Civil-military coordination of national resources management in local communities, Indonesia case study

Civil-military synergy in the management of Indonesia's national resources in the province of West Sumatra. Cooperation and coordination of the government, the people and the army to mobilize national resources for defense and strengthening the country.

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Дата добавления 20.03.2022
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Keamanan Maritim Securiti

UN Peace Keeping Force

Hang Tua University

The Republic of Indonesia Defense University

Civil-military coordination of national resources management in local communities, Indonesia case study

Yusnaldi, dosen

Desi Albert Mamahit

Supartono, Chancellor

Mhd Halkis

Surabaya, Bogor, Indonesia


Purpose: This study purpose to describe the civil-military synergy in the management of Indonesia's national resources, a case study in the province of West Sumatra.

Method Approach: The method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Informants were taken using purposive sampling; data was collected through observation, interviews, and collection of documentation.

Findings: The study results found that there are 3 (three) pillars that must be interrelated, namely the government, the people, and the military. The three are woven in a knot to strengthen a country.

Practical implications (if applicable): It is established that good cooperation and coordination between the relevant agencies is needed to mobilize national resources for defense in a certain area.

Paper type: theoretical.

Key words: coordination, civil-military, national resources, defense and security.


Цивільно-військова координація управління національними ресурсами в місцевих громадах, приклад Індонезії

Юснальді, Дезі Альберт Мамахит, Супартоно, МХД Халкис

Мета роботи: Метою статті описати цивільно-військову синергію в управлінні національними ресурсами Індонезії, на прикладі провінції Західна Суматра.

Метод дослідження:

Застосований метод є описовим з якісним підходом. Показники були взяті з використанням цілеспрямованої вибірки; дані були зібрані шляхом спостереження, інтерв'ю та збору документації.

Результати дослідження: Результати дослідження показали, що є три стовпи, які повинні бути взаємопов'язані, а саме уряд, народ та війська. Всі троє сплітаються у вузол, щоб зміцнити країну.

Практична цінність дослідження: Встановлено, що для мобілізації національних ресурсів для оборони в певній місцевості необхідна хороша співпраця та координація між відповідними відомствами.

Тип статті: теоретична.

Ключові слова: координація, цивільно-військові, національні ресурси, оборона та безпека .


Management of national resources in the form of natural, artificial, and human resources to ensure the continuation of a country is essential to be managed proportionally. Indonesia is an archipelagic country located between the continents of Asia and Australia at the geographical coordinates of 6 North Latitude - 11.08' South Latitude and 95 East Longitude - 141.45' East Longitude. Indonesia has hundreds of ethnicities and languages, many different traditions (Simanjuntak, 2021). The ancestors used these differences as capital to build this nation into a great nation. History records that all the nation's children from various ethnic groups are involved in the struggle for Indonesian independence, all were struggling to take their respective roles. Safeguard strategy for national interests; the Indonesian nation must constantly develop spatial and geographical awareness as an archipelagic country. Therefore, it is necessary to have an insight into the archipelago, or geopolitics, as a perspective and attitude of the Indonesian people towards themselves. And then their environment by prioritizing the unity and integrity of the nation and territorial integrity in the implementation of the life of the nation and state (Wahyuningsih et al., 2020). the government system has regulated civil-military relations down to the villages.

State defense system for the country to protect a sovereign nation m for a sovereign nation. It is mobilizing all forces to benefit welfare in times of peace and for the sake of defense during war. The Indonesian nation has its way of building its national defense system, namely the universal people's defense and security system (Sishankamrata). This system is total or total defense. Sishankamrata is a constitutional order to all citizens to defend the territory, artificial and natural national resources that were prepared from the start to uphold state sovereignty from all threats.

Through these basic principles, the purpose of national defense is to protect sovereignty, territory, and citizens. The National Defense Function is organized by utilizing all the potential of National Resources and National Facilities and Infrastructure as an essential part of the National Defense component as well as being used for the welfare of the people. Management of National Resources for National Defense aims to transform National Resources into National Defense forces that are ready to be used for the benefit of National Defense through State Defense efforts, structuring Supporting Components, and establishing Reserve Components.

