Social responsibility practise applicationin sports organisation
The formation of a new type of social relations based on new social connections and styles of behavior. The role of sport in modern society as a socio-political factor. Application of the practice of social responsibility in a sports organization.
Рубрика | Социология и обществознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 30,6 K |
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Social responsibility practise applicationin sports organisation
Diana, Molokanoviene1
Regina, Andriukaitiene2
Vlada, Bilohur3
In recent decades, the formation of a new type of social relationships has continued, based on new social connections and styles of behaviour. The role of sport in modern society is becoming not only an increasingly visible social and political factor, the demand of stakeholders to become socially responsible organizations is felt due to public pressure in the sports industry. The main goal of organizations should be not only to maximize profits and increase competition but also to get closer to the impact of their activities on the environment. As a result, social responsibility becomes the cornerstone of the management of most organizations or enterprises, when it comes to increasing the well-being of employees, from an environmental point of view - reducing pollution, and from an economic point of view - reducing corruption, bribery. the success of organizations depends on their integration into the market, so social responsibility is a successful way of self-realization since the main areas are social, economic and environmental - important for society and other interested parties. The problem of the study is raised by the question of what level of application of the practice of social responsibility in a sports organization from the point of view of administrative staff and coaches, and what socially responsible activities would promote the level of application of the social responsibility practice of organizations. Research objective: determine the level of application of social responsibility practices in a sports organization from the point of view of administrative staff and coaches. Research methods: analysis of research-based literature sources; quantitative research - questionnaire survey, the questionnaire was based on an analysis of the research-based literature. The questions are adapted to the problem; mathematical, statistical descriptive analysis. The data obtained during the survey were processed by the SPSS version 28 package. Data were calculated using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Results.A comprehensive assessment of corporate social responsibility, based on the proposed system of indicators, allows for analyse of the results of quantitative assessment, to control the level of application of social responsibility practices in organisations which were engaged in various activities, including sports organisations. The advantages of applying social responsibility practice are: it educates staff, reduces staff turnover, helps to attract the best professionals, improves the image of organisations and ensures stable and sustainable development of the organisation in the long run. It was found that the employees of a sports organisation generally evaluate the practice of social responsibility as a high level of social responsibility, men have a slighter lower scores for philanthropic responsibility, and women have a lower rates for economic and philanthropic social responsibility. From the point of view of stakeholders, social responsibility in public relations in a sports organisation is rated the highest (highest level). In terms of environmental sustainability, women value social responsibility less than men. The treatment of employees and athletes, and responsibility towards customers is of a high standard level, however, the application of social responsibility practices in all its components can be improved by initiating more active participation of the sports organisation in the environment and contributing to philanthropic initiatives. Administration employees rate social responsibility lower than coaches.
Keywords: Social responsibility of organisations, sports organisation, application.
social responsibility sports organization
МОЛОКАНОВЕНЕ, ДІАНА - студент кафедри Менеджменту спорту і туризму, Литовський Університет Спорту (Каунас, Литва)
АНДРЮКАИТЕНЕ, РЕГІНА - доктор наук, лектор Кафедри Менеджменту спорту і туризму, Литовський Університет Спорту (Каунас, Литва)
БІЛОГУР, ВЛАДА ЄВГЕНІВНА - доктор філософських наук,
професор, завідувач кафедри теорії і методики фізичного виховання та спортивних дисциплін,Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет
В останні десятиліття продовжується формування нового типу соціальних відносин, заснованих на нових соціальних зв'язках і стилях поведінки. Роль спорту в сучасному суспільстві стає не лише все більш помітним соціально-політичним чинником, вимога зацікавлених сторін стати соціально відповідальними організаціями відчувається через тиск громадськості на спортивну індустрію. Головною метою організацій має бути не лише максимізацію прибутку та посилення конкуренції, а й наближення до впливу своєї діяльності на навколишнє середовище. Як наслідок, соціальна відповідальність стає наріжним каменем управління більшістю організацій чи підприємств, коли йдеться про підвищення добробуту працівників, з екологічної точки зору - зменшення забруднення, а з економічної - зменшення корупції, хабарництво. Успіх організацій залежить від їхньої інтеграції в ринок, тому соціальна відповідальність є успішним способом самореалізації, оскільки основними сферами є соціальна, економічна та екологічна - важливі для суспільства та інших зацікавлених сторін. Проблему дослідження порушує питання про те, який рівень застосування практики соціальної відповідальності у спортивній організації з точки зору адміністративного персоналу та тренерів, і яка соціально відповідальна діяльність сприяла б рівню застосування соціальної практика відповідальності організацій. Мета дослідження: визначити рівень застосування практик соціальної відповідальності у спортивній організації з точки зору адміністративного персоналу та тренерів. Методи дослідження: аналіз дослідницьких літературних джерел; кількісне дослідження - анкетне опитування, анкета була заснована на аналізі наукової літератури. Питання адаптовані до проблеми; математичний, статистичний описовий аналіз. Дані, отримані під час опитування, оброблялися пакетом SPSSверсії 28. Дані були розраховані за допомогою SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences).
