Psychoprophylaxis of the professional training crisis

The approaches to the psychological support of preventing the crisis of professional training of higher education seekers. Factors of the crisis of applicants for veterinary and medical specialties. Peculiarities of the structure of mental phenomena.

Рубрика Психология
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Дата добавления 09.08.2023
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Dnipropetrovsk state university of internal affairs

Ukrainian state university of science and technology

Psychoprophylaxis of the professional training crisis

Oleksiy Sheviakov,

Dr. of psychology, professor

Yanina Slavska,

Ph.D. (pedagogy), associate professor

Irina Burlakova,

Dr. of psychology, professor

Igor Ostapenko,

Ph.D. (technical), associate professor

Victoria Kornienko,

Dr. of psychology, associate professor

Oleksandr Gerasimchuk,

Ph.D. (technical), associate professor

Vyacheslav Vakulik,

Ph.D. (history), associate professor



The article defines the main approaches to the psychological support of the process of preventing the crisis of professional training in higher education seekers. The factors of the crisis of professional training among applicants of veterinary and medical specialties are characterized. Features of the system structure of mental phenomena and the concept of psychological support of the process of psychoprophylaxis are considered. It is emphasized the need to implement a systematic approach based on empirical data, which includes research aimed at harmonizing the psychological state of drug addicts. Empirical research revealed the peculiarities of the social functioning of applicants for veterinary and medical specialties.

There are differences in the psychological well-being of specialists of such specialties: they are characterized by a predominance of interest in the history of medicine, which reflects their interest in the profession, admiration for it; in the period of crisis, the self-esteem and locus of control indicators of achievers are such as to indicate inadequate assessment and inability to use their own strength to achieve the goal. Psychological support of professional adaptation during this period of time involves determining the volume, quality and form of providing information about the enterprise, farm, department, specifics of activity, various services, about the team, its structure, traditions, group norms, social expectations regarding the newcomer, etc. As a rule, such information comes to an adapting person in one form or another, in sufficient or excessive amounts, but without any scientific justification.

The above experiments conducted by us allow us to draw preliminary conclusions. Indeed, the professional formation of students is accompanied by critical moments, the most difficult of which is the crisis of professional training, which falls on the 3rd year. Providing psychoprophylactic help to students, by applying the proposed historical-scientific method, allows to prevent extremely negative consequences that can deform the personality. Accordingly, further development and testing of the historical-scientific method of psychoprophylaxis against a wider background is needed to recommend its use to teachers and students.

Keywords: psychoprophylactic potential, psychological state, candidates for veterinary and medical specialties, development, methodical approach, psychological support.


Олексій Шевяков, Ірина Бурлакова, Вікторія Корнієнко, В'ячеслав Вакулик, Яіііііа Славська, Ігор Остапенко, Олександр Герасимчук. Психопрофілактика кризи професійної підготовки

У статті визначено основні підходи до психологічного забезпечення процесу попередження кризи професійної підготовки здобувачів вищої освіти. Схарактеризовано чинники кризи професійної підготовки здобувачів ветеринарно-медичних спеціальностей. Розглянуто особливості системної структури психічних явищ та концепції психологічного забезпечення процесу психопрофілактики. Наголошено на необхідності впровадження системного підходу на основі емпіричних даних, що включає дослідження, спрямовані на гармонізацію психологічного стану. Емпіричне дослідження виявило особливості соціального функціонування здобувачів ветеринарних та медичних спеціальностей. Існують відмінності у психологічному самопочутті фахівців таких спеціальностей: для них характерне переважання інтересу до історії медицини, що відображає їхній інтерес до професії, захоплення нею; у період кризи самооцінка та локус контролю досягають значень показників, що свідчать про неадекватну оцінку та невміння використовувати власні сили для досягнення мети. Психологічний супровід професійної адаптації передбачає визначення обсягу, якості та форми надання психологічної інформації про організацію, специфіку її діяльності, різноманітні послуги, про колектив, його структуру, традиції, групові норми та соціальні очікування. Проведені досліди дозволяють зробити попередні висновки: професійне становлення студентів супроводжується критичними моментами, найскладнішим з яких є криза професійної підготовки, яка припадає на 3 курс. Надання психопрофілактичної допомоги студентам шляхом застосування запропонованого історико-наукового методу дозволяє запобігти вкрай негативним наслідкам, які можуть деформувати особистість. Відповідно, необхідний подальший розвиток і апробація історико - наукового методу психопрофілактики на ширшому фоні, щоб рекомендувати його використання викладачам і студентам.

