Phenomenology of subjective assessment of quality of life and psychological health of an individual

The concept of "interpretation of the quality of life" as a sociological category. Analysis of the problem of psychological health. Mental health and quality of life as a degree of development of psychological health, as a sociocultural phenomenon.

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Phenomenology of subjective assessment of quality of life and psychological health of an individual

Voitovych H.V.

Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Bogomolets National Medical University

The most common interpretation of quality of life is its definition as a sociological category. "Quality of life" - as a sociological category expresses the quality of meeting the material and cultural needs of people (quality of food, clothing, comfort, quality of health care, education, services, environment, leisure, degree of satisfaction in meaningful communication, knowledge, creativity labor, the level of stress, the structure of settlement, etc.).

However, such an understanding of the category of "quality of life" cannot be considered sufficient. Quality is a fragmented integrity, is a structural entity, so the quality of life must be considered in the integral unity of material, natural, social and spiritual factors of human life.

Theoretical analysis of the problem of mental health and quality of life allows: to identify the degree of development of mental health, to state the eclectic views in determining the criteria and norms of various psychological and psychotherapeutic approaches, to focus on the definition of mental health as a socio-cultural phenomenon; to determine the determinants of the most common abnormal manifestations of mental illness, the priority of which are psychological factors; psychological category.

Key words: quality of life, mental health.

Войтович А.В. Феноменология субъективной оценки качества жизни и психологического здоровья личности

В статье показано, что наиболее распространенной интерпретацией качества жизни является его понимание как социологической категории. «Качество жизни» - как социологическая категория выражает качество удовлетворения материальных и культурных потребностей людей (качество еды, одежды, комфорт, качество здравоохранения, образования, услуг, окружающей среды, досуга, степень удовлетворенности осмысленным общением, знания, творчество, труд, уровень стресса, структура расселения и др.). Однако такое понимание категории «качество жизни» нельзя считать достаточным. Качество - это фрагментарная целостность, структурная единица, поэтому качество жизни необходимо рассматривать в целостном единстве материальных, природных, социальных и духовных факторов жизни человека. Теоретический анализ проблемы психологического здоровья, психического здоровья и качества жизни позволяет: выявить степень развития психологического здоровья, сформулировать эклектические взгляды при определении критериев и норм различных психологических и психотерапевтических подходов, сделать акцент на определении психического здоровья как социокультурного феномена; определить детерминанты наиболее частых патологических проявлений психических заболеваний, приоритетом которых являются психологические факторы и аспекты.

Ключевые слова: качество жизни, психологическое здоровье.

Войтович Г.В. Феноменологія суб'єктивної оцінки якості життя і психологічного здоров'я особистості

У статті показано, що найбільш поширеною інтерпретацією якості життя є його розуміння як соціологічної категорії. «Якість життя» - як соціологічна категорія виражає якість задоволення матеріальних і культурних потреб людей (якість їжі, одягу, комфорт, якість охорони здоров'я, освіти, послуг, навколишнього середовища, дозвілля, ступінь задоволеності осмисленим спілкуванням, знання, творчість, праця, рівень стресу, структура розселення і ін.). Однак таке розуміння категорії «якість життя» не можна вважати достатнім. Якість - це фрагментарна цілісність, структурна одиниця, тому якість життя необхідно розглядати в цілісному єдності матеріальних, природних, соціальних і духовних чинників життя людини. Теоретичний аналіз проблеми психологічного здоров'я, психічного здоров'я та якості життя дозволяє: виявити ступінь розвитку психологічного здоров'я, сформулювати еклектичні погляди при визначенні критеріїв і норм різних психологічних і психотерапевтичних підходів, зробити акцент на визначенні психічного здоров'я як соціокультурного феномену; визначити детермінанти найчастіших патологічних проявів психічних захворювань, пріоритетом яких є психологічні чинники і аспекти.

Ключові слова: якість життя, психологічне здоров'я.

