Volunteer activities of employees in the context of professional growth

Analysis of volunteer activity of Ukraine in the context of professional growth. Change in value priorities of volunteers due to their involvement in various activities and programs. Factors of formation and development of civic competence of volunteers.

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Дата добавления 26.11.2023
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Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia state pedagogical university

Department of psychology and social work

Volunteer activities of employees in the context of professional growth

Shevchenko R.V., Graduate student



The article reveals the peculiarities of volunteering, which contributes to the development of the employee's professionalism, and also contributes to the development of such values as tolerance, tolerance, an active life position, and responsibility.

The purpose of the article is to characterize the volunteering of employees in the context of professional growth. Involvement of volunteers in various activities and programs changes their value priorities, in both directions, from the values of personal life (love, happy family life, productive life) to the value of self-realization and moral responsibility (interesting work, material status, honesty, tolerance, etc.).

Among the empirical methods of research, the following were used: V. Boyk's "Diagnostics of the level of emotional burnout", M. Rokych's "Value orientations" method and O. Kokun's "Professional sustainability" method. According to the above-mentioned methods, the following components of the professional sustainability of volunteers are highlighted: emotional, motivational, social and professional components.

Emotional exhaustion of volunteers is caused by psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders, which is characterized by psychophysical fatigue of a person, desolation, leveling of one's own professional achievements, communication breakdown, development of cynical attitude towards the victims and development of psychosomatic disorders. In the majority of all subjects, personal detachment (depersonalization) is observed when performing professional duties and activities in general.

Conclusions. Personal qualities that need to be developed and improved play an important role in this process. One of the important factors is the formation and development of civic competence of volunteers. thus, participation in volunteer activities allows for the development of a valuable component of civic competence, which is realized through the manifestation of the civic values of an individual.

Keywords: resilience, volunteering, volunteers, emotional burnout, professional viability.


Волонтерська діяльність працівників в контексті професійного зросту

Шевченко Р.В., аспірант кафедри психології та соціальної роботи, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського, м. Вінниця

У статті розкрито особливості волонтерської діяльності, яка сприяє розвитку професійності працівника, а також сприяє розвитку таких цінностей як толерантність, терпимість, активна життєва позиція, відповідальність.

Метою статті є характеристика волонтерської діяльності працівників в контексті професійного зросту. Залучення волонтерів до різноманітних заходів та програм, змінюють їх ціннісні пріоритети, в обабіч, цінностей особистого життя (любов, щасливе сімейне життя, продуктивне життя) на цінності самореалізації та моральної відповідальності (цікава робота, матеріальний статус, чесність, толерантність тощо).

Серед емпіричних методів дослідження використано такі: методика «Діагностики рівня емоційного вигорання» В. Бойка, методика М. Рокича «Ціннісні орієнтації» та методика О. Кокуна «Професійна життєстійкість». Згідно вищеназваних методик виділено такі складові професійної життєстійкості волонтерів: емоційний, мотиваційний, соціальний і професійний компоненти.

Емоційне виснаження волонтерів обумовлене психосоматичними та психо-вегетативними порушеннями, що характеризується психофізичною перевтомою людини, спустошеністю, нівелюванням власних професійних досягнень, порушенням комунікацій, розвитком цинічного ставлення до потерпілих і розвитком психосоматичних порушень.

В переважної частини всіх досліджуваних спостерігається особистісна відстороненість (деперсоналізація) при виконанні професійних обов'язків та й діяльності взагалі.

Висновок. Важливу роль в цьому процесі відіграють ті особистісні якості, які потрібно розвивати та вдосконалювати. Одним із важливих чинників є становлення та розвитку громадянської компетентності волонтерів. Таким чином, участь у волонтерській діяльності дозволяє розвивати ціннісний компонент громадянської компетентності, який реалізується через вияв громадянських цінностей особистості.

Ключові слова: резильєнтність, волонтерська діяльність, волонтери, емоційне вигорання, професійна життєстійкість.


Volunteer work is difficult to characterize as easy, as it requires people to take a lot of responsibility, incredible energy expenditure, emotional inclusion, as well as the ability to quickly adapt in extreme situations of military operations. All this together with other factors determines the formation of professional stress, which can later flow into the so-called emotional burnout syndrome, which is accompanied by negative consequences not only in professional activity and the quality of its performance, but also in personal life.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Psychological problems of vitality and emotional burnout were considered in their research by such authors as I. Vizniuk [3], S. Dolynny [1], O. Kokun, N. Korniaka, M. Panasenko [2], A. Polishchuk [1] and others They argue that theoretical and empirical research are important factors in the motivation aspect of volunteering.

However, these studies are based mainly on generalizations of the experience of practical implementation of volunteer projects in the field of social work with their detailed, often step-by-step, description. Therefore, assessing the level of development of issues related to volunteer activity and the volunteer movement in Ukraine, it is worth pointing out the lack of comprehensive research on the volunteer movement, volunteer activity during the anti-terrorist operation in the East of Ukraine.

