Evolution of radio broadcasting in Ukraine in the wartime: realities of social information for the population since February 24, 2022, to the present day
The prospects for radio broadcasting progress in conditions of turbulence in the information space of Ukraine. Potential of radio in the media space. The expectations of users of the radio product, vectors of its progress in conditions of post-war space.
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Дата добавления | 07.01.2024 |
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Evolution of radio broadcasting in Ukraine in the wartime: realities of social information for the population since February 24, 2022, to the present day
T. Hyrina, doctor of sciences in social communications, professor Head of the Department of Language Training and Social Communications; K. Shtyk-Matvienko, second (master's) level of higher education in journalism State Tax University Irpin
The purpose of the study is to understand the prospects for radio broadcasting development in the current conditions of turbulence in the information space of Ukraine.
Research methodology. The research methodological apparatus is based on the use of the central method of a non-representative survey in the form of a questionnaire using the electronic service «Google Forms» (83 respondents). Methods of analysis, induction, and generalization were used to understand the quantitative results of the study; the bibliographic-descriptive method and secondary analysis of the results of specific scientific and sociological research conducted by Ukrainian and international scientists were implemented to deepen the research with valuable secondary scientific information.
Based on the results of the conducted survey, we set ourselves the ambitious task of understanding the prospects for radio broadcasting progress under the current conditions of turbulence in the information space of Ukraine. For this purpose, it is necessary to outline the potential and relevance of radio in the modern media space, to find out what expectations the users have from the radio product, and to determine the vectors of its progress under the conditions of the post-war information space.
Results. The progress of over-the-air radio broadcasting in the structure of social information for the population during the war, as a central public media channel for operational notification, informing about current events, and relieving the emotional tension of Ukrainians in stressful conditions, is studied. Using the quantitative results of the conducted empirical research, the author's hypothesis about the increase in the level of receptivity and demand for radio content in the structure of weekly listening to the air by Ukrainians within the country in conditions of limited access to electricity supply and network coverage of mobile operators and the Internet has been proven. The reorientation of Ukrainian youth towards Ukrainian music content, their refusal to listen to Russian music, and their replacement of it with Ukrainian and international (except for the aggressor country) musical compositions of various styles were noted.
Novelty. For the first time, the prospects for radio broadcasting progress in the modern conditions of turbulence in the information space of Ukraine were thought out. For this purpose, the potential and relevance of radio in the modern media space were outlined, the expectations of users of the radio product were clarified, and the vectors of its progress in the conditions of the post-war information space were determined.
Practical importance. The practical significance of the research results lies in supplementing the scientific discourse with the results of empirical research, rethinking the potential of radio broadcasting as the most accessible and efficient media in wartime.
Key words: radio signal availability, empirical research, information war, radio efficiency, Ukrainiani-zation of the radio space, Ukrainian-language radio broadcasting, Ukrainian-language musical content.
Еволюція радіомовлення в Україні у воєнний час: реалії соціального інформування населення від 24 лютого 2022 р. до сьогодні
Гиріна Т.С., Штик-Матвієнко К.В.
Метою дослідження є усвідомлення перспектив розвитку радіомовлення в сучасних умовах турбулентності інформаційного простору України.
Методологічний апарат дослідження ґрунтується на використанні центрального методу нерепрезентативного опитування у формі анкетування з використанням електронного сервісу «Google Forms» (83 респонденти). Методи аналізу, індукції та узагальнення використано для осмислення кількісних результатів дослідження; бібліографічно-описовий метод, вторинний аналіз підсумків конкретноноукових та соціологічних досліджень, проведених українськими та зарубіжними науковцями імплементовано для поглиблення дослідження цінною вторинною науковою інформацією.
Ґрунтуючись на результатах проведеного опитування, ставимо перед собою амбітне завдання осмислення перспектив поступу радіомовлення сучасних умовах турбулентності в інформаційному просторі України. З цією метою необхідно окреслити потенціал та актуальність радіо у сучасному медіа-просторі, з'ясувати, які очікування від радіопродукту є у користувачів, визначити вектори його поступу в умовах поствоєнного інформаційного простору.
