Maintaining behavior and ability to anticipation in youth in social networks

The main integrated socio-psychological program for the development of personality anticipation in social networks. A significant increase in the level of personal-situational, spatial, general anticipatory ability in groups of young men and youth.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Дата добавления 02.11.2022
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Maintaining behavior and ability to anticipation in youth in social networks

Zavatska N.Ye.

Zavatskyi V.Yu.


The article proposes socio-psychological program for the development of anticipation of personality in terms of life changes, based on the principles of interconnection, continuous variability, dynamic equilibrium, irreversibility, relativity, self-organization, expansion, structuring, situational expediency, and differentiation in correctional development -, socio- and pathogenesis of the subjects.

A significant increase in the level of personal-situational, spatial, general anticipatory ability in groups of young people and youth, increase in their internality of subjective control, general meaningfulness of life, focus on goals and effectiveness of life and the positive impact of these variables on prognostic competence and level of social maturity. According to the results of approbation and implementation of the program, the increase of attachment capacity is determined by its personal -situational and general components; dynamics of semantic systems at the content, structural, value, functional levels; constructive life strategies and internality, as well as the flexibility of coping behavior of the subjects in middle and late adulthood, which helped to increase their psychological well-being.

The correctional and developmental work carried out within the program allowed to increase the level of anticipation ability in persons with manifestations of social maladaptation (according to the considered nosology), which ultimately affected the growth of achievement motivation, activity of life strategies; significant reduction of disintegration between value and accessibility in various spheres of life; multivariate forecasting and planning of events, in particular in the context of life changes, and to improve their social functioning in general.

Key words: personality, mastery behavior, anticipation, social networks.


Завацька Н.Є., Завацький В.Ю.


В статті запропоновано інтегровану соціально -психологічну програму розвитку антиципації особистості в соціальних мережах, побудовану на принципах взаємозв'язку, безперервної мінливості, динамічної рівноваги, необоротності, відносності, самоорганізації, експансії, структур ування, ситуативної доцільності, та проведено диференціацію корекційно - розвивальних заходів з урахуванням онто -, соціо- та патогенезу досліджуваних.

Доведено значне зростання рівня особистісно -ситуативної, просторової, загальної антиципаційної спроможності у групах юнаків та молоді, підвищення у них інтернальності суб Активного контролю, загальної осмисленості життя, орієнтації на цілі й результативність життя та позитивний вплив цих змінних на прогностичну компетентність і рівень соціальної зрілості. За результатами апробації та впровадження програми визначено підвищення атиципаційної спроможності за її особистісно -ситуативною та загальною складовими; динамічності смислових систем на змістовному, структурному, ціннісному, функціональному рівнях; конструктивності життєвих стратегій та інтернальності, а також гнучкості копінг-поведінки досліджуваних у віці середньої та пізньої дорослості, що сприяло підвищенню їх психологічного благополуччя.

Проведена в межах програми корекційно-розвивальна робота дозволила збільшити рівень здатності до антиципування у осіб з проявами соціальної дезадаптації (відповідно до розглянутої нозології), що в підсумку позначилося на зростанні мотивації досягнення, активності життєвих стратегій; суттєвому зниженні показників дезінтеграції між цінністю і доступністю у різних життєвих сферах; поліваріантності прогнозування та планування перебігу подій, зокрема в соціальних мережах, та на покращенні їх соціального функціонування в цілому.

Ключові слова: особистість, опанувальна поведінка, антиципація, соціальні мережі.

Formulation of the problem. Anticipatory abilities are an integral characteristic and reflect the flexibility and relative stability of the human biopsychosocial system. However, the action of stressors, in particular in life changes, can lead to distortion of the anticipatory capacity of the individual and, consequently, to violations in the complex multilevel system of organization of his life and the development of psychosomatic decompensation of varying severity.In the current conditions of tense socio-political situation, natural and man-made disasters, increasing the number of illegal actions, acute conflicts in society and microsociety, when young people are often in traumatic and / or extreme situations, studying the problem of mastery of youth and its ability to anticipate post-traumatic situation is relevant in both psychological and social aspects (Pribram, 2002).

