Socio-psychological problems of minors from single-parent families
The problems of minors from singleparentfamilies. It has been shown that the most common type of socially dysfunctional family is a conflict family, one where family members cannot or do not know how to solve emerging problems using constructive methods.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.01.2024 |
Размер файла | 17,1 K |
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Socio-psychological problems of minors from single-parent families
Chala T.I.
The article reveals the socio-psychological problems of minors from singleparentfamilies. It has been shown that the most common type of socially dysfunctional family is a conflict family, that is, one where family members cannot or do not know how to solve emerging problems using constructive methods. Minors raised in such families, without a positive example, also build relationships with others accordingly. Such minors are characterized by a low level of social identity, a low level of socio- psychological adaptation and distorted value orientations. That is, minors from families at risk are characterized by an imbalance of socialization components.
The program for developing the socialization of at-risk minors must be aimed at developing the adolescent's adaptive capabilities (developing the ability to understand people and social situations, a positive self-concept, reflexive skills); development of social competence (formation of adequate self-esteem, consistent with the level of aspirations; skills in mastering the emotional state, relieving emotional stress, managing means of communication, constructive interaction in various life situations); changing the value picture of the world. In parallel with classes for teenagers, classes should be held for parents aimed at developing the skills and abilities to help children develop skills that increase their level of socialization. single parent familie dysfunctional
Key words: minors, single-parent families, dysfunctional families, addictive behavior, prevention, psychocorrection.
Чала Т.І.
Соціально-психологічні проблеми неповнолітніх з неповних сімей
У статті розкрито соціально-психологічні проблеми неповнолітніх із неповних сімей. Показано, що найпоширенішим типом соціально неблагополучно'! сім'ї є конфліктна сім'я, тобто така, де члени сім'ї що неспроможні чи не вміють вирішувати виникаючі проблеми конструктивними методами. Неповнолітні, які виховуються в таких сім'ях, не маючи позитивного прикладу, також відповідно вибудовують стосунки з оточуючими. Такі неповнолітні характеризуються низьким рівнем соціальної ідентичності, низьким рівнем соціально-психологічної адаптації та спотвореними ціннісними орієнтаціями. Тобто для неповнолітніх серед сімей групи ризику властивий дисбаланс компонентів соціалізованості.
Програму розвитку соціалізованості неповнолітніх групи ризику необхідно спрямовувати на розвиток 'їх адаптивних можливостей (розвиток здатності до розуміння людей та соціальних ситуацій, позитивної Я-концепції, рефлексивних навичок); розвиток соціальної компетентності (формування адекватної самооцінки, узгодженої з рівнем домагань; навичок володіння емоційним станом, зняття емоційної напруги, управління засобами спілкування, конструктивної взаємодії у різних життєвих ситуаціях); зміну ціннісної картини світу. Паралельно із заняттями для неповнолітніх мають проводитися заняття для батьків, спрямовані на розвиток умінь та здібностей надання допомоги неповнолітнім у формуванні навичок, що підвищують рівень їхньої соціалізованості.
Ключові слова: неповнолітні, неповні сім'ї, неблагополучні сім'ї, адиктивна поведінка, профілактика, психокорекція.
Чала Тетяна Іванівна - здобувач кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Київ.
Formulation of the problem
An incomplete family has long ceased to be an unusual or condemned phenomenon. It is a group of immediate family members that consists of one parent with one or more minor children. More than 350 thousand single-parent families, about 35 thousand minors are in a socially dangerous situation due to inappropriate living conditions and education. This topic is becoming acute and relevant due to the increasing number of such families and the problems faced by children from such families [2-6].
Practice shows that the life and conditions of raising a child in a single-parent family differ significantly from the life of a child in a complete family. In addition to the financial difficulties that are constantly present in single-parent families, single mothers are not able to simultaneously realize maternal and paternal positions. The child looks for what he needs outside the family and often falls under negative influence and becomes the object of the work of the commission on juvenile affairs.
Single-parent families, minors, commission for minors, prevention, protection.
Single-parent families are formed for several reasons:
1) birth of a child out of wedlock;
2) death of one of the parents;
3) divorce;
4) separation of parents [9].
Analysis of the latest research and achievements
The results of numerous domestic and foreign studies show that it is the disruption of family relationships (child-parent, marital) that is often the reason for the formation of deviant behavior in children. Socially dysfunctional families are characterized by a negative, destructive, desocializing influence on the formation of the child's personality, therefore, deviant behavior is more often observed in children from such families.
In the scientific literature, there are different approaches to defining the concept of “dysfunctional family”. Synonyms for this phenomenon are used: destructive family, dysfunctional family, at-risk families and inharmonious family. The problems that such families face relate to different aspects of life: social, legal, material, medical, psychological, pedagogical, etc. At the same time, it is difficult to single out families with only one type of problem, since all problems are interconnected and interdependent. For example, social disorder leads to psychological stress, which gives rise to family conflicts; Material limitations do not allow one to satisfy urgent needs and have a negative impact on the physical and mental health of adults and children [1; 3; 4; 7; 8].
The purpose of the article is to reveal the socio-psychological problems of minors from single-parent families.
Presentation of the main material and research results
The loss of one of the parents contributes to the emergence of painful experiences that affect the psychological climate in the family. A large percentage of single-parent families are formed due to the departure of the father. In such cases, it is quite difficult for a mother to restrain her negative emotions towards her ex-husband, and her irritation and dissatisfaction often unconsciously spills over onto the child they share.
