicate the names of legal professions, the main reason for which is the obvious lack of equivalents in the Ukrainian language. For example: cardholder's billing rights - право власника картки ознайомлюватися з рахунками, county sheriff - окружний шериф, county treasurer - окружний скарбник, cross-examination - перехресне опитування, extraordinary writ - надзвичайний судовий наказ, fee simple ownership - просте право власності, heinous crime - резонансний (жахливий) злочин, law lords - лорди-судді, quickie Mexican divorce - швидке мексиканське розлучення, extraordinary remedies - надзвичайні засоби судового (правового) захисту.

Terms and professionalisms in criminal law constitute the most significant amount of vocabulary, because they contain the maximum content load. However, in the terminology of criminal law, such a type of vocabulary as metaphors and phraseological units can be distinguished.

It is important to note that the role of metaphors is quite significant both in legal terminology in general and in the field of criminal law in particular. As a rule, well-known concepts that exist in the minds of native speakers are embedded in the basis of such metaphors and idioms. Thus, a large number of terms based on metaphors and idioms are recorded in legal dictionaries: old offender (досл. старий злочинець) - рецидивіст, parent case - рішення-прецедент, судовий прецедент, fruit of the poisonous tree (досл. плоди отруйного дерева) - докази, що отримані із порушенням прав особистості, гарантованих конституцією, suffered sentence (досл. вистрадане покарання) - відбутий термін покарання, head for crime (досл. головою за злочин) - організатор злочину, thin case (досл. тонка справа) - сфабриковане (липове) звинувачення, meeting in camera (досл. зустріч в кімнаті) - засідання при закритих дверях, narrow confinement (досл. вузьке ув 'язнення) - ув 'язнення зі строгим режимом ізоляції, redhanded criminal (досл. злочинець з червоними руками) - злочинець, якого спіймали на гарячому, no-return-address assassination (досл. вбивство без зворотньої адреси) - вбиство суспільно-політичного діяча без видимих причин, to hit and run (досл. вдарити і втекти) - збити людину і зникнути з місця пригоди, spree shooting (досл. весела стрілянина) - безцільна стрілянина.

It is also important to note the fact that language and terminology are developing rapidly today, which causes the appearance of new terms and terminological phrases in all fields and areas, including in the field of criminal law. A neologism is a new word that can be borrowed from another language or newly formed and recorded in the dictionary, that is, a new word that has become a fact of the given language.

That is, neologisms show the ability of language to reflect dynamic development, which is especially relevant for legal terminology. In order to reflect and consolidate new ideas and concepts of society, and at the same time - to expand the traditional framework of word formation, language and vocabulary must be restructured and replenished with new components, for example: finger print-scanner - біометричне обладнання, яке розпізнає відбитки пальців, вail-bandit - людина, яка вчинила злочин під час перебування на поруках, mlling field - місце масового знищення, rnmeware - комп'ютерна програма, яка виявляє викрадачів інформації, шахраїв,сyberespionage - кібершпіонаж або компьютерный шпіонаж.

The translation of legal texts in the field of criminal law from or into English often poses difficult tasks for the translator due to the specifics of the legal system and terminology adopted in English-speaking countries. English legal terminology is characterized by a much greater variety of special fields of application compared to other terminology systems. Genre diversity is due to the multiplicity of sources of law and the development of the Anglo-Saxon legal family, which primarily includes the legal systems of the United States of America and Great Britain.

As a result, certain problems during translation arise due to the difference in the meaning of legal terms in different English-speaking countries, for example, the term Attorney General in Great Britain means the position of the Prosecutor General, and in the United States - the position of the Minister of Justice. No modern translation dictionary tells what position this terminological phrase corresponds to in other countries of the world, and therefore the translator needs to have certain basic knowledge of the legal systems of those countries whose languages are involved in the translation.

From a lexical point of view, when translating terms in the field of criminal law, two main situations are possible - when there are equivalents of a foreign term in the Ukrainian legal language recorded in translation dictionaries, and when such equivalents are absent.

In the first case, there may be one or more variants of the translation of a foreign term. If there is one equivalent, then such a situation of translation does not present particular difficulties, since it is only necessary to check the adequacy of the replacement in a specific text.

Equivalents are such correspondences between words of two languages that are constant, equivalent and, as a rule, independent of the context. So, arson - підпал, burglary - крадіжка зі зломом, incarceration - замкнення під варту.

The task of choosing the necessary equivalent from several possible options is somewhat more difficult. If there are several translation equivalents, the translator must choose the most adequate option in each specific case, but this requires certain knowledge in the field of law and criminal law in particular.

