Physical training as a factor of professional orientation of previous youth
Consideration of trends in teaching physical training of young people. A purposeful process of developing physical qualities that a person needs to learn physical exercises and the ability to apply them in life. Preparation for highly skilled work.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 21.06.2023 |
Размер файла | 35,4 K |
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Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipro city, Ukraine
Physical training as a factor of professional orientation of previous youth
Dmytro Anisimov
Anna Buriak
Valeriia Laktionova
Дмитро Анісімов, Анастасія Буряк, Валерія Лактіонова
Фізична підготовка як фактор професійної орієнтації довузівської молоді
physical training young people
Навчально-методична стаття передбачає розгляд основних тенденцій викладання фізичної підготовки молоді, а також фізичної та функціональної підготовленості школярів для подальшого вступу до закладу вищої освіти зі специфічними умовами навчання, оскільки що фізичне виховання завжди розглядалося та розглядається як засіб підготовки людини до трудової діяльності та соціалізації. Фізична підготовка - це цілеспрямований процес розвитку фізичних якостей, які потрібні людині для навчання різних фізичних вправ і вміння застосовувати їх у повсякденному житті. Протягом усього життя людина навчається виконувати велику кількість рухів. Навчання та вдосконалення будь-якого руху є процесом оволодіння руховою дією. Рух - це результат рухової діяльності людини, що забезпечує переміщення тіла або його частин щодо зовнішніх предметів або один до одного.
Підготовка до сучасної висококваліфікованої праці потребує профілювання системи фізичного виховання відповідно до особливостей вимог різноманітних професій. Гіпотеза полягає в тому, що на основі аналізу публікацій цього напряму можна встановити, що введення факультативів фізичної підготовки школярів, поставлення навчального процесу з урахуванням сучасних тенденцій педагогіки допоможе підвищити ефективність навчального процесу з фізичної підготовки, бо цілеспрямоване та систематичне застосування засобів фізичної підготовки сприяє впливу на фізичний розвиток майбутніх співробітників правоохоронних органів та слугує фундаментом їх загальної та службово-професійної працездатності. У сучасності ці завдання вирішують за допомогою професійно-прикладної фізичної підготовки.
Ключові слова: фізична культура, професійно-прикладна фізична підготовка, фізична підготовка, психофізичний настрій, професійна діяльність.
This educational and methodological article considers the main trends in teaching physical training to young people, as well as physical and functional readiness of students for further admission to a university with specific learning conditions, because physical education has always been seen as a means of preparing people for work and socialization. Preparation for modern highly qualified work requires profiling the system of physical education in accordance with the requirements of various professions. The hypothesis is that based on the analysis of publications in this area it is possible to establish that the introduction of electives for physical training of students, setting the educational process taking into account current trends in pedagogy will help increase the efficiency of the educational process of physical training.
Keywords: physical culture, professional and applied physical training, physical training, psychophysical mood, professional activity.
Physical training is quite an important component, as it promotes the development of a number of important qualities, such as special and general physical, psychological and moral will. Physical training is a set of measures for physical improvement, aimed at the development of general and special physical qualities, the formation of military-applied skills, education of moral and psychological qualities. Throughout life, a person learns to perform many movements. Learning and improving any movement is a process of mastering a motor action. Movement is the result of human motor activity, which ensures the movement of the body or its parts in relation to external objects or to each other. For physical culture, voluntary movements are important, because following features include movement, which always functions in consciousness. A separate movement is an element of action. Through interconnected movements, an action is carried out (an example of an action can be a jump, and an example of a movement is the movement of a hand when jumping). A motional action is a group of movements combined into a system to solve a motion problem. Motor action is a very complex set of processes affecting the musculoskeletal system, the central nervous system, the human mental sphere, etc.
Basic content
Depending on the tasks being solved, mastering a particular action can be brought to varying degrees of perfection. Allocate such degrees of mastering actions as motor skills and motor skills. Motor skill is a level of mastering movement when it is performing under the control of consciousness, based on knowledge. Mastering a new motor action, the student thinks about what movement, when and how it should be performed. The thought process proceeds because of knowledge about the motor action and about the peculiarities of its implementation. The previously acquired motor experience is used; the current state of physical capabilities takes into account. In such conditions, the student at first cannot carry out the action easily and seamlessly. With each repetition, changes and refinements made, which makes it possible to form an effective system of movements and fix it in memory. However, various unfavorable factors (fatigue, emotional shifts, breaks in learning, etc.) can destroy the mastered system of movements, which is typical for the considered degree of mastering a motor action [1].
