Ways of greening services in recreational facilities of Ukraine

Increasing the value of a healthy lifestyle, environmental awareness as one of the determining factors in the development of medical and health facilities, sanatoriums and spa complexes. The concept of quality management of sanatorium-resort services.

Рубрика Спорт и туризм
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Дата добавления 30.10.2023
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Ways of greening services in recreational facilities of Ukraine

Шляхи екологізації послуг в рекреаційних закладах України

Bieloborodova Mania

Ph.D. (Economics)

National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic”

Bessonova Anna

Ph.D. student (Economics)

Priazovsky State Technical University

The growing value of a healthy lifestyle and environmental awareness today is one of the determining factors affecting the functioning and development of recreational institutions. Consumer trends in 2021 are the confirmation that the modern consumer is old, but does not accept their age; striving for simplicity, emphasizing individuality; tech-savvy. The problem of providing high-quality resort services with the corresponding service is constantly updated in society. The purpose of the research is the formation of a new concept of quality management of sanatorium-resort services, which is based on ecology, a healthy lifestyle and high service. The subject of the research is greening of the service activity of the sanatorium-resort complex in the field of consumer service. The authors analyzed the impact of the service sector on ecology and modern consumer demands for the quality and environmental friendliness of recreational facilities. It is proved that feature of the current stage of sanatorium and resort activities is that greening here should be considered from the standpoint of the external and internal environment.

Key words: greening, health improvement, customer service, health tourism, sanatorium-resort complex.

Зростання цінності здорового способу життя та екологічної свідомості сьогодні є одним із визначальних факторів функціонування та розвитку лікувально-оздоровчих закладів, у тому числі санаторно-курортних комплексів. Споживчі тренди 2021 року є підтвердженням того, що сучасний споживач старий, але не сприймає свій вік; прагне до простоти, підкреслення індивідуальності; технічно підкований. Але, крім того, споживач турбується про профілактичні заходи проти хвороб і дискомфорту, а також характеризується підвищенням відповідального ставлення до навколишнього середовища, прагненням зменшити пластикові відходи, знизити рівень використання продуктів тваринного походження в їжі і косметичної промисловості, турботою про добробут тварин. Ці характерні риси сучасного споживача підкреслюють актуальність дослідження можливих шляхів з підвищення екологічності рекреаційних послуг та підвищення соціальної відповідальності у закладах їх надання. Також в умовах євроінтеграції особливо важливим є розвиток рекреаційних установ відповідно до європейських стандартів чистоти та сервісу, обізнаності щодо екологічної відповідальності та функціонування в умовах пост-ковідного періоду. У суспільстві постійно актуалізується проблема надання якісних санаторно-курортних послуг з відповідним сервісом. Стан матеріально-технічної бази та методики не відповідають сучасним вимогам споживачів до повноцінного якісного відпочинку та оздоровлення. Українським підприємцям, що обрали своєю сферою діяльності послуги населенню та рекреаційні заходи, необхідно буде значно поглибити свої знання щодо європейських стандартів якості, поводження зі сміттям та іншими відходами та правилами якісного та екологічного сервісу. Авторами проаналізовано вплив сфери послуг на екологію та сучасні вимоги споживачів до якості та екологічності рекреаційних закладів. Метою дослідження є формування нової концепції управління якістю санаторно-курортних послуг, яка базується на екології, здоровому способі життя та високому сервісі. Об'єктом дослідження авторами визначено санаторно-курортні комплекси, а предметом - екологізація сервісної діяльності санаторно-курортного комплексу у сфері обслуговування споживачів.

Ключові слова: екологізація, оздоровлення, сервіс, оздоровчий туризм, санаторно-курортний комплекс.

Formulation of the problem

management quality sanatorium-resort services

The growth of anthropogenic CO2 emissions increasingly lagged behind the growth of the world economy. This is evidenced by the following data: for the period from 1970 to 2015. world GDP increased fourfold, and anthropogenic CO2 emissions increased 2.4 times. Specific indicators of CO2 emissions per dollar of world GDP (in constant prices) have been steadily falling for half a century. According to the website of the World Health Organization, in the old industrial regions of the world -- Europe and North America, since the 2000s, anthropogenic CO2 emissions have been decreasing not only in per capita terms, but also in absolute terms. Emissions in Europe decreased by one and a half times against the record high level of 1990 and decreased to the level of the 1960s. The cumulative emissions of the 28 countries of the European Union (including Great Britain before Brexit) decreased by 1.3 times from 4.3 to 3.4 billion tons. The main contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions was made by the largest EU economies: Germany reduced emissions by 24%, Great Britain by 28 %, Italy - by 21%, France - by 15% [5]. One of the largest shifts in the global ecological panorama at the beginning of the XXI century. - moving the traditional epicenter of environmental problems from the highly developed countries of Europe to the most dynamically developing countries of the world's semi-periphery. Against this background, the problem of greening all spheres of Ukraine's economy becomes especially urgent, in order not only to "keep up" in the issue of reducing carbon dioxide emissions, but also to meet European trends. European consumers, meanwhile, are changing their requirements to the level of environmental friendliness of the service sector.

