The English language teaching in the conditions of the world globalization and society digitalization

Smart-education is a concept that involves the comprehensive modernization of all the educational processes, as well as methods and technologies used in the conditions of the society digitalization. To optimize the process of foreign language learning.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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The English language teaching in the conditions of the world globalization and society digitalization

Leleka Tetiana Oleksandrivna -

Candidate of Philological Sciences/PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Translation, Applied and General Linguistics of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University

The processes of the global economic, political and cultural integration have covered all the fields of the social activities. We can observe the ever-growing need of the people of different countries and nationalities for the intercultural communication, which leads to the convergence and fusion of the languages and cultures. It became the reason for the development of the internationalization of the English language as a means of the international communication.

The main task of mastering a foreign language in the era of globalization is learning its practical implementation in the process of forming basic knowledge. It is the ability to communicate internationally with the native speakers. The search for the new pedagogical technologies is connected with the development of students' motivation to learn a foreign language. The use of the various modern sources and tools arouses the interest of the students, increases their motivation due to the use of the digital technologies in the learning process.

The application of the modern pedagogical methods in the teaching foreign languages process allows to reproduce the educational situations, contributes to the addition of the traditional teaching methods, forms the fundamental skills of the foreign language communication, allows to develop a conscious ability to express thoughts in a foreign language for the communicative tasks.

Smart-education is a concept that involves the comprehensive modernization of all the educational processes, as well as methods and technologies used in the conditions of the society digitalization. To optimize the process of foreign language learning, the various information tools and smart-technologies are used, such as webinars, blogs, and social networks, which help to involve the students in the communicative situations and form the positive motivation for the study.

World globalization processes are changing the educational paradigm and require the new approaches to the foreign language teaching which demand the detailed rethinking and improvement. The learning process must meet the conditions of the society at a certain stage of its development.

Keywords: globalization, digitalization, educational process, smart-technology, smart-education.

Навчання англійської мови в умовах світової глобалізації та діджеталізації суспільства

Лелека Тетяна Олександрівна - кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри перекладу, прикладної та загальної лінгвістики Центральноукраїнського державного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Винниченка

Процеси світової економічної, політичної та культурної інтеграції охопили всі сфери життя суспільства. Ми можемо спостерігати постійно зростаючу потребу людей різних країн і національностей у міжкультурному спілкуванні, що веде до зближення і злиття мов і культур. Це стало причиною розвитку інтернаціоналізації англійської мови як засобу міжнаціонального спілкування.

Основним завданням оволодіння іноземною мовою в епоху глобалізації є навчання практичного її застосування у процесі формуванні базових знань. Це вміння здійснювати інтернаціональне спілкування з носіями мови. Пошук нових педагогічних технологій пов'язаний із розвитком мотивації студентів до вивчення іноземної мови. Використання різноманітних сучасних джерел і засобів викликає інтерес у студентів, підвищує їх зацікавленість через застосування у процесі навчання цифрових технологій.

Використання сучасних педагогічних методів у процесі викладання іноземних мов дозволяє відтворювати навчальні ситуації, сприяє доповненню традиційних методів навчання, формує фундаментальні навички іншомовного спілкування, дозволяє розвивати усвідомлене вміння висловлювати думки іноземною мовою для комунікативних завдань.

Smart-освіта -- це концепція, яка передбачає комплексну модернізацію всіх освітніх процесів, а також методів і технологій, що використовуються в умовах діджиталізації суспільства. Для оптимізації процесу навчання іноземної мови використовуються різноманітні інформаційні засоби та smart-технології, такі як вебінари, блоги та соціальні мережі, що сприяє залученню студенів у комунікативні ситуації та формує позитивну мотивацію до навчання.

Світові глобалізаційні процеси змінюють парадигму освіти та вимагають нових підходів до вивчення іноземної мови, що потребують у подальшому детального переосмислення та удосконалення. Процес навчання має відповідати вимогам суспільства на певному етапі його розвитку.

Ключові слова: глобалізація, діджиталізація, освітній процес, smart-технології, smart-освіта.