In addition, physical culture includes not only sports, gymnastics, etc., but also the mode of work, the method of its implementation and even rest. In this article, we seek to consider the role of physical training for those seeking to enter a university with specific learning conditions, for further service in law enforcement. A high emotional load characterizes the professional activities of law enforcement officers and a degree of physical activity, as the official is often involved in various conflict situations, which, in turn, can be dangerous to life and health of both police officers and others. That is why the conditions of law enforcement provide a high need for professional training, especially general endurance, the ability to respond quickly and coordinate movements, which is why it requires an effective approach to learning. One of the most important tasks of physical training of law enforcement officers is to reduce the negative impact of official activities and ensure physical readiness to act in dangerous and extreme situations. In addition, the solution of these problems includes a variety of motor reflexes, namely the expressiveness of movements and differentiation, which are necessary for a person. That is why a set of significant features that are professionally important becomes important. The purpose of physical education stems from the main task of education, which is the need to prepare comprehensively developed, active and healthy members of society, which organically combines humanistic and universal positive personality traits, harmony of physical and mental development. Tasks of physical education can be classify into the following groups:
Health-improving tasks, which consist in strengthening the musculoskeletal system, forming the correct posture, normalizing the development of internal organs, improving the activity of the central nervous system, hardening of the body.
Educational tasks, which consist in the formation and improvement of motor skills, in the acquisition of knowledge in the field of theory, methods and organization of physical culture and sports.
Educational tasks, which are to improve motor skills (strength, speed, endurance, agility, etc.), to strengthen the willpower (will to win, courage, perseverance, courage, etc.), to improve mental abilities (attention, memory, etc.), in the education of positive moral traits, instilling the right aesthetic tastes. It should be emphasizes that the implementation of the above health, educational and upbringing tasks of physical education should be carried out in a certain relationship that requires their comprehensive solution [1-3].
The main specific means of physical education is physical exercises, ie motor actions that used in accordance with the laws of physical education. In turn, physical exercises are such types of motor actions that aimed at the implementation of the tasks of physical education and are subject to its laws. Only with the help of physical exercises is a directed influence on a person in order to develop his physical and spiritual abilities [3].
A number of publications in this area highlights the possibility that the delivery of the educational process taking into account the latest direction of pedagogy will increase the productivity of the educational process of people studying in lyceums or planning to enter universities with specific learning conditions. Physical education considered, at first, as a means of preparing a person for socialization and work. Modern conditions help to solve this problem through professional and applied physical training, which reflects a specialized variety of physical education, which implemented in agreement with the requirements and separate properties of a particular profession. Although this principle applies to the entire social system of physical education, it is in professional and applied physical training that it finds its specific expression. As a kind of physical education, professional-applied physical training is a pedagogically oriented process of providing specialized physical fitness for the chosen professional activity. In other words, a learning process enriches the individual fund of professionally useful motor skills, education of physical and directly related abilities, on which directly or indirectly depends on professional capacity [2].
Moreover, the system of training students intends to solve the following tasks:
the principle of connection of physical education with the practice of labor and defense activities, which expresses the basic social patterns of physical education, its main service function, which is to prepare people for activity and life;
the principle of comprehensive development of personality, which provides, firstly, strict adherence to the unity of the various aspects of education of physical, mental, moral, labor and aesthetic qualities and, secondly, (in a narrower sense) versatile physical training;
the principle of health orientation, which provides for the responsibility of physical education workers to the state, society and family for the health of those who engage in physical culture. This principle also stipulates the obligation of medical and pedagogical control over the state of development and health of all those who play sports.
the principle of consciousness and activity;
the principle of clarity;
the principle of accessibility (from this principle follows a very important requirement of an individual approach to those involved);
the principle of systematicity (which includes the rules of sequence: "From the known to the unknown", "From simple and easy to complex and difficult", "From general to partial");
the principle of strength (which requires proper study and development of current material before moving on to the next) [3].
It is important to remember that this training is closely related to physical education, which is a discipline included in the education system, for the formation of certain qualities in the younger generation. It is an integral part of the subjects, both in schools and lyceums and aims to establish the foundation of general physical education and ensure the diverse development of physical and directly related abilities [4].
Significant components of general physical culture in its school forms are:
analytical "school of movements" in the system of elementary gymnastic exercises and ways of their interconnected performance, which forms the ability to control individual movements and develop the ability to coordinate them in different combinations;
system of exercises designed to master the general means appropriate for the use of their own forces for movement, overcoming obstacles, etc.;
"School" of martial arts, which is used against the influence and interaction in complex forms of motor activity, covering interpersonal contacts, for example, in wrestling [5].
