Research on the social impact of artificial intelligence and government’s coping strategies

Research into the interaction of the human brain with epistemology, social science and practice. Using neural networks to model intelligent behavior of people. Analysis of the further development of artificial intelligence for human life and society.

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Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ 18.03.2021
Ðàçìåð ôàéëà 22,5 K

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Beijing Administration Institute

(Ïåêèíñêèé èíñòèòóò óïðàâëåíèÿ)

Research on the social impact of artificial intelligence and government's coping strategies

Tian Weili (Òÿíü Âýéëè)

Beijing, People's Republic of China

(Ïåêèí, Êèòàéñêàÿ Íàðîäíàÿ Ðåñïóáëèêà)


“Artificial intelligence” is one of the most popular buzzwords in the society at present, and was selected as the “Top Ten Chinese Media Popularity in 2017”. Human society is gradually entering a new era of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is not just a scientific and technological innovation, but will bring about a big change in social life. As the State Council's “New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan” pointed out: “The rapid development of artificial intelligence will profoundly change human social life and change the world.” In the face of the new situation in the new era, governments at all levels must take the initiative to seek change and change, firmly grasp the major historical opportunities for the development of artificial intelligence, keep abreast of development, research and judge the general trend, actively plan, grasp the direction, seize the opportunities, and lead the world in the development of artificial intelligence. The trend, serving economic and social development and supporting national security, drives the overall leap and leapfrog development of national competitiveness.

Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI), government work report, government response strategy

About the author: Tian Weili, Beijing Administration Institute (Beijing, People's Republic of China), master of Software Engineering, Engineer

Îá àâòîðå: Òÿíü Âýéëè, Ïåêèíñêèé èíñòèòóò óïðàâëåíèÿ (Ïåêèí, Êèòàéñêàÿ Íàðîäíàÿ Ðåñïóáëèêà), ìàãèñòð, íàïðàâëåíèå «Ðàçðàáîòêà ïðîãðàììíîãî îáåñïå÷åíèÿ

The concept and development history of artificial intelligence. The concept of artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, referred to as AI in English. It is a new technical science for researching and developing the theory, method, and technology and application system for simulating, extending and expanding human intelligence. A major goal of artificial intelligence research is to make machines capable of performing complex tasks that normally require human intelligence. Artificial intelligence involves natural and social sciences such as information theory, cybernetics, computer science, automation, bionics, biology, psychology, mathematical logic, and philosophy.

From a scientific point of view, there is currently no authoritative unified definition of the concept of artificial intelligence. Scholars in different disciplines and different academic backgrounds have different understanding and understanding of artificial intelligence technology. Generally speaking, there is the following consensus on artificial intelligence: First, in the early stage of the development of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is first defined as a branch of computer science, or a cross-edge discipline with computer science as the mainstay.

These concepts explain more emphasis on artificial intelligent discipline attributes. Second, the relevant definitions emphasize the nature of using computers to study and simulate the laws of human intellectual activity. As the social application of artificial intelligence becomes more and more widespread, the interpretation of the concept of artificial intelligence also extends outward from purely disciplinary attributes. At present, artificial intelligence is not only interpreted as a fringe discipline where computer science intersects with other disciplines, but it is also beginning to be seen as a complex system that combines human brain research with epistemology and social practice, with more emphasis on its applicability. Scholars agree that artificial intelligence refers specifically to the ability of computer systems to think and act reasonably like human beings, and to complete the ability that only humans can rely on wisdom to complete complex tasks. However, three different schools have formed: the school of semiotics believes that artificial intelligence is derived from mathematical logic. Through the symbolic operation of computers, it simulates human cognitive processes and builds a knowledge-based artificial intelligence system. The connectionist school emphasizes that artificial intelligence is derived from the bionics modeled on the study of the human brain model. The artificial intelligence system based on the human brain is established through neural networks and inter-network linking mechanisms and learning algorithms. The behaviorist school proposes that artificial intelligence is derived from perception and action. Through the interaction and adaptation of the agent and the external environment, an artificial intelligence system based on “perception-behavior” is established. These statements reflect the basic ideas and basic contents of the artificial intelligence discipline: that is, artificial intelligence is to study the laws of human intelligence activities, construct artificial systems with certain intelligence, and study how to allow computers to complete tasks that previously required human intelligence to be competent It is to study how to use computer hardware and software to simulate some of the basic theories, methods and techniques of human intelligent behavior.

