Sports philosophy and motor activity development and own body as human health basis

The conceptualize the sport development of philosophy and physical activity with one’s own body as the human health basis. With regular exercise, the brain adapts, new receptors are formed, a person begins to feel joy and pleasure from movement.

Рубрика Спорт и туризм
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Дата добавления 26.01.2023
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Sports philosophy and motor activity development and own body as human health basis

Vlada Bilohur

Olena Sukhanova

Ganna Kotova


The relevance of sport includes all physical activity forms, in the context of which the self research and improving physical and mental health, aimed at curbing deep natural instincts. To do this, you should play sports and develop all physical activity kinds. Exercise should be treated in a way that makes it fun, social, emotionally appropriate, and enjoyable. In this paper we rely on the work of Daniel Lieberman “Physical (in) activity: what really makes us healthy? (Kyiv : Laboratory, 2021.432 p.), that revealed the sport problems, physical activity, human development, formed the concept that exercise makes a person healthier and more effective. Movement for the sake of movement is a modern phenomenon life, where physical activity is a prerequisite for personal development, which is important for health and longevity. The purpose of the article is to conceptualize the sport development of philosophy and physical activity with one's own body as the human health basis. The energy spent on sports is the energy spent on human reproduction and recovery. In his work, Lieberman examines physical activity from an anthropological point of view, drawing conclusions based on data from excavations, as well as research on the few hunter-gatherer tribes that remain on our planet. A common priority for a person should be to find new strategies, encourage and promote exercise so that a person can fully develop and realize himself. With regular exercise, the brain adapts, new receptors are formed, a person begins to feel joy and pleasure from movement. The result of the research. 1. The essence of the energy phenomenon expended on sports, which is equal to the energy expended on human reproduction, is revealed. 2. Carry out sport conceptual analysis as effective, fun and enjoyable. 3. Physical activity phenomenon as an advantage for maintaining human health has been studied. 4. Physical activity levels and conditions for increasing its efficiency and effectiveness are identified. 5. The sports concept as physical activity and human health is substantiated. Experts on this issue recommend physical activity, because physical activity has become a concept that our body needs, because it keeps us in shape, burns calories and makes us healthier. It is concluded that regular physical activity promotes the production of the brain a whole cocktail of cations that improve well-being and mood, the production of such substances that allow you to feel elated and satisfied after sports.

Keywords: sport, sports and motor activity, own physicality, human health, Daniel Lieberman.



БІЛОГУР В.Є. - доктор філософських наук, професор кафедри теорії і методики фізичного виховання і спортивних дисциплін, Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Змельтницького

КОТОВА О.В. - кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри теоріі методики фізичного виховання і спортивних дисциплин, Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького

СУХАНОВА Г.П. - старший викладач кафедри теорії методики фізичного виховання і спортивних дисциплин, Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького

Актуальність спорту включає всі форми фізичної активності, у контексті яких досліджується власна та вдосконалення фізичного та психічного здоров'я, націлених на приборкання глибинних природних інстинктів. Для цього слід займатися спортом та розвивати всі види фізичної активності. Слід ставитись до фізичних вправ так, щоб робити їх веселими, соціальними, емоційно доцільними й такими, щоб заняття були радістю, а не повинністю. У роботі ми спираємося на роботу Деніела Лібермана «Фізична (не) активність: що нас правді робить нас здоровими? (Київ : Лабораторія, 2021.432 с.), який розкрив проблеми спорту, фізичної активності людини, її розвитку, сформував концепцію про те, що вправи роблять людину здоровішою та ефективнішою. Рух заради руху - це феномен сучасного життя, де фізична активність є обов'язковою умовою розвитку особистості, яка важлива для здоров'я та довголіття. Мета статті - концептуалізація філософії розвитку спортивно-рухової активності та власної тілесності як основи здоров'я людини. Енергія, витрачена на спорт, це енергія, яка витрачена на репро-дукцію людини, відновлення її здоров'я. У своїй роботі Ліберман розглядає фізичну активність з антропологічного погляду, роблячи висновки на основі даних, отриманих з розкопок, а також у ході досліджень тих небагатьох племен мисливців-збирачів, які залишилися на нашій планеті. Спільним пріоритетом для людини має стати пошук нових стратегій, заохочення та сприяння фізичним вправам, щоб людина могла повноцінно розвиватись та реалізувати себе. При регулярних фізичних навантаженнях мозок адаптується, формуються нові рецептори, людина починає відчувати радість і вдоволення від рухів. Результат дослідження. 1. Розкрито сутність феномен енергії, витраченої на спорт, яка рівняється енергії витраченої на репродукцію людини. 2. Здійсне аналіз концепції спорту як ефективного, веселого і приємного. 3. Досліджено феномен фізичної активності як переваги для під-тримки здоров'я людини. 4. Виявлено рівні фізичної активності та умови підвищення її ефективності та результативності. 5. Обґрунтовано концепцію спорту як фізичної активності та здоров'я людини. Експерти з даного питання рекомендують займатися фізичною активністю, бо фізична активність перетворилася на концепт, який потрібен нашому організму, бо тримає його у тонусі, спалює калорії і робить нас здоровішими. Зроблено висновок, що регулярна фізична активність сприяє виробленню мозком цілого коктейлю емоцій, що покращують самопочуття та настрій, виробленню таких субстанцій, що дозволяють відчувати піднесення та задоволення після виконаної спортивної роботи.

