To the problem of professional orientation

Research on the importance of choosing the right profession and understanding the choice made. Analysis of the current state of career guidance in Ukraine. Functions of the State Employment Service. The need for a conscious choice of profession.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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To the problem of professional orientation

Barchi Beata, Yanechkova Olha


The article considers the importance of choosing the right profession and understanding choice done. The current state of career guidance in Ukraine has been analysed. The functions of the State Employment Service have been defined. The necessity of a conscious profession choice has been substantiated.

Key words: professional orientation, professional self-determination, conscious choice, motivation.



Барчій Б. В., Янечкова О.

У статті розглянуто важливість правильного вибору професії та розуміння зробленого вибору. Проаналізовано сучасний стан профорієнтації в Україні. Визначено функції Державної служби зайнятості. Обґрунтовано необхідність свідомого вибору професії.

Ключові слова: професійна спрямованість, професійне самовизначення, свідомий вибір, мотивація.

The process of professional self-determination is complex and largely contradictory. On the one hand, it must consider the interests, inclinations, abilities of the individual, and on the other one - the needs of society in workers and specialists in certain areas of professional activity. To choose your future profession, you must first know yourself. Having understood own abilities, interests, and personal traits, the person begins to choose not a profession but a university or faculty. The profession should bring pleasure (positive emotions), give an adequate financial reward (well-being to the family) and ensure the maximum realization of your opportunities (benefit to society).

The profession is an integral part of human life, the right choice, which depends not only on his personal well-being, but also the development of the whole state. Therefore, the question of choosing a future profession is one of the important problems of any country, for this there is a need to implement and develop new and effective career guidance measures.

The purpose of this article is to analyse the current state, problems, and prospects of vocational guidance in Ukraine.

The current state and prospects for the development of vocational guidance in Ukraine are described in the works of: L. Avdeeva, I. Bekha, K. Bondarchuk, V. Borisova, D. Zakatnova, M. Zub, A. Kiyashchuk, O. Koropetska, V. Lozovetska, O. Melnyk, V. Tutashynsky, I. Ulychny, B. Fedoryshyn and others.

Vocational guidance in Ukraine is a scientific, sound system consisting of several measures: social, psychological, pedagogical, medical, economic, the purpose of which is to intensify the process of professional self-determination, identify its abilities, interests and other factors influencing the choice of its professional activity or its change. According to the semantic directions of functioning, the professional orientation of the population in Ukraine consists of the following elements: professional information, professional adaptation, professional consultation, professional selection.

The process of formation and development of the career guidance system in Ukraine, according to L. Avdeev, can be described as complex and contradictory, which is characterized by periods of decline and intensification in different periods of state development, each of which is an important element for building career guidance model in Ukraine [1]. profession career guidance employment

Professional self-determination is influenced by the interests of the individual and the needs of society. Professional orientation is designed to ensure their interaction and combination of interests. To reveal the essence of these processes, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "professional self-determination" and "professional orientation". Professional selfdetermination is a long-term process that begins in the senior preschool age and continues until the final choice of profession, aimed at studying one's own abilities, preferences, professionally important qualities, comparing them with professions to choose a specific professional activity, considering internal and external factors. affecting the process of self-determination.

From an economic point of view, professional self-determination should be understood as the choice and participation of a person in a particular type of professional activity, which will consider his inclinations, skills, and abilities, ensure the development of the person, his / her employment, efficiency and income the link between the labour market and the market of educational services, which will reduce the imbalance in the labour market, will contribute to the growth of gross national product and the competitiveness of the economy.

Career guidance or career guidance work should be defined as a comprehensive scientifically sound system of socio-economic, informational, psychological, and pedagogical influence on a person to help him in a timely, conscious, informed professional choice, considering the abilities, interests and needs of staff [2].

Today, the main problem in the country's labour market is the shortage of skilled labour, namely workers in almost all sectors of the economy, as well as the problem of quantitative and qualitative imbalance between supply and demand for labour. This indicates the imperfection of the career guidance system, which should promote conscious career choices, inform young people about the current world of professions and the needs of the labour market, which is the main reason why young people are increasingly unemployed due to lack of vacancies, lack of work experience, lack of worker places that would meet the needs of young people both in terms of job content and wages, the wrong choice of professions that are not in demand in the labour market. The professional orientation of young people, which is carried out by employment centres and individual educational institutions at all stages of education, is becoming important. To identify current trends inherent in the career guidance system, it is necessary to focus on information that characterizes the level of coverage of young people with career guidance services.

