Dialogue and the "culture of encounter" as the path to the peace in the modern world (in the light of pope Francis course)

The role of the human subject, which is a tool for profit or power. A social process created by people for their good. The leaders of the states trying to escape from the cycle of violence and the "culture of conflict", both economic and political.

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Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ 06.03.2018
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The unity of the people allows to discover the existence of the so-called. «common good» of all citizens of the world and the various communities: from the family through the state and national community. The common good is not a category of ownership or possession. This sums certain cultural, economic, political conditions, that every human being - being born - finds in the world, uses them, gets shaped with them, but also he has a right to shape, develop, and multiply them. The common good, eg. of a nation is not a simple sum of the assets possessed by people who create the nation, but includes a goods of culture, science, philosophical and economic thoughts, access to medicine, natural resources, etc. The good is produced by people, but it also shapes the people - their humanity, their state of mind, living conditions, tools, and quality of work, goals and meaning of life. This includes the material, economic, cultural, political, natural, religious and spiritual content, but is not limited to any of them. Important for understanding the idea of the common good is the belief that no man is able to guarantee full living conditions by himself - a man needs another person and mutual exchange, meetings, complementing. Currently, on a global scale - the contemporary world allows a deeper experience of the «common good» and the use of its resources Piwowarski W. Common good. // Dictionaryof Catholicsocial doctrine, - Warsaw, 1993. - P. 41-43.. But the foundation of this good is the good of person - including good of particular nations. We cannot talk about the development of humanity as a whole, violating human rights, destroying human life or depriving them the right to development John XXIII. Pacem in terries. - N. 273-274; John Paul II. Evangelium vitae - N. 71..

Yes situated social thought of the Church, which grounds peace on fraternity, equality of all people, respect for the dignity of every person, the common good, human rights and social love, truth, freedom and justice and on the concept of the community of nations - appears to go beyond Christianity. One neither have to be a Christian nor Catholic and recognize the sovereignty of the Pope - to accept these principles sketched in the social teaching of the Church. This over-Christian understanding of the foundations of peace includes the same social thought with not strictly religious nature, but based on human rationality and their quest for fair governance and social coexistence Piwowarski W, The history of Catholic social teaching // Dictionary of Catholic social doctrine ed. Piwowarski W. - Warsaw, 1993. - Ð. 61-63; Tulowiecki D. Christiansocial doctrine // Catholic Encyclopedia. - T. 18, red. Gryglewicz F, Tukaszyk R. Sulowski Z. - Lublin, 2013. - columns 695-696; Tulowiecki D. Catholic social thought // Catholic Encyclopedia. - T. 18. - Gryglewicz F., Tukaszyk R., Sulowski Z. - Lublin, 2013. - columns 700-701..

Threats to peace and sources of conflict - by Pope Francis. Pope Francis, during his pontificate expands the Roman Catholic Church teaching on peace and the prevention of international tensions and conflicts Actually, Jorge Mario Bergoglio SI; Argentinean; born Dec. 17, 1936 in Buenos-Aires into a family of Italian immigrants; since 1958,Jesuit; studied philosophy, theology, psychology, literature and chemistry, professor of theology and rector of the Colegio Maximode San Josein San Miguel, from 1969 a priest in the Society of Jesus (jezuiat), since 1992 the bishop, in the years 1998-2013 Archbishop of Buenos Aires and at the same time primate of Argentina, in the years2001-2013cardinal, on March 13, 2013he was electedto266.bishop of Rome.. In his first encyclical, he recalled that the Christian faith has given new meaning to human relations: of brotherhood. This new quality of interpersonal references - brotherhood - is, according to Francis, an important contribution of Christianity in building the common good of humanity and international order and peace. According to the «Lumen Fidei» faith - as the human response to the infinite and tender love of God, causes the change of the look of one man onto the other one. When a man feels loved - he begins to love others as if he was never loved - and may have difficulty in showing love. God`s love - what is strictly theological reasoning - enables a man to see brother and sister in the other one, and releases from selfishness and violence relationships between communities which still form people. «Precisely because it is linked to love, the light of faith is concretely placed at the service of justice, law and peace. Faith is born of an encounter with God`s primordial love, wherein the meaning and goodness of our life become evident; our life is illumined to the extent that it enters into the space opened by that love, to the extent that it becomes, in other words, a path and praxis leading to the fullness of love. The light of faith is capable of enhancing the richness of human relations, their ability to endure, to be trustworthy, to enrich our life together. Faith does not draw us away from the world or prove irrelevant to the concrete concerns of the men and women of our time. Without a love which is trustworthy, nothing could truly keep men and women united. Human unity would be conceivable only on the basis of utility, on a calculus of conflicting interests or on fear, but not on the goodness of living together, not on the joy which the mere presence of others can give. Faith makes us appreciate the architecture of human relationships because it grasps their ultimate foundation and definitive destiny in God, in his love, and thus sheds light on the art of building; as such it becomes a service to the common good. Faith is truly a good for everyone; it is a common good. Its light does not simply brighten the interior of the Church, nor does it serve solely to build an eternal city in the hereafter; it helps us build our societies in such a way that they can journey towards a future of hope. [...] This expression refers to their justice in governance, to that wisdom which brings peace to the people» Francis. Lumen fidei. - N. 51..