Ключові слова: спорт, спортивно-рухова активність, власна тілесність, здоров'я людини, Деніел Ліберман.

Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks

Sport includes all physical activity forms, in the context of which are explored both their goals of improving physical and mental health, and the suppression of deep natural instincts, for which you should play sports and develop all physical activity types. Sport is meant to play a leading role in promoting an active world, because we will not be in a hurry if we only medicalize. Exercise should be treated in a way that makes it fun, social, emotionally appropriate, and enjoyable. A common priority for a person should be to find new strategies, encourage and promote exercise so that a person can fully develop and realize himself. The massive collective benefits of physical activity are not always obvious, as we currently lack data on whether physical activity has helped protect people from the COVID-19 pandemic. Since everyone knows that exercise in general is healing, this puts our issues of sports development and physical activity and physical fitness as the human health basis among the priority topics of today. The philosophy of using one's own body and one's own body is a priority and extremely useful for every citizen, and for this we must stop treating our body badly, which is the key to our own health. The philosophy of using one's own body is no less useful than the philosophy of living one's own life. We are becoming more vulnerable to many diseases, including chronic diseases that deprive us of our ability to work. Over time, a person loses the vigor, physical and mental support that is inherent in people in good physical shape. Of course, exercise is not a magic pill that guarantees good health and longevity. Experts on this issue recommend physical activity, because physical activity has become a concept that our body needs, because it keeps us in shape, burns calories and makes us healthier (Andryukaitene, Voronkova, Kivlyuk, Romanenko, & Rizhova, 2017).

Recent research and publication analysis, which initiated the solution of this problem and on which the author relies

In our work we rely on the work of Daniel Lieberman “Physical (in) activity: what really makes us healthy? (Kyiv : Laboratory, 2021. p. 432), Which revealed the sport problems, human physical activity, its development, debunked the myths about health and formed the concept that exercise makes a person healthier and more effective. According to him, physical activity is any movement of the body that is carried out by skeletal muscles and requires energy; Exercise is a voluntary physical activity, structured, repeated and performed in order to maintain or improve the health and fitness of the body. D. Lieberman is a professor of evolutionary biology at Harvard University, a researcher running and walking evolution, who loved to run in his spare time, which gave him the opportunity to reveal the sports philosophy and physical activity as the human health basis. D. Lieberman tries to show that for effective sports we need to understand how they affect our body in general, what role speed or endurance plays to win. He proves that we should not strain too much, as minimal loads are enough to support the body. It is very interesting to read that evolutionarily, humanity has reduced physical activity, but there is a somewhat strange substitute for exercise, which he comments on, using a subtle irony about the modern way of life. Exercise is paradoxical, writes Lieberman. It is good for health, it is a medicine, a magic pill, but it is a deviation from the norm, because it is free by nature, and society has turned it into a commodity and a profit source. The modern industrial approach to sports is distorted by misconceptions, exaggerations, erroneous logic, because evolutionary and anthropological views on physical activity are ignored. Inaccurate, contradictory ideas about sports unbalance, sow confusion and skepticism. On the one hand, we are advised to walk 10,000 km a day, avoid sitting and never use the elevator, and on the other hand, we hear that exercise will not help us lose weight. Experts agree that we need to train 150 minutes a week, but we also read that just a few minutes of intense exercise a day is enough to keep us healthy. This book is interesting because it helps people train and be completely healthy. Evolutionary and anthropological views help to better understand the exercise paradox, that exercise is good for our health, because it is natural to do sports, because sports require speed, strength and endurance. The book was published on January 5, 2021 by Pantheon Books. Daniel Lieberman is a prominent figure, professor of anthropology at Harvard University, known for his fascinating books on human evolution. In the new book, Lieberman examines physical activity from an anthropological point of view, drawing conclusions from excavated data, as well as research on the few hunter-gatherer tribes that remain on our planet. One of the Lieberman's research areas is the running evolution. He actively studied the structure of the human foot and received the nickname “Barefoot Professor”. He asks the question: why is it so difficult to force yourself to do sports? Lieberman's book is a real find for anyone who is interested in the human development history and thinks about the challenges that life creates for modern man (Akranglyte, Andryukaitene, & Bilohur, 2019a).

