Organization of sports events in modern conditions
The aim of the article is to study the features of the organization of sports events under martial law. It is established that the main risks on the way to the effective organization and conduct of sports events under martial law are the escalation.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 252,8 K |
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Organization of sports events in modern conditions
Bondar A.
Candidate of physical education and sport Sciences (PhD Physical Education and sport), Associate Professor
Petrenko I.
Candidate of physical education and sport Sciences (PhD Physical Education and sport), Associate Professor
Chen Dongdong
Candidate of the Third (Postgraduate's) Level of Higher Education Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv
The aim of the article is to study the features of the organization of sports events under martial law. It is established that the main risks on the way to the effective organization and conduct of sports events under martial law are the escalation of hostilities in the region, the decrease in the popularity of the sport, the convenience of the infrastructure of the sports facility, and the popularity of athletes participating in competitions. The strengths of sports event organizers are: a positive image; accessibility of sporting events; success of image projects; mass events and involvement of the general public; Effective marketing activities. The weaknesses of the organizers of sports events are: location in the war zone; prohibition of international competitions; d eficit of budget financing of sports events; destruction of sports facilities intended for sports events. The main ways to overcome the crisis phenomena associated with the war and its consequences for the organizers of sports events are: ensuring safety and comfort during events, increasing the number of participants in sports events, strengthening international ties with physical culture and sports organizations, improving marketing and scientific activities, cooperation with public organizations of physical culture and sports.
Key words: event, sports events, ports competitions, organizers, event agency.
Бондар А, Петренко І., Чень Дундун. Організація спортивних івентів в сучасних умовах. Метою статті стало вивчення особливостей організації спортивних івентів в умовах воєнного стану. У статті охар актеризовано організаційні умови проведення спортивних івентів та виявлено загрози, які виникають перед організаторами спортивних івентів в умовах воєнного стану. У результаті проведеного дослідження, встановлено, що івентом є подія, яка стає справжнім шоу і незабутнім дійством для усіх учасників спортивного заходу, а саме: спортсменів, тренерів, суддів, глядачів, спонсорів, представників засобів масової інформації. Спортивні події відносяться до спеціальних івентів, в яких чітко встановлена кінцева мета - найвищий результат. У ході експертної оцінки з'ясовано, що основними ризиками на шляху ефективної організації і проведення спортивних івентів в умовах воєнного стану є загострення бойових дій на території регіону, зниження рівню популярності виду спорту, зручність інфраструктури спортивного об'єкта, популярність спортсменів - учасників змагань. Визначено, що найчастіше організаторами спортивних івентів є структурні підрозділи органів управління сферою фізичної культури та спорту, громадські організації фізкультурно-спортивної спрямованості та івент-агенства, які співпрацюють між собою. Серед сильних сторін організаторів спортивних івентів є: позитивний імідж; доступність спортивних заходів; успішність іміджевих проєктів; масовість заходів і залучення широких верств населення; ефективна маркетингова діяльність. До слабких сторін організаторів спортивних івентів можна віднести: розташування в зоні бойових дій; заборону проведення міжнародних змагань; дефіцит бюджетного фінансування спортивних заходів; руйнування спортивних споруд призначених для проведення спортивних заходів. Основними шляхами подолання кризових явищ, пов'язаних з війною та її наслідками для організаторів спортивних івентів можуть стати: забезпечення безпеки та комфорту під час проведення заходів, збільшення кількості учасників масових спортивних заходів, зміцнення міжнародних зав'язків з фізкультурно-спортивними організаціями, удосконалення маркетингової та наукової діяльності, співпраця із громадськими організаціями фізкультурно-спортивного спрямування та іншими фізкультурно-спортивними організаціями.
Ключові слова: івент, спортивні івенти, спортивні змагання, організатори, івент -агентство.
Formulation of the problem
sports event modern condition
Sports competitions and physical culture and sports events today are acquiring signs of real unforgettable events. They attract more and more participants, spectators, fans, sponsors, representatives of the media, which is why they need careful and high-quality preparation. An important role in the preparation and holding of sports events, sports and recreation activities, tournaments, competitions, support of sports teams and athletes is played by the organizers, who are the state and local authorities authorities, public organizations of physical culture and sports orientation and event agencies. A study of the activities of organizers of sports events will expand the idea of the development of this industry and help identify oppo rtunities for career growth.