Indonesia is a country that has many tribes, ethnicities, and religions, so behind the national identity, each individual must have another identity inherent in him. It is formed following the identity formation process experienced by Indonesian citizens, following the community and family environment. The condition of this multicultural society has a weakness; namely, it is vulnerable to horizontal conflicts that disintegrate the nation. A horizontal conflict between groups or communities is based on differences in identity such as ethnicity, ethnicity, race, and religion. Horizontal conflicts usually begin with a potential conflict that develops and heats up into tension until finally breaking out into physical conflict. The cause of conflict is closely related to the decline in defending the state in society. Horizontal conflicts usually occur because of the existence of a more robust local identity than the national identity, so that citizens forget the nation's nature, as stated in Pancasila. This happens because of the lack of formation, socialization, and education regarding state values. Building awareness of defending the country in the younger generation cannot be underestimated because the younger generation is the successor of the Indonesian nation. When a nation has state awareness, it will support a strong and sovereign state. However, the patriotism shown by citizens should also be channeled in positive ways. Good canalization is needed so that the fighting spirit of the Indonesian people can be directed towards a noble goal and do not let the patriotic spirit of citizens be channeled through movements, actions, or groups by committing acts of vandalism. One way that can be used as a canal for the patriotism of the Indonesian people is the Fostering of State Defense Awareness (Dwijendra, 2021).

Arrangements on the Fostering of State Defense Awareness in Sihankamrata have been regulated, starting from the state constitution to laws and technical rules. The state constitution Article 27 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution (UUD 45 states that every citizen has the right and obligation to participate in state defense efforts. Then 30 paragraph (2) state defense and state security efforts are carried out through a defense and security system the universal people by the Indonesian National Armed Forces and the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia, as the main force and the people as a supporting force. Law Number 3 of 2002 concerning National Defense was established to implement the constitution and strengthened explicitly by Law 23 of 2019 Management of National Resources for National Defense. National Defense is carried out through efforts to build and foster the state and nation's capability and deterrence and overcome any threats. Deterrence is built through Fostering State Defense Awareness for all citizens so that the character of the people is militant based on love for the country (Suriata, 2019).

Then "Defending the State" is embodied in Government Regulation 3 of 2021 and concerning implementing Regulations of Law 23 of 2019, explaining that State Defense is the determination, attitude, behavior, and actions of citizens, both individually and collectively in maintaining state sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national safety. and country. in the context of providing knowledge, education, or training to citizens in order to develop attitudes and behavior and instill the fundamental values of Defending the State. If the state of war has been resolved, then the President may declare Demobilization with the approval of the House of Representatives. A demobilization is an act of stopping the Mobilization and use of National Resources and National Facilities and Infrastructure after carrying out the task of Mobilization. The arrangement of the Supporting Components is carried out by the Ministry in collaboration with ministries/agencies and local governments. Meanwhile, the development of the Supporting Components is carried out by ministries/agencies and local governments in collaboration with the Ministry. Reserve Components are a forum and form of citizen participation and the use of Natural Resources, Artificial Resources, and National Facilities and Infrastructure in the National Defense effort (Saputro & Dexino, 2022).

In implementing Law Number 23 of 2019 concerning National Resource Management, researchers will try to uncover a multi-stakeholder interaction process or combine various elements of regional leadership members of the regional leadership coordination forum (Forkopimda) in West Sumatra. It is the concern of researchers about the coordination of Forkopimda actors interacting with each other in managing national resources for defense. The synergy between stakeholders is the relationship of social interaction formed through practical, creative, and innovative coordination and communication so that excellent cooperation is formed by individuals, groups, and organizations/agencies in managing national resources for defense. Researchers chose the province of West Sumatra as the locus of study because apart from natural resources, many people also have traditions that are still preserved from generation to generation. The communal rights of indigenous peoples in West Sumatra related to natural resources are called "ulayat rights". The Ulayat rights are legal rights traditionally passed down from generation to generation (Halkis, 2019)

Based on this background, the formulation of the research problem is: how is the pattern of coordination between civilians and the military in synergy in managing defense resources, and how also the implementation of the management of defense resources to support the national defense to the lowest level in society?