Ключові слова: психопрофілактичний потенціал, психологічний стан, кандидати на ветеринарно-медичні спеціальності, розвиток, методичний підхід, психологічний супровід.

Main part

psychological professional education mental

Relevance of the study. The current camp of professional education at the veterinary - medical gallery, can be characterized as a post-crisis. It is mindful of the global trends in the development of sustainability in today's world, as well as the peculiarities of yoga inspiration in the post-traditional space.

The school of professional education recognized the great material difficulties, the destruction of ideological and valuable guidelines. According to the law of the causal relationship, changes were made in the nature of the disease, the forms of moisture and the hierarchy of the keruyuchi settlements.

Wash away such stressful reasons, it hurts in youth, as I take away the professional training itself in this period. Analysis of the demonstration of knowledge during the course of the year and half the time of examination sessions, pedagogical caution, discussion with the curators and practitioners of the dean's office and the students themselves of the faculty of veterinary medicine, to report on the presence of especially acute psychological moments in different periods of study.

Recent publications review. In our opinion, the process that takes place in the middle of the period of obtaining education, and which we propose to consider as a crisis in professional training, needs special attention. In this regard, the goal of our research is the analysis of the above-mentioned crisis, namely the determination of its nature, factors, genesis, consequences and the search for methods of prevention of its negative impact.

The emergence of new conditions, the shortcomings of old methods deformed by modernity, lack of funds, created serious obstacles for correcting the self-awareness of future veterinary specialists. This turned domestic education into a boundless field of pedagogical, scientific-methodical and organizational experiments. Of course, the results obtained by researchers are not always of high quality, there are also hypertrophied judgments, imperfect conclusions, etc. But as you know, the one who does nothing is not wrong.

Issues related to the mentioned problem are practically not covered in the scientific literature, and therefore indirect and parallel theories and studies served as the main source of information.

So, the main key concepts of our work are identity, identification, psychological crisis, self-awareness, sense of self-worth. Using the projection of the general psychological mechanisms of the above-mentioned phenomena directly onto the situation we are investigating, we relied on the classic works [1 -4] and others. During the construction of one' s own hypothesis, the works of such well-known researchers [5-7]. It should be noted that the topic of crises during the training period is of interest to many scientists in the field of psychology and pedagogy, but it is considered from the perspective of traditional methods of psychoprophylaxis and does not concern the specifics of veterinary education [8-10].

According to many scientists, for a long time, the problem of health was not among the priority research interests of psychological science [11]. But lately, it is considered not only in the medical field, but also in the psychological, because at the heart of the problem is the individual [9].

Thus, the psychological rehabilitation of a person suffering from depressive disorder is an urgent socio-psychological problem due to the growing prevalence and increase in the number of people with this pathology. According to the WHO, approximately 4-5% of the world's population suffers from depression, with the risk of developing lifelong depression reaching 10% in men and up to 20% in women [10]. According to WHO forecasts, by 2022, depression will rank first among diseases in the world, surpassing today's leaders - infectious and cardiovascular diseases [1]. The medical and social consequences of depression are diverse and severe [2]. These include: high risk of suicide, impaired adaptive capacity, reduced professional status, family breakdown, disability, loss of social ties and reduced quality of life in general [3]. The need for their comprehensive rehabilitation is due to the fact that mental illness leads to personality changes, social maladaptation and significantly reduces the ability of professionals to social functioning [8].