Analysis of literary sources
Theoretical analysis of scientific works of domestic scientists [2, 4, 5, 6] indicates an increase in interest in scientific and methodological problems of organizing and holding events (events) in various spheres of life, researchers classified event services, considered the international experience of holding events, but did not sufficiently consider the issue of organizing sports events in crisis conditions, including in wartime, which influenced the choice of research top ics.
Connection of the research with scientific or practical tasks, plans, programs, topics of the department's research. The work was carried out in accordance with the Thematic Plan of Research Work of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture for 2020-2024 on the topic: "Strategic Management of the Development of Physical Culture and Sports (state registration number 0120U101012)".
The purpose of the article is to study the features of the organization of sports events under martial law.
Objectives of the study:
1. To characterize the organizational conditions for sports events.
2. Identify threats, strengths and weaknesses of organizers of sports events under martial law.
Material and methods
In the course of the study, an expert assessment was carried out in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organizers of sports events that affect its activities, 15 experts from among specialists in the field of physical culture and sports took part in the survey. A set of methods adequate to the purpose and objectives of the study, such as analysis, synthesis, generalization, SWOT analysis, and the method of expert evaluation, is used in the work.
Presentation of the main material of the research
An event is an event that becomes a real show [5] and an unforgettable event for participants and spectators [2]. An event comes from English - "event" and includes an event, ceremony, show. One of the managers of Walt Disney Amusement Park, Robert F. Gianni, noted that "Events are different from ordinary lif e."
Among the events there are: holidays, parties, meetings, concerts, festivals, carnivals, competitions, exhibitions, fairs, presentations, ceremonies, inaugurations, promotions, rallies, demonstrations, conferences, seminars, forums, summits, shows, excursions.
Among the events there are: holidays, parties, meetings, concerts, festivals, carnivals, competitions, exhibitions, fairs, presentations, ceremonies, inaugurations, promotions, rallies, demonstrations, conferences, seminars, forums, summits, shows, excursions [5]. Sporting events refer to special events in which the ultimate goal is clearly established - the highest result [4]. Sports events include: mega sports events - events for which countries are competing; calendar events of international and national importance; one-off events - "events after events", for example, organized for the press; show - for example, before a boxing competition [2].
Before the quarantine restrictions related to COVID-19 and before the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine, the number of sports events increased every year, with an average of about 70 million citizens taking part in them. In the city of Kharkiv alone, more than 500 sports image events were held annually.
In the Kharkiv region, within the framework of the implementation of the State Target Social Program for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports for the period up to 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the Program), it was planned to hold 2457 sports events for 4 years, in total it was planned to hold 26754 events in Ukraine, this indicates that in the Kharkiv region it was planned to hold almost 11% of the sports events planned within the program, of which: in 2021 - 514, 2022 - 576, 2023 - 645, 2024 - 722 events.
To hold sports events, the authorities have created departments that organize and conduct sports image projects, such as the Department of Family, Youth and Sports of the Kharkiv City Council, and they are increasingly assisted in this by even t agencies.
The effectiveness of mass sports events is influenced by a number of environmental factors that determine the social effect of the event, namely the number of participants and spectators involved, awareness and awareness of the population abo ut the impact of sports on a healthy lifestyle, the provision of high-quality physical culture and sports services. On the basis of the expert assessment, the degree of influence of environmental factors on the process of organizing and conducting competitions is determined (Table 1)
As can be seen from Table 1, the greatest threat in the process of organizing and holding sports events in modern conditions is the increase in the risk of emergencies in the region, a decrease in the popularity of the sport, the convenien ce of the infrastructure of the sports facility, the popularity of athletes/participants of competitions, therefore, experts believe that mass sports events, provided that they take place in safe conditions, will have the effect of holding and attract participants and spectators If the sport and athletes are popular among the local population, it is convenient to get to the sports fac ility where the competition is held by all means of transport and all the necessary conditions for consumers have been created around it or on its territory. On the other hand, such indicators as the rank and/or prestige of the competition, the decline in the standard of living of the population, the internal migration of the region's residents have little effect on attending or participating in competitions, since amateur leagues have no less social effect than professional competitions, and for participan ts who were forced to temporarily leave the city or region there is an opportunity to attend them, this factor has little effect on spectators, since they can join the viewing of competitions or other events online. According to experts, the least impact on the organization and holding of sports events is the increase in mortality rates and demographic threats, as well as political changes in the country.