Since the birth of artificial intelligence, the theory and technology have become increasingly mature, and the application field has also continued to expand. The technological products brought by artificial intelligence in the future will be the “containers” and “amplifiers” of human intelligence. Artificial intelligence can simulate and create the information process of human consciousness and thinking. Artificial intelligence is not human intelligence, it is machine intelligence, but it can think like a human and exceed human intelligence.

The origin and development of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence comes along with the development of computer science. Since the advent of electronic computing, it has always been the dream of computer experts to make computers as smart as humans. Although the term “artificial intelligence” did not appear until 1956, its roots can be traced back to at least the 1940s, Alan Turing (Alan Turing) published in 1950 the famous paper “Computer and Intelligence” (Computing Machinery and Intelligence) specifically mentioned the concept of artificial intelligence. Trane asked a question in the paper: “Can the machine think?” The paper also provides a test to answer the question and raises the possibility that the machine may be programmed to learn from experience like a child.

Artificial Intelligence AI, as a discipline, was officially launched in 1956. It was first proposed by the “father of artificial intelligence” McCartney and a group of mathematicians, information scientists, psychologists, neurophysiologists, and computer scientists at a meeting held at Dartmouth University in the United States. This two-month symposium officially held in the name of “artificial intelligence” specializes in researching and discussing a series of related problems of using machines to simulate intelligence, and for the first time proposed the term “artificial intelligence”. Marked the formal birth of the new discipline of “artificial intelligence”.

Since its birth, artificial intelligence has been highly valued by the scientific and technological community. Since the 1970s, it has been known as one of the world's three cutting-edge technologies (space technology, energy technology, artificial intelligence). One of the three cutting-edge technologies of the century (genetic engineering, nanoscience, artificial intelligence).

Since 1956, artificial intelligence has experienced three high-speed development stages: the first development is to achieve problem solving, replacing humans to complete part of the logical reasoning work, such as machine theorem proofs, general problem solving procedures, etc. Represented by the first neural network invented by Rosenblatt in 1957, it entered the first peak. However, due to the limited reasoning ability of the digestion method and the failure of machine translation, artificial intelligence subsequently entered a trough. The second development is that the intelligent system can interact with its external environment, obtain information from the running environment, and replace humans to complete part of the thinking work including uncertainty. In 1986, the BP algorithm achieved a breakthrough in neural network training and led artificial intelligence to its second peak. In 1990, the development of artificial intelligence computer DAPRA failed, and artificial intelligence technology entered another bottleneck period. The third development is the breakthrough progress of the recognition algorithm represented by deep learning, which makes the computer initially have the human cognitive and thinking ability, can discover new knowledge, and form new decisions to complete specific tasks. In May 1997, the “Deep Blue” computer (DEEP BLUE) developed by IBM Company defeated the world chess champion of human beings. It was the first perfect performance of artificial intelligence, a milestone in the history of artificial intelligence development, and made artificial intelligence attract the attention of the world. In 2006, deep learning neural networks were proposed. In 2013, deep learning algorithms achieved breakthroughs in speech and visual recognition rates, and the development of artificial intelligence entered the third peak, which has continued to this day and has continued to achieve breakthroughs.

The development of artificial intelligence technology will go through three stages: “weak artificial intelligence, strong artificial intelligence and super artificial intelligence”. “Weak artificial intelligence” is to use the existing intelligent technology to improve some of the technical conditions and development functions required by our economic and social development. Weak artificial intelligence can make intelligent machines that can reason and solve problems, but the machines themselves do not generate autonomous consciousness. The continuous popularization and development of computers since the second half of the XX century has provided a realistic opportunity for the development of artificial intelligence. Weak artificial intelligence technology using computers as a carrier has begun to emerge and grow, especially in the field of industrial automation. Enhancing social production efficiency has provided tremendous assistance. The academic community generally believes that weak artificial intelligence technology has been basically realized. Correspondingly, “strong artificial intelligence” means that the machine is not only good at reasoning and solving problems, but also has corresponding self-awareness. “Strong artificial intelligence” is very close to human intelligence, which requires a breakthrough in brain science. It is generally believed that this stage will not be realized until around 2050. From the perspective of the development of the global artificial intelligence industry, although current human technology still faces many problems in how to evoke machine autonomy, with the continuous development of related technologies, especially the continuous maturity of big data technology, the current generation of artificial intelligence In terms of knowledge learning or human-computer integration, there has been a huge leap forward than in the past, and breakthrough progress is being made in realizing the transition from “weak to strong”. “Super artificial intelligence” is the great development of brain science and brain-like intelligence. Artificial intelligence has become a super intelligent system, greatly surpassing the intelligence of natural people. “Super artificial intelligence” is the ultimate goal of artificial intelligence development, it will help humans to complete many tasks that human intelligence cannot accomplish.