It also happens the other way around, when the mother focuses on the child as an innocent victim. She tries to make up for the lack of parental care and guardianship by surrounding the child with excessive affection. In both cases, the educational atmosphere of the family is greatly distorted, which as a result negatively affects the development of the child as an individual [1].
Intrafamily cruelty, overprotection, the expectation from the child to take on age-inappropriate responsibilities and duties that a single mother can replace the absence of a man in the family, and many problems accompanying an incomplete family can force the child to begin to seek psychological support and understanding, an authoritative person or independence in the circle peers, often negatively influencing him. Then the negative influence of peers leads the child into a situation where he begins to drink alcohol or psychotropic substances and commit illegal actions. If the family and school do not want or cannot notice the child's problems, then, willy-nilly, the minor ends up in facilities that are dealt with by commissions on juvenile affairs.
Commissions on juvenile affairs, within their competence:
- implement measures provided for by law to coordinate the activities of bodies, institutions and other organizations involved in the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors;
- develop comprehensive measures (programs) to prevent neglect and delinquency of minors, to protect their rights and legitimate interests, and also monitor their implementation;
- conduct legal propaganda among minors, teaching staff and the public;
- implement measures to protect, restore and realize the rights and legitimate interests of minors, identify and eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to neglect, homelessness, and the commission of offenses;
- apply measures of influence in relation to minors, their parents, guardians or trustees, and other persons in cases and in the manner prescribed by law;
- provide assistance in determining the forms of placement of minors in need of state protection, and also carry out other functions to provide social assistance to minors, provided for by law.
- take part, where necessary, in the consideration by the relevant bodies, institutions and organizations involved in the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, materials about offenses or other antisocial actions of minors, their parents or persons replacing them;
- visit minors at their place of residence, work or study, conduct conversations with minors, their parents, and persons replacing them;
- receive minors, parents or persons replacing them, and other citizens [2].
The Commission on Minors' Affairs keeps records of single-parent families and minors from such families, conducts actions aimed at preventing crime and homelessness of minors and raids in which facts of trouble and offenses are revealed.
“Family without violence” raids are carried out weekly with the participation of interested services and organizations on the families of minors in a socially dangerous situation and the families of minors.
Raids on places of public recreation and gathering of youth are carried out twice a month on weekends according to a separate schedule, during which computer clubs, cultural and entertainment clubs, youth discos, as well as retail outlets selling alcoholic beverages are inspected. Preventive work with such teenagers is carried out in conjunction with work to prevent crime, delinquency and homelessness of minors.
An incomplete family is not a pathology. It is classified as a “at-risk” family, but not every child who grows up in such a family experiences the negative consequences of this family situation. The Commission on Minors' Affairs, in its preventive work with families and adolescents from single-parent families, takes into account these “risks”; at the meetings of the commission, the attention of the parent from such a family is drawn to the need to engage in raising children more seriously and confidently.
As a result of an empirical study, it was revealed that the most common type of socially dysfunctional family is a conflict family, that is, one where family members cannot or do not know how to solve emerging problems using constructive methods. Minors raised in such families, without a positive example, also build relationships with others accordingly. Such minors are characterized by a low level of social identity, a low level of socio-psychological adaptation and distorted value orientations. That is, minors from families at risk are characterized by an imbalance of socialization components.
The program for the development of socialization of at-risk minors must be aimed at:
- development of a teenager's adaptive capabilities (development of the ability to understand people and social situations, positive self-concept, reflective skills);
- development of social competence (formation of adequate self-esteem, consistent with the level of aspirations; skills in mastering the emotional state, relieving emotional stress, managing means of communication, constructive interaction in various life situations);
- changing the value picture of the world.
In parallel with classes for teenagers, classes should be held for parents aimed at developing the skills and abilities to help children develop skills that increase their level of socialization.
1. Peterson C., Seligman M.E.P. Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. 2004, New York: Oxford university Press.
2. Popovych I., Blynova O. The Structure, Variables and Interdependence of the Factors of Mental States of Expectations in Students' Academic and Professional Activities. The New Educational Review. 2019. № 55(1). P. 293-306.
3. Rogers C.R. Client-centred therapy. Boston etc.: Noughton Miffincj, 1995.
4. Ross L., Bierbrauer G., Hoffman, S. The role of attribution processes in conformity and dissent: Revisiting the Asch situation. American Psychologist. 1976. № 31. Р. 148-157.
5. Ryff C.D., Keyes C.L.M. The structure of psychological well-being revisited. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1995. Vol. 69. P. 719-727.
6. Seligman M.E.P., Reivich K., Jaycox L., Gillham J. The optimistic child: Proven program to safeguardchildren from depression and build lifelong resilience. New York: Harper Perennial, 1996. 276 р.
7. Sell M. van, Brief A.P., Schuler R.S. Role conflict and role ambiguity: Integration of theliterature and directions for future research. Human Relations. 1981. Vol. 34. P. 43-71.
8. Singer J., Davidson L. Specificity and stress research. Stress and Coping. N.Y. 1991. Р. 189-206.
9. Stoycheva K. Ambiguity tolerance in Adolescents: its Relations to Creativity Relevant Traits. Jena, Germany, 2000.
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