Triple Helix Management of national resources for defense

Indonesia faces internal and external threats. Internal problems are the struggle for central and local government resources. The struggle for resources has been recorded in the history of Indonesia. The problem with the Papuan people has been going well with the Penta helix approach (Mhd, 2020). Regional external problems, Indonesia still has border problems with 10 (ten) neighboring countries, where each country has a territorial conflict with Indonesia. For example, the Ambalat dispute with Malaysia. Although the possibility of conventional war has decreased, the threat in the context of national security has increased, especially non-military threats. Various threats to national interests are difficult to identify and analyze with conventional approaches. One of the most real threats faced by the Indonesian nation today is the issue of national awareness to maintain national integrity. Local government creations must build local wisdom (Pion-Berlin & Dudley, 2020).

The concept of local wisdom to maintain national security is also related to the duties of the military and police. Indonesia's defense and security conditions still involve the TNI. Communal conflicts, terrorism, radicalism, and the strengthening of separatist movements in several areas are severe threats to the country's integrity. Conditions of order and high crime rates both nationally and transnationally, such as human trafficking, narcotics, piracy at sea, cybercrime, illegal logging, illegal fishing, and massive and entrenched corruption, become unfinished homework. This is reinforced by the weakening of the spirit of togetherness (gotong royong) in various aspects of life, the people's apathy as designed to accelerate the process of destroying state entities. The partial omission and handling of the state will cause problems to accumulate so that it can become a conflict that leads to the disintegration of the nation. For therapy to overcome these problems, special efforts are needed from the state by recognizing the root of local problems. Therapy, when referring to good medical action with treatment starting from systemic preventive action, not curative reactive action. Awareness of the goals of the state and adherence to ways of building a life together (DiLillo & Peterson, 2001).

To deal with the development of increasingly diverse threats, West Sumatra needs to synergize between stakeholders in managing their strengths. In the context of national defense, this problem is not enough to be handled only from the aspect of the leading military power. The build national resilience, there is a triple helix or 3 (three) pillars that must be interrelated, namely the government, the people, and the military. The three are woven like a rope in a knot to strengthen the defense and security system of the country in terms of the people of West Sumatra called the "Tali bapilin tigo" (three twisted ropes). The triple helix relationship can be described as:

Figure 1 - Triple Helix; Elements of the Defense and Security forces of the people of West Sumatra Province in natural resource management

In mobilizing national resources in an area, it is necessary to have good cooperation and coordination between the relevant agencies. Coordination is an effort to unite the activities of organizational work units. The organization moves as a unified whole to carry out all organizational tasks to achieve goals - coordination as an activity to bring order to all management activities. In determining the coordination between agencies in implementing regional development, each agency is an interrelated component to form a system and is in a more extensive system. Success depends on (1) the extent to which each agency (as a sub-system) fulfills its predetermined duties and responsibilities, (2) the extent to which an agency's program is compatible with other agency's programs, (3) the extent to which an agency maintains the continuity of the program with the programs of other agencies in the event that the relevant agencies play a professional role as long as the organizers of activity, and (4) the extent to which the success of an agency does not cause harm to other agencies. In implementing coordination between agencies in the regions, Forkopimda is carried out following the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government. In the law, in particular, Article 1 Paragraph 18 and Article 26 Paragraph 1-6 stipulates a forum called Forkopimda/Forkopimcam. In West Sumatra, the formation of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum for the Province of West Sumatra is stated in the Decree of the Governor of West Sumatra Number: 200-210-2021 concerning the Establishment of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum for the Province of West Sumatra in 2021.

Civil-military coordination in the province and city of Padang is following Law number 23 of 2019 concerning the Management of State Defense Resources. The West Sumatra Provincial Government and its staff need to strengthen the Law with Regional Regulations so that the regional government makes initial efforts to prevent possible security threats, both from outside and from within the province of West Sumatra.

