Electronic services as a technology of social work in the context of the electronic management introduction in Ukraine

The use of digital technologies in the system of providing social services in Ukraine. Technological and software support for the organization of social services through online services in the system of social protection and services for the population.

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«Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic» National university

Electronic services as a technology of social work in the context of the electronic management introduction in Ukraine

V. Popovych, D. Ph. Sc.,

PhD, Associate Professor

O. Syzonenko, graduate student

Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine


The article is devoted to the analysis of the digital technologies' use in the system of providing social services in Ukraine. The conditions for ensuring the effective organization of social services through online services in the system of social protection and social services in Ukraine are defined, which provide for the integration and interactivity of electronic social services, technological and software, building human resources, access to the Internet network, technology development for providing social online services.

Keywords: social protection, social care, social service, electronic management, electronic service, electronic social service.


Електронні послуги як технологія соціальної роботи в контексті впровадження електронного урядування в Україні

В.М. Попович, д. філос. н., доцент; О.О. Сизоненко, аспірант, Національний університет «Запорізька політехніка», Україна, Запоріжжя

Стаття присвячена аналізу використання цифрових технологій в системі надання соціальних послуг в Україні. Визначено умови забезпечення ефективної організації соціальних послуг через онлайн- сервіси в системі соціального захисту і соціального обслуговування населення в Україні, які передбачають інтегрованість і інтерактивність електронних соціальних послуг, технологічне і програмне забезпечення, нарощування кадрового потенціалу, доступність до Інтернет-мережі, розробку технології надання соціальних послуг в онлайн-режимі.

Ключові слова: соціальний захист, соціальне обслуговування, соціальна послуга, електронне урядування, електронна послуга, електронна соціальна послуга.


Электронные услуги как технология социальной работы в контексте внедрения электронного управления в Украине

В.М. Попович, д. филос. н., доцент, О.А. Сизоненко аспирант. Национальный университет «Запорожская политехника», Украина, Запорожье

Статья посвящена анализу использования цифровых технологий в системе предоставления социальных услуг в Украине. Определены условия обеспечения эффективной организации социальных услуг через онлайн-сервисы в системе социальной защиты и социального обслуживания населения в Украине, которые предусматривают интегрированность и интерактивность электронных социальных услуг, технологическое и программное обеспечение, наращивание кадрового потенциала, доступность к Интернет-сети, разработку технологии предоставления социальных услуг в онлайн-режиме.

Ключевые слова: социальная защита, социальное обслуживание, социальная услуга, электронное управление, электронная услуга, электронная социальная услуга.

Statement of the problem in general

The creation of social protection of the population effective system of in Ukraine is one of the priorities of the state social policy, provides for the modernization of the social services system in accordance with new socio-economic challenges, the dominant needs of the population, the development of the information society, requires the introduction of innovative technologies for the social services provision, based on dissemination and application of e-government and administration methodology.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems, prospects and directions of electronic governance development in Ukraine attract the attention of domestic scientists: M. Roshchuk, I. Polishchuk, Yu. Sladko, A. Volokh, A. Golubitsky, M. Demkova, S. Pavlishin, I. Kulchy, K. Kislyuk, M. Vatkovska, V. Konoval, S. Gnatyuk, M. Shvets and others. The basis of egovernment is the provision of administrative and social services from government bodies, including social institutions. Prospects for the distribution of e-services in Ukraine are studied by such domestic scientists as N. Didenko, V. Polyarnaya, V. Ryabets, I. Tischenkov, N. Vasilyeva, L. Trebik, M. Lyubechskaya and others, whose works highlight legal, economic, technological and sociocultural aspects of the electronic services delivery system implementation, but the social services' possibility for the population and social work on-line has hardly been explored.

The statement of the article's objectives. The purpose of the study is to determine the possibilities of introducing an electronic social services system in the context of the electronic governance development in Ukraine.

Statement of the main research material

According to the Concept of e-government development in Ukraine, the following definition is provided: “Egovernment - a form of public administration organization, helps to increase the efficiency, openness and transparency of the state authorities activities and local governments using information and telecommunication technologies to form a new type of state oriented towards satisfaction the citizens' needs” [11].

T. Nizhny, having analyzed publications on e-government, identified the following groups of signs and properties that characterize this concept:

1) the form of public administration organization, helps to increase the efficiency, openness and government bodies transparency and local governments using information and telecommunication technologies to form a new type of state focused on meeting the needs of citizens;

2) optimization of the process of providing administrative and social services, political citizens' participation in state development by changing internal and external relations using technical means, the Internet and modern media;

3) the system of interaction between public authorities and the population is based on the widespread use of information technologies in order to increase the availability and quality of public services, reduce the timelines for their provision, as well as reduce the administrative burden on citizens and organizations for their receipt;

4) egovernment is not only the modernization of the entire public administration system, but also the establishment of active interaction between public authorities and citizens with the help of modern information and communication technologies;

5) the use of information and communication technologies to improve the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, transparency and public control of government [8, p.113].