Table 1
Assessment of factors influencing the effectiveness of organizing and holding sports events (n=15)
№ |
Evaluation Metrics |
Сума I |
X ± m |
% |
1. |
Increased risk of emergencies |
75 |
5,00 ± 0,00 |
100 |
2 |
Decline in the popularity of the sport |
68 |
4,53 ± 0,23 |
90 |
3. |
Convenience of the infrastructure of the sports facility |
52 |
3,46 ± 0,32 |
69,3 |
4. |
Popularity of athletes/competitors |
50 |
3,33 ± 0,04 |
66,6 |
5. |
Rank and/or prestige of the competition |
48 |
3,20 ± 0,32 |
64,0 |
6. |
Decline in the standard of living of the population |
45 |
3,00 ± 0,00 |
60,0 |
7. |
Internal migration of residents of the region |
31 |
2,06 ± 0,05 |
41,3 |
8. |
Rising mortality rates and demographic threats |
24 |
1,6 ± 0,05 |
32 |
9. |
Political changes in the state |
21 |
1,40 ± 0,03 |
28 |
Among the strengths of the organizers of sports events are: a positive image; accessibility of sporting events; success of image projects; mass events and involvement of the general public; Effective marketing activities.
The weaknesses of the organizers of sports events include: location in the war zone; prohibition of international competitions; deficit of budget financing of sports events; destruction of sports facilities intended for sports events.
A significant step forward in the popularization of sports events is the creation and operation of event agencies that attract interested parties to participate in competitions and events of various levels, which makes cooperation convenient and profitable for agencies and consumers.
An event agency is an enterprise that specializes in planning, coordinating, and holding events of any scale to order. In Ukraine, as in other countries, there are event agencies that specialize in holding sporting events - these are sports event agencies. Sports events of event agencies usually last 1 -4 days and have a fixed budget, financed by the customer (client). However, non-specialized agencies are also involved in sporting events.
Event agencies provide the following services: presentation of the event concept; selection and rental of premises; informing and inviting participants and guests; logistics of the event; food prediction; choice of numbers and artists; room decorations; sound and light support; ordering branded products; selection and training of event personnel; organization and management of the event; preparation of reports (video and photographic materials) [6].
Event agencies are included in the marketing service, since the range of their services is not limited to organizing and holding events, the range of their activities includes:
1. Consumer marketing,
2. Trade marketing,
3. Event marketing & Sponsorship,
4. Creative Services,
5. PR - Public Relations,
6. Loyalty marketing,
7.Outstaffing [1].
According to a study by the International Association of Marketing Initiatives (ІАМІ) in Ukraine Event Marketing (Eventmarketing) Before the quarantine restrictions of 2020, it was one of the most promising areas of activity for marketing companies (event agencies), so the volume of these services grew every year. In 2018, the increase was 25%, and in 2019 - already 55%. With the spread of the epidemic of coronavirus disease COVID-19 in Ukraine and the introduction of lockdown in 2020, the volume of event services decreased sharply by 55%, in 2021, with the easing of quarantine restrictions, this figure increased by 25%. Compared to 2020, in 2021, the share of event marketing in the total volume of marketing services increased from 15% to 24%, which indicates the active holding of events in 2021. However, already in 2022, with the begi nning of a full-scale invasion, this volume decreased by 80%, and the total volume of marketing services decreased by 60% during the year. In 2023, event services are gradually returning to the marketing services market, their volume has increased by 15% [1, 3].
Pic. 1. Evolution of the marketing services market in Ukraine 2017-2023 [1]
There is a company in the city of Kharkov "Ukraine Sport Events", which caters to sporting events across the country. The company provides high-tech services for online registration of participants for organizers of events, seminars and events, convenient timing of sporting events, equipment of competitions and necessary consultations. The activity of "Ukraine Sport Events" helps to save time on registration of participants for all types of sports events, by dividing participants into groups, generating a participant's voucher for obtaining a bib number and other services [6].
All participants of "Ukraine Sport Events" can register for the competition online. The company "Ukraine Sport Events" generates finish protocols, provides free access to the results of the competition online, provides access to download an electronic diploma with a personal result at the end of the competition. All participants of the competition automatically receive the results by SMS or e-mail. The team of specialists provides information support and advice on all technical issues during the event [7].
The activities of a sports event agency determine its strengths and weaknesses. Strengths include:
1. Developed sports infrastructure, because Ukraine has significant potential in the sports field, in particular, many sports facilities and complexes that can be used to organize various sports events.
2. Human resources and attraction of talented athletes, prominent sports figures whose names are already a brand and sports clubs and teams that can be represented and supported by sports event agencies.
3. The popularity of sports and sports and recreational areas of physical activity, which are growing among different segments of the population. Many people are interested in sporting events, competitions, and sports teams. This creates a potentially large audience for sports event agencies.
