Management of crisis communications in the public space

Systematization of objective conditions that determine the content of modern crisis communication processes. Determination of effective anti-crisis management strategies in social systems. Analysis of stages of problem management in crisis communications.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 17.12.2022
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N.О. Kodatska, candidate of sciences in sociology assistant professor of Journalism Department University of Customs and Finance

О.М. Yatchuk, candidate of sciences in social communications assistant professor of Journalism Department University of Customs and Finance

О.V. Lesiuk, candidate of sciences in social communications senior lecturer of Journalism Department University of Customs and Finance


Purpose. Analysis and systematization of objective conditions that determine the content of modern crisis communication processes and determine effective strategies for crisis management in social systems.

Research methodology. The study used a comparative-historical method to analyze and systematize data on crisis communication management in public space. Systematization and classification were used to determine the features and factors of crisis situations in the field of social communications. The aim of the study is to analyze and systematize the objective conditions that determine the content of modern crisis communication processes and to determine effective strategies for anti-crisis management in social systems.

Results. Social space is considered as a variety of social processes, a field of social activity that contains a set of significant social groups, individuals, objects in their mutual location. The directions of social interaction as a form of theoretical generalizations of social communication, which is a continuous exchange of social information and knowledge, carried out with the help of the formed communicative chain. The analysis of crisis communications as a process of interaction of public subjects in the conditions of potential or real threat of their activity, functioning, existence is carried out. The classification of crisis situations according to such criteria as predictability of the onset and consequences of crises, the dynamics of their course is considered. The stages of problem management in crisis communications are analyzed, the main condition for successful anti-crisis communication is a pre-developed strategy. The main tasks of anti-crisis management are defined: detection of certain features, localization of crisis phenomena, crisis prevention, determination of their features, forms of implementation; determination of methods of observation, detection of certain signs, localization of crisis phenomena, prevention of crisis situations. The peculiarities of the activity of the spin doctor is to work with the media to form the desired point of view, present events in a more favorable form, that is news management. The practice of anti-crisis communications in the public space as a way to overcome information asymmetry and establish effective communication with the public is identified.

Novelty. The article analyzes the current trends in the field of crisis communications and identifies the main directions of anti-crisis communication strategies.

Practical significance. The results of the study can be used to improve the forms and methods of crisis communication, to form formation of effective strategies for crisis management in social systems.

Key words: problem identification, crisis communication, risk minimization, system viability parameters, social interaction, anti-crisis management tactics.


Кодацька Н.О., Ятчук О.М., Лесюк О.В.

Управління кризовими комунікаціями в суспільному просторі.

Мета дослідження - проаналізувати та систематизувати об'єктивні умови, які визначають зміст сучасних кризових комунікаційних процесів, та визначити ефективні стратегії антикризового управління в соціальних системах.

Методологія дослідження. У ході дослідження використано порівняльно-історичний метод для аналізу та систематизації даних щодо управління кризовими комунікаціями в суспільному просторі; систематизацію та класифікацію - для визначення особливостей і чинників виникнення кризових ситуацій у сфері соціальних комунікацій.

Результати. Розглянуто соціальний простір як різноманіття соціальних процесів, поле соціальної діяльності, що містить сукупність значущих соціальних груп, індивідів, об'єктів у їх взаємному розташуванні. Здійснено огляд напрямів соціальної взаємодії як форми теоретичних узагальнень соціальної комунікації, що являє собою безперервний обмін соціальною інформацією та знанням, який здійснюється за допомогою сформованого комунікативного ланцюга. Проведено аналіз кризових комунікацій як процесу взаємодії суспільних суб'єктів в умовах потенційної або реальної загрози їх діяльності, функціонуванню, існуванню. Розглянуто класифікацією кризових ситуацій за такими критеріями, як прогнозованість настання й наслідків криз, динаміка їх перебігу. Проаналізовано етапи управління проблемами в кризових комунікаціях, головною умовою успішної антикризової комунікації визначено заздалегідь розроблену стратегію. Головними завданнями антикризового управління визначено таке: виявлення за певними ознаками, локалізація кризових явищ, запобігання кризовим ситуаціям, визначення їх особливостей, форм реалізації; визначення способів спостереження, виявлення за певними ознаками, локалізація кризових явищ, запобігання кризовим ситуаціям. Виділено особливості діяльності спіндоктора - роботи із засобами масової інформації для формування потрібної точки зору, подачі подій у більш сприятливому вигляді, тобто менеджмент новин. Визначено практику антикризових комунікацій у суспільному просторі як спосіб подолання інформаційної асиметрії та налагодження ефективних комунікацій з громадськістю.

