Media socialization as a component of the media educational process

The essence of the process of acquiring effective communication skills in the network space in the context of ensuring personal information security. The individual's assimilation of the rules and practices common in the communication environment.

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Media socialization as a component of the media educational process

Venidictov S.

PhD of Philology, Associate Professor

Head of the Social and Humanitarian Department

Mogilev institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs

of the Republic of Belarus, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus


Media education in the context of the mediatization of all spheres of social life turns into a spontaneous and inevitable process. That is since media literacy claims to be a dominant in the system of general competencies of a person. The goal of media education is to acquire the skills of effective communication in the network space in the context of ensuring the information security of an individual.

The author believes that changes in the paradigm of media education are due to the activation of the process of media socialization, that is, the individual's assimilation of the rules, values, common practices in a particular communication environment, with the subsequent implementation of the acquired competencies through various types of individual and group activity in the media space. In the study, media socialization is considered as an element of the general structure of personality socialization, updated in the context of informatization and digitalization.

The article shows that the spontaneity of media socialization is manifested through the following features: 1) the absence of a goal perceived by the subject;

the inconsistency of the tasks of media socialization perceived by the individual;

heterogeneity of acquired competencies; 4) dependence on the specifics of the local information environment; 5) interdependence with the tasks of the main activity in the offline environment; 6) lack of precise chronological frames; 7) ambiguity in determining the characteristics of a media socialized personality.

The author concludes: the spontaneous process of media socialization does not contradict the general controlled nature of media education but complements it, forming a new media environment, a new type of subject of the educational space. According to the author, the most promising direction is the integration of spontaneous media socialization practices into media education programs, which will make it possible to effectively use the natural process of media literacy development and systematize the competencies.

Keywords: media education, media socialization, media literacy, information space, Internet, education.

Медіасоціалізація як компонент медіаосвіти

Венідіктов С.В.

канд. філол. наук, доц., начальник кафедри соціально-гуманітарних дисциплін, Могильовський інститут Міністерства внутрішніх справ Республіки Білорусь, м. Могильов, Республіка Білорусь


communication network space

Медіаосвіта за умов медіатизації всіх сфер суспільного життя перетворюється на стихійний і неминучий процес. Це пов'язано з тим, що медійна грамотність претендує на домінантну роль у системі загальних компетентностей людини. Метою медіаосвіти стає набуття навичок ефективної комунікації в мережевому просторі в контексті забезпечення інформаційної безпеки особистості.

Автор вважає, що зміни в парадигмі медіаосвіти обумовлені активізацією процесу медіасоціалізації, тобто засвоєнням індивідом правил, цінностей, практик, поширених у конкретному комунікаційному середовищі, з подальшою реалізацією набутих компетентностей через різні види індивідуальної та групової активності в медіапросторі. У дослідженні медіасоціалізацію розглянуто як елемент загальної структури соціалізації особистості, актуалізований за умов інформатизації та цифровізації.

У статті показано, що стихійність медіасоціалізації проявляється через такі особливості: 1) брак усвідомлюваної суб'єктом мети; 2) суперечливість усвідомлюваних індивідом завдань медіасоціалізації; 3) неоднорідність компетентностей, що набуваються; 4) залежність від специфіки локального інформаційного середовища; 5) взаємообумовленість із завданнями основної активності в офлайн-середовищі; 6) брак точних хронологічних рамок; 7) неоднозначність з'ясування параметрів медіасоціалізованої особистості.

Стихійний процес медіасоціалізації не суперечить загальному керованому характеру медіаосвіти, а доповнює його, формуючи нове медійне середовище, новий тип суб'єкта освітнього простору. Найбільш перспективним напрямом у статті визначено інтеграцію практик стихійної медіасоціалізації в медіаосвітні програми, що дозволить ефективно використати природний процес розвитку медійної грамотності та систематизувати необхідні компетентності.

Ключові слова: медіаосвіта, медіасоціалізація, медійна грамотність, інформаційний простір, інтернет, освіта.


In the conditions of rapid mediatization of all spheres of social life, media education turns from the process of controlled and strategically important for the development of information competence of the individual into a spontaneous process. At the same time, it is largely inevitable, as media literacy, the formation of which is one of the primary goals of media education, claims to dominate the system of general competencies of modern human. If at the beginning of the XXI century there was a need to spread the practices of media education in the educational process at all levels, now it is appropriate to talk about a completely different trend: the need to regulate the natural process of media literacy. The originally declared goal of media education -- the acquisition of communication skills in the modern information space -- has also undergone changes: it is necessary to talk rather about the skills of effective communication in the network space in the context of the need for information security.

