Optimization of the development of tourism business in the conditions of information society

Tourism as a socio-economic phenomenon that exerts a influence on the development of information society and of all related infrastructure and members of the population. The state of the global tourism industry. Implementation of service projects.

Рубрика Спорт и туризм
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 15.05.2018
Размер файла 20,9 K

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Optimization of the development of tourism business in the conditions of information society

Nikitenko Vitalina, Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine)

Urgency of the research lies in the fact that today, tourism has become an integral part of every country in the world, because it is one of the most dynamic and profitable among all sectors of the world economy, contributes to the strengthening and spread of economic, social and cultural ties.In the modern world tourism is seen as a socio-economic phenomenon that exerts a direct and indirect influence on the development of information society and of all related infrastructure and members of the population. Modern tourism is based on a high level of transport development, social sphere and services, which, in the final analysis, turns it into a highly profitable branch of the economy. Studies which have been conducted by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) show that the state of the global tourism industry, despite the objective difficulties of recent years, is generally stable and the industry maintains the position of the largest, high-yielding and fast-growing sector of the world economy. Target setting. In the article we try to analyze and conceptualize the investigations on the priority trends of information society development in context of economic, social and cultural rationale of tourism business functioning. The problem of the research is related to the impact of tourism on the man in the spiritual level, and self-realization in the information society and globalization; the risks that may arise from the implementation of tourist service projects are considered. The aim of the research is to present the impact of tourism on a person in the context of globalization and the information society and to determine the directions for the development of tourism in the information society and globalization. Research methods which were used: theoretical analysis, synthesis and generalization. Results: the directions for the development of tourism in the information society and globalization are outlined, so they are: to improve actively tourism legislation, to promote the development of tourist operators activities at the level of state structures, to stimulate the private initiative of local tourist firms, to pay special attention to enhancing the role of tourism safety, to promote the development of the scientific discourse of tourism, to promote greater interaction and diversity of businesses, state and public organizations and associations, to help the strengthening of the social orientation of the tourism accessible to all segments of the population, to study the experience of countries that are actively engaged in tourism business.

Key Words: information society, communication process, economic phenomenon, tourism development, cross- cultural communication, dialogue of cultures, internal culture, self-realization of personality.

Актуальність дослідження полягає в тому, що сьогодні туризм став невід'ємною частиною стабільного і стрімкого розвитку кожної країни світу, оскільки він є одним з найбільш динамічних та вигідних серед усіх галузей світової економіки, сприяє посиленню та поширенню економічних, соціальних та культурних зв'язків. У сучасному світі туризм розглядається як соціально-економічний феномен, який безпосередньо і опосередковано впливає на розвиток інформаційного суспільства та всієї пов'язаної з ним інфраструктури. Сучасний туризм базується на високому рівні розвитку транспорту, соціальної сфери та послуг, що, в кінцевому рахунку, перетворює його у високоприбуткову галузь економіки. Дослідження, проведені Всесвітньою туристичною організацією (СОТ), показують, що стан світової індустрії туризму, незважаючи на об'єктивні труднощі останніх років, в цілому стабільний, і промисловість підтримує позиції найбільшого, високодохідного та швидкого розвитку, зростаючий сектор світової економіки. Мета статті. У статті ми намагаємося проаналізувати та осмислити дослідження щодо пріоритетних напрямків розвитку туристичного бізнесу в умовах інформаційного суспільства. Проблема дослідження пов'язана з впливом туризму на людину на духовному рівні та самореалізацією в інформаційному суспільстві та глобалізації; розглядаються ризики, які можуть виникнути в результаті реалізації проектів, пов'язаних із туристичним обслуговуванням. Метою дослідження є виявлення впливу туризму на людину в контексті глобалізації та інформаційного суспільства та визначення напрямків розвитку туризму в інформаційному суспільстві та глобалізації. Методи дослідження, які використовувались: теоретичний аналіз, синтез та узагальнення. Результати: намічені напрями розвитку туризму в інформаційному суспільстві та глобалізація, а саме: активно активізувати туристичне законодавство, сприяти розвитку діяльності туристичних операторів на рівні державних структур, стимулювати приватну ініціативу місцевих туристичних фірм, приділяти особливу увагу підвищенню ролі туристичної безпеки, сприяти розвитку наукового дискурсу туризму, сприяти поглибленню взаємодії та різноманітності підприємств, державних та громадських організацій та об'єднань, сприяти зміцненню соціальної орієнтації туризму, доступному для всіх верств населення, вивчити досвід країн, які активно займаються туристичним бізнесом.