Новизна. У межах статті здійснено аналіз актуальних тенденцій щодо кризових комунікацій та виділено основні напрями антикризових комунікаційних стратегій.

Практична значущість. Результати дослідження можуть бути використані для вдосконалення форм та методів антикризових комунікацій, формування ефективних стратегій антикризового управління в соціальних системах.

Ключові слова: ідентифікація проблем, кризова комунікація, мінімізація ризиків, параметри життєздатності системи, соціальна взаємодія, тактики антикризового управління.


Kodacka N., Jatczuk O., Lesiuk O.

Zarzqdzanie komunikacjami kryzysowymi we wspolczesnej przestrzeni.

Cel badania - przeanalizowac i systematyzowac obiektywne warunki, ktore okreslajg tresc wspofczesnych kryzysowych komunikacyjnych procesow, wyznaczyc efektywne strategie zarzgdzania antykryzysowego w systemach spofecznych.

Metodologia badania. W procesie badania wykorzystano metodg porownawczo-historyczng dla analizy oraz systematyzacji danych co do zarzgdzania komunikacjami kryzysowymi we wspofczesnej przestrzeni; systematyzacjg i klasyfikacjg - dla okreslenia osobliwosci oraz czynnikow pojawienia sig sytuacji kryzysowych w zakresie komunikacji spofecznych.

Wyniki. Rozpatrzono przestrzen spofeczng jako rozmaitosc procesow socjalnych, pole dziafalnosci socjalnej, ktore zawiera cafoksztaft spofecznych grup, indywiduow, obiektow w ich wzajemnym ukfadzie. Dokonano przeglgd kierunkow socjalnego oddziafywania jako formy uogolnien teoretycznych komunikacji spofecznej, ktora przedstawia ciqgfq wymiang informacjg socjalng i wiedzg, ktora sig realizuje za pomocg sformowanego komunikatywnego fancucha. Przeprowadzono analizg komunikacji kryzysowych jako procesu oddziafywania podmiotow spofecznych w warunkach potencjalnego albo realnego zagrozenia ich dziafalnosci, funkcjonowaniu, istnieniu. Rozpatrzono przez klasyfikacjg sytuacji kryzysowych wedfug nastgpujgcych kryteriow: przewidywalnosc poczgtku oraz konsekwencji kryzysow, dynamika ich przebiegu. Przeanalizowamo etapy zarzgdzania problemami w komunikacjach kryzysowych, gfownym warunkiem umyslnej komunikacji antykryzysowej ustalono z gory zaprojektowang strategig. Ustalono gfowne zadania zarzgdzania antykryzysowego: ujawnienie wedfug pewnych oznak, lokalizacja zjawisk kryzysowych, zapobieganie sytuacjam kryzysowym, okreslenie ich osobliwosci, form realizacji; okreslenie sposobow obserwacji, ujawnienie wedfug pewnych oznak lokalizacja zjawisk kryzysowych, zapobieganie sytuacjam kryzysowym. Wydzielono osobliwosci dziafalnosci spinu - prace z mediami w celu formowania niezbgdnego punktu widzenia, prezentowania wydarzen w korzystniejszej postaci, czyli menedzment nowosci. Ustalono praktykg komunikacji antykryzysowych w przestrzeni spofecznej jako sposob pokonania asymetrii informacyjnej oraz porzgdkowania efektywnych komunikacji ze spofecznoscig.

Nowosc. W ramach artykufu zrealizowano analizg aktualnych tendencji co do komunikacji kryzysowych, wydzielono gfowne kierunki antykryzysowych strategii komunikacyjnych.

Donioslosc praktyczna. Wyniki badania mogg byc wykorzystane w celu udoskonalenia form i metod komunikacji antykryzysowych, formowania efektywnych strategii zarzgdzania antykryzysowego w systemach spofecznych.

Slowa kluczowe: identyfikacja problemow, komunikacja kryzysowa, minimizacja ryzyk, opcje zywotnosci systemu, oddziafywanie spofeczne, taktyki zarzgdzania antykryzysowego.


Problematics of crisis research is related to the sharpening and deepening of contradictions and conflicts in modern society, which gives the crisis the value of variables in the development of conflict, mostly identifying it with conflict. However, a conflict may not cause a change in the functioning of the system when, if effectively resolved, the situation returns to its previous state. Instead, a crisis always leads to a transformation of the system, namely one or more essential characteristics of the system change, while continuing to exist. The trigger of the crisis is often hidden in the system itself, which requires adjustment of its elements and functional subsystems. Negative external influences on the system can also be a significant factor. A comprehensive study of crisis situations in the social system requires a thorough analysis of the patterns of occurrence and development of crises, as well as the factors of crisis origin.

