Volunteer activities in a territorial community

Volunteerism is gaining more and more momentum and is becoming more popular among the population; it is more widespread in cities where there are more resources and opportunities, while in territorial communities volunteerism is less popular.

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Kyiv University named after Boris Grinchenko

Volunteer activities in a territorial community

Martynyuk Y.V.


The development of decentralization in Ukraine involves the transfer of power and its mechanisms of control over to the community, that is why residents are a vital force in solving local and territorial problems of the community, their study, and the search for ways to solve them. The territorial community is the main primary subject of organization of volunteer activities for solving social problems of the community.

Nowadays, it is extremely important to use various technologies to organize volunteer activities in the territorial community to solve important community problems. A special feature is the cooperation of the authorities of the territorial community and its residents in joint decision-making at the local level to improve the conditions for community development. The problem of fully efficient organization of volunteer activities in the territorial community lies in the lack of specific steps, technologies, and algorithms for their implementation.

The community issues were investigated by such domestic scientists as V. Zvonar, T. Sila, I. Kozubovska, M. Bril, O. Vrublevsky, O. Dancheva, A. Seitosmanov, E. Chubarov, T. Repitsky, Y. Tkachuk, A. Tovstukha, B. Shevchuk. O. Bezpalko, G. Slozanska, T. Semigina, and V. Sidorova discussed the work in the community from the social point of view. V. Petrovich, O. Kuzmenko, N. Romanova, Y. Polischuk, T. Lyakh, Z. Bondarenko discussed the technology of involving the community in volunteer activities.

Despite the considerable quantity of scientific works devoted to various aspects of volunteer activity, the question of organization of volunteer activity in the conditions of a territorial community requires further thorough study.

Laying out the main material

volunteerism territorial communitie

Volunteerism is gaining more and more momentum and is becoming more popular among the population; it is more widespread in cities where there are more resources and opportunities, while in territorial communities volunteerism is less popular. But the potential for volunteerism is greater in communities where residents are mostly familiar with one another and are willing to respond quickly and come to the aid of others. At this time, new ideas and theories of encouraging people to participate in local selfgovernment, support, and expansion of volunteer initiatives of community members are developing more and more.

A community is a group of people who live in the same geographical area, a group of people who have common problems, who have common interests, social characteristics, or connections. [5, p.22]. This definition is stated by Iryna

Kozubovska in the work "Territorial community as an object of activity of a social work practitioner". The author characterizes the community from the perspective of shared social problems that surround the community.

Doctor of Social Sciences V. Sahakyan notes that a community is a group of social solidarity, the members of which share a common territory and are united by existing regular relations. It differs from other cooperatives by its individuality and emotionality of internal ties conditioned by generic, neighborly, and friendly interrelations, culture, closed system [9, p.21]. The author asserts that members of the community are united by joint territorial residence, collective ties, and relations.

Analyzing different notions of community, we can combine them into a single comprehensive definition, namely: the community is a group of people united by common residence on a certain territory, common race, social status, common religious beliefs, and common interests. This definition covers the geographic location of residence (city, village, district, or regional center) and race, religion, social welfare, culture, education, and leisure.

The Law of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine" defines a territorial community as inhabitants united by permanent residence within a village, settlement, or city, these are independent administrative and territorial units, or a voluntary community of residents of several villages, settlements, towns, cities, which have a single administrative center [4].

The Decree of the President of Ukraine "On Measures for the Implementation of the Concept of Administrative Reform in Ukraine" interprets the notion of a territorial community as a community of residents, inhabitants of settlements (villages, townships, cities), united by common interests of their own selfdetermined, within the limits of laws, solution of local issues both indirectly and through local self-government bodies [12].

Thus, the notion of territorial community in the laws of Ukraine makes a vote on the joint territory of residence and joint body of self-government.

І. Kozubovska defines a territorial community as a territorial community consisting of natural persons who permanently reside, work on a shared territory, directly or through municipal structures formed by them, resolve issues of local importance, have joint communal property, own non-movable property on this territory, pay communal taxes and are linked by territorial and specific ties of a systemic nature [5, p. 25].

The author states that a territorial community is the residents of one territory who permanently stay on it and conduct a joint communal activity.

B. Shevchuk defines territorial communities as people who live together on a certain territory, have a legal status specified by the legislation, identify themselves with it and have common interests [13, p.42].

The scientist focuses on the residents who identify themselves with the community and share the interests of the community in which they live.