Результати. Комплексна оцінка корпоративної соціальної відповідальності на основі запропонованої системи показників дозволяє аналізувати результати кількісної оцінки, контролювати рівень застосування практик соціальної відповідальності в організаціях, які займаються різною діяльністю, в тому числі і в спортивних організаціях. Переваги застосування практики соціальної відповідальності полягають у тому, що вона навчає персонал, зменшує плинність кадрів, допомагає залучити кращих фахівців, покращує імідж організацій та забезпечує стабільний і стійкий розвиток організації в довгостроковій перспективі. Виявлено, що працівники спортивної організації загалом оцінюють практику соціальної відповідальності як високий рівень соціальної відповідальності, чоловіки мають дещо нижчі бали за благодійну відповідальність, а жінки - за економічну та філантропічну соціальну відповідальність. З точки зору стейкхолдерів, соціальна відповідальність у зв'язках з громадськістю у спортивній організації оцінюється найвищим (найвищим рівнем). З точки зору екологічної стійкості, жінки цінують соціальну відповідальність менше, ніж чоловіки. Ставлення до співробітників і спортсменів, відповідальність перед клієнтами на високому рівні, проте застосування практик соціальної відповідальності в усіх її компонентах можна покращити, ініціюючи активнішу участь спортивної організації в навколишньому середовищі та сприяючи благодійним ініціативам. Працівники адміністрації оцінюють соціальну відповідальність нижче, ніж тренери.
Ключові слова: Соціальна відповідальність організацій, спортивна організація, застосування.
Relevance.Relevance. Recent research and researchers confirm the statement (Rodriguez- Fernandez, 2016) that social responsibility ensures greater profitability and profitability leads to greatersocial responsibility. In addition, sports organisations voluntarily promote social responsibility through the promotion of physical activity, for example, if sports organisations want to contribute to improving the health of socially vulnerable people, they can work with public health organisations to gain the necessary expertise in creating an inclusive and health-promoting sports environment (Hermens, Verkooijen, &Koelen, 2019). The areas of social responsibility of organizations in the general sense are widely studied but have not yet been fully studied, so it becomes relevant to conduct a study on this topic and supplement it with insights on what social responsibilities are applied and at what levelapplied in sports organizations. The areas of social responsibility of organizations in the general sense are widely studied but have not yet been fully studied, so it becomes relevant to conduct a study on this topic and supplement it with insights on what social responsibilities are applied and at what level applied in sports organizations.
The scientific literature states that an organization that seeks to have the title of a socially responsible organization must (Turon, 2016) comply with legal requirements, voluntarily create a system that meets the expectations of society, adhere to the principles of social responsibility, manage honestly, without discriminating against people; to take care of interested parties; not to violate the principles of ecology and other requirements related to the field of activity of the organization (enterprise or institution); participate in the life of local communities.
The application of social responsibility practices, including various initiatives to promote the development of socially responsible athletes, was analyzed by Jajic, B. &Jajic, J. (2009). Jajic, B. &Jajic, J. (2009), Jajic, B., Jajic, J. (2015).Babiak& Wolfe (2009), Extejt (2004), Rodriguez- Fernandez (2016), Robertson, Eime, &Westerbeek (2019) et al. The contribution of social responsibility of organizations to the activities of sports, sports clubs is a condition for the development of high productivity.