Statement and substantiation of the problem relevance

The globalization in the modern world is a dominant factor and an urgent problem of its development. It is characterized by the ever-increasing role of knowledge and the transition of the world community from the industrial stage to the information one, the desire to live in the universal world without the borders in all the areas [2, p. 12].

Therefore, the globalization in the field of the education is an objective reality that requires the universal staff of the specialists and the universalization of the content of education, reforming its methods [4, p. 4755].

There is also the transformation of the education system, including language studies. The English language is becoming widespread nowadays and it is obvious. The bilingual language competencies are one of the necessary elements of the professional skills of a future graduate. Their absence limits the ability to study successfully and apply the acquired knowledge in the future work effectively.

The factor in accelerating the development of the globalization is the English language spread. The need to improve its teaching and the development of the objective criteria for learning the language more effectively have become relevant [8, p. 78]. english language teaching digitalization

The emergence of a single international language apart from the mentioned reasons, such as the desire of the nations to unite, the language contacts, is explained by the facts that are reflected in the language [1, p. 17].

The need for the international communication is a phenomenon characteristic not only of the current stage of the world community evolution, it is connected with the evident historical facts such as the English language internationalization and society digitalization.

There is no doubt that with the development of the information technologies, the possibilities and needs of education have increased, as a result of which all the participants in the educational process need to be able to use and apply them in practice [9, p. 56].

Changing the paradigm of the educational process has led to rethinking its structure and applied technologies, highlighting the information, including smart-technologies (computer programs and information technologies, educational applications, which are based on multimedia), as well as smart-devices.

The relevance of the problem is determined by the fact that in the conditions of the globalization one of the tasks is the training of the highly qualified, competent in the communicative relation students.

One of the prerequisites for raising the level of foreign languages teaching is to introduce the innovative ideas into teaching practice, creating conditions to realize the creative abilities of the students, involving them in the process of language communication [3, p. 111]. The factors contributing to the optimization of the language skills development is the reorientation of the model of language teaching that should be focused on the interests and needs of the young people.

Analysis of current research

In the conditions of the English language internationalization, the main task of education is not to transfer knowledge from the teacher to the students, and in the optimization of learning foreign language, but the activation of the students through the involvement them into the educational process [Ark, 2016].

Some scientists argue that the globalization process reflects a single world progressive development as a result of the universal recognition of the Western economic, socio-political and cultural models as the best of possible [Merc, 2015]. Others associate it with the expansion of the new models of society and the adaptation of the world to the needs of this model [Rodgers, 2014].

To denote the English language as a means of the international communication linguists use different terms such as international or transnational language, world English, Lingua Franca, Global English or Globish, etc. [Kong, 2017].

Currently, the significant number of the textbooks for teaching Global English has been published. However the main problem in this matter is the lack of a single standard, as a result the various authors offer their own version the global English [Nerriere, 2009]. If we consider Globish as a tool for the intercultural communication, it can be considered to be the ideal means for communication with a representative of any culture who speaks English [Hon, 2009].

The researchers are increasingly talking about the changes in the English language, revealing the traces of its influence on other languages, which allows to speak about the multilateral orientation of the vector of the language exchange in the process of interlanguage interactions [Lichtkoppler, 2005].

The most popular methods are the communicative ones, which reflect the integration trends in the world community and, on the one hand, are aimed at the possibility of the communication in different forms. On the other hand it helps to avoid the occurrence of the language anxiety, which negatively effects on the process of mastering foreign languages [Lynch, 2007].

In the educational process the independent work of the students is becoming increasingly important. This method has proven to be effective in both weak and strong groups at an advanced stage of learning, since many tasks in authentic professionally oriented textbooks involve the work in the small groups [Ferguson, 206].

In the cases where it is necessary to study the material that is beyond the competence of the teacher, the technology of group cooperation is used [Andrade, 2014].

The interesting types of the independent work are the project activities of the students, which provide the great opportunities for the formation of the language competencies, and case analysis [Richards, 2014; Rodgers, 2014].

The combination of the modern teaching methods with the use of the Internet resources and services allows to develop the bilingual language competencies, the implementation of the individual approach. The intensification of the student's independent work is a strategic goal in foreign languages teaching nowadays [Kong, 2017].