Thus a territorial community is a community of citizens who live within the same territory, have a joint local governing body, joint communal property, and institutions, and share common interests and culture.

Having analyzed different concepts to the definition of territorial community, we can identify the following common features of a territorial community:

Joint territory of residence within the boundaries of certain cordons;

Common interests of the community;

Social interaction of residents;

Identification of residents of the community with the community;

Legislatively established legal status;

Joint communal property.

A territorial community is a distinctive social environment that has its own functions, objectives, interests, and problems. Also, the community as a kind of social environment has several functions:

A value-oriented function, which ensures that a member of the community accepts society's values, which form the basis for a personal system of values.

Cultural function, which involves the formation of personal culture based on practical and selective assimilation by each member of the community of socio-cultural traditions of the community.

Normative-legal function, which is based on the consolidation of social norms (patterns) established by the community in the individual's behavior.

The function of social control, the essence of which lies in the creation of a system of group reactions to the behavior of a member of the community in the form of sanctions (punishment or persuasion), which are adequate to the social values of society.

Integrative function, the aim of which is to motivate people through their understanding of behavioral patterns, the basis of which is awareness of the needs and respect for the rights of other people, uniting their forces for socially beneficial activity [2].

This typology of functions is aimed at identifying shared values, traditions, norms, sanctions, patterns, and norms of behavior among community members.

Members of the territorial community perform the following functions:

Identify issues of importance to the population, i.e., the function of indication.

Assist authorities in determining the level of residents' satisfaction with the quality of services - assessment function.

Help generate new ideas, look for new solutions to the problems, and assess the alternatives of different solutions - the function of assessment.

Accelerating the processes of implementation of the decisions taken - the function of catalysis.

Ensure the ability of the territorial community to control the processes of development, adoption, and implementation of managerial decisions by the bodies of power - the function of control.

So, these functions can be perceived as established steps that, when used together in the work, contribute to the proper organization of volunteer activities, can solve not only individual problems but more serious and large-scale at the level of the community, which in fact could help residents raise the territorial community to a new, higher level.

Т. Lyakh in his work "Methods of Organization of Volunteer Groups" gives the following definition: Volunteer activity - individual or collective - is a method of support, encouragement, assisting members of the community; interaction between people for joint development of new ways of solving

problems that arise [7, p. 18]. The main idea is to help people to cooperate "people-to-people" and to solve social problems.

The Law of Ukraine "On Volunteer Activity" states that volunteer activity is voluntary, non-competitive, socially directed, non-for-profit activity carried out by volunteers and volunteer organizations by providing volunteer support [3]. This is emphasized by the very impersonal, socially directed assistance that can be provided by both private individuals and organizations.

Thus, common between all of these terms is that volunteer activity is voluntary, unconditional assistance provided by a person to a person or a community organization in search of ways to solve social and educational problems of the community.

Volunteer activities in a territorial community will be effective only if the community engages organizations or individuals (volunteers) who have experience in volunteer activities, or people who are ready to give knowledge and share their experience in effective implementation of volunteer projects on bases of territorial communities. Find ways to motivate, involve and activate citizens in volunteer activities. We can identify two ways to develop further actions.

First, volunteers provide knowledge, develop skills, and look at ways to create a volunteer movement in the community together with the residents. Providing methods, technologies, and principles of volunteerism in a territorial community where the community is an active partner and is interested in acquiring knowledge.

Second, providing direct assistance to those members of the community who require it (material, personal, legal, etc.), where members of the community act as passive recipients of services.

So, we can distinguish three characteristics of volunteer activities:

- the activity must be non-profit;

the activity must be voluntary, according to the individual will of the individual;

the activity must be beneficial to someone, not only the volunteer, or society in general.

Volunteerism is especially relevant in the territorial community, where it is just beginning to gain momentum. Volunteer activities in a community that are based on analyzing the living standards of its residents to solve social problems, increasing the level of service provision and activation of community members through various events.

Volunteer activities in a territorial community are voluntary, cost-free support from private individuals or community organizations, which is aimed at solving social problems of the community by activating community members and engaging them in volunteer activities, which encourages residents to solve social problems, motivates them to solve common problems, unites the leaders in working together for the benefit of the community, and organizes volunteer work in the community.

To effectively organize the work in the community, it is necessary to clearly understand and distinguish between their types, as each of them has certain features that must be taken into account.