Ключові слова: інформаційне суспільство, процес спілкування, економічний феномен, розвиток туризму, міжкультурне спілкування, діалог культур, внутрішня культура, самореалізація особистості.

Актуальность исследования состоит в том, что сегодня туризм становится неотъемлемой частью стабильного и стремительного развития каждой страны мира, постольку есть одним из наиболее динамических и выгодных среди всех отраслей мировой экономики, содействует усилению и распространению экономических, социальных и культурных связей. В современном мире туризм рассматривается как важный социально-экономический феномен, который непосредственно и опосредованно влияет на развитие информационного общества и всей связанной с ним инфраструктуры. Современный туризм базируется на высоком уровне развития транспорта, социальной сферы и услуг, что, в конечном счекте, превращает его в высокоприбыльную отрасль экономики. Исследования, проведенные Всемирной туристической организацией (ВТО), свидетельствуют, что положение мировой индустрии туризма, невзирая на объективные трудности последних лет, в целом стабильное, и промышленность поддерживает позиции самого высокого, высоко прибыльного и быстрого развития, увеличивающегося сектора экономики. Цель статьи. В статье мы пытаемся проанализировать и осмыслить исследования относительно приоритетных направлений развития туристического бизнеса в условиях информационного общества. Проблема исследования связана с влиянием туризма на человека на духовном уровне и самореализацию в информационном обществе и глобализации; рассматриваются риски, которые могут возникнуть в результате реализации проектов, связанных с туристическим обслуживанием. Целью исследования есть выявление влияния туризма на человека в контексте глобализации и информационного общества и определение направлений развития туризма в информационном обществе и глобализации. Методы исследования, которые использовались: теоретический анализ, синтез и обобщение. Результаты : намеченные направления развития туризма в информационном обществе и глобализации, а именно: активно активизировать туристическое законодательство, содействовать развитию деятельности туристических операторов на уровне государственных структур, стимулировать частную инициативу местных туристических фирм, приделять особенное внимание повышению роли туристической безопасности, содействовать развитию научного дискурса туризма, содействовать углублению взаимодействия и разнообразию предприятий, государственных и общественных организаций и объединений, содействовать укреплению социальной ориентации туризма, доступного для всех слоев населения, изучать опыт стран, которые активно занимаются туристическим бизенесом.

Ключевые слова: информационное общество, процесс общения, экономический феномен, развитие туризма, межкультурное общение, диалог культур, внутренняя культура, самореализация личности.

Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Theoretical and methodological aspects of information society in context of tourist activity in Ukraine and in the world are presented in the studies and works of many our native scientists, in particular G.V. Balabanova, I.I. Vynnychenko, L.V. Vorotina, N.A. Guk, O.P. Korolchuk, T.I. Tkachenko, V.G. Voronkova, A.V. Sosnin, V.O. Nikitenko, L.M. Shulgina, V.V. Talalay, Lozova O.A. and others. However, given the volatility of the external environment, it can be argued that the issue of the current state of the tourism industry in Ukraine and the prospects for its future development remains relevant.

Tourist demand is a mass and social category . It is formed on the basis of numerous factors, such as economic in general, socio-demographic, cultural and social, personal and behavioral factors. Tourist market performs numerous functions: informational, mediatory, regulatory, stimulating, constructive and destructive, and other functions. Such well-known domestic scientists, as: Tsybukh V.I., Lyubitseva O.O., Malskaya M.P., Khudo V.V., Sokol T.G., Kifjak V. F. were engaged in researches in the field of tourism etc. But some issues still remain beyond the attention of scholars and require a more detailed consideration of the prospects for the development of domestic tourism in the current conditions of the national and world economy

The statement of basic materials. Tourism as a catalyst for cross-cultural communication processes/

In the context of globalization and the information society, tourism is involved in a complex system of communication processes that acts as a catalyst for the processes of cross-cultural communication, the dialogue of cultures and civilizations, the emergence of new technological capabilities and the development of vehicles, the open borders and communication of peoples. Under the conditions of the information society, a person received unlimited opportunities to contact with the representatives of other cultures and civilizations, to make contribution to his own self-development and self-realization.

