Practical training of future border guards: foreign communication at border crossing points

Development of foreign-language communicative competencies of the personnel of the state border service of Ukraine. Improving the quality of training of officers who are able to make decisions in the field of countering terrorism and international crime.

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Дата добавления 15.04.2024
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Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

Practical training of future border guards: foreign communication at border crossing points

Iryna Basaraba instructor of foreign languages department,

Olha Lemeshko PhD in Pedagogics,

docent deputy head of foreign languages department,

Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine


In connection with the increase of the level of terrorism, international crime, smuggling activities, and the military aggression of the Russian federation against Ukraine, it became necessary to improve the system of countering these factors. In the documents regulating the professional training of personnel in the State Border Service of Ukraine (decrees of the President, resolutions of the Government of Ukraine, orders of the head of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the Development Strategy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine), attention is focused on the need to train highly qualified officers capable of making effective decisions in the field of the state border of Ukraine protection.

As a result of the theoretical analysis of the works of scientists, as well as the study of regulatory and legal documents on the organization of operational and service activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine personnel, it was determined that the formation of professional readiness is an important prerequisite for the effective performance of professional tasks by officers.

Graduates must have the appropriate level of competence to solve specific professional tasks. One of the main prerequisites for becoming a specialist in the border field is the acquisition of practical work experience, which involves applying theoretical knowledge in practice, mastering general and professional competencies, forming ideas about the specific activities of the future border guard officer. Practical training involves the creation of real conditions that project the future activities of a border guard officer.

It should be noted that an integral part of the practical training of cadets is practice at the state border protection bodies, which is conducted to consolidate theoretical knowledge obtained at a certain stage of training in accordance with the direction, specialty, acquisition and improvement of professional skills and abilities.

According to their official duties, border guards communicate with persons who cross the state border. It is necessary to adhere to the standards of communication, which are based on the observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens, courtesy, restraint, culture and brevity.

Border guards must communicate foreign language within the scope of their official duties to conduct border representative meetings and conduct interviews with foreigners, so they must have foreign language communicative competence, which is one of the components of the professional competence of a border guard.

Key words: practical training; foreign communication; future border guards.


The problem statement. Taking into account the specifics and content of the future professional activities of border guards, it should be noted that the ability of future officers to solve professional tasks in various conditions, often quite extreme, occupies a special place in the structure of professional readiness. After graduating Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (NASBGSU), graduates must have the appropriate level of competence to solve specific professional tasks. One of the main prerequisites for becoming a specialist in the border area is the acquisition of practical work experience, which involves applying theoretical knowledge in practice, mastering general and professional competencies, forming ideas about the specific activities of the future border guard officer. Practical training involves the creation of real conditions that simulate the future activities of a border guard officer.

After graduation, each border guard officer will take his place in the functional structure of the future team and will perform the functions determined by the position, corresponding to his qualifications and acquired experience.

At the same time, he should acquire most of the knowledge, abilities and skills during his studies at the higher educational establishment, which in turn will further contribute to the development of the ability to independently use personal potential to solve official tasks and to effectively manage his development as a specialist and to communicate with foreigners at border crossing points.

Analysis of recent studies and publications. Many national researchers and scientists investigated the problem of professional training of specialists, such as O. Voloshyna [1], D. Drobot [2], D. Diui [3], K. Levkivskyi [4], I. Manokhina [5], O. Pavlenko [6], Yu. Fedorenko [7], as well as foreign scientists - M. Canale [8], P. Dale [9], D. Hymes [10], K. Keen [11].

Despite the numerous researches on this problem, practical training of future border guards and improvement of foreign communication at border crossing points is still topical.

The aim of the research is to analyse practical training of future border guards at border crossing points to form the foreign communication skills.

Methodology of research

Most researchers express the opinion that readiness is not innate, but arises as a result of a person's acquisition of certain experience, based on his positive attitude to a certain activity, awareness of motives and needs.

At the same time, it is important to determine the development of the ability to independently plan and predict one's own actions, using the experience of activity in a professional situation.

In view of this, we came to the conclusion that the formation of professional readiness for service will be more effective, if the educational process focuses on the practical component, which will allow them to find optimal solutions in difficult circumstances.

This issue will become especially important when the future border guard will act in conditions of unpredictability, unexpected development of events. In such situations, the resources of acquired knowledge, abilities and skills, practical experience combined with readiness to perform professional tasks will make the process of becoming a border guard officer much more productive and efficient.

It should be noted that at the general scientific level it has been proven that knowledge must always be supported by a practical aspect. In this interaction, the practice itself is the final stage of personal and professional competence formation; it has great importance for the awareness of the social purpose of the profession, the formation of a professional worldview, and adaptation to the specific conditions of future activity.