In Ukraine, the system of local self-government should consolidate the following types of territorial communities: basic- level territorial communities (rural, village, city territorial communities); optional-level territorial communities (territorial communities of districts, regions). At the same time, within the borders of optional territorial communities, the collective territorial interests of territorial communities of villages, settlements, and cities are realized. Rural, village, and city territorial communities are congregations within which the population, residents of certain administrative and territorial units live [4].

So, for each type of community, it is necessary to choose individual methods and techniques of work, taking into account their peculiarities of life of that or other locality, which determines the work of volunteers. Volunteers working in territorial communities put their efforts into helping different communities to improve their living conditions, the development of their residents, or the neighborhood in general.

The territorial community has not yet fully identified the specific areas in which volunteers can work, but any of these categories can be implemented in the community. After all, a territorial community is a fairly wide network that requires great effort and has many areas that require support and improvement of their condition. Thus, volunteers are involved in many areas of work in the community, such as informational, educational, corrective, rehabilitation, recreational, social and medical, welfare, etc., but the most popular of these is preventive work. Volunteer work at the community level is carried out in different ways and by different categories of the population.

To organize the work of volunteers in a territorial community, it is necessary to be aware of their typology and to understand what a group of volunteers can do in a territorial area, and what this or that group can spare their efforts for, in which area they are competent, for what time this group can be organized and so on. All of these factors affect the productivity of the work and its results.

Т. Lyakh [6, p. 14] proposes the following classification of volunteers, and classifies volunteers according to the following characteristics: age (children, adolescents, young people, mature people, elderly people); level of professionalism (professionals, non-professionals); duration of volunteer activity (volunteers, who work for a long period of time (over 6 months), seasonal volunteers, volunteers, who work a short period of time (onetime events, less than 6 months)); social role/status (pupils, students, unemployed, workers (specialists), parents,

pensioners); level of mobility (mobile, with limited mobility, non-mobile); affiliation with the organization (corporate volunteers, volunteers of community organizations, volunteers of state organizations (social institutions), volunteers of religious organizations, volunteers of initiative groups of residents of territorial communities; experience in volunteer work (volunteers without experience, volunteers with little experience, volunteers with enough experience); affiliation with the organization (volunteers of the state organization, volunteers of the public organization, volunteers of the higher educational institution); composition of the volunteer group ("mixed", represented by different types of volunteers, "single-type", represented by volunteers of one type (groups of student-volunteers, pensioners-volunteers, etc.).

So, anyone can be a volunteer, regardless of age, gender, social status, or level of professionalism, which expands the ability to influence the community.

If the community has already formed an active group of volunteers, they can be divided according to the roles they play in the organization and their participation in the work of the organization at different levels: The focus of programs and policies; development, planning and management; direct services; maintenance of support with materials and equipment. Each subgroup of volunteers is engaged in its own activities. Volunteers are involved in policy-related activities that affect the community and its legal framework; volunteers are engaged in developing and planning a variety of programs and projects in the community to improve the lives of local residents; volunteers who provide direct services and work with residents and can provide psychological, social and educational, and other support; providing support with materials and equipment - collecting and giving humanitarian aid to those who need it.

These communities may also be involved in a variety of programs, such as economic, social development, local communities, and government.

Regardless of where, by whom and when the volunteer activity is organized, all the participants who identify themselves as volunteers and all the citizens who are involved in this activity must adhere to the principles stated in the General Declaration of Volunteer Activity [3]:

recognizing the right of all men, women, and children to be secure, regardless of their race, birth, physical peculiarities, appropriate social and material status;

respect for the solidarity and culture of all people;

providing aid and free services to individuals and organizations in the spirit of partnership and fraternity;

recognition of the equal importance of personal and collective needs, and support for their fulfillment;

transformation of volunteering into an element of acquiring new knowledge and skills, improvement of skills, stimulating the initiative and creativity of people, giving everyone the opportunity to be a creator, and not a recipient or a follower.

Volunteer activity that is planned and implemented in the territorial community must adhere to certain stages, tasks, and principles of work. Semigina T., identifies the following tasks for community work:

Creation and support of contacts with individuals, groups, and organizations;

developing a community profile and assessing the community's resources and needs;

developing a strategic analysis and planning the goals, objectives, and priorities;

collaboration and negotiation with other organizations, institutions, and professionals;

effective involvement in policy development and implementation, including establishing contacts with local politicians;

working with specific people, including consultations;

resource management, including staffing and budgeting;

supporting groups and organizations in acquiring resources, e.g., through grant applications;

monitoring and evaluation of progress and the most effective use of resources;

development, control, and evaluation of equal opportunities strategies [10, p. 391].

