State Regulation in the System of Managing Food Security of Children

The role of state regulation in the system of child nutrition safety management is revealed, as one of the priority directions for the implementation of state policy in the field of food safety. Implementation and role of various preventive measures.

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Дата добавления 03.12.2020
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State Regulation in the System of Managing Food Security of Children

Anastasia S. Konovalenko


The article reveals the role of state regulation in the system of managing food security of children, as one of the priority directions for the implementation of state policy in the field of food security. It is noted that the role of the state in the process of managing child nutrition is to ensure preservation and improvement of children's health, implementation of measures aimed at preventing diseases that may be caused by malnutrition, creating conditions for improving the demographic situation in Ukraine. A person, his life and health, honor and dignity, integrity and security in Ukraine are recognized as the highest social value. The paper provides expert conclusions on the possibilities of increasing the level of food security of the population in Ukraine through the implementation of a number of measures aimed at stabilizing the economic situation by strengthening state policy in this field. Managing child nutrition goes beyond the problem of hunger and has a direct impact on the life quality of the population. The need for state regulation is exacerbated by a worsening tendency for deterioration of children's health in Ukraine, which reinforces the need for government programs to promote good nutrition through creation of a favorable environment in the food market for school-age children. It is stated that the current legislation of Ukraine establishes a system of measures for protection of childhood, including state guarantees for creation of safe life conditions and healthy development of the child, rational nutrition, the formation of healthy lifestyle skills. The author emphasizes the need for further research in the field of managing the safety of school children's nutrition. The fact that the category "baby food" refers to children under 3 years of age contradicts the current legislation that states that the status of "a child" implies a person before reaching the age of 18 years old. The necessity to form a system of child nutrition management on the basis of the public-private partnership's development in this field and to create a marketing mechanism as an effective means of overcoming public administration's defects through its orientation to market principles for the implementation of state programs has been outlined in the article.

Keywords: food security, state regulation, marketing, marketing mechanism, children's nutrition, management system.

Государственное регулирование в системе управления безопасностью питания детей

Анастасия Сергеевна Коноваленко*

*''кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры маркетинга

Таврического государственного агротехнологического университета имени Дмитрия Моторного, проспект Б. Хмельницкого, 18, г. Мелитополь, 72312, Украина, child management safety

В статье раскрыта роль государственного регулирования в системе управления безопасностью питания детей, как одного из приоритетных направлений реализации государственной политики в сфере продовольственной безопасности. Отмечено, что роль государства в процессе управления безопасностью питания детей заключается в обеспечении сохранения и улучшения состояния здоровья детей, осуществление профилактических мероприятий, направленных на предотвращение заболеваний, которые могут быть спровоцированы нарушениями питания, создание условий для улучшения демографической ситуации в Украине. Человек, его жизнь и здоровье, честь и достоинство, неприкосновенность и безопасность в Украине признаются наивысшей социальной ценностью. В работе приведены экспертные заключения относительно возможностей повышения уровня продовольственной безопасности населения в Украине за счет реализации мероприятий, направленных на стабилизацию экономической ситуации путем усиления государственной политики в этой сфере. Управление безопасностью питания детей выходит за рамки проблематики преодоления голода и прямо влияет на качество жизни населения. Необходимость государственного регулирования обусловлена обострением тенденции ухудшения состояния здоровья детей в Украине, что повышает необходимость реализации государственной программы по популяризации рационального питания путем создания благоприятного окружения на рынке продуктов питания для детей школьного возраста.

Акцентировано внимание на том, что действующим законодательством Украины закреплена система мероприятий по защите детства, в том числе предусмотрены государственные гарантии по созданию безопасных условий для жизни и здорового развития ребенка, рационального питания, формирования навыков здорового способа жизни. Автором подчеркивается необходимость дальнейших исследований в сфере управления безопасностью питания детей школьного возраста, в связи с тем, что категория "детское питание" имеет отношение к детям в возрасте до 3 лет, однако, согласно действующему законодательству, статус "ребенок" имеет лицо по достижению им 18-летнего возраста. Обозначена необходимость формирования системного уровня управления безопасностью питания детей на основе развития государственноприватного партнерства в этой сфере и создания маркетингового механизма как эффективного способа преодоления недостатков государственного управления путем ориентации государственного управления на рыночные основы реализации государственных программ.

Ключевые слова: безопасность питания, государственное регулирование, маркетинг, маркетинговый механизм, продовольственная безопасность, система управления.

