Transformation of cruise tourism management in Ukraine
A study of the transformation of cruise tourism management in Ukraine, the peculiarities of its development at a certain historical stage. Assessment of the internal potential of cruise tourism, its development in the conditions of turbulent modernity.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 472,4 K |
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Transformation of cruise tourism management in Ukraine
Iryna Antonenko, Nataliia Opanasiuk,
Iryna Melnyk, Nataliia Rekun
The transformation of cruise tourism management in Ukraine and peculiarities of its development at certain historical stages, which allows estimating the internal potential of cruise tourism, problems and development prospects in a turbulent modern age is considered in the article. The main goal is to conceptualize developments in the field of management and history of cruise tourism, as well as generalize leading practices on this issue to form a modern model of cruise tourism management in Ukraine. After all, in the context of globalization, the issue of considering the evolution of industries, sectors of the economy, as well as determining the segments of their active growth and development trends in general remains relevant. Systematization of literary sources and experts' points of views has shown that the scientific discourse is fragmented and briefly touches upon the research on the features and problems of cruise tourism in Ukraine from the standpoint of transforming approaches to its management. The urgency of the study is due to the fact that currently there is no thorough analysis of the history of cruise tourism in Ukraine in general and retrospectives of its management in particular. After all, the formation of the industry occurs at the intersection of different areas as a result of management decisions that accumulate the potential for diffusion of innovations and aimed at forming new value chains, creating latent demand in the existing system of government, i.e. taking into account current and strategic risks. The methodological basis of the study consists of management, tourism and economic theories, which tools are able to form a theoretical and methodological basis for determining the directions of transformation of cruise tourism management in Ukraine. The object of research is the process of conducting a detailed analysis of the historical background and patterns of transformation of cruise tourism management in our country. With this in mind, the advantages and disadvantages of cruise tourism management at different stages of its development are identified. It is found out that the management of cruise tourism at the present stage is inefficient, and the restoration of its development to the level of the 1990s requires state support in terms of the relevant infrastructure and restrictions on the operation of passenger ships that do not meet environmental standards in accordance with the concept of sustainable development. Emphasis is also made on the importance of supply differentiation in cruise tourism as an effective management model of its development. It is not unreasonable to say that the potential of cruise tourism has not yet been fully explored, thus, effective measures should be taken to support and promote this type of recreation given the experience of world leaders in tourism, who actively develop water transport through science and technology. The study highlights the historical transformation of cruise companies' offerings and predicts that due to innovative solutions to ensure their competitiveness, domestic cruise companies will be able not only to develop this type of tourism, but also to maintain their market share in a changing environment. The study confirms and theoretically proves that historical changes in the development of the tourist cruise market determine the need to monitor its subjects and the level of their innovation. The analysis shows that the consolidation of the global cruise market increases security guarantees for tourists and their awareness under the conditions of the current turbulent age, reduces the risk of the cruise product, ensuring its quality standardization of social responsibility, continuous development and service improvement. The historical angle for the research of subjects of domestic cruise tourism gives the chance to define development prospects of a cruise tourist product which should be formed on the basis of both world technological innovations and independent innovative search. The praxeological results of this study should intensify the introduction of modern balanced approaches to the development of cruise tourism and its product into the service market, taking into account leading international practices.
Keywords: transformation of management, cruise tourism, water transport, cruise travel, cruise company.
