Formation of the civil position of Ukrainian youth in the context of European integration processes
Study of the problems of civic education of Ukrainian youth in institutions of higher education in the context of European integration processes. The role of regulators of patriotic feelings, spiritual and moral values and civic and political activity.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 21,5 K |
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National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
Formation of the civil position of Ukrainian youth in the context of European integration processes
Andrii Bukhun
In the article on the base of the methodological requirements of scientific approaches (personal and social, which harmonizes the interests of a person, society and its institutions; culturological, which helps to develop the content of civil education of Ukrainian youth in accordance with specific historical tasks relevant at certain stages of development of the Ukrainian state, democratic and statebuilding processes of today, the formation of civil society based on the needs of national revival, providing of tolerance between different ethnic groups, multiculturalism; activity-orientated, according to which young people develop skills of social activity, civil and patriotic values tested in practice; axiological, providing an understanding of holistic, multilevel, hierarchical, interdependent and interconditioned process of civil education in the constant development of the system of universal personal and social values; competence, which integrates civil and law knowledge, abilities, skills and experience of civil and political activity with national and patriotic values and attitudes to the conscious observance of law and order in the country), the results of the analysis of research materials on the problem of civic education of Ukrainian youth in higher educational institutions there is clarified the place (as an aspect of political consciousness and legal culture of the personality) and the role (as a regulator of patriotic feelings, spiritual and moral values and civic and political activities of young person) of the civil position of the personality in the context of modern European integration changes in the requirements of competence, tolerance, multiculturalism, intensification of phenomena of mobility and integration of educational programs. Factors of formation and development of civil position of a young person in the educational environment are: circumstances of building and protecting of civil society in the country, the influence of family, media, upbringing activities of higher educational institutions, own activity of youth. Its result are the formed qualities of responsibility, legal consciousness, civil competence. It is concluded that the process of forming an active civil position of young people consists of important components. From the psychological point of view, the upbringing of a citizen and the formation of his or her active civil position is a holistic improvement of the inner world of a person; from the axiological point of view the attention is focused on revealing the content of spiritual values, to determine their role and place in the life and activity of a modern young person, to identify possible ways of their practical use. From pedagogical point of view the solution of these issues must be implemented so that the knowledge, skills and abilities of civil content proposed to youth were deeply perceived by them, found an appropriate understanding, received personal approval and consolidation at the level of feelings, motives, value orientations, concepts, views, beliefs.
Key words: youth, citizenship, educational environment, student's civil position, European integration processes
Андрій Бухун
Національна академія Національної гвардії України
Формування громадянської позиції української молоді у контексті євроінтеграційних процесів
У статті на основі методологічних вимог наукових підходів (особистісно-соціального, який гармонізує інтереси людини, суспільства та його інституцій; культурологічного, що допомагає розробити зміст громадянської освіти української молоді у відповідності до конкретних історичних завдань, актуальних на певних етапах розвитку української держави, демократичних і державотворчих процесів сьогодення, формування громадянського суспільства на основі потреб національного відродження, забезпечення толерантності між представниками різних етносів, мультикультурності; діяльнісного, згідно з яким у молоді формуються навички соціальної активності, перевіряються на практиці громадянсько-патріотичні цінності; аксіологічного, що забезпечує розуміння цілісного, багаторівневого, ієрархічного, взаємозалежного і взаємозумовленого процесу громадянської освіти в постійному розвиткові системи загальнолюдських особистісних і соціальних цінностей; компетентнісного, який інтегрує громадянсько-правові знання, вміння, навички і досвід громадянсько-політичної діяльності з національно-патріотичними цінностями й установками на свідоме дотримання законності та правопорядку в країні), результатів аналізу дослідних матеріалів із проблеми громадянського виховання української молоді у закладах вищої освіти з'ясовано місце (як аспекту політичної свідомості і правової культури особистості) і роль (як регулятора патріотичних почуттів, духовно-моральних цінностей і громадянсько-політичної діяльності молодої людини) громадянської позиції особистості у контексті сучасних євроінтеграційних змін вимог до компетентності, толерантності, мультикультурності, посилення явищ мобільності й інтегрованості освітніх програм. Чинниками формування і розвитку громадянської позиції молодої людини в освітньому середовищі визначено: обставини побудови і захисту громадянського суспільства в країні, вплив сім'ї, засобів масової інформації, виховну діяльність закладів вищої освіти, власну активність молоді, а її результатом - сформовані якості відповідальності, правосвідомості, громадянської компетентності. Зроблено висновок про те, що процес формування активної громадянської позиції молоді складається з вагомих компонентів. З психологічної точки зору виховання громадянина та становлення його активної громадянської позиції - це цілісне вдосконалення внутрішнього світу людини; з аксіологічної - увагу акцентовано на тому, щоб розкрити зміст духовних цінностей, визначити їхню роль і місце в житті та діяльності сучасної молодої людини, виділити можливі шляхи їх практичного використання; з педагогічної вирішення - цих питань необхідно здійснювати так, щоб пропоновані молоді знання, вміння і навички громадянського змісту були глибоко сприйняті нею, знайшли відповідне розуміння, отримали особистісне схвалення та закріплення на рівні почуттів, мотивів, ціннісних орієнтацій, понять, поглядів, переконань.