However, there are also weaknesses in the activities of sports event agencies that they need to strengthen:
1. Economic constraints that may be associated with the economic downturn in the country and limit the financing of sports events and the attraction of sponsors.
2. Insufficient organizational culture. In some cases, the organization of sports events may require additional development of organizational culture and infrastructure for the successful implementation of projects.
3. Competition, as there are a large number of sports event agencies that compete for clients and opportunities to host sporting events.
4. Political factors, because the political situation in the country can have an impact on sports events, in particular, in terms of obtaining permits and regulating the sports field.
These strengths and weaknesses may vary depending on the specific situation and the specifics of the sports event agency's activities.
An online survey of residents of the city of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv region showed that all respondents know at least on e sports image event held in the city of Kharkiv. At the same time, 35% of respondents participated in these sporting events an d plan to participate in them in the future. The main tasks of sports image events, according to the respondents, are: promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle (55%), popularization of various sports (30%), recreation, entertainment and active leisure (15% ). The results of the survey testify to the effective activity of the event agency, which participates in the organization and holding of sports events in the city and region.
The main organizational conditions for holding sports events are professional design and planning of the event, its resource support (material, technical, financial, personnel, medical), effective ways to attract participants, creating a safe and comfortable atmosphere during the event, timely advertising and marketing activities of the organizers, consumer demand for the appropriate service in the form of an event, its accessibility to the population.
The main condition for holding sporting events during martial law is to ensure the safety of all participants in the event during it. To this end, at the beginning of the war, all sports events on the territory of our country were canceled until May 28, 2022, and only at the end of May, in accordance with the order of the Ministry No. 1587, the organization of All-Ukrainian sports competitions in certain areas of Ukraine was resumed in compliance with the safety conditions provided for by the legislation on martial law. In the city of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv region, sports events were held online, such as "Healthy Back", "Push-up Relay", "Unbreakable Children of War" of the breaking festival "Battle of Kharkiv". Only at the end of March 2023, the possib ility of holding mass sports events in safe areas in our city and region was resumed [6].
The main ways to overcome the crisis phenomena associated with the war and its consequences for the organizers of sports events can be:
1. ensuring safety and comfort during events,
2. increasing the number of participants in mass sports events,
3. strengthening international relations with physical culture and sports organizations,
4. improvement of marketing and scientific activities,
5. Cooperation with public organizations of physical culture and sports and other physical culture and sports organizations.
The study showed that the main condition for holding sports events during martial law is to ensure the safety of all participants in the event during its holding. The main risks on the way to the effective organization and holding of mass sports events under martial law are the escalation of hostilities in the region, a decrease in the popularity of the sport, the convenience of the infrastructure of the sports facility, and the popularity of athletes/participants in competitions.
To increase the effectiveness of their activities, organizers of sports events should overcome the risks associated with economic restrictions and political factors, expanding international relations and entering the international market of marketing services.
Prospects for further research in this direction are to study the market of marketing services in order to increase the competitiveness of a sports event agency.
1. "15th Rating of marketing service agencies according to income". (2022). International Association of Marketing Initiatives (ІАМІ). available at: dohodiv (accessed November 10, 2023)
2. Derhachova H.M. "Event management", available at:
3. "Estimation of the volume of the marketing services market. Conclusions 2022. Forecast for 2023" (2022). International Association of Marketing Initiatives (ІАМІ), available at: rinku-marketingovih-servisiv-Visnovki-222-Prognoz-na-223(accessed November 12, 2023)
4. Povalii T L., Svitailo N. D. (2021). "Event management: study guide". Sumy: Sumy State University, available at:
download/123456789/82458/1/Povalii_management.pdf;jsessionid=DFFC6B06FDFB9F4B17C416F8114F5DF6(accessed November 15, 2023)
5. Radionova O. M. (2015). Synopsis of lectures on the course "Event technologies" (for students of the 2nd year of fulltime and part-time forms of training in areas of training 6.140101 - "Hotel and restaurant business", 6.140103 - "Tourism"). Kharkiv, national city university farm named after O. M. Beketova. Kharkiv: XNUMX named after O. M. Beketova, 67 с.
6. Bondar A., Petrenko I., Gubareva A. (2023). Increasing the efficiency of organizing and conducting mass participation sports events. Promising areas for the development of physical culture, sports, fitness and recreation : Riga, Latvia : «Baltija Publishing», рр. 89-113. DOI November 15, 2023)
7. Ukraine Sport Events, available at: November 15, 2023)
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