Thus, we can talk about such a merger of trends, which is characterized by an integrated approach of a modern man to a healthy lifestyle and the growth of environmental consciousness. It should also be emphasized that quality issues do not fade into the background, still being the dominant in the formation of consumer loyalty. The growing demand for wellness services over the past few years has allowed the active development of the SPA and wellness market. Sanatoriums, which offer a wider list of wellness procedures, became the main competitor on the market. SPA-complexes are focused on the number of consumers. Therefore, SPAs in large cities and places of active tourism are the most popular.

Based on global trends, foreign tourists who visit resorts do not understand the essential difference between sanatoriums and SPA complexes. Therefore, they will choose a place for rest based on the quality of services and comfort, especially concerning healthy environment and green trends. Such changes in consumer preferences are especially important in the conditions of the inevitable need for European integration of Ukraine's service sector.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of greening in various fields of economic activities has been widely considered in the scientific literature. Thus, the monograph of D. Bulysheva [1] is devoted to the environmentalization of economic relations in the system of recreational land use. Instead, greening of the recreational sphere is considered in the monograph by P. Clark et al. [4] It should also be noted the work by S. Cortinovis et al. [2], which examines the relationship between recreation and green urban infrastructure.

Among the domestic authors who devoted their research to the problems of environmentalization of the service sector, we should note K. Babov et al. [6], L. Halkiv et al. [8], N. Karpenko and Y. Karpenko [9], Y. Dikanov [17]. However, despite the rather wide development of the mentioned issues, the problem of greening the service sphere in the sanatorium and resort complexes remains insufficiently researched, especially under the conditions of their European integration.

Setting objectives. The purpose of the research is the formation of a new concept of quality management of sanatorium-resort services, which is based on ecology, a healthy lifestyle and high service. The authors have adopted sanatorium-resort complexes as the object of research, and the subject is greening of the service activity of the sanatorium-resort complex in the field of customer service. As a working hypothesis, the assumption was put forward that the greening of the service is a factor in improving the quality of sanatorium-resort service.

Presentation of the main research material

From the point of view of the growth of environmental awareness, a sanatorium-resort complex (hereinafter SRC) is a base that can completely fulfill the aspirations of the modern consumer to meet the needs in an ecological environment, provided that it offers quality services and comfortable accommodation. It should be remembered that the quality of service depends on the effectiveness of medical and healthcare services, which is determined by the development of service activities (Figure 1).

Let's consider the situation in Ukraine in more detail. Ukraine has a rich natural resource potential for the development of infrastructure for nature use and recreation. This is confirmed by the statistics of the green economy, which is expressed in the area of the green zone of Ukraine and is shown in figure 1, and in the number of enterprises in this field (Figure 2).

From the point of view of the growth of environmental awareness, a sanatorium-resort complex (hereinafter SRC) is a base that can completely fulfil the aspirations of the modern consumer to meet the needs in an ecological environment, provided that it offers quality services and comfortable accommodation. It should be remembered that the quality of service depends on the effectiveness of medical and healthcare services, which is determined by the development of service activities.

Therefore, the purpose of the research is the formation of a new concept of quality management of sanatorium-resort services, which is based on ecology, a healthy lifestyle and high service. The authors have adopted sanatorium-resort complexes as the object of research, and the subject is greening of the service activity of the sanatorium-resort complex in the field of customer service. As a working hypothesis, the assumption was put forward that the greening of the service is a factor in improving the quality of sanatorium-resort service.

Efforts to engage people in sustainable development processes take many forms, but one dominant approach is the use of media-driven behavior change campaigns that address how and why we should all use public transport, produce less food waste, insulate our homes more adequately, eat less meat, etc [15, p. 8]. From the point of view of the service quality in the field of health improvement, the study, which dealt with the correlation between the attractiveness of the physical environment of medical institutions and patients' perception of quality, service and waiting time, is of interest. Results indicate a positive correlation between a more engaging environment and higher levels of perceived quality, satisfaction, interaction with staff, and reduced patient anxiety, which in turn affects medical outcomes.