Highlighting previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted

activity body human health

D. Liberman turns to paradoxes. Movement for the sake of movement is a phenomenon of modern life, where physical activity is not a prerequisite for survival, and comfort and convenience have long been a priority. But at the same time we want to lie on a soft sofa or sit in a comfortable chair, eat sweet and fatty foods. Lieberman is an experienced amateur athlete, but even before training he always has to overcome instincts that require him not to exercise, but to stay at home and relax. After training, he is always happy to go in for sports, but from time to time he needs to convince himself that he needs to do sports. And Lieberman is not alone in this. He believes that physical activity is important for health and longevity, but it is very difficult for many to force themselves to go to workouts and not miss them. According to the Harvard professor, the fact is that we really do not consider sports anything necessary or fUn. Lieberman offers ways to outwit yourself and build a lasting motivation to train. If we want to effectively promote exercise, we need to deal with the problem, which sounds like this: voluntary physical activity for health and fitness is a bizarre, modern and optional behavior. Whether we like it or not, the quiet voices in our heads help us avoid physical exertion when it is neither necessary nor fun. So, let's look at these features from an evolutionary-anthropological point of view. Everyone knows that sport is a need, it is useful, you need to do more sports.

The purpose and formation of the article goals

The purpose of the article is to conceptualize the sport development of philosophy and physical activity and one's own body as the human health basis.

Objectives of the research:

1. To reveal the essence ofthe energy phenomenon spent on sports, which is equal to the energy spent on human reproduction.

2. Analyze the sports concept as effective, fun and enjoyable.

3. Investigate the phenomenon of physical activity as a benefit for maintaining human health.

4. Identifylevelsofphysicalactivityandconditions to increase its efficiency and effectiveness.

5. Justify the sports concept as physical activity and human health.

Presentation of the main research material with substantiation of the obtained scientific results

1. Energy phenomenon aimed at human reproduction

D. Liberamn analyzes the contradictions. From the point of scientific view, we are doing ourselves a disservice, because this approach significantly increases the risk of developing various chronic diseases. However, in evolution terms, we are doing ourselves a favor and greatly increasing our reproductive success chances. All of our human nature resists the need to expend precious energy on exercise, because the only thing that makes sense in evolution terms is reproductive success. The energy spent on sports is the energy spent on reproduction. Therefore, despite the fact that sports bring great benefits to the mind and body, they require overcoming the deep natural instinct at all costs to avoid discomfort and calorie expenditure. Our nature requires us to remain calm as soon as possible. However, living in the comfort of today's world with access to food 24/7 and no need for many hours of activity to gather fruit, roots, berries or hunt, and spend most of the time motionless, following this ancient instinct works against us. By indulging our nature in modern life, we increase our chances of rapid physical and mental aging, become more vulnerable to many diseases of civilization - type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, cardiovascular disease and others. In other words, in terms of evolution, we are programmed to maximize energy conservation. As a result of natural selection, the human body has evolved in such a way as to expend a limited amount of energy on non-reproductive functions, including physical activity (Akranglyte, Andryukaitene, & Bilohur, 2019b).

Energy is a limited resource that can be focused on only a few key areas: growth / strengthening, repairing damage and mutations, storing energy on a rainy day, reproduction and physical activity. In terms of evolution, physical activity is the least important factor in explaining our laziness and the need to overcome ourselves to move. Natural selection always hinders behavior that reduces the chances of reproductive success, so laziness is nothing but an ancient instinct. Laziness is normal and natural, and you shouldn't tear your hair if you want to hang out on Facebook instead of tying your sneakers and jogging. In this case, you are trying to overcome millions of years of evolution, so do not be surprised if the force of gravity of the sofa will be stronger. “When I wake up in the morning to go for a run, it is often cold and disgusting outside. And I have no desire to move. You have to literally force yourself out the door. Any form of physical activity, whether it's a simple climb up the stairs, a fitness club, or running training, is perceived by our brain as a loss of precious heavy calories, we need willpower to overcome natural inertia. Fortunately, regular physical activity helps the brain produce a whole cocktail that improves well-being and mood substances - dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, glutamine, GABA, neurotropic factor and others that allow you to feel elated and satisfied after work. Over time, the brain's receptors that respond to the release of these hormones and substances become more receptive, and it becomes easier for us to enjoy movement. If we suddenly for some reason can not go for a run, these receptors, which require their regular dose, make us intolerable to others. However, in people who lead a passive lifestyle, the number of such receptors is limited, so they are not only insensitive to the joy of exercise, but also experience the opposite effect. However, the good news is that with regular exercise, the brain adapts, new receptors are formed, and a person begins to feel joy and pleasure from movement (Bilohur, Andryukaitene. & Makieshyna, 2021).