Artificial intelligence has entered a new era of rapid development

After more than 60 years of evolution, especially driven by new theories and technologies such as mobile Internet, big data, supercomputing, sensor networks, and brain science, as well as the strong demand for economic and social development, artificial intelligence has accelerated its development, showing deep learning, New features such as cross-border integration, human-machine collaboration, open intelligence, and autonomous control. Big data-driven knowledge learning, cross-media collaborative processing, human-machine collaborative enhanced intelligence, group integrated intelligence, and autonomous intelligent systems have become the focus of artificial intelligence development. Brain-like intelligence inspired by brain science research achievements is ready to go, chip-based hardware. The trend of platformization is more obvious, and the development of artificial intelligence has entered a new stage. At present, the overall advancement of the development of new-generation artificial intelligence-related disciplines, theoretical modeling, technological innovation, and software and hardware upgrades are triggering a chain breakthrough and accelerating the acceleration of various fields of economic society from digitalization and networking to intelligence.

The new generation of artificial intelligence has new features in the new era: one is from artificial knowledge expression to big data-driven knowledge learning technology; the second is from multi-type processing of multimedia data to cross-media cognition, learning and reasoning. “Media” does not refer to the news media, but refers to the interface or environment; the third is from the pursuit of intelligent machines to high- level human-machine, human-computer cooperation and integration; the fourth is from focusing on individual intelligence to groups based on the Internet and big data Intelligence, it can integrate the intelligence of many people into group intelligence. Fifth, from anthropomorphic robots to a broader intelligent autonomous system. It is not just a robot that is called artificial intelligence. For example, smart factories and intelligent unmanned aerial systems are all artificial intelligence.

In this period of rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, artificial intelligence has stepped out of the technical bottleneck and entered the rapid application of industrialization and socialization from the scientific research field. The new generation of artificial intelligence not only exists at a higher level close to human intelligence, but also integrates into our daily life with the main goal of improving human intelligence. The emergence of technologies such as human-computer games, face payment, and driverless driving has aroused great attention. Alpha Go has an absolute advantage in the game against the top human players; face recognition has been widely used in financial banks, local surveillance, and secure payments; and autonomous vehicles have also successfully laid the road.

At present, artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in military, medical, security, image recognition, stock analysis, unmanned, space ship navigation, biological control and many other fields. The application of artificial intelligence technology will accelerate industrial upgrading in various fields such as manufacturing, agriculture, logistics, finance, commerce, and home furnishing, thereby helping the world to transform into a high-end and efficient smart economy. Artificial intelligence technology has a profound impact on human society, and these effects are gradually expanding with the development and progress of artificial intelligence technology. As the futurists Ray Kurzweil and Kevin Kelly's technological predictions: in the near future, artificial intelligence will follow the Internet and become socially structural, global and revolutionary important factor of change.

The impact of the rapid development of artificial intelligence on society

Like all the new technological revolutions in history, the in-depth development and wide application of artificial intelligence technology will greatly change the face of human society and the entire world.

Artificial intelligence will reshape the face of economic development

Artificial intelligence will become an important new engine for economic development. Artificial intelligence, as the core driving force of a new round of industrial transformation, will further release the huge energy accumulated in previous scientific and technological revolutions and industrial transformation, and create new powerful engines to reconstruct production and distribution. Exchange, consumption and other economic activities, forming new intelligent needs in various fields from macro to micro, stimulating new technologies, new products, new industries, new formats, new models, triggering major changes in the economic structure and profoundly changing human production and life Ways and modes of thinking have achieved an overall leap in social productivity.

The economic prospects brought by artificial intelligence are very exciting: Accenture's research report estimates that by 2035, artificial intelligence can double the annual economic growth rate of many developed countries and promote new relationships between people and machines.

The report pointed out that artificial intelligence in the business will strengthen the role of laborers in driving business growth, thereby improving labor productivity. As artificial intelligence matures, it will potentially become a powerful solution to the stagnation and shortage of technical labor productivity in recent decades.

Artificial intelligence will change people's livelihood

Artificial intelligence brings new opportunities for social construction. Artificial intelligence is widely used in education, medical care, culture, entertainment, pension, environmental protection, urban operation, judicial services and other fields.