Figure 1. The number of enterprises in the field of maintenance of the green areas in Ukraine, 2018-2021

Figure 2. Area of Ukraine's green areas by types, 2021

Source: [17; 18]

Scientists from Taiwan conducted a study to identify factors of customer service in health tourism from the perspective of both service providers and customers, and to determine whether gender and age factors influence tourists' perception of customer service [14]. The authors surveyed 13 experts in the spa industry and more than 469 spa hotel visitors aged 50 and over. As a result, the eight most important factors of customer service were identified, from the most important to the least important: service staff, environment, healthy food, recreation, wellness procedures, experience of unique tourism resources, social activities and opportunities for learning and mental development. Many countries are currently facing an aging in their population, and the market opportunities for health tourism can be used to the maximum within the framework of the modern development of the tourism industry. Research shows that improving customer service increases competitive advantage in the tourism industry.

SRCs also significantly affect the level of the population's sense of health. In general, as of April 2021, 40% of surveyed adult residents of Ukraine rated their health as good or very good, 46% rated it as mediocre (neither good nor bad) or could not decide, and 14% rated it as bad or very bad. Compared to 2020, the share of those who consider themselves healthy has significantly decreased (by 9 percentage points), and, accordingly, the share of those who rate their health as average has increased (by 8 percentage points) (Figure 3). Health status can be influenced by various factors, including age, gender, level of material wellbeing, place of residence or other factors [16].

A regularity is observed that persists throughout the measurement period: the older the age group of respondents, the smaller the proportion of healthy (according to self-assessment) among them. So, currently 66% of people aged 18 to 29 feel healthy, 57% in the age group 30-39, 47% in the age group 40-49, 28% in the age group 50-59 years, and 60-69 years old - 16%, and among people aged 70 or older - 13%. As before, the connection between the state of health and the level of well-being remains: the better the material standard of living, the higher the share of those with good health. Thus, if among the least wealthy (those who do not have enough money even for food) only 14% called themselves healthy, then among people with a high level of material well-being (they can afford to buy expensive things) - 47%, and among people with a very high the level of financial support - 64%. The higher the level of well-being, the better the opportunities for health care.

To the existing situation, one should add the low quality of medical, including service, primarily in state and municipal sanatorium-resort centers, which account for 44% and 3%, respectively, and their effectiveness, the drop in real incomes of the population, the drop in the competitiveness of sanatorium enterprises - resort complex. high depreciation of fixed assets. The introduction of new funds is slower and does not cover the number of those that have dropped out.

Undoubtedly, the basis for the functioning of the SRC enterprises is the availability and quality of recreational resources, including medical ones. On the one hand, researchers note the fact that natural factors are of significant importance among recreational resources. The character of the spatial distribution and mutual combination of natural factors significantly affects the ecological features of the organization of the SRC. But here it must be emphasized that the influence of natural factors on the organizational aspects of the activity and development of the SRC enterprise is quite diverse. The role of individual natural factors in the process of sanatorium and resort activities is ambiguous, given the variety of purposes, types and forms of recreation and relaxation, as well as the multicomponent character of the natural environment and the variability of the recreational properties of these components. On the other hand, a health-improving service, created before the moment of consumption, has a potential quality, turning into a real one only after its consumption and effect. If the client is not satisfied with the service, then there is no quality to speak of.

The modern consumer makes increased demands on the quality of services: consumer value, degree of usefulness for the body, level of service, comfort of stay, ecological cleanliness of the territory, ergonomic properties, timeliness of the service, friendliness and competence of the staff, and others. Thus, the emphasis is shifting from purely medical and recreational conditions to the conditions for their provision.

The goal of greening is to assist the SRC in determining its environmental policy, setting priorities for the implementation of measures, including preventive ones, aimed at complying with established environmental requirements, as well as creating a mechanism for implementing effective environmental management and ensuring sustainable development, based on current legislation, internal rules, regulations, standards and resources that can be used in the environmental activities of the enterprise [10; 11].

At the same time, it is necessary to structure the directions and types of environmental protection activities of the enterprise, which are regulated by norms and standards, taking into account the following aspects:

- firstly, legislative acts and objective requirements established by the state and local authorities;

- secondly, internal regulation of environmental protection activities based on the requirements of industrial safety, labor protection and service safety;

- thirdly, it should be remembered that, usually, all environmental protection measures are costly and do not directly increase profitability, but often reduce it.