One of the key theses of the book is that a priori man was not born to run, but evolved towards physical activity due to the simple need to survive. The main form of movement was walking, followed by slow and long running. And that's not all: the human heart pumps 4-6 liters of blood per minute, while the amount of pumping in the runner increases 5 times! During the run, the heart pumps an average of 20-24 liters of blood per minute, and the heart of a professional athlete is able to pump all 35 l / min. Also, the heart of horses, humans and other animals adapted to running has voluminous and elastic ventricles, which are significantly different from the smaller, thick-walled and rigid heart muscles in monkeys. This anatomical adaptation allows a person to effectively pump large volumes of blood with each stroke. Two million years ago, our ancestors anatomically adapted to long-distance running in hot climates, enabling them to hunt successfully, greatly increasing access to high-calorie foods long before the invention of bows, arrows and other longdistance hunting devices. Lieberman gives detailed advice on how to meet the challenges of modern life and the role of physical activity in this process. Exercise can give more pleasure and fun, but we will not deceive ourselves and others. Despite all our efforts to make exercise more enjoyable, the prospect of such activities usually seems less desirable and less comfortable than sitting still, - writes Harvard Professor of Life Sciences Daniel Lieberman in his book “Physical (in) activity”. In conclusion, I need to play sports to increase the likelihood of a healthier, happier, longer life with less disability. But there are many good reasons why I should not practice. In fact, it is obvious that you can lead a fairly healthy lifestyle without exercise. Of course, lack of physical activity increases the chances of having heart disease, diabetes and other diseases, but most of these diseases usually do not develop until middle age, then they are often to some extent treatable. Although more than 50 percent of Americans rarely play sports or never do sports, the average life expectancy in the country is about 80 years (Bilohur, & Andryukaitene, 2020b).

2. The sports concept as effective, fun and enjoyable

Exercise is not only not essential in nature. The modern mechanized world has eliminated other previously necessary physical activity forms that do not belong to the exercise category. I can easily live day by day without ever feeling a fast heartbeat or sweating. I can go to work by car, take the elevator above my office, spend the day in a chair, and then go home. I regularly do household chores that used to be so time consuming: extracting water and food, cooking dinner and doing laundry - almost effortlessly. Often all you have to do is press a button or turn on the tap. I can even buy a robot to vacuum my floor. Exercise is not only not needed. They steal our precious time, which we could devote to other, higher-priority activities. I'm lucky to be close to work, and the schedule is flexible, so I can almost always find time to run or drop by home to walk the dog. However, many of my friends travel long distances, their sedentary office work is fixed and lasts for hours, and they have other time-consuming responsibilities, including caring for children and the elderly. Paradoxically, for the first time in history, richer people have more physical activity than the poor. When free time is short, additional loads such as exercise are transferred to the weekend, and then due to fatigue that has accumulated over the week, it can be difficult to gather strength and play sports. When people ask what prevents them from playing sports, the lack of time is almost always called the main obstacle (Voronkova, Cherep, Nikitenko, & Andryukaitene, 2019).

And here's the fun on stage. Lack of time can be stressful, but even the most anxious people I know manage to find time for what they like or find useful: watching TV, surfing the Internet, or gossiping. I suspect that millions of non-athletes would be able to put exercise at the top of their list of priorities if they found it more enjoyable. But their exercises are often burdensome both emotionally and physically. These negative reactions are probably an ancient adaptation. Like most organisms, we have been selected to enjoy sex, nutrition, and other behaviors that are beneficial to our reproductive success, and to dislike behaviors such as fasting that do not help our health. If our Stone Age ancestors found some physical activity unpleasant, such as the optional eight-kilometer run, they would not waste valuable energy that could be used for something else (Bilohur, 2018).

