Gender diversity in the police - an essential indicator in the protection of the civil population

The appropriate organizational climate for reducing discriminatory elements in the workplace is influenced by the work style of the manager and the management team. Style is the own way of expressing oneself of a manager or the management team.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Дата добавления 21.06.2023
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Liliana Creanga

Doctor in Law, Associate Professor

(Academy «Stefan cel Mare» of MIA of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova)


The professionalization of an institution's management, regardless of its specificity, involves raising the level of training in the field, mastering the principles of modern management, improving the style and the methods of working with the subordinates, cultivating receptivity to the new and last but not least raising the level of the managers' professional and civic awareness. The appropriate organizational climate for reducing discriminatory elements in the workplace is influenced by the work style of the manager and the management team and is not an abstract notion. Style is the own way of expressing oneself of a manager or the management team, a method or a way of working, of interpreting, one way or another of being, of acting, of behaving.

Non-discrimination and appreciation of diversity should not be seen only as obligations of the state. These social values should be included in the organizational culture of all employers from the Republic of Moldova. Thus, they would become familiar to employees who could in turn practice them in society.

Keywords: management, diversity, work style, policies, equal opportunities.

police gender organizational climate

Ліляна Крянге. ТЕНДЕРНА РІЗНОМАНІТНІСТЬ У ПОЛІЦІЇ - ВАЖЛИВИМ ПОКАЗНИК ЗАХИСТУ ЦИВІЛЬНОГО НАСЕЛЕННЯ. Професіоналізація керівництва закладу, незалежно від його специфіки, передбачає підвищення рівня професійної підготовки, оволодіння принципами сучасного менеджменту, удосконалення стилю і методів роботи з підлеглими, виховання сприйнятливості до нового і прогресивного, принаймні підвищення рівня професійної та громадянської свідомості керівників. Відповідний організаційний клімат для зменшення дискримінаційних елементів на робочому місці залежить від стилю роботи керівника та управлінської команди і не є абстрактним поняттям. Стиль - індивідуальний спосіб самовираження керівника або команди управлінців, метод або спосіб роботи, інтерпретації, того чи іншого способу існування, дії, поведінки.

Недискримінація та повага до різноманітності не повинні розглядатися лише як обов'язки держави. Ці соціальні цінності повинні бути включені в організаційну культуру всіх роботодавців Республіки Молдова. Таким чином, вони стануть прийнятними для працівників, які, у свою чергу, зможуть застосовувати їх у суспільній практиці.

Зроблено висновок, що оптимізація системи різноманітності та запобігання дискримінації в поліції можливі за допомогою таких кроків: 1) популяризація професії поліцейського;

2) посилення поінформованості відбіркових комісій щодо статі; 3) перевірка кандидатів на предмет порушення прав людини, домашнього чи сексуального насильства; 4) запровадження моніторингу застосування системи квотування там, де вона існує; 5) посилення інституту наставництва та внутрішньої системи підтримки жінок і чоловіків у поліції; 6) покращення доступу як жінок, так і чоловіків до всіх форм освіти та додаткового навчання; 7) підвищення обізнаності про тендерну рівність; 8) запровадження механізму просування гендерної рівності там, де її немає; 9) підвищення прозорості процесу через внутрішні та публічні конкурси; 10) адаптація об'єктів інфраструктури діяльності та навчання; 11) використання гендерно чутливої мови; 12) суворе застосування правових та внутрішніх механізмів повідомлення про сексуальні домагання, дискримінацію та мобінг.

Ключові слова: менеджмент, різноманітність, стиль роботи, політика, рівні можливості.

Diversity is a crucial element in modern law enforcement organizations, but also in social terms. In this sense, the debate on diversity in European and national societies is a particularly topical one. Diversity, as it is understood in many organizations, involves differences between people, based on their identification with specific groups. The more the groups represented in any organization differ and faithfully reflect social diversity, the more diverse the organization is.