The conducted research in the field of rehabilitation of specialists reflects different opinions of scientists on this process [5]. The history of rehabilitation shows a certain dynamics of views with a shift of emphasis from occupational rehabilitation to social and psychosocial rehabilitation [4].

When discussing rehabilitation, researchers more often emphasize their personal characteristics, rehabilitation potential, give more importance to the forms and methods of the actual rehabilitation impact much less affect the socio-environmental environment [6]. Meanwhile, this objective factor plays a significant role in rehabilitation and its importance cannot be ignored [7].

The article's objective. Our aim was to find such a means of protection against the negative consequences of the crisis, which would be based on moral values and contribute to the integration of the noble ideas of past generations into the present. We decided to achieve the realization of the idea with the help of the historical and scientific methods.

Discussion. The crisis of professional training (despite all the negativism attributed to this concept) can have not only destructive effects in its dynamics, but also be the source from which a new, professionally and creatively brighter personality will develop. It is generally known that crises accompanying this development are inevitable. University students, like no other, demonstrate at the behavioral level pictures of crises in all their diversity. As one acquires knowledge and expands one's horizons, one's relations with the surrounding world change, including one's attitude to the learning process. It is obvious that a student moves to a new level of learning when the previous one has exhausted itself. This transition is often painful, requires effort, sometimes you have to give up a share of the former, for the sake of acquiring a new, better one. But such growth may not happen. A crisis most often fills a person with contradictions, creates a situation of struggle with oneself, and if external adverse circumstances are added to this, the finale can be deplorable. Even if such a student does not stop his studies, he most likely develops a pessimistic attitude towards the future profession, and all areas of the personality are subjected to pathological pressure, which contributes to the formation of a marginal worldview.

Of course, in this situation, a lot depends on the student himself, in particular on his mental characteristics and previous education. But one cannot underestimate the role of psychologists and teachers in correcting the crisis state of students, forming professional reflection in them, as well as understanding the content of their work through the affirmation of a sense of self-worth. In addition, it is necessary to find the psychological material on the basis of which it would be possible to create a reliable internal defense. In our case, such an education was the information contained in the discipline - the history of veterinary medicine.

It is common knowledge that the quality of professional education is directly related to the quality of professional activities that will be carried out in the future. Based on this judgment, it is logical to conduct a diploma competition, survey and interview with a potential employee in order to find out to what extent he possesses the professional knowledge and characteristics required by the employer. All of the above is true and quite important, but in the light of modern times, in connection with the popularization of psychological science, the so-called «human factor», namely the psychological characteristics of a person, acquire greater importance. Concepts such as sociability, emotional behavior, stress resistance, social adaptation, etc. have become common terms among personnel managers. The task of pedagogues in the conditions of our time is to form such personal qualities in VU students that, together with in-depth knowledge, would serve as a foundation for their professionalism and reliable protection against the destructive effects of crises.

Even E. Erikson, in his work «Young Luther» [2], pointed out that the way out of such crises should be based on the search for ways of professional identity, which a person striving for professional growth can use as a basis.

Trying to analyze the factors at the center of this problem, we noted the following phenomena as priorities. In the so-called post-Soviet period, following political, economic and social changes, changes also took place in the labor market. A number of new professions that did not exist before, or that had a different status, appeared. So, for example, private veterinarians appeared who, despite the preserved principles of professional activity, faced a lot of new, previously unknown difficulties. Changes have also taken place in the addressing of services. Thus, instead of «yesterday's» collective farms and state farms, the customers of services became farms, joint-stock companies, state and private organizations (firms). The demand for the provision of veterinary services to animals by their owners has changed significantly. The very «image» of a veterinarian has changed in the minds of the average citizen - under the influence of advertising, it has taken on a new Euro-American character, by the way, the attitude to medicine in general has changed in a similar way, less moral emphasis - more technological. Veterinary specialists of meat processing plants, dairies and other enterprises that are similar in technological essence, but different in terms of quality and culture of production, often have different requirements.