How to accustom yourself to training? How to make sports more fun and enjoyable and this shows an important morality about why we play sports. Because exercise is by definition not required, we mostly do it for emotional or physical rewards. Exercise-like physical activity is no exception. When we struggle with fatigue or lack of skills, we encourage and help each other. When we succeed, we praise each other. And when we think about giving up, being in a group can hold us back. My hardest workouts were always in groups, and I often came for jogging or training just because I had arranged a meeting with a friend. Of course, the exercises are pleasant and without communication. Walking alone or running can be meditative, and training on podcasts or watching TV in the gym (clearly a modern phenomenon) helps to distract. But for most people, playing sports with others is more enjoyable emotionally. Exercise can also give us a good feeling, which brings us pleasure. After a good workout, I feel aggravated feelings, euphoria, calm and no pain, as our brain produces a large cocktail of pharmaceuticals that change mood in response to physical activity. The four most important endogenous drugs are dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and endocannabinoids, but the classic mistake of evolutionary design is that they are mostly rewarded by people who are already physically active. So what should we do - as a society in general and as individuals in particular? How to make exercises more fun and useful, especially if we are not in shape? (Voronkova, Olexenko, & Fursin, 2021).

First of all, let's stop pretending that exercise is definitely fun, especially for those who are not used to sports. If you fit this description, start by choosing the exercises that you like the most or don't like the least. It is also important to think of something to occupy your mind in the classroom - it may be other things that impress you. This way of distraction, at least, will help make the exercise less unpleasant. Slowly and gradually, the exercise change sensations: from a negative feedback cycle, when discomfort and reward lack prevent us from practicing again, to a positive cycle, when exercise is already fun.

Still, there are a few clear exceptions to the principle of not forcing anyone to exercise. One exception is people whose professions require a certain level of training. For example, soldiers obviously have to train to be strong and prepared for battle. When soldiers volunteer for military service, they know that combat training instructors will shout at them, demanding mandatory push-ups, squats and pull-ups, and running in a circle at a recruiting training camp. Failure to exercise leads to punishment. Another important exception is children, whom we often force to exercise because it is good for them. Because experts agree that children need at least one hour of exercise a day, from moderate to vigorous, almost every country in the world has compulsory physical education classes in schools. So why is it possible to force children to exercise for their benefit, and it is unacceptable to force adults like me who are not soldiers or firefighters? (Lieberman, 2021).

Despite all the practical benefits, I am against the introduction of mandatory exercise, because adults have the right to make decisions that are harmful to their health. The dilemma is that most people who try unsuccessfully actually want to do it. Instead of being disgraced and accused of inactivity, we deserve sympathy and help to make exercise more necessary. The most acceptable way to do this is to be able to force yourself with the help of coordinated impulses and impulses. Impulses affect our behavior without the use of force, without restricting choices and changing economic incentives. It is expected that many people who are considering exercise are encouraged to try a variety of sports (Bilohur, 2019).

3. Physical activity as an advantage to maintain human health

Physical activity has significant benefits for maintaining the health of the heart, brain andthewholehumanbody,contributestotheprevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes; reduces depression and anxiety symptoms; improves thinking, learning and critical appraisal skills; promotes healthy growth and development of young people and increases the overall well-being level. Physical activity in one in four adults in the world does not meet internationally recommended physical activity levels. Up to 5 million deaths a year could be prevented if the world's population were more physically active. People who are not physically active are 20 % -30 % more at risk of death than those who spend enough time on physical activity. More than 80 % of adolescents worldwide experience a lack of physical activity (Bilohur, & Andryukaitene, 2020a).

According to the WHO, physical activity is any movement of the body produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy. The term “physical activity” refers to any type of movement, including leisure; travel to and from any place, or work. Improving health is facilitated by both moderate and intense physical activity. Popular physical activity types include walking, cycling, rollerblading, sports, recreation and games, for which any level of skill is suitable and which brings pleasure to all. Regular physical activity has been shown to help prevent and treat non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some cancers. It also helps prevent hypertension, maintain a normal body weight and can improve mental health, improve quality of life and well-being. Detailed information for different age groups and specific populations on what levels of physical activity are necessary to maintain good health is provided in the WHO guidelines and recommendations.

Who recommends: engaging in a variety of physical activities several times a day, including playing on the floor with an adult; the more the better. If the child is not yet able to move independently, it is recommended to spend at least 30 minutes a day in a supine position (at different times of the day while awake); do not stay in conditions of limited mobility for more than one hour in a row (for example, in cradles / strollers, child seats or carrycots and ergo backpacks) (Jaruseviciene, 2019).

Spending time in front of the screen is not recommended: during periods of limited mobility, the child is recommended to communicate with an adult, for example, in the form of reading fairy tales and stories; and have 14-17 hours (aged 0 to 3 months) or 12-16 hours (aged 4 to 11 months) of quality healthy sleep, including daytime sleep. During the day, children aged 1-2 years are recommended: a total of at least 180 minutes a day to engage in various physical any intensity activity types, including physical moderate activity and high intensity; the more the better; do not stay in restricted mobility for more than one hour in a row (for example, in cradles / strollers, high chairs or carrycots and ergo backpacks) and do not stay in a sitting position for long periods of time (Melnik, 2019).