The features of the activities of a sports school, and sports clubs as socially responsible organizations, are not studied in detail. The obvious difficulties in studying the managerial aspects of the social responsibility of this institution are because the structure of the subject of study is complex, which includes various types of activities, subject relations and ways of ensuring them. The procedures for the development of the effectiveness of social responsibility of a sports school and the development of criteria for a general assessment are not sufficiently studied, since the essence of this phenomenon is not fully understood. to identify problems that may interfere with the functioning of the sports school as a socially responsible organization, the attitude of the subjects of the organization, the advantages of applying CSR and the level of CSR were determined. This can take on a role in the activities of a working organization by integrating the principles and activities of social responsibility. The social responsibility of organizations is a practical example of strategic planning for sustainable development.
Sustainable business success must have at least three components: economic, environmental policy and social policy, as well as management or decisionmakers with a vision.
Research objective: determine the level of application of social responsibility practices in a sports organization from the point of view of administrative staff and coaches tasks of the research work are: to discuss the content and benefits of the social responsibility of organizations; analyze the application of the practice of social responsibility in the activities of a sports organization; determine the level of application of the practice of social responsibility in a sports organization from the point of view of managers and employees. The object of research.The level of application of the practice of social responsibility in a sports organization.
Research methods: analysis of research-based literature sources; quantitative research - questionnaire survey, the questionnaire was based on an analysis of the research-based literature. The questions are adapted to the problem; mathematical, statistical descriptive analysis. The data obtained during the survey were processed by the SPSS version 28 package. Data were calculated using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The exploratory Sports School has 80 employees. 69 persons belonging to the sports school took part in the questionnaire survey: administrative staff and coaches. Of the total number of subjects, 17 women (24.64 per cent) and 52 men (75.36 per cent) or 8 (11.6 per cent) of administrative staff and 61 (88.4 per cent) coaches were enrolled. Half of the surveyed subjects were between the ages of 34 and 44 (49.28 per cent). Quantitative survey - a questionnaire survey is carried out using a questionnaire to assess the level of social responsibility of a sports school from the point of view of stakeholders. Based on the model of the Pyramid of Caroll determining the level of economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic social responsibility
In the questionnaire, the questions are submitted on a rank scale, otherwise known as the Likert scale, when the subject is asked to choose one answer option from 1 to 5 for each statement made, where one means I completely disagree, five are completely consistent, and when assessing the level, the values are guided by the values: 1 point is an extremely low level; 2 points - low; 3 points - average; 4 - floor; 5 - an extremely high level of social responsibility.
Table 1 The structure of the questionnaire
Questionnaire question scales |
Authors whose publications are used to compile the questionnaire |
Social responsibility of organizations from the point of view of subjects |
Turon (2016); Telycenaite (2017); Ivanovaite&Jesevicifite - Ufartiene (2019) |
Evaluate the benefits of applying CSR to a sports organization |
Yakushkin, Nizamutdinov&Mavlieva (2017); Camilleri, (2015) |
Evaluation of the application of socially responsible activities of a sports organisation from the point of view of stakeholders |
M. Mulej, Z. Zenko& V. Zakelj (2017); Mцldner(2019) |
Lewel of social responsibility of the organisation |
Li, Wright, Rukavina, & Pickering (2008); Haski-Leventhal (2018), Zukauskas et al. (2018) |
Demographics |
Wan Thiel (2014) |
Analysis of theoretical sources Since social responsibility was first mentioned in the seventies, people have felt the pressure of society to behave in a socially responsible manner. However, even now, there is no single definition describing social responsibility. One of the most general definitions of this concept would sound like this: “Social responsibility is a management tool that focuses on the preservation of the environment and the wellbeing of society” (Rakstelyte&Lobanova, 2018). fundamental changes taking place in modern society in the era of digitalization, pandemics and social upheavals contributed to the reformatization of the general and sporting human culture. Today, after a long period of self-isolation, the whole world understood the importance of interpersonal communication and motor activity in preserving a person as a biosocial structure, and during the implementation of the federal (Juodsnukis&Malinauskas, 2014). O socialiaiatsakingaselgesysapibьdinamaskaippagarbairmpinimasiskitais (Li, Wright, Rukavina, & Pickering, 2008).