For an efficient organization of volunteer activity in the community, it is necessary to understand and know not only the task but also the work areas in the community.

The Law of Ukraine "On Volunteer Activity" [3] identifies the following areas of volunteer work:

implementation of volunteer assistance to support the poor, unemployed, large families, destitute, homeless, and people in need of social rehabilitation;

also care for the sick, disabled, lonely, people of the elderly and others who, because of their physical, material, or other peculiarities, require support and assistance;

support for people who have suffered as a result of natural disasters;

disaster, environmental, man-made, and other disasters as a result of social conflicts, accidents, as well as victims of atrocities and refugees;

implementation of volunteer assistance to individuals who through their physical or other conditions are limited in the exercise of their rights and legitimate interests;

organizing and carrying out activities related to the protection of natural environment, preservation of cultural heritage, historical and cultural environment, memorials of history and culture, places of burial;

organization and carrying out of events of national and international events associated with the organization of mass sports, cultural and other events and activities of community value;

carrying out volunteer work to eliminate the consequences of man-made or natural emergencies;

- also providing volunteer assistance in other areas.

Thus, from the perspective of volunteer activities, we can say that volunteers are engaged in various kinds of work in the community.

One of the main elements for identifying the problems and needs of that particular community is to determine its capacity.

The Great Glossary of Modern Ukrainian Language interprets the notion of ability as: 1) the ability to do something;

the presence of conditions favorable for something, the circumstances that facilitate something, the possibility; 3) the power in the meaning of "able" (who has the ability to perform, carry out, do it, etc.; who has the ability to do it, etc.). etc.; who has abilities to do something, is able to perform, carry out something; who has the ability to do something; who has a certain natural ability to do something) [13, p.42]. There are the following accents of the definition of capacity, namely the ability to use the presence of conditions, the conditions for the implementation of certain activities.

The capacity of the territorial community determines the presence of conditions (financial, infrastructural, and human resources), on the basis of which in the process of functioning determines the ability of the territorial community to provide public services, as well as the ability to use the uncommitted and available potential (investment, economic, human, management, financial, and community participation) for the development of the territorial community.

Therefore, the capacity of the community is the conditions based on which determine the possibility of development and involvement of residents in the improvement of life in the community.

Most territorial communities having the authority to independently decide local issues encounter an inability to fulfill them for the following reasons:

1) through the lack of material and financial resources;

poor quality or lack of infrastructure (buildings, structures, roads, etc.);

through the defect of personnel of the requisite qualification;

through the passiveness of the citizens towards solving community problems.

Residents who show a desire to help the community in which they live to solve significant problems and volunteer their time can be classified into several categories:

By the members of the territorial community themselves to self-fulfill their own requests and to take publicly- owned decisions on their own.

Self-acknowledgement and self-advocacy of own notes of the community at public assemblies.

Participation of the community in implementing power-administrative functions.

Control by the community over activities of deputies and self-governing officers of the community.

At present, the territorial community has various spheres of activity which need to be improved and volunteer work areas which need to be raised to a new living level, namely: Communities are focused on cities, recreation - on development of tourism, border communities - on fighting against the departure of citizens abroad, communities adjacent to the operation of the united forces - on cooperation with the military. At the same time, virtually all communities have different problems: water, sewerage, land, roads, social infrastructure, and extremely poor management of land resources. Demographic, transport, or even legal problems are also added.

Typical areas of volunteer activities in territorial communities include the following: improvement and landscaping; sanitary cleaning and disposal of solid waste; development of communal infrastructure and communal engineering systems; increasing the quality and creation of a

competitive market environment; provision of communal services; improvement of public transport; repair of roads and territories; solving environmental problems; improvement of children's playgrounds, recreation areas and squares; creation of interest clubs; improvement of public order and solving the problems of neglected children; and others.

This confirms that the residents of the territorial community direct their attention to the problems they face daily and that these problems are relevant to local residents.

The steady development of volunteer activities of the territorial community ensures the increase of efficiency of the economy and improvement of the quality of life of the population, maintaining environmental equilibrium, preserving and renewing the local landscape, developing infrastructure, and providing residents with jobs.

Therefore volunteers can be recruited by the community, who could use their work to organize and educate the residents on how to organize volunteer activities and offer projects or programs for the residents of the territorial community.

Volunteers can also be members of the community themselves, who can change life for the better with their own efforts and solve social problems, thereby confirming that volunteers are the subjects of social and educational work in the community.