The primary objective of promoting diversity in the police is to find and maintain a balance between ensuring security, implementing public order strategies, and respecting the human rights [1]. Situations such as «female police officer», «black police officer», «ethnic minority police officer», «police officer with a physical disability» were utopian aspects in the past, but now they are possible realities of social life and require a careful analysis in the context of diversity and the prevention of discrimination within the police. Regarding the diversity in the management of the institutional system in the sphere of public order, issues are discussed, among others, such as the reflection in the composition of the authorities from the point of view of human resources of the whole society, including the minority groups, women and people with disabilities, etc. Diversity also means ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and the existence of disabilities.

The promotion and respect of diversity presuppose its presence everywhere, at all levels and police structures, with a special emphasis on those who carry out concrete activities to ensure public order, at street level or in direct contact with the citizen, regardless of his quality (complainant, victim, witness, felon, offender, etc.). A diverse police organization in its composition, consisting of men and women from all backgrounds and social areas, is fundamental to achieve effective work results and to raise public confidence in the activities of the police [2].

Results and discussions. We must recognize that in recent years there has been progress in recognizing the contribution of women in various dimensions of policing, namely the relative increase in the number of women in the training system and among police officers. However, in order for police services to be more effective in responding to the security needs of the communities to which they belong, it is necessary to systematically apply the necessary measures for the successful integration of women into police structures [3].

These measures propose the improvement of the modalities of action in the field of recruitment, selection, and professional development, with the priority use of the existing resources and without major organizational changes. All recommended measures are aimed primarily at further developing the efficiency and quality of services that modern 21st century policing should provide to citizens, an objective that can be achieved with qualified, motivated, and optimally used staff.

By applying these measures, police leadership at all levels can identify challenges in the process of recruiting, selecting, and women's professional development in police services; to promote a better understanding of the problems faced by women in policing; to facilitate the exchange of information on existing positive practices in this field, and to define appropriate measures with the support of which the existing practice can be improved.

Gender initiatives within police structures should focus on different needs and experiences with regard to the security of men and women [4]. Attention to gender issues «is not a process in which the power of men is taken and given to women and other underrepresented groups, but a process of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of reformed organizations».

Being responsible for maintaining and restoring public order, police structures need to be aware that women and men are affected by violence and discrimination in different ways and degrees. An example is the fact that most crimes against men take place in public places, while crimes against women, such as domestic violence, most often take place in the private sector, for which many state institutions consider that they are not responsible for intervening.

Gender-based violence is an act of physical, sexual or psychological violence that can be committed against women and men, girls and boys and reflects a power imbalance that exists between women and men. Gender-based violence can be combined with other factors such as ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation. Men and women are reluctant to report these acts of violence to the police. Men who have been victims of gender-based violence are often ashamed to talk about it so as not to be seen as weak or emasculated. It is very difficult for women to speak due to the social stigma associated with victims of gender-based violence.

Within police structures, there is a need for proper training of staff, made up of women and men, to know how to respond to victims of gender-based violence and to have the necessary knowledge to investigate such a crime.

A job with a high degree of diversity provides access to a wider range of experiences which improves the ability of these structures to offer a variety of solutions and services.

Threats to public safety and crime occur in all sectors of society, but police organizations around the world continue to be predominantly made up of men with poor representation of certain minority groups. The activities of maintaining and restoring public order and safety have been associated with «men's work» because it directs us to the thought of crime, violence, danger, and coercion.

The recruitment process sometimes eliminates women or male candidates who do not have «correct» male attitudes, such as toughness and heterosexuality.

Gender mainstreaming refers to the process of assessing the implications of any planned activity on women and men, including legislation, policies, or programs, in all areas and at all levels. The integration of the gender perspective in the public order and safety processes ensures the improvement of the efficiency of the services offered, of the care and responsibility they show.