Ключові слова: молодь, громадянськість, освітнє середовище, громадянська позиція студента, євроінтеграційні процеси.
civil position ukrainian youth
Topicality of the research. The formation and development of Ukraine as a democratic state necessitates the search for new ways of education and upbringing of citizens ready to protect and build it selflessly, personalities with a civil position who have human dignity, national self-consciousness, humanistic morality, know their rights and responsibilities and are able to defend them civilized, which will contribute to the establishment of civil peace and harmony in society. This involves a significant transformation of worldviews and public consciousness, requires the formation of civil culture, stimulates the strengthening of the role of all parts of the system of general secondary and higher education in the process of civil upbringing of youth. The tasks of civil education of youth are defined by the provisions of educational conceptions: “Conception of civil education in Ukraine”, “Conception of civil education and upbringing in Ukraine”, “Conception of national and patriotic upbringing of children and youth”. The current perspectives of the issue in the European integration context of the entry of the higher education system into the common world and European educational space are especially relevant, which determines the search for ways and means of universal and national identity by Ukrainian youth.
The analysis of research materials on the problem of civil upbringing of youth made it possible to identify a number of significant works on civil education and the formation of civil competence of the personality in the works of Yu. Babanskyi, K. Bakhanov, V. Bespalko, N. Dichek, N. Kuzmina, T. Rohova, V. Strelnikov, O. Sukhomlynska; aspects of civil education in the military institutions of higher education, covered in the scientific investigations of A. Andreiev, V. Vdoviuk, V. Herasimov, V. Hubin, V. Davydov, J. Zorii, N. Fedenko, etc.; solving the tasks of the educational process in military units organizing was revealed in the works of V. Vasyshchev, Y. Deriuhin, I. Kravchenko, Ya. Pavlov, O. Torichnyi, V. Yagupov, etc.; Modern scientists M. Boryshevskyi, Y. Zavalevskyi, O. Vyshnevskyi, L. Kravchenko, L. Kulinenko, M. Stelmakhovych, I. Taranenko, V. Cherkashenko, and others pay considerable attention to the civil education of young people. In the dissertation works on the related issues M. Kuzyakina highlights promising ideas and experience of the secondary education system of Germany in civil upbringing of youth, the possibility of their application in the education of Ukraine; M. Hurii focuses the attention on the development of trends of citizenship education: political literacy, social and moral responsibility, activity in educational institutions of the Great Britain; I. Vasylenko pay the attention to the stages of formation of the Canadian system of civil education of youth: religious and worldview, cultural and sports, military and patriotic, public and professional, national, globalizational; S. Ziabrieva defines and implements the pedagogical conditions for the upbringing of citizenship of college students, and Ya. Zorii defines the formation of the civil position of future reserve officers in a higher educational institution. At the same time, scientists and educators-practitioners clarified the acute social need to generalize scientific and theoretical principles, goals, directions, content, forms and methods of civil education, the development of the issue of the formation of the civil position of youth in Ukraine.
The topicality of these aspects of citizenship of Ukrainian youth and insufficient elaboration of the issue determined the purpose of this work, i.e. to clarify the role and factors of the formation of the civic position of young person in the context of modern European integration processes.