Результати. Досліджено поступ ефірного радіомовлення в структурі соціального інформування населення під час війни, як центрального загальнодоступного медіаканалу для оперативного оповіщення, інформування про поточні поди, зняття емоційної напруги українців в стресових умовах. З використанням кількісних результатів проведеного емпіричного дослідження доведено авторську гіпотезу про підвищення рівня сприйнятливості та затребуваності радіоконтенту в структурі щотижневого прослуховування ефіру українцями всередині країни в умовах обмеженої можливості доступу до електропостачання та покриття мережі мобільних операторів та інтернетом. Констатовано переорієнтацію української молоді на український музичний контент, відмову від прослуховування російської музики та заміщення її українськими та зарубіжними (крім країни-агресора) музичними композиціями різних стилів.
Новизна. Вперше осмислено перспективи поступу радіомовлення в сучасних умовах турбулентності в інформаційному просторі України. З цією метою окреслено потенціал та актуальність радіо у сучасному медіа-просторі, з'ясовано, які очікування від радіопродукту є у користувачів, визначено вектори його поступу в умовах поствоєнного інформаційного простору.
Практична значущість результатів дослідження полягає у доповненні наукового дискурсу результатами емпіричного дослідження, переосмислення потенціалу радіомовлення як найдоступнішого та оперативнішого медіа в умовах війни.
Ключові слова: доступність радіосигналу, емпіричне дослідження, інформаційна війна, оперативність радіо, українізація радіопростору, українськомовне радіомовлення, українськомовний музичний контент.
Ewolucja audycji radiowej w Ukrainie w czasie wojny: realia spotecznego poinformowania obywateli od 24 lutego 2022 r. do dnia dzisiejszego
Hyrina T., Sztyk-Matwijenko K.
Celem badania jest okreslenie perspektyw rozwoju audycji radiowej w nowoczesnych warunkach zawirowan w przestrzeni informacyjnej Ukrainy.
Metodologia badania. Metodologiczny aparat badania jest oparty na niereprezentatywnym badaniu ankietowym w formie kwestionariusza z wykorzystaniem serwisu elektronicznego «Google Forms» (83 respondentow). Metody analizy, indukcji i uogolnienia sq wykorzystane w celu uswiadomienia ilosciowych wynikow badania; metoda bibliograficzna - dla uogolnienia wynikow badan ukrainskich i zagranicznych naukowcow, co uzupefniono cennq wtornq informacjq naukowq.
Wyniki. Przebadano postqp audycji radiowej w strukturze socjalnego poinformowania ludnosci w czasie wojny jako centralnego ogolnodostqpnego kanaiu medialnego dla informacji operacyjnych o biezqcych wydarzeniach, roziadowaniu napiqcia emocjonalnego Ukraincow w sytuacjach stresowych. Na podstawie ilosciowych wynikow przeprowadzonych badan empirycznych udowodniono autorskq hipotezq o zwiqkszeniu poziomu wrazliwosci i zapotrzebowania kontentu radiowego w strukturze tygodniowego sfuchania audycji poprzez Ukraincow na terenie kraju w warunkach ograniczonego dostqpu do energii elektrycznej i zasiqgu sieci mobilnych operatorow wraz z Internetem. Stwierdzono reorientacjq ukrainskiej mfodziezy w kierunku ukrainskiego kontentu muzycznego, odmowq od sfuchania muzyki rosyjskiej i zastqpowanie jej przez ukrainskie i zagraniczne kompozycje muzyczne roznych stylow (z wyjqtkiem kraju agresora).
Nowosc. Po raz pierwszy przemyslano perspektywy postqpu audycji radiowej w nowoczesnych warunkach zawirowan w przestrzeni informacyjnej Ukrainy. W tym celu zarysowuje siq potencjaf i aktualnosc radia w nowoczesnej przestrzeni medialnej, wyjasniono oczekiwania uzytkownikow wobec produktu radiowego oraz okreslono wektory jego postqpu w warunkach powojennej przestrzeni informacyjnej.
Praktyczne znaczenie uzyskanych wynikow polega na uzupefnieniu dyskursu naukowego za pomocq wynikow badania empirycznego, przemysleniu potencjafu audycji radiowej jako najbardziej dostqpnego i operatywnego srodka masowego przekazu w warunkach wojny.