Analysis of recent research and publications. Studies of the post-traumatic situation are mostly performed within the framework of medical and medical - psychological work. Clinical and psychopathological features in combatants and liquidators of the Chernobyl accidents; clinical typology of PTSD and issues of differential psychopharmacotherapy (Zaleski, Cycon, Kurc, 2001).

It is stated that most of the research concerns the epidemiology, etiology, dynamics, diagnosis and therapy of combatants, victims of various catastrophes and terrorist acts, and is mainly performed on the contingent of adult respondentsm At the same time, there is a lack of research on the study of socio-psychological features of the development and overcoming in young people, despite the fact that s cientists (Scheier, Carver, 1992) point to the specifics of the formation of manifestations and their correction in people of different ages. In addition, the existing experience of psychological care in young people requires in-depth scientific analysis, generalization and systematization.

The aim of the article to reveal the peculiarities of mastery behavior and the ability to anticipate in young people in social networks.

Presentation of the main material and research results. It is determined occurs as a delayed and / or prolonged reaction to a stressful event or situation (short - term / long-term) of extremely threatening or catastrophic nature, which can cause general distress in any person. It is proved that situations that are important for an individual can be extreme, such as acts of aggression, violence. It was found that the information on the problem differs in contradictions, connected, first of all, with the use of different methodological approaches. The role of individual-typological and personal characteristics that lead is ambiguously interpreted. In particular, these include hysterically excitable (M. Dzhishkariani, V. Lytkin) and asthenic (V. Vid, Y. Popov) traits of human character, emotional instability and increased anxiety (O. Epanchyntseva). The importance of socio-demographic characteristics in the development of PTSD is shown (G. Kaplan, J. Murray, Y. Popov, B. Sedok). Mental traumas in childhood (O. Zagoruyko, Ts. Korolenko), dependence on psychoactive substances (I. Gurin, V. Litkin), mental retraumatization (R. Robinson), etc. are considered as predictors of such disorders. However, in our opinion, these predisposing factors may lower the threshold for the development or worsen their course, but they are not mandatory and are insufficient to explain the occurrence of such disorders in general in people of all ages.

It is shown that the main psychological concepts on the etiological principle are systematized as follows: reactive (residual) model of stress, the leading factors of which are objective causes and neurobiological determinants; dispositional model, which includes psychodynamic and existential-humanistic concepts that emphasize personal and individual characteristics; interaction (personal-environmental) model that takes into account both personal and situational variables. The latter group includes the interpersonal concept (H. Sullivan), the concept of the system of relations (V. Myasishchev) and the multimodal theory (R. Lazarus).

The above necessitates the definition and differentiation of socio-psychological factors of PTSD in young people in modern society, as well as the development on their basis of a multilevel integrated program of psychological assistance in overcoming such disorders.

The sample consisted of 160 subjects (58.1% men, 41.9% women) of the experimental group (EG) with signs of PTSD and 128 respondents (51.6% men, 48.4% women) of the control group (CG) without manifestations of such disorders. The age of the subjects is from 20 to 30 years.

In the first stage of the empirical study, the analysis of structured interview data (SCID) with a scale for the diagnosis of PTSD (CAPS), documents, scale for assessing the impact of traumatic events (IES-R), traumatic stress questionnaire (UTS), which allowed to differentiate degrees and typology manifestations of PTSD in the subjects. psychological anticipation social network

On the basis of a structured diagnostic interview, parameters such as frequency and intensity of traumatic situations and post-traumatic experiences, anxiety, excitability, oppositional behavior, sociophobia, social activity / pas sivity, reflection, self-attitude, ethnocultural features, religiosity were determined. Data from interviews and document analysis provided an opportunity to compare the subjective vision of the subjects and those parameters that were determined using the scale of impact assessment (IES-R) and the questionnaire of traumatic stress (UTS), in particular on scales: "intrusions" ( re-experience of trauma), "avoidance" (prevention of memories of trauma), "hyperactivation", "depression"; "Distress", "maladaptation".