The subject of the social work is indirectly those people or organizations that will create conditions for the improvement of the lives of community members.

The subjects of social work are:

Professional social workers of high and medium level.

People engaged in social work at community and charitable foundations, volunteers.

Administrative and management structures of the social sphere.

It can be emphasized that the subjects in the community

can be those persons who are related to social work. Volunteers are such persons also.

It should be noted that volunteers do direct work with people, always in contact with the community, so they are an important subject of social and educational activities. Volunteers are indirect social work subjects who work in different ways in the territorial community.

For the effective organization of volunteer activity in a territorial community, it is necessary to intensify it, involve and unite residents around a common problem and find ways to solve them.

Community activation is the process of involving the residents of a territorial community in the conscious, responsible activity in taking decisions on resolving the social needs of the community. It means the involvement of all residents in solving common problems of the community.

The activation of any community is a process that includes the following elements:

Informing the residents;

A direct call to the residents;

Communication with the target audience;

Outreach to the target audience.

The above elements can be considered in terms of the stages of community activation for volunteer activities, namely: first, to inform the community about the work to be organized; second, to establish contact with the residents and listen to their thoughts, suggestions, and reservations about the planned activities; third, volunteers and community members talk together to discuss how they can work together to organize volunteer activities in the community.

Every resident of the territorial community can exercise their right to vote and express their opinion on this or that issue. To comment on, agree on, or object to ways to resolve major issues, which can influence the further development of the situation. Increase the community's potential for solving these or other social phenomena in the community. Activation allows people to highlight their individual problems and integrate them into a broad social context. This provides the collective strength of the community to solve these problems through volunteer activities.

To activate the community it is necessary to perform a number of actions and use several methods. Only in cooperation can effective activation and involvement of the community in the activities can be achieved. The following methods will also help to involve the public:

Holding discussions, talks, and roundtables with the participation of citizens as expert consultants;

Organization of events that will be interesting and useful for the residents of the community;

Organization of forum-theaters, photo exhibitions for the creative presentation of information to residents;

Distribution of leaflets, memorials, and brochures with useful information;

Organization of public hearings, public meetings, public speaking engagements for the establishment of a public call;

Conducting of surveys, tests, questionnaires, and roundtables to identify and decide the important issues of the community's residents;

Holding cost-free trainings, seminars, workshops, and forums to educate the residents on the specific problem;

Creation of case boxes for suggestions and work with feedback sheets from the residents of the community.

Therefore, activation of the community for volunteer activities should stimulate and arouse the desire of residents to work together on social issues of the community. Community activation unites residents around common community problems, encouraging them to jointly solve the problems through their

own efforts, which is the organization of volunteer activities in the community.

О. Bezpalko in his work "Community Activation Technologies" [11, p. 65], argues that community activation is based on two interrelated elements: principles and processes. The scientist consolidates the following principles:

Ensuring social justice, taking into account the equal rights of all people, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, and class social characteristics.

All people can solve the problems they encounter because of the skills, experience, and knowledge they acquire. The point is that if you organize the work in the community and set priorities, you can solve significant problems in the community.

Everyone has the right to take part in the changes that affect his or her life. Everyone has the right to speak out and be respected, and no one has the right to impose any stereotypes on others. Community activism is based on the fact that every person has the right to participate in changes in his or her life, the right to have a voice, and the right to express his or her point of view, to take an active part in the life of society.

Individual problems of people can be viewed in the context of general problems of the community. The essence of the principle lies in the fact that each person has individual problems that concern him/her; activation of the community allows the person to find support and to be convinced that he/she is not alone in this problem. Thereby putting their individual problems into a broad social context and solving them together.

Collective work to make people stronger. Community activism aims to bring people together to solve problems together through experience, resources, and skills. Collective problem solving allows people to learn that socially significant problems can be solved with joint efforts.

Social workers who help to activate the community are not leaders, but mediators. Professionals do not have to indicate

ways of solving a problem that bothers the community but guide them step-by-step in their search for options for solving it.

The above principles are ineffective without a collaborative interaction with the process of community activation. Without the principles, the process turns into a set of rules, methods, etc., and without the process, it is impossible to implement these principles and use them in practice.

There are also certain stages of community analysis that will help to address the problems that have arisen and motivate residents to solve them through volunteering. This process consists of nine steps, each with a specific explanation, logic, and relevance that provide residents with a comprehensive understanding of the community's problem.

