Socialization of personality in the modern world

The hierarchy of social institutions of a person, the importance of information sources to society. The information mechanism of socialization. The method of semantic differential in V. Petrenko adaptation. Impacts of institutions of socialization.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Дата добавления 04.03.2018
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Nataliya Yemets, Phd. in Philosophy

Tamara Mazur, Phd. in Psychology

Chernihiv National University of Technology


The article discusses the hierarchy of social institutions of a modern person, the importance of modern information sources to society. We analyze the information mechanism of socialization.

Key words: socialization, personality, information, the Internet space, respondents, behavior.

Анотація. Проаналізовано ієрархію соціальних інститутів сучасної людини, важливості сучасних інформаційних джерел у суспільстві. Розкрито поняття інформаційного поля, у якому не тільки актуалізуються нові способи опрацювання інформації, але й особливим чином розвивається особистість, з'являються певні інформаційно-семантичні структури.

Ключові слова: соціалізація, особистість, інформація, Інтернет-простір, респонденти, поведінка.

Аннотация. Проанализирована иерархия социальных институтов современного человека, возможности современных информационных источников в обществе. Раскрыто понятие информационного поля, в котором не только актуализируются новые способы обработки информации, но и особым образом развивается личность, появляются определенные информационно-семантические структуры.

Ключевые слова: социализация, личность, информация, Интернет-пространство, респонденты, поведение.

In modern stage of society development information flows are increasing and new ways of processing information are being actualized. Information space, which develops personality, includes not only the media and the Internet but also those information and semantic structures that are formed within each institution of socialization. Multifunctionality of information sources gives the opportunity not only to absorb the flow of information but also interpret it in two ways. It is not always beneficial to the individual perception of a picture of the world in general. As a result, the individual world picture distortion may lead to behavioral deviations and asocialisation.

Being born, a person becomes a part of society; he/she is surrounded by people and is included in interaction. In the process of communication and exchanging of information a man acquires social experience that becomes an integral part of human life. S. I. Rozum [11] claims that, on the one hand, socialization is the process of assimilation of individual social experience of the society he belongs to, and , on the other hand - he/she plays an active role in reflecting and improving the system of social interaction and relationships.

A person does not only gets social experience but also interprets it selectively perceiving its most important components. During this process a person has many different social relations, becoming one of the components of a society and social world as a whole [2].

The scientific problem is to identify the institution of socialization, which has the greatest impact on a person during his/her life time.

The analysis of recent research. Fundamental results concerning various aspects of human socialization and social development (Vyhotskyy L. [3], Leontiev A. [5], Andrieva H. [1], Petrovsky A. [8], Asmolov A. [2] and others) have been gained in domestic science and abroad. At the present stage of psychological science development there is a steady trend to study social and psychological factors of socialization which can exert direct influence on education and personal development (Asmolov A. [2], Sila T. [12], Yemets N. [3], Mazur T. [7]). Many other scientists devoted their research papers to the specificity of socialization, communication and behavior of young people online. However, the question of the impact of the Internet on the socialization of young people, effective socio-psychological conditions of improving positive impact on socialization on the Internet and many other problems haven't been completely studied.

The purpose of the article - is to identify leading institutions of socialization in modern information space.

The main material. Socialization of a person starts from his/her social adaptation. Historically, the first source of information for a person is his/her ethnicity: it gave the possibility of getting the basis of morality and behavior needed for socialization in the society. In modern conditions there are many different means of obtaining information. They are communication as well as technical means.

At all times, such information sources as school, family and informal networks have always been of vital importance to society. They gave complete understanding of norms and the demands of the society.

In recent years, widely used Internet made a great impact on the development of a personality. It is in the Internet space where there is the possibility to create several individual images «I-virtual», causing difficulty in transferring virtual image to reality. The problem is that the Internet space increases the number of individual possibilities: it creates a new image of kvazipersonality that may have nothing to do with the real «I2». It is this factor that undoubtedly affects the development of relationships in real life and creates barriers for real communication with people in social world, as opposed to virtual relationships.

Using information technology, such as computer networks, lead to significant functional and structural changes in the social and psychological sphere of a man. Changes are related to communicative, cognitive and personal spheres. Increasing number of institutions of socialization raises the question of their contribution to the process of socialization in general and the mechanisms initiating and enabling this process.

To investigate leading institutions and mechanisms of socialization we used questionnaire «Institutions socialization» by A. Luchinkina [6] and the method of free association.