We must note that the development of tourism affects of globalization, which is a consequence of the dynamism of the modern era and the postindustrial era of technically high developed countries. There is an impact of Internet technologies and culture on the development of tourism as a cultural and communication process of mutual influence of peoples. Tourism is a complex social, cultural and economic phenomenon, which is influenced by many factors, such as economic, social, political, socio-cultural, demographic and others. Among the factors mentioned above the factor of "socio-cultural literacy" and cars or heterostereotypes that have been formed in a different culture and act as a deterrent should be allocated (Hemingway, 2004).

Development of tourism as the spiritual world of a man.

Tourism is one of the states of a person's internal culture and the form of his activity in which a person goes beyond the boundaries of his traditional functions and uses utilitarianly something. The purpose of tourism as a person's spiritual world is to support the immanent process of his socio-cultural self-affirmation, rules of interaction, communication and his further development and self-development. Tourism is a process in which a person opens up the possibilities of his one-dimensionality, "disconnectedness", "linearity", elementarity and, communicating in the information and communication process, interacts with other subjects and objects of culture, expanding his "cultural horizons".

Tourism is the "force field" of experience and spiritual growth of a person, in which a person realizes his self-creation. Tourism is seen as a factor in the development of the concept of "game" and the universal characteristic of human activity. Tourism - is the festive functioning of the individual in the being of another culture and the formation of personality as holistic one, which acts as a source of freedom and the cultivation of universal values. While being in tourist activity, a person goes beyond the "assigned nature", overcomes the need for objective conditions of being and expanding his abilities.

Tourism as a form human of self-realization.

Tourism is a way of becoming a person and a general way of identifying the essential forces of a person. It is thanks to tourism as a phenomenon that a person realizes himself as a "person" and communicates with the unreal, subjective, global, and as a result of what he comes into contact with global culture. The main field of tourism functions realization is the spiritual world of a person who, in the process of tourist meetings, plays the events, meetings, conversations, actions of other people in his mind.

Only in the process of tourist activities a person can experiment with himself, with all possible and impossible variants of his subjective behavior. As a sensory experience, tourism is an instrument of free choice of the individual. In the process of tourism activity, a person connects the past and the present and "loses" his life in the present, talking with the past and predicting the future. The process of selfimprovement, the affirmation of a person as a person is realized with, which makes it possible to feel the attractiveness of tourist life and its existence in tourism. Important for the process of tourism is the state of spiritual activity, actualization of various forms of tourism, satisfaction from communication in the cross-cultural process of interaction between cultures and civilizations. As a self-projection of the development of the individual, tourist activity creates conditions for the inclusion of the individual in the complex intertwining of tourist services, social ties that require the design of a model of their life activity, which emphasizes the free self-realization of the individual in each specific situation.

Tourism should be regarded as the most important condition for its natural development of human history, the comprehension of the universal and particular as the fundamental dimensions of human existence. In the conditions of cross-cultural communication, human communication occurs with the use of information technologies and information resources, which expands the possibilities of a person in his self-realization as an individual, in which the cultural function of tourism is actively manifested. Tourism is used as a variety and multivariance of the possibilities of free choice of the individual and knowledge of the social processes of mastering another world and its being, mentality and culture, the history and way of life of peoples, the history of culture and economy, which requires the adaptation of man to the conditions of another being and mentality. Tourism is seen as a process that reveals the structures of interaction between people, realizing themselves in archetypes and the culture of personal behavior as forms of creative search for "oneself in another", contributing to the cultivation of qualities and connections that were absent in the past (Hemingway, 2004).

Tourism as a fundamental tool for communication between people/

Tourism is a modern fundamental instrument of communication between people in the conditions of the information society and cultural globalization, interactions between society and man, nature and man, the history of another people and a man who, as it were, gets used to the "other world" and other life and tries to understand his inner world And himself. Tourism in the information society and cultural globalization should become a commodity of "first necessity", an urgent need of the person himself at a certain level of income and the level of the societal society. Individual countries are trying to create a branch of the economy - the tourism industry, which is of great importance for profit in the information society and cultural globalization (Kan, 1997).

Types of tourism/

The following types of tourism are distinguished:

Recreational, cognitive or scientific, business;

By the nature of the organization - individual, group, organized and amateur (unorganized);

According to the intensity of tourist vouchers - permanent and seasonal;

In duration - short-term or long-term;

On the use of means of transport - personal transport, public transport, transport, caravan tourism, sea or river cruises;

Inclusive-tour based on specially developed inclusive tariffs;

Peking - tour as a full service, which is organized in accordance with the advertising companies.

The structure of these tours varies greatly depending on the country, the state of the tourism industry, the purchasing power of citizens, the range and quality of the services offered.