Currently, in international practice, there is no unified definition of the concept of “corporate social responsibility”. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a system of coordinated economic, environmental and social actions of an enterprise, implemented based on contacts with stakeholders and aimed at reducing non-financial risks, long-term improvement of the company's activities, image and business reputation, increasing capitalization and competitiveness, ensures the profitability and sustainable development of the company corporate social responsibility implies the observance of rules and norms by business entities that are vague or indirectly defined in the legislation ecology,ethics, philanthropy, mercy, etc. The main element of the concept of “corporate social responsibility” is conscious, voluntary socially responsible activities, i.e. economic entities voluntarily seek to make decisions that are desirable from a value point of view, conduct policies and adhere to the directions of activities. goals of society in the social, environmental and economic spheres and are directly related to the main activity. The methodological basis of social responsibility of a sports school is considered to be the “concept of corporate social responsibility” because initially the CSR model was applied exclusively to the field of entrepreneurship. According to traditional ideas, the idea of CSR grew out of the trade union movement of the late nineteenth century and the charity that became popular at the same time. CSR is a product of the development of economic and social relations between various entities, arising as a result of the formation of permanent and stable ties, state, private enterprises and other economic entities, such as nonprofit associations, international, interdependence in organizations. in the early eighties of the twentieth century, Western countries began to develop a theory of the essence of the relationship between business and society. Its basis was the thesis: “If the company does not shy away from taxes, determines an acceptable level of wages, meets the conditions of labour protection and environmental protection, then such an enterprise conducts honest business practices, which means it is socially responsible” (Gutgarts, 2016). is generally accepted that corporate social responsibility is multi-level in nature.
The basic or first level assumes the following obligations:
- timely payment of taxes;
- timely payment of wages;
- timely payment of dividends to shareholders;
- if possible, the provision of new jobs (expansion of labour).
The second (secondary) level involves creating suitable conditions for employees not only for work but also for life:
- professional development of employees;
- medical prophylaxis;
- the development of the social sphere in other directions.
The third (highest) level of social responsibility includes the responsibility to the environment, local communities, charitable activities, participation in joint social projects, etc.
The process of providing the service is influenced not only by the internal factors of the organization providing the service but also by external - political, economic, social and technological factors. Each of these factors depends on the quality of the provision of the service, its organization and its performance. The quality ofthe service is influenced by the country's political situation, laws, the economic state of the country, social factors and the level of development of information technology. Another section of the structure of corporate social responsibility is the differentiation into the inner and outer sides. Internal and external social responsibility of business is distinguished. The main meaning of social responsibility is to encourage organizations to act for the benefit of society in various spheres of public life.
With the development of positive changes in society, social responsibility is also modified, creating mechanisms that prevent the decomposition ofthe collective. Organizations are affected by several forms of responsibility, internal and external. The differentiation of forms leads to new forms of social responsibility.
The internal social responsibility of the company includes such needs of internal stakeholders (employees, investors) as labour protection; wage stability; maintenance of socially significant wages; additional medical and social insurance for employees; the development of human resources through training programs and training and development programs; assistance to employees in critical situations. It is also important to form a motivating organizational (corporate) culture, to develop a culture of power, management ethics, conflict prevention, etc. social responsibility of business includes such needs of external stakeholders (customers, partners, government, communities, society) as sponsorship and philanthropy; promotion of environmental protection; interaction with the local community and government (participation in j oint social projects); the ability to act in conditions of uncertainty in times of crisis; responsible attitude to consumers of goods and services (production of quality goods), etc.
Yakushkin, Nizamutdinov&Mavlieva (2017) singled out the provisions ofthe main corporate social responsibility, which are implemented by taking into account five principles that express the essence of the organization's activities and the significance of the implementation of this responsibility in the organization. The principles of corporate social responsibility include:
- socially responsible behaviour is a constant characteristic of the organization's activities;
- complexity - structural units and employees should be guided by the basic provisions on corporate social responsibility when communicating with key stakeholders;
- economic feasibility - in the activities of the organization, the priority is to achieve sustainable long-term effective development, in contrast to obtaining short-term profits to achieve important strategic goals;
- 'balance sheet' means an organisation should contribute to the development of long-term relations with them through the implementation of socially- oriented activities, taking into account the interests of interested parties;
- manageability and consistency - the organization should strive to control and promote the social activities of enterprises by employees, improving the relevant mechanisms of motivation and control.
Mцldner(2019) identifies seven basic principles of social responsibility: organization management; people's rights; labour practice; environment; fair practices in the conduct of activities; consumer problems; community participation and development.
