Negative bad habits of modern youth. Their effect on a young body

Research of the impact of economic and social instability on the spread of bad habits. Strengthening the fight against smoking, drug addiction and alcohol among Ukrainian youth. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle in Ukraine. Raising of national identity.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Дата добавления 19.09.2024
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National technical University of Ukraine

“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Negative bad habits of modern youth. Their effect on a young body

Havrylova Nadiia Senior Lecturer

at the department of health and sports technologies,

Novytskyi Yurii PhD, Associate Professor

at the department of health and sports technologies,

Kyiv, Ukraine


Problems related to smoking, drug addiction and alcohol have become particularly acute in the life of modern society. These bad habits have become widespread among young people. Harmful habits negatively affect both the life of society in general and the life and activities of individual people in particular. At the moment, this problem has become global on a large scale. According to statistical data, the mass spread of harmful habits in Ukraine is associated with the instability of the political and economic situation, the presence of a large number of crises and the imperfection of the political and economic mechanism. Not only the state should fight this problem, but also every person should realize the harm of these habits and try to fight them. Only then can we talk about solving this problem. In connection with the strengthening of the negativity of the situation, I decided to conduct this sociological study to see the spread of bad habits among young people, particularly students, because it is young people who are the hope and support of our society.

I believe that these bad habits are deeply rooted among the youth. Most cases of consumption of harmful substances by young people are related to the purpose of improving their mood, and the reason for which they first started using them (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs) is the desire to try something new. In my opinion, the negative consequences of these defects are primaril y harmful to health.

The problem of this sociological research is to study the spread of alcohol, drugs, and smoking among modern youth.

Key words: youth, students, bad habits, alcohol, drugs, smoking.


Негативні шкідливі звички сучасної молоді. Їх вплив на молодий організм

Гаврилова Надія, Новицький Юрій.

У житті сучасного суспільства особливо гостро постали проблеми, пов'язані з курінням, наркоманією та алкоголем. Ці шкідливі звички набули широкого поширення серед молоді. Шкідливі звички негативно впливають як на життя суспільства загалом, так і на життя та діяльність окремих людей зокрема. На даний момент ця проблема стала глобальною. Згідно зі статистичними даними, масове поширення шкідливих звичок в Україні пов'язане з нестабільністю політичної та економічної ситуації, наявністю великої кількості криз та недосконалістю політико - економічного механізму. З цією проблемою повинна боротися не тільки держава, але й кожна людина має усвідомити шкоду цих звичок і намагатися з ними боротися. Тільки після цього можна говорити про вирішення цієї проблеми. У зв'язку з посиленням негативу ситуації я вирішила провести це соціологічне дослідження, щоб побачити поширення шкідливих звичок серед молоді, зокрема студентства, адже саме молодь - це надія та опора нашого суспільства.

Я вважаю, що ці шкідливі звички глибоко вкоренилися серед молоді. Більшість випадків споживання шкідливих речовин молодими людьми пов'язані з метою підвищити свій настрій, і причиною, через яку вони вперше почали їх вживати (спиртні напої, цигарки, наркотики) є бажання спробувати щось нове. На мою думку, негативні наслідки, які несуть ці вади, завдають насамперед шкоди здоров'ю.

Ключові слова: молодь, студентство, шкідливі звички, алкоголь, наркотики, куріння.


Formulation of the problem. Factors harmful to health - drinking and smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction are sometimes very mildly and liberally talked about and written about as "harmful habits". Nicotine and alcohol are called "cultural poisons". But it is they, these "cultural" poisons, that bring a lot of trouble and suffering - in families, in labor groups, they are a social evil for society. In addition, because of bad habits, life expectancy is shortened, the mortality rate of the population increases, and inferior offspring are born.

The desire to maintain good health is an important social need of a person, a necessary condition for a fulfilling life, high creative activity, and happiness.

Analysis of literary sources. A study of the literature clearly shows that smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are very widespread. Issues of mutual influence of physical culture and bad habits are regularly and widely covered in the scientific literature Monu J.M. [1], D.M. Pavlova. [2], Panka V.G. [3], Yap, F. D. [4]. There are many points of view regarding the relationship of these concepts in the lives of students. For example, several authors believe that physical culture has the same psychological effect as smoking or drinking alcohol. Competent physical activity can relieve stress, as well as establish the authority of an individual among students. Many authors argue that physical education simply will not leave time for bad habits and will distract you from everyday problems, and sports achievements will contribute to personal self-affirmation. Moreover, sport has significant positive impact on human health, due to which it is the most optimal means for maintaining a favorable state of the individual [3].