The information society development in Ukraine and the introduction of ICTs in all spheres of public life create fundamentally new opportunities for social work. In the information society, work in the social sphere requires knowledge and skills of effective search, accumulation, processing, storage, presentation, data transfer using computers and Internet networks.

The social work informatization, according to S. Gasumovoi, should be considered as part of the process of the social sphere informatization, that is, the process of expanded production and reproduction of social changes taking place in modern society with the help of advanced information technologies, based on updating the resource capabilities of individuals (groups) in the solution problems of life [1, p.15]. digital social service ukraine

The main information technology's goal in the social work practice is, according to E. Kholostovoi, ensuring the effective use of information resources in the following cases:

1) providing assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult life situation;

2) the dissemination of knowledge in the society and the skills' formation for the prevention of socially dangerous situations and self-help and mutual assistance;

3) ensuring the exercise of rights and freedoms;

4) the implementation of support for management decisions in the social services field [10, p. 237].

In the context of the e-government introduction in Ukraine and the process of public services digitalization, the problem of incorporating the technologies for the provision of electronic social services into the social work sphere is becoming more relevant. Before we try to determine the possibilities of using information and communication technologies in providing various forms and types of social, we substantiate the essential, substantial and conceptual features of the “social service” concept.

To analyze the possibilities of providing certain social services in electronic form and through the use of information and communication technologies, we define the main groups of social services that are enshrined in the Legislation of Ukraine. So, in 2003, the Law of Ukraine “On Social Services” distinguishes such types as [6]:

1) social services - providing food, inventory, transportation services, primary mechanization; implementation of social patronage, social adaptation, a doctor's call, purchase and delivery of medicines and the like;

2) psychological services - providing advice on mental health and improving relationships with the surrounding social environment, the use of psych diagnostics aimed at studying the socio-psychological characteristics of a person with a view to its psychological correction or psychological rehabilitation, the provision of methodological advice;

3) socio-pedagogical services - the identification and promotion of diverse interests and people needs in difficult life circumstances, the organization of individual educational, formative and correctional processes, leisure activities, sports and fitness, technical and artistic activities, etc., as well as involvement in the work of various institutions, public organizations, interested parties;

4) sociomedical services - consultations on the prevention of the occurrence and development of possible organic disorders, the preservation, support and protection of his health, the implementation of preventive, therapeutic and recreational measures, occupational therapy;

5) socio-economic services - the satisfaction of the material interests and persons' needs in difficult life circumstances, which are realized in the form of providing in-kind or monetary assistance, as well as assistance in the form of one-time compensations;

6) legal services - providing advice on issues of current legislation, protecting the rights and interests of persons in difficult life circumstances, promoting the use of state coercion and realizing the legal responsibility of persons resorting to illegal actions (legal documents execution, a person rights and interests protection, other legal assistance, etc.);

7) employment services - job search, assistance in employment and the employed person social support.

Consider the possibility of introducing an online service in the provision of the social services main groups.

1. The first group of social services includes material assistance and socio-economic services. An electronic service for the provision of such social services is associated with paperwork for a certain type of financial and economic service. So, on the Portal of public services (which, unfortunately, the actions are partially in different regions of Ukraine), you can get electronic forms and applications for such services as: receiving a subsidy for payment of housing and communal services; birth assistance for a child; certificate of receipt I non-receipt of all types of state benefits; Citizens' registration in need of better housing conditions; certificate of spa treatment provision (nonprovision); certificate of non-receipt of alimony or the amount of alimony (for temporary state assistance); annual allowance for recovery from the Chernobyl accident; one-time financial assistance to citizens; temporary state assistance to children whose parents refuse to pay child support, are not able to support the child or their place of residence is unknown; assistance to low- income families; provision of in-kind assistance to vulnerable groups of the population; state social assistance to people with disabilities from childhood and children with disabilities under 18 years of age; assistance for children under guardianship or guardianship; pregnancy and childbirth assistance; help for children of single mothers; assistance with the adoption of a child; allowance for the care of a disabled person from childhood or a disabled child, etc. [9].

Despite such an impressive list of electronic services for providing material and financial assistance to vulnerable segments of the population, it should be noted that an important condition for using the online service is the presence of identification channels such as ID Bank, ID Card (passport) or digital electronic signature, which speeds up the online service process with a minimum of visits to relevant government agencies. This social services group is currently under accelerated development, since it refers exclusively to the sphere of the state and government bodies' responsibility, is part of the “state in a smartphone” formation, and therefore requires the introduction of a single electronic portal of state administrative and social services and the decision to protect the personal data of recipients electronic administrative and socio-economic services.