There have also been changes in the market of veterinary services. The number of animals in the private sector increased, and on the contrary, it decreased in specialized collective farms. Livestock complexes with thousands of animals were replaced by farms with a herd of no more than a few dozen animals. Agricultural enterprises appeared in the region, the technological capabilities of which are not inferior to the capabilities of similar enterprises in the European Union countries - with computerized farms, a scientific center, and pharmacological support of the highest level. The turnover of airports and railway stations has increased, and the possibilities of moving the population to other countries have expanded. This caused a greater demand for specialists in veterinary and sanitary control, veterinary police, and veterinary customs. Non - traditional areas of livestock-poultry breeding have appeared: quail, ostrich breeding, amateurs have expanded opportunities to acquire rare and exotic animals, from horses to iguanas, boa constrictors and crocodiles.

In addition, there is another side to the issue. Collective farms and state farms were still the main customers for veterinary services. After their liquidation, many veterinary specialists lost a stable salary and their hierarchical position (in the village, a veterinary specialist was part of the elite group: head, agronomist, zootechnician, accountant, etc.). In the late 1980s and 1990s, a referral from production was required for admission to the Agricultural University. These documents were provided to applicants, but the payment of scholarships and subsequent employment was not carried out. As a result, many graduates, having the lowest level of professional motivation, were forced to focus on work outside their specialty even during their studies.

It is natural that such changes in the field of professional activity should have caused changes in the emphasis of professional training. The urgency of the above-mentioned problem prompted us to take a closer look at the situation of experiencing professional training crises by students of universities, and to conduct a corresponding psychological analysis on the basis of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Dnipropetrovsk Agricultural University.

During the submission of documents to the admissions committee of the Dnipropetrovsk State Agricultural University, many young people, future specialists - doctors of veterinary medicine, come. The reason that prompted them to choose this profession is polyetiological.

Conditionally, applicants can be divided into three groups:

1. Young people, yesterday's schoolchildren who loved zoology and anatomy, who were actively involved in biological profile circles. They love animal and plant life they are full of beautiful youthful romanticism. These young people dream of devoting their lives to treating animals and caring for our smaller brothers. These young people have their own strong idea of what veterinary medicine is and who a veterinarian is.

2. Young people who decided to become a veterinarian because their parents, relatives, friends of their parents, etc. were or are engaged in veterinary medicine. This group includes young people who consider private veterinary practice a good, profitable business and in this way seek to solve financial issues of their future. Applicants who consider the profession of a veterinary doctor to be socially in-demand, or hierarchically suitable for themselves, can also be included here.

3. This group includes young people who found themselves at the University «accidentally». For some, the University happened to be close to home, others play sports and like the university's football team, and still others came for the company of a friend.

It would be possible to single out many more conditional groups, for example middle - level specialists who graduated from technical schools of the same profile, but pursuing certain goals, we consider it possible to limit ourselves to the three most objective groups.

As evidenced by the experience of interviews with students (survey method) and study of pedagogical documentation, curators' conclusions, it is the third year that is the most difficult for most students. Of course, there are young people who during the entire period of their stay at the University (almost 5 years) have stable positive or, on the contrary, negative indicators in their studies. But students who have proven themselves to be active and conscientious, after the end of the first courses, «suddenly» move into the category of underachievers or simply noticeably lose their positions are of great interest. There are those who, after a seemingly usual - «cool» attitude to learning, in practice prove themselves to be tireless workers, and besides, they show research inclinations.

Having such initial results, the dynamics of changes that occur in conditional groups during the gradual acquisition of professional education is of interest. We deliberately abandoned the evaluation characteristics of the groups presented above. The fact is that, as it is not surprising at first glance, a representative of any group can be a good specialist and an excellent student.

Our hypothesis is based on the assumption that everything is to blame for the professional training crisis that occurs in the third year. The unofficial celebration of the so-called «hill» by the student community is quite symbolic. What happens in the middle of training? What is the same «black box» based on which many students change?

