Gender differentiation of emotional intelligence in the postwar period: the impact of military experience on the restoration of the social environment
The influence of gender roles on the life and social behavior of people. The study of the influence of gender differentiation on the recovery of emotional intelligence in military personnel who served in the combat zone. Veterans support system.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.05.2024 |
Размер файла | 25,9 K |
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Kharkiv National Medical University, European Humanities University
Gender differentiation of emotional intelligence in the postwar period: the impact of military experience on the restoration of the social environment
Kyvliuk O.V.
The article analyses how gender roles, including those related to military experience, affect emotional intelligence and the restoration of the social environment after the war. The relationship between military experience and gender roles in everyday life is considered, and the impact of this relationship on the prospects forfurther post-war socialisation is determined.
Keywords: emotional intelligence; gender; war; military experience; social environment.
gender social behavior veteran
Кивлюк О.В.
Харківський національний медичний університет, Європейський гуманітарний університет
Гендерна диференціація емоційного інтелекту в післявоєнний період: вплив військового досвіду на відновлення соціального середовища
У післявоєнний період соціальне середовище після війни потребує відновлення та адаптації для забезпечення сталого розвитку суспільства та уникнення спалахів насильства з боку травмованого суспільства. Однак процес реінтеграції в суспільство тісно пов'язаний з рівнем емоційного інтелекту. Високий рівень емоційного інтелекту допомагає розвинути необхідні навички комунікації та вирішення конфліктів у міжособистісному та професійному спілкуванні. В умовах постійного стресу розвиток емоційного інтелекту значно пригнічується, що може стати на заваді нормальній адаптації ветеранів у суспільстві в майбутньому.
Гендерні ролі в суспільстві мають значний вплив на життя та соціальну поведінку людей. Під час збройних конфліктів тендерні ролі можуть посилюватися або змінюватися під впливом військового досвіду. Незважаючи на велику кількість досліджень, присвячених впливу військового досвіду на відновлення емоційного інтелекту, досі бракує інформації про гендерну диференціацію та її вплив на розвиток емоційного інтелекту у людей, які служили в зоні активних бойових дій.
Мета дослідження - вивчити вплив гендерної диференціації на відновлення емоційного інтелекту у військовослужбовців, які проходили службу в зоні активних бойових дій. Вивчивши цю тему, ми зможемо запропонувати рішення для розробки комплексних систем підтримки ветеранів.
Багато зарубіжних вчених досліджували вплив емоційного інтелекту на реінтеграцію в суспільство. Проте питання впливу гендерних ролей на розвиток емоційного інтелекту у військових залишається недостатньо висвітленим сучасними дослідниками, але вивчення цього впливу може надати нам нові інструменти та розуміння можливостей післявоєнного відновлення соціального середовища військових з урахуванням можливих гендерних відмінностей.
Для дослідження гендерної диференціації емоційного інтелекту серед військових було опитано чоловіків та жінок віком від 20 до 60 років, які проходили військову службу в період з 2014 по 2022роки в зоні бойових дій та були звільнені з військової служби за станом здоров'я, досягненням граничного віку перебування на службі або за сімейними обставинами. Для оцінки поточної ситуації ми використовували методику діагностики рівня емоційного інтелекту Холла.
Також було проведено онлайн-опитування хоча б одного члена сім'ї раніше опитаних військовослужбовців для виявлення тенденцій реінтеграції в соціальне життя військових, а також додаткове опитування самих військовослужбовців для виявлення основних проблем, пов'язаних з відновленням соціального середовища військових. Відповіді були проаналізовані за допомогою методу якісного аналізу.
Емоційний інтелект відіграє важливу роль у післявоєнному контексті та має вирішальне значення для успішної адаптації та відновлення. Повоєнне середовище характеризується складними емоційними викликами, включаючи травми, втрати, горе та необхідність відновлення соціальних зв'язків. Емоційний інтелект, який охоплює здатність сприймати, розуміти, управляти та ефективно виражати емоції, може сприяти здатності людей справлятися з цими викликами та розвивати життєстійкість.
Вплив тендерних ролей на соціальну адаптацію може бути складним. Традиційні тендерні норми можуть створювати бар'єри для соціальної адаптації, обмежуючи можливості людей кидати виклик існуючим тендерним ролям і займатися діяльністю, яка зазвичай асоціюється з протилежною статтю. Це може обмежувати вибір людей, увічнювати гендерну нерівність і перешкоджати їхній здатності повноцінно брати участь у соціальній, економічній та політичній сферах.
Розвиток емоційного інтелекту в післявоєнних умовах вимагає цілеспрямованих втручань і систем підтримки. Психосоціальні програми, консультаційні послуги та громадські ініціативи, спрямовані на емоційне благополуччя та розвиток навичок емоційного інтелекту, можуть зробити значний внесок у післявоєнну адаптацію людей та відновлення соціального середовища.