Ірина Антоненко
Національний університет харчових технологій
Наталія Опанасюк
Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України
Ірина Мельник
Національний університет харчових технологій
Наталія Рекун
Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України
Трансформація управління круїзним туризмом в Україні
cruise tourism management
Досліджується трансформація менеджменту круїзного туризму в Україні, особливості його розвитку на певному історичному етапі, що дозволяє оцінити внутрішній потенціал круїзного туризму, проблеми та перспективи його розбудови в умовах турбулентної сучасності. Основною метою є концептуалізація напрацювань у сфері менеджменту та історії розвитку круїзного туризму, а також узагальнення провідних практик з цієї проблематики для формування сучасної моделі управління круїзним туризмом в Україні, адже в умовах глобалізації актуальним залишається питання розгляду еволюції розвитку галузей, секторів економіки країни, а також визначення сегментів їх активного зростання й трендів розвитку в цілому. Систематизація літературних джерел і поглядів до вирішення означеної проблематики свідчить, що науковий дискурс фрагментарно й побіжно торкався сфери ґрунтовних досліджень щодо особливостей і проблем розвитку круїзного туризму в Україні з позиції трансформації підходів до його управління. Актуальність дослідження зумовлена й тим, що нині відсутній ґрунтовний аналіз як історії розвитку круїзного туризму України в цілому, так і ретроспективи його управління зокрема, адже становлення галузі відбувається на перетині різних сфер у результаті реалізації управлінських рішень, що акумулюють потенціал дифузії новацій і спрямовані на формування нових ланцюгів цінностей, створення латентного попиту в умовах наявної системи державного управління, тобто з урахуванням поточних і стратегічних ризиків. Методологічне підґрунтя дослідження складають управлінські, туризмознавчі та економічні теорії, інструментарій яких спроможний сформувати теоретико-методологічне підґрунтя для визначення напрямів трансформації управління круїзним туризмом в Україні. Об'єктом дослідження є процес проведення детального аналізу історичних передумов та закономірностей трансформації управління круїзним туризмом у нашій державі. Зважаючи на це, визначено переваги та недоліки управління круїзним туризмом на різних етапах його розвитку. З'ясовано, що управління круїзним туризмом на сучасному етапі є малоефективним, а відновлення його розвитку до рівня 90-хроків ХХ ст. потребує державної підтримки відповідної інфраструктури, обмежень щодо роботи пасажирських суден, які не відповідають екологічним стандартам відповідно до концепції сталого розвитку. Акцентовано також увагу на важливості диференціації пропозиції в круїзному туризмі як ефективної управлінської моделі його розвитку. Зокрема, не безпідставно стверджується, що потенційні можливості круїзного туризму ще не повністю освоєно, дієвими повинні бути заходи щодо підтримки й популяризації цього виду відпочинку, зважаючи на досвід світових лідерів туристичного бізнесу, які активно розвивають водний транспорт за допомогою досягнень науки й техніки. За результатами дослідження виокремлено історичну трансформацію пропозицій круїзних компаній та спрогнозовано, що завдяки інноваційності рішень щодо забезпечення їх конкурентоспроможності, вітчизняні круїзні компанії матимуть змогу не тільки розвивати цей вид туризму, а й зберегти власну частку ринку в мінливому середовищі. Дослідження підтверджує й теоретично доводить, що історичні зміни в розвитку туристичного круїзного ринку визначають необхідність моніторингу його суб'єктів та рівня їхньої інноваційності. За результатами аналізу встановлено, що процеси консолідації світового круїзного ринку підвищують гарантії безпеки для туристів, особливо в нинішніх умовах турбулентності, розширюють їхню інформованість, знижують ризиковість круїзного продукту, забезпечуючи його якісну стандартизацію щодо соціально-екологічної відповідальності, безперервний розвиток та удосконалення сервісу. Такий історичний зріз дослідження суб'єктів вітчизняного круїзного туризму дає можливість також визначити перспективність розвитку круїзного туристичного продукту, що повинен формуватися на основі світових технологічних інновацій і самостійного пошуку нововведень. Праксеологічні результати цього дослідження мають сприяти інтенсифікації впровадження сучасних і збалансованих підходів у розвиток круїзного туризму та його продукту на ринку послуг з урахуванням провідних міжнародних практик.
Ключові слова: трансформація управління, круїзний туризм, водний транспорт, круїзна подорож, круїзна компанія.