The issue of crisis communication management is revealed in numerous scholar studies. Theoretical issues and directions of formation of anti-crisis communication strategies are considered in the works of S. Ivaniuta, H. Pocheptsov, M. Zubarieva. The typology of crises according to various criteria is reflected in the studies of S. Black, S. Katlip, A. Center, G. Broome and T. Coombs.

Research objective and methods.

The purpose of this article is to analyze and systematize the objective conditions that determine the content of modern crisis communication processes and to determine effective strategies for anti-crisis management in social systems.

Implementation of the purpose and tasks of the study predetermine the complex approach to use of empirical-theoretical, analytical methods of crisis communications research. The comparative- historical method was used to analyze and systematize data on crisis communication management in public space. Systematization and classification were used to determine the features and factors of crisis situations occurrence in the field of social communications.


The social space of modern society is filled with heterogeneous processes caused by the intensification of modern information flows and communicative interactions. Social space is a variety of social processes, a field of social activity that contains a set of significant social groups, individuals, objects in their mutual location. In the social space, the transfer of information acquires special features, and it is formed by the laws of social development and depends on the state of correspondence of social consciousness to existing laws. According to the principles of E. Durkheim's sociologism, a society creates its own space that does not intersect with the physical and geographical one, and the power imposes its practices on the social space. Within Durkheim's concept, social space can be considered as a mechanism of unification of social phenomena that directly affect the way of life of social formations. P. Sorokin studied social space from the social mobility point of view, respectively, each of the planes of social space is formed under the influence of a certain type of relationship and has its own autonomous logic. According to P. Bourdieu, social space acts as an abstract, multidimensional space, formed by an infinite number of functional fields and positions of agents placed in the fields. In Bourdieu's conception, the space of society is called physical space in social load, and the social structure, like the whole set of social relations, is called social space. P. Bourdieu notes that it is possible to act in society only by occupying a certain position in the social space.

Social interaction is the highest level of theoretical generalizations of social communication, which is a continuous exchange of social information and knowledge, which is carried out through the formed communicative chain. The essence of social interaction is to establish contacts, inheritance of knowledge, purposeful transmission of emotions, feelings, thoughts, ideas, information. Social interaction can also be seen as a movement of social materia, the structures of which create a space of social communication, which is formed through the activities of the conscious subject, namely the individual. The development of social communication is associated with the formation and increasing complexity of systemic connections and functions that it plays in the field of public relations. Social communications form a certain social institution, which achieves its development as a single system or a separate subsystem of society [6].

Thus, communication can be defined as a mediator between individual and socially conscious information. The basis of communication is a mechanism that translates the individual process of transmission and perception of information into a socially significant process of personal and mass influence. That is, communication is a process of transmission and mass exchange of information in order to influence society and its structural components. Communication also refers to connection, notification, interaction, exchange of information in society, creation and dissemination of information, and is considered as a means of communication too. crisis communication process management

Crisis communication is a process of interaction of public subjects in conditions of potential or real threat to their activities, functioning, and existence. While the crisis is the final phase of the previous stage of development of the organizational form or system, meanwhile it can also be the initial phase of the next stage of the form development. The main sign of a crisis is significant damage or loss of viable condition of the system due to violation of the parameters of its viability. In terms of the possible depth of development and potential of the system, there are such stages of crisis development as «probable crisis», «hidden crisis», «mild crisis», «severe crisis» [4].

According to S. Black's classification, crises are divided into two main types: «unknown unknown», namely unpredictable, and «known unknown», namely completely predictable phenomena. A constant crisis can provoke unexpected crises. During the crisis, there is an undesirable leak of information that requires immediate response from the participants in the crisis. There may also be a growing interest in the object from the mass media and other related target audiences affected by the crisis. The mediator in these communications are journalists who have a communicative influence on the public, in other words such communication has a manipulative effect and forms public opinion about a particular situation.

Researchers S. Katlip, A. Center and G. Broome divide crises according to the dynamics of their development: unexpected crises usually occur suddenly, so they require a forehanded general plan of action. Evolving crises give more time to study and plan, but enter a destructive stage suddenly, so it is necessary to take appropriate steps to this point. Continuous crises can last for months or years, as well as they can be supported by rumors and misinformation [3].

The crisis in terms of communications is defined as an event as a result of which the organization falls into the focus of unfriendly attention of the media and other target audiences who are interested in the actions of the organization. The following events that can cause a communication crisis are most common in the commercial activities of organizations:

- information leaks;

- mistakes of certain employees;

- mistakes in the work of the company's departments;

- legal issues;

- environmental problems;

- inaccurate information sharing with the mass media (mistakes of the PR-service of the company or PR-agency) [4].