Development of the tourism industry in the context of globalization and the information society.

The tourism industry is understood to mean the aggregate of production, transport and trade industries that produce and implement tourism services and goods of tourist service. In the modern era, tourism as a culturally creative force and cultural construct of the information society and cultural globalization is the result of the long evolution of tourism, which serves as a tool for dialogue between cultures and civilizations. Tourism is an instrument that promotes the formation of cultural self-awareness of individuals, serves as a form of cultivation of leisure time and leisure, contributing to the increasing opportunities for self-realization, the right to rest. Social tourism, which fully corresponds to the UN Millennium Goals, should become a priority in national tourism development.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the risks that may arise from the implementation of tourism services projects in the context of globalization:

Macroeconomic risks associated with the possibility of deterioration and external conjuncture, a slowdown in the economy, a level of investment activity, high inflation, a crisis in the banking system;

Financial risks associated with the emergence of budget deficits and inadequate level of budgetary financing;

Technogenic and environmental risks associated with global climate change, technological and environmental disasters, technogenic risks;

Geopolitical risks, which are affected by the entire political situation of the country, military and terrorist actions that threaten all human life today;

International risks, based on the development of international relations with a particular country. Tourism as an export-oriented sphere is more stable than other industries and even in conditions of uncertainty and risk.

tourism service project global


In this regard, it is necessary to develop proposals on the development of tourism in the information society and globalization:

Actively improve tourism legislation, which represents the legal basis for the provision and settlement of the tourism industry and the creation of decent living conditions for people in other countries.

To take legislative initiatives that are aimed at introducing conceptual changes in legislative acts that provide priority to real producers of tourist services.

To promote the development of tour operator activity at the level of state structures, which is a mediator in the development of tourism and is aimed at the development of the tourism industry as a whole.

Encourage the private initiative of local competitive tourism firms that operate on a market basis and take it into account when developing a national strategy for the tourism sector of the national economy.

To pay special attention to enhancing the role of tourism security as the most important problem of its reliability, quality assurance and a safe tourist process in the territory of each state.

To promote the development of a scientific discourse of tourism and a more active attraction of the world's scientific potential to solve tourism problems, to promote the integration of international scientific and tourist potential into educational activities, to unite scientists involved in tourism issues in the scientific community and to bring Ukrainian scientists to the international arena and to include them In international scientific communities according to scientific interests.

To promote the activation and diversification of the forms of interaction between business structures, the state and public organizations and associations in the sphere of tourism as the development of a new trend of tourism of the 21st century, the expansion of the practice of holding forums, round tables and conferences on various tourism issues that require reflection in the context of cultural globalization And cross-cultural analysis of complex problems of ecologically safe and reliable tourism.

To promote the strengthening of the social orientation of tourism accessible to all segments of the population, to study the experience of countries that are actively engaged in tourism, and the scientific community to develop new concepts for the development of social tourism, which should become the driving force for the prosperity of states and scientific communities, a form of consolidation of states and scientists based on Scientific interaction of scientists.

Conclusions and results: the directions for the development of tourism in the information society and globalization are outlined, so they are: to improve actively tourism legislation, to promote the development of tourist operators activities at the level of state structures, to stimulate the private initiative of local tourist firms, to pay special attention to enhancing the role of tourism safety, to promote the development of the scientific discourse of tourism, to promote greater interaction and diversity of businesses, state and public organizations and associations, to help the strengthening of the social orientation of the tourism accessible to all segments of the population, to study the experience of countries that are actively engaged in tourism business. The results of the analysis make it possible to conclude that tourism as one of the most important factors of information society formation in Ukraine plays an important social and economic significance, since it is a source of budget revenues, creates new jobs, develops all sectors related to the production of tourism services, promotes welfare growth, plays a part an important role in the development of peaceful and friendly relations between peoples, the expansion of interethnic contacts and makes possibilities to develop cross cultural communication. Development of tourism industry is restrained by various problems, the decisions of which require state regulation and support of executive bodies. Ukraine has significant tourist potential and all prerequisites for the development of domestic, inbound and outbound tourism. But it is not used enough. However, the analysis of the dynamics of the tourist market of Ukraine indicates the growth of the number of tourists.


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2. Arbuzova Yu.V. and Yakovenko V. D. Perspective directions of development of green tourism in Ukraine. Information technologies in education, science and production. 2014. Issue 3 (4). 120-128 [in Ukrainian].

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