In the context of globalization, the issue of studying the evolution of industries, sectors of the country's economy and identifying segments of its active growth remains relevant. The formation process frequently occurs at the intersection of different spheres as a result of implementation of management decisions that accumulate the potential for diffusion of innovations aimed at forming new value chains, creating latent demand in the conditions of the existing public administration system, taking into account current and strategic risks. Moreover, through the integration of resources of different industries, there is awareness of the need to preserve authentic processes, and in tourism particularly this is determined by the protection of historical and cultural heritage, customs and traditions, and so on.
Peculiarities of cruise tourism development and its role in the formation of tourist flows to the region or country are studied by foreign scientists on the example of practical cases. J. G. Brida and S. Zapata substantiate the significant impact of cruise tourism on the economy, socio-cultural and environmental situation of the Caribbean, in particular, by exploring the potential of cruise companies in the region, analyzing the performance of local businesses through cruise tourism [1]. J. I. Castillo-Manzano, X. Fageda, F. Gonzalez-Laxe identify key determinants of cruise traffic development in Spain, including the capacity of the country's passenger port system, its location in attractive tourist areas with developed transport infrastructure [2]. H. Wang, J. Shi, J. Mei study the state of development of the global cruise industry and assess the potential of the cruise market in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly in China [3].
In its strategic development programmes of 2010, 2016, 2020, the UNWTO recognizes the dynamism of cruise tourism, studies its phenomenon and emphasizes the importance of the cruise sector for the global economy, which in «pre-COVID» times provided 1.2 mln jobs and annually brought in $150 bln in the world economy [4; 5; 6].
The formation of the national tourism system of Ukraine was studied by the scholars A. Mazaraki, M. Boiko, M. Bosovska, N. Vedmid, A. Okhrimenko [7] who were emphasizing the role of centralized management in the development of tourism and establishment of sustainable ties at the times of the USSR, as well as pointing to the peculiarities of forming the modern market under the conditions of public-private management. In 1919--1991 public policy was determined by the centralized allocation of resources for infrastructure development in proportion to the directions of activity and the formation of responsibility centres for types of tourism, market segments, and, if necessary, regions; the profitability and payback of the projects were ensured by the planned distribution of tourist vouchers; the purpose of the planned regulation was to reduce the level of the deficit by expanding the market offer to different groups of consumers. In 1991--2018 the private sector began to formulate the proposal on its own assessing the popularity of holiday destinations and the level of financial solvency, as well as considering the level of operating costs. As a result, the number of tours and itineraries has increased, and the opportunity to choose the best option for individual tailor- made travel has emerged, though mostly due to the offers in the outbound tourism market.
The research on the state of development of cruise tourism in Ukraine in the context of its types (sea cruise tourism and river cruise tourism) and the volume of its flows was conducted by N. Andreieva, O. Milashovska, S. Nezdoyminov [8; 9; 10], but the issue of management transformation has not been investigated.
We are convinced that the evaluation of the features of the cruise tourism development in Ukraine from the point of view of transformation of approaches to the cruise product management will allow us to reveal the internal potential of the sector and directions for its further deployment.
The transformation of the world tourism market took place in the last century due to scientific and technological progress and is undoubtedly its result, while the amendments in labour legislation created conditions for active assistance of employers in organizing travel. Mass tourism market was characterized by the development of destinations with attractions for health improvement and cultural education, but the widespread use of technological solutions in transport, hotel business, telecommunications, etc. made tourist travel in the XXI century an integral part of society's life. One of the examples of how to realize the potential of various sectors of the economy, as well as integration processes of transport, water and tourism policies is the development of cruise tourism, the demand for which remains steady in the world market despite the financial crisis.
The main purpose of the study is to conceptualize current developments in the field of management and history of cruise tourism, as well as to generalize leading practices on this issue to form a modern model of cruise tourism management in Ukraine.