Sfowa kluczowe: dostqpnosc sygnafu radiowego, badanie empiryczne, wojna informacyjna, operatywnosc radia, ukrainizacja przestrzeni radiowej, audycja radiowa w jqzyku ukrainskim, kontent muzyczny w jqzyku ukrainskim.
information radio media post-war
Formulation of the problem. In a difficult period for our country, an important component of its future victory is the information space. World Ukrainian-language radio actualizes the population's need to receive reliable and timely information not only in Ukraine but also abroad. With the beginning of the digital technologies development, the radio as a means of information took a back seat, yielding to more dynamic and modern multimedia platforms. Perhaps this trend would continue, but the war, which divided life into «before» and «after», shifted the emphasis in the information space as well. Since its first months, especially in conditions of limited electricity supply, traditional radio broadcasting has been expanding its presence in the lives of Ukrainians in the middle of the country; listeners note that they listen to audio content more often than in the previous year. So, in the flames of war, radio confirms its status as the most accessible and closest medium that keeps in touch with its audience, supports them, and informs them under almost any conditions.
A separate dimension of the information struggle in the conditions of acute enemy information and psychological special operations in the occupied territories, reinforced by the information vacuum, actualizes radio broadcasting also as a valuable channel of access to alternative enemy information propaganda, and for the global community of Ukrainians scattered «around the world», radio strengthens its integration potential.
Analysis of recent research and publications
An energetic and productive reflection of the Ukrainian and international scientific community and the first conclusions from the analysis of the information environment functioning after the start of a full-scale war in Ukraine appeared already in the 2022 calendar year. The focus of research attention is the coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022 in the mass media, in particular in the presentation of V. Zhugai [1, p. 847-851]. According to the results of the conducted research, the author states that «radio, television, and social networks dominate in terms of materials presentation speed» [1, p. 849], «the most frequently used genres are news flashes, urgent messages, informative notes, and reports» [1, p. 849]. The research of V. Ovsyannikov is devoted to understanding the musical sound of Ukrainian radio during the war in terms of rock music. In particular, the author characterizes Ukrainian and Western rock music «in the light of Ukrainian people's support during the war» [3, p. 208-213] and emphasizes «the manifestation of “national”, “international” and “urban” cultural codes in the work of rock bands during the war in Ukraine» [3, p. 208213]. Markers of such support are the use of state and elements of the national musical language.
A significant part of the international scientific community's research is dedicated to understanding the milestones and strategies of special information operations implemented by the aggressor in Ukraine. Among such works is «Information War in Ukraine as Part of Military Strategy» by J. Mericka, in which the author pragmatically analyzes information war from the standpoint of using strategic tools: disinformation and deception [9, p. 21-37]. Scientific works that deserve attention are those written by S. Potter, D. Clayton, F. Kind-Kovacs [10], and О. Hotsur [7]. Russian influence through mass media as a significant factor in the hybrid war against Ukraine was investigated by L. Mylchenko [2, p. 8-16]. M. Onyshchuk satirized the war in Ukraine through the prism of foreign media. Under the crosshairs of his researcher's attention are the first days of the heroic resistance of Ukrainians, when «a significant part of foreign news agencies, the press, radio, and television mostly provided short reports about military actions in our country and cited the statements of Western politicians regarding Russian aggression ... almost neutrally» [4, p. 15-19]. The author's study [8, p. 64-70] also should be mentioned. However, a full-fledged survey to understand the transformation of the perception and structure of listening to modern Ukrainian radio, expectations from it, and demand for it among the audience inside the country and outside its borders after the start of the full-scale war on February 24, 2022, was not conducted.
Problem statement and research methods
Based on the survey results, the research's purpose is to study the prospects for radio broadcasting progress in the current conditions of turbulence in the information space of Ukraine. For this purpose, it is necessary to consider the potential and relevance of radio in the modern media space, to find out what expectations the users have from the radio product, and to determine the vectors of its progress in the post-war information space.
The object of the research is Ukrainian-language radio broadcasting in the context of the expectations and information requests of Ukrainian radio listeners in wartime conditions.
The methodological apparatus of the research is determined by its purpose set by the authors and based on the use of the central method of a non-representative survey in the form of a questionnaire using the electronic service «Google Forms». Methods of analysis, induction, and generalization were used to study the quantitative results of the research; the bibliographic-descriptive method and secondary analysis of the results of specific scientific and sociological research conducted by Ukrainian and international scientists were implemented to deepen the research with valuable secondary scientific information.
Traditionally, radio has been identified as the most accessible media channel, but the widespread use of digital technologies has eroded its traditional advantages in responsiveness, ubiquity, and openness. And perhaps this trend would continue in the following years, but the war changed the perception of radio, as well as Ukrainians' lives. From the first days of the military invasion, when townspeople or residents of distant villages were deprived of access to newspapers, broadcast television, or remained outside the coverage area of the Internet signal, it was the radio that preserved the functions of a window to the world. It is not for nothing that the infrastructure designed to transmit objective information in television and radio format to the population was destroyed and jammed so mercilessly.