Francis also notes that the disappearance or even lack of fait his a threat to human relations and may even take the form of «globalization of indifference» Francis. Message of his holiness pope Francis for Lent, 2015.: «When faith is weakened, the foundations of life also risk being weakened, as the poet T.S. Eliot warned: «Do you need to be told that even those modest attainments / As you can boast in the way of polite society / Will hardly survive the Faith to which they owe their significance?» If we remove faith in God from our cities, mutual trust would be weakened, we would remain united only by fear and our stability would be threatened» Francis. Lumen fidei. - N. 55.. Francis sees a strong temptation of indifference that destroys interpersonal reference: «Indifference to our neighbor and to God also represents a real temptation for us Christians. [...] God is not indifferent to our world; he so loves it that he gave his Son for our salvation. In the Incarnation, in the earthly life, death, and resurrection of the Son of God, the gate between God and man, between heaven and earth, opens once for all» Francis. Message of his holiness pope Francis for Lent, 2015.. This indifference can have very different faces today: the persecution of the weakest, including the unborn Francis. Address to participants in the commemorative conference of the Italian Catholic physicians` association. - 2014. - November 15., the persecution of Christians Francis. Meditation ending the Way of the Cross at the Colosseum. - 2915. - April 3., the elimination of «unnecessary people»: old, young, migrants, unemployed Francis. The act of entrustment of the city and Sardinia to Our Lady of Bonaria in Cagliari. - 2013. - September 22; Francis. Celebration of Holly Mass in the square in front of the Shrine of Our Lady of Bonaria of Cagliar. - 2013. - September 22; Francis. Message for the World Day of Migrant sand Refugees, 2015., the use of poor by the rich and building wealth by generating poverty Francis. Message for the celebration of the World Day of Peace. - 2014. - January 1..

What is a «culture of encounter»? In the teaching of the pope from Argentina as the response to threatening the world «globalization of indifference» is a «culture of encounter» forming «globalization of love» Francis. Message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. - 2015..