At the same time, a number of factors should always be taken into account: stylistic affiliation, contextual environment, language norms, conjugation of words, etc. So, for example, the Ukrainian term right, depending on the context, can correspond to two English terms right or law. The term right corresponds to the Ukrainian concept of subjective law, and the term law corresponds to objective law.

The translator should also keep in mind that terms synonymous in one field of law sometimes differ in meaning in another. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully choose the terms to avoid conflicts and negative consequences. Moreover, the requirement of accuracy in translation limits the possibility of using synonymous substitution in the same text. At the same time, the legal text allows frequent repetition of the same term in the text, which is unacceptable and is considered a tautology in the literary style.

Above, we emphasized the problem of translating terms in criminal law when there is no variant equivalent in the language into which the translation is carried out. In this case, the specialist should apply translation transformations, which were considered by us in the previous subsection of the thesis.

Multi-component complex terms also often cause significant difficulties in translation, even for a fairly experienced translator.

Translation of complex terms usually consists of two main procedures - analytical and synthetic. An important role in the translation of word combinations is played by the analytical stage - the translation of its individual components. The nature of the relationship between its components determines the order and content of the translation of a complex term. The synthetic stage of translation involves the construction of components depending on the specified semantic relations and obtaining the final version of the translation of the term. For example, defendant pending appeal - підсудний, який чекає результатів розгляду апеляційної скарги на винесений у його справі вирок, firearm enhancement for felonies - збільшення міри покарання за застосування вогнепальної зброї, providing and enforcing a remedy - визначення розмірів відшкодувань та їх стягнення, submission of cases for hearing - призначення справ до судового розгляду.

It is quite obvious that a high-quality translation requires compliance with two main conditions: the adequacy of the translation and the equivalence of terms. Adequacy refers to the reproduction of the function of the original message in the translation, while equivalence refers to the maximum possible linguistic proximity of the terms of the original and the translation.

Legal language, and especially the terminology of criminal law, is the most closed of all styles of modern language - official and business, and requires the most accurate choice of words and terms during translation. In this regard, another problem that arises when translating legal documents is that a professional translator, not having a legal education, is not always able to interpret the text correctly, and therefore to choose the most appropriate terminological counterpart.

Ukrainian translators often have to reproduce modern Anglo-American criminal law terms used in works of fiction (detectives, thrillers) in Ukrainian. Since the legal system of any country is unique and cannot coincide with another, a literary translator can offer an apt equivalent to convey a certain fact of a foreign legal reality, which may eventually be used by domestic lawyers as a term.

The first condition for adequate reproduction of the legal terminology of criminal law is its in-depth knowledge. When a translator has a correct understanding of a legal term and its contextual use, it is easier for him to find an adequate counterpart of this term in the target language. When translating, the interaction of the term with the context is important, thanks to which the meaning of the word is revealed.

Legal language is characterized by high objectivity, which excludes any expression of the subjective opinion of the translator who translates the legal text. In addition, a legal document cannot contain emotionally charged vocabulary, figurative words, colloquial or slang vocabulary. Usually, any legal document is drawn up according to an established model. Therefore, the absence of details, violation of the structure of the document, inaccuracy in the use of words can lead to the loss of validity of the document, lawsuits and financial compensation. Therefore, the translator must be especially attentive to the peculiarities of legal documents.

The fact that legal translation includes translation from one legal system to another is also important, since the legal system of any country has its own sources of law, terminological apparatus and socio-economic principles. And the more related the legal systems are, the easier it is to translate the legal text. As you know, the Ukrainian legal system has features of socialist and civil law, while Great Britain and the USA have common law. And that is why the translator is obliged to possess legal terminology, knowledge in the field of law with which his activity is connected and the peculiarities of the judicial systems of those types of cultures between which communication is conducted.

For the qualitative translation of terms in the field of criminology, it is necessary to have comprehensive knowledge, which includes a modern theoretical understanding of crime as a social phenomenon, and criminal behavior in particular. In addition to the above, it is also necessary to understand the main types of terminological units for adequate translation of the text from the source language to the target language.

Each text as a source of information is transmitted through the prism of the linguistic culture of the medium. Each word contains the cultural code of the country of origin, allows you to get closer to it and understand issues that cannot be explained without reference to country studies. It is with the help of a linguistic and cultural approach that it is possible to solve translation problems. This is especially related to legal terms and texts.

During translation, important aspects are not only high-level language knowledge and lexicon diversity, but also the ability to immerse yourself in the culture of the original language and explore all the details and peculiarities in order to find the most perfect translation in the target language.

