Innovative technologies and organization of training of technical translators based on intercultural communication

The growth of requirements for practical activities, the use of digitalization associated with the processing of information flows. Organization of training for technical translators based on intercultural communication and innovative technologies.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 17.02.2022
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Department of Foreign Philology V.I. Vernadsky

Taurida National University

Innovative technologies and organization of training of technical translators based on intercultural communication

Panov Serhii Feofanovich -

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Analysis of recent research and publications

Modem society has long entered the era of informatization - the period of its innovative development. The concept of the «information society» is based on attempts to analyze and generalize the sozioeconomic transformations generated by the automation of all information processes and the socio-economic transformations caused by the increasing importance of information activities. The analysis is based on the requirements dictated by technology. At the same time, technology becomes a determining factor in social change, changing the morals, social structure, values and global worldviews of society.

The growth of requirements for practical activities, the use of digitalization, associated with the need for quick processing of information flows, necessitates the introduction of the latest information technologies to increase the effectiveness, intensity and creativity of professional activities of specialists, reducing the complexity of the processes of using their information resource using technical translation.

To a large extent, this applies to technical translators, whose professional activity is especially subject to modernization, since it takes place in the context of changes and trends in the post-industrial society, and determines the activation of the sphere of technical translation.

The problem of forming the professional competence of translators by ICT means is caused by a number of factors, among which we define the following: general, related to total informatization in Ukraine, which requires specialists of any profile to possess modern ICT for effective use in professional activity; special, due to the need to master the most up-to-date scientific and educational information in order to achieve a higher level of professionalism. Knowledge of software products, algorithms for translation activities by means of ICT will transform the existing professional paradigm into a qualitatively new state, promote self-expression and self-improvement of the specialist.

Researchers in the field of technical translation were scientists L. Barkhudarov, V. Komissarov, L. Latyshev and others [1; 2; 3]. The works on the creation of translation tools of scientific and technical texts are devoted to the works of I. Alekseeva, B. Komissarov, and others. [4; 5]. Common problems of translator training were considered in the works by Ukrainian and foreign scholars T. Kiyak, I. Korunets, J. Albrecht, H. G. Honig, P. A. Schmitt [6; 7; 8; 9; 10].

The purpose of the article

As the sign of the formation of the educational process for technical translators in Ukrainian institutions is insufficient, the direction of the vector of vocational training for their comprehensive development in the technical, linguistic and translation environment is the subject of consideration and formation of the competence of specialists.

The maine material of the study

Characterization of basic knowledge and concepts for technical translators is important for understanding the essence of global information and translation processes taking place in society, economics and education. In accordance with this basic areas of training can classified into four main groups:

1) the fundamentals of engineering, which include: Technical elements of the structure, devices, systems, conversion processes in technical systems [11];

2) philology, which includes: knowledge of the mother tongue and several foreign languages, linguistic studies, grammar, phonetics, stylistics of languages, terminology [12];

3) Translation which includes: Technical text as a subject of translation, Usual, written translation, Translation technologies. Theory and practice [13];

4) Computer engineering, which includes: information technology teaching technical translation, using the basics of systems engineering to provide training for the translation of scientific and technical information [14; 15; 16].

All areas that characterize the process of training technical translators based on intercultural communication, using computer technology in higher education institutions, are shown in Fig. 1.

Computer translation skills are necessary for a modern technical translator, scientist and foreign language, communicate with foreign colleagues, and use the global computer network Internet.

«Computer technology for translation and word processing» is included in the fourth part of the preparation. Machine translations are used when working on the Internet, while students improve their skills on the Web. At the same time, the very possibilities of such work are expanding, since the vast majority of sites are focused on the English-speaking user.

The knowledge gained by students in the process of working with computer translations is used by them in studying a foreign language, which helps to increase their level of knowledge.

Computer translation skills combined with a good knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of a foreign language make it possible to work with foreign scientific literature on a qualitatively different level. Computer translation helps the acquisition of special knowledge, in particular because it requires a qualified analysis of the text and is for the student one of the types of control with alternative answers. In addition, the additional possibilities of working with special literature in a foreign language and on the Internet significantly expands the range of questions for potential research or study [17, 18].

Fig. 1. TA training based on intercultural communication

Acquaintance with the general problems of the first principle and the “technique” of computer translation (the division of sentences into parts of speech, the allocation of standard constructions in it, the translation of words and phrases according to dictionaries stored in the computer, the collection of translated parts of speech according to the rules of another language) allow students to understand some problems Applied Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence. These problems are not only technical, but also humanitarian in nature, and artificial intelligence is the subject of debate and discussion by philosophers of almost all modern schools and trends.

Studying the technology of computer translation and word processing, the future technical translator acquires certain aesthetic views - we can talk about the aesthetics of working on a PC, the aesthetics of paperwork, the aesthetics of text translation, etc. Thus, in addition to the formalized transfer of knowledge and special norms by the student, a sense of beauty is also raised in them, which is one of the main goals of humanistic pedagogy.

The skills of computer processing and computer translation of texts require attention, accuracy and accuracy, i.e. precisely those professional qualities that are necessary for any specialist, and for an engineer, first of all. The development of these qualities by a future specialist is an additional effect when studying the proposed course. Student computer skills do not develop only at the algorithmic and reproductive, but also at the creative level. The latter fact means that future specialists, engineers and scientists are instilled a taste for research work, for learning new things. The opportunity to experience the joy of creativity is a powerful incentive both in the learning process and in scientific research. Studying the technology of computer translation and computer processing of texts develops basic general educational abilities in a student, called collectively the «ability to learn». To teach a person to learn is precisely one of the main goals that higher education has always pursued and is pursuing.

In the course of training technical translators, translation technology is a new academic discipline, the task of which is: I) to convert the most important provisions of the theory of technical translation into basic, universal translation skills, i.e. the skills involved in translation always - regardless of how it is done (written or interpreted), from the subject of technical engineering and the functional and stylistic affiliation of the translated technical text, and even from a specific pair of contact languages; 2) present this knowledge and skills in the form of an ordered functional system in a form that is easily accessible to the understanding of the customer.

Therefore, new innovative information technologies will provide every professional with the opportunity to change and improve linguistic competence, professional qualifications when necessary. Such an approach to teaching, in our opinion, will also help solve the problem of translation readiness, the problem of informed knowledge of a foreign language.

Since technical translation is currently being taught at language universities and universities of non-language specialties (as a second specialty) and at various kinds of courses, the number of hours for taking a course in translation technology has not been deliberately determined. In accordance with the number of training hours devoted to the study of translation and the degree of preparedness of the trainees, the teacher himself can decide how many teaching tasks of the same type will be completed by his group. The structure of the textbook and the number of training tasks in it («with a margin») leave the teacher a place for maneuver.

Conclusions and prospects for further researches of directions

Therefore, new innovative information technologies will provide every professional with the opportunity to change and improve linguistic competence, professional qualifications when necessary. Such an approach to teaching, in our opinion, will also help solve the problem of translation readiness, the problem of informed knowledge of a foreign language.

innovative education technical translator

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