The sample was represented by 107 respondents aged from 18 to 34.

The questionnaire «Institutions socialization» has the 35 statements combined in 5 blocks of institutes of socialization: family, school and informal associations, the media, the Internet space. Within each of the five blocks seven socialization mechanisms were reviewed, including copying, identification, suggestion, social facilitation, conformity, inclusion and selfexpression.

The survey showed that social institution «Family» is of the highest priority. It was of 65% of the total selection. It should be noted that most respondents claimed copying so to say imitation and full acceptance of images generated in this institute of socialization to be the mechanism of socialization.

The second selected institution was "Informal Associations". It was about 25% of total respondents. The dominated mechanism of socialization was identification - the desire to imitate images of other people. The rest 10% were distributed between the Internet space, media and schools.

We conducted statistical analysis of the distribution of responses by the method of «method of free association» with x2 criterion. It showed significant differences between the impacts on the scales of assessment and activity, complexity, comfort (x2 = 11.07 where p = 0.05 and x2 = 15.086 where p = 0.01). It should be noted that respondents pointed a family to be on the first place among the stable institutions of socialization.

The study found that the Internet as the institution of socialization is one of three leading institutions along with family and informal associations for people of 18-25 years old.

Impacts of institutions of socialization on personality were studied by the method of semantic differential in V. Petrenko adaptation.

Respondents were asked to determine the impact of one of the institutions of socialization with the basic semantic scales, including such points as strength, evaluation and activity. Having conducted statistical analysis of the distribution of responses by 2% criterion we should mention that there are significant differences between the effects on rating scales and activity.

We must determine what the impact on positivity of the Internet ranks the third place after the family and informal associations (according to respondents).

Internet holds the third place according to scales «active-passive», «strong-weak» in the direction of strong and active. These results indicate the importance of the Internet as a space for individual socialization.

The interest for our study is a group of respondents choosing the direction of deviant socialization of the Internet for any reason. Thus, the study of mythological component of Internet socialization has shown that it is possible to identify three groups of respondents who were in the Internet space with different levels of success.

The first group of respondents who do not pass the initial mythological level has negative attitude to online space and do not enter the process of Internet socialization. These respondents can be considered not socially adjusted in terms of Internet socialization: the person does not use space capabilities because has mythological thinking. These conclusions are supported by the fact that only 22% of this group of respondents have e-mail addresses and 12% of them do not use e-mail at all.

The second group was the group of respondents who undergo initial mythological level but are concerned with some myths about the Internet and security issues on the Internet. In this case there are three options for further socialization Internet: partial - a man goes to the online space only when he/she has a big necessity. Mythological thinking leads to inventing complicated passwords, concealment of information about themselves and others. Gaming socialization takes place when people live on gaming portals, building mythological network and transferring real nicknames and life credo from a virtual space into a real life. The ability of thinking of that user is also mythological but with a different sign: the player overemphasizes a role of the Internet, gives it excessive power. People who are too fond of the Internet communication have a kind of distortion in their conduct. They give too much information about themselves and date with suspicious people.

The third group of responders undergo the mythological level, creates the specified content on the web. This group is good at the Internet space and it leads to normative Internet socialization.

For further analysis of online socialization we examined the motivational component of this process.

Our research of motivational component of Internet socialization found out that not only specific circumstances of the Internet space but also some dissatisfaction with the needs of individual in real life lead to the emergence of new motifs.

Content analysis of respondents answering what they are going to do on the web revealed the following non-normative action: trolizm; usage of pirated goods; deliberate spamming; travel by groups operating illegally; excessive communication, excessive involvement in games on line.

So the needs of the individual which are not satisfied in real life can be satisfied in the Internet environment by normative and deviant ways. However, the study found out that only 12% of users of deviant behavior in the Internet space behaved similarly in a real environment. Other users in real life followed the normative model of socialization but being in the internet space they changed their behavior. So we can say about creating a new virtual identity of antisocial orientation.

Conclusions. Each age group has its own leading institutions of socialization. Internet as an institution of socialization is one of three leading institutions and has a significant impact on the process of socialization of young people. The basic mechanisms of socialization in the Internet are inclusion, expression and conformity. High level of imitation of both negative and positive myths about the Internet slows down the online socialization, in the first case it results in rejection of the Internet and in the second one - in high level of dedication to mythological subjects online. There are normative and deviant ways of meeting needs in the Internet space. In case when there is nonconformity of behavior of a person in real and virtual space we can say about the creation of a new identity of an individual.

social person information society


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