Problem' statement

quality life psychological health

QOL (Quality of Life) is the international abbreviation for the quality of life in English literature. Problems of quality of life are discussed by experts in various scientific fields. Quality of life becomes the goal of development of the individual, the state, the world community. Many branches of science study the quality of human life. In medicine - special attention is paid to physical health, in economics - the level of well-being and security, in ecology - the state of the environment, psychology explores the needs of the individual, the search for meaning in life, his desire for happiness.

Main results of research

The study of quality of life began in the mid-60's, when in highly developed Western countries began to move to the post-industrial stage of society, which led to human interest in the humanitarian content of economic progress.

For the first time. the concept of "quality of life" was introduced into scientific circulation by John Helbert and Forrester in the 60s of the XX century in connection with an attempt to model the trajectory of industrial dynamics.

To date, there is no unanimity in understanding which phenomena are termed quality of life and the issue remains debatable.

On the one hand, there are extended explanations of this category, which include all processes of human life and society. On the other hand, only a narrow part of people's life support processes is introduced into quality of life indicators. Very often close terminology is used, identifying with the category of quality of life: standard of living, lifestyle, standard of living, lifestyle and so on. Sometimes there is an identification of these categories, which complicates the understanding of the meaning of quality of life.

Researchers disagree in defining this concept. B.M. Genkin, summarizing the experience of many researchers in this field, concluded that the quality of life is usually understood as the conditions of human existence: material security, food, clothing, housing, security, access to health care, opportunities for education and skills, the environment, social relations in society, including freedom of expression and the influence of citizens on political decisions (E.A. Davydova, V.V. Davydov; S.A. Aivazyan; A. Anderson, A. Levin).

Quality of life, according to V.N. Bobkova, should be interpreted as the level of development and the degree of satisfaction of a complex of highly developed needs and interests of people. Such a concise definition, in his opinion, does not contradict the many concepts available in the literature, because happiness, freedom, equality, opportunities, abilities of people, etc. - all these are the needs and interests of people. He considers quality of life as a socio-economic category and notes its following features. First, the quality of life is extremely broad, multifaceted, multifaceted concept, incomparably broader than the "standard of living". Second, quality of life has two sides: objective and subjective. The objective components of quality of life are: standard of living, level of employment, development of services, social security and guarantees; subjective - to reflect the emotional attitude of the individual, the degree of satisfaction with different areas of their lives: job satisfaction, living conditions, a sense of comfort, stability and confidence in the future. In a narrow sense, the category of quality of life reflects only the qualitative characteristics of different spheres of life (as opposed to the standard of living.

Quality of life includes all aspects of human existence. A.I. Subbeto defines quality of life as a system of spiritual, material, socio-cultural, environmental and demographic components of life. This system reveals the level of ancestral forces of man, the creative meaning of his life. AI Subbeto speaks of those births of quality: objective - material; functional; systemic-social, in accordance with which both individual and social (systemic-social) quality of life, diversity of human needs, the potential of its comprehensive, harmonious, creative development are revealed.

Well-known researchers in the field of quality of life М.А. Kuznetsov propose the following structure of quality of life, developed in the paradigm of a systems approach. This approach considers the problem of quality of life in four interrelated areas: population health; quality of education; quality of the natural environment; spirituality.

The most common interpretation of quality of life is its definition as a sociological category. "Quality of life" - as a sociological category expresses the quality of meeting the material and cultural needs of people (quality of food, clothing, comfort, quality of health care, education, services, environment, leisure, degree of satisfaction in meaningful communication, knowledge, creativity labor, the level of stress, the structure of settlement, etc.).