Ukrainians were able to listen to operational news flashes, instant notifications about air-raid alerts, and important information lines on the radio. When power outages began in the country, its autonomy and accessibility were added to the reasons for listening to the radio, even under the conditions of a long-term information vacuum without the Internet or coverage of the signal area by a mobile operator. Traditional receivers and mobile phones have once again become devices that provide access to the outside world, which is especially relevant for people in remote areas, who, for various reasons, do not have access to digital content produced by thematic channels of Viber or Telegram messengers.
To the objective reasons for informing, parallel trends of accelerating Ukrainization and rejection of music from Russian artists and Russian-language tracks were added. The viral spread of Ukrainian culture abroad stimulates the development of Ukrainian music, and the compositions of Ukrainian performers are broadcast on the radio not according to the quota principle, as in the first years of their introduction, but according to the measure of popularity, demand, and reorientation of listeners to Ukrainian media content.
The world opened its eyes to Ukrainian culture, opened its eyes to Ukrainian song, and fellow citizens, who by the millions brought information about the horrors of the war in the Motherland to the world, added to Ukrainian culture the inhabitants of the countries that amicably accepted the forced migrants. It turned out that Ukrainians are rich in culture and traditions, as well as hardworking and selfless in their love for everything authentic and native.
The war also became a trigger for many immigrants from Ukraine who had been living and assimilating in foreign lands for years and decades. People who moved from Ukraine into other countries were focused on their Motherland, felt a mental connection with it, and were more interested in the news that poured in from all platforms, including the radio air. During the author's interview with Natalka Popovych, editor and presenter of the Ukrainian radio program «Song of Ukraine», the oldest in the radio space of Canada, which is broadcast continuously in Toronto and its surroundings, first from the radio station «CKFH 1400» (at 19.00-19.30), then «CHWO» (at 4:30-6:00 p.m.), and now «CJMR 1320» (at 7:20-7:50 p.m.) from 1959, whose listeners are a generation of older Ukrainians for whom Internet technologies often remain inaccessible. Therefore, it has become a powerful information platform where news from Ukraine is not only reported every day but also accumulates a resource for philanthropy, because the good deeds of the Canadian community, in particular in Toronto, are known among Ukrainians worldwide. Information blocks in «Song of Ukraine» partially replaced the traditional historical section, local news from community life, etc. Even more, the radio station, which is currently airing the radio program, provided half an hour of free airtime for additional broadcasts specifically to Ukrainians for two months. A similar situation is typical for Ukrainian content in different countries.
The actualization of radio broadcasting among the listenership became the subject of the author's team research focus because, like most Ukrainians, we began to listen to the air of Ukrainian radio stations more often while remaining without electricity and communication for a long time. So we wanted to understand the needs of Ukrainian radio listeners and their expectations of radio content. To do this, in the period from December 1-14, 2022, at a time when Ukrainians have been experiencing severe interruptions in the electricity supply for more than a month, respondents were invited to answer several questions on the specified topic through social networks. The results obtained using the «Google Forms» service are unrepresentative from a sociological point of view, since the sampling quota was not observed, but they are significant and tendentious for understanding the vectors of the media channel's progress. The 83 respondents interviewed are young people who lived in different regions of Ukraine and were on its territory at the time of filling out the questionnaire, which is especially important for understanding requests and information priorities in the conditions of the basic level of comfort that they could provide for themselves.
According to the author's hypothesis, after the beginning of the war in Ukraine, respondents began to listen to the radio more, which was confirmed by 39.8% of respondents against 20.5% of those for whom the time of weekly contact with the radio did not change (Fig. 1).
Based on our own example, we can assume that the increase in listening occurs in order to avoid an information vacuum, actualized by the desire to always stay abreast of the information agenda, to respond promptly to threats that are reported in the radio space. Among the motivations for accessing the radio, the informational purpose is decisive for 42.2% of respondents, another 26.5% of them turn on the radio for entertainment purposes and to distract themselves from current problems and worries (16.9%). From a psychological point of view, switching attention to content other than informational type is important for unloading and relieving tension, in which the radio is also an indispensable assistant and companion (Fig. 2).