The purpose of the article is to characterize the volunteering of employees in the context of professional growth.

Materials and methods. Volunteers of the Kyiv city center of the "Nadia" volunteer center took part in the study in order to identify the peculiarities of the relationship between emotional burnout, life values and vitality of the center's employees. The sample for the study was 120 volunteers (aged 24 to 56). Серед методів дослідження використано такі:

1. Methodologyfor diagnosing the level of emotional "burnout" according to V. Boyk. The subjects were asked to answer 84 questions, each of which corresponds to one of the leading symptoms of "burnout", which, in turn, refer to one of the 3 components of "emotional burnout »: stress, resistance and exhaustion.

2. M. Rokich's questionnaire "Value orientations" is based on a direct ranking of the list of values. M. Rokich distinguishes 2 classes of values: terminal (confidence in the fact that some ultimate goal of individual human existence is worth striving for (values - goals)) and instrumental (confidence in the fact that some action or personality quality has prevail in any situation (value - means)).

3. O. Kokun's questionnaire "Professional sustainability" included three interrelated components of sustainability, defined in the well-known works of S. Kobasa, S. Maddi, etc., including control, inclusion and acceptance of a challenge (control, commitment, challenge). In this context, it should be noted that we do not agree with the accuracy of D. Leontiev's well-known translation [2] of the last component of "challenge" as "risk acceptance", since the most accurate translation of this word from the English language is "challenge". That is why in our interpretation it is defined as "acceptance of a challenge".

In each of the above-mentioned components of professional vitality, when developing the questionnaire, we highlighted four more components: emotional, motivational, social and professional.

The results of the study according to the Methodology "Diagnostics of the level of emotional "burnout" (V. Boyko)

According to each of the 12 symptoms of emotional "burnout" prove that the first phase of stress in athletes is characterized by experiencing psycho-traumatic circumstances (Fig. 1).

The tension in the group of respondents manifests itself in the experience of psycho-traumatic circumstances that stretches over time, becomes long-lasting and has an increasing character for 75 (63%) people. Volunteers perceive working conditions and professional interpersonal relations as psycho-traumatic, which have a negative effect on consciousness and show tension, instability of mental reactions.

Fig. 1. Indicators of the tension phase of emotional "burnout" in volunteers according to V. Boyko's method (in %)

37% of the subjects are in a state of anxiety in their professional activities, with an increased level of nervousness, anxiety, depressed mood. Volunteers usually cannot concentrate on certain work, there are behavioral changes and a sudden change in mood. Symptoms on the scales "dissatisfaction with oneself" and "backed into a corner" are not expressed. The employees of the center are satisfied with their own professional activities, they are satisfied with the environment in which they are, the people with whom they communicate, and they are satisfied with themselves as professionals. The subjects do not feel the desire to change the activity at all.

The study also showed that the second phase (resistance) in volunteers is characterized by a reduction in professional duties (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Indicators of resistance in volunteers according to the method "Diagnostics of the level of emotional "burnout" by V. Boyko (in %)

The resistance phase is characterized by the most pronounced symptom of reduction of professional duties (37%).

28% of all subjects showed an expansion of the sphere of saving emotions, a kind of emotional isolation, alienation, a desire to stop any communications. Symptoms of inadequate selective emotional response (18%) and emotional and moral disorientation (17%) have already developed in the subjects and are manifested in the development of indifference in professional relationships and the uncontrolled influence of mood on professional relationships.

The last phase of all three components is exhaustion. When studying the manifestation of emotional "burnout" in volunteers, it was found that psycho-vegetative and psychosomatic disorders are the most pronounced (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Indicators of exhaustion among volunteers according to the method "Diagnostics of the level of emotional "burnout" by V. Boyko (in %)

Emotional exhaustion is caused by psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders (38%). This symptom is dominant and is characterized by a person's psychophysical overfatigue, desolation, leveling of one's professional achievements, disruption of professional communications, the development of a cynical attitude towards those with whom one has to communicate on work issues, and the development of psychosomatic disorders. 26% of all the researched have personal detachment (depersonalization), i.e. violation of professional relations, development of a cynical attitude towards those with whom one has to communicate during the performance of professional duties and towards professional activities in general.

Also, a clearly formed symptom of emotional deficit (23%) is the development of emotional insensitivity against the background of overexhaustion, minimization of emotional contribution to work, automatism, devastation of a person when performing professional duties. emotional detachment - creating a protective barrier in professional communications. 13% is allocated to emotional detachment. This symptom is just beginning to develop and manifests itself in the creation of a protective barrier in professional communications [4].