Implementation of State Defense Awareness Development

Awareness of the nation and state is a condition where an individual understands consciously and has a sense of responsibility towards a nation and state because he has a bond as a citizen. Awareness of the nation and state is an attitude and behavior that is in accordance with the personality of the nation and always relates itself to the ideals and goals of the nation's life, grows a sense of unity, the unity of the Indonesian nation, has a big soul and patriotism and has an awareness of responsibility as a citizen. (Gedeon Firnandus Ulaan, 2020). Awareness of the nation and state of the Indonesian people means that a citizen is aware that he lives in a nation and state based on Bhineka Tunggal Ika or different but still one. By having a sense of awareness, citizens will know that they live with people who have various ethnic, religious, racial, and class backgrounds so that adjustments are needed so that they can live side by side, harmonious and peaceful.

Instilling the value of national and state awareness from an early age is also carried out when entering a university by becoming a student. Then, the participation of citizens in the implementation of national defense through service according to the profession. The West Sumatra Provincial Government in the implementation of State Defense Awareness Development has been running according to the stages in each activity carried out by their respective leading sectors. civil military synergy indonesia sumatra

The development of state defense awareness in West Sumatra Province has been running both through formal and non-formal education, in the general public through community organizations such as by holding traces of the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI) in commemoration of the National Defense Day which falls every December 19. In addition, the implementation of state defense awareness development in the community in the West Sumatra Province is also carried out through social service in the target villages by each military institution.

In every activity in areas under the guidance of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU), the ranks of the Air Force Base Sutan Syahrir Padang always provide enlightenment about awareness of defending the state to the community, both in the form of lectures and in the form of social service activities carried out. by Sutan Syahrir Padang Air Base. Likewise, Lantamal II Padang fostering State Defense Awareness in the community is also carried out through activities held in coastal communities. In this case through coastal villages assisted by the Indonesian National Navy (TNI AL), coastal village communities are the eyes and ears as well as the extension of the hands of the apparatus, so that the community also feels responsible for the awareness defending the country.

(Dis)integration will be a grave threat to Indonesia. (Dis)integration is generated by law, policy or everyday practice. (Samuk, 2020) If you make a mistake in making laws, it will be dangerous for the survival of the Republic of Indonesia in realizing national goals. The prevent continuous disintegration; concrete action must be taken. One of the natural forms of citizens in fostering awareness of defending the country in daily life is self-discipline. Concrete forms in realizing citizens determined to carry out awareness building for defending the country, socializing defending the country and applying to defend the country in daily life starting from oneself. State defense in Sishankamrata is the responsibility of all Indonesian citizens. Following the 1945 Constitution article 27 paragraph 3 which states that every citizen has the right and is obliged to participate in the defense of the state. What is defending the country? State defense is the determination, attitude, and behavior of every citizen based on and inspired by love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution to ensure the survival of the nation and state (Setiyawati, 2021). In Sishankamrata, if there is a perception that defending the state is the duty of the TNI alone, it is very wrong because defending the state is not only the responsibility of the TNI but the duty of all citizens according to their abilities and professions in the life of society, nation and state (Setiono, 2017). State defense can also be referred to as a moral movement. State defense awareness can be carried out from a small environment to a national scope. This small environment starts from the family scope, which is the smallest sphere in everyday life. The family environment as a family that already has their respective roles can defend the country by carrying out and carrying out their respective duties and obligations (Sabihaini et al., 2018). The implementation of the coordination of the management of national resources in the regions in a synergistic manner can be described.

That way the family has carried out defending the country well. The community environment is then manifested in a wider environment, namely in the national scope.

Figure 2 - Implementation of coordination between Regional Leadership Communication Forums (including the military)

As a member of society, defending the country can be realized by obeying applicable laws and regulations, knowing and implementing their respective rights and obligations. The national environment of every citizen must be able to shape and develop his life in an Indonesian society that is faithful, devoted to God Almighty, in harmony with one another, loves the homeland of advanced and prosperous quality, is harmonious and balanced and has deterrence against the integrity of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia. By carrying out state defense as mentioned above, starting from the smallest scope to a wider scope, it is hoped that it will increase the love of the homeland for Indonesia to maintain the country's integrity and sovereignty.


