Life values as a way of attitude towards healthy lifestyle of diffe rent age and social groups
The article reveals the concept of life values as a way of attitude of people belonging to different age and social groups to a healthy lifestyle. It was found that the issue of "free time" requires a more conscious approach to its planning and filling.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 31.01.2024 |
Размер файла | 22,0 K |
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Life values as a way of attitude towards healthy lifestyle of diffe rent age and social groups
Stepanyuk Svetlana,
candidate of physical training and sport Sciences, associate professor Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education Kherson State University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Grabovsky Yuriy,
candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education Kherson State University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Gorodynska Inna,
candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education Kherson State University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Koval Victoria,
candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education Kherson State University
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine Glukhova Hanna, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical and Biological Foundations of Physical Education and Sports Kherson State University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Life values as a way of attitude towards healthy lifestyle of diffe rent age and social groups
The article presents the concept of life values as a way of attitude of people belonging to different age and social groups to a healthy lifestyle. Regardless of the individual priorities of each person, the following are common for most: family, friendship, material well-being, career, health, creativity, self-development, and spirituality.
It was determined that for most people, the concept of life values includes relationships with loved ones, harmony, health and beauty, both external and internal, and with age the vector changes in the direction of spiritual values and recreation, but the general understanding of values remains constant.
It has been established that physical education and sports are important in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of a person, spiritual and physical development, where the rejection of bad habits is a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle.
The question of "free time" requires a more conscious attitude to its planning and filling. The opportunity to think about the content of one's own free time led to an understanding of the unconscious and uncontrolled use of time.
Key words: life values, health, physical culture, person, lifestyle, healthy lifestyle.
Степанюк С., Грабовський Ю., Городинська І., Коваль В., Глухова Г. Життєві цінності як спосіб ставлення до здорового способу життя різних вікових та соціальних груп
В представленій статті розкрито поняття життєвих цінностей як способу ставлення людей, що належать до різних вікових та соціальних груп, до здорового способу життя. Не зважаючи на індивідуальність пріоритетів кожної окремо взятої людини, спільними для більшості є: сім'я, дружба, матеріальний добробут, кар'єра, здоров'я, творчість, саморозвиток, духовність.
Визначено, що для більшості людей поняття життєвих цінностей включає в себе стосунки з близькими, гармонію, здоров'я та красу, як зовнішню, так і внутрішню, причому із віком вектор змінюється у напрямку духовних цінностей та відпочинку, але загальне розуміння цінностей лишається сталим. social free planning
Встановлено, що заняття фізичною культурою і спортом має важливе значення у формуванні здорового способу життя людини, духовного і фізичного розвитку, де обов'язковою умовою здорового способу життя відмова від шкідливих звичок.
Виявлено, що питання "вільного часу" вимагає більш свідомого ставлення до його планування та наповнення. Можливість замислитись над змістом власного вільного часу призвела до розуміння неусвідомленого та неконтрольованого використання часу, тим більше, що здоровий спосіб життя включає не лише заняття спортом та відмову від шкідливих звичок, а й формування звички гармонійно планувати і кожен день, і життя в цілому, в емоційному, фізичному, комунікативному, інтелектуальному, психоемоційному плані.
Результати проведеного дослідження дозволяють зробити висновок про те, що, незалежно від віку, соціального статусу та способу життя, кожна людина в своєму розумінні здорового способу життя, ототожнює це розуміння із поняттям життєвих цінностей, що є дуже важливим фактором у формуванні стратегії фізичного виховання населення різних вікових груп, яка лежить в основі як державної програм та стратегії розвитку, так і роботи кожного окремо взятого тренера, вчителя та керівника підрозділу будь-якої компанії чи виробництва.
Ключові слова: життєві цінності, здоров'я, фізична культура, людина, спосіб життя, здоровий спосіб життя.
Formulation of the problem. The health of the country's population is the main indicator of the well -being of the state, which is why work on its preservation is a task at the national level. Nevertheless, according to the testimony of experts, there is a constant decline in interest in the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, and this category is growing especially rapidly am ong young people [2,7]. Today, according to the World Health Organization, one out of five adults and four out of every five adolescents do not engage in physical activity, or engage in insufficient physical activity [8].
At the same time, according to the WHO Global Action Plan for Physical Activity and Health for 2018-2030, by 2025 it is planned to comprehensively help reduce the level of physical inactivity by 10-15% [8].
