Personal reflection and responsibility in the conditions of continuous social changes

The reveals the peculiarities of personal reflection and responsibility in the conditions of constant social changes. It is shown that the evolution of socially significant knowledge involves a change in approaches to its reproduction, in particular.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Дата добавления 17.01.2024
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Personal reflection and responsibility in the conditions of continuous social changes

KovalchukZ. Ya.




Kaskov I.O.

The article reveals the peculiarities of personal reflection and responsibility in the conditions of constant social changes. It is shown that the evolution of socially significant knowledge involves a change in approaches to its reproduction, in particular, new content is extracted from previously existing, philosophically grounded social knowledge and meanings, which directly relates to the process of reflection and development of responsibility. Social psychology is currently stimulated by epistemology to carry out interdisciplinary analytical generalizations, which is also reflected in modern theoretical constructions. Consistency and integration of two spheres of knowledge - sensibility and rationality, are able to transform individual fragments of acquired knowledge into a system of world understanding, forming a synthetic perception that determines world understanding. At the same time, the imagination, capable of providing detailed knowledge about the subject, also builds a corridor of possibilities for the development of reflection and personal responsibility in the conditions of constant social changes.

Key words: personal reflection, responsibility, social responsibility, social changes. personal reflection social responsibility

Ковальчук З.Я., Колісник Р.Я., Тоба М.В., Царенок Л.Б., Каськов І.О.


У статті розкрито особливості особистісної рефлексії та відповідальності в умовах постійних соціальних змін. Показано, що еволюція соціально-значимих знань передбачає зміну підходів до його репродукування, зокрема, новий зміст витягується з раніше існуючих, філософсько обґрунтованих соціальних знань і смислів, що безпосередньо стосується процесу рефлексії та розвитку відповідальності. Соціальна психологія наразі стимулюється епістемологією до проведення міждисциплінарних аналітичних узагальнень, що знаходить свій відбиток і у сучасних теоретичних побудовах. Узгодженість та інтегрованість двох сфер пізнання - чуттєвості та раціональності, здатні перетворити окремі фрагменти знань, що набуваються, в систему світорозуміння, формуючи синтетичне сприйняття, що обумовлює світосмислення. При цьому уява, здатна дати розгорнуте знання про предмет, також вибудовує й коридор можливостей розвитку рефлексії та відповідальності особистості в умовах постійних соціальних змін.

Ключові слова: особистісна рефлексія, відповідальність, соціальна відповідальність, соціальні зміни.

Ковальчук Зоряна Ярославівна - доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри теоретичної психології Інституту управління, психології та безпеки Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ;

Колісник Роксолана Ярославівна - практичний психолог Центру творчості дітей та юнацтва Галичини, аспірантка кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Київ;

Тоба Маріанна Василівна - доктор психологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля.

Царенок Лілія Борисівна - кандидат психологічних наук, докторантка спеціальності 053 Психологія кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля;

Каськов Ігор Олегович - аспірант спеціальності 053 Психологія кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля.

Formulation of the problem

In the structures of social psychology today, the conviction has become stronger that some problematic factors of sociocultural reality, which in one way or another complicate the process of social reproduction, require multilateral understanding.

These include: the information revolution, modification of liberal values (such as the reformatting of Christian values into European ones), as well as consumerism - the meaning of existence today often comes down to material utility and hedonic pleasures.

The viability of each of these factors is supported to one degree or another by each person. Thus, everyone is assigned their own share of responsibility for the quality of social existence.

Reflexive awareness of this circumstance is the most important task of modern society. In short, the problematic specificity of the modern social state is such that today the human dimension of any social activity is becoming especially important. Anomie, which regularly arises in modern society as a temporary loss of the effectiveness of social norms, caused by crisis phenomena of various origins (Emile Durkheim), deprives people of hope and cuts the ground from under their feet [1-7].

Analysis of the latest research and publications

Disunity and alienation of people from each other are manifestations of anomie, indicating that the vulnerability of the social system requires adequate balancing, including through the qualitative improvement of various types of activities, which include humanitarian interactions, and, therefore, philosophizing (reflection) . Genuine, deep philosophizing (reflection) as a purely human ability not only for concrete, but also for abstract reflections about nature, one's own existence, and attitude towards people, is based on the methodology, categories and concepts developed by the history of knowledge.

An important feature of the method of scientific cognition is the connection in the individual cognitive act of two spheres - the field of sensory cognition and the sphere of abstract cognition. Let us note that the geometric style, as a way of understanding existence, covers all spheres of a person's worldview [4], and involves reliance on the above-mentioned areas of knowledge.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of personal reflection and responsibility in the conditions of constant social changes.