However, such an understanding of the category of "quality of life" cannot be considered sufficient. Quality is a fragmented integrity, is a structural entity, so the quality of life must be considered in the integral unity of material, natural, social and spiritual factors of human life. quality of life "as an important indicator of human existence immediately became the subject of scientific controversy between scholars of Marxist-Leninist orientation (A.P. Butenko, etc.) and representatives of individualistic theories

In the 70's J. Telbraith and his followers added the concept of quality of life interpretation, associated with the liberation of society from some excesses of consumption arising from the orientation of society to the exclusively quantitative growth of material benefits, leading to the deformation of needs. According to their views in modern conditions, productivity growth is not directly related to improving people's living standards. The need to "give human life a decent human quality" comes to the fore. Life, in their opinion, puts society in front of the need to choose: or quantity

- increase wages, increase production of goods; or quality - education, health care, culture, ecology, etc. The most common interpretation of quality of life is its definition as a sociological category. "Quality of life" - as a sociological category expresses the quality of meeting the material and cultural needs of people (quality of food, clothing, comfort, quality of health care, education, services, environment, leisure, degree of satisfaction in meaningful communication, knowledge, creativity labor, the level of stress, the structure of settlement, etc.).

In the 70's J. Telbraith and his followers added the concept of quality of life interpretation, associated with the liberation of society from some excesses of consumption arising from the orientation of society to the exclusively quantitative growth of material benefits, leading to the deformation of needs. According to their views in modern conditions, productivity growth is not directly related to improving people's living standards. The need to "give human life a decent human quality" comes to the fore. Life, in their opinion, puts society in front of the need to choose: or quantity

- increase wages, increase production of goods; or quality - education, health care, culture, ecology, etc.

For a person it is essential not only a certain level of well-being, but also a spiritually oriented life. If the growth of material well-being is achieved at the cost of loss of physical and mental health of an individual, his spiritual and moral deformation, then such an orientation to the development of society is contrary to quality of life (Subbeto A.I.).

In foreign studies, so itself there is no consensus in considering the category of "quality of life". Most definitions present subjective variables that characterize the well-being of the individual, satisfaction with freedoms, human rights, security of existence (J. Van Gig; E. Diner; J. M. Pearsol). For example, J. Van Gig understands the quality of life of the population very broadly, considering it as a component of wellbeing, and linking this category with the goals that determine public policy aimed at meeting social, economic and other needs, improving the general welfare of the population, support for such conditions in which man and nature could lead a harmonious existence. In this case, it is an interdisciplinary approach to the problem of quality of life, the subject of which is a set of conditions that ensure human existence, including human relations with nature.

Thus, the quality of life in modem concepts of quality abroad means a comprehensive description of socio-economic, political, cultural, ideological, environmental factors and living conditions of the individual, the position of man in society.

The category of quality becomes a symbol of the progress and survival of civilization. This overcomes the traditional notions of quality, widely used in quality management systems (A.I. Subetto).

The analysis of different interpretations of the category "quality of life" could be continued. In general, it should be noted that most researchers, ultimately, in one context or another, quality of life is understood as a complex characteristic that determines the socio-economic situation and a set of conditions that ensure human life.

For humans not only a certain level of well-being is important, but also a spiritually oriented life. If the growth of material well-being is achieved at the cost of deteriorating environmental conditions and loss of public health, then such an orientation to the development of society contradicts the quality of life (A. Subbeto).

Thus, we can say that the quality of life is a kind of global system, which includes the quality of culture, quality of ecology, quality of education, quality of social, economic and political organization of society, quality of man. Quality of life is considered as an integral indicator that comprehensively characterizes the degree of development and completeness of satisfaction of the whole complex of needs and interests of people.

The needs and interests of people are individual and the degree of their satisfaction can be assessed only by the subjects themselves. They are not fixed by any statistical values and practically exist only in the minds of people, and accordingly, in their personal opinions and assessments. Thus, the assessment of quality of life comes in two forms:

1) The degree of satisfaction of objective needs and interests,

2) Subjective satisfaction with the quality of life of the individual. It is obvious that a person can function physically and socially adequately, but at the same time feel unhappy, and vice versa.