It will greatly improve the precision and excellence of public services, profoundly change people's daily life and comprehensively improve people's lives quality.

Artificial intelligence will change the social structure

With the use of intelligent machines, more and more human labor will be replaced by intelligent machines, and the social structure will gradually change. The social structure of “human-machine” will eventually be replaced by the social structure of “human-intelligent machine-machine”. Now and in the future, much of the work that was originally undertaken by people will be done by machines. Therefore, people will have to learn to get along with intelligent machines and adapt to this changing social structure.

Artificial intelligence will change traditional thinking patterns

Artificial intelligence can make people break away from ordinary labor and work on a new level, focusing on higher-value analysis, decision-making and innovation. Artificial intelligence can greatly enrich and meet people's material, cultural and entertainment needs, and improve lifestyles. The tremendous changes in production and lifestyle will affect the way of thinking and traditional ideas of human beings and cause them to undergo profound changes.

Artificial intelligence will have an impact on employment

Artificial intelligence can greatly improve economic and social benefits, but at the same time it will put pressure on employment. Because artificial intelligence can replace humans for all kinds of mental work, machines with artificial intelligence can replace humans for heavy and repetitive manual work, which will make many people have to change their jobs and even cause unemployment.

Artificial intelligence will cause ethical problems

Artificial intelligence will make some people feel psychological threats, or mental threats. It is generally believed that only human beings have a perceptual spirit, and are thus distinguished from machines. If machines can also think and create, and have a sense of autonomy, then they will feel unacceptable and even threatened. Some people worry that the artificial intelligence of intelligent machines exceeds the natural intelligence of human beings, and will make humans become slaves of intelligent machines and intelligent systems. There has been controversy between philosophers, theologians, and other people regarding the relationship between human concepts (more specifically, human spirit) and machine concepts (more specifically, artificial intelligence). From the point of view of artificial intelligence, it is possible for humans to use machines to plan their own future, and even think of this planning problem as a type of state space search. While some people in society welcome this new concept, others find that these new concepts are annoying and unacceptable, especially when these concepts run counter to their beloved beliefs and concepts.

Artificial intelligence has security risks

For now, the development of artificial intelligence still has a large degree of uncertainty in certain aspects. First of all, to make the machine have autonomous consciousness means that the machine has the same or similar creativity, self-protection consciousness, emotion and self-issue as humans. This contains a lot of uncertainty, even dangerous, it may rebel against humanity. The greatest danger of any new technology is that mankind loses control of it, or it falls into the hands of those who attempt to use the new technology to misbehave. Second, we are increasingly relying on artificial intelligence to provide decisionmaking and operating equipment, which undoubtedly increases the risk of predicting and controlling how complex technologies will behave.

Third, the popularization and application of artificial intelligence will cause many problems such as changing the employment structure, impacting laws and social ethics, infringing on personal privacy, and challenging the norms of international relations. It will have a profound impact on government management, economic security, social stability and even global governance. While vigorously developing artificial intelligence, we must attach great importance to possible security risk challenges, strengthen proactive prevention and restraint guidance, minimize risks, and ensure the safe, reliable, and controllable development of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence has created new legal issues

The application technology of artificial intelligence not only replaces some human physical labor, but also replaces some human mental labor, and sometimes even performs functions that should be performed by humans, which inevitably cause legal disputes. For example, in the event of an error in the medical diagnosis expert system, leading to a medical accident, how to deal with it, whether the person who develops the expert system should be held responsible, and what responsibility should be taken by the person who uses the expert system. Another example is the traffic safety responsibility problem in intelligent driving, and so on. It can be expected that there will be many legal issues related to the application of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence will greatly change the government governance model

The rise of artificial intelligence can provide strong support for controlling government scale, strengthening government efficiency, and improving government service levels. For example, in social management. Artificial intelligence technology can accurately perceive, predict, and warn of major trends in infrastructure and social security operations, timely grasp group cognition and psychological changes, and proactive decisionmaking reactions, which will significantly improve the ability and level of social governance and are indispensable for the effective maintenance of social stability. The role of substitution. Similarly, the development of artificial intelligence has also brought an impact on the traditional administrative management model, requiring the government to change the traditional administrative model, improve decision-making and governance management.

For example, promote the construction of smart government affairs, smart courts, smart cities, smart transportation, and smart environmental protection.