The introduction of the principles of social responsibility of organizations into the activities of organizations is an integral process that combines both the policy of the organization, the creation of goals, values and aspirations and practice in economic, legal and social activities. For this reason, four main types of social responsibility are distinguished in the scientific literature: economic, legal, ethical and discretionary (philanthropic) responsibility. D. Husky-Leventhal (2018) describes this position as follows:
1. Economic responsibility is the main means of production of goods or services necessary for society, for which it makes a profit.
2. Legal liability is the duty of companies to carry out their economic mission within the limits of the law.
3. Ethical responsibility is related to the ethical obligations of companies and compliance with the requirements of company legislation.
4. (Philanthropic) responsibility refers to voluntary activities, such as charity, which companies can voluntarily carry out, even if it is not required by society. The activities of the modern organization are associated with the search and exploration of new technological and economic opportunities.
About the first component - economic responsibility, D. Huski-Leventhal (2018) concluded that the highest expectations of society are associated with business, which must be financially successful. At that time, L. Heike (2012) argues that economic responsibility is the basis for maintaining positions since a business cannot exist without an economically successful firm. Often, entrepreneurs and some economists and scientists, along with the concept of social responsibility, use the concepts of “corporate social responsibility”, “social investment”, “corporate citizenship” and other similar categories. Often, entrepreneurs and some economists and scientists, along with the concept of social responsibility, use the concepts of “corporate social responsibility”, “social investment”, “corporate citizenship” and other similar categories. Therefore, it is necessary to give a clear definition of this category, which would correspond to a real socio-economic phenomenon.
Corporate social investments are financial, material, technological, managerial and other resources of the enterprise, directed by the decision of the management to the implementation of social programs developed taking into account the interests of the main internal and external shareholders, assuming that, in a strategic sense, the company will receive a socio-economic effect. Social investment is the most suitable and convenient form of interaction between a sports school and commercial organizations. Because the problem of supporting sports and promoting a healthy lifestyle receives more and more attention every year, a company under a social program can take the initiative, to integrate its interests and the needs of the local population. areas of activity, the results of which are a “public good”, the issue of financing, and budgeting from all available sources is relevant. Currently, when analyzing the concept of social responsibility, it is reasonably assumed that not only businesses but also non-profit organizations are responsible to society (Talaliene, 2019). However, the work of non-profit organizations in the field of social responsibility is not yet as widespread as in the business sector. The goals and mechanisms of action of non-profit organizations, including sports schools, differ from business enterprises, which is reflected in the process and content of the application of the practice of social responsibility. The goals of internal and external social responsibility are different, and sport is only part of the opportunities for social responsibility to manifest itself. The components of social responsibility are designed to protect health and maintain the quality of human life. Their specificity lies in the fact that they are of an initiative nature, i.e. motivated not by the threat of sanctions, but by the subjective will, empathy and conscience of the undertaker taking responsibility (assistance). Therefore, not all CSR goals can be achieved by implementing sports goals. Social responsibility becomes the basis for the development of a sports organization. Sports schools as non-profit organizations. Measuring social responsibility using specialized methodological methods is an effective tool for leading a sports school and managing the process of human socialization in this institution. A sports school is a kind of subculture in which the assimilation and transmission of social and cultural information occur with the help of direct transmission (communication with peers) and indirect transmission (the child learns from the adults around him in sports school (first of all, there is a coachThe sports school, on the one hand, is considered to be the institution responsible for the training of high-class athletes, on the other hand, as a special community in which the individual involved in sports in this activity in this activity in certain way structures the lives of people, fills them with meaning. Sports school - a special educational environment designed to solve the complexities of health promotion, teaching and educational tasks, taking into account the age characteristics of children and the stage of sports preparation. In addition, the hierarchy of these tasks at a certain stage of preparation for each child will be special.
Professional social responsibility of coaches canservetousethepossibilitiesofpersonalitydevelopment in professional activities and communication with athletes. Analysis of the scientific literature and the results ofthe study show that in modern sports, not all coaches working at the school pay enough attention to the formation of the social responsibilityof athletes. Often, in the process of training, most coaches pay attention to the training of technical actions, without emphasising due attention to the application of the practice of social responsibility. circumstances can lead to inconsistencies in the role of sport in society. therefore, the study examines the problematic issue of social responsibility in terms of the activities and understanding of the administration and the coach. The principles of the sport are based on humanity and mutual respect, which is in line with the priorities of a democratic society, therefore, the benefits of applying the practice of social responsibility of organizations are related to the ethical, legal, and philanthropic goals pursued in the organization of sports activities. has a positive effect on the physical and spiritual development of a person. Among the modern problems of the development of sport, a special place is occupied by the fight against doping and the creation of favourable conditions for sports for young people.