Ключові слова: емоційний інтелект; стать; війна; військовий досвід; соціальне середовище.
In the post-war period, the social environment after the war needs to be restored and adapted to ensure sustainable development of society and avoid outbreaks of violence from the traumatised society. However, the process of reintegration into society is closely linked to the level of emotional intelligence. A high level of emotional intelligence helps to develop the necessary communication and conflict resolution skills in interpersonal and professional communication. Under conditions of constant stress, the development of emotional intelligence is significantly suppressed, which may hinder the veterans' smooth adaptation in society in the future.
Gender roles in society have a significant impact on people's lives and social behaviour. During armed conflicts, gender roles can be reinforced or changed as a result of military experience. Despite the large number of studies on the impact of military experience on the restoration of emotional intelligence, there is still a lack of information on gender differentiation and its impact on the development of emotional intelligence in people who have served in the area of active hostilities.
The context of the Russian-Ukrainian war is absolutely unique, so the existing research from our American, Israeli and Balkan colleagues has a lot of theoretical basis that we can use, but it is not a universal tool for solving the problem of post-war restoration of emotional intelligence among the military. This topic requires in-depth research, taking into account the peculiarities of social infrastructure, state policy on reintegration of the military into society, and, of course, understanding how gender roles can influence this process.
The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of gender differentiation on the restoration of emotional intelligence in military personnel who have served in the area of active combat operations. By examining this topic, we will be able to offer solutions for the development of comprehensive support systems for veterans.
The main objectives of the study are to analyse the gender differentiation of emotional intelligence among veterans in Ukraine, to investigate the impact of this experience on the process of restoring the social environment, and to offer recommendations for improving the process of reintegrating military personnel into society.
Today, the issue of emotional intelligence is being actively studied by foreign and domestic scientists. Salovey and Mayer developed one of the most well-known models of emotional development [1, 189-190], which is still actively used in psychology today. This model involves the expression of emotions, their regulation, and the use of this data in thinking processes.
Many foreign scholars have studied the impact of emotional intelligence on reintegration into society. Studies by E. Halperin and D. Schwartz [2, 439] have confirmed that traumatic experiences can change the way we perceive and respond to emotions, which can have consequences for interacting with other people and restoring the social environment. Aguilar and George found that the development of emotional intelligence helps to cope with possible manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual dysfunction and other mental disorders that are most common in war veterans and people who have experienced traumatic war experiences [3, 29-30].
K.B. Odena, M. Lohanib, M. McCoyb, J. Crutchfielda and S. Rivers in their study emphasise that the development of emotional intelligence in military personnel during the training process can further facilitate the development of the necessary social skills during active combat operations and make the process of reintegration into society safer and smoother for both war veterans and their civilian environment [4, 4053].
However, the issue of the influence of gender roles on the development of emotional intelligence in the military remains insufficiently addressed by contemporary researchers, but the study of this influence can provide us with new tools and understanding of the possibilities of post-war restoration of the social environment of the military, taking into account possible gender differences.
To study the gender differentiation of emotional intelligence among the military, men and women aged 20 to 60 who served in the military in the period from 2014 to 2022 in the combat zone and were discharged from military service due to health reasons, reaching the age limit for service or family circumstances were interviewed. We used Hall's method of diagnosing the level of emotional intelligence to help assess the current situation.
An online survey was also conducted with at least one family member of the previously interviewed servicemen to identify trends in reintegration into the social life of the military, as well as an additional survey of the servicemen themselves to identify the main problems associated with the restoration of the social environment of the military. The answers were analysed using the qualitative analysis method.
Results and discussion
After analysing the results of the survey, it was found that 30% of the surveyed male servicemen received the result of emotional intelligence "High", 40% - "Medium" and 30% - "Low". Among female servicewomen, the following results were found: 40% - "High", 50% - "Medium" and 10% - "Low".
In families where servicemen had a "High" level of emotional intelligence, there were almost no problems with returning to normal life or minimal manifestations: outbursts of aggression during domestic conflicts and manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder. Servicemen with "Medium" results were more likely to show aggression in the process of raising children, in domestic conflicts, and more often complained of a decrease in sexual desire. Servicemen with Low scores demonstrated the worst results in the process of reintegrating into society, as they were more likely to be unable to explain their feelings to their loved ones and to face the negative consequences of trauma that they could not overcome on their own.
Gender, military, emotions
Gender roles can influence social expectations related to role behaviour, which affects the processes of social recovery. In the vast majority of cases, we can observe the reproduction of traditional gender norms in Ukrainian society. Women are more likely to participate in hostilities as medics, while men hold combat positions [5, 32]. Traditional gender norms also define specific patterns of emotional expression for people depending on their gender. These norms define socially acceptable ways of expressing and regulating emotions for men and women, often resulting in gender differences in emotional intelligence.