What is, according to Jorge Mario Bergoglio «culture of encounter»? In the Pope`s from Buenos Aires life, it has a strong grounds in relation of faith. God comes to meet man in Jesus Christ, however, human being often is afraid to meet God. Man tends to be close for others. How to change it? According to Francis - just by encounter. First encounter, giving a new dimension of existential to life - is faith. It «opens» to others and leads to a life of «culture of encounter» but not in the culture of alienation, skirmishes, division, clashes. «I had the great blessing of growing up in a family in which faith was lived in a simple, practical way. However it was my paternal grandmother in particular who influenced my journey of faith. She was a woman who explained to us, who talked to us about Jesus, who taught us the Catechism» - said Francis during the prayer vigil on Eve of Pentecost, 18th May 2013. He referred to the experience of confession that changed his life. «For me this was an experience of encounter: I found that someone was waiting for me». This confession was to change the life of the young Jorge. «We say we must seek God, go to him and ask forgiveness, but when we go, he is waiting for us, he is there first!» - said Pope stressing that faith is growing just in time of our meeting with Christ. And then he gave, to gather there, very personal and based on his own experience substantiation of its view of the «culture of encounter»: «But ask yourselves this question: how often is Jesus inside and knocking at the door to be let out, to come out? And we do not let him out because of our own need for security, because so often we are locked into ephemeral structures that serve solely to make us slaves and not free children of God. In this «stepping out» it is important to be ready for encounter. For me this word is very important. Encounter with others. Why? Because faith is an encounter with Jesus, and we must do what Jesus does: encounter others. We live in a culture of conflict, a culture of fragmentation, a culture in which I throw away what is of no use to me, a culture of waste. Yet on this point, I ask you to think - and it is part of the crisis - of the elderly, who are the wisdom of a people, think of the children [...] the culture of waste! However, we must go out to meet them, and with our faith we must create a «culture of encounter», a culture of friendship, a culture in which we find brothers and sisters, in which we can also speak with those who think differently, as well as those who hold other beliefs, who do not have the same faith. They all have something in common with us: they are images of God, they are children of God» Francis. A speech at the prayer vigilon the Eve of Pentecost. - 2013. - May 18..

It should be presumed that the theore ticalunder standing of «culture of encounter» Jorge Mario Bergoglio built on the thought of Romano Guardini, which he studied while preparing a doctoral thesis. The concept of this theologian regarding the issue of «encounter» implies that a real encounter between individuals should meet the following conditions: freedom, respect, correct distance, respect for each other, dialogue. The encounter is only real when people come into their own spaces, they allow being subjected to a two-way actions: «I am hurt by the radius of his existence, when I`m touched by his action» Guardini R, Libertad, gracia y destino. - Buenos Aires, 1994. - P. 40.. That way Bergoglio interpreted the «encounter, when in the 90sof the twentieth century, he said: «Authentic coming along to each suffering person is the opening of the heart, permission to «being moved», touching wounds, taking the wounded on the back; [...] We will be judged from this» Bergoglio J.H. Reflexion esen esperanza. - Buenos Aires, 1992. - P. 16..

The source of a authentic en counter for Christians is the encounter with God in prayer. Then there is «touch of God», entering into Hiss pace, experiencing changes that God makes in the man. One of the activity of God in man taking place while the prayer is service. By serving our neighbor there is the culmination of «touching wounds» and «taking on the back» - as crippled by robbers Samaritan did in the Gospel. «Contact, encounter is expressed when the other man «encounters» just me» Bergoglio J.H. Reflexion esen esperanza. - Buenos Aires, 1992. - P. 40.. And when the man is notable to meet or communicate - he loses the ability to love, looking for good and being fair. Habit, schematic, indifference, snobbery, laziness become of his illness. «It does not occur even when the soul falls into mistakes, because in that case we would all be sick, as we all are sometimes wrong, and even not when I lie [...], but I fall in the disease, when I radically lose relation with the truth» Guardini R. La existencia del cristiano. - Madrid, 1997. - P. 459..

Authentic encounter opens a man, changes his life. «Man of encounter» is a man full of life, his relations hip to the world is very young, he can keep an open mind and enjoy learning the truth, he has the ability to live meetings and keeps stable relation until an old age Guardini R. Etica. Leccionesen la Universidad de Munich. - Madrid, 2000. - P. 190.. Jorge Mario Bergoglio`s openness - as he claims itself-was born from the encounter with Jesus. «It was a personal meeting that touched my heart and gave me direction and a new meaning to my life» Fares D. Pope Francis about the culture of the meeting. - Cracow, 2014. - P. 27..