The local government of West Sumatra Province, in addition to representatives of the central government, can apply the principles of autonomy to develop regulations and policies related to planning and control related to their own resources (Sцdergren & Palm, 2021). However, there are many representatives of central government agencies in the regions, so it is necessary to form a coordination forum. The history of Forkopimda begins with the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 1974. Forkompinda concerning the Principles of Government in the Regions became the basis for forming the Regional Leadership Conference (abbreviated as Muspida). The Muspida was then established by Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 1986 concerning Regional Leadership Deliberations. Muspida is a forum for consultation and coordination between the Governor of the Head of the Level I Region and the Regent/Mayor of the Head of the Level II Region with the officials of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indoensia/ABRI) in the regions as well as other government officials, in the context of realizing, maintaining national stability, and national development in the region. The Provincial Muspida is formed for the provincial level, the Regency Muspida for the district level, the City Muspida for the city level, and the District Leadership Consultation (Muspika) for the sub-district level. Entering the reform era, the law on regional government was updated with the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government. In this law, in particular, Article 1 Paragraph 18 and Article 26 Paragraph 1-6, a forum similar to the Muspida/Muspika is regulated, called Forkopimda/Forkopimcam.

In applying Law Number 23 of 2019 concerning management of national resources for defense in the province of West Sumatra through the Forkopimda, it will be able to increase the synergy between stakeholders of each head of the agency making it easier to coordinate in carrying out functions and obligations in dealing with defense issues in the region. West Sumatra. The elements of each agency representing the central government will understand who does what in managing national resources for defense in the province of West Sumatra. The synergy between stakeholders in the region will facilitate the coordination of each relevant agency. Findings in the field of implementation of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government need to be synchronized with Law Number 23 of 2019 in the form of regional regulations and governor regulations as legal umbrellas for carrying out tasks. Local governments tend to look at regional domains rather than the national mission mandated by Law number 23 of 2019. As a result, each stakeholder tends to run individually, and it is even found that there are agencies that are not aware of the law governing the Management of National Resources even though the Indonesian Ministry of Defense had already conducted socialization in the province of West Sumatra. The military's role in regional development, such as Indonesia, is still relevant by avoiding the use of the force of the weapon itself. The problem in a democratic country involving the military is the use of weapons (Pawn-Berlin & Dudley, 2020). Meanwhile, the task of the TNI being assigned to the regions is still in the context of facing external enemies by ensuring that state awareness is maintained.


Management of national resources by involving local communities can reduce conflict and create a sense of justice for the community. National power in the regions; the government structure at the provincial, district, sub-district, and even down to the village has been formed. The elements triple helix; the local government, the local community, and the military. The management of national resources related to national defense under the constitution and regulations of the state. West Sumatra Province has carried out the management of national resources for defense as mandated in Law Number 23 of 2019 concerning the Management of National Resources for Defense. The implementation of the socialization at the provincial and district/city level leadership elements had been running before the law was socialized, so the birth of Law Number 23 of 2019 concerning National Resource Management was to strengthen the existing defense system, namely Sishankamrata. Management of national resources for National Defense requires anticipatory steps in shaping human resources that are not soluble in the waves of global change. Meanwhile, the implementation of State Defense Awareness Development within the community to support the State defense in West Sumatra has been running both formally and non-formally.

By fostering awareness of defending the country, it is necessary to understand all components of society to actively participate in strengthening the defense of the State and the Nation. This is done to achieve a just, prosperous, safe, and prosperous society. Maintaining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state is the joint task of all Indonesian people, which are the rights and obligations of citizens as mandated in Articles 27 and 30 of the 1945 Constitution. State defense is not only psychological but also physical. Psychologically it is interpreted to foster a mental attitude that is intelligent, critical, creative, proactive, disciplined, responsible, resistant to testing, never give up and proud as a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia. But physically, the people are ready to defend the country in a state of peace or war.


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Список використаних джерел

1. DiLillo, D., & Peterson, L. (2001). Behavior Therapy with Children. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 1086-1090.

2. Dwijendra, et al. (2021). The Uniqueness of Architecture and Bamboo House Environment in Pengotan Traditional Village, Bali, Indonesia. Journal of Social and Political Sciences, 4 (1). (in Indonesian)

3. Gedeon Firnandus Ulaan, NAL and KEW (2020). Implementation of the Value of National and State Awareness in the Student Activity Unit of the National Development University "Veteran" East Java. Syntax Idea, 2 (6), 43-54. (in Indonesian)

4. Halkis, M. (2019). Position of the Ulayat Rights in the Law and Government Policy After the Regional Autonomy in Singingi Region, Riau Province, Indonesia. Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, 83 (1997), 22-30.