The use of cluster analysis by the method of K -means allowed the parameters of frequency, intensity of traumatic stressful situations and the level of distress to distinguish the manifestations of PTSD: low, severe and global. Kolmogorov-Smirnov and x2 tests were used to distribute the manifestations of PTSD studied in subgroups of different degrees, which showed that the sample belonged to the normal distribution with a high probability (p<0.01). This confirmed the legitimacy of the use of data in selected subgroups to obtain statistically significant results in the subsequent application of methods of parametric statistics. Respondents of EG were divided into 3 subgroups: I - 55 (34.4%) people with a low degree of PTSD, II - 69 (43.1%) subjects with severe and III - 36 (22.5%) people with global the degree of manifestations of such disorders.

According to the results of regression analysis, the selection of significant parameters of PTSD - predictors of social maladaptation of the studied and identified the types of manifestations of these disorders in the subgroups of EG (active- protective, passive-protective and disharmonious).

It is shown that the active-protective (mostly adaptive) type of PTSD manifestations with adequate assessment of the traumatic situation (sometimes with a tendency to ignore it) prevailed in the studied I (20.0%) and II (11.9%) groups. Passive-protective type (maladaptation with intrapsychic orientation) with anxiety - depressive tendencies is mostly recorded in respondents of II (20.5%) and I (13.2%) groups. Disharmonious type (maladaptation with interpsychic orientation) with disorders of social functioning, internal tension, dysphoria was observed in 12.5% of people of group III, who were distinguished b y interpersonal conflicts, explosiveness, brutality, autoaggressive tendencies, use of psychoactive substances.

A statistically significant relationship between the intensity of PTSD manifestations and socio-demographic characteristics of the subjects was revealed. In general, it can be argued that in young people aged 20 to 24 years with low educational level, the intensity of such manifestations was higher (p<0.01). The deterioration of PTSD was also influenced by the family (single, divorced, widowed) and social (students, unemployed) status of the subjects (p<0.05).

It was found that the differentiation of the disintegration coefficient according to the degree of manifestations of PTSD in the selected subgroups revealed statistically significant differences. In the majority (65.5%) of the studied group I, this coefficient was 32.3 ± 0.5 points, which corresponded to the normative data and indicated the absence of persistent internal conflicts and meant the coincidence of the categories of "value" and "accessibility" in the main spheres of life ( ф = 2.25; p<0.01). In 73.9% of respondents of the second group, the categories of "values" and "accessibility" differed significantly, and the average disintegration coefficient was 46.7 ± 0.3 poin ts, which indicated a state of frustration and the presence of significant difficulties in achieving values. projects (in particular, in the field of material well-being, interpersonal relations, health) (ф = 1.57; р<0.05). In 72.2% of persons of the III group of the category "values" and "accessibility" completely differed, and the disintegration coefficient was 65.2 ± 0.4 points, while when values prevailed over accessibility in their achievement there was a stable, deep internal conflict, and in the opposite relation - the state of internal devastation and a significant decrease in productivity (ф = 1.61; p<0.05). The obtained results were compared with the data of the assessment of the state of internal discomfort of young people with PTSD. It was determined that the respondents of group I are characterized by the absence of pronounced subjective feelings of internal discomfort (ф = 2.19; p<0.01). The subjects, who defined their inner feelings as severe discomfort, were 76.8% and 80.1% of people in groups II and III, respectively. Thus, the presence of tension in the value sphere of modern youth with PTSD, which is expressed in the unavailability of the most important values of life and finds its manifestation in internal discomfort, and causes conflicting emotional experiences, dissatisfaction with what is happening in life.