Before Jorge Mario Bergoglio became the bishop of Rome, he was very strongly marked by his Argentine experience of Jesuit and Bishop of the State capital. As the Jesuit - also a professor and rector of the higher Jesuit university - he studied contemporary rift between the Gospel and culture, between the structures of the Church and the faithful. He posed questions about the space of world and the Gospel encounter, simple people with content taught by the hierarchy. He was looking for meeting space necessary for evangelization in the diversity of cultures and multiplicity of experiences of ordinary people. Then he drew attention to «soul of the people» - the sense of ordinary people who have strong self-esteem, marked by important events from personal or region history, their way of receiving and loving God, their independence. This observation led him to an attitude of listening: «What do you ask me my people? What to you calls me to? The courage to listen is needed...» Fares D. Pope Francis about the culture of the meeting. - Cracow,2014. - P. 34-35.. Bergoglio did not expect ever that simple people, Indians, descendants of former slaves and the people living in the mountains and leading a very simple and poor way of life, do not have the ability to speak right and require speaking «for them» and «to them». They also have the ability to vote, which requires the ability to listen. This ability is, however, conditioned in listeners4 humility Fares D. Pope Francis about the culture of the meeting. - Cracow,2014. - P. 34.. This «listening» leads- according to Bergoglio-to work for the poor and the oppressed «Patiently and walking together with the poor we discover how we can help them, after we accept that we may receive from them. Without this even long striding with them, working for the poor and the oppressed would be in conflict with our interests and would prevent them to show us their aspirations as well as gain tools for effective admission of their individual and collective future» Bergoglio J.H. Reflexion es espirituales. - San Miguel, 1987. - P. 308..

The answer to the attitude of «encounter» is solidarity according to Bergoglio. The exclusion of some of the main trend so life, of owner ship, economic and political decision-making, access to culture, medicine, law - raises the need for new, more equitable governance. Lack of control over the power, which has become a`face less`, free of responsibility for the lack of justice, leads the world to the time of primitivism: «pushes into the desert of fear and horror of darkness» Bergoglio J.H. Reflexion esespirituales. - San Miguel, 1987. - P. 290.. «Man again lives in the chaos» Fares D. Pope Francis about the culture of the meeting. - Cracow, 2014. - P. 38.. Solidarity unites the group and the individual. lt is the value that Bergoglio opposes to egoism and the power of stronger. «Solidarity as a way to create history; solidarity as a living environment where the conflicts, tensions and contradictions strive for unity in the «multiple form», which generates life» Bergoglio J.H. Reflexion esespirituales. - San Miguel, 1987. - P. 297..This meeting is possible on the basis off a it hand the Church. Church-the universal of its nature-is aimed at all people and all cultures, no one is excluded from its invitation. Neither social position nor sinfulness excludes from Church. Pope Francis agreed with words in «The Brothers Karamazov» of Dostoevsky: «These are the people who, despite their weakness of sins, are genuinely human, and despite all wickedness are rich in values and healthy, because they dip their roots in the fundamental structure of being» Fares D. Pope Francis about the culture of the meeting. - Cracow, 2014. - P. 40-41..

Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the Archbishop of Buenos Aires outline din his speeches, the three pillars of «culture of encounter». The research her of the current pope`s thoughts - Diego Perez SI - reached the first statement on the «culture of encounter» from1999.It took place on the 1st of September 1999yearduring a meeting with teachers and educators. During a speech en titled «Educating in the culture of the meeting», Bergoglio used the term in contrast to the culture of divisions and lack of integration: «[...] in these difficult times we are required even more: not to support those who wish to convert reluctance into capital, forget fullness of our divided history, or enjoy the weakening of social ties» Bergoglio J.M. Educareen la cultura del encuetro. Address to educators. - 1999. - September 1.. Bergoglio-aware of the differences in his own country, including differences generated historically-knew that the community has the need for en counter, unity, and the «collective memory» is a base on which a dialogue can be built Fares D. Pope Francis about the culture of the meeting. - Cracow, 2014. - P. 46.. He believed that a man will not reject unselfishness, but will accept «efforts and common actions, increase local initiatives, the development of numerous groups of mutual support [,..]» Bergoglio J.M. Educareen la cultura del encuetro. Address to educators. - 1999. - September 1..