The renown of radio as the most accessible media channel in crisis conditions was confirmed by 63.9% of respondents [5]. To an open-ended question about information sources concerning events from the outside world in the absence of electricity and communication, where everyone was able to indicate their own version of the answer, various responses were received: from friends, other people, relatives, with the help of smartphones; the most active respondents search for the network without expecting its high-quality coverage, while others wait for a connection and do not receive information due to lack of signal. But the most frequently indicated answer by the respondents themselves is listening to the radio (18.6%) (Fig. 3).
Fig. 1. Estimation of the time during which the respondents listen to the radio every week since the beginning of the war in Ukraine [5]
Fig. 2. The purpose of listening to the radio by the surveyed respondents [5]
It is the radio broadcast that is one of the priority platforms for relieving psychological tension during long-term waiting. In 18.1% of cases, the radio is turned on for calming purposes. Together with conversations with loved ones (37.3%), surfing the social networks (51.8%) or emotional release in silence (31.3%), radio regains a prominent place in the life of a modern Ukrainian (Fig. 4). In the postwar years, competent, balanced, systematic work on adapting citizens to new living conditions should be added to its functionality. It is the light stylistics of the air, the major, close to normal rhythm of peaceful life that will also carry the radio, and it will popularize the rich musical culture, which is being produced at a frantic pace by talented Ukrainians today, reflecting the current crises.
Fig. 3. Channels of receiving information by respondents during the absence of electricity and communication (free choice) [5]
Fig. 4. Tools for relieving psychological stress by Ukrainians in crisis conditions [5]
Despite updating the informational content of the radio broadcast, which was preferred by 42.2% of the respondents, entertaining music content continues to be mainstream for the media channel, and 26.5% are oriented towards it [5]. Such indicators actualize a bright trend towards the de-Russification of the radio space because Ukrainians consciously refuse the content of the enemy country and listen less to its music, which is related to its culture. The pre-war tendency to present Russian music in the playlist of an average Ukrainian is currently undergoing restructuring in the direction of Ukrainian and international (except Russian) musical cultures. «I'm not interested in spending my time on such content» - this is how Ukrainians (73.2%) answer the question of whether they continue to follow Russian media, including radio. Other answer variants are so few that we cannot consider them reliable.
On the other hand, the Ukrainian song gained radically more supporters within the country, and 89% of respondents increased the number of such compositions on their devices (Fig. 5). Among the favorite tracks named in response to an open question: the song of the Sich Riflemen «Oi u Luzi Chervona Kalyna» (Oh, the Red Viburnum in the Meadow), which without exaggeration reverberates over the whole world, «Stefania» and «Dodomu» (Heading Home) by the Kalush Orchestra, «Vilni Liudy» (Free People) by the «Bez Obmezhen» band, «Moia Vesna» (My Spring) by Renie Cares, «Kolyskova dlia Voroha» (Lullaby for the Enemy) by STASIK, «Insha Liubov» (Another Love) by Enleo, Jerry Heil's appeal song «Het z Ukrainy» (Get out of Ukraine) and others. The selection of radio stations competing for the attention of Ukrainians is now quite respectable, among them «Perets FM», «Radio Roks», «Lux FM», «Radio Piatnytsia», «Hit FM» and others named by respondents; a list of quality Ukrainian- language audio podcasts is also constantly expanding.
The flagship opinion in this context is the view of the Ukrainian television and radio host, radio journalist, and media manager, and now a board member of the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine, D. Khorkin, who stated in November 2022 that «Ukrainian Radio» is the only one that broadcasts throughout the territory of Ukraine and even in Russia because «radio is all-pervasive. We really broadcast throughout the territory of Ukraine. Thanks to medium waves, we are heard in Mariupol, Donetsk, Luhansk, Simferopol, Yalta, Kerch... On December 10, 2014, we started broadcasting at the frequency of 1431 kHz to the entire territory of the European part of the Russian Federation. Russians... cannot silence us» [6].
Fig. 5. Indicators of increasing demand for Ukrainian-language content [5]
Listeners of all ages agree that during the war, the most important task of the radio is to keep Ukrainians informed of events and to inform the population even in the most remote corners of the country. Among respondents, 39.8% of them state that they systematically listen to the radio during the week, and these are young people, who previously were not too fond of traditional media, preferring the bright digital presentation of content. According to another 63.9% of respondents, without radio broadcasting, communication with the outside world will be quite limited and complicated [5]. Ukrainian listeners are clearly focused on quality Ukrainian-language content, as evidenced by the positive opinions in 89% of the analyzed questionnaires.