Significant relationships between internal conflict and self-esteem of EG respondents (in terms of self-acceptance, self-worth and self-commitment) were identified. Negative correlations between these indicators mean that with increasing internal conflict decreases interest in their inner world (on a scale of "self-worth" r = -0.71; p ;0.05), which in turn leads to a decrease in self-confidence, increasing dissatisfaction with themselves , the desire to change in accordance with the ideal ideas about themselves (on a scale of "self-commitment" r = -0.66; p<0.05) and a decrease in openness, increased criticality in self-awareness (on a scale of "self-acceptance" r = -

76 ; p<0.05). A negative correlation was found between internal conflict and selfesteem (statistically significant is the relationship with the scale "self-management" r = -0.61; p<0.05), which means a decrease in the ability to influence circumstances, reduce self-regulation and activity in achieving goals.

It is proved that with the increase of internal conflict the level of development of social competence of youth decreases. This is evidenced by the fact that all correlations are negative. Particularly significant indicators with a tendency to decrease were such signs of social competence as openness, development of logical thinking, control over their behavior and ability to obey the established rules, low values of which distinguished the youth of II and III groups (p<0.05).

A high level of personal anxiety was noted in a significant part of the subjects in all groups of EG. At the same time, the majority of respondents found a predominance of personal anxiety over situational anxiety (p<0.05). It was found that the severity of situational anxiety in respondents probably increased with increasing degree of manifestations of PTSD. At the same time, the share of people with high rates of personal anxiety increased - from 52.7% with a low degree of PTSD to 86.1% with a global degree.

It was found that depression was higher in groups II and III EG (p<0.05). In the studied group I, the indicators of this parameter were within the norm (ф = 1.86; p<0.03), but they were higher than in young CG. As the degree of PTSD increased, the rates of depression increased, and the number of people with higher levels increased.

It was determined that the order of color selection (M. Luscher test) in 43.6% of the studied group I indicates the absence of intrapersonal conflicts, unproductive tension, neuropsychiatric disorders (ф = 2.22; p<0.01). In group II, the choice of colors indicates a desire to isolate themselves from unpleasant situations, to avoid arousal, the desire for emotional independence, a negative attitude to limitations, complications (ф = 2.05; p<0.02). The subjects of this group are characterized by a passive-protective psychological position, rigidity. For respondents of group III, the choice of colors indicated a long state of frustration, resistance to environmental influences, protest against bans, the tendency to limit social contacts, aggression, pessimistic forecast for the future (ф = 2.11; p<0.01).

The use of E. Wagner's test revealed higher anxiety and emotional instability in persons of group II; respondents of group III - high scores of open aggressive behavior; social maladaptation. The level of aggression, expressed as the difference between the sum of "adaptive" responses and the sum of responses in the categories of "aggression" and "instruction", in group I indicated incontinence, insufficient control of aggressive tendencies (ф = 2.16; p<0.01 ). The growth of aggressive tendencies and the predominance over tendencies that restrain aggressive behavior was found in persons of group II with a pronounced degree of manifestations of PTSD (ф = 2.07; p<0.01). Qualitative analysis of the value and place of aggressive tendencies in the general system of dispositions indicates an increase in the number of aggressive responses in the complete absence of responses such as social cooperation and a high degree of hostility in the studied group III (ф = 1.81; p<0.03). Indicators obtained by the test of E. Wagner, correlate with the data of the questionnaire A. Bass -A. Darki (r = 0.73; p<0.05).

The study of individual-typological features of the studied showed the presence in young people of group III accentuations of the nature of dysthymic, excitable, exalted, cyclothymic types. This provides an opportunity to state the propensity of subjects to impulsive, risky, conflictual and antisocial actions. Among the studied group I, accentuations of the character of emotional, anxious, dysthymic types prevailed (ф = 2.31; р<0.01). Respondents of groups II and III identified mosaic accentuations, namely such contradictory combinations of accentuated features as stuck with exciting features (34.3% of people), or a combination of demonstrative and stuck accentuated features in 17.4% of people of group II, as well as combinations of demonstrative and excitatory traits in 11.1% of persons of group III (ф = 2.19; p<0.01).