5. Mhd, H. (2020). The Implementation of Penta Helix Counterinsurgency (COIN) Strategic Model in Reconstructing Special Autonomy for Papua. Society, 8 (1), 234-248.

6. Pawn-Berlin, D., & Dudley, D. (2020). Civil-Military Relations: What Is the State of the Field. Handbook of Military Sciences, 1-22.

7. Sabihaini, Pratomo, A.H., Rustamaji, H.C., & Sudaryatie. (2018). Environmental factors affecting traditional fishermen in maintaining the resilience of marine areas in the context of Indonesian State Defense. Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews, 6 (3), 46-54.

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9. Saputro, G.E., & Deksino, G.R. (2022). The Role of National Defense Resources as the Competitive Power of the Indonesian Nation in Facing Globalization. 5 (1), 30-36.

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11. Setiyawati, M.E. (2021). Nature of nations and states.

12. Simanjuntak, Y. N. (2021). The Review of Communal Rights on Geographical Indications: Communal Standpoint as Constraints to Legal Protection. Environmental Policy and Law, 51(5), 297308.

13. Sцdergren, K., & Palm, J. (2021). The role of local governments in overcoming barriers to industrial symbiosis. Cleaner Environmental Systems, 2 (September 2020), 100014.

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16. Wahyuningsih, Y.Y., Satino, S., & Sulastri, S. (2020). Legal Arrangements of Law Enforcement in the Defense of the State to Strengthen the Defense of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews, 6, 46-54.

8. Samuk, (2020). Can Integration Be Temporary? The (Dis)Integration of Temporary Migrant Workers in Canada and the UK. In IMISCOE Research Series.

9. Saputro, G.E., & Deksino, G.R. (2022). The Role of National Defense Resources as the Competitive Power of the Indonesian Nation in Facing Globalization. 5 (1), 30-36.

10. Setiono, K.Y. (2017). State Defense in the Perspective of National Defense Strategy and Policy. In Wira, Information Media of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense (pp. 613).

11. Setiyawati, M.E. (2021). Nature of nations and states.

12. Simanjuntak, Y.N. (2021). The Review of Communal Rights on Geographical Indications: Communal Standpoint as Constraints to Legal Protection. Environmental Policy and Law, 51(5), 297308.

13. Sцdergren, K., & Palm, J. (2021). The role of local governments in overcoming barriers to industrial symbiosis. Cleaner Environmental Systems, 2 (September 2020), 100014.

14. Suriata, I.N. (2019). Actualization of State Defense Awareness for the Young Generation in Improving National Defense. Journal of Public Administration, 4 (1), 4756.

15. Van Besouw, B., Ansink, E., & van Bavel, B. (2016). The economics of violence in natural states. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 132, 139-156.

16. Wahyuningsih, Y.Y., Satino, S., & Sulastri, S. (2020). Legal Arrangements of Law Enforcement in the Defense of the State to Strengthen the Defense of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding

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  • Problems in school and with parents. Friendship and love. Education as a great figure in our society. The structure of employed young people in Russia. Taking drugs and smoking as the first serious and actual problem. Informal movements or subcultures.

    контрольная работа [178,7 K], добавлен 31.08.2014

  • The study of human populations. Demographic prognoses. The contemplation about future social developments. The population increase. Life expectancy. The international migration. The return migration of highly skilled workers to their home countries.

    реферат [20,6 K], добавлен 24.07.2014

  • The concept and sex, and especially his studies in psychology and sociology at the present stage. The history of the study of the concepts of masculinity and femininity. Gender issues in Russian society. Gender identity and the role of women in America.

    дипломная работа [73,0 K], добавлен 11.11.2013

  • The need for human society in the social security. Guarantee of social security in old age, in case of an illness full or partial disability, loss of the supporter, and also in other cases provided by the law. Role of social provision in social work.

    презентация [824,4 K], добавлен 16.10.2013

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