Державне регулювання в системі управління безпекою харчування дітей

Анастасія Сергіївна Коноваленко*

*''кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри маркетингу

Таврійського державного агротехнологічного університету імені Дмитра Моторного, пр. Б. Хмельницкого, 18, м. Мелитополь, 72312, Україна,

У статті розкрито роль державного регулювання у системі управління безпекою харчування дітей, як одного з пріоритетних напрямів реалізації державної політики у сфері продовольчої безпеки. Зазначено, що роль держави в процесі управління безпекою харчування дітей полягає у забезпеченні збереження та покращення стану здоров'я дітей, здійснення профілактичних заходів, спрямованих на запобігання захворюванням, які можуть бути спричинені порушеннями харчування, створення умов для покращення демографічної ситуації в Україні. Людина, її життя і здоров'я, честь та гідність, недоторканність та безпека в Україні визнається найвищою соціальною цінністю. У роботі зазначено експертні висновки стосовно можливостей підвищення рівня продовольчої безпеки населення в Україні за рахунок реалізації низки заходів, спрямованих на стабілізацію економічної ситуації через посилення державної політики у цій сфері. Управління безпекою харчування дітей виходить за межі проблематики подолання голоду та прямо впливає на якість життя населення. Необхідність державного регулювання викликана загостренням тенденції до погіршення стану здоров'я дітей в Україні, що посилює необхідність реалізації державні програми щодо популяризації раціонального харчування через створення сприятливого середовища на ринку продуктів харчування для дітей шкільного віку. Зазначено, що чинним законодавством України закріплено систему заходів щодо охорони дитинства, у тому числі передбачено державні гарантії щодо створення безпечних умов для життя і здорового розвитку дитини, раціонального харчування, формуванню навичок здорового способу життя. Автором підкреслена необхідність подальших досліджень у сфері управління безпекою харчування дітей шкільного віку, у зв'язку з тим, що категорія "дитяче харчування" має відношення до дітей, віком до 3 років, однак згідно чинного законодавства статус "дитина" має особа до досягнення нею 18- річного віку. Зазначено необхідність формування системного рівня управління безпекою харчування дітей на основі розвитку державно-приватного партнерства у цій сфері та створення маркетингового механізму як ефективного засобу подолання вад державного управління через орієнтацію державного управління на ринкові засади реалізації державних програм.

Ключові слова: безпека харчування, державне регулювання, маркетинг, маркетинговий механізм, продовольча безпека, система управління.


Maintaining the necessary and acceptable level of food security for children in Ukraine today is a prerequisite for shaping the health of the nation in the long term, which poses new challenges for modern society, requires comprehensive regulation, a system approach, government control and participation of economic entities. In particular, ensuring the necessary level of food security for children must be a strategic priority of the state. It requires the state regulation to take into account the vector of the Ukrainian society's development, including in the process of developing market relations. Thus, food security for children, in particular school-age children, should be a regulated process. It requires a system, targeted management by market actors.

Recently, the attention of the public and politicians of different levels to the issues of ensuring a decent level of nutrition for schoolchildren has intensified in Ukraine. For the most part, individual programs are being implemented to improve the quality of nutrition of school-age children by updating the school menu, providing affordable food for schoolchildren at the expense of local governments, distributing health education programs, etc. However, there are still no comprehensive mechanisms providing the necessary level of nutrition for school-age children that would allow building a long-term safety management strategy for children. The task of the researchers is to form the scientific foundations for functioning of a management system for children's food security, one of the components of which is state regulation.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The issues of food security of the society are mostly related to the aspects of social development security, whose methodological bases of research were thoroughly covered in the works of such domestic scientists as O. Amosha, O. Baranovsky, O. Belov, I. Binko, O. Bodruk, O. Vlasyuk, A. Galchinsky, V. Geyets, O. Goncharenko, V. Gorbulin, B. Gubsky, O. Djoban, J. Zhalilo, A. Kachinsky, O. Ladyuk, N. Lakiza-Sachuk, O. Novikova, G. Pasternak-Taranushenko, D. Preiger, S. Pyrozhkov,