The methodological basis of the study is management, tourism and economic theories, the tools of which are able to form a theoretical and methodological basis for determining the directions of transformation of cruise tourism management in Ukraine. Using the general scientific method of synthesis there have been analysed the results of research of domestic and foreign scientists on the development of cruise tourism, the transformation of its management at different historical stages, as well as the life cycle of cruise tourism in our country and its characteristics for a particular historical period. Analytical reviews allowed making expert assessments to determine the nature of changes in the management of cruise tourism and the prospects for consolidation of the global cruise market.
1. Cruise tourism as sustainable segment of the tourism market
Like any phenomenon mass tourism has evolved in the light of experience -- risk assessments, comparison of resources and natural features of territories. Over the centuries individual travel was a trial of the travellers' spirit because expeditions and hikes did not guarantee the return home. Nevertheless, the desire of man to discover the world through national traditions, customs, ceremonies, religion, art, cuisine, music, dances of other peoples contributed to travel as a cultural exchange. In the late XIX -- early XX centuries the vector of travel shifted to the level of international ties between countries, i.e. the need for travel was determined by trade interests and diplomatic relations with the aim of assimilation and development of new markets, the efficient use of facilities and production resources. Within such travels the potential of water resources was actively used as water routes reduced travel time, were safer, allowed laying out optimal routes, since administrative and shopping centres of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe were located on the river banks and the sea coasts. Even today the defined advantages shape the potential of cruise tourism and the demand for cruises; types of attractions as a structure of tourist offer have not changed significantly. However, the motives of the first travellers were of more applied character, which determines the transformation of motivation to travel associated with the destruction of limits in travel organization itself as a result of scientific and technological progress. The need for self-planning and self- devising of the amateur route was replaced by a differentiated offer, so called «integrated product» providing a certain level of service, and apparently considering the experience of experts and market specialists. Furthermore, in the context of cruise tourism even the segment of amateur tourism which is actively promoted by the Internet information resources cannot be considered as competitive.
Ultimately, offers within cruise tourism aim at the restoration of productive forces, recreation and leisure combined with multi-purpose sightseeing itineraries organized on the basis of on-board resources and offboard coastal services for different age groups.
The necessary basis for the organization of cruises comprises water resources (rivers with guaranteed depths, seas, oceans), water passenger transport, river and sea ports capable of servicing passenger vessels. For example, because of the discrepancy of ships with port infrastructure, there is an uneven development of water areas in the world [11]. The organization of cruise routes requires consideration of significant financial and environmental risks. The high capital intensity of projects in cruise tourism today is offset by the increased capacity of both ships and ports, the supply of the wider range of services within onboard service, the lemmatization of products and services. International environmental protocols, technological equipment of ships, most notably autonomous waste utilization systems, serve the protection and preservation of the natural environment.
2. Organization of the cruise travel in the Ukrainian SSR
The history of cruise tourism in Ukraine is connected with the organization of short-term river excursions and multi-day cruises on the navigable Dnieper and Danube, and with the development of the water areas of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
As shown by scholarsA. H. Demianchenko [12], I. M. Hodia [13], K. S. Yemelianova [14], N. O. Zatsepina [15], excursions along the Dnieper, organized by means of water transport, could be considered the impetus for the development of cruise tourism. The first river excursion trips for students by steamboats took place in the late XIX -- early XX centuries; from June 9, 1919 excursions were held for members of the trade unions of the Kyiv Council of Trade Unions [16]. The organization of such «made to order» excursions required the coordination of routes with the Second Dnipro and Tributaries Shipping Company (later transformed into the Dnipro State Shipping Company) as the owner of the vessels, meanwhile, the trips were educational by nature as they stimulated the study of cultural and historical heritage of the region. At that time passenger cruising was an ancillary activity of the shipping company, because its primary purpose was to ensure the development of the country's economy by providing cargo traffic on the Dnieper.