Presentation of the main material and research results

Let us note that the demonstrative geometric order, which has attracted many philosophers, as well as the imagination, which has a colossal cognitive charge, together are capable of creating a logical and aesthetic system of socio-philosophical conclusions.

Modern reality, marked by a variety of socio-philosophical designations such as “information society”, “consumer society”, “post-non-classical era”, “mosaic culture”, “postmodern society”, etc., makes certain demands on human existence. Many of them boil down to the need to achieve success in life at any cost. A person is required to meet certain social standards, in particular, to own and certainly enjoy certain benefits of civilization.

This is what many people see as success in life. This kind of life attitude can be both apologized and criticized - in itself, the presence of these benefits of civilization in a person is certainly not bad, and in most cases it is necessary. The point is not to make a person a slave of this kind of goods, and, therefore, not to enter into unnecessary competition with other people for primacy in their possession. First of all, this kind of understanding is necessary for the generation of so-called “young adults” - 17-25 year old people. Due to their not fully formed worldview and immature psyche, this is associated with life disappointments. We need effective examples that can instill in them the idea that life disappointments are not inevitable if they choose a different system of life coordinates as a measure of success in life. Moreover, at the boundaries of historical turning points, constellations of human groups arise. They know a lot of valuable things behind their backs and carry these values of the past with them. They know how to extract things from the dust of history, revive them and give them a close modern meaning. They know the inevitability of the end of the era they are living through [5].

The fact of the transition of a commodity economy to an intellectual and creative one indicates, among other things, that the fruits of scientific and technical progress are sending many professions into oblivion. People will be left without employment (work) if they do not realize in time the need to change.

Misunderstanding or failure to take this information into account is the privilege of the person himself. However, the lack of reflection on this issue is an inhibition of the process of personal growth, since reflection is a prerequisite for the production and reproduction of a person as a person, as an individual, and, ultimately, affects the quality of social life as a whole. It is difficult not to agree that the concepts of “social existence”, acceptable for the majority of citizens of a civilized society, require constant efforts to reproduce themselves, and, therefore, any philosophizing must correspond to the spirit of the time, correspond to it.

At the same time, thought, which is the prerogative of philosophy, in some cases may not have the necessary power to consider the complex components of the knowable without breaking them down into simple components. The imagination, which is activated immediately after the “surrender” of thought, is capable of providing detailed knowledge about the subject.

Today, good neighborliness has been replaced by the idea of tolerance, which upon deep analysis turns out to be a type of indifference. At the same time, both good neighborliness and tolerance, one way or another, are built into the context of various interpretations of justice - one of the main sought-after set of socio-philosophical constructs.

Thus, the evolution of socially significant knowledge implies a change in approaches to its reproduction, in particular, new content is extracted from preexisting, philosophically based social knowledge and meanings, which is directly related to the process of reflection.

The enduring relevance of socio-psychological problems at all times is mediated by the qualities of human society, which are far from perfect. A society capable of self-government and self-development is one of the achievements of humanity. Therefore, in a consumer society, the personal maturity of 17-25 year old young people is signaled by their agreement with the following thought: you should not accept someone's proposed scenario for life success without reflection.

Social psychology today is stimulated by epistemology to conduct interdisciplinary analytical generalizations, which is reflected in modern theoretical constructs. The coherence and integration of two spheres of cognition - sensibility and rationality - are capable of transforming individual fragments of knowledge acquired by people into a system of worldview, forming a synthetic perception that determines worldview. At the same time, imagination, capable of providing detailed knowledge about a subject, among other things, also draws a “corridor of possibilities” for the development of an individual person.


1. Bandura A. Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freeman, 1997.

2. Bennett N., Herold D.M., Ashford S.J. The effects of tolerance for ambiguity on feed back-seeking behavior. Journal of Occupational Psychology. 1990. Vol. 63. P. 343-348.

3. Berger C.R. Beyond initial understanding: Uncertainty, understanding and thedevelopment of interpersonal relationships. Language and social psychology / Eds. H. Giles, R.N. Clair. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1979.

4. Block J. Intolerance of ambiguity and ethnocentrism. Journal of Personality. 1950. Vol. 19. P. 303-311.

5. Holovkova L.S., Sheviakov O.V. Philosophical and sociocultural dimensions of personality psychological security. Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research. 2018. № 14. P. 73-83.

6. Thompson S.C. The role of personal control in adaptive functioning. In: C.R. Snyder, S.J. Lopez (Eds.), Handbook of positive psychology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Р. 202-213.

7. Willis J.D., Campbell. L.F. Exercise psychology. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1992. 241 p.

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