Crisis communication problems are managed in stages:

1. Anticipation of problems is not yet planning measures to overcome the crisis and not planning to resolve the crisis, but pre-crisis planning.

2. Selective identification of problems, with the focus on up to ten specific priority issues, especially those that are vital to a government or self-government body.

3. Planning in the direction «from outside to inside». That is, it is the external environment, not the internal strategy, which should determine the selection of priority issues.

4. Attention to strengths and weaknesses in the organization.

5. Focus on benefits. The purpose of management should be to protect the organization from the influence of external factors, increase activity by neutralizing threatening factors.

6. Support from leadership. Without the sanction of the general manager, the approval and handling of problems within the organization is impossible [8].

Conditions for the development of communication in crises are uncontrolled consequences of actions, sharp reduction of controlled parameters, shift towards basic needs, increasing the importance of information and interpretation of events, changing information channels and increasing the role of informal channels compared to official ones.

The main condition for successful anti-crisis communication is a pre-designed strategy. The crisis is changing the reality, and if actions and communications are foreseen, discussed and accepted as joint actions for all, then anti-crisis steps can complement the strategy and adjust the organization's plans. Communication strategy is needed to improve the effectiveness of communications in order to implement the development strategy, namely:

1. Run diagnostics - to analyze the current situation, determine the degree of understanding and implementation of development strategies, identify or change audiences, existing channels and / or tools for informing and engaging key audiences, systematize available tools, processes, resources and more.

2. Agree on a common vision - agree on how communication will contribute to the achieving goals of the organization development, identify common objectives, audience, channels and tools of information and involvement, the necessary results, ways to assess them, responsible persons, needs and problems, jointly form a communication strategy in order to implement the organization development strategy.

3. Determine the main thing, to focus efforts - in the conditions of limited resources to define the priority purposes and directions of the communication strategy implementation.

4. Organize work - to plan resources and processes to achieve strategic goals. Agree together on templates for the implementation of agreed messages in order to implement the organization development strategy.

5. Agree on success criteria - set realistic expectations and introduce criteria for evaluating the results agreed by the team.

6. Form a team for the implementation of communication strategy - a specific list of persons who will be responsible for each area of communication [3].

The communication strategy uses structuring according to the following elements:

- strategic and operational goals, as well as objectives of the development strategy;

- components of the communication system: goals, the achievement of which determines the success of the strategy, key messages, target audiences, communication channels and tools, performance indicators, number of events and of involved participants [9].

Crisis communication is usually built on the CAP rule:

- Concern - 1%; do not expect that the audience will learn about all the events in the organization by themselves, so it is advisable to act ahead;

- Action - 5%; it is necessary to explain the own strategy of actions, not to be limited to the impersonal official position of the organization, and to use examples, figures, details, comments of top management;

- Perspective - 94%; it is important to show the crisis in context and see the positive moments, predict how the crisis situation can develop new directions of development, open new channels of communication [7].

Anti-crisis management is the basis for solving the following tasks:

1) determination of a set of processes of observation, identification by certain features, localization of crisis phenomena, crisis situations prevention, determining their features, forms of implementation;

2) determination of observation methods, identification by certain features, localization of crisis phenomena, crisis situations prevention;

3) formation of a set of standard situations in which observations can be conducted, identification by certain features, localization of crisis phenomena, crisis situations prevention;

4) identification of resources and their reserves to be used for monitoring, identification by certain features, localization of crisis phenomena, crisis situations prevention, and in their occurrence - overcoming;

5) identification of signs of stability of the system, which should be distinguished from stagnation [4].

«Ogilvy PR» company specialists have developed basic recommendations for anti-crisis management:

1. Awareness of mass media interest. The mass media is the main catalyst for most crises, so it is important to understand the mass media, just as an organization understands its consumers and competitors.

2. Identify the real problem and develop an appropriate strategy. First, the organization needs to make sure that it is focused on key issues, not on cases that are only remotely related to the crisis. Once the problem is identified, it is possible to determine the objectives of anti-crisis work and the strategy that will guide this process. The strategy must be flexible and focused on the specific problem to be solved.

3. Information flow management. The mass media often spreads false information, and going unnoticed, it can return to the internal audience, distorting the vision of the problem within the system and hindering appropriate decisions making. Therefore, in a crisis, it is important to actively manage all information flows.

4. Usage the best communication technologies to establish direct and effective communication with all audiences. With unexpected crises, companies often do not pay enough attention to direct communication with the public groups affected by the situation, but this is a key area.