First, the third year corresponds to the age of 19-21 years, which in many psychological periodizations is called the beginning of early adulthood. As you know, transitions from one age category to another are not easy in themselves, they are called age crises. In the conditions of our socio-cultural reality, this is the time of role status changes for many young people, including students of our University. From the group of children, many people move to the group of parents, from dependents to the group of those who independently earn money or take the first steps in this direction, etc. Changing the personal role also requires a significant expenditure of mental energy. But the most important thing: the student is a romantic, by the third year of study he gradually loses his youthful idealistic baggage. In the third year, educational and clinical practices begin, during which the imagination that lived before that in the heart and head of the student, as a rule, does not stand the test of reality. Faced with the harsh everyday life of a veterinary medicine doctor, often with an inhumane or commercial attitude to the objects of his activity - animals, a young man or a girl turns away from his once favorite specialty. At the same time, the second conditional group experiences disappointment in not so big profits. In addition, the expenditure of energy and time that a veterinarian devotes to work clearly does not correspond to the reward. And finally, the third conditional group. Anything is possible here. A person who accidentally got into the University shows an unusual interest in veterinary medicine. Others distance themselves even more from any thought of becoming a doctor in the future, waiting only for a diploma of higher education. Deformations arising as a result of collisions with harsh reality lead to the need for adaptation, the evaluation characteristic of which will depend, among other things, on newly chosen landmarks.

In all these dynamics, one can single out the main point - getting used to oneself and one's professional role in the quality that existed before that and changed due to internal and external circumstances. That is, the onset of the crisis of professional training. We need a crisis as a factor of creative growth, but how to ensure the development of this internal conflict, precisely as a healing of the old and the acquisition of a new hierarchically more significant professional worldview? In other words, how to help a student correctly define his professional identity? According to our hypothesis, a person is a moral being, in whom a sense of self-worth occupies one of the most important places and serves as an engine of its development. It is this feeling, in the aspect of its belonging to a professional orientation, that we assume to use for the prevention of the crisis of professional training in its negative content. For this, we consider it necessary to provide third-year students with information that could be used by them to build their personal professional identity, focused on a bright positive, located within their own professional group.

According to our hypothesis, this information sets listeners in an optimistic mood, thereby mitigating the wound inflicted by the above-mentioned crisis. For the objectivity of the evaluation, psychological studies of experimental and control groups were conducted, which were based on operationalized dependent variable levels of self-esteem, subjective control, and optimism. The choice of the proposed methods was due to their obvious validity, availability and informativeness according to literature sources. A psychological analysis of the crisis of professional training among students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Ukrainian State University was carried out, with the aim of making possible the most general recommendations to the management of the University, teachers, and the students themselves, regarding means of psychoprophylaxis of the negative consequences of this crisis. In actual work, such a psycho-prophylactic means is the built-in training course developed by us, which is based on a historical-scientific approach in the structure of the special course «operative surgery of rural animals». The essence of the proposed approach consists in informing students during the academic year (2 semesters) about materials related to the biographies of outstanding domestic scientists and practitioners in the field of veterinary medicine, the activities of veterinarians in the civilian sphere and in culture, about veterinary medicine in fiction, etc. The above-mentioned information is brought to the attention of students every other class (15 classes out of 30), that is, once every two weeks for 10-15 minutes.

Indicators of the variability of self-esteem, optimism and the level of subjective control of achievers (relative units/points)


Group of acquirers



М + m


Cv, %

М + m


Cv, %

Coefficient self-esteem, relative units







Optimism, points







Level of subjective control, points







During the experiment, the students of one of the academic groups were offered the above-mentioned method, and the second group, which studied in the usual way, served accordingly as a control. At the end of the academic year, research was conducted on the levels of self-esteem, subjective control, and optimism in the experimental and control groups (table 1).

Conclusions. In the process of mastering special knowledge and skills