The purpose of the research was to determine the life values and attitude towards a healthy lifestyle of representatives of different age and social groups.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Playing sports and various types of health-oriented motor activity provide quality leisure time during free time from studying, prevent the emergence of harmful habits, form a healthy lifestyle, help young people to realize themselves, establish new friendships [5,9]. According to M. Dutchak [3], the social effect of such activities can be felt only if more than a third of the state's populatio n is engaged in organized physical activity at a sufficient level. Scientists note the existence of a problem of passive leisure time, sometimes of a destructive nature [7]. A significant reason for this is insufficient attention to recreation, physical culture as institutions that provide extended recovery of the psychophysical state and productive forces of a person [5].
The works of M. Berdus (2003), Yu. Ryzhkin (2005), T. Krutsevich, G. Bezverkhnyi (2003, 2010), Ye. Prystupy (2010), O. Andreyeva (2012-2018) and others.
The last decades have been marked by the intensification of physical activity among the masses in the most economically developed countries of the world, which resulted not only in the improvement of the quality of life, but also in the growth of work capacity and health.
Methods of research: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, programmatic and regulatory documents, Internet data, comparison, synthesis, deduction, retrospective analysis; survey (conversation, interview, questionnaire); as well as methods of mathematical statistics.
Results of the research and discussion. In order to supplement the data of the scientific and methodological literature, to obtain reliable information about the problem under investigation, a survey (questionnaire, interview) was conducted.
The following participated in the survey: 300 people (student youth, in particular, the faculty of physical education and sports of Kherson State University (KSU) and non-physical education institutions, employees of KSU, as well as people of various age groups).
The survey (questionnaire) was conducted for the purpose of:
• determining the relationship to a healthy lifestyle of individuals: the place of organized physical activity, harmful habits in a person's life, the choice of a type of leisure
• determination of the number of persons leading a healthy lifestyle and their life values
We asked what people of different ages and strata of the population understand by the concept of "healthy lifestyle" (Tab.
Table 1
Distribution of the components of a healthy lifestyle by importance (according to the survey data of various population segments)
Place |
Young people |
College students |
Mature age |
Summer age |
Employees of PC and S |
1 |
doing physical exercises, sports |
absence of bad habits |
physical exercises, high level of physical activity |
physical exercises, walks in the fresh air |
absence of bad habits |
2 |
rational nutrition |
sport |
rational nutrition, good mood |
well-being, comfort |
compliance with the daily routine, active leisure and physical exercises |
3 |
- |
rational nutrition |
absence of bad habits, optimal mode of rest and work |
healthy sleep, rational nutrition |
life in harmony with nature |
Young people associate a healthy lifestyle with a healthy, i.e., rational diet, sufficient physical activity.
Students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports also note, in addition to the mentioned factors, the absence of bad habits.
Among the interviewed mature and elderly persons, such decisive factors were al so mentioned, such as compliance with the sleep regime, food regime, daily regime, and the feeling of peace and harmony is also important.
However, the components of a healthy lifestyle, which the respondents identified for themselves, are significantly inferior in number to those recommended by specialists.
According to the survey, which useful habits students noticed during their studies at the university, they answered:
• Take a shower and be hardened
• Follow the daily routine
• Wake up early
Adhere to a rational diet, drink a sufficient amount of water, such perceived traits as collectivism, willpower, patriotism, responsibility, self-control, etc. have increased.
In addition to useful habits, bad habits can also be present. We tried to find out whether peopl e understand what factors can negatively affect the body and what habits are present in a particular person's life.
All interviewees, regardless of age, named smoking addiction, drug addiction, and alcohol abuse as bad habits. Respondents of mature age also mentioned the problem of overeating.
When asked which conditions of a healthy lifestyle are difficult for them to follow, the students named adequate sleep and a healthy diet.
Students of a physical education institution (faculty of physical education and sports), student youth (students of nonphysical education institutions), mature and elderly people took part in the survey to determine the relationship to a health y lifestyle and its components.
Research by specialists has revealed the influence of human universal or spiritual values on a person's life, so people who profess universal human values have not only a higher level of health, a less stressful life, but also a more stable married life, a higher level of financial well-being, a sense of self-respect and the meaning of life.