Social expectations play a crucial role in shaping emotional intelligence. People are influenced by the messages and cues they receive from their environment, including family, peers, media, and institutions. These societal expectations can reinforce or challenge traditional gender norms, affecting the development of emotional intelligence in both men and women.
Military service has a significant impact on gender roles, shaping both the experiences of individual service members and broader societal understandings of gender. The unique military environment, with its strict hierarchy, codes of conduct and deployment in conflict zones, changes the way soldiers express their emotions, unifying the experience for all genders. On the battlefield, everyone is focused on performing a combat mission first and foremost as a soldier, not as a person of a particular sex or gender.
In addition, the psychological and emotional effects of military service, especially in conflict zones, can affect people's understanding and expression of their emotions. Exposure to traumatic events and the need to suppress or separate emotions in high-stress situations can affect the development of emotional intelligence and reinforce certain gendered patterns of emotional expression or suppression.
The impact of interconnectedness on prospects for further post-war adaptation.
From a socio-cultural perspective, military service can have implications for gender differentiation beyond the military context. Experiences and behaviours that are embedded in the military can shape perceptions of gender roles in everyday life and interactions. Women may be expected to perform traditionally feminine duties and tasks, while their selfidentity and emotional expression may be altered by their military experience.
Emotional intelligence plays an important role in the post-war context and is crucial for successful adaptation and recovery. Post-war environments are characterised by complex emotional challenges, including trauma, loss, grief and the need to rebuild social connections. Emotional intelligence, which encompasses the ability to perceive, understand, manage and express emotions effectively, can contribute to people's ability to cope with these challenges and develop resilience.
After a war, people often experience a wide range of emotions, such as anger, fear, sadness and anxiety. Emotional intelligence enables people to recognise and acknowledge these emotions, understand their root causes and effectively regulate their emotional responses. This self-awareness and emotional selfregulation are essential for people to cope with trauma, process their emotions, and engage in adaptive behaviours that support their well-being and social reintegration.
Emotional intelligence is also closely related to interpersonal skills and the ability to understand and empathise. Research has consistently shown that emotional intelligence is a predictor of successful adaptation in various post-war contexts [6, 187]. People with higher emotional intelligence tend to have better mental health indicators, lower levels of post-traumatic stress, and greater psychological resilience. They are more likely to use constructive coping strategies, seek social support and demonstrate problem-solving skills, which contributes to their ability to adapt to the challenges of the post-war environment.
The impact of gender roles on social adjustment can be complex. Traditional gender norms can create barriers to social adjustment by limiting opportunities for people to challenge existing gender roles and engage in activities typically associated with the opposite sex. It can limit people's choices, perpetuate gender inequality and hinder their ability to participate fully in the social, economic and political spheres.
Gender-based violence and discrimination can also impede social adaptation, especially for women, who may face increased vulnerability and barriers to accessing resources, participating in decision-making processes and rebuilding their lives after war experiences. In our society, women have more opportunities to develop emotional intelligence, but by providing military personnel with equal opportunities and time to recover their emotional intelligence, we can facilitate safe reintegration into society. We need to understand that veterans have a slightly different perception of their social roles, which may differ from traditional gender roles, so by reducing the pressure on them, we can create all the necessary conditions for a comfortable return and the development of social intelligence.
The development of emotional intelligence in post-war settings requires targeted interventions and support systems. Psychosocial programmes, counselling services and community initiatives aimed at emotional wellbeing and the development of emotional intelligence skills can make a significant contribution to people's post-war adaptation and the restoration of the social environment.
1. Salovey, P., & Mayer, J.D. (1990). Emotional Intelligence. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 9(3), 185-211.
2. Halperin E., & Schwartz D.E. (2010) Emotions in conflict resolution and post-conflict reconciliation. Les cahiers internationaux de psychologie sociale, 87(3), 423-442.
3. Aguilar, S., & George, B. (2019). A Review of the Linkages between Emo-tional Intelligence and Leadership in the Military Forces. Busi-ness Ethics and Leadership, 3(2), 29-38. httn://
4. Odena, K.B., Lohanib, M., McCoyb, M., Crutchfielda, J. & Rivers, S. (2015). Embedding emotional intelligence into military training contexts. Procedia Manufacturing, 3, 4052-4059.
5. Research Centre for Humanitarian Problems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. (2020). Status of implementation of the state gender policy in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Analytical report on the results of sociological research (final), 61. (in Ukrainian)
6. Cherniss, C. (2010). Emotional Intelligence: New Insights and Further Clarifications. Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Vol. 3, no. 2, 183-191. (date of access: 10.06.2023).
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