Since 1926 multi-day river cruises on the Dnieper River and their variations with the access to the main ports of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov were organized in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (the Ukrainian SSR). Another option was the mixed type of cruise travel that combined boat and motor ship cruising with off-board walking [16]. During this kind of holiday, the interest in both landscapes and historical and cultural heritage was increased, and patriotism to the native land was formed as well.
Since 1927 the classic cruise offer, formed by the Excursion Bureau Association of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, appeared in the market, namely a 10-day Dnieper route (Kyiv -- Kaniv -- Kryvyi Rih -- Dnipropetrovsk) with a three-four-day vacation at excursion recreational centres; since 1928 the Ukrainian Mixed Share Excursion Company offered the three routes of its own: a 13-day cruise Dniprelstan -- Dnieper -- Black Sea -- Odesa; a 12-day cruise Donbas -- Dniprelstan -- Kryvorizhzhia with the mixed travel by steamship and train; a 10-day cruise Porohy -- Kryvorizhzhia with the mixed travel by train, automobile, and steamboat [16]. In the Soviet Union, thus, management and control of the organization of cruise travel at the stage of its formation was carried out centrally from Moscow, but with the active growth of the industry it went to the republican level. Local authorities had greater potential to ensure the sustainability of industry development and to justify the need to expand waterways.
After the Second World War the restoration of production capacities of the country on the basis of building up the potential of productive forces was among the priorities which, in turn, provided conditions for the organization of workers' recreation by means of the sanatorium and resort sector. Cruise tourism required new material and technical resources including motor ships and port infrastructure, as well as the reconstruction of hydraulic structures. Despite the fact that navigation on the Dnieper River was restored in 1947, the revival of cruise tourism only began since the mid-50s of the XX century with opening old routes and devising new ones, due to the assistance of departmental organizations of republican significance. During this period the initiatives gained popularity as for the lease of water transport to organize sea and river cruises for trade unions and youth groups. Actually, such specially designed cruises were aimed at familiarization of workers with the results of the country's restoration.
The geographical location of the Ukrainian SSR facilitated the organization of international cruises. Since 1956 cruises were introduced on the route Odesa -- Leningrad with the visits of Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, but only in 1967 the first classic Mediterranean cruise set off from Odesa [17]. In addition to the Mediterranean cruise, the city of Odesa also initiated the Danube cruise, Indian cruise, cruises to the shores of the Middle East and Africa, the return travel around Europe [18].
«From the Alps to the Black Sea» cruise route on the Danube with the variation of its extension to the port of Istanbul (Turkey) was served by the Soviet Danube State Shipping Company (established in 1944). Notably, this cruise was the first profitable project within the navy system of the USSR.
Since 1973 the Sputnik International Youth Tourism Bureau of Ukraine offered river cruises for young people. The most popular among them were a 13-day Dnieper cruise (Kherson -- Ochakiv -- Nova Kakhovka -- Dnipropetrovsk -- Kremenchuk -- Kyiv -- Kaniv -- Cherkasy -- Zaporizhzhia -- Kherson or Mykolayiv -- Kyiv -- Mykolayiv) and a 10-day Black Sea cruise (Odesa -- Yalta -- Novorosiysk -- Sukhumi -- Batumi -- Sochi -- Odesa).
The system of organized holidays in the USSR was characterized by a steady demand for the cruise product, which contributed to the increase of the passenger navigation base and the expansion of the ports. In the 1970s and 1980s more than 20 vessels were built in Eastern Germany, in particular for the Dnieper River navigation [19]. Under the command-administrative economy the deficit of recreation services determined the rapid payback of investments in the construction of river vessels. Even despite the seasonality of the cruise lines, the unique climate as well as historical and cultural objects of the proposal allowed to exchange tourist flows between the republics of the USSR.
Since the 1980s cruises on the Dnieper River were introduced for foreign tourists by the Intourist Company of Ukraine, the routes were designed with the purpose of visiting Kyiv, Cherkasy, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Odesa. Water travel conditions turned out to be the most effective in order to provide so called «isolation» of foreigners and to control their stay on the territory of the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, in addition to political security, the economic effect was increasing since the interest in cruises among Soviet citizens was growing in popularity as well.