2. Legal services through online services in the social services field relate primarily to the areas of legal protection for people in difficult life circumstances (for example, violence, neglect and negative relationships in the family, poverty, natural disaster, catastrophe; damage caused by fire, military operations, terrorist attack, armed conflict, temporary occupation, etc.). Now such services are provided by both state-owned Internet sites and private firms. A special place is occupied by electronic legal services from public organizations that are engaged in human rights activities.

3. Social and medical services consist of organizing consultations on preventing the occurrence and development of possible organic personality disorders, supporting their health, and carrying out preventive, curative and health measures. In the context of the electronic social services introduction, such services primarily provide an information component - displaying on the websites of institutions and social protection institutions, social services and social work a list of medical organizations, specialists and services that people who find themselves in difficult life circumstances can receive. Today, the implementation of online medical services is part of the healthcare sector reform in Ukraine, which is relevant for rural or inaccessible areas and requires an integrated approach by the state to improve medical services for the population.

4. Social services - the elderly social adaptation, people with disabilities in order to eliminate disabilities, support for social independence, training in labor skills, adaptation to feasible work. In our opinion, the main directions of introduction of electronic management in the system of social services provision are as follows:

1) the creation of an electronic database of people in need of social services at the level of a specific territorial entity;

2) reflection on the websites of social service institutions of legal information and information on the list of available social services, their tariffing and the possibility of free access, information on the qualifications of specialists providing social services;

3) creation of online emergency call services for a specialist by a registered client (through the use of telecommunications technologies, Skype software, etc.) in the territorial social service centers.

5. Socio-pedagogical services are to identify and promote the development of diverse interests and people in difficult life circumstances needs, the organization of individual educational, formational and correctional processes, leisure, sports and fitness, technical and artistic activities and the like. A feature of the use of electronic technologies in the provision of social and pedagogical processes is the introduction of SMART-learning technologies.

6. Psychological services. Psychological services relate primarily to such types of psychological assistance as psych correction, psychotherapy, psychological counseling and require professional interaction between a psychologist and a client. In this aspect, the electronic form of the psychological services provision, in our opinion, is very limited, although it has its advantages in the modern information society.

Consequently, the psychological services provision in the social services centers in electronic and online forms is possible: firstly, as an appeal through the trust line via Skype in emergency and crisis situations and circumstances; secondly, as the provision of the first psychological consultation; thirdly, as an additional form of psychological support for the client; fourthly, as a form of psycho diagnostic client's examination. But, despite the advantages of electronic psychological services, it is the direct interaction of the psychologist and the client that is an effective background for solving psychological problems and overcoming crisis situations in interpersonal relationships.

7. Employment services. Employment services are provided free of charge. Types of social services according to the Law of Ukraine “On Compulsory State Social Insurance for Unemployment” and according to the Law of Ukraine “On Employment” are: search for suitable work and assistance in finding work, including by providing subsidies to the employer to create additional jobs for unemployed and financing the organization of paid public works for the unemployed; vocational training or retraining, advanced training and career guidance; information and consulting services related to employment. Types of security under the Law of Ukraine “On Compulsory State Social Insurance against Unemployment” are: unemployment benefits, including one-time payment for organizing unemployed business activities; financial assistance during vocational training, retraining or advanced training of the unemployed; burial allowance in case of unemployed person death or a person who was dependent on him. Electronic employment services for today can be considered quite common. So, on the website of the State Employment Service [3] you can:

1) You can see the list of vacancies and resumes;

2) to pass vocational guidance testing;

3) register a personal account.

Thus, the need to introduce electronic social services in a modern social service system in the context of electronic governance can be noted.


Thus, the electronic social services introduction is at an initial level and does not cover the list of social services defined by law. That is why there is a need to explore the possibilities and develop a model for the electronic social services introduction such as: social-pedagogical, online psychological consultations, legal services, distance learning (in cooperation with regional universities) through the social service institutions system. This implies the integration and interactivity of electronic social services, technological and software, increasing human resources, access to the Internet, and developing technology for the social services provision in online mode.


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3. State Employment Service. URL: https://www.dcz.gov.ua/.

4. Dragomiretska N.M. (2005). Theoretical analysis of the communicative activity of a civil servant: a monograph, Odessa: Astonoprint, 280 p.

5. Yevtushenko O.N. (2009). The role of state power and local selfgovernment in building a service state to provide quality public services. Scientific works. Political Science, Vol. 122, 109, P. 32-37.

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