Military specilists’ responsible attitude formation to their professional activities

The article military specialists' responsible attitude formation to their professional activities. The authors carry out a theoretical analysis of the concepts of "attitude" and “responsibility". Activities significance as a basis for high efficiency.

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Дата добавления 15.10.2023
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Military specilists' responsible attitude formation to their professional activities

Adamchuk Yu.D.,

Ph.D. in Educational,

Pedagogical Sciences,

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Socio-Economic Disciplines Bohdan Khmelnitskyi National Academy of the Border Guard Service of Ukraine

Miroshnichenko V.I.,

Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,

Head of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Socio-Economic Disciplines

Bohdan Khmelnitskyi National Academy of the Border Guard Service of Ukraine

The article deals with the military specialists' responsible attitude formation to their professional activities. The authors carry out a theoretical analysis of the concepts of “attitude" and “responsibility". At the same time, a number of approaches of various knowledge fields representatives to the interpretation of the mentioned phenomena are taken into account, in particular, philosophers, lawyers, sociologists, psychologists. Based on the analysis, the authors present their own understanding of “military specialists' responsible attitude to their professional activities''as an individual's attitude to what that- constitutes the conditions of this activity, as an awareness of personal and professional duty, which foreseesintegration into the process of realizing professional functions, moral, spiritual, socio - psychological and psychophysiological qualities.

It is about the importance of military specialists' responsible attitude formation to their professional activities as one of the military education directions, since responsible attitude to the workis a system componentof the main basic categories of military specialistsprofessional activities.

The authors note that the military specialist' responsibility can be revealed in professional activity as a responsible actionsconstantrepeat- that performed on the basis of professional duty and requirements awareness for the profession; in these requirements perception as the one's educational activity motivation; in certain actions related to the official duties performance; in assessing of educational activities significance as a basis for high efficiency and future professional activities effectiveness.

The authors' attention is drawn to the factors affecting the process of military specialists' responsible attitude formation to their professional activities. In particular, the basis of military specialists' responsible attitude formation to their professional activities is thorough professional knowledge, awareness of their importance for solving practical tasks, a sense of professional identity, and support for the military serviceman image.

It is noted that the military specialists' responsible attitude to their professional activities reflects his professional and socio-psychological position. Attitudes are formed in the process of integrating professional knowledge into beliefs and experiences. The basis of professional attitudes development is not individual situations, but moral- aesthetic and social-psychological principles of professional activity. responsible attitude military specialist

Key words: attitude, responsibility, responsible attitude, military specialists, professional activity.


У статті йдеться про формування відповідального ставлення військових фахівців до професійної діяльності. Авторки здійснюють теоретичний аналіз понять “ставлення” та “відповідальність”. При цьому береться до уваги низка підходів представників різних галузей знань до тлумачення згаданих феноменів, зокрема філософів, юристів, соціологів, психологів. На основі проведеного аналізу авторки наводять власне розуміння “відповідального ставлення військових фахівців до професійної діяльності" як ставлення індивіда до того, що складає умови цієї діяльності, як усвідомлення особистісно-професійного обов'язку, яке передбачає інтеграцію в процес реалізації професійних функцій, морально-духовних, соціально-психологічних та психофізіологічних якостей.

Йдеться про важливість формування відповідального ставлення військових фахівців до професійної' діяльності як одного із напрямів військової освіти, оскільки, відповідальне ставлення до справи є складовою системи основних базових категорій професійної діяльності військових фахівців.

Авторки зазначають, що відповідальність військового фахівця може виявлятися в професійній діяльності як стійке повторення відповідальних дій, що виконуються на основі усвідомлення професійного обов'язку й вимог до професії; у сприйнятті цих вимог як мотивації своєї навчальної діяльності; у певних діях щодо виконання службових обов'язків; у оцінці значущості навчальної діяльності як основи для високої ефективності та результативності майбутньої професійної діяльності.

Звертається увага авторок на чинники, що впливають на процес формування відповідального ставлення військових фахівців до професійної діяльності. Зокрема, основою формування відповідального ставлення військових фахівців до професійної діяльності є ґрунтовні професійні знання, усвідомлення їх значимості для вирішення практичних завдань, відчуття професійної ідентичності, вболівання за імідж військовослужбовця.