During the quantitative processing of the research results, we performed an analysis of significant correlations, and also identified the factors that lead to the development of emotional burnout and those that prevent the development of emotional burnout in volunteers.

We used M. Rokych's method of value orientations to specify the internal orientation of volunteers. This method is based on direct ranking of the list of thermal and instrumental values. Among the most significant values as a means of achieving life goals for volunteers are: "honesty" (rank 1), "education" (rank 2), "joie de vivre" (rank 3), "education" (rank 4), "responsibility" (5 rank), "self-control" (rank 6).

Desired values (rank 7-12) included: "independence" (rank 7), "courage in defending one's views and opinions" (rank 8), "willpower" (rank 9), "accuracy" (rank 10), "efficiency in business" (11th rank), "rationalism" (12th rank).

The least important values: "intransigence to shortcomings in oneself and others" (18th rank), "high needs" (17th rank), "tolerance" (16th rank), "thoroughness" (15th rank), "neatness" (14th rank) and "breadth of views" (rank 13).

Considering the indicators in fig. 3, participation in volunteer activities contributes to the development of the future employee's professionalism, and also contributes to the development of such values as tolerance, tolerance, an active lifestyle, responsibility.

volunteer professional ukraine civic competence

Fig. 3. Ranking of thermal and instrumental values of volunteers

We can say that the involvement of volunteers in various events and programs changes their value priorities, on both sides, from the values of personal life (love, happy family life, productive life) to the value of self-realization and moral responsibility (interesting work, material status, honesty, tolerance, etc.).

The analysis of the results according to the method of O. Kokun "Professional sustainability" is presented in fig. 4.

Fig. 4. The level of professional sustainability of volunteers

The final result characterizes the general level of professional sustainability of volunteers, determined by taking into account the degree of expression of its three components (level of professional inclusion, control and professional acceptance of a challenge) and four components (level of emotional, content-professional, motivational and social components of professional sustainability).

The results of the study showed that the majority of respondents have a lower-than-average level of vitality.


An important role in the formation of a volunteer's resilience is played by his personal qualities, which need to be developed and improved. One of the important factors is the formation and development of civic competence. Participation in volunteer activities allows developing the valuable content of civic competence, which is realized through the manifestation of specific civic values.

From this we understand that the resilience of volunteers is a systemic personal and professional property that is formed during professional life, manifesting itself in a certain level of involvement in volunteering, control over it and acceptance of "professional challenges", and ensures his ability to withstand adverse circumstances at work, preventing the development of professional maladjustment, health disorders and ensuring personal and professional growth. Thus, participation in volunteer activities allows for the development of a valuable component of civic competence, which is realized through the manifestation of the civic values of an individual.


1. Vizniuk, I.M., Polishchuk, A.S., Dolynnyi, S.S. (2022). Agile-retrospektyvy destruktyvnykh chynnykiv vnutrishnoi konfliktnosti pedahohiv u ZVO [Agile-retrospectives of destructive factors of internal conflict of teachers in higher education institutions]. Vіnnytsia: Vyd-vo TOV «Druk» [in Ukrainian].

2. Kokdn, O.M. (2021). Spryianniapidvyshchenniu zhyttiestiikosti fakhivtsiv sotsionomichnykh profesii [Helping to increase the vitality of specialists in socio-economic professions]. Kyiv- Lviv: Vydavets Viktoriia Kundelska, 84.

3. Inessa, Viznyuk. (2022). Information Support of the Educational Process in the Development of Leadership Potential of Modern University in the Conditions of Distance Learning. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science an Network Security, 22(4), 209-216.

4. Katerynych, P. (2023). Canceled or not canceled? An examination of the JK Rowling controversy: understanding the media dynamics of cancel culture. Bulletin of Science and Education, (1 (7)).


1. Agile-retrospektyvy деструктивних чинників внутрішньої конфліктності педагогів у ЗВО: монографія / Візнюк І.М., Поліщук А.С., Долинний С.С. - Вінниця: Вид-во ТОВ «Друк», 2022. - 256 с.

2. Кокун О.М. Сприяння підвищенню життєстійкості фахівців соціономічних професій: методичні рекомендації / О.М. Кокун, О.М. Корніяка, Н.М. Панасенко та ін.; за ред. О.М. Кокуна. Київ-Львів: Видавець Вікторія Кундельська, 2021. - 84 с.

3.Inessa Viznyuk. Information Support of the Educational Process in the Development of Leadership Potential of Modern University in the Conditions of Distance Learning / Inessa Viznyuk, Nataliia Rokosovyk, Oksana Vytrykhovska, Alla Paslawska, Olena Bielikova, Iryna Radziievska. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security,2022. - VOL.22 - №4.- Рр. 209-216.

4. Катеринич, П. (2023). Cancelled or not cancelled? An examination of the JK Rowling controversy: understanding the media dynamics of cancel culture. Вісник науки та освіти, (1 (7)).

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