The increase in the efficiency of the services provided due to the integration of the gender perspective is identified by the creation of more representative institutions, improving the response to gender-based violence and gaining benefits from working with women's organizations. The existence of more representative police structures in terms of gender, ethnicity, religion will lead to the empowerment of the credibility and legitimacy of services, while representing an indicator of democratic governance.

Although women have equal rights to join police structures, they continue to be underrepresented and focus on lower positions, especially in the (non-operational) support part.

The benefits that can be obtained by increasing women's participation in police activity are well documented:

«Research conducted both in the United States and internationally clearly demonstrates that female officers rely on a style of control that uses less physical force, are better at calming and lessening potential violent confrontations with citizens, and are less likely to get involved in issues involving the use of excessive force. Moreover, female staff often have better communication skills than their male counterparts and are abler to facilitate the cooperation and trust needed to implement a model of public order and safety for the community».

Not only do women have a set of useful skills, but in some situations inclusion is imperative because they can solve certain tasks that their male colleagues might have difficulty solving, and in cases of domestic violence, women in the police respond with more high efficiency. Women can also have a positive impact on the morale and behavior of their colleagues and are a model of encouragement for increasing women's participation [5].

Thus, increasing the share of women in the police would not only respect the principle of equal opportunities for women and men, but would improve the procedures for selecting, recruiting and retaining staff. Regarding the qualities that a police officer must have, the information obtained from the interviews indicates that physical strength is not a primary selection criterion, as other qualities are important, such as those related to discipline, loyalty, the strength of character, communication skills.


Streamlining the diversity system and preventing discrimination within the police is possible by the following steps:

promoting the police profession;

strengthening the awareness of selection commissions regarding gender;

verification of candidates from the perspective of human rights violations, domestic or sexual violence;

introduction of monitoring the application of the quota system where it exists;

strengthening the mentoring institution and the internal support system for women and men in the police;

improving access for both women and men to all forms of education and additional training;

raising awareness of gender equality;

introducing the mechanism for promoting gender equality where it does not exist;

increasing the transparency of the process through internal and public competitions;

adaptation of the infrastructure from the objects of activity and training;

use of gender-sensitive language;

strict application of legal and internal mechanisms for reporting sexual harassment, discrimination, and mobbing.

In order to adapt to the different and changing needs and interests of citizens, it is necessary for police structures to carry out a process of continuous reform of their programs and activities.


Stefan Cristian-Eduard, Managementul diversion in cadrul sistemului institutional de ordine publica, in Revista Studii de Securitate Publica nr. 1/2012, p. 150.

Sava Nicolae, «Managementul diversitatii in contextul prevenirii discriminarii in cadrul politiei», rezumat al tezei de doctor, Bucuresti 2015.

Reteaua femeilor ofiteri de politie din Europa de Sud-Est. Ghid pentru practica politieneasca gender sensibila, 2012.

Braga Andreea, Abordarea intergratoare a egalitatii de gen in fortele de ordine publica. Lucrare de dizertatie, Bucuresti, 2010.

Anino^anu Livia, Marji§ Daniela, Sorescu Irina., Cum promovam managementul diversitatii in organizatii, Centrul Parteneriat pentru Egalitate 2008. URL :

Stefan Cristian-Eduard (2012), Management of diversity within the institutional system of public order, in Public Security Studies Magazine no. 1/2012, p. 150. [in Rom.].

Sava, Nicolae (2015) «Management of diversity in the context of preventing discrimination in the police», summary of the doctoral thesis, Bucharest. [in Rom.].

Network of Women Police Officers in South East Europe. Guidelines for Gender Sensitive Policing, 2012. [in Rom.].

Braga, Andreea (2010) The integrative approach to gender equality in public order forces. Dissertation work, Bucharest. [in Rom.].

Anino^anu, Livia, Mar^i§, Daniela, Sorescu, Irina (2008) How we promote diversity management in organizations, Partnership Center for Equality, [in Rom.].

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