However, some scientists, in particular K. Levkivskyi, talk about the deterioration of practical training in higher educational institutions, the consequence of which is the lack of skills of practical work among specialists in the chosen direction (specialty) [4].

In addition, scientists focus on a conservative approach to professional training in various fields and directions, when individual psychological and typological characteristics of cadets are not taken into account.

The practice is the most effective professionally oriented form of education, a complex process in which future specialists carry out activities that correspond to their specialization. Analyzing scientific approaches to the role of practice in professional training, we concludes that the activities of future specialists are improved on the basis of meaningful factual material, and its knowledge and effective assimilation becomes possible thanks to real impressions and observations. Nowadays, strengthening the practical component of professional education is a fundamental task of reforming higher education. In particular, according to I. Drobot, an important aspect of becoming a future specialist is the systematic combination of professional knowledge and competence with experience and age and social maturity.

The author determines that professional competence is inextricably linked with professionally important qualities, professional experience of an employee. At the personal level, this is one of the most important aspects of the professional culture of an official, which is manifested both in the achievement of professionalism in labour activities and in a high level of formation of professional and spiritual culture [2].

The researcher pays attention to the interdependence between professional competence and professional experience, professional culture and professionalism in general.

Scientists draw attention to the fact that in modern conditions of active search for the latest forms, methods, measures and tools of operative and service activity, which correspond to the socio-economic situation and operational environment, it is very important to gain positive experience.

In this context, we are convinced that the inclusion of cadets in practice-oriented activities will allow them to acquire practical skills and abilities that increase the level of professional readiness, thanks to which they will accumulate work experience in extreme conditions, they will develop professionally important qualities, professional motives and will establish belief in the correct choice of profession.

Fulfilment of the task regarding the practical orientation of the professional training of future border guards is possible through the creation of a clear system of interaction between the theoretical component of training and the acquisition of practical competencies after being appointed to the relevant position.

For this, it is important to monitor the special conditions of the future professional activity of cadets, to coordinate the content of curricula and educational programs of disciplines, to use the latest approaches that will ensure the improvement of the quality of specialists training, to actively introduce new forms and methods of training (group exercises, binary methods, gaming, internships, etc.).

Speaking about the professional training of future border guards, it should be noted that depending on the purpose and content of practical training, certain special characteristics can be distinguished:

ь practical training in its broadest sense is the formation of cadets' competencies that will allow them to act independently in unfamiliar situations, making creative decisions without stereotypes and developed algorithms, to successfully achieve positive results;

ь practical training for a certain type of activity within the professional activity of the future border guard officer, which covers several subtypes, including managerial, operational-service, economic, educational, etc.;

ь practical training in the units of the State border protection; practical training depending on the assignment to a specific position.

It should be noted that no component of the professional readiness for the professional activity of the future border guard officer can be fully formed within the framework of classroom lessons.

That is why we examine the entire process of formation of professional readiness as a step-by-step acquisition of knowledge and skills: first, in quasi-professional activities for modelling future activities when organizing games, practical classes, internships, etc.; secondly, directly during the service after graduation higher educational establishment.

At the current stage, the system of professional education uses various forms and methods of training, which are quite effective in the aspect of acquiring practical skills and abilities.

First of all, practical classes in special disciplines, group exercises, gaming, trainings and practical training (internships) in various periods of professional training at educational institution are of great importance in the training of future border guard officers of State Border Guard Service.

Based on the analysis of modern psychological and pedagogical research on the problem of practical training of future specialists, we came to the conclusion that the practical component provides a basis for the formation of the basic professional skills and abilities of future border officers and ensures their performance of specific functions:

ь educational (the assimilation and deepening of theoretical knowledge takes place, formation of professional skills and abilities);

ь educational (formation of a positive attitude towards the profession of a border guard, professional qualities of a future border guard officer, awareness of the need in self-education);

ь adaptation (the cadet gets acquainted with the content and features of the future professional activity, which is a mean of forming the ideal of a border guard in his mind);

ь developmental (ensures development of professionally important abilities of cadets, professional thinking, formation of motivational sphere, strategy of future behaviour in practical activities);

ь diagnostic (checking the level of formation of moral, personal and professional qualities, the ability to adequately evaluate the results of one's own activities and achievements).

It should be noted that an integral part of the practical training of cadets is the training in the State border protection units, which is conducted to consolidate the theoretical knowledge obtained at a certain stage of training in accordance with the specialty, acquisition and improvement of professional skills and abilities.