The impact of artificial intelligence on society is far more than that, there are also violations of personal privacy, challenges to international relations and so on. Just like any other new technology, the impact of artificial intelligence technology on humans is two-sided. As Stephen Hawking pointed out, “The rise of artificial intelligence is not only a promoter of human civilization, but also a terminator of human civilization.” How to make artificial intelligence technology bring more positive effects to humans, this is a problem that needs us to think about and solve.

The government's response strategy

Governments at all levels must make a difference in the face of the new situation of social development. During the major social transformation period of entering an intelligent society, governments at all levels should make a difference, and they must also make a difference. This is where the duties of governments at all levels are. Artificial intelligence is no longer just a technological phenomenon, but a disruptive social phenomenon. On the one hand, vigorously develop artificial intelligence, seize the commanding heights of world scientific and technological progress, and promote social and economic progress. On the other hand, it pays attention to the security risk challenges that may arise from it, strengthens forward-looking prevention and restraint guidance, minimizes risks, and ensures the safe, reliable, and controllable development of artificial intelligence. Both require government planning and policy guidance. The State Council's “New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan” puts forward the guiding ideology of our government, which is to deeply implement the innovation-driven development strategy to accelerate the deep integration of artificial intelligence with economy, society, and national defense, and to enhance the new generation of artificial intelligence technology innovation. Ability is the main direction of attack, develop a smart economy, build a smart society, maintain national security, build an interactive integration of knowledge groups, technology groups, industrial groups, and a mutually supportive ecosystem of talents, systems, and cultures, proactively respond to risk challenges, and promote human sustainability Development-oriented intelligence, comprehensively enhance social productivity, comprehensive national strength and national competitiveness, provide strong support for accelerating the construction of an innovative country and a world power of science and technology, the realization of the “two hundred years” struggle goal and the Chinese nation's great revival of the Chinese dream.

Artificial intelligence strategy in developed countries

Artificial intelligence has become the new focus of international competition. Artificial intelligence is a strategic technology that leads the future. The major developed countries in the world all regard the development of artificial intelligence as a major strategy to enhance national competitiveness and maintain national security. Trying to grasp the leading power in the new round of international scientific and technological competition. Looking at the world's powers, the deployment of policies on “artificial intelligence” has already set off a race. Developed countries such as the United States, Japan, the European Union, and the United Kingdom have successively introduced artificial intelligence strategies, policies, and plans to respond to the current wave of artificial intelligence. In June 2014, the Cabinet of the Japanese Government revised the adopted “Japan Revitalization Strategy” and proposed to promote “a new industrial revolution driven by robots.” In October 2016, the Office of the President of the United States released two important reports: “Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence” and “National Strategic Plan for Research and Development of Artificial Intelligence in the United States.” Among them, as a high-level framework related to artificial intelligence research and development, “National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategy Planning” contains seven strategies related to the development of artificial intelligence.

Top level design of artificial intelligence in China

In recent years, China has intensively issued a series of policy measures at the national level to promote the development of the artificial intelligence industry. In 2017, “artificial intelligence” appeared in the government work report and the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. “Artificial intelligence 2.0” was included in the “Technological Innovation 2030 Major Project”. The State Council issued the “New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan”, established the “three-step” goal, and made a top-level design of the artificial intelligence industry from the national level, laying a foundation for the rapid development of artificial intelligence enterprises and industries. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the “Three- year Action Plan for Promoting the Development of a New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Industry (2018-2020)”, proposing the implementation of four major tasks such as cultivating smart products, breaking through the core foundation, deepening the development of intelligent manufacturing, and building a support system, and strengthening organizational implementation, Five measures to increase support, encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, accelerate talent training, and optimize the development environment. China's economic development has entered a new normal. The task of deepening the supply-side structural reforms is very arduous. It is necessary to accelerate the in-depth application of artificial intelligence, cultivate and strengthen the artificial intelligence industry, and inject new momentum into China's economic development.

