Social communications in the aspects of sustainable development of modern social-economics reality
XXth century as the peak period of industrial society and the birth of post-industrial society. Transformational processes taking place in modern Ukrainian society. The state of society during qualitative changes in forms, development of social ties.
Рубрика | Коммуникации, связь, цифровые приборы и радиоэлектроника |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.11.2022 |
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Social communications in the aspects of sustainable development of modern social-economics reality
Kravtsov Yurii, Doctor of philosophical sciense, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Sociology Dniprovsky State Technical University, Kamyanske
The author emphasized that the transformational processes taking place in modern Ukrainian society have covered all spheres of human life, penetrating into his consciousness, everyday life, beliefs, violating moral principles, ideals, interests, needs and, finally, the whole system of values. The authors believe that although the term "transformation", which in Latin "transformatio" translates as "transformation", "reconstruction", "reform", means a fairly calm and peaceful process, in fact it is, as we all see today, quite sober, contradictory, sometimes with serious consequences both for a particular person and for society as a whole. The twentieth century was extremely rich in transformations in all spheres of society and in all fields. This was the period of the peak of the industrial society and the birth of a new, post-industrial one.
The profound transformation of society is a symbol, a sense of the modern era. In modern literature, this term is used to indicate changes in society over the past two hundred years, bearing in mind transition from traditional society to industrial. The term "transformation" is not just a synonym for the terms "development", "change", "transformation", "modernization" and others, but an independent sociological category of the theory of social development. This category describes the special state of society, which undergoes qualitative changes of social ties forms, types and ways of development. Transformation includes components of modernization, post modernization, traditional retreat. Such a combination of seemingly incompatible processes without the category of "transformation of society" would look eclectic, mechanistic, if the transformation would be considered independently of globalization.
Key words: social communication, transformation, social reality: sustainable development, infosociety, virtual, globalization, network.
Соціальні комунікації в аспектах сталого розвитку сучасної соціально-економічної реальності
Кравцов Ю.С., д.ф.н.,доцент, професор кафедри соціології Дніпровський державний технічний університет, м. Кам'янське
Автор підкреслив, що трансформаційні процеси, що відбуваються в сучасному українському суспільстві, охопили всі сфери людського життя, проникаючи в його свідомість, повсякденність, у вірування, порушуючи моральні принципи, ідеали, інтереси, потреби і, нарешті, ціла система цінностей.
Автори вважають, що хоча термін "перетворення", який латиною "transformatio" перекладається як "перетворення", "відбудова", "реформування", означає досить спокійний і мирний процес, насправді він проходить, як ми всі бачимо сьогодні, досить тверезо, суперечливо, інколи із серйозними наслідками як для конкретної людини, так і для суспільства в цілому. ХХ століття було надзвичайно багатим на трансформації у всіх сферах суспільства та у всіх сферах.
Це був період піку індустріального суспільства і народження нового, постіндустріального.
Глибока трансформація суспільства є символом, відчуттям сучасної епохи. У сучасній літературі цей термін використовується для позначення змін у суспільстві за останні двісті років, маючи на увазі перехід від традиційного суспільства до індустріального. Термін "трансформація" є не просто синонімом термінів "розвиток", "зміна", "трансформація", "модернізація" та іншими, а самостійна соціологічна категорія теорії суспільного розвитку. Ця категорія описує особливий стан суспільства, яке зазнає якісних змін форм, типів і шляхів розвитку соціальних зв'язків.Трансформація включає компоненти модернізації, постмодернізації, традиційного відступу. Таке поєднання, здавалося б, несумісних процесів, без категорії "трансформація суспільства" виглядало б еклектично, механістично, якби трансформація розглядалася незалежно від глобалізації.
Ключові слова: соціальна комунікація, трансформація, соціальна реальність: сталий розвиток, інфосоціум, віртуальність, глобалізація, мережа.