Gaud and Giannoudis (2008) argue, that one of the reasons why sport is the right context for teaching social responsibility skills is the ability to transfer these skills to other areas of life. For example, during sports activities, children can learn to solve problems, communicate and work in a team under the right circumstances - skills that they will also need in everyday life, for example, at home or work. The main forms and motives of interaction between the sports school and the business community are diverse, but often it does not pay for business organizations to turn a sports school into an object of charity or sponsorship, since this activity does not have a positive effect on marketing or other indicators of the company. The most attractive form of interaction is a social investment, i.e. the support of the sports school under the social program, whichbrings dividends to both the institution of physical education and sports direction, as well as business organizations.
The results of the study show that the practice of applying social responsibility is influenced by all the distinguished criteria, their significance is assessed as very good. The level of practice applied by the social responsibility of organizations is most relevant since better relations with the urban community are developing (the average score is 4.46). The practice of social responsibility is significant in providing a good working environment and climate and, as a result, employee loyalty increases, a positive impact on profitability is established, greater customer acceptance when choosing services, increased trust of partners, increased attractiveness of the organization to sponsors, greater customer acceptance when choosing services, better image of the organization in society, etc. (see table 2).
Table 2Of applying the social responsibility of organizations from the point of view of administrative staff and coach
Claims |
Average of the sum of scores |
Average scores |
Average standard deviation |
Men |
Women |
Better image of the organization in society |
4,46 |
4,54 |
4,24 |
0,698 |
Better relationships with the community |
4,58 |
4,67 |
4,29 |
0,628 |
The increased trust of partners |
4,33 |
4,37 |
4,24 |
0,834 |
Greater customer acceptance when choosing services |
4,41 |
4,44 |
4,29 |
0,754 |
Increased attractiveness of the organization to sponsors |
4,14 |
4,15 |
4,12 |
0,974 |
Greater employee loyalty, more favourable internal climate |
4,39 |
4,44 |
4,24 |
0,771 |
Impact on profitability |
4,14 |
4,13 |
4,18 |
0,845 |
A larger number of sponsors |
3,81 |
3,79 |
3,88 |
1,033 |
Average scores for a question group |
4,28 |
4,32 |
4,19 |
0,583 |
When assessing the advantages of applying social responsibility to organizations according to the attitude of administrative staff and coaches and their distribution by gender, it became clear that at the highest level (4.5 points) the advantages of applying social responsibility are evaluated by female administrative employees and male coaches (4.4 points). Women evaluate the advantages of applying social responsibility to coach organizations as significant (4.0 points). The study aimed to determine the level of application of social responsibility from the point of view of stakeholders in sports schools (see table 3).
Table 3. The level of application of socially responsible activities of the sports organization from the point of view of stakeholders
Claims |
Average of the sum of scores |
Average scores |
Average standard deviation |
Men |
Women |
The behaviour of leaders as leaders |
4,42 |
4,46 |
4,31 |
0,538 |
Treatment of workers and sports people |
4,43 |
4,48 |
4,26 |
0,519 |
Social responsibility of the organization to society |
4,59 |
4,61 |
4,51 |
0,473 |
Responsible behaviour following environmental requirements |
4,03 |
4,17 |
3,58 |
0,723 |
Responsibility to the client |
4,46 |
4,51 |
4,31 |
0,478 |
Average scores for a question group |
4,45 |
4,45 |
4,19 |
0,546 |
One of the most important criteria for the effectiveness of sports organizations is satisfaction with the professional activity of the manager since it is he who, by allocating resources and opportunities, influences the main processes of the groupand the contribution of each member to the activities of the organization, to the overall work of the team. The management of a sports organization is carried out by the head with the help of such management methods as economic, administrative and socio- psychological. The socially responsible activity of the manager-leader was evaluated according to the following criteria: top managers create an environment so that the company can comply with laws and regulations and be honest. Top managers create an environment for employees to comply with laws and regulations, the organization's management system ensures that management protects the interests of shareholders and other interested parties, and managers anticipate and take steps to minimize the potential negative impact of services on society and the environment, top managers actively support and participate in community services, health care, education and environmental protection activities. The average assessment of all these criteria is 4.42, which means that the level of social responsibility practice in this matter is high and is approaching an extremely high level. Subjects assessed the social responsibility of the organization according to the distinguished criteria by scoring (1 point - extremely low level; 2 - low level; 3 - medium level; 4 - high level; 5 - extremely high level).