The first stage of community activism. This stage is aimed at understanding what is happening in the community, in the lives of residents, and what is troubling them. The main goal of this stage is to investigate what happens in the community and what problems arise. A few priority problems of the village are identified.

At the second stage, we analyze the problems that have arisen and identify the reasons for their occurrence and what has led to this state of affairs. This stage allows the residents to better understand their personal problems or the problems of the community as a whole.

During the third stage, residents begin to look for ways to solve this problem, the content and plan are put together, and resources that can be used to achieve the goal are analyzed.

The fourth stage of community activation is the transition to the approved action plan. Also, community members anticipate risks that may arise in their path and options for eliminating them.

The fifth and final stage is the analysis and evaluation of the results, assessing whether the goal has been achieved, whether there were any obstacles in achieving the goals that were not taken into account or whether there were problems along the way [11, p. 67].

An important part of community activation is the participation of residents in the planning and implementation of changes through the use of their resources and forces. If there is no meaningful and effective participation, as a result, there is no community development. The important elements of activation and community involvement in volunteer activities are their activity and sense of social responsibility for the residents and social phenomena that take place in the community.

Thus, activation promotes the involvement of residents of the territorial community in volunteer activities, which facilitates the organization of the volunteer movement in the territorial community.

Our present time brings its own changes in the development and organization of volunteer activities in communities, and it is the events of the pandemic in the world that have also affected volunteering. The COVID-19 pandemic has made its impact on volunteer activities, the scope of their work, as well as quarantine measures have hampered the full work of volunteer organizations and volunteering in general. A new format of volunteer activities is emerging - virtual volunteering.

Virtual volunteering is an innovative format for carrying out volunteer activities through mass media, namely the Internet, telephone, and online format of volunteer programs.

Among the changes that occurred in the sphere of quarantine restrictions are: changes in the forms and strains of work; changes in the implementation of projects, with postponement of implementation for an unspecified time; changes related to the number of volunteers involved [1, p.323].

The transition of volunteering to an online format has its own advantages and disadvantages for the work in the community. Advantages: quarantine norms are respected for the safety of community members and volunteers; new forms of work are started, for example, delivery of food products and first necessity products to those who are on self-isolation); support of people on the phone. Disadvantages: lack of communication between volunteers and residents of the community due to the lack of Internet; postponement of offline format of meetings and projects to an unspecified term; Difficulties in motivating and involving people in volunteer activities; unpreparedness to work in an online format; lack of a platform for informal communication between volunteers.

However, this area of work needs to be improved and developed, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of the virtual work of volunteers.

Volunteer activities have reached a turning point, thanks to COVID-19, the content and form of the activity itself need to be changed and regulated. Volunteer work often changed: providing social services to people who are in difficult living conditions, including assistance in combating COVID-19 and its consequences [1, p.323].

To solve the problems of organizing volunteer activities in territorial communities that emerged during the pandemic, the following ways of solving them have been outlined: improvement of volunteer skills in the Internet environment; development of training programs for community members to organize volunteer activities using ICT; improvement of communication between volunteers and residents of the territorial communities; transfer of volunteer projects to the online format.

Thus, current events leave their mark on the development of volunteer activities and stimulate them to develop and improve, to look for new forms and strains of activity, methods, and new platforms of work with the community.


So, in summary, a volunteer is a person who engages in voluntary activities in solving socially significant issues for the benefit of society and the community. Volunteer activities are voluntary, unconditional assistance provided by a person to a person or a community organization in search of ways to solve social problems of the community. Volunteer activities in the territorial community are voluntary activities of private individuals, groups of individuals, or community organizations, which on a voluntary basis are engaged in solving social problems, By encouraging the community to find ways of solving problems, which activates, motivates, and unites the residents to work together to improve their living conditions in the territorial community.

We investigated the organization of volunteer activities in the territorial community, and we can state that it is a combination of techniques and methods, which are focused on local members of the community, their activation, training of residents in volunteering, assistance in implementing volunteer initiatives, writing and implementing volunteer projects, searching for innovative ways of solving community problems, recruiting foreign volunteers, and reviewing the positive experience of volunteer activities. To organize volunteer work in a territorial community, we use various technologies, methods, and techniques to organize volunteer activities that have proven to be effective, as well as the experience of other communities, As an example of positive work of volunteers and the citizens themselves, an important factor that influences the development of volunteering is the present events taking place in the country, namely the operation of the united forces in the East of Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine restrictions in the middle of the country.

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