The involvement of the Intourist Company of Ukraine in cruise tourism led to the expansion of departmental structures, though initially it was due to the need to provide high quality standards of service for foreigners and to implement a strategic decision to familiarize them with the lifestyle of citizens in the Ukrainian SSR.
In 1982 the river and sea cruise was introduced on the route Kyiv -- Kherson -- Odesa -- Ruse (People's Republic of Bulgaria) -- Giurgiu (Romania) which meant moving from the Dnieper River across the Black Sea to the Danube river [16].
The wider range of cruise routes was the result of the implementation of the comprehensive state policy, because the enlargement of routes required the allocation of funds for the construction of passenger berths on navigable rivers, the increase of the fleet capacity, the selection and training of service personnel, the development of excursion and entertainment programs for recreation on the water. The history of the cruise product has created the prerequisites for generating market advantage by evaluating the level of quality (service) of travel, which has increased potential demand. It should also be emphasized the mobility of the industry, i.e. the possibility to transfer the passenger fleet from one water area to another.
Taking into account the basic principles of management within command-administrative economy, as well as the direct influence of public authorities on the development of economic entities in the period of the Ukrainian SSR, we will determine the stages of the industry life cycle (see Table 1) through the indicators of the intensity in water routes coverage and the number of agencies and bodies involved in the cruise travel formation (pay attention not to the activities of the Danube and Dnieper Shipping Companies, but to the structures that performed the duties of cruise operators).
Changes in public administration and the transition to the market economy led to the reorganization of state-owned shipping companies into collective-owned companies, in particular, after a number of organizational changes the Soviet Danube Shipping Company currently operates as the Ukrainian Danube Shipping Private Joint Stock Company, and the Dnieper Shipping Company is now known as the Ukrrichflot.
3. Cruise tourism in Ukraine
In independent Ukraine since the 1990s cruise travels have been offered by the Ukrainian Danube Shipping JSC based on the UDP-Pasflot Division and the Chervona Ruta Cruise Company Ltd. Moreover, a clear subdivision of the industry between market participants is supported by operating in different water areas.
The UDP-Pasflot specializes in travel on the Danube River. Its modern system of management is presented in Figure 1.
The cruise fleet of the company was formed by 4 four-deck cruise ships, namely the Ukraina and the Moldavia with capacity of 160 seats (year of construction -- 1979), the Volga and the Dnipro with capacity of 156 seats (year of construction -- 1970), and the Yevheniy Kosiakov river motorship. Over the period of 2008--2018 the UDP-Pasflot cruise ships have been chartered by German cruise operators, specifically the Phoenix Raisen (Bonn), the Niko-Tours (Stuttgart), the BigXtra Touristik GmbH. Since 2019 the Slovak V. O. Parther Company has been the freighter providing 7-day cruises on the route Passau -- Vienna -- Budapest -Bratislava -- Melk (Spiez) -- Passau [21].
Table 1
Industry life cycle on the example of the cruise market in the Ukrainian SSR
Stage of the industry life cycle |
Time period |
Characteristi cs |
Product operators |
Condition |
Origin |
until the 20s of the XX century |
first river excursions |
educational establishments, trade union organizations |
use of steamboats for passenger travel |
Growth I |
the 20-30s of the XX century |
formation of cruise Lines, river-sea routes |
the Association of Excursion Bureau of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, the Ukrainian Mixed Share Excursion Company |
construction of new steamboats, ports, hydroelectric power stations, dams and gateways |
Decline I |
the Second World War and postwar years |
destroyed passenger fleet and infrastructure |
Restoration |
the 50-60s of the XX century |
river cruises, sea cruises, river-sea cruises, international cruises for the citizens of the USSR |
trade union organizations, the Intourist Company of Ukraine |
restoration of ports and passenger fleet |
Growth II |
the 70-80s of the XX century |
river cruises, sea cruises, river-sea cruises, international cruises for the citizens of the USSR, cruises for foreigners |
the Sputnik International Youth Tourism Bureau of Ukraine, the Intourist Company of Ukraine |
order for the construction of new ships |
Decline II |
since the collapse of the USSR |
river cruises, river-sea cruises |
organizations that possess cruise fleet |
transition of ships into private ownership |
Source: devised by the authors.