Зазначається, що відповідальне ставлення військового фахівця до професійної діяльності відображає його професійну та соціально-психологічну позицію. Ставлення формуються у процесі інтеграції професійних знань у переконання та досвід. Основою розвитку професійних ставлень є не окремі ситуації, а морально-естетичні та соціально-психологічні принципи професійної діяльності.

Ключові слова: ставлення, відповідальність, відповідальне ставлення, військові фахівці, професійна діяльність.

Problem statement

Political, economic and social transformations taking place in modern society need new requirements for the professional education quality and various fields specialists' training. In particular, pedagogical science faced a new task of developing innovative approaches to the educational process content updating and determining the principles of military specialists' training.

One of the important priorities is the development of a behavior professional standards system aimed at developing initiative, independence in decisionmaking, and readiness to bear responsibility for one's own actions. In this regard, military specialists' responsible attitude formation to their professional activities is an important direction of their professional education. Since the responsible attitude to the work is a system component of the main basic categories of military specialists' professional activity, the study of the responsible attitude as a component of their education is of interest for our research.

Analysis of the latest research and publications

The research of concept certain aspects of “attitude” was carried out in the works of H. Kostyuk, Yu. Prikhodko, S. Sinkevich, O.Starovoytenko, and others. A number of works are devoted to the responsibility formation: students' responsibility formation in the process of educational activity (L. Baranovska); responsibility formation in future teachers (T. Ivanenko); responsible attitude formation of high school students to educational and work activities (L. Nor); responsible attitude formation to educational and professional activity in students, responsible attitude formation to learning in the process of independent work (N. Chernova); educating pedagogical foundations of cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system to have a responsible attitude towards the performance of their duties (M. Kozyar).

In the scientific literature, relatively independent types of responsibility are considered. Scientists T. Kravchenko, O. Plahotny investigate social responsibility, O. Kovnir, M. Samuilik - political, A. Afanasyev, Yu. Sychevsky, M. Smetanskyi - professional, I. Sopivnyk - moral,Baranovska, O. Didenko - educational, L. Nor, M.Savchyn, N. Chernova - labor. This classification is related to the object of responsibility.

In the works of many researchers, certain aspects of military personnel responsibility formation have been revealed, in particular, in the psychological and pedagogical works of Yu.Sychevskyi, A. Afanasyev, O. Aksyonova, M. Vydysh, I. Gamula, and M. Neshchadym. At the same time, the analysis results of pedagogical sources make it possible to recognize that, despite the considerable interest of researchers in the problem of responsibility, the concept of the military specialists' responsible attitude to professional activity has not been carried out in a direct formulationbefore.

The aim of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of the military specialists' responsible attitude formation to their professional activities

Presenting the main material

The general structure of activity, according to H. Kostyuk, «is the most important form of demonstrationof a person's active attitude to the surrounding reality» [1, p. 102]. Researcher O. Starovoytenko draws attention to the fact that the psychological and pedagogical study of an individual is primarily the definition and development of his attitudes to life, which most fully embody the social, conscious and active essence of an individual. The content of attitudes and «the ways of their formation should reflect the specific historical directions of the society development and correspond to the individual realization laws of the socially necessary type of personality» [2]. Scientists determine the parameters (dimensions) of an individual subjective attitudes. These, in their opinion, are: modality, intensity, breadth, stability degree, emotionality, generalization degree, principle, activity degree, awareness degree. When it comes to modality, it means, according to Y. Prykhodko, that «the attitude can be positive, negative, neutral, ambivalent» [3, p. 31].

One of the categories characterizing the inclusion of a person in the social environment is the concept of social attitude. In «addition to the behavior social determination, this concept reveals the psychological feeling and person orientation, combining the personal meanings of emotions and their objective content. In the psychological and pedagogical literature» [4], «attitude» is considered as an internal state of a person readiness that precedes behavior, the performance of a certain action, and as a dynamic influence that directs behavior. The following functions of attitude are distinguished: adaptive; knowledge; expression (self-regulation); protection.

Attitude is formed on the basis of previous experience, can unfold both on a conscious and unconscious level, and performs a regulatory function in relation to behavior. «It arises as a result of the social situation and social need interaction» [4, p. 24]. Since in the behavior of a certain social groupmembers, an attitude provides a perception unity, a common attitude to the social situation, life events, the individualsbehavior and readiness for joint activities, then its consideration and providing is a necessary condition for the military specialists'education. In the context of the attitude, the education of military specialists will depend on the conditions that precede it, namely, on the educational activities that are carried out in the educational institution. It is in the process of education that their responsible attitude to professional activity is formed in the appropriate conditions.