Accompanied by the difficulties and problems associated with a redistribution of the roles in the learning process, and the rearrangement emphasis from the student as an object of learning to the student as a subject of this process [Nerriere, 2009; Hon, 2009] because the students are expected to learn on their own goals. They seek and find the best ways for their achievements.

In the globalization context, the main aspect of the English language teaching is not the assimilation of the language system, not the acquisition of the language knowledge, but the mastery of the language as a means of communication.

It is necessary to create the conditions that can contribute to the formation of the communication skills in learning the foreign language. At the same time, we consider it necessary to note that, despite the fact that the issues of the native and foreign languages mastering have repeatedly been the subject of the consideration in methodological literature, it would be wrong to identify these two, largely different processes [Richards, 2014].

We agree with the opinion of the researchers who believe that in the absence of the natural language environment, the teacher of the English language should become the standard of behavior in the verbal and nonverbal level [2, p. 19].

One of the necessary conditions for the formation of the students' language ability is to use the language and speech material creatively.

The principle of the communication, which is fundamental in the communicative learning, involves the cooperation of the students and teachers, choosing the optimal ways to achieve the set goals, select the training materials, as well as the information and communication technologies [7, p. 232].

Other equally important principles of the communicative learning are connected with the interactivity and the interests of the students.

One of the distinguishing features that characterize the communicative approach to language teaching is the orientation of the learning process towards the formation of the ability to accumulate speech [5, p. 272]. To achieve the set goals, it is necessary to activate the communicative skills of the students, involving them in the process of the verbal communication, promoting creative speech potential [3, p. 117].

The students should master the ability to use the foreign language at the international and intercultural level, which involves the language proficiency to the greatest extent [1, p.31].

In the modern conditions, the introduction of innovative ideas into the practice of English teaching is necessary as it can improve the efficiency of the process of foreign languages teaching.

The purpose. The purpose of the work is the development of the methodology for the formation of the communication skills and abilities in the active speech.

The digital technologies have become an integral part of our lives and have penetrated almost all the fields of the human communication. So the main tasks of the study are:

- to outline the main aspects of the process of the language globalization, where English plays the decisive role;

- to analyze the main trends of English teaching in the conditions of the intercultural communication;

- to characterize the features of the process of the educational digitalization.

The main material of the study. In the modern society English plays a dominant role in the intercultural communication. For this reason, the need and the importance of English learning as a foreign language is constantly growing.

The existence of a single global language helps to solve many problems of the international communication, promotes the exchange of information and, consequently, the acceleration and improvement of the scientific and technological progress, trade, business, etc. We can say that the influence of the English language has become global.

Undoubtedly, the study of English remains relevant, if not a must for the professionals who want to expand their career horizons because the study of a foreign language in the era of globalization has the certain aspects.

The traditional approach to teaching a foreign language is focused on the communication with the native speakers. However, based on the current conditions of the globalization and expansion of the interethnic communication boundaries, it is advisable to reconsider both the goals and objectives, and the structure and methods of teaching. The teachers should take into account the new language situation in the world connected with the digitalization process. They must adapt the methods to the changing conditions of the communication and the realities of the international cooperation in the modern world.

Thus, there is a need for the extensive discussion both among linguists and methodologists. They focus on the formation of language and communicative competence and intensive implement of the various accommodation strategies in learning process aimed at facilitating understanding between the representatives of the different countries [5, p 274].

Considered as the final goals the ability of the students to participate in the social, cultural and professional multinational community, the learning process should be focused primarily on the communicative competence formation [9, p. 119]. The ability to navigate in a specific communicative situation, to select the statements corresponding to it not only in meaning, but also in form, as well as to choose the appropriate speech behavior strategies, compensates for the lack of the language knowledge including non-verbal means. Thus, the process of teaching English as a foreign language should be revised and optimized taking into account the trends in the intercultural communication development in conditions of the multicultural world.

The favorable conditions must be created for stimulating students' creative activities. They should be able to express their thoughts and judgments, their attitude to the certain problems, and be prepared for the creative use of the language and speech possibilities [8, p. 95].

In order to achieve the set goals, the teacher must comply with the requirements of the specialists in the modern conditions and teaching material should meet the certain methodological criteria. There are the reasons for using innovative computer technologies: being in an authentic language environment; the access to extensive sources of information and various language options; the opportunities to communicate with the outside world; the greater variety of the educational content.