Fig. 1. Schematic model of cruise product organization by the UDP-Pasflot
At the same time the Ukrrichflot Shipping Company, which in the 1980s offered the Dnieper cruises on the route Kiev -- Odessa with stopovers in Zaporizhzhia, Yalta, Kherson, Sevastopol, has not provided management of its passenger fleet on the independent basis since 1991. The company has refocused its offering onto freight services of the four-deck motor vessels of the river-sea type, namely the Yevheniy Vuchetich, a 301 project M/V (year of construction -- 1976), the Academik Glushkov, a 302 project M/V (year of construction -- 1983), the General Vatutin M/V (year of construction -- 1986), the Marshal Rybalko M/V (year of construction -- 1988).
Since its setting up the Chervona Ruta Cruise Company has made the long-term lease agreements for the motor vessels mentioned above in order to organize cruises on the Dnieper River with access to the Black Sea ports. Its system of management is presented in Figure 2. The transfer of vessels to the balance of the Kyiv Municipal Shipping Company, established in 2000 on the basis of the Kyiv River Port, has not fundamentally changed the conditions of operation of motor ships. In 2003 the majority of the Ukrrichflot passenger fleet was owned by the Chervona Ruta, which after rebranding, expanding, and improving the quality of services, organized cruises on the routes Kyiv --Kaniv -- Kremenchuh -- Zaporizhzhia --Kherson -- Sevastopol -- Odesa, Kyiv -- Mykolaiv, Yalta -- Kyiv by the Princess of Dnipro, the Zirka Dnipra, and the General Vatutin ships. In 2006-2007 the boats were undergoing renovation (complete restoration) due to which several vessels increased their capacity from 280 to 321 seats. In 2012 through the intermediary German partner the Chervona Ruta bought the Fidelio, an updated four-deck cruise ship with capacity of 146 seats (year of construction -- 1995). In 2012 the company expanded the list of services by acquiring the Rosa Victoria, a three-deck ship for one-day travels within the water area of Kyiv. After the annexation of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea and the announcement of an anti-terrorist operation, the Chervona Ruta Company was forced to cancel scheduled cruises because of booking cancelations, as well as to freeze production facilities.
Fig. 2. Schematic model of cruise product organization by the Chervona Ruta Company
Source: devised by the authors.
Until 2013 the target clientele of the Chervona Ruta was formed by citizens of Germany, France, Spain, the USA, Canada, Switzerland, Russia, and Ukraine. The number of Ukrainians did not exceed 5 % of the structure of one route line, that is, the average value varied within one percent. During the period of its existence the company provided services for the residents from 41 countries of the world. According to the data provide by its management the company covered 3.5 % of the incoming tourism market in Ukraine [22].
At present the Chervona Ruta Company has at its disposal the Princess of Dnipro river cruise ship, the Fidelio river cruise ship, and the Rosa Victoria river ship offering three routes: a 13-day cruise Kyiv -- Odesa -- Kyiv (the Dnieper -- the Black Sea -- the Dnieper), a 8-day cruise Kyiv -- Odesa (the Dnieper -- the Black Sea), a 12-day cruise Fetest -- Odesa -- Kyiv (the Danube -- the Black Sea -- the Dnieper). In 2018 the company organized one cruise, while in 2019 made five cruises. Since 2015 the Fidelio ship has been transferred to a German cruise company on the terms of the freight, and is now cruising on the Danube.