Presentation of the main material
In the course of systemic and logical analysis of sources on the problem of research it was found that a great importance to the formation of each member of society as a citizen was given by well- known domestic pedagogues A. Makarenko, V. Sukhomlynskyi, K. Ushynskyi, S. Shatskyi, etc.; the problem of civil education became the subject of modern research (N. Abbas, I. Andrukh, K. Bakhanov, V. Bezrodna, E. Berdnikova, L. Bondar, L. Hlazunova, T. Hrebennyk, V. Hnatiuk, O. Hrytsenchuk, R. Yevtushenko, Yu. Zavalevskyi, N. Kozacha, O. Kozlova, L. Kravchenko, S. Lysenko, M. Mishchenko, L. Ovdiienko, I. Osadchyi, O. Pometun, S. Slipchenko, O. Sukhomlynska, T. Yablonska and others). Scientists consider civil society as a set of relations in society (economic, social, moral, religious, etc.), areas of self-expression of social feelings of citizens in voluntarily formed structures and organizations. The peculiarity of Ukraine at the present stage of its development is that due to the imperfection of the existing legal framework, the citizenship of the personality is based mainly on moral and ethical principles (Boryshevskyi, 2007; Bukhun, 2016).
At the same time, we determined that the principles of: humanization and democratization; self-activity and selfregulation; systematization, complexity and interdisciplinary integration; succession and continuity; cultural relevance and interculturality were adopted as fundamental for civil education and upbringing in the formation of the content of civil education in a modern higher military educational institution (Bukhun, 2016).
In the context of the mentioned above the citizenship, patriotism, political consciousness, civic culture, and civil position are chosen as the basic categories of civic education. Citizenship (according to the generalization of theoretical works on philosophy, sociology, law, pedagogy) is an integrated quality of personality that allows a person to feel morally, socially, politically and legally protected; a fundamental spiritual and moral value, worldview and psychological characteristics of a person with activity-orientated and culturological principles, explained with its national self-identification, awareness of belonging to a particular country, loyalty to the established state orders, laws, institutions of power, self-dignity, knowledge and respect for human rights, virtues of civil society, readiness and responsibility in exercising their rights and responsibilities (Bukhun, 2016). This is especially true for the category of youth who exercise not only their rights to live in civil society, but also the duty to protect the country, i.e. cadets of military higher educational institutions, so the Concept of national and patriotic upbringing of children and youth focuses not only on certain aspects of civil upbringing, but also on the holistic process of its implementation, which integrates the content of military education, upbringing and social work in military higher educational institutions (Bukhun, 2015, 2016).
In line with the ideas and provisions of personal and social and axiological scientific approaches, we clarified and adapted a number of concepts: patriotism, which is a category of civil education, which involves the formation of love for one's people, state, Motherland, respect for parents, family, traditions and history, awareness of belonging to them, perfect knowledge of the native language, aware observance not only of the constitutional laws, but also realization of professional duties, own contribution to development of the country; political consciousness of the personality, which is a set of socially valuable views, beliefs, orientations that form real relations of social and national groups, the attitude of the personality to representatives of other social groups, the ability to analyze the political events deeply, to evaluate them, to draw correct conclusions about society and state development; civil culture, which in addition to political culture, includes the culture of interethnic relations as an area of spiritual life, manifested in ethnic and religious tolerance, respect for the cultures of other peoples, understanding of their interests, rights, identity, willingness and ability to compromise for common interests and social harmony in the state; legal culture, which is a personal awareness of one's rights, freedoms, responsibilities, attitude to the law and power, perfect mastery of the law norms in professional activities (Boryshevskyi, 2007; Bukhun, 2016; Sukhomlynska, 2006).
On a foundation of the competency-based scientific approach, it was found that citizenship consists of three inseparable elements: unity of rights and responsibilities; civil actions; systems of values and moral convictions that underlie the civil position of the young person, i.e. his or her ability to determine one's own participation in social organizations independently, one's understanding of basic political programs, which requires activity, csociability, initiative, perseverance, responsibility from young people. This necessitates the receiving by students of civilian higher educational institutions and military cadets the historical, pedagogical, economic, ethical, sociological, philosophical and psychological knowledge, which are selected and understood on the basis of the values mentioned above, and provides an orientation of modern educational process on the formation of critical, proactive thinking, acquiring knowledge and skills of real social life understanding and values of responsible attitude to the preservation of civil order in the country.