In an important for Roman Catholic Church in South America document, of which the Primate of Argentina was an important editor, Bergoglio wrote an anthropological foundation of «culture of encounter». It recalls the teaching of the Church about the vocation of man to meet with God, encounter aimed at the fullness of life, which took place in the union of God and man in the person of Jesus Christ. He united by the fact of being human with every man and wants people to be united together in a community of faith - the Church. He also recalls the sins of the Latin American community, which destroy this meeting, describing them as «fights and altercations» Propuestas de Aparecida para la Pastoral de la Iglesia Argentina. - 1999. - 15 de junio.. He also draws the beauty and fullness of life in communion with others, in contrast to the isolated life: 1). experience of personal meetings; 2). abundant life which demands a meeting, stabilizes and develops overcoming prejudice between generations; 3). the abundant life which demands a meeting to break the isolation resulting from the necessity of self-realization, self-satisfaction, clericalisation, exclusion Fares D. Pope Francis about the culture of the meeting. - Cracow, 2014. - P. 50-51.. As Primate of Argentina he has identified the conditions for dialogue: the ability to listen. «Monologues do not give anything» - claimed and intelligence autism as well as emotional one lead to inner emptiness. Breaking the autism and entering into a dialogue - gives identity, because - according to Bergoglio - identity without affiliation is not possible, and affiliation is a matter of openness and dialogue Fares D, Pope Francis about the culture of the meeting. - Cracow, 2014. - P. 51-52.. «Thanks to dialogue we liven up, because no longer I am myself, but we are; we are dialoging [.. ,]» Bergoglio J.M. There is a need to build a culture of en counter. Lecture during the XII Days of Social Pastoral. - 2009. - November 19..

Developed in Argentina look at life, Jorge Mario Bergoglio moved to Rome. Living with people in a «culture of encounter» as archbishop of Buenos Aires, the same he has become as bishop of Rome. «[Between the period in Buenos Aires and Rome] there are no substantial differences. The newness is of great joy and exceptional strength resulting from its age. It has always been close to the people, especially the poor and simple. It was never a «prince» and it has not changed» Fernandez V.M. Pope Francis: Where do es the Church lead to? A talk with Paolo Rodarim. - Kety 2014. - P. 116.. As the most important bishop in the Roman Catholic Church is valued as «man of encounter», and at the time of selection - asking people to pray for him and bowing to the Catholics at hard by St. Peter`s Basilica-he told about the new formula of encounter, which he came into: the people united with their shepherd: «And now, we take up this journey: Bishop and People. This journey of the Church of Rome which presides in charity over all the Churches. A journey of fraternity, of love, of trust among us. Let us always pray for one another. Let us pray for the whole world, that there may be a great spirit of fraternity. [...] And now I would like to give the blessing, but first - first I ask a favour of you: before the Bishop blesses his people, I ask you to pray to the Lord that he will bless me: the prayer of the people asking the blessing for their Bishop. Let us make, in silence, this prayer: your prayer over me» Francis. Apostolic blessing «Urbi et Orbi». - 2013. - March 13..

Features of a «culture of encounter». This common way -of the bishop and the people - does not mean that «culture of encounter» is limited to time. Similarly, as the emergence of God to people is not disposable, short, closed at the time. According to Francis «culture of encounter» is not a closed issue in the past time, but the present, which affects the future. Each meeting involves reunion in the future, specific duty of life in a dialogue, mission in dialogue with others - in the «culture of encounter». Dialogue as future-oriented task and lifestyle - just at the stage of Argentina - Bergoglio found as a way to build peace within the country. The dialogue had to overcome historical «heritage» of contempt for the «other brother», destroy the pride of oligarchic mentality which claims that «some is better than the whole». Targeted for the future task of the encounter can build the common good of the nation, in the spirit of truth, respect for every human being, solidarity, freedom and justice Fares D. Pope Francis about the culture of the meeting. - Cracow, 2014. - P. 61.. This focus of the dialogue on the future is reflected in the papal thought when, for example, Francis writes: «Many conflicts are taking place amid general indifference. To all those who live in lands where weapons impose terror and destruction, I assure you of my personal closeness and that of the whole Church, whose mission is to bring Christ`s love to the defense less victims of forgotten wars through her prayers for peace, her service to the wounded, the starving, refugees, the displaced and all those who live in fear. The Church also speaks out in order to make leaders hear the cry of pain of the suffering and to put an end to every form of hostility, abuse and the violation of fundamental human rights. For this reason, I appeal forcefully to all those who sow violence and death by force of arms: in the person you today see simply as an enemy to be beaten, discover rather your brother or sister, and hold back your hand! Give up the way of arms and go out to meet the other in dialogue, pardon and reconciliation, in order to rebuild justice, trust, and hope around you! «From this standpoint, it is clear that, for the world`s peoples, armed conflicts are always a deliberate negation of international harmony, and create profound divisions and deep wounds which require many years to heal. Wars are a concrete refusal to pursue the great economic and social goals that the international community has set it self» Francis. Message for the celebration of the World Day of Peace. - 2014. - January 1..