Cruise tourism activities in the period of 1919--1990 had a centralized character and focused on developing routes within navigable waterways of Ukraine; the demand for services was provided by trade union organizations. After privatization (since 1991) the cruise fleet went to the public management of shareholders who tried to use the obtained capacity without additional funding. However, since the lack of the internal market for the cruise product, travel could only be organized with the assistance of European operators. It was the loss of markets that led to the transformation of management in cruise tourism. The UDP-Pasflot due to cooperation with foreign cruise operators kept the fleet in good technical condition. The Ukrrichflot, on the contrary, sold the part of the company's assets, in particular to the Chervona Ruta Private Enterprise, which became an active market participant and independently organized cruises, annually concluding contracts with European and North American agents for the sale of cruises to foreigners (mostly ethnic Ukrainians). The Chervona Ruta operational activity had a positive impact on the country's economy, as it provided foreign currency earnings, created jobs for the crew and on-board staff, as well as maintenance staff who prepared vessels for each season, and the staff within excursion and entertainment sector. Moreover, the company facilitated the restoration of port infrastructure on the Dnieper River, and undoubtedly increased the tourist attractiveness of Ukraine in the international tourism market.
Thus, in Ukraine there was a «rigorous» transformation of cruise tourism management at the state level: from centralized management in 1919--1990, when cruise tourism services were provided exclusively by well-defined organizations (trade unions and state ones), to public-private management in 1991-2018. At this stage, private cruise companies are created to design and promote the cruise product and provide services to tourists, while state-owned enterprises manage the port infrastructure providing pilot services for cruise ships and their passage through territorial waters. Furthermore, public authorities are formed to regulate the activities of transportation of passengers and their luggage by inland waterway and sea transport (licensing; approval of tourist service regulations; determining the features and conditions of ships entry to ports; contractual relations in maritime transportation, liability of carriers and limits of their liability; conditions of insurance for passengers and their luggage, safety of transportation, etc.).
Restoring cruise tourism even to the level of the 1990s requires maintaining the infrastructure at an appropriate level, particularly depths must be guaranteed on navigable rivers as only 57 % of navigable routes have guaranteed depths [23]. There also have to be imposed restrictions on the operation of passenger vessels that do not meet environmental standards in accordance with the concept of sustainable development. These solutions definitely require state support and effective cooperation with freight forwarding companies.
According to the results of the monitoring conducted among tourists in several stages by the Tourist Association of Ukraine, their motivation for choosing a cruise holiday includes a desire to relax on the water in the atmosphere of quietness and comfort. As experts and tourists themselves point out, a cruise holiday is the most beneficial for health, because slow movement within the water space relieves stress and tension, distracts from anxiety, while fresh air contributes to the overall improvement of the body. All these postulates are fully realized by the management and professional team of the Chervona Ruta Company that make every effort to bring them to life.
The formation of cruise tourism in Ukraine is associated with the development of inland waterways -- the Dnieper, Danube and Dniester rivers, the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Historical realities reinforce our assertion that the potential of cruise tourism within those water areas is not yet exhausted and that there are opportunities for its renovation and further development. Steps should be taken to support and promote this type of recreation in both the domestic and international service markets.
In the result of the research the historical transformation of the cruise companies' offers has been highlighted, and the prediction has been made that due to innovative solutions as for their competitiveness, domestic cruise companies will not only be able to develop this type of tourism, but also to maintain their market share in a changing environment.
It is emphasized that historical changes in the development of the tourist cruise market determine the need to study its entities and the level of their innovation. According to the results of the analysis, it is substantiated that the consolidation processes of the world cruise market increase security guarantees for tourists, especially under the current turbulence conditions, increase tourists' awareness, reduce the risk of the cruise product by ensuring its quality standardization of social and environmental responsibility, its continuous development and service improvement. The historical framework of the study of the entities of domestic cruise tourism also makes it possible to determine the development prospects of the cruise tourism product, which should be formed on the basis of world technological achievements and independent search for innovations.
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