Children and adolescents aged 5-17 years are recommended to: devote at least 60 minutes of physical activity of medium and high intensity throughout the week, mainly with aerobic exercise; devote at least 3 times a week to high-intensity aerobic physical activity, as well as those types that strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Adults aged 18-64 are recommended to: devote at least 150-300 minutes a week to moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity; or high-intensity aerobic physical activity of at least 75-150 minutes per week; or devote time to a similar combination of physical activity of medium and high intensity during the week; twice a week or more often to spend time on physical activity of medium or high intensity, aimed at developing muscle strength of all major muscle groups, as it brings additional health benefits; you can increase the time spent on aerobic physical activity of moderate intensity to more than 300 minutes; devote more than 150 minutes a week to high-intensity aerobic physical activity; to spend time on a similar combination of physical activity of medium and high intensity during the week, as it brings additional health benefits. Replacing sitting or lying down with physical activity of any intensity (including low intensity) is good for health; To reduce the detrimental health effects of a largely sedentary lifestyle, all adults and the elderly should strive to exceed the recommended levels of medium and high intensity physical activity (Nesterenko, & Oleksenko, 2020).

Adults over the age of 65 are more recommended: as part of their weekly physical activity, older people are recommended to spend a variety of multicomponent physical activities 3 times a week or more, focusing on functional balance training and strength training of moderate and greater intensity. in order to increase functionality and prevent falls. Regular physical activity, such as walking, cycling, roller skating, sports or active recreation, has significant health benefits. Any physical activity is better than no physical activity at all. By maintaining a higher level of activity during the day through relatively simple methods, people can easily reach the recommended levels of activity.

Insufficient level of physical activity is one of the main risk factors for death from non-communicable diseases. People who are not physically active are 20 % -30 % more at risk of death than those who spend enough time on physical activity. Regular physical activity can: improve the condition of the muscular and cardiorespiratory systems; improve the condition of the skeletal system and functional health; reduce the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, various cancers (including breast and colon cancer), and depression; reduce the risk of falls, as well as fractures of the femoral neck and spine; help maintain a normal body weight. Physical activity helps children and adolescents to improve: physical condition (condition of the cardiorespiratory and muscular system); cardiometabolic health status (blood pressure, dyslipidemia, glucose and insulin resistance); condition of the skeletal system; cognitive indicators (academic performance, ability to purposeful activity); mental health (reduction of depressive symptoms); indicators of obesity reduction. Increasing the level of physical activity in adults and the elderly reduces: mortality from all causes; mortality from cardiovascular diseases; incidence of hypertension; incidence of cancer, incidence of type 2 diabetes; improves mental health (reduces symptoms of depression); improves cognitive health; sleep; can also increase the effectiveness of measures to reduce obesity (Nikitenko, Andryukaitene, & Punchenko, 2019).

4. Levels of physical activity and conditions for increasing its efficiency and effectiveness.

More than a quarter of the world's adult population (1.4 billion adults) is not physically active enough. Worldwide, about one in three women and one in four men do not have enough physical activity to stay healthy. Insufficient physical activity rates in high- income countries are twice as high as in low-income countries. Since 2001, physical activity levels around the world have not increased. In the period from 2001 to 2016, in high-income countries, the prevalence of insufficient physical activity increased by 5 % (from 31.6 % to 36.8 %). Increasing levels of physical inadequacy have a negative impact on health systems, the environment, economic development, well-being and the quality of life of communities. Worldwide, in 2016, 28 % of adults aged 18 and older were not sufficiently physically active (23 % of men and 32 % of women). This means non-compliance with global guidelines for moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 150 minutes or high-intensity physical activity for at least 75 minutes per week. In high-income countries, 26 % of men and 35 % of women were insufficiently physically active, compared with 12 % of men and 24 % of women in low-income countries (Nikitenko, 2019). Decreased levels of physical activity are partly related to passivity during leisure and sedentary lifestyle at work and at home. Similarly, the increasing use of “passive” modes of transport also contributes to insufficient physical activity. Worldwide, in 2016, 81 % of adolescents aged 11-17 were not physically active enough. Adolescent girls were less active than adolescent boys, with 85 % of girls and 78 % of boys in this category not following WHO guidelines for at least 60 minutes of moderate to high-intensity physical activity. To increase physical activity, countries and communities need to take steps to provide everyone with more opportunities for an active lifestyle. This requires, both at the national and local levels, in a variety of sectors and disciplines, collective efforts are needed to implement policies and solutions that take into account national cultural and social conditions and are aimed at promoting, stimulating and encouraging physical activity (Nikitenko, 2020). Policy measures to increase levels of physical activity include: providing the entire population with opportunities for walking, cycling, using various types of active non-motorized transport and ensuring general safety; conducting a policy in the field of labor and employment, which encourages travel to work on active transport and the use of opportunities to increase physical activity during the working day; creation of comfortable and safe playgrounds and premises in kindergartens, schools and higher educational institutions, where children, pupils and students could actively spend their free time; organization of quality physical education in primary and secondary schools, which helps children to develop patterns of behavior that will keep them physically active throughout life; providing opportunities for all ages with any level of physical fitness to participate in school sports programs; creation of sports and recreational facilities, where everyone could do different sports, dance, exercise and recreation; providing counseling and support to patients in order to ensure their regular physical activity (Ryzhova, 2010).