According pope atmosphere of encounter is extremely important. The researcher of the Cardinal Bergoglio thoughts - Diego Fares SJ - described the atmosphere as «music». Behind his term a kind of position of those forming «culture of encounter» is hidden: trust, lack of fear of another human being, good will, mutual listening, conversation, emotions, intuition. «Let`s open up to their intuition» - talked about dialogue with young politicians as summing their goodwill, a fresh perspective, depth of thought and the «new key» to perceive reality and solving social problems Fares D. Pope Francis about the culture of the meeting. - Cracow, 2014. - P. 62.. «The music of dialogue» based on his experience of encounters with simple people who generated a kind of religious folk culture. He saw in wisdom in this culture, originality of traditional narrative and in formal knowledge soaked with experience of generations. Religious folk culture explicitly was recognized by him as an important component of life and building relations Francis. Evangeliigaudium. - N. 122-126..

Full of «music» atmosphere of emotions and opening was suggested by Francis, for example, during the meeting with Muslim leaders in Jerusalem. He gave a very emotional speech without fear of misunderstanding and listening to the speeches of the Great Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad Hussein. He said: «Dear brothers, dear friends, from this holy place I make a heartfelt plea to all people and to all communities who look to Abraham: may we respect and love one another as brothers and sisters! May we learn to understand the sufferings of others! May no one abuse the name of God through violence! May we work together for justice and peace!» Francis. Address while the visit to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. - Jerusalem, 2014, May 26.. This «music» sounded also in the course of meeting with volunteers and employees of the Roman Catholic Church`s charitable works in Sardinia. He referred to the intention of working with the poor: «We must do works of mercy and with mercy! Putting our heart in them. Works of charity with love, with tenderness and always with humility! Do you know what? Sometimes we also find arrogance in serving the poor! I am sure that you all have seen this; arrogance in serving those who are in need of our service. Some put on a show, they say what they do with the poor; some exploit the poor for their own personal interests or the interests of the group. I know this, it is human but it is not right! This is not Jesus` way. And I will tell you more: this is a sin! It is a grave sin because it is using the poor, those who are in need, who are Jesus` flesh, for my own vanity. I use Jesus for my vanity and this is a grave sin! It would be better if these people stayed at home! Francis. Address while the meeting with workers of Caritas and their wars: the poor and the prisoners, Cagliari. - 2013, September 22.»