All environmental protection measures in the SRC must be unconditionally provided with the enterprise's own and borrowed resources. Moreover, the size of these resources should not worsen the quality of service, reduce efficiency or the volume of services sold. Such contradictions between the market economy and the environmental activities of the enterprise are resolved all over the world with the help of compromises, state (regulatory) restrictions [11]. On the other hand, through the use of incentives for the development of services that society urgently needs, for example, in sanatorium and resort services.

A feature of the current stage of sanatorium and resort activities is that greening here should be considered from the standpoint of the external and internal environment. And if the external environmental factors and functions are sufficiently transparent and obvious - environmental protection, rational use of natural recreational resources, the introduction of the principles of sustainable development of the territory, taking into account the anthropogenic load, etc., then internal ecology is not so obvious and is not a priority for enterprises of SRC.

The reason that the internal ecology is considered by the enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex as a secondary factor in the existence of the object is the installation, which is rooted in the Soviet past of sanatoriums, namely: recreational resources, mineral waters, therapeutic mud, climate, etc. are "the basic foundations” of the existence of the sanatorium, and nothing more. In this case, internal ecology can be attributed to the internal standards of the enterprise and their observance (for example, the mode and schedule of work, internal regulations, the rules and organization of the provision of sanatorium treatment, internal quality and safety control, the standard for equipping a sanatorium for children etc.), customer-oriented service technology, equipping residential and public areas of the enterprise with energy- and resource-saving technologies, modern medical facilities and a general orientation towards service.

Consumer behavior in the service market has changed and dictates its own rules, when the consumer is looking not only for high-quality balneological resources, but also for comfortable accommodation, quality food, additional services, and customer-oriented staff work. And to meet this type of request, the enterprises of the sanatorium and resort complex are ready to offer new products and services, for example, weekend packages, or an expanded range of related services, while sacrificing the quality and quantity of the health and medical component so as not to increase the cost of the final product for the consumer. The guest of the sanatorium is offered comfortable rooms, they are met and served by friendly and highly professional staff, and even the range of health services is wide and attractive from the point of view of consumer perception. As a result, a certain consensus will be reached: the consumer is satisfied, they are comfortable and pleased; the enterprise receives the planned profit and positive feedback from guests. But in this case, there is a serious danger that the low level of the consumers' environmental consciousness will lead to a negative “substitution effect”, when the external attributes of service and stay in a sanatorium will be ranked in importance for the consumer of spa services almost higher than the medical and health component.

Figure 3. Self-assessment of the state of health by the population of Ukraine

Source: [16]

Conclusions and prospects for further research

Based on the situation under consideration, it is obvious that it is necessary and possible to promptly resolve the situation to improve the service, which is solved immediately and on the ground. Only a comprehensive and continuous self-evaluation process can guarantee the continuous improvement of spa services, taking into account the greening of the service. The factors that determine the internal greening of the service, in our opinion, should include:

- modern service technology, which takes into account environmentally friendly, energy and resource-saving technologies: methods of cleaning rooms, utility rooms, organizing space, interior aesthetics, methods of service in spa areas, at the reception, medical buildings, compiling menus and cooking, etc.;

- professionalism and competence of the attendants: analytical abilities, clarity, speed, ethics and culture of service, creation of a favorable microclimate, raising awareness among all employees of the need for careful attitude to energy and natural recreational resources, possession of complete information about the sanatorium and the surrounding area, knowledge of behavior in emergency situations, individual approach;

- service quality management: implementation of service standards, taking into account the principle of greening all aspects of activity, information support, control, monitoring;

- functional zoning of the recreational area, taking into account the design, technical, technological, sanitary and hygienic and environmental state, regional and internal (approved by the management of the SRC) standards.

The problem of providing high-quality sanatorium and resort services with the corresponding service is constantly updated in society. The state of the material and technical base and methods do not meet the modern requirements of consumers for a full-fledged quality of rest and recovery. Consumers of these services note the deterioration of the environmental component in service in almost all technological processes of the service, first of all, the lack of a communication culture and professionalism of employees, physical wear and tear, outdated rooms, frequent neglection of natural environmentally significant factors that create a special atmosphere of relaxation, irrational use of natural recreational resources, morally and physically obsolete equipment, some elements of which are missing.


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