Examining this issue, it is worth emphasizing the role of the State Employment Service, which is an integral part of the career guidance system in Ukraine. The main function of this institution is to address employment issues, including youth, and minimize the imbalance between labour supply and demand in the labour market, and is the only institution to provide the widest range of career guidance services, namely: vocational counselling, professional selection, professional information. Due to the development of information technology, the capabilities of the State Employment Service of Ukraine have increased rapidly with the advent of Internet portals, telephone support services, automatic systems to notify customers about the emergence of potential vacancies online. The main directions of career guidance work with student youth in Ukraine are educational, prof. diagnostic, prof. information, prof. advisory work. Consistency and systematic conduct of career guidance activities is a necessary condition for ensuring the effectiveness of the career guidance system in Ukraine [4].

Analysing the modern system of vocational guidance in Ukraine, scientists emphasize that one of the problems in the field of vocational counselling in Ukraine is the insufficient number of specialists in this field, as well as their non-accession by secondary schools to the educational process. The problem of lack of scientific work in the country, which is a necessary component in modern conditions of state development, because it is professional selection of workers is an important element of a set of measures to ensure safety, working skills, example, and inspiration for others. Attention should be paid to the loss of effectiveness of forms and means of career guidance, which have so far been used in pedagogical practice to update the problem of professional aspirations of high school students in the process of career guidance. These aspirations are considered as a hierarchy of needs and corresponding motives, defines aspiration as a personal property, the essence of which is the formation of general dynamic trends of personality. The psychological portrait of a person is determined by a set of aspirations, which in turn reveal the interests, aspirations, character traits, goals, motives, and subjective attitude to the world around us, which is the result of creating a core of personality [3].

According to L. Avdeev, in Ukraine there is an acute problem related to the employment of young people after graduation from various levels, which is especially true for school graduates who, after an unsuccessful attempt to enter higher education, apply to employment centres, but to the extent of insufficiency professional skills and experience are not able to compete in the labour market, resulting in a feeling of insecurity, loss of life prospects, etc. The primary source of such negative consequences, according to L. Avdeev, is the lack of a clear and effective model of career guidance work with the population in Ukraine students at secondary schools. The author emphasizes the improvement of career guidance work with students because it is in adolescence a person makes an important and often difficult choice of future profession, without sufficient experience, which is why there is a need for assistance from a qualified specialist [1].

Cooperation between the state authorities and the public is necessary for the renewal of the system of vocational guidance of Ukraine and the implementation of the Concept of the state system of vocational guidance of the population, which will ensure equal interaction between society and the individual. The experience of implementing the system of professional orientation of the leading countries of the world can help to develop and implement a modern system of career guidance in Ukraine.

One of the most important decisions in the life of every person is the choice of future profession, because this choice will be a decisive factor in the social development of the individual. In our opinion, most people have some difficulty in choosing a future profession and how to master it, and therefore the need for conscious choice of profession is most important in adolescence and adolescence, when the individual processes of formation of certain psychological qualities, including abilities, interests, values, aspirations, professional plans, ideals, beliefs. In recent years, Ukraine has had virtually no conditions for developing an effective system of career guidance.

Based on the European experience, or the experience of other economically developed countries, we can highlight several recommendations for potential improvement of career guidance system and directions of its development in Ukraine, including building a new concept and model of career guidance system in the country. its development of the European and world labour markets; creation at the state level of the necessary conditions for the training of specialists (professional consultants) for the provision of career guidance services; organization and carrying out of system and continuous complex of vocational guidance actions in educational institutions; development and implementation of an internal system of career guidance in all schools in Ukraine with the involvement of qualified specialists.


1. Avdeev, L.G. 2012. Status and prospects of professional orientation in Ukraine: [Stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku profesiynoyi oriyentatsiyi v Ukrayini]. scientific method. way. For employees of the employment service. K.:IPC DSTU. 64 с.

2. Bondarchuk, K. 2007. Career guidance as a component of reproduction of human potential in Ukraine [Proforiyentatsiya yak skladova vidtvorennya lyuds'koho potentsialu v Ukrayini] Ukraine: aspects of labor, 7, pp. 26-34.

3. Zub, M. Ya. Development and theoretical substantiation of the modern model of professional orientation of the population in Ukraine [Rozrobka ta teoretychne obgruntuvannya suchasnoyi modeli profesiynoyi oriyentatsiyi naselennya v Ukrayini]

4. Piddyachy, M.I. 2002. Organizational and pedagogical conditions of preparation of senior pupils for professional self-determination in interschool educational and industrial combines [Orhanizatsiyno-pedahohichni umovy pidhotovky starshoklasnykiv do profesiynoho samovyznachennya u mizhshkil'nykh navchal'no-vyrobnychykh kombinatakh]: Author's abstract. dis. on zdob. Science. stup. Cand. ped. Sciences (13.00.07) Inst. Of Education Problems Acad. ped. Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv.

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