Formulation of the problem
social ties post-industrial society
Specifics of virtual forms of social relations modeling the information oriented society need to analyze the theoretical foundations of the information paradigm, to reveal and ontological and epistemological factors of the emergence of a new historical type of society, in our case - informational from the philosophical position. According to the informational ontology, the reality is identical to information. Within this paradigm the human being is considered as the amount of information contained in it. The concept of the information society refers to the following principle around which this social form is organized - information and knowledge. Informational society appears where the main thing is the management of non-material objects, but symbols, ideas, images, intelligences, and where most of those who work are engaged in the production, storage and sale of information, especially its higher form - knowledge [6, p.21-24].
Analysis of recent research and publications. Consideration of the problems associated with the trends in the development of the world economy, while there is an active expansion of the influence of information technology in all spheres of life is devoted to do M. Castells, M. Maklien, P. Drucker, J. Neysbita, T. H. Erickson, P. Virilio et al. In the domestic economic thought, Y. M. Pakhomov, A. M. Galchinsky, V. M. Heyets and others are developing this problem. The vast majority of scientific works on this issue touch upon only aspects related to the interaction of the economy as a sphere of public life and the development of information technologies, which leads to the emergence of phenomena of "financial", "informational" economies that form the ethos of a post-industrial society, leaving without attention the global measurement of these processes, which determine the sustainable development of the economic space.
Formulation of the goals of the article. The purpose of our research is to identify, assess and generalize the main problems of the formation of a stable economic space in the context of the information revolution as a space of new human existence and society.
Presentation of the main research material
In his research, T. Stohnier notes that in today's informational society, the role of capital is played by information. Like capital, information can be accumulated, and in this sense, national information resources determine the economy and wealth of the country. In this regard, the most important part of the economy of any country is the informational economy. Economics in postindustrial society is characterized by the fact that industry is increasingly replaced by services oriented towards the production and processing of information by the indicators of employment and the main share in the gross national product [9, p. 394].
D. Bell notes that the role of agriculture and industry is changing as a result of the growing importance and expansion of the information al industry. The formation of a post-industrial society promotes a revolution in the organization, functioning and processing of knowledge. A computer plays a decisive role in the formation of an information society. Bell calls this revolution "telecommunication" and highlights three of its most important aspects: the transition from industrial to service society, the decisive value of theoretical knowledge, the implementation of technological innovation, the transformation of "intellectual technology" into a key instrument of decision-making theory, system analysis, etc. In this case, the nature of the information society is determined by internal connections within the society, communications, which is being deployed using telecommunication technologies [2, p. 334].
Thus, we can speak of language as a phenomenon that exists for the accumulation, transmission, and for the creation of new information as a phenomenon that forms the primary informational environment of a person. With this approach, the language researcher inevitably faces the problem of determining the types of speech information and means by which various types of information can be transmitted, because even at first glance it becomes clear that this unusually complex, hierarchically organized communicative system consisting of multi-level units allows to operate information blocks of varying degrees of complexity. In this case, it can be assumed that units of different levels have different for various information functions.
F. de Saussure characterized the linguistic reality as the unity of the opposite sides: sign and meaning, language and speech, social and individual. The twofold nature of language, in the end, is due to its role as an intermediary between activity and knowledge. From the activity it borrows in the converted form the methods of transforming the object: each special method in action - a private model of a single object. From the side of consciousness the language finds the ability to explicate the information fixed in the signs. "Operationalism" and "objectivity" of the language are interdependent, "verbal signs do not simply fix, "dress" thoughts, they act as an instrument for implementing the very process of thinking. These functions of "latch" and "operator" are common to signs of both natural and artificial languages "[8, p. 104].
In this regard, the problem of operating the model is removed, but there remains a problem associated with the very process of modeling, because before creating any model - material, cybernetic - the researcher must build an imaginary model. At this stage, he should take into account the fundamental difference of natural sciences and socio-humanitarian models, namely - the difference in the purpose of constructing models. Conducting experimental research is the main purpose of constructing models in the natural sciences, whereas in the socio -humanitarian field knowledge is the ability to interpret complex phenomena or processes.