At the core of «culture of encounter» in terms of Francis is the «exit». As God came out of his state to get closer to the man and save him, so man should go out toward others, especially alone and marginalized. Output from oneself - from their own selfishness, their own affairs and their own pleasures - is the first step. The next step is to go towards those who are condemned to oblivion and are now remorse - the poor and useless. The opening for poverty is for Francis theologically motivated - human salvation accomplished through the life in poverty and suffering body of Jesus of Nazareth Fares D. Pope Francis about the culture of the meeting. - Cracow, 2014. - P. 69-70.. When today we can talk about «the people rejected and unnecessary», which are condemned to marginalization and even ghetto is at ion Bauman Z. Work, Consumerism and the new poor. - Cracow, 2006. - P. 127-156., Francis sees in each - including the unnecessary one as well - the person who has their dignity, their rights, their place on earth. For Pope Bergoglio the poor are not just case, problem, interest objects, but they are people who rise emotions of movement in others and this «emotion transforms in communion» Fares D. Pope Francis about the culture of the meeting. - Cracow, 2014. - P. 70-71.. This moving emotions Francis shown during the trip to the island Lampedusa and tried to hand them out to the world. He said mentioning African migrants whose boat sank in the Mediterranean Sea: «Immigrants dying at sea, in boats which were vehicles of hope and became vehicles of death. That is how the headlines put it. When I first heard of this tragedy a few weeks ago, and realized that it happens all too frequently, it has constantly come back to me like a painful thorn in my heart. So I felt that I had to come here today, to pray and to offer a sign of my closeness, but also to challenge our consciences lest this tragedy be repeated. Please, let it not be repeated! [...] =Wire is your brother?` His blood cries out to me, says the Lord. This is not a question directed to others; it is a question directed to me, to you, to each of us. These brothers and sisters of ours were trying to escape difficult situations to find some serenity and peace; they were looking for a better place for themselves and their families, but instead they found death. How often do such people fail to find understanding, fail to find acceptance, fail to find solidarity. And their cry rises up to God! [...] Today no one in our world feels responsible; we have lost a sense of responsibility for our brothers and sisters. [...] The culture of comfort, which makes us think only of ourselves, makes us insensitive to the cries of other people, makes us live in soap bubbles which, however lovely, are insubstantial; they offer a fleeting and empty illusion which results in indifference to others; indeed, it even leads to the globalization of indifference. In this globalized world, we have fallen into globalized indifference. We have become used to the suffering of others: it doesn`t affect me; it doesn`t concern me; it`s none of my business!» Francis. Homilyduring Masson the island of Lampedusa. - 2013 - July 8.

Poverty - within the meaning of Francis - is not only limited to economic issues, this is social poverty: exclusion, mental poverty: abandonment, culture poverty: rejection. Poverty rises «periphery», which as a result of modern dynamism throw masses of modern humans outside the margin of the world, making them «redundant» and «rejected». Francis sees the mechanisms of exclusion in consumer culture and the dominant «logic of production and profit», as well as standing outside of the community of the Church also because of the Church itself. The first of them is to be overcome by breaking the logic of profit, thirst for power and the cult of money Francis. Message for the celebration of the World Day of Peace. - 2014. - January 1., the other - the new evangelization Francis. Evangeliigaudium. - N. 25-33.

«Culture of encounter» grows out of a particular anthropology, the essence of which is the integral development: of every person and the whole person Paul VI. Populorum progressio. - N. 5.. The development of some at the expense of others is not possible. Such injustice threatens the development and creates tensions. The development, in which all co-create common good, develops it, but also thanks to this development all people grow up-it serves for every human being and the relations between people. Therefore - according to Francis - everything that is opposed to such understood authentic development and the common good should be broken down, by ethics and solidarity Fares D. Pope Francisabout the culture of the meeting. - Cracow,2014. - P.73-74.. Only then a «healthy coexistence» gets possible Francis. Address to the Diplomatic Corps to the Holy See. - 2013. - May 16..

Peace is not possible without ethics - according to Pope Francis. Ethics is necessary in both political and economic life. «No ethics in public life makes a lot of evil for all mankind» Francis. A speech at the prayer vigil on the Eve of Pentecost. - 2013. - May 18.. Lack of ethics rises crises: economic, political, cultural and threatens peace as it alters the natural - placed in the natural law - the order of things. When this order is disturbed, objectives become means. And then - as the Pope from Argentina says - «money rules». «Money must serve and not rule» Fares D. Pope Francis about the culture of the meeting. - Cracow,2014. - P. 80-81.. «Releasing» the world from ethics, deforms social relationships, prevents integration and makes people become slaves to others - the means to achieve other goals: power or money. And this will rise to a sense of harm, injustice, exploitation, even vengeance and retaliation. The refore, the lack of ethics in public life is a threat to peace. Francis wrote about this in a special letter on January 1, 2015 the year: «Today, as in the past, slavery is rooted in a notion of the human person which allows him or her to be treated as an object. Whenever sin corrupts the human heart and distances us from our Creator and our neigh bourse, the latter are no longer regarded as beings of equal dignity, as brothers or sisters sharing a common humanity, but rather as objects». And then lists contemporary forms of exploitation of people and new forms of slavery: «Among these, I think in the first place of poverty, underdevelopment and exclusion, especially when combined with a lack of access to education or scarce, even non-existent, employment opportunities. Not infrequently, the victims of human trafficking and slavery are people who look for a way out of a situation of extreme poverty; taken in by false promises of employment, they often end up in the hands of criminal networks which organize human trafficking. These networks are skilled in using modern means of communication as a way of luring young men and women in various parts of the world. Another cause of slavery is corruption on the part of people willing to do anything for financial gain. Slave lab our and human trafficking often require the complicity of intermediaries, be they law enforcement personnel, state officials, or civil and military institutions. «This occurs when money, and not the human person, is at the centre of an economic system. Yes, the person, made in the image of God and charged with dominion over all creation, must be at the centre of every social or economic system. When the person is replaced by mammon, a subversion of values occurs». Further causes of slavery include armed conflicts, violence, criminal activity and terrorism. Many people are kidnapped in order to be sold, enlisted as combatants, or sexually exploited, while others are forced to emigrate, leaving everything behind: their country, home, property, and even members of their family» Francis. Message for the 48 the World Day of Peace. - 2015. - January 1..