Looking at the following literature, it is possible to highlight that the physical training of future specialists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can't completely solve the problem of special training for the chosen profession. Thus, vocational training should be basing on appropriate general physical training. This ratio may vary according to professional activity [4].
It should be noted that the training of future employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs couldn't provide the necessary level of psychophysical readiness for future work. The selection of PPFP means depends on the specifics of the future profession. When choosing applied physical exercises, it is necessary to take into account physical and special qualities so that their psychophysiological influence corresponds to the formed (physical and special) qualities [4].
When analyzing the literature, we can conclude that the most effective may be a system of physical education in the school schedule, which would have the following elements:
the lesson would offer students information on the history of physical culture, exercise hygiene, biomechanics, talk about the impact of exercise on performance and the human body as a whole, etc.;
another lesson should be instructive and methodical in nature and be conducted in the form of educational practice, where students will be able to acquire available and necessary, especially in the applied relationship, knowledge of training methods, methods of mastering various exercises. In these classes, students will try to use the acquired knowledge in practice, for example, in compiling and testing sets of exercises for the development of physical qualities or sets of exercises that assigned to master the technique of any motor action [5].
In addition to these two components, there should be at least two or three classes, the main purpose of which is training with a professional and applied orientation. In the process of conducting them, the knowledge and skills acquired in physical education lessons should also be consolidated [6].
The above types of classes should be included in the mandatory minimum of physical education classes organized as part of educational work on physical culture at school. It is also necessary to operate all other forms of extracurricular and out-of-school work on physical education of schoolchildren, in the process of which each student should have at least 6-8 hours a week. Independent forms of physical exercises, which include exercises of professional and applied orientation, should occupy the most important place [7].
Therefore, after analyzing the hypothesis, we found that these aspects will allow with the least material costs and without significantly exacerbating the problem of staffing, most effectively solve many important problems of physical education. With the right approach to the implementation of these forms, it is possible to open opportunities for solving the most important, but in other forms almost unsolvable, the problem of individualization of exercise. This becomes real due to more significant than in any other form, opportunities to meet personal interests, taking into account individual characteristics and reserves of your own body. Successful implementation of the presented material is impossible without the proper level of formation of the value-motivational sphere, without creating a base of knowledge and skills methodically competently, taking into account individual capabilities, to conduct independent classes. This shows the leading importance of the effective implementation of the tasks of educational orientation in providing the necessary level of motor training, physical education, improving the level of physical and general culture of society.
Список використаних джерел
1. Професійно-прикладна фізична підготовка. URL:
2. Професійна підготовка: фізичне виховання. URL: pedagog/14266/.
3. Борисюк О. Професійно-прикладна фізична підготовка студентів закладів вищої освіти. URL:
4. Професійно-прикладна фізична підготовка студентів. URL:;jsessionid=ECAC3E8762AF2DCE8AB3CA7BAB7C138L.
5. Фізична культура. URL:
6. Фізична культура в житті студента. URL:
7. Фізична культура в основний період трудової діяльності. URL:
8. Трудове виховання в розвитку особистості школяра. URL:
1. Profesiino-prykladna fizychna pidhotovka [Professional and applied physical training]. URL: [in Ukr.].
2. Profesiina pidhotovka: fizychne vykhovannia [Vocational training: physical education]. URL: [in Ukr.].
3. Borysiuk, O. Profesiino-prykladna fizychna pidhotovka studentiv zakladiv vyshchoi osvity [Professional and applied physical training of students of higher education institutions]. URL: [in Ukr.].
4. Profesiino-prykladna fizychna pidhotovka studentiv [Professional and applied physical training of students]. URL:
5. Pylypei_Fizychna_pidhotovka.pdf;jsessionid=ECAC3E8762AF2DCE8AB3CA7BAB7C1381. [in Ukr.].
6. Fizychna kultura [Physical Education]. URL: article/373/fizichna-kultura. [in Ukr.].
7. Fizychna kultura v zhytti studenta [Physical culture in the student's life]. URL : [in Ukr.].
8. Fizychna kultura v osnovnyi period trudovoi diialnosti [Physical culture in the main period of employment]. URL : [in Ukr.].
9. Trudove vykhovannia v rozvytku osobystosti shkoliara [Labor education in the development of the student's personality]. URL: [in Ukr.].
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