You also need to pay attention to the studies of a number of American scientists, during which it was found that muscle load is a natural activator of dopamine production in the body. Increasing the concentration of this hormone reduces the body's need for additional stimulation by nicotine [2].

The beneficial effects of physical activity on the human body have been confirmed by research and practical observations. It is believed that such activity helps to quickly get rid of depression without harm to health, while bad habits only temporarily imitate “escape from problems”, causing addiction. Since in this case depression and the overall psychological st ate of a person are the primary source for both addictions and sports is again the choice: adhere to a healthy lifestyle or take a diffe rent, more dangerous path to restore a prosperous state of the individual. Generally, the authors emphasize that the very fact of resistance to depression and staying in a positive mood (which is possible through regular exercise) increases the chance of a person giving up alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs.

Among the factors that have a negative impact on health, smoking occupies a large place, the harmful effect of which is not felt immediately, but gradually. Drunkenness is, first, promiscuity, a personal vice of a person: lack of will, unwilling ness to consider the opinions of doctors, the public, and the data of science; This is selfishness, a soulless attitude towards the family, towards children. Sobriety should become the norm of life for every member of our society, and especially among students. However, there are people who in the concept of “drunkenness” include only the systema tic consumption of alcoholic beverages in large quantities, contrasting this with the so-called “cultural consumption”. There is an opinion that alcohol in moderation is not harmful and helps to increase productivity [1].

Features of the effects of alcohol on the human body

Alcohol is a narcotic poison; it acts primarily on brain cells, paralyzing them. A dose of 7 -8 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight is lethal for humans. With chronic alcohol poisoning, degeneration of nerve cells occurs and at th e same time the activity of internal organs - the liver, kidneys, stomach, and intestines - is disrupted. Alcohol contributes to the development of tuberculosis. Systematic drunkenness predisposes to various diseases, leads to the development of premature aging, and shortens life.

Taking even small amounts of alcohol, reducing performance, leads to rapid fatigue, absent-mindedness, complicates perception, and noticeably weakens the will. True, a drunk person has a feeling of increased mood, and it seems to him that he has begun to work better, faster. However, this happens because alcohol weakens important mental processes in the human cerebral cortex.

Social and psychological reasons for drinking alcohol

What are the reasons for such widespread use of alcoholic beverages? One of them is the properties of alcohol itself, its ability to have a euphoric effect and create a mood of pleasu re. That is why alcoholic drinks were an indispensable attribute of various holidays and rituals even during the primitive co mmunal system and at later stages of the development of human society. Another, no less important reason for the widespread use of alcohol is its ability to relieve tension and create the illusion of well-being. It begins to seem to a person that difficulties and everyday adversities are not of great importance. The reasons that give rise to alcohol abuse include the complication of a person's social enviro nment, changes in the usual rhythm of life and circumstances.

We can indicate the following factors that are most significant for the development of alcoholism among young people: neuropsychic instability, unfavorable socio-professional and climatic-geographical factors, low level of culture, shortcomings in education, early onset of independent life, early age of onset of alcoholism, alcoholic customs of the environment, negative the influence of drinking adults, misunderstanding of the principle of self-affirmation, a narrow circle and instability of interests, lack of hobbies and spiritual needs, meaningless spending of free time, conflicts in the family and disruption of the family structure.

Thus, the development of the habit of drinking alcohol and its abuse with the subsequent development of alcoholic illness is caused by complex sets of factors. Conventionally, all these factors can be combined into the following groups [4].

1. Alcohol habits of the social microenvironment (family, immediate environment), early alcoholization.

2. Neuropsychic instability.

3. Biologically determined unequal tolerance to alcohol.

The introduction of alcohol into the human body leads to disorders of mental functions, manifested in changes in sensations, perception, memory, thinking, attention and imagination, disorders of the emotional and volitional sphere. Motor function is impaired. The functioning of the autonomic system, which ensures the stability of the body's functioning, is disrupted. Students who drink even light alcoholic drinks are clearly behind their peers academically. Their memory, perception of information, and ability to adequately respond to stress are impaired.