Taking into account the close connection between language and culture, namely the fact that language is a cultural phenomenon, it is important to understand that with the help of translation it is possible not only to reproduce the national originality of the original source, but also to show the multifaceted interaction of language and culture.

First of all, the translator must personally understand a particular term, its origin and meaning, so that the reader does not have any questions about new words and has the opportunity to freely understand what is written. A good translation should be at the level of the original, and sometimes translators even surpass the author, making the text full and meaningful.

Legal language is very important for every country, as it is the language of all government documents and laws. It reflects the traditions, customs, way of life, values and beliefs of citizens. Language and culture are closely related and inseparable. The language contains not only modern processes, but also historical events and their impact on jurisprudence and its terminology.

However, precisely because of this difference in the languages of the original and the translation, it is often quite difficult to preserve the authenticity of the text and its originality. At the same time, practicing translators often look for analogs of lacunae from another language, but analog translation is very rarely suitable for translating non-equivalent vocabulary precisely because of the linguistic and cultural aspect.

It is worth noting that the translator must not only choose the right version of the translation of the original language using the means of the target language, but also have a wide erudition in the field in which he is a specialist.

Changing the cultural concept of one country to another can lead to the loss of the meaning of the text. It becomes completely new, has a pronounced authorship of the translator, because, for example, when replacing English legal terms with Ukrainian counterparts in the legal text, we get a completely new text about the Ukrainian legal system.

In a legal text, it is very important to adhere to the limits of correct translation, taking into account the grammar, structure and cultural features of the reproduction of terms. Disputes among linguists and lawyers about different methods of translation are constantly ongoing, because the world is constantly developing, creating new concepts.

The translation of a legal text must always be accurate, concise and reliable. It often depends not only on the impression of the reader, but also on important events, since legal texts include, in addition to textbooks, state documents, personal files, etc. Thus, it is important to maintain a neutral style during translation.

Also, language is influenced not only by one's own history, but also by a foreign language. As in any field, jurisprudence has many foreign language borrowings, which also complicates the translator's work, since it is important to study not one language, but several at once for the most accurate transfer of information.

Conclusions and prospects of the research

The language of the legal field is very important because it reflects the state itself, and a significant part of the vocabulary of its professional and business state papers is made up of legal terminology. Every person from the moment of birth is faced with the need to participate in the process of working with legal vocabulary. This is the resolution of legal disputes, the protection of one's rights, and work with documentation. However, not everyone is capable of translating lacunar units, because in this case the translator is dealing not only with the reproduction of linguistic elements, but also cultural ones.

It is precisely because of the vivid reflection of culture in the language that there are many so-called gaps, words that cannot be conveyed in another language, primarily due to the lack of both linguistic and cultural concepts. In the legal field, it is extremely common to encounter lacunae due to the different legal systems and the distinct historical development of the language. The phenomenon of lacunarity is particularly relevant, since the translation of legal texts must be accurate and correctly reproduced.

Most often in the process of translation of legal terms, a transliteration method is used, but the source text can lose its meaning and be unclear to the reader. The descriptive translation requires the replacement of one term by a whole sentence. The method of clarification and generalization has to replace a unit of foreign language with an equivalent with a narrower or broader meaning in translation language.

The study showed that despite the high degree of mechanical manipulation during translation, one of the most common methods is loan translation or calque.

Linguists often use several translation methods at once, in particular, combining transcription or calculation with descriptive translation. In this way, they often achieve the most successful result, which is both understandable to the recipient and most perfectly reflects the meaning of the phrase.

The greatest difficulty is not the translation of legal terms of criminal law, recorded in explanatory and translation dictionaries and reference books, but of units of the lexical-semantic system of the language, the meaning of which in specific legal documents is determined by the linguistic and cultural context.

The dependence of the meaning of the word on the context in which it is used becomes the cause of numerous translation errors from the original language, which raises the question of the quality of the translation. The main features of a high-quality translation are considered to be its accuracy, comprehensibility and compliance with style requirements.


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4. Elliott, Catherine, Francis Quinn. English Legal System. Pearson Longman. 2008. 784р.

5. Mitchell Charles; Hayton, DJ. Hayton and Marshall's Commentary and Cases on the Law of Trusts and Equitable Remedies. Sweet & Maxwell. 2005. 983р.

6. Haigh Rupert. Legal English. New York: Routledge, 2012. P. 250.

7. Sheremeta N. Legal terminology of the Ukrainian language and the process of its creation.Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University “Problems of Ukrainian Terminology”. 2013. P. 120-123.

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