There are different types of practice at the higher military educational establishment: familiarization practice, which is conducted to acquaint first-year cadets with operative and service activity of border guards, their structural units and services.

The purpose of the internship is to acquire practical skills that meet the qualification requirements of the profession at the State border protection units; educational practice, which is carried out during education with cadets of the second and third years through their involvement to border reinforcement groups.

The second-year cadets' training practice involves their acquiring practical work skills in the State border protection units; internship is the final stage of training of future specialists to obtain a certain educational and qualification level in accordance with the specialty, which is carried out after mastering the theoretical part of the curriculum and before taking state exams or completing a diploma thesis.

Personal observations made it possible to conclude that a cadet who knows how to learn, has certain experience, possesses the tools to achieve the educational goal becomes an independent, confident and responsible specialist in his field. In this regard, we consider it necessary to develop cadets' interest in education and their future profession.

This can be done by using various types of classes in the process of professional training of future border guards: practical, tactical and tactical-special classes, group exercises and gaming. For this, in our opinion, it is necessary to encourage future border guards to communicate and discuss the problems of professional character that are relevant for them, to increase interest in the future profession, to activate educational, cognitive and creative activities, to organize internships for cadets to consolidate theoretical knowledge in the field of management.

The value of practical activity as an element of the educational process was first defined D. Diui considered it very important to involve students in work. In his opinion, it helps to prepare socially adapted, active citizens [3].

In accordance with their official duties, border guards communicate with persons who cross the State border. It is necessary to meet the standards of communication, which are based on the observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens, courtesy, restraint, culture and laconic brevity.

Border guards must communicate in a foreign language within the scope of their official duties to conduct border representative meetings and conduct interviews with foreigners, so they must have foreign language communicative competence, which is one of the components of the professional competence of a border guard.

Scientists interpret the essence of the term competence in different ways. K. Keen compares competence with fingers on a hand (knowledge, skills and abilities, contacts, values), which are coordinated by the palm and controlled by the nervous system that controls the hand as a whole [11].

Communicative competence is considered as an ideological and moral category that regulates the entire system of human attitudes towards nature and the social world, as well as towards oneself as a synthesis of both worlds.

Having learned the level of one's own communicative competence, a person begins to better understand others [1]. Levkivskyi interprets the mentioned category as the ability of an individual to navigate communication situations, to be fluent in verbal and non-verbal means of communication based on knowledge and sensory experience, emphasizing that such ability involves social-psychological training, i.e. the further opportunity to learn communication [4].

The results of the analysis of scientific research allow us to single out informational, linguistic, and activity-based scientific approaches to understanding the subject of communication and, accordingly, to determining the essence of communicative competence.

The informational approach is aimed at studying mainly psychological features of receiving and transmitting information, characteristics of the communicator and recipients, means of communication (such as information exchange).

The functional-linguistic interpretation of communicative competence can also be found in the documents of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU.

Supporters of the linguistic approach to communication focus mainly on the sphere of human linguistic activity; they consider the speech act as the basis of communication, defining the difference between the structures of external and internal language [7] and others.

We take into account in our research that language is used in communication as an important tool that affects the outcome of a communicative action. However, we pay special attention to the conclusions: “communicating, the student should speak not for the sake of the language itself, but for the sake of it making the desired impact [7].

Within the limits of this approach, communicative competence determines the individual's ability to solve problems, to purposeful productive activity and cooperation.

Linguistic competence was first singled out as a separate concept by ethno linguist D. Hymes who introduced the term “communicative competence”, connecting linguistic competence with its sociolinguistic application in various situations of real life.

He defined communicative competence as internal knowledge of the situational appropriateness of language, as the ability to be a participant in speech activity [10].

Modern Ukrainian researchers define the term “non-language communicative competence” as follows:

· knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for understanding other people's and own programs of speech behaviour, adequate to the goals, spheres, situations of communication, the content of which includes knowledge of the basic concepts of linguistics (styles, types, ways of connecting sentences in the text), skills and abilities of text analysis and communicative achievement [6];

· knowledge of the language, a high level of practical mastery of both its verbal and non-verbal means, as well as the experience of mastering the language at a variable-adaptive level depending on the specific speech situation [5];

· the ability to take into account in speech communication the contextual appropriateness and usability of language units for the realization of cognitive and communicative functions;

· a certain level of language, speech and sociocultural knowledge, abilities and skills, which allows the learner to communicatively acceptably and expediently vary his speech behaviour depending on the psychological factors of monolingual or bilingual communication [7].