In 2018, WHO launched a new Global Plan of Action to Increase Physical Activity for 2018-2030, which sets out four strategic objectives and 20 specific recommended policy actions to enable Member States, international partners and WHO to improve their activities. physical activity around the world. The Global Plan of Action calls on countries, cities and communities to respond at the level of the whole system, with the participation of all sectors and stakeholders at the global, regional and local levels, to ensure safe and favorable conditions and enhance assistance population of countries in increasing their level of physical activity. In 2018, the World Health Assembly declared the reduction of the level of insufficient physical activity by 10 % by 2030 and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals as one of the global goals. The commitments made by world leaders to develop ambitious national action plans aimed at achieving the CSB open up opportunities for reorientation and renewal of activities to increase levels of physical activity. The ACTIVE Toolkit, prepared by WHO in 2019, contains detailed technical guidance on where to start and how to implement the recommended actions set out in the Global Plan of Action (Skirmantas, & Svagzdiene, 2020).

5. Concepts of sport as physical activity and human health

The concepts of sport as a physical activity and the human health basis should occupy a certain place, position and have a justification as a program and action plan, which reveals the goals, content and methods of physical education. They were recognized among subject specialists and disseminated in practice, for the implementation of conditions and sports facilities; are common in nature and are available to all physical education institutions, not just specific schools or age groups. The concept, called “sports program” as the main idea sees the education of coordination skills, as well as preparing students to participate in extracurricular sports activities. According to the authors of the concept, physical education should prepare students to engage in sports throughout life. The starting point here are advances in science, optimization of motor activity, quantitative achievements (results) of students. It is recommended to emphasize the management of sports interests of those who play sports. As a rule, the “canon of traditional sports disciplines”, which have become typical for children, teenagers, young people and adults in sports clubs, is recommended as the content of lessons. These are such disciplines as athletics, gymnastics, swimming, dancing, team sports (football, handball, basketball and volleyball). The focus is on the transfer of knowledge to students and the formation of sports skills in the form of traditional methods and forms of learning. The teacher builds the lesson so as to make the most of the time allotted for the development of this sport, and the student himself is perceived as an object of research. In this case, the school assumes the role of a sports club, while performing social functions inherent in the media, family, peer groups, but it does not implement any specific task. At the same time, sport in it as a positive element of social education, as a valuable pedagogical tool (Svagzdiene, & Pupkis, 2020).

The concept of “ability to act”. In the first place there is a sense according to which motor activity is seen as enjoyment of classes. Students are offered a huge range of sports that differ from the traditional system. In the concept of “ability to act” the student should not so much master motor activity, but first of all to understand the content of motor actions. In the framework of the methodology of learning motor skills and improving motor skills, the task of developing the ability to act in different situations and improve mental processes is additionally set. According to the authors of this concept, students will understand and engage in sports when they know (competently) learn to use the recommendations or when they understand the significance of physical education, its various pedagogical purposes. In this concept, sport remains the starting point and reference, but only as long as it contributes to the pedagogical process of physical education, which offers a choice of various physical activity forms. The main elements of the concept are the function of integration between physical education and sports (Lekavicius, 2020).

The concept of “bodily experience” aims to ensure that students acquire knowledge and skills about their own body, as well as learn to manage their own body, which is seen as an object of connection with the outside world. The main tools here are all sorts of movements and exercises. The student is required mainly to acquire the competence to possess a variety of movements, the formation of individual motor profile, the acquisition of the ability to own their own body. Examples are all kinds of games, exercises with the “body”, exercises for relaxation. As part of traditional athletics, swimming, winter sports or judo classes, a number of situations can be created to better understand and influence one's own body (Sarunas, 2019).

The methodology and organization of classes presented in the concept of “physical experience” is very different from previous concepts. It does not have strictly defined tasks for the formation of skills, education of physical abilities or justification of the meaning of motor activity. In practice, lessons are held as introducing students to open situations where they need to know their capabilities.