An educated person finds support of his existence in subjective experience: values, beliefs, knowledge, abilities, etc. She or he understands change, masters and controls them, designs them for the future through goal setting. Innovative education focuses primarily on the formation of creativity and, at the same time, critical thinking, coupled with tolerance. It is oriented towards human growth.
It should be noted that global information society, market economy and scientific and technological revolution require from the person new social and individual qualities. In particular, the essential skill in postmodern society is the ability to give advice considering changes. The fact is that information society does not lack information, but it lacks wisdom, how to use it. Society demands every citizen to be intellectually independent, that is, he or she should not trust others to think instead of him or make a choice. As M. Lipman rightly points out, we must learn to think on our own. Nobody will teach us this, unless it will put us in the research community, where it is relatively easy to achieve this goal. M. Lipman notes that critical thinking is responsible for the democratic way of educatio n, shapes the mentality of not only generations countries of consolidated democracies, but also democratizes the mentality of the citizens of the newly independent states [5, p. 76].
The importance of critical thinking grows in times of social change that impede the success of action, require constant adaptation to new political, economic situations, and effective solution to problems that can not be foreseen in advance. In particular, the information society has greatly increased the possibility of choices and complexity of problems that need to be addressed. Conditioned by the informatization transformation is quite significant, because it includes "modeling of information processes, restructuring of organizational structures, document flows, legal norms as well as appropriate training and retraining of personnel. This is a programmed alteration of the social information environment, the creation of fundamentally new automated ways and conditions for the making , replenishment, processing, transfer and use of knowledge, an effective method of intellectual activity "[5, p. 97].
The topicality of the issues of communication today is due to the fact that the modern high school was replenished with new educational directions, which with full rights can be called interdisciplinary (public relations, social work, and others). The specialties of the traditional philological cycle also include the applied aspect (linguistics and intercultural communication, linguistics and information science). Many Western universities also have departments and faculties of communication. Research programs are expanding, connected with the study of the peculiarities of communication in the industrial, political, educational, medical and other social spheres. All these directions are connected with the providing of information flows in modern society both on the interpersonal and global level, both with the help of traditional (oral language, typing text ) and modern (television, Internet) means.
The theoretical core, around which discipline of this profile are grouped, is again the theory of communication. The theory of communication in English-speaking science in the 90s was developed, first of all, on the issues of the mass media, as well as new communication realities of marketing and management that come as a result of the symbiosis of mass-media and market technologies (communicative management, advertising communication, corporate identity, marketing communications, etc.) Specialist-communicator of the sphere must have some knowledge of the basics of the communicative process and the skills of information and communication activities in different environments (economics, production, management, ecology, culture, health care, agricultural production, mass physical culture, recreation and sport, cultural and tourism exchanges, fuel and energy complex, small business, political, social, scientific, financial and banking spheres). A representative of new professions (spokeswoman, advertising and communications manager, expert, consultant, consultant in state, commercial and public institutions and organizations, structures) need to be familiar with the main theories and concepts that relate to the field of information, communication and the formation of public thoughts, to have the skills of information and communication, advertising, reference work, to be able to self-study and independent research.
Further analysis of the sustainable development of modern society assumes, in our opinion, consideration of its informational - communicative aspects. In the process of developing an information society, the theory of communication is becoming more widespread. Implementation of computer technologies in social practice, the development of information infrastructure, etc., makes it necessary to study society from the point of view of communication theory. Therefore, today, research on social issues is impossible without resorting to the theory of communication, which can be used as an aspect of research.
In our view, it is not enough to consider the development of the theory of communication only in the aspect of the application of mathematical models in relation to society and culture. A peculiarity of the present is the critical dependence on information and communication technologies in the countries of high economic development. There are a number of realities that have not yet been investigated and described in the information age. For example, scientists around the world have the opportunity to participate in conferences, publish articles, get acquainted with new scientific information, communicate with their colleagues without leaving their offices; students of Ukrainian universities have the opportunity to study remotely at Stanford University. According to A. Galchinsky, a "society without territories" thus formed, the most important sign of which is "the replacement of the territorial principle of the organization of a society of networks" [3, p. 329].