5. The evolution of crises. It is necessary to constantly evaluate the effectiveness of anti-crisis management tactics to understand the overall effectiveness of anti-crisis strategy. Multi-purpose studies, selective surveys and focus groups help to quickly obtain data on how the public views a particular problem [4].

Sharing information of risk is an element of crisis communication and an integral part of public relations, where PR enters the realm of deeply emotional human perception. In particular, when environmental or health issues of large groups of people are raised, the process of clarifying the situation is accompanied by feelings of fear, anxiety, frustration and irritability. Publicly adopted negativity can be mitigated by truthful information from reputable sources. Informing about the risk associated with the crisis in which the organization is involved, first of all, comes to collection of scientifically grounded data on the real danger to human health and the environment, and then involves making this information available to the general public in an accessible and thoughtful form. Spin doctor's activity is to present events in a more favorable way, namely news management. Such management is especially important in crises, when the spin doctor «treats the event», more precisely, what coverage the event can get in the mass media [10].

That is, the work of a spin doctor is to work with the mass media to form the needed point of view. Preparing to expect an event determines the success or failure of the event itself. This also includes intended «leak» of information, which allows a specialist to see in advance the public reaction. Spin doctor prepares the audience's expectations, so rituals are often used in this work. Ritual can be defined as a rigid connection of event and expectation, so rituals never deviate from their predetermined form. Spin doctor enshrines success, for example, that the candidate has done something positive, and this is constantly repeated in the press. Spin doctor works both in the verbal and nonverbal spheres. The task of the spin doctor is to program behavior, move away from individual behavior variants at key points in life. Spin doctor organizes and reorganizes the event in a certain communicative plane. The main aspect of each organized event is its consequences for the mass audience, that is, each step is measured from this perspective. Spin doctor selects the most effective messages, places them in the most important channels, choosing the right time for this [3].

The crisis situation is characterized by gaps in standard communication processes, which must be neutralized by intensifying new processes. Intensive communication is characterized not only by working in a short time, but also by working in an aggressive environment set against this communication. As a result, it is necessary to generate «point communication» that can change the situation. Spin doctor is part of the media team, their task is to change how the audience see the event, or change expectations of what may happen. Spin doctor also corrects «mistakes» if they were made at a press conference. Spin doctor also actively uses a fundamentally informal tools of work, for example, leaking information. Spin doctors, speech writers and press secretaries are responsible for creating slogans, tag lines and «sound quotes» [3].

Thus, the practice of anti-crisis communication in public space is a way to overcome information asymmetry and establish effective communication with the public. Any extreme situation is always a manifestation of asymmetry, because it is unpredictable and can cause a communication crisis in society. That is why it is necessary to carry out crisis prevention, monitoring of mass media and communication, as well as to develop anti-crisis management strategies.


Significant growth of information flows leads to their uncontrollability and unmanageability, as not only objective information is spread, but also false information or misinformation, which leads to distortion of facts, destruction of the reputation of organizations or the state, and negatively affects the public mind. Systematic analysis of the conceptual and methodological bases of using public relations mechanisms as a tool of crisis communication is important for the creation of effective mechanisms for minimizing risks in crisis.

The main factor in overcoming crises is anti-crisis communications as special communicative force majeure technologies.

Thus, crises can be managed through early risk identification, prioritization and close monitoring. Anti-crisis measures should not be a direct response to certain crisis phenomena that have already occurred, but perform a preventive function of crisis prevention. Anti-crisis PR is one of the areas of anti-crisis management, which is of paramount importance in a crisis.

The main mistakes during the anti-crisis campaign are: indecision, which creates a feeling of incompetence and lack of prearrangement; avoidance of direct answers, which creates a feeling of dishonesty and insensitivity; demagoguery, confrontation and activities that increase tension and attract undue attention. The «passive extremes» and «active extremes» positions also do not contribute to overcoming the crisis [4].

Thus, the practice of anti-crisis communication in the public space is a way to overcome information asymmetry and establish effective communication with the public. Any extreme situation is always a manifestation of asymmetry, because it is unpredictable and can cause a communication crisis in society. That is why it is necessary to carry out crisis prevention, monitoring of mass media and communication, as well as developing of anti-crisis management strategies.

Therefore, crisis communication management should be an ongoing process of monitoring, detecting, locating and preventing crises, and in case of their occurrence - overcoming of them using appropriate for the specific situation methods and resources, resulting in stable activities of the organization.

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10. Dreshpak, V. M. (2019). Transformation of subjects of public communication in innovative information space of modern Ukraine. Information Systems and Change Management, 11,3/4, 292-309 [in English].

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