D. Hymes singled out the following components of foreign language communicative competence: linguistic (rules of language), socio-lin- guistic (rules of dialect speech), discursive (rules of constructing a meaningful expression) and strategic (rules of maintaining contact with the interlocutor) [10].

We consider the concept of M. Canale important for our research, according to which foreign language communicative competence forms the basis of the system of knowledge and skills necessary for communication and belongs to both knowledge and skills in real communication [8].

Foreign language communicative competence should be considered from the point of view of the ability and readiness of a person as a subject of activity to carry out effective foreign language communication with native speakers; ability and willingness to carry out effective foreign language communication.

However, foreign language communicative competence is only a tool with which the border guard's professional competence will enable him to perform the professional tasks assigned to him.

Therefore, an important task is also the formation of the professional readiness of a border guard officer, where each of the studied disciplines is represented in the necessary proportion and integrally provides both professional and foreign language communicative competence of future border guard officers. In other words, these two elements must be very closely related.

In order to develop a culture of communication with foreign citizens, we paid attention to the situations of interaction with those traveling at border crossing points, as well as to the situation of organizing tasks on the State border protection.

Various situations made it possible to follow the cadets' use of language tools, their presentation, motivation of speech activity, speech skills, the use of communication strategies and tactics in the organization of border control and during communication with persons who cross the State border, etc.

An important point of our work is studying of the communicative rules of foreign language communication. Therefore, during the study of the discipline “Foreign language for specific purposes”, we conducted the following practical classes: theme “Service at the border” lessons: “Service at the border crossing point”, “Railway border crossing point”, “Air border crossing point”, “Marine border crossing point”, “Automobile border crossing point”; theme “Referential translation of professional texts” lessons: “Combating illegal migration at the border”, “Smuggling at the border”.

At the beginning of the class, we used the brainstorming method, which allowed us to actualize lexical material on topic. In order to learn better vocabulary, we used various exercises, for example: translating phrases from Ukrainian into English and vice versa, filling in gaps in sentences with the necessary information, determining the truth and falsity of statements, answering questions, completing sentences, etc.

During these classes, the cadets learned language cliches and special questions for interviewing foreigners, for example: What is your name? When were you born? When is your birthday? What is the place of your birth? What is your citizenship? What is your nationality? What is the purpose of your visit to Ukraine? etc.

The cadets were given a situation: a citizen of Hungary was worried at the border crossing point, and a gun was found in his baggage during an inspection of the vehicle. Describe your actions. The cadets composed dialogues independently and acted them out in pairs, used visual materials (passports for traveling abroad, invitation letters, mandates, general declarations, etc.).

At the initial stage, the cadets received educational material in which interview questions were already proposed, and they only needed to make answers, or vice versa, there were answers, and the questions needed to be composed. Then these actions were made automaticity and the cadets easily completed dialogues on their own.

Another form of work was referential translation of articles on border topics. Task: The border guards of the Lviv border guard detachment detained a German citizen at the “Shehini” automobile border crossing point.

The service dog discovered a hiding place in the vehicle, in which pills of unknown origin were hidden among personal belongings. The contraband was seized, the car was transferred to customs, and there is an investigation into this case.

Cadets studied the sequence of referential translation and given expressions, for example: the main idea of the message (the title of the article is..., the article is about..., the main idea is..., it is reported that...), when the event took place (some days ago, a week ago, a month ago, on 1st of November 2017), the place of the event (at the border guard division, at border crossing point, at border guard detachment, at border post), actors (border guards, customs officials, violators, poachers, criminals, smugglers), what happened (to violate, to smuggle in, to transport), taken measures (to detain, to fine, to arrest, to detect).

The topics of practical classes were structured in such a way that first the cadets studied general themes (“The State border protection”, “Daily activities of border guards”, “Border guard department”), and then studied more complex specialized topics (“Automobile border crossing point”, “Railway border crossing point”, “Documents checking”, “Marine border crossing point”). We understood that this type of exercise is not communicative, but these exercises helped to better learn professional vocabulary and build sentences grammatically correctly.

We obtained the list of situations from conversations with border guard officers who have some experience of serving at the border, based on the analysis of events at the border that were held at the beginning of each class, materials from the departmental press and the official website, meetings with adjacent departments, video and audio about illegal migration, human trafficking, smuggling activities in the world and analysis of scientific literature.

Another effective way of forming foreign language communicative competence was the use of video and audio materials. The material was received from the websites of the border agencies of the countries of the world. We showed authentic videos on border topics and offered the cadets to perform a number of exercises.