G. Sitnik, A. Sukhorukov and others. In their works, researchers Kozyarin I. P., Spirichev V. B., Kuchma V. R., Lapshin V. F., Pedan V. B have noted that adequate levels and quality of nutrition in childhood is one of the most important factors shaping health potential, longevity, quality of life and human performance throughout life. The current socioeconomic conditions of life of the population in Ukraine are changing under the influence of a number of internal factors and global trends. Life of modern school-age children is accompanied by changing learning conditions, introducing new forms and programs. The attention of scientists is focused on the study of the nutritional status of the child population in Ukraine with a view to its correction and actualization, including the work of Serdyuk A. M., Gulich M. P., Kulchytska V. P., Polka N. S., Berzin V. I., etc. The conducted researches mostly reveal medical aspects of children's nutrition and its consequences. But the issue of state regulation of the nutrition safety of school children as well as the issues of other marketing entities' involvement in the process of their influence on the consumer behavior of school children and, as a consequence, to the level of security of their nutrition, have not been the subject of a special study.

The purpose of the article is to identify the key principles of state regulation in the school food safety management system.

Research results. The role of the state in the process of managing the nutrition of children is to ensure the preservation and improvement of the health of children, implementation of measures aimed at preventing diseases that may be caused by malnutrition, creating conditions for improving the demographic situation in Ukraine.

Research on the issues of managing food safety of children relates to aspects of food security of the state as a whole. One of the priorities of the state is to ensure basic human rights and create socio-economic conditions under which a person is able to meet their nutritional needs. This approach is in line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which outlines the most important criteria for decent living conditions, the most important of which is the right to food at the level necessary to maintain human health and well-being [2]. Article 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine states that the highest social value in Ukraine is a man, his life and health, honor and dignity, integrity and security. On the one hand, food security is the responsibility of the state, on the other, it is an integral part of national security [1].

Evaluating Ukraine's achievements in the area of food security, the experts highlighted the key advantages and disadvantages. According to the Global Rating, food security in Ukraine is negatively influenced not only by agricultural factors, but by the general economic situation. Food and processing industry of Ukraine occupy a leading position in the structure of industrial production. Ensuring the development of food production is a priority and strategic objective. In terms of sales, the food industry ranks first among all industries with a share of more than 20% in the total industry of Ukraine [16].

According to Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On State Support for Agriculture in Ukraine", food security is defined as the protection of a person's vital interests, expressed by the state guarantees to the person of unhindered economic access to food in order to maintain his or her ordinary activities [3]. In Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On the basics of national security", food security is defined as the state of the economy of the country, ensuring food independence of the country, guaranteeing stable and reliable physical and economic accessibility of the main types of foodstuffs for the whole population that meet the statutory requirements for quality and safety in the amount needed for an active and healthy life [6]. This approach to the definition of food security indicates that food security is largely viewed as an economic phenomenon, not just a medical one.

Experts point out that food security of the population in Ukraine can be improved by stabilizing the economic situation, strengthening the state policy in this area, namely by:

- implementation of anti-corruption policy and combating corruption at all levels;

- stabilization of the political situation, implementation of political reforms;

- raising the living standard of the population;

- creation of favorable conditions for the development of domestic food production;

- creation of conditions for intensification of scientific research and introduction of new developments in agroindustrial complex;

- state support and financing of innovative projects in agroindustrial complex;

- liberalization of the agricultural land market and increased control of land use;

- creation of state programs to promote the availability of cheap loans for domestic farmers;

- protection of investors' rights [15].

Scientists say that the issue of food security in Ukraine is acute and complicated by a number of subjective and objective reasons that need further investigation. Addressing this issue requires creation of favorable economic, organizational, legal conditions for the development of business activity, improving its efficiency and gradual withdrawal from the shadow economy [15].

According to Robert Powell, a leading consultant of "The Economist", striving to reduce hunger to zero is the wrong way to go. However, the problem of food security is urgent not only for countries with high levels of hunger among the population. Even in the leading countries of the world food security needs the attention of the state, producers and the public, and Ukraine is no exception. The effectiveness of the food security management system directly affects all aspects of the population's life in a country: from defense to sustainable development. However, mainly food security is directly related to the characteristics of the living standards of the country's population. Statistics reflects the quality of people's life in the country, but the issue of food security applies to everyone because the rationality of nutrition directly affects health, well-being, life expectancy and a comprehensive understanding of human happiness.

According to the World Health Organization, population growth accelerates with progressive diseases of civilization (obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc.). Nutrition for children and adolescents is an important prerequisite for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer in both childhood and adulthood. In recent years there has been a tendency to deterioration of the health state of the population in Ukraine, caused by the instability of society, malnutrition, inadequate medical care, environmental pollution, declining living standards of the country [11].