Deviations in the behavior of young people

Some characteristics of the behavior of a young person who drinks alcohol are known. A directly proportional relationship has been established between alcohol abuse, crime, bad company, poor academic performance, and a large amount of free time. However, the significance of these factors varies. So, not everyone who is a poor student drinks alcohol; on the other hand, drinking for some time sometimes does not affect academic performance. A lazy person who is not interested in studying, who is always “not given anything for homework”, whether he drinks alcohol or not, usually has more free time than a diligent student. Drunkenness and crime, bad company are often not causally related, but are equivalent consequences of a single cause.

Tobacco smoking. Smoking is the cause of many serious diseases.

Socially less harmful than drunkenness, but a more common habit is smoking. Unfortunately, many people smoke: me n, women, elderly people, teenagers, and students. However, not everyone realizes what a great evil smoking is, how nicotine, th is “cultural” poison, has a detrimental effect on the body.

Scientific research in recent years confirms and deepens our understanding of the effect of tobacco smoke - nicotine - on the body. Many people believe that tobacco stimulates energy, increases performance, and calms the nervous system, which is categorically refuted by medical science. It has been established that, at first glance, a harmless cloud of smoke contains toxic substances that affect not only the smoker's body, but also the health of others, and especially the younger generation. In a ddition to nicotine, tobacco smoke also contains other harmful substances, namely: carbon monoxide, pyridine bases, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, nitrogen, essential oils.

Teenagers, in the process of preparing to enter “adult life,” learn “adult norms” of behavior, including smoking. Teenagers see smoking as a sign of independence and adulthood. Smoking in a group becomes a kind of obligation, a ritual, a means of unity. Junior year students do not want to lag behind the “fashion”; there are some compelling reasons that force them to smo ke. Typically, teenagers, in order not to appear weak, hide from their friends the unpleasant sensations caused in them by the first cigarettes they smoked. Gradually, their body adapts and develops a habit that is difficult to get rid of. One of the main re asons for girls smoking is “fashion”. In our age, it is possible and fashionable for a “modern woman” to smoke; this allegedly asserts independence and complete equality with a man. The very process of smoking for a girl is elevated to a certain ritual. This i s slowly taking out a cigarette, slowly kneading it with your fingers with a conspicuous manicure, lighting it from a mannerly presente d lighter or match, smoking and releasing smoke through a ring of pursed, painted lips. It seems to her that all this “suits” h er, allowing her to be considered modern. However, the property of fashion is that it comes and goes, but changes in the body cau sed by smoking may remain. Smoking is increasingly passed on from one generation to the next. It, like a habit, has entered the everyday life of many people, becoming a strong need of life [2].

According to many scientists, smoking is one of the types of human social behavior. The process of smoking itself is an essential element in human communication.

There is an opinion among students that smoking enhances performance, and many hide behind this myth. In fact, nicotine has a stimulating effect for a very short time, then quickly reduces and impairs performance, both physical and ment al. bad habit ukrain youth smoking

Drugs. The use of various drugs - drug addiction - is a real scourge in many countries around the world. According to the World Health Organization, drugs have ranked first among the culprits in premature death and have already identified cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors. There is a surge in drug addiction among men and women all over the world. Behind them, boys, girls, teenagers and even children are drawn into this whirlpool.

Any drug is dangerous, even a one-time sample. When repeating the test, a habit appears imperceptibly but inevitably. In the absence of a drug, a person experiences a painful state - withdrawal. He is haunted by despair, anxiety, irritability, impatience, pain in bones and muscles; he, as if under torture, suffers from severe insomnia or nightmares. Taking medications stops this torment. But not for long. The body requires a new shake-up. And again, under the influence of the drug, the nervous system is excited. Ecstasy, morbid delight, illusions, or hallucinations may occur. But then it seems as if there is a fall fro m the top into a deep abyss - braking follows. The mood becomes extremely depressed, depressed, and severe depression sets in.

It should be noted that bad habits do not include only smoking, alcohol, or drugs, but also an incorrect daily routine, poor nutrition, and an inactive lifestyle. At the same time, harmful addictions and sports are presented not as interchangeable elemen ts, but as opposites: one type of activity worsens health, the other improves it. And here it has the location is a personal choi ce of each student. To have a beneficial effect on your life and health and educational activities, as well as to get rid of bad habits, it is enough to at least attend physical education classes [1].