The effects of forming relationships by a «culture of encounter». The effect of the adoption of the logic of «culture of encounter» is - according to Francis - social integration and peace. In this dialogue it is impossible to reject others. Dialogue breaks the «culture of rejection» and «culture of encounter». Created through promotion of dialogue, «culture of inclusion» merges all to an integrated community. Integration accommodates the effort to accept diversity, dialogue with those who think differently, favoring participation of those who have different perspectives and possibilities Fares D. Pope Francis about the culture of the meeting. - Cracow, 2014. - P. 82-83.. «No one should be rejected because we are all brothers» Francis. A speech at the prayer vigil on the Eve of Pentecost. - 2013. - May 18..

Only in dialogue - according to the current bishop of Rome-it is possible to build peace. It is not only accuracy, but according to Francis - the task of all Catholics and people of good will. Catholic sand believers in God can and should pray for peace and all people should become mediators and peacekeepers. Peace is possible only through persistent work of all. This work is a dialogue creating a «culture of encounter»: persistent dialogue, patient, strong, intelligent, for which nothing is lost. «Dialogue can overcome war. Dialogue can bring people of different generations who often ignore one another to live together; it makes citizens of different ethic backgrounds and of different beliefs coexist. Dialogue is the way of peace. For dialogue fosters understanding, harmony, concord and peace. For this reason, it is vital that it grow and expand between people of every condition and belief, like a net of peace that protects the world and especially protects the weakest members. [...] Each one of us is called to be an artisan of peace, by uniting and not dividing, by extinguishing hatred and not holding on to it, by opening paths to dialogue and not by constructing new walls! Let us dialogue and meet each other in order to establish a culture of dialogue in the world, a culture of encounter» Francis. Address to participants in the international meeting for peace sponsored by the community of «Sant` Egidio». - 2013. - September 30..

Even more clearly spoke about the task of building peace through dialogue while the prayerAngelusDomini1 September 2013: «Today, dear brothers and sisters, I wish to make add my voice to the cry which rises up with increasing anguish from every part of the world, from every people, from the heart of each person, from the one great family which is humanity: it is the cry for peace! It is a cry which declares with force: we want a peaceful world, we want to be men and women of peace, and we want in our society, torn apart by divisions and conflict, that peace break out! War never again! Never again war! Peace is a precious gift, which must be promoted and protected.[...] Never has the use of violence brought peace in its wake. War begets war, violence begets violence. [.] What can we do to make peace in the world? [.] All men and women of good will are bound by the task of pursuing peace. I make a forceful and urgent call to the entire Catholic Church, and also to every Christian of other confessions, as well as to followers of every religion and to those brothers and sisters who do not believe: peace is a good which overcomes every barrier, because it belongs to all of humanity! I repeat forcefully: it is neither a culture of confrontation nor a culture of conflict which builds harmony within and between peoples, but rather a culture of encounter and a culture of dialogue; this is the only way to peace».

human culture conflict good

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Ïîäîáíûå äîêóìåíòû

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