Young people with PTSD have higher activity of such psychological protective mechanisms as displacement, regression, replacement, compensation, reactive formation. The determined difference in the subgroups of the experimental group according to the specified parameters indicates the choice of the least differentiated ineffective methods of psychological protection. This choice of protective mechanisms by the respondents of the first group emphasized the desire to get rid of the anxious situation, to divert attention from the perceived affective impulses and conflicts. In response, low or low self-esteem was formed. Psychological defenses were manifested by the type of hypercompensation; the individual remained internally integrated. In young people of group II, the reaction of emotional and mental stress in the process of intrapsychic adaptation occurred, primarily, through such psychological mechanisms as regression, denial, when the individual is removed from the environment, becomes less emotionally involved; its disintegration with society occurs. Removal of affective impulses by subjects of group III was carried out mainly by means of actualization of expressive behavior in the form of aggression, hostility; the disintegration of the personality and the external environment and at the same time the intrapersonal disharmony intensified.

It is stated that the personal coping resources of young people affect the process of their social interaction, acquisition and application of adaptive skills, determine the conscious choice of strategies to overcome stress. It is established that the maladaptive mental state of the studied groups II and III with PTSD activates coping resources, which are either not formed or depleted (sharply reduced). This causes a pronounced dominance of maladaptive coping strategies (60.9% of people). It was found that the respondents of these subgroups have more emotionally-oriented options of coping strategies ("escape-avoidance", "emotional discharge", "ignoring"), which are considered less productive compared to problem-oriented coping strategies. Limited use of cognitive options for coping strategies has led to insufficient effectiveness of overcoming PTSD in young people.

It is determined that the subjects of the selected subgroups of the experimental group perceive differently the support coming from society. The youth of the II group to a greater extent than the studied I groups, subjectively more often felt loneliness, lack of care, attention, emotional involvement from loved ones. The subjects of group III, in comparison with the youth of groups I and II, also lacked practical, instrumental support from society. They identified the insufficiency of their social ties, denied their existence or pointed to their quantitative limitations.

Conclusions. The proposes an integrated socio-psychological program for the development of anticipation of the individual in social networks, based on the principles of interconnection, continuous variability, dynamic equili brium, irreversibility, relativity, self-organization, expansion, structuring, situational expediency, and differentiation of corrective measures. onto-, socio- and pathogenesis of the subjects.

A significant increase in the level of personal-situational, spatial, general anticipatory ability in groups of young people and youth, increase in their internality of subjective control, general meaningfulness of life, focus on goals and effectiveness of life and the positive impact of these variables on prognostic competence and level of social maturity. According to the results of approbation and implementation of the program, the increase of attachment capacity is determined by its personal -situational and general components; dynamics of semantic systems at the content, structural, value, functional levels; constructive life strategies and internality, as well as the flexibility of coping behavior of the subjects in middle and late adulthood, which helped to increase their psychological well-being.

The correctional and developmental work carried out within the program allowed to increase the level of anticipation ability in persons with manifestations of social maladaptation (according to the considered nosology), which ultimately affected the growth of achievement motivation, activity of life strategies; significant reduction of disintegration between value and accessibility in various spheres of life; multivariate forecasting and planning of events, in particular in social networks, and to improve their social functioning in general.


1. Pribram K.H. W. Edward Craighead (Editor), Charles B. Nemeroff (Editor). Third Edition. Vol. 3. Wiley, 2002. - P. 1241.

2. Zaleski Z., Cycon А., Kurc А. Future time perspective and subjective wellbeing in adolescent samples. Life goals and well-being: Towards a positive psychology of human striving / P. Schmuck, K.M. Sheldon (Eds.). Goettingen, Germany: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 2001. P. 58 - 67.

3. Scheier M.F., Carver C.S. Effects of optimism on psychological and physical well-being: theoretical overview and empirical update. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1992. 258 p.

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