Summing up the results according to the distinguished components, the level of applicationof the practice of social responsibility of the sports organization is high (the average for all categories is 4.23 points). The practical application of ethical social responsibility shows the highest score (4.51 points), which means that the principles of ethics are conscious. the organization is characterized as adhering to the norms established in society, treating employees, and customers ethically and honestly, and is ethical in its relations with the community. The application of the legal and economic practice of social responsibility is also at a high level (4.33 and 4.21 points, respectively). Legal responsibility is defined as the preservation of the environment, transparency of activities, reconciliation of interests with interested groups and compliance with the law. responsibility is defined by criteria such as saving natural resources, ensuring efficient activities, fairly obtaining profits, and operating costs However, the weakest is philanthropic social responsibility and the level of its application (average score 3.87) (see table 4). In state institutions, all processes are carried out much slower than in business institutions. The social responsibility of state organizations can be based on the principle “to give without depriving anyone of society.” Responsibility was assessed according to such criteria as supporting and participating in social projects, volunteering with the help of various groups in the community, and carrying out philanthropicactivities (caring for the well-being of people without seeking material gain). In this area, to be a socially responsible organization, it is appropriate to improve and integrate level-increasing measures into the activities of the organization. Sports education has always been seen as a contradiction between commercial and ethical principles. It is worth talking about the social responsibility of sports education only when the role of sports education in society is reassessed and sports schools begin to realize their place and role in solving social problems.
Table 4The level of application of the practice of social responsibility of a sports organization from the point of view of managers and coaches
Average of the sum of scores |
Average scores |
Average standard deviation |
Men |
Women |
Philantropic responsibility |
3,94 |
3,67 |
0,396 |
3,87 |
Ethical responsibility |
4,51 |
4,61 |
4,24 |
0,542 |
Legal liability |
4,33 |
4,39 |
4,15 |
0,471 |
Economic responsibility |
4,21 |
4,29 |
3,96 |
0,59 |
Average scores for a question group |
4,23 |
4,309 |
4,001 |
0,50 |
Strategic intentions in the field of social responsibility are not only recorded by the sports school in policy documents but also presented to the public. The intentions of a sports school usually include areas such as health, the environment, and safety in general. The comments of the surveyed respondents: “only a small part of society is socially responsible, but this must be promoted at the state level.” This is one of the many opinions that without responsible management, be it at the level of one leader or the state level, there is always feedback: society - leaders. of respondents “Being socially responsible is not fashionable, so it is rare, but with the years the situation improves, a socially responsible society, everyone wins”, “ Social responsibility is a longterm commitment that reflects the fundamental value created by a company, requiring long-term thinking and an understanding of global trends” allows you to formulate the conclusion that society becomes more conscious, that is, more socially responsible and more aware of the meaning and benefits of social responsibility.
The potential of the sports environment of the organization is an integrated concept, which is determined by the values of sports and the totality of the conditions and opportunities available in this environment for the full physical and spiritual development of the child through sports activities. At the moment, there is not yet enough incentive for the development of corporate social responsibility of sports organizations, the activities of social responsibility are based on the principle of voluntary, but the most characteristic is the allocation of charity, support, and social projects as a means of strengthening corporate social responsibility.
Although there is a growing interest in the role of sport in promoting personal and social development, it is important to remember that participation in sports activities alone does not automatically produce positive results. Sports coaches are obliged to create socially responsible pedagogical conditions in which positive results can be achieved. From this study, it can be distinguished that the phenomenon of social responsibility performs the following functions: 1) reduces the costs and risks of the organization (economic factor); 2) there is a competitive advantage (economic and political factors); 3) contributes to the creation of a good reputation of the organization (political factor). The problems of modern education require the need to find a common basis in the sports education system, the key to solving today's vital ecological, national and ethical problems. It was with this “key” that universal human values acted. The requirement of modernity, the urgent task of the upbringing of the younger generation is the formation of a humane personality that creatively perceives and transforms the surrounding reality following universal human values.