Smart-education is a concept that involves a comprehensive modernization of all the educational processes, as well as the methods and technologies used in these processes [2]. Such education is able to provide a high level of education, relevant to the challenges and opportunities of the modern world, which allows the young people to adapt in a rapidly changing, unstable environment, and ensures the transition from the book content to the active content through a single common repository of the educational materials with an analytical search system [6, p. 317].

The quality of the educational material should be constantly monitored through the introduction of the various trends in conjunction with the educational process management systems.

With the help of the web resources, the student can perform the following tasks: to include the materials of the network in the content of the lesson; to independently search for information; to develop reading skills; to improve listening skills based on web audio texts in online resources [3, p. 98].

There is a large number of the sites dedicated to the independent study of the foreign languages. The students must be involved in the activities in the process of performing which forms the ability to use the language and speech material creatively to achieve the communication purposes.

The main advantages of introducing smart- technologies in teaching a foreign language are: the integration into the authentic natural environment, the ability to communicate with the native speakers; the creation of the individual learning trajectory; the formation of the communicative competencies in the online environment that contributes to the socialization process [2].

The smart-technologies play a huge role, which causes the immersion of the students in the natural environment of the foreign language communication in order to improve the communicative competence in everyday and professional field.

The active use of the materials posted in the open educational resources creates a new motivation to acquire the knowledge, which becomes available to increasing number of people [5, p. 275].

The smart-education is flexible in the interactive educational environment with the available content from around the world. It creates the conditions for obtaining the highest level of education that meets the capabilities and needs of the modern world, helps the students adapt to a rapidly changing conditions.

New technologies require the development of the online communities, social networks where the teachers can share the educational content. Such education provides the opportunity to move from the passive content to the active one, and creates the conditions for the synchronized delivery of knowledge [8, p. 99].

Such a concept requires the creation of the new training courses that should be multimedia, relevant, motivating the student, flexible, integrated and constantly updated.

In the world of the social networks, blogs play a special role as a place for the source of the educational material and a means of the communication between the teachers and students. With the help of the web- applications, an interactive dialogue is built with the students, video conferences can be conducted from any geographical location.

The presentation can be considered as a logical, clearly motivated speech on a given topic. It is considered as the additional information, or the material from the classroom reading, which is presented for the multimedia aids based on keywords, little pictures, diagrams, and graphics. Working over the presentation, the students have to practice the materials, read the articles, monographs, conduct searches on the Internet. On this basis, the knowledge is gained, increasing the validity of the assignment to the successful achievement [9, p. 118].

The development of the digital technologies, the intensive innovaions of the applications for them have contributed to the evolution of the mobile education technologies. The formation of the communicative foreign language competence can be carried out with the help of the mobile learning - the study of a foreign language using portable mobile devices available anywhere and at any time.

The applications of the latest smart-technologies such as webinars, blogs, twitter, video and audio podcasts, in asynchronous and online modes in the process of teaching foreign languages, increase students' motivation to study, make them take a fresh look at the studied objects, revealing their intellectual and creative potential.

The foreign language webinars are probably one of the most effective and cheapest ways to communicate internationally. They provide the ability to transfer the information and tasks, and to gain new knowledge through the virtual classroom in which they can hear and see each other anywhere in the world. Such seminars have all the signs of interactivity.

In today's world, the social networks and blogs have received very wide use. They can be used not only as a platform for placing the material, but also as a means of communication between the teacher and students.

The purpose of the interactive methods is to change and improve the behavior models. These methods can include the role-playing games, business games, interactive games, simulation, and group work [2].

We can say that the widespread use of the English language in the conditions of the globalization leads to the fact that this language undergoes the significant changes, becomes something different from what we used to consider. The language situation in the world is gradually moving from the dominance of standards of English native speakers to the predominance of the communicative methods of using the English language as a means of the international communication between the representatives of the various nations. These changes should be reflected in the teaching process.

In addition, the innovative processes taking place in the world and in society require changes, firstly, in the content of the education, and secondly, in the revision of the pedagogical technologies, methods and means.