For example, cadets with a low level of knowledge of a foreign language after watching the video had to determine the main idea (this video is about illegal migration, human trafficking, smuggling...), cadets with an average level of knowledge had to write 2-3 sentences about what they saw (this video was about violation of the border; 2 illegal migrants crossed the State border without documents; they were detained), and cadets with sufficient knowledge carried out a sequential translation of the video with pauses.

Situation modelling helped to form the skills and abilities of situation analysis, to distinguish the main content, to determine the sequence of actions and language means for conducting a communicative act with foreigners.

The FRONTEX agency (the European Agency for the Protection of the External Borders of the EU Member States) together with the instructors of NASBGSU created an electronic textbook “English for border guards (medium level of difficulty)” by request of the EU member states and the Associated countries of the Schengen Agreement, taking into account the needs of law enforcement agencies at performance of official tasks and adapted to the educational process of NASBGSU.

With the help of the textbook, the cadets could acquire certain language skills necessary for performing tasks during the implementation of border control at air ports: conducting an interview and checking documents.

The textbook is also designed for independent work on learning professional vocabulary, listening to audio materials, reading thematic texts, watching video clips and performing exercises to consolidate the learned material.

For successful assimilation of the material, the exercises included possible options for the development of the communicative situation. Dialogues voiced by native speakers of different countries allowed hearing the pronunciation and accent of the English language. Subtitles were used to facilitate the perception of video fragments. state border officer communicative competence

The following exercises were used to facilitate the skills of using professionally-oriented vocabulary: control and verification, crosswords, listening to information and then filling in the gaps in the sentence.

Conclusions and perspectives of further researches

It is extremely important to train future border guards to perform service duties at border guard units at the State border properly, quickly and according to current legislation with observance of human rights and freedoms.

However, foreign language communicative competence is only a tool with which the border guard's professional competence will enable him to perform the professional tasks assigned to him.

An important task is also the formation of the professional readiness of a border guard officer, where each of the studied disciplines is represented in the necessary proportion and integrally provides both professional and foreign language communicative competence of future border guard officers. Situation modelling helps to form the skills and abilities of situation analysis, to distinguish the main content, to determine the sequence of actions and language means for conducting a communicative act with foreigners.

Perspectives of further researches will be study of European experience in the area of foreign language communicative competence of border guard officers.

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Практична підготовка майбутніх прикордонників: іншомовне спілкування в пунктах пропуску

Басараба І., Лемешко О.

У зв'язку із підвищенням рівня тероризму, міжнародної злочинності, контрабандної діяльності, військової агресії Російської Федерації проти України постала необхідність у перегляді й удосконаленні системи протидії цим чинникам. У документах, що регламентують професійну підготовку персоналу в Державній прикордонній службі України (укази Президента, постанови Уряду України, накази голови Державної прикордонної служби України, Стратегія розвитку Державної прикордонної служби України), акцентується увага на необхідності підготовки висококваліфікованих офіцерських кадрів, здатних приймати обґрунтовані ефективні рішення у сфері охорони та захисту державного кордону України. У результаті теоретичного аналізу робіт учених, а також вивчення нормативно-правових документів з організації оперативно-службової діяльності персоналу Державної прикордонної служби України встановлено, що сформованість професійної готовності є важливою передумовою ефективного виконання офіцерами завдань професійної діяльності. Випускники повинні володіти належним рівнем компетентності для вирішення конкретних професійних завдань.

Однією з основних передумов становлення фахівця прикордонної сфери є набуття ним практичного досвіду роботи, який передбачає застосування теоретичних знань на практиці, опанування загальних й фахових компетенцій, формування уявлень про конкретні види діяльності майбутнього офіцера-прикордонника та про суб'єктів впливу. Практична підготовка передбачає створення реальних умов, що проектують майбутню діяльність офіцера-прикордонника. Слід зазначити, що невід'ємною складовою частиною практичної підготовки курсантів є практика в органах охорони державного кордону, яка проводиться для закріплення теоретичних знань, отриманих на певному етапі навчання відповідно до напряму, спеціальності, набуття й удосконалення професійних навичок і вмінь. Відповідно до своїх службових обов'язків прикордонники спілкуються з особами, які перетинають державний кордон. Необхідно дотримуватися стандартів спілкування, які ґрунтуються на дотриманні прав і свобод громадян, ввічливості, стриманості, культури та лаконічності.

Прикордонники в межах своїх посадових обов'язків повинні спілкуватися іноземною мовою для здійснення прикордонно-представницьких зустрічей, проведення співбесід з іноземцями, тому у них має бути сформована іншомовна комунікативна компетентність, яка є однією зі складових частин професійної компетентності прикордонника.

Ключові слова: практична підготовка; іншомовна комунікація; майбутні прикордонники.


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