Any person is in a certain environment (collective), which presentsrequirementsto him. In order to feel confident in the environment, it is necessary to meet these requirements. This is how responsibility is formed. «The personality formation foresees the education of a responsibilitysense in it, which becomes its property» [5]. In the Ukrainian language explanatory dictionary, the concept of «responsibility» is considered as «an obligation entrusted to someone or undertaken to be responsible for a certain area of work, business, actionquality, deeds, words» [6]. In the philosophical encyclopedic dictionary, “responsibility” is interpreted as a compliance measure of the behavior of a person, group, stratum, state with existing requirements, existing social norms, rules of coexistence, legal laws; the ratio of the duty and «the degree of its fulfillment by the subject (person, group, class)» [7].

Reactors of the psychological terms explanatory dictionary V. Brodovska, I. Patryk, V. Yablonko define responsibility as an individualability to understand «the conformity of his actionsresults with the set goals, norms accepted in society or in the collective, as a result of which there is a feeling of complicity in the common business, and in case of irresponsibility - feeling of unfulfilled duty»[8, p. 224]. In the «Encyclopedia of Education» «responsibility» is defined as the perceived need to correlate one's own behavior with social norms and attitudes» [9, p. 1040].

At the end of the last century, the author of the theory of the «responsibility principle» H. Jonas substantiated a new philosophical direction - a new ethics, as the ethics of the future, in contrast to the traditional anthropocentric one. The scientist singles out the three most important components of the new ethics of responsibility, namely: wisdom, humility, and state guardianship. The main thesis of H. Jonas' «principle of responsibility» theory, which must be taken into account in the specialists professional training and upbringing, including future border guards, are as follows: «1) a person must be aware that all his inventions have their consequences; 2) the need to form a new persontype, a new subject of collective responsible behavior; 3) responsibilityfollowsfrom comprehensiveness, continuity, future; 4) upbringing responsibility for humanity to have a future, to have its continuation; 5) ability formation to assume obligations and bear responsibility for them; 6) education of responsibility as the subject duty of his activityconsequences; 7) combination of knowledge and morality; 8) formation of feelings as the basis of responsibility; 9) upbringing responsibility based on a value approach; 10) formation of joint, complementary responsibility of the state and parents for raising children» [10, p. 400].

Responsibility is understood by many researchers as a need based on an individual's internal conviction to carry out assignments, comply with requirements, make a choice of a behaviorline, associated with the conscious acceptance of moral requirements, with the awareness of oneself as a subject of responsible behavior, with the voluntary assumption of responsibilities. «In this case, responsibility acquires a personal meaning, which removes the contradiction between the needs, desires of the individual and the requirements that reality places on it» [11, p. 257]. The authors characterizes responsibility as a concept that reflects the compliance degree of social subjects' actions with mutual requirements, as well as historical social norms and public interests. The author divides responsibility into relatively independent types: legal, economic, political, party, professional and ecological. According to the level of social organization, he distinguishes public, state, group and collective responsibility.

The concept of “moral responsibility” attracts the attention of scientists. I. Sopivnyk considers moral responsibility as a personal formation, characterized by the subject's actualization of motivations and intentions of responsible behavior, awareness of his duties, assumes deep, thorough knowledge of moral norms and rules, an emotional and positive value attitude towards them and the appropriate moral behavior approved by society [12, p. 300].

The psychological and pedagogical essence of responsibility as a quality of personality can be clarified only on the basis of a scientific understanding of responsibility as a difficult social process, relations between people with their characteristic interdependence in a compatible socially significant activity. Professional responsibility is a professionally important characteristic of a specialist in any profession which is related to interaction with other people. Under the professional responsibility of future officers of the National Police of Ukraine, G. Kudryavtseva understands the individual systemic professional quality, which is the result of reflecting the relationship to the assigned duties and which is connected with clearly established norms that ensure the effective performance of professional activities. According to the researcher, professional responsibility is formed in the process of professional education as a result of external requirements for the future officer of the National Police. «Understanding the professional responsibility of National Police officers is related to the readiness of cadets of higher educational institutions to realize the need to fulfill the requirements of professional norms and to be responsible for their actions» [13, p. 95]. The author also emphasizes that the professional responsibility of officers of the National Police provides for disciplinary action in case of improper performance of professional duties.