According to the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Childhood" in Ukraine, the term "child" should be understood to mean a person under 18 years of age (if he / she does not acquire the rights of an adult before the age of 18); and "childhood" is defined as "the period of human development before reaching adulthood." In the same Law, the protection of childhood is interpreted as "a system of state and public measures aimed at ensuring a full life, comprehensive education and development of the child and protection of their rights" [7].

Paragraph 2 of Art. 2 of the Law stipulates that "the task of the legislation on childhood protection is to extend social and legal guarantees of children, to ensure physical, intellectual, cultural development of the young generation, to create socio-economic and legal institutions to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the child in Ukraine." The system of measures for protection of childhood in Ukraine specified in Art. 4 of the Law provides for a number of areas, including provision of appropriate conditions for "guaranteeing safety, health, physical, mental, social, spiritual and intellectual development of children." Article 6 of the relevant Law provides for the state guarantee of the right "to health care,... contributes to the creation of safe conditions for the life and healthy development of the child, rational nutrition, formation of healthy lifestyle skills" [7].

In aspects of child nutrition management, the state has taken a number of measures, one of which is to combat diseases and malnutrition, including by providing children with access to sufficient quality food and clean drinking water; provision of all sections of society, including parents and children, with information on the health and nutrition of children, etc. (Article 6, Paragraph 6 of the Law) [7]. However, there should also be a particular conflict of norms. Children's nutrition envisages aspects of nutrition for children under the age of 18, however, according to the Law of Ukraine "On Children's Nutrition", the category "children's nutrition" is considered as "a food product designated by a central executive body that ensures the formation of state health policy", for special dietary use, specially modified or developed to meet the dietary needs of infants and young children (baby mixes (starting), infant mixes for feeding, feed products, beverages, bottled water for baby food and / or drinking). "That is, the category "baby food" covers aspects of nutrition of children from birth to three years:

infants - children from birth to one year;

young children - children aged one to three years [4].

For children between the ages of three and 18, the aspects of food security are not clearly defined. Given the fact that providing good, balanced nutrition for children and adolescents has a direct impact on the development of the infant body, the state of health of the future nation, mental and physical activity of youth and is a factor in the food security of the state, the question of approaches to improving the nutrition of children and adolescents remains still insufficiently researched.

However, the need for such research is gaining momentum in view of the continuing deterioration of the children and adolescents' health. Surveys show that over the past 7 years, the number of school-age children assigned to health care by special medical groups has increased by 41 % [9]. According to domestic and foreign studies, most diseases occurring in populations of different countries are formed due to the wrong approach to nutrition [8].

According to the statistics in early 2018 in Ukraine, the total number of school-age children was 4 554 thousand people, with more than 40 % of them aged 7-10 years. In 2017/2018 3,911 thousand students studied at 16,2 thousand general secondary education institutions [17]. Nearly 86 % of children study at general educational establishments of Ukraine. Concentration of children in educational institutions for a long time promotes centralized organization of nutrition in schools with the purpose of carrying out preventive and corrective measures in the system of their nutrition security management. Scientists insist on the need to pay more attention to the health-saving strategy of medicine, the fundamental difference being that the final goal is to maintain a "safe level of health" [18]. This reinforces the need to implement public programs to promote the rational nutrition of children, creating favorable nutrition environment in the school food market.

Articles 1-4 of the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child affirm the priority of the interests of children and the obligation of the States - parties to take measures to ensure that the rights enshrined in the Convention are free from discrimination. Articles 18-27 of the Convention state the duty of the State to assist parents and legal guardians the right of children to health care, social security and the standard of living necessary for their development [14]. In the developed countries, monitoring of the state of nutrition and health of children is the basis of state social policy, and the obtained data are used to evaluate the effectiveness of government programs on nutrition and health of the child population. Implementation of such programs in the USA, Japan, Belarus, Russia has led to increased food security and improved health of children (M. F. Megers et al., 1989; Chgungo Suyesao, 1991; Rogov I. A., 2001; Onischenko G. G. 2008). In Ukraine, the Decree of the President of Ukraine on 18.06.96 №63/96 approved the national program "Children of Ukraine", which was further prolonged by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of January 24, 2001 No. 42/2001 "On additional measures to ensure the implementation of the National Program" Children of Ukraine for the period up to 2005". However, the results of the implementation of this program and the effectiveness of its implementation are not covered, which casts doubt on the effectiveness of unilateral solution to the problem of rational nutrition of children only through state regulation.