We believe that such changes are largely due to the intensification of the process of media socialization of the individual, which is also spontaneous. By media socialization we mean the process of assimilation by an individual of rules, values, practices common in a particular information and communication environment, followed by the implementation of acquired competencies through various types of individual and group activity in the media space.

A. Luchinkin offers the following definition of media socialization: “the acquisition of social experience by a person mainly on the basis of artificial media presentations, in the absence of participation in this process of the environment through which the person is socialized” (our translation. -- S.F.) [1, p. 7]. The works of S. Venidiktov [2; 3; 9], S. Simakova [4], A. Pishcheva [5], A. Davydovsky [6] are devoted to various aspects of the media socialization process in the context of media education practices, the problem is also touched upon in the researches of V. Abramenkova, M. Butyryna, V. Mudryk, F. Goodsey, M. Danilova, B. Liechtenstein, S. Tsymbalenko et al. authors.

As A. Vartanova notes, “media socialization for the youth audience is one of the key ways of mastering and reproducing the norms and values of the social world both at the level of primary and at the level of secondary socialization” (our translation. -- S.F.) [7]. A. Pishcheva draws attention to the socio-pedagogical risks of media socialization: consumption of manipulative content, virtualization of communication, the spread of forms of virtual aggression, disruption of educational activities, the formation of network dependence and others [5, p. 26].

The problem of formulating strategic tasks of media education development in the conditions of spontaneous media socialization of a person is not completely solved, which determines the purpose of our research.

Research results

Media socialization is a natural process, as it is combined with meeting the primary needs of the individual in the information and communication space: consumption of media content, use of social media resources, creating individualized media content, constructing an individual image in the Internet environment, implementing interpersonal and other communications through online resources, search for information in open sources and its use to solve everyday problems (including educational), the formation of an individual picture of the world based on the consumed media content and personal experience of activity in the offline space, etc. Therefore, media socialization can be considered also as an element in the general structure of socialization (or self-socialization) of the person, actualized in the context of informatization of society and localized mainly on the Internet, which is increasingly seen as separate, unique information and social environment and unique cultural space. For example, the results of a study conducted in Belarus show that “the focus of authoritative sources of information for modern youth has shifted from the immediate environment to the Web. To the question “When do you urgently need an answer to the question, where are you looking for it first?” <...> 89,2 % of respondents out of 2,344 people answered “on the Internet, Google” and no more than 2 % will ask their parents” (our translation. -- S.F.) [8, pp. 233-234].

The spontaneity of media socialization, in contrast to purposeful activities within media education practices, is manifested through the following features:

lack of a conscious purpose (formation of media literacy, general information and communication culture of the person);

contradiction of the tasks of the given process perceived by the person (awareness at the level of situational needs when socialization in media space acts as a by-product of activity);

the heterogeneity of the competencies acquired by the individual (depends on the subjectively attractive types of information activity, general education);

dependence on the specifics of the local social environment in which media socialization takes place, its information preferences and value system (for example, entertainment through viewing multimedia materials of social networks or creating individual analytical content in the blogs format);

interdependence with the tasks and priorities of the main activity implemented in the offline space (for example, the study of mass communication in a specialized educational institution);

the lack of clear time limits and chronological conditionality of the process (the inability to accurately identify the stages, their characteristics, recording the completion of the process);

ambiguity in defining the characteristics of a media-socialized person as a result of the process of media socialization.

It can be argued that a natural result of the process of spontaneous media socialization is an increase in the level of readiness of schoolchildren and students (“digital aborigines”, “digital youth”) to study disciplines that initially require media literacy (e.g., special disciplines of web journalism and journalism). Our experience in developing methodological support for teaching the discipline “Internet communication in the activities of law enforcement bodies” at the Mogilev Institute of Internal Affairs showed an annual decrease in relevance for students of topics related to general concepts and trends in the global information space, to the characteristics of online communities, rules and tools for personal security on the Internet, etc. In this case, self-learned principles and practices of information behaviour are a by-product of students' activities.


In this situation, the most promising is the integration of spontaneous media socialization practices in media education programs, which will effectively use the natural process of media literacy and regulate the formation of the necessary competencies. At the basic level, this is achieved through the study of the dominant ways of information and communication activity of a person at a particular stage of his individual development (for example, the creation of their own multimedia content) and the subsequent implementation of these practices in educational plans. The more complex task is creating a integrated system of general and specialized competencies that are acquired in the process of media socialization and are relevant in the context of the tasks addressed by media education which requires special research in this area. Thus, the contradictions in the goals and objectives of media education and media socialization of the individual are imaginary. Media socialization provides a basis for the formation of media literacy at the mass level, which is one of the priorities of media education. The spontaneous nature of this process does not contradict the general controlled nature of media education, but only complements it, forming a new media environment, a new type of subject of educational space.

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