Some authors believe that the fight against harmful addictions can only be carried out through the participation of citizens in physical culture. And to attract students to this, a lot of effort is needed in promoting a healthy lifestyle, in moral an d material motivation, and in organizing major sporting events. Researchers emphasize that it is enough even to be sports fan to sports began to have a beneficial influence on the way of life (the principle of idolatry and imitation). They also emphasize that m odern statistics are positive: there are more and more students participating in physical education and sports, and, consequently, there are fewer people involved in bad habits [3].

Prevention of bad habits. Bad habits destroy not only the physical health of a teenager, but also his personal structure, which is expressed in mental illness. It is sometimes very difficult to carry out such prevention, since it is unacceptable to impose one's opinion, but it is nevertheless necessary to help make a choice.

Prevention of bad habits - healthy and active lifestyle. It is unlikely that a person who is interested in sports will decide to smoke or get drunk. Since sport will help you throw out negativity, switch from problems and cope with them. Education is also of great importance.

A child who grew up in a non-smoking and non-drinking family, where from an early age there are conversations about the dangers of bad habits, is more likely not to smoke or indulge in alcohol than one who grew up in completely differe nt conditions. But here the environment in which the teenager develops is also of great importance. If all his peers drink and smoke, then great willpower is required to resist temptation. Moreover, teenagers rarely realize how dangerous this or that habit is.

That is why it is so important in educational institutions to carry out various events designed to explain the seriousness of the problem and prevent its occurrence.

The work of the state in the fight against bad habits among young people and adolescents is also important. Continuation of the implementation of programs to limit the sale and advertising of alcohol and cigarettes.

Events at the university should take place according to the developed plan and are aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, attracting young people to the ranks of the volunteer movement, holding discussions and lectures by specialists, organizing preventive days, watching films, holding competitions and events dedicated to World No Tobacco Day, International Day against Drug Addiction, AIDS Day, themed classes, round tables, poster competitions. Traditional holding of “Health Days” aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.

To reduce the level of availability of alcohol and tobacco, it is necessary to control their availability by regulating the number of official points of sale, limiting the number of licenses and reducing the number of hours and days of sale of alcohol and tobacco, as well as strengthening responsibility for non-compliance with the requirements of the current legislation and rules of trade in alcohol and tobacco and nicotine products. Active involvement of youth in public control over compliance with regulations and implementation of programs aimed at supporting a healthy lifestyle, regarding the ban on the sale of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages to minors, smoking and drinking in public places, etc. [2].


I confirmed the hypothesis that most cases of young people following harmful habits are associated with the goal of improving their mood, and the reason why they first began to use these substances (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs) is the desire to try. This study in the literature does not reveal all the factors contributing to the spread of these harmful habits, therefore, it is necessary to study this issue again and again until a clear answer is received to the question of what makes people harm their health. But research alone is not enough; based on them, it is necessary to take measures to improve the situation by involvi ng society and the state in this problem.

The topic of mutual influence of physical culture and harmful habits is extremely relevant: a lot of research is being conducted in this direction, there are ambiguous and sometimes opposing discussions positions. A sociological survey of a group of students confirmed a direct connection between sports and giving up bad habits to varying degrees. A negative attitude towards bad habits in particular alcohol and smoking were revealed. The lifestyle of most students shows a negative attitude towards drinking low-alcohol drinks, smoking, and a critical attitude towards others who abuse these habits.


1. Monu J.M., Sport-specific training for a competitive freestyle sprint swimmer. J. Strength Cond. Res. 2013. 48-55 p.

2. Pavlova D.M., Smoking, use of alcohol and narcotic substances among adolescents studying distribution and trends in Ukraine: according to the results of the 2019 study within the framework of the international project "European survey of students on the use of alcohol and other narcotic substances - ESPAD" / O.M. Balakireva (director of the author's group), N-M.K.: "OBNOVA KOMPANI" LLC, 2019. - 104 p.

3. Panka V.G., Prevention of HIV/AIDS, drug addiction, alcoholism among students and students: training and social rehabilitation programs: in 3 volumes [ed.]. - K.: Nika-Center, 2005. - 248 p.

4. Yap F D. (2019). Factors Affecting the Student's Study Habit. The Journal of Social Sciences Research. 5(1), 9 -15 p.

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