According to the 2013-2020 Global Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases, WHO Member States are strongly encouraged to promote healthy eating among the population to reduce premature mortality, stop prevalence of obesity and diabetes, limit salt, sugar, fat intake and trans fats. The question of determining the safety level of certain food products on the food market in Ukraine remains debatable. The Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection" defines the concept of "product safety" as the absence of any risk to life, health, property of the consumer and the environment under normal conditions of use, storage, transportation, production and disposal of products [5].

In our opinion, the prerequisite for creation of an open, reliable and transparent system of food safety management for school children is the responsibility of all subjects in the process of providing children with food for the state of food security of school children. State regulation, in this case, serves as one of the subjects of influence on the level of children's nutrition. We consider it advisable to identify a number of levels of food security in their

Figure 1. Levels of management of school age children's nutrition [Developed by the author]

According to the proposed hierarchy, the personal level of food safety management of school-age children is realized at the level of the individual (child) manifested in their deliberate choice of safe foods and deliberate rejection of consumption of foods that may harm their health. This level coincides with internal factors in an integrated approach to modeling consumer behavior.

The social level implies a suitable environment in the child's environment, which will contribute to the formation of useful eating habits and increase the personal management level of school children's food security. Management at this level should be attributed to the family, reference groups, membership groups to which the child, school and out-of-school establishments belong, etc., which corresponds to social factors in the consumer behavior model.

The system level of food safety management for school-age children should involve all food marketers for the school-age children, except for the state authorities and local selfgovernment. The system level should involve business entities, product manufacturers, food, retail, educational and catering facilities in schools, etc. This level characterizes the impact of the macromarketing environment on the consumer behavior of children in the food market and the impact of marketing activities of business entities. It is the strengthening of the system level of food safety management for school-age children that will create an appropriate innovative consumption culture among the younger generation in the long term. Given the subordination of the food market for children to the laws of a market economy, the formation of a system level should occur based on the appropriate marketing mechanism.

A number of scientists advise to use a marketing mechanism in public administration. For example, Chaplai I. V. notes the need to combine the marketing paradigm of regulation and the use of state governance mechanisms in different social spheres. In doing so, the researcher focuses on the complications arising from defining the principles of balancing the public and private sectors in different spheres of social life [19]. The complex interrelationships between the actors of the marketing mechanism require separation of public administration levels in safe children's nutrition:

- macro level - state and level of international cooperation;

- mezzo-level - subjects of the regional unit;

- microlevel - separate economic entities [10].

Zabulonov A. B. in his work notes that the government's activity is to develop measures to regulate and coordinate specific programs, state institutions and organizations in a market society. The state is called upon to implement such programs, collect and process information, make forecasts, etc. However, experts point out that the most widespread deficiencies in government programs are management and implementation issues, mainly aimed at saving allocated funds [13]. Scientists emphasize the importance of the marketing mechanism as an effective means of overcoming defects of public administration through orienting public administration on market principles of implementation of public programs, support of competition between the entities involved in their implementation [12], through prioritization of needs and requests of consumers, public and political associations, society as a whole [19].

Thus, the object of state regulation in the children's nutrition management system should be a unified system of phenomena and marketing entities interconnected within the marketing environment. At the same time, scientists point out that it is important to find a boundary that will ensure a balance of state regulation and private functioning of business entities, which will allow to achieve the optimum level of state-partnership relations and, as a result, a positive economic and social effect.

Conclusions and prospects for further scientific development

According to the results of the research, the key principles of the state regulation in the management system of schoolchildren's nutrition level have been identified. Its task is to set boundaries of this level and to create favorable conditions for involving all actors of the marketing mechanism to ensure the proper level of children's nutrition as a strategic task of the society. The role of the state in shaping the system level of managing child nutrition through the implementation of appropriate programs is important. Current socio-economic conditions, innovations in all spheres of human life require the development of scientifically sound approaches to comprehensively address the problem of improving the level of food security of children. All subjects of marketing activity in the food market for children, including the state, should be involved in this process. Only in this way a synergistic effect of efforts can be provided. The feasibility of introducing a marketing mechanism for children's safety management will enhance the innovative nature of ways and tools of safety management that will meet their needs as consumers in the food market. The state of the macromarketing environment and the model of children's consumer behavior in the food market, substantiation of effective forms of the marketing mechanism's implementation to manage food safety of school children are assessed in our further studies.


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