The information society should not be identified with the post -industrial society. The topicality of industrialism does not change, despite the parallel development of a cognitively oriented economy.
There are two known ways to consider infosocium, one of which reveals its characteristics, which today have become reality, the other - considers it from the point of view of the futurological aspect, when the prospects for the development of a "new economy" can be clearly indicated and described, based on the real state of affairs. To these socio-theoretical characteristics should be added network feature of this society: its leading activities are carried out through networks that fu nction in real time.
Thus, we can conclude that the most important feature of the information society is informationalism. According to M. Castells, this means that "key varieties of activities in all areas of human practice are based on information technology and globally organized in information networks and focused around the processing of information (symbols). Therefore, the core of the information economy is a global network of financial markets, based on information technology" [4, p. 1].
М.Са8І;е1І8 considers the information society to be a new type of social structure, since it expresses the "idea of the becoming of a new socio-economic order, which is replaced by an industrial society, and is associated with the deployment of an information and technological revolution that extends to all spheres of social and economic activity "[4, p. 47].
Characterizing the information society, it should be noted, firstly, its ambiguity, and, secondly, the heterogeneity of the very concept of the information society. The ambiguity of the "information society" as a theoretical and economic determinants is due to the fact that information is not the main economic resource, or at least, so far, industrial products are not predominant. At the same time, the structure of the information segment of the economy is also becoming more and more stable, and the impact of information as a resource grows further, due to its peculiarity (as an economic factor). After all, "in the situation where traditional types of material production are increasingly "stumbled" on the problems of "boundaries of growth" that arise from different sides, the information technology horizon is still almost cloudless, since the product itself - information has a specific feature: the more it consumes, the more it becomes [1, p. 134].
The heterogeneity of the concept of the information society is due to the fact that it can be viewed from two perspectives: within the "post-industrial society" (as one of the stages of its formation) and as an independent construct that describes the strategies and mechanisms of the functioning of the world economic system in the context of economic reorganization , the emergen ce of new information technologies, the growth of the role of knowledge and the value of intellectual capital, the innovative reorientation of the economy and the legitimization of new transnational economic institutions. The theory of post-industrial society describes the transition "agrarian-industrial - postindustrial" society. Such a transition to date is often seen as controversial, primarily because the question whether the era of post-industrial society has come to an end is not unambiguous. Another factor is that the concept of "information society" always fits into a certain evolutionary picture: it is informative in comparison with the previous, not informational ("industrial", "industrial", etc.). Our evolutionary worldview leads to the bias that the era of infosotsium is a theoretical construct rather than the state of affairs. The problem is "withdrawn" if one agrees with J. Neisbita's argument that the overcoming of one social system of another is not obligatory - it is not so much about the stages of the historical development of societies, as about the forms of their existence. "It is fully possible for one country to be at the same time in the agrarian, industrial and information societies. So, all three life goals are different, as Daniel Bell pointed out. In the agricultural period, the meaning of life is a game of man against nature. In industrial - the game of man against artificial nature. In the information society, for the first time in the history of civilization, the game is to interact with other people. The number of personal interactions increase in geometric progression, and in all types of interpersonal relationships: telephone conversations, signed checks, memos, telegrams, letters and much more" [7, p. 33].
The economic life of modern society cannot be imagined without information technologies, which are "assimilated" through the total inclusion in all economic practices of both productive and non-productive character. In the information center, the problems of the stability of information flows, the speed of the transfer of information and the sustainability of information technology concern not only large corporations and intelligently oriented production (as would be possible to assume), but also the fields, it would seem, far from the activities of economic giants- innovators. Even production spheres, far from producing knowledge, turned out to be dependent on the information and technical development of society. For these reasons, there are a number of problems that require a rethinking of the development strategies of the world economy.
Thus, today with certain confidence we can state the fact that technologies that are based on information are becoming more and more, they are indispensable for the sustainable development of most types of production, and the prospects for the consumption of this inexhaustible resource are very broad.
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