Current status of the development of artificial intelligence in China

After years of continuous accumulation, China has made important progress in the field of artificial intelligence. The number of published international scientific and technological papers and invention patents have ranked second in the world, and key breakthroughs have been made in core technologies in some fields. The world's leading speech recognition and visual recognition technology, adaptive autonomous learning, intuitive perception, comprehensive reasoning, hybrid intelligence and group intelligence, etc. have the initial ability to leapfrog development, Chinese information processing, intelligent monitoring, biometrics recognition, industrial robots, service robots, Unmanned driving has gradually entered practical applications, artificial intelligence innovation and entrepreneurship are increasingly active, and a number of leading backbone enterprises have accelerated their growth, gaining widespread attention and recognition internationally. The accelerating accumulation of technical capabilities combined with massive data resources, huge application requirements, and an open market environment have formed a unique advantage in the development of artificial intelligence in China. At the same time, there is still a gap between the overall development level of artificial intelligence in China and developed countries, and there is a lack of major original achievements. In terms of basic theory, core algorithms, key equipment, high-end chips, major products and systems, basic materials, components, software, and interfaces, there is a large gap. Scientific research institutions and enterprises have not yet formed an internationally influential ecosystem and industrial chain. Lack of systematic advance research and development layout, cutting-edge artificial intelligence talents are far from meeting the needs, and the infrastructure, policies, regulations, and standard systems that adapt to the development of artificial intelligence need to be improved.

My rough thinking about the government's response strategy

The development of artificial intelligence is a complex system project that concerns the overall situation. The State Council's plan for the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence proposes to lay out a plan based on “building a system, grasping dual attributes, adhering to the Trinity, and strengthening the four major supports”. A strategic path for healthy and sustainable development. human brain social neural intelligence artificial

This is the country's general macro strategy for dealing with artificial intelligence development. At the micro level of the government's strategy for dealing with artificial intelligence development, I think we should focus on the following tasks: First, we must improve and implement key policies supporting the development of artificial intelligence. Policy is fundamental, and implementation is the key. It is necessary to effectively implement the fiscal and tax preferential policies for artificial intelligence small and medium-sized enterprises and start-up enterprises, and support the development of artificial intelligence enterprises through policies such as high-tech enterprise tax incentives and R&D expense deduction. Encourage more companies to commit to artificial intelligence, encourage artificial intelligence to enter more industrial fields, and accelerate the integration of artificial intelligence and the real economy. Second, we must increase funding support. It is necessary to establish a financial guidance and market-led funding support mechanism. Make full use of the existing resources such as funds and bases, coordinate the allocation of international and domestic innovation resources, give full play to the guiding role of financial investment, policy incentives, and the leading role of market allocation of resources, mobilize enterprises and society to increase investment, form financial funds, financial A new pattern of multi-party support for capital and social capital. Clear support should be provided for frontier research in artificial intelligence, key common technology research, achievement transfer and transformation, base platform construction, and innovative application demonstration.

Third, we must accelerate the cultivation of highend artificial intelligence talents. Take the construction of high-end talent team as the top priority in the development of artificial intelligence, adhere to the combination of training and introduction, improve the artificial intelligence education system, strengthen the talent reserve and echelon construction, especially accelerate the introduction of the world's top talents and young talents, and form China's artificial intelligence Talent Heights. It is necessary to form a social environment that respects talents, uses talents, attracts talents, and cultivates talents; otherwise, the industrial application of technological innovation will become a nonsense.

Fourth, we must vigorously develop the emerging industry of artificial intelligence. Accelerate the transformation and application of key artificial intelligence technologies, promote technology integration and business model innovation, promote smart product innovation in key areas, actively cultivate artificial intelligence emerging formats, lay out high-end industrial chains, and build an artificial intelligence industrial cluster with international competitiveness. This is a new growth point for economic development. Fifth, it is necessary to formulate laws and regulations and ethics that promote the development of artificial intelligence, establish artificial intelligence technical standards and intellectual property systems, and establish artificial intelligence safety supervision and evaluation systems. The construction of the corresponding system is the basis and guarantee for the rapid and healthy development of artificial intelligence. Accelerating the establishment and improvement of the corresponding system will enable us to occupy the commanding heights of the development and application of artificial intelligence and lead the trend of the world. In short, in the early stages of the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence, if we respond appropriately and effectively, it will enable us to seize this strategic opportunity for major development, promote economic leap-forward growth, and accelerate the overall leap in society.


1. He Zhe. Government Adaptation and Transformation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (Proceedings Format).

2. State Council “Notice of New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan” (State Council Government Work Report).

3. Xing Xiaonan, Chen Xiaoying. Challenges and countermeasures brought by the development of artificial intelligence (Proceedings format).

4. Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Actively Promoting the “Internet+” Action (State Council Government Work Report).

5. “Internet+” three-year artificial intelligence implementation plan (Development and Reform Commission Government Work Report).

Ðàçìåùåíî íà

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