The analysis of the works on the selected issues shows that scientists interpret the civil activity of the personality as the inner desire to work for a certain social purpose as an important condition for statehood (Boryshevskyi, 2007; Sukhomlynska, 2006). The level of such youth activity externally depends on the completeness and logic of the content of the national idea, and internally depends on the maturity of the civil position of each young person, which is not stable, but changes according to external factors that affect the personality; they also include the influence of family and upbringing, the factor of culture and mentality of the Ukrainian people, public opinion, the media. Family, close environment are an important source of personality formation, his or her own thoughts and views on other people's lives, because it is the family that promotes a person's entry into society, but at the same time it can produce or maintain those norms that contradict social foundations. Culture shapes the personality of a young person, determines the framework within which he or she may and should act, so values, ideals, norms, patterns of behavior become a part of the consciousness of a young person as an active citizen of this society. Since youth is almost always in the educational environment, surrounded by people, it is important to determine the factor of public opinion, which operates through proposals of norms, values and rules of behavior in society to individuals, encourages everyone to reconcile their desires with accepted norms and values. The media is also a significant external factor, as publications and broadcasts cover mainly political and socio-economic events, which promotes youth's awareness of processes that are not within the scope of personal interests.
It is now observed that some young people consciously choose an active civil position through education, membership in public organizations, participation in socio-political life, volunteering, which stimulates the development of social and cultural process in the state. The importance of higher education is mainly associated with its ability to provide students with a certain amount of specialized professional knowledge. Formal attitude to the issues of civil education in the process of educational activities and extracurricular activities of youth reduces the role of education in the formation of a harmonious personality of a conscious citizen. Awareness of the importance of higher education in civil upbringing of students, the formation of their civil position makes it possible to conduct the pedagogical activities related to the actualization of socio-cultural experience in the process of education and training, involvement a wide range of spiritual values into training, disclosure of their multifaceted content, which include worldview, political, legal, moral, artistic and aesthetic issues (Butenko, 2012).
Under the conditions of appropriation of spiritual values by a young person, their transfer from the area of social and cultural heritage to the plane of personal experience, a civil position is formed, a relatively stable system of motives emerges, which is formed on the basis of individual appropriation of civil values, which became a subjectively meaningful internal impulses to the manifestation of self-activity in order to realize such values in the process of future life. M. Boryshevskyi rightly emphasizes that the civil orientation of the personality “is the result of an individual's stable self-identification with the content of civil values, which became an internal need, a means of self-affirmation and self-realization, a condition for determining of basic life goals, scenarios” (Boryshevskyi, 2007).
In this sense, considering the specifics of the axiological and psychological functions of higher education associated with the actualization in the educational process of certain values and capabilities of the personality, scientists highlight the importance of the communicative function of education system, which symbolizes the steps that “lecturers are called to do to ensure the educational dialogue with students, during the discussion, reflection, practical solution of issues of civil content and orientation; therefore, higher education faces an important task to ensure open communication and interaction with students in order for complex and sometimes ambiguous issues of civil life to receive a dialectical understanding, taking into account the views and positions that have become relevant” (Butenko, 2012, p. 21). Thus, the peculiarity of European integration processes in modern higher education is the clear need to ensure the development of the civil position of youth, the formation of a set of civil traits and qualities, based on a deep understanding of “belonging to their people, internal need and willingness to defend and protect their interests, to implement personal potential for the benefit of strengthening their state; it is necessary to educate a person with a certain type of socially conditioned behavior, who is aware of one's rights and responsibilities, respects and adheres to the norms and rules of coexistence adopted in society, the traditions of one's compatriots”, their implementation in the world, European and national communities.
The development of the civil position of Ukrainian youth in the context of European integration processes (updating the requirements for competence, tolerance, multiculturalism of the personality, strengthening the mobility and integration of educational programs of specialists training) and the task of finding a new identity in the sircumstances of domestic reforms and external military aggression causes the search for ways of personal selfaffirmation and self-realization of each young person on the basis of determining the degree of one's own participation in public organizations and independent understanding of the value orientations of civil society. Based on this, we can conclude that the process of forming an active civil position of youth consists of important components. From the psychological point of view, the education of a citizen and the formation of his or her active civil position is a holistic improvement of the inner world of a person; from the axiological point of view the attention is focused on revealing the content of spiritual values, determining their role and place in the life and activity of a modern young person, identifying the possible ways of their practical use; from pedagogical point of view the solution of these issues must be implemented so that the knowledge, skills and abilities of civil content proposed to youth were deeply perceived by them, found an appropriate understanding, received personal approval and consolidation at the level of feelings, motives, value orientations, concepts, views, beliefs.
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