Even though at the moment the practice of social responsibility in the sports school is just beginning to take shape, it is possible to talk about a unique model - the social responsibility model of the sports education organization. It is important to activate the relationship of the sports school with interested parties, the dissemination of information about the social responsibility of organizations, and the assimilation of models or ways to instil the social responsibility of organizations is relevant.
Summarizing the obtained evaluations of the application of socially responsible activities of the sports organization, we can conclude that they are similar in these parameters and other studies Anagnostopoulos, C., Byers, T., &Shilbury, D. (2014). Durant, J. E. (2016). Masoud, N. (2017) etc., the harmonious development of society is one of the main tasks of corporate social responsibility; the organisation must take into account the interests of all stakeholders, both internal and external, to improve the quality of life in society; it is necessary to integrate the principles of social responsibility into the organization's operational strategy to achieve more efficient and high-quality activities; compliance with the concept and principles of corporate social responsibility contributes to its more effective development, improvement financial results, security and increasing business stability. Currently, in the concepts of social responsibility, not only commercial enterprises but also non-profit organizations are responsible to society. However, the work of nonprofit organizations in the field of social responsibility has not yet reached the same spread as is happening in the business sector.
The goals and mechanisms of action of non-profit organizations, including sports schools, are very different from those of commercial enterprises, which is also reflected in social responsibility. Socio-economic changes in the educational system of our country impose certain requirements on organizations of additional sports education as centres of attraction for children, adolescents and their parents, on the effectiveness of which sports activity depends.
The practice of social responsibility and the high level of application of the practice can become a favourable medium for the motivation of members of the sports school community to work, train athletes and encourage young athletes to be socially responsible citizens both at the level of sports and at the level of personal values.
Corporate social responsibility is most often analyzed based on the Caroll CSR pyramid, the content of which consists of the economic, legal and environmental, ethical and philanthropic components of responsibilities and their interrelationship. The most common emphasis on the benefits is the positive impact on the employee, the client, the community, society, the state and the natural environment. The social responsibility of organizations in the activities of organizations is manifested in the desire to work profitably and make a profit honestly, to comply with the provisions of legal regulation in relations with interested parties, to behave ethically following the principles of morality, honesty and respect, and to carry out philanthropic activities and behave in a civic manner as much as possible.
Sports organizations from the point of view of other organizations become supported organizations and attract funds for sports and the training of athletes, but in their activities, sports organizations apply the principles of social responsibility. The most intense expression of social responsibility in sports schools is revealed at the ethical, philanthropic and legal (and environmental) levels. The display of suitable conditions for sports for athletes of all ages, persons working in the sports sector, the demonstration of ethical behaviour, the preservation of natural resources and the contribution to the quality of life of the community, as well as other ways of expressing the social responsibility of organizations, create the image of the organization as a socially responsible organization, the trust of stakeholders. Corporate social responsibility, as a practice of managing a sports organization, is represented by an effective tool for managing a sports school and managing the process of socialization of the individual in this institution.
It was found that employees of a sports organization generally consider the practice of social responsibility as a high level of social responsibility, men rate philanthropic responsibility with a small part of the score below, and women value economic and philanthropic social responsibility with a lower score. Social responsibility from the point of view of stakeholders in relations with society in a sports organization is valued with the highest score (extremely high level). Women rate social responsibility in terms of environmental sustainability lower than men. Treatment of employees and athletes, and responsibility towards clients is at a high level, but the application of social responsibility practices according to all components can be improved by initiating more active participation of the sports organization in environmental protection and contributing to philanthropic initiatives as much as possible. For managers of all levels of the sports school, to more intensively apply the practice of social responsibility, it is proposed to conduct presentations of an educational nature and discussions with members of the community on the topic of social responsibility, using the services of an external consultant. The leaders of the organization are offered to involve all members of the organization (administrative staff, coaches, athletes) in the implementation of this plan, having previously familiarized themselves with the content, expression and benefits of social responsibility. The involvement of athletes and other members of the sports organisation in environmental and philanthropic initiatives should become a priority.
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