At the same time, O. Stavytskyi [14, p. 464] «attributes responsibility to the professionally important qualities of military personnel and believes that responsibility social nature allows it to be considered as a set of objective requirements that society puts forward to its individual members and collectives in the form of norms that reflect social necessity».

A military specialist's responsibility is a professionally significant quality that is associated with the conscious fulfillment of objectively necessary requirementsset that are put forward to him by his chosen profession as an educational processsubject and a future officer, and is in the need to report for his actions in front of himself, the team, commanders, teachers, society. According to the researcher, the structure of a military specialist's responsibility is based on the four componentsinteraction: motivational, gnostic, volitional and emotional. The motivational component is a complex combination of various motivations whichconstitute the motivational sphere of the individual and perform a stimulating, motivating function. The gnostic component foresees the subject's awareness of his dutiescontent, the social and moral consequences of their non-fulfillment for himself and other people. This component serves as the guiding basis of the individual's behavior. The volitional component is revealed through the cadet's ability to act to achieve a consciously set goal, while overcoming internal and external obstacles and performs a management function. The emotional component combines complex moral and intellectual feelings that arise when a person performs duties and makes a responsible decision, and performs an evaluation function.

A military specialist's responsibility can be revealed in professional activity as a responsible actionssteady repeat performed on the basis of awareness of professional duty and requirements for the profession; in the perception of these requirements as the motivation of one's educational activity; in certain actions related to the official dutiesperformance; in assessing the significance of educational activities as a basis for high efficiency and effectiveness of future professional activities. We consider that the internal awareness of moral duty and responsible attitude towards society, which requires self-control, fulfillment of personal and official behavior norms, self-critical assessment of actions, can be interpreted as a consciencedemonstration. Forms of revealing this concept are moral satisfaction or a sense of shame.

A responsible attitude to professional activity is, first of all, an individual's attitude to what constitutes the conditions of this activity. Considering attitude as a social category, S. Sinkevich concludes that sociologists are unanimous in the fact that the basis of an individual's attitude is objective. At the same time, the author believes that «the point of view regarding the attitude as a social phenomenon, which represents the unity of the objective and the subjective, since it has material foundations and one way or another is reflected in consciousness and formalized in in the form of defined goals» [4, p. 27].

Proponents of another point of view believe that it is impossible to consider the responsible attitude of an individual outside of his consciousness. They consider attitude as a component of consciousness, as the direction of our thoughts, feelings, and attention. Thus, Yu. Sychevskyi [11] considers «the attitude towards oneself in the levels of the personality structure, which characterize the degree of its morality, spirituality».

The basis of the formation of a military specialists' responsible attitude to professional activity is thorough professional knowledge, awareness of their importance for solving practical tasks, a sense of professional identity, and rootingfor a military serviceman's image. Investigating the problem of military specialists'responsible attitude to professional activity, we define it as an awareness of personal and professional duty, which foresees the integration of moral-spiritual, socio-psychological, and psychophysiological qualities into the process of implementing professional functions. We consider it as a meaningful principle of the cadet's personality, a general rule of correlation (self-regulation) of motives, goals and means of military-professional life, which is expressed in the unconditional acceptance, positive interpretation and implementation of military- professional necessity (order, assignment, task, etc.).

Therefore, the analysis of the scientific literature and the conducted research give an opportunity to consider that a military specialist's responsible attitude to professional activity reflects his professional and socio-psychological position. Attitudes are formed in the process of integrating professional knowledge into beliefs and experiences. The basis of professional attitudes development is nosingle situations, but moral-aesthetic and socio-psychological principles of professional activity.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

Therefore, on the basis of the theoretical analysisresults of the above-mentioned and other scientistsworks, as well as the experience of practical activity, it was established that the military specialists' professional responsible attitude to professional activity is a personal formation that is the result of objectively necessary relationships during the carrying out professional activities and characterizes attitude towards oneself, other people, team and society, towards professional duty. A detailed study of the peculiarities and pedagogical conditions of amilitary specialists' responsible attitudeformation to professional activities provides a perspectivefor further scientific research into the outlined problems.


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