Today, kinesiology is developing as a scientific and educational discipline, as well as therapeutic practice (appliedkinesiology), which emerged relatively recently at the intersection of sports medicine, physiology, morphology, biomechanics, bioergonomics, theory of sports training and physical fitness. There are different views on the definition of kinesiology as a science:

1) the science of movement, including biomechanics, anatomical and physiological foundations ofmovement, features ofneuromuscular transmission, the principles of the main types of muscular activity;

2) science that organically integrates into one whole biomechanics, pedagogy, psychology, sections of other sciences, which in one way or another help the formation and solution, analysis, cognition, design and planning of motor tasks;

3) as an integrative branch of scientific knowledge about human motor activity, which provides its morphological, functional, biomechanical systems and methods of their development and improvement;

4) studies in a complex, systemic unity the various components of the integral information and biophysical structure of motor function, which is one of the most important functions of the body (Cherep, Voronkova, Muts, & Fursin, 2019).

Thus, in the process of evolution, the human body as an open but relatively separate biological system has acquired the ability to actively move through efficient mechanisms of energy exchange, matter and information with the environment. The nature and organization patterns of these movements largely determine those manifestations of the vital activity of his body, which are united under the general concept of “human motor functi on”. The state of motor function reflects the particular biological system ability to capture, accumulate and convert various energy types, matter and information. This ability can be measured and studied by objective research of mechanical movements and other physical manifestations of the biological system of the organism. Kinesiology is a synthetic science that combines in a systemic unity such sciences as morphology, physiology, biomechanics, biochemistry, somatomotor skills and didactics, the main subject of which is the motor function of the human body. Currently, the following main areas ofkinesiology are being developed: applied, ontokinesiology, sports, educational, pedagogical kinesiology (Cherep, Voronkova, Andriukaitiene, & Nikitenko, 2020).

Conclusion of the research and prospects for further exploration in this direction

Physical education within the analyzed concepts should oppose sport, its values and shortcomings. Physical education classes should take place in a calm atmosphere, with an emphasis on health, do not claim to perfection and consistency, should be aimed at gaining experience of owning (experimenting) your body. The main idea is that with the help of motor activity it is possible to form not only motility, but also the “sensory- intellectual sphere” of the individual, in particular to develop concepts such as load, health, stress, perception of movement, the ability to express themselves movement and others. As “ability to act” include a variety of motor actions that affect their sensory-motor sphere, corresponding to their capabilities and interests, can enrich their lives. The “ability to act”concept, in addition to sensory-motor and intellectual spheres, also covers the public. According to this concept, physical education must be adapted to expectations and motives and have an impact on physical development (anthropological significance) of the individual. Experts on this issue recommend physical activity, because physical activity has become a concept that our body needs, because it keeps us in shape, burns calories and makes us healthier. It is concluded that regular physical activity helps brain to produce a whole cocktail of emotions that improve well-being and mood, the substance production that allow you to feel elated and satisfied after sport, helps to restore the human body and health.

Список використаних джерел

Андрюкайтене Регіна, Воронкова Валентина, Кивлюк Ольга, Романенко Тетяна, & Рижова Ірина. Концептуализация smart-общества и smart-технологий в контексте развития современной цивилизации. Mokslas ir praktika: aktualijos ir perspektyvos. 2017. P 11-12.

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Bilohur, V, & Andryukaitene R. Sports culture as a means of improving the integrity of sports personality: philosophicalcultural and anthropological analysis. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2020. 6 (83). С. 136-152.

Bilohur V., & Andryukaitene R. Theoretical methodological sports reflection as a human dimension area of sports activity and possibilities of its humanization in the society. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2020. Вип. 5(82). С. 132-146.

Bilohur V Concept formation of innovative sports management in Ukraine. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ,

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Lekavicius, Tomas. Management of human resources in a sports organisation from the point of view of employees. (Управління людськими ресурсами в спортивній організації з точки зору співробітників). Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ 2020. Вип. 5(82). С. 147-159.

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Voronkova Valentyna, Cherep Alla, Nikitenko Vitalina, & Andriukaitiene, Regina. Conceptualization of digital reality expertise in conditions of stochaic insurance: nonlinear methodology. Humanities studies. 2019. Випуск 2(79). С. 182-195.

Voronkova, Valentyna, Olexenko Roman, & Fursin Olexandr. Formation of the concept of the socially responsible state as a factor of increasing the public governance and administration efficiency. Humanities studies. 2021. Випуск 7(84). С. 113-122.

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Nesterenko Olena, & Oleksenko Roman. Social philosophical reflection of the individual legal education philosophy as the basis for the democratic society functioning. Humanities studies. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2020. Вип. 4(81). С. 165-181.

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