Keijiro Suruga defines the area that studies the quality of life - philosophical anthropology. George Morris Pearsol, Flanagan, Cottke, Tarle, Jonsen et al., Murray Fried, Zwirline define quality of life as a subjective pleasure that is expressed or experienced by an individual in physical, mental and social situations, even in the presence of any deficits.

This does not exclude objective achievements and skills that are highly valued in society: intelligence, physical ability, characterological stability, as well as the ability to form social relations and get pleasure from it. Low quality of life, therefore, occurs with severe deficits in mental and physical health, pathocharacterological disorders and disturbances in social relations. Kottke emphasizes that everyone cares not only about life expectancy, but also about its fullness and meaning; The latter, he associates with quality of life. George Morris Pearsall defines quality of life more as the satisfaction of needs and optimal functioning, rather than ephemeral satisfaction with life and a sense of well-being.

E. Diner identified the following signs of subjective well-being:

1) Subjective well-being exists only within individual experience.

2) Positivity of measurement. Subjective well-being is not simply the absence of negative factors that characterizes most definitions of mental health. It is necessary to have certain positive indicators.

3) Globality of measurement. Subjective well-being usually includes a global assessment of all aspects of a person's life over a period of several weeks to decades. Quality of life is an integral characteristic of a person's physical, psychological and social functioning, based on his subjective perception.

An important indicator of quality of life is an individual's feelings about the social situation around him. Whether he feels healthy, able to freely, without difficulty use various social and technical achievements, whether he feels positive or negative emotions in life situations, all this is an indicator of the subjective attitude to the quality of his own life.

It is natural to associate subjective satisfaction with the quality of one's life with subjective well-being. the definition of subjective well-being contained in the works of various authors can be grouped into three categories:

1) normative definition, the essence of which is in a person's sense of well-being, if he has some socially desirable qualities; the criteria of well-being are the system of values adopted in a given culture;

2) determining where well-being is a global assessment of a person's quality of life. by its own criteria, this definition implies that well-being - the harmonious satisfaction of human desires and aspirations;

3) the meaning of the concept of subjective well-being associated with the everyday understanding of happiness as the benefits of positive emotions over negative ones, this definition emphasizes pleasant emotional experiences that either objectively prevail in human life, or subjectively a person is prone to them.

Given that people's needs are constantly changing and evolving, it is difficult to assess the qualitative and quantitative aspects of quality of life. In addition, some characteristics of quality of life, such as health, satisfaction of spiritual goods, safety can be assessed only conditionally. Therefore, to find a relative measure of quality of life at some point is possible only through a system of orienting psychological indicators.

Analysis of research on quality of life shows that the diversity of definitions is based on two oppositions: objective living conditions and subjective assessments living conditions.

M.A.Kuznetsov identified seven types of definitions of quality of life:

1) - objective conditions of existence at the level of society as a whole;

2) - subjective assessments of living conditions at the level of society as a whole;

3) - objective conditions of existence of the individual;

4) - subjective assessments of the conditions of existence of the individual;

5) - objective conditions of existence and their assessment at the level of society;

6) - objective conditions of existence and their assessment at the level of the individual;

7) - objective conditions of existence and their assessment at the level of society and the individual.

The use of different types of definitions of quality of life shows that their evolution took place from the level of society to the individual and from objective conditions of existence to subjective assessments of living conditions. The hypothesis that people in better living conditions are more satisfied seems obvious, but there is a weak relationship between living conditions and subjective self-esteem, this is due to the following circumstances: most people are psychologically inclined to compare their own living conditions with living conditions. have a higher level of existence (Unconscious desire to improve living conditions); most individuals under the influence of social environment tend to suppress feelings of dissatisfaction; expectations and goals are usually significantly adjusted by life circumstances; the expression of dissatisfaction to some extent does not depend on life experience; living in better conditions has the formation of new evaluation standards and is more conducive to the expression of dissatisfaction.