In the conditions of total aggression from the occupying country, amidst fake propaganda, Ukrainian radio broadcasting is a symbol of stability and indomitability, which helps its audience be aware of important and relevant news, which, including literally, preserves life. Therefore, there are all the prerequisites for a renewed, reimagined Ukrainian-language radio in Ukraine to exist: quality music, talented presenters, demand among the audience, and, of course, the desire to fill the media market with high-quality competitive media content and to become part of the European high-quality digital media market, which you want to orient yourself to and respect in order to join.
Therefore, the perspective of further scientific research should be to consider the progress and accumulation of attention of Ukrainians around the world to the events in the Motherland after February 24, 2022; given the audience's demand to inform the citizens, it is important to understand the activities of information radio stations, in particular the content of Hromadske Radio, Suspilne Radio, etc.
Список використаної літератури
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7. Hotsur O. Blog and Podcast as a Development of Professional Activity of a Commentator and Columnist of Radio and TV. State and Regions. Series: Social Communications. 2022. № 3. Р. 40-45.
8. Hyrina Т. Ukrainian practice of the military radio broadcasting development during the military conflict. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society. 2018. № 8 (1). Р. 64-70.
9. Mericka J. The Information War in Ukraine as a Part of the Military Strategy. Vojenske Rozhledy. 2022. № 31 (1). Р. 21-37.
10. Potter S., Clayton D., Kind-Kovacs F. Out of the Ether: The Wireless World and New Histories of International Radio Broadcasting. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. 212 p.
1. Zhuhai V. (2022). Vysvitlennia rosiisko-ukrainskoi viiny 2022 roku u ZMI [Media coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022], Yevropeiskyi vybir Ukrainy, rozvytok nauky ta natsionalna bezpeka v realiiakh masshtabnoi viiskovoi ahresii ta hlobalnykh vyklykiv XXI stolittia» (do 25-richchia Natsionalnoho universytetu «Odeska yurydychna akademiia» ta 175-richchia Odeskoi shkoly prava), materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktichnoi konferentsii [The European choice of Ukraine, the development of science and national security in the realities of large-scale military aggression and global challenges of the 21st century (to the 25th anniversary of the National University «Odesa Law Academy» and the 175th anniversary of the Odessa School of Law, Proceedings of the Internetional Scientific and Practical Conference)]. (Vol. 1). Odesa: Helvetyka [in Ukrainian].
2. Mylchenko L. (2021). Rosiiskyi vplyv cherez ZMI yak vahomyi faktor hibrydnoi viiny proty Ukrainy [Russian influence through mass media as a significant factor in the hybrid war against Ukraine]. Visnyk Knyzhkovoi palaty, 10, 8-16 [in Ukrainian].
3. Ovsiannikov V. (2022). Transformatsiini protsesy rok-muzyky v konteksti viiny v Ukraini [Transformational processes of rock music in the context of the war in Ukraine]. Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii kerivnykh kadrivkultury i mystetstv, 3, 208-213 [in Ukrainian].
4. Onyshchuk, M. (2022). Viina v Ukraini kriz pryzmu zarubizhnykh ZMI [War in Ukraine through the prism of foreign mass media]. Visnyk Knyzhkovoi palaty, 3, 15-19 [in Ukrainian].
5. Opytuvannia «Ukrainske radio» [«Ukrainian Radio» survey]. (2022). Google Forms. [in Ukrainian].
6. Khorkin: «Ukrainske radio» dlia bahatokh ukraintsiv zalyshaietsia inkoly yedynoiu nadiieiu i dzherelom zv'iazku. [Khorkin: «Ukrainian Radio» is sometimes the only hope and source of communication for many Ukrainians]. (2022). Detector Media. [in Ukrainian].
7. Hotsur O. (2022). Blog and Podcast as a Development of Professional Activity of a Commentator and Columnist of Radio and TV. State and Regions. Series: Social Communications, 3, 40-45 [in Ukrainian].
8. Hyrina Т. (2018). Ukrainian practice of the military radio broadcasting development during the military conflict. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 8 (1), 64-70 [in English].
9. Mericka J. (2022). The Information War in Ukraine as a Part of the Military Strategy. Vojenske Rozhledy, 31 (1), 21-37 [in English].
10. Potter S., Clayton D., Kind-Kovacs F. (2022). Out of the Ether: The Wireless World and New Histories of International Radio Broadcasting. Oxford: Oxford University Press [in English].
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