Comparing the answers of average youth and representatives of the sports environment, namely, students of the college of physical education, where health, motor activity is the foundation of professional development, we found the following results: the value of health, harmony of body and spirit is a more important factor in life athletes, compared to non -athletes. The older the respondents, the higher the value of health.
Life values of representatives of mature and elderly age were distributed as follows (Table 2):
Human health - as the value of life has more weight with age, this applies to valuing spiritual traits. Material wealth and the value of education decrease with age, on the contrary. 43% of 1st-year students rate their own health as excellent, and 32% consider it as excellent in the 4th year (Table 3.).
In many classifications of values, health is one of the first places. It is, alon g with such values as a happy family life, peace, friendship, respect of society, a value-goal to which a person must certainly strive.
Table 2
Distribution of life values by priorities
Rang e /place |
Mature age |
Summer age |
Employees of PC and S (20-60 y.o.) |
1 |
family, relationships with friends, love |
health |
health |
2 |
health |
family, relationships with friends, love |
family, relationships with friends, love |
3 |
money attractive appearance |
spiritual qualities (moral features) |
personal development, self-realization, education |
4 |
work, career, status, recognition |
rest, entertainment |
money and comfort attractive appearance |
5 |
spiritual qualities (moral features) |
money and comfort attractive appearance |
rest, entertainment spiritual qualities (moral features) |
6 |
personal development, selfrealization, education |
personal development, selfrealization, education |
7 |
rest, entertainment |
work, career, status, recognition |
Table 3
Self-assessment of respondents' health
Level of health |
Strata of the population |
1st year stud-s |
4th year stud-s |
Young people |
Employees of PC and S (20-60 y.o.) |
Mature age |
Summer age |
Excellent |
43% |
32% |
32% |
37% |
18% |
4% |
Good |
57% |
68% |
56% |
58% |
46% |
43% |
Satisfyin g |
0% |
0% |
12% |
5% |
31% |
42% |
Dissatisf |
- |
- |
- |
- |
5% |
11% |
ying |
A value-based attitude to health is a set of views and ways of human life, characterized by a responsible and attentive attitude to one's health as one of the most important personal values, a conscious need to preserve it, a focus on strengthen ing the body and improving the skills necessary for this.
At the same time, a logical question arises: can health be the only goal for the sake of a goal? Health is not only a goal, but also a tool through which other values are acquired: family (love, happiness, healthy offspring), active life, interesting an d creative work, fullness and emotional richness of life, freedom, material security, friendship, confidence in yourself, public recognition and respect, etc.
Thus, health is not just a value in itself that one must strive for, but a value without which it is impossible to achieve other values that form the essence of a prosperous life, a kind of foundation for building the future.
The formation in a person of a system of family values, values of friendship, responsibility, will, health, justice and others should help strengthen and preserve human health in all its manifestations - social, moral, physical, emotional, spiritual and moral. All true values that contribute to human improvement are the values of a healthy lifestyle.
It is impossible to derive a single system of personal values; each person has his own. At every stage of life, health is a tool for achieving the most significant goals for a person at that moment.
So, for a primary school student, the importance of health as an important condition for active longevity does not exist; for a child, what is happening here and now is more important - friendship, study, sports achievements, etc.
For students and young people, love, career, social success, etc. take priority.
For older people - active longevity, wisdom, well-being of offspring, etc.
Approaching health as both a goal and a means to achieve life goals is the only true way to develop a responsible attitude towards oneself and others in a person.
Human health - as the value of life has more weight with age, this applies to valuing spiritual traits. Material wealth and the value of education decrease with age, on the contrary.
Compared to young people, students of a physical education institution rate their own health indicators higher, this also applies to workers in the field of physical education and sports. According to experts in the field of health, it is characteristic of youth to exaggerate the level of one's own health, it is also typical for students. The answers of the respondents show that the pe rcentage of people who rate their own health as unsatisfactory increases with age.
As the results of the survey showed, the majority of respondents give the concept of health as values a prominent place. As part of the concept of health, all respondents mentioned rational nutrition and physical activity, the forms of which change with age, but the need remains throughout the entire life of the individual.
The value of health, the harmony of body and spirit is a more important factor in the life of athletes, compared to people who are not representatives of the sports environment. Young people consider communication with peers to be more important than representatives of other age categories, who prefer material means, comfort and rest.
Each person sets priorities individually, at the same time determining the importance and significance of these or other phenomena.
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