All these factors reduce the interaction between living conditions and their evaluation. The combination of these factors can lead to a paradoxical situation when good conditions are combined with a negative subjective assessment of quality of life and, conversely, bad conditions - with a positive assessment.

Subjective indicators of quality of life (J.R. French, R.D. Caplan, R.V. Harrison) are divided into: cognitive component (rational) and affective (emotional).

Cognitive component consists of assessing the overall satisfaction with different areas of life. Assessment of overall life satisfaction and assessment of satisfaction with different spheres of life are two relatively independent psychological realities, as they are formed by different mechanisms of human information processing.

Affective component is a balance of positive and negative emotional attitudes. Balance is the ratio of the values of negative and positive affect. Positive feelings include: happiness, social support, personal competence. Negatives are expressed in feelings of depression, anxiety and stress.

There are many studies of the negative effects of stress on quality of life. The occurrence of stressful situations under the influence of such life events as the loss of love or death of a loved one, as well as the impact of chronic stress, such as prolonged conflict at work or in the family research is quite careful. People who have a lot of stress in their daily lives are more vulnerable, more prone to depression, anxiety and have high dissatisfaction with life.

Measuring the affective components of quality of life is usually supplemented by measuring happiness. The feeling of happiness - unhappiness in this case is seen as a balance between positive and negative emotions. Among the many definitions of happiness, one of the most concise is offered by Dahl's explanatory dictionary.

Happiness is defined as "the desired urgent life." The definition of "desirable" reflects a personally attractive, subjectively significant, and highly valued quality of individual life. According to this general meaning, the desired life can be defined as a life worthy, proper, perfect, satisfying. man with the world, in psychological terms, acts primarily in the form of specific life goals and ideals that initiate and guide the activity of the subject. The ability to realize their ideals, goals, personal desires and thus bring into line the desired and urgent is the basis of a happy life. In turn, a person is happy to the extent and to the extent that he perceives his own urgent life as desirable, which meets the requirements and standards of his value consciousness.

Thus, studying the quality of life as an integrative characteristic of objective and subjective indicators of human living conditions, it is especially important for mental health is the subjective assessment of quality of life, which is manifested in the perception and attitude of the individual to conflicts and changes in life, which determines the mental and moral satisfaction of their own lives, even when the objective characteristics suggest otherwise. Analysis of the interpretation of the concept of quality of life reveals that most researchers, in different contexts, understand the quality of life as a complex characteristic, an integral indicator that comprehensively characterizes the degree of development and satisfaction of the whole complex of needs and interests. In this regard, our study selected the perspective of considering the concept of quality of life in the key of health psychology as a psychological category, ie how a person subjectively feels, perceives, evaluates the quality of his life, and how the created quality of life helps to strengthen mental.


Theoretical analysis of the problem of mental health and quality of life allows:

1) to identify the degree of development of mental health, to state the eclectic views in determining the criteria and norms of various psychological and psychotherapeutic approaches, to focus on the definition of mental health as a sociocultural phenomenon;

2) to determine the determinants of the most common abnormal manifestations of mental illness, the priority of which are psychological factors; psychological category.


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2Dennerstein L., Astbury J., Morse C. (1993). Psychosocial and mental health aspects of women's health. Geneva: World Health Organization; Report no.: WHO/FHE/MNH/93.1:7.

3Linzer M., Spitzer R., Kroenke K., et al. (1996). Gender, quality of life, and mental disorders in primary care: results from the PRIME-MD 1000 study. Am J Med; 101:526-33.

4Piccinelli M., Homen F.G. (1997). Gender differences in the epidemiology of affective disorders and schizophrenia. Geneva: World Health Organization; 55,108,110.

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7Теоретико-методологические основы изучения уровня и качества жизни пенсионеров и их положения на рынке труда г. Москвы. Уровень и качество жизни пенсионеров.

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