The traditional education is being transformed. It can be assumed that the revolutionary changes in the field of telecommunications and smart technologies, can transform the traditional education and it will lead to the cloud education [3, p. 121].

Conclusions and prospects for further researches of directions

The work on the formation and development of the creative activity skills should be conducted at all the stages of education. The main goal of teaching a foreign language is the improving communicative competence. The system of the tasks should be built based on the principles of communication, interactivity and orientation on the interests and needs of the students. The implementation of such learning model involves the disclosure of the creative abilities and the creation of the opportunities to improve speaking activity.

New technologies provide the new opportunities. A huge amount of the resources and materials in different languages is available for the immediate use.

The information revolution is one of the directions transforming the education in all over the world. The modern students receive education using the technologies to which they are accustomed, in the most comfortable educational environment.

In the era of the digital information, the teacher should be able to determine the relevance of the material. The Internet provides up-to-date and authentic information, the possibility to speak to the native speakers. It helps expand the content of the textbook, which arouses the interest in another language and another culture.

Having the skills to use the appropriate technologies the teachers of foreign languages need to create the situations for network interaction of the students with the native speakers. They have the opportunity not only to hear different options in English, but also to communicate.

We can conclude that the globalization process increases the demands to the level of the education and leads to increasing the academic mobility of the teachers, the unification of the curricula and teaching methods.


1. Andrade M. Role of Technology in Supporting English

Language Learners in Today's Classrooms. University of Toronto, 2014. 58 p. URL: _MariadeLourdes_201406_MT_MTRP.pdf

2. Ark T. V. Supporting English Language Learners with

Next-Gen Tools, 2016. 44 p. URL:

http://www. gettingsmart. com/2016/05/supporting-engli sh- languagelearners-with-next-gen-tools/3. Ferguson G. Language planning and education. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006. 248 p.

4. Kong Y., Kayumova L.R., Zakirova V.G. Simulation

Technologies in Preparing Teachers to Deal with Risks. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 2017. № 13 (8). P. 4753-4763. URL: Technologies_in_Preparing_Teachers_to_Deal_with_Risks

5. Lichtkoppler J. English as a lingua franca: An unknown language? Identity, community, discourse: English in Inter- cultural Settings. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2005. 322 p.

6. Lynch T. Learning from the transcripts of an oral communication task. ELT Journal. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. № 61(4). P. 311-320.

7. Merc A. Using Technology in the Classroom: A Study

with Turkish PreService EFL Teachers. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. 2015. №1 (2). P. 229240. URL: nology_in_the_classroom_A_study_with_Turkish_pre- service_EFL_teachers

8. Nerriere J.-P., Hon D. Globish the World Over. International Globish Institute, 2009. 182 p.

9. Richards J.C., Rodgers S.T. Approaches and Methods in

Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. 262 p. URL:



1. Andrade, M. (2014). Role of Technology in Supporting English Language Learners in Today's Classrooms. University of Toronto.


2. Ark, T. V. (2016). Supporting English Language

Learners with Next-Gen Tools.

http://www. gettingsmart. com/2016/05/supporting-engli sh- languagelearners-with-next-gen-tools/3. Ferguson, G. (2006). Language planning and education. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

4. Kong, Y., Kayumova, L.R., Zakirova, V.G. (2017). Simulation Technologies in Preparing Teachers to Deal with Risks. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology

Education. 13 (8). 4753-4763. Technologies_in_Preparing_Teachers_to_Deal_with_Risks

5. Lichtkoppler, J. (2005). English as a lingua franca: An unknown language? Identity, community, discourse: English in Inter-cultural Settings. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

6. Lynch, T. (2007). Learning from the transcripts of an oral communication task. ELT Journal. 61/4. 311-320.

7. Merc, A. (2015).Using Technology in the Classroom: A Study with Turkish PreService EFL Teachers. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2. 229-240. nology_in_the_classroom_A_study_with_Turkish_pre- service_EFL_teachers

8. Nerriere, J.-P., Hon, D. (2009). Globish the World Over. International Globish Institute.

9. Richards, J.C., Rodgers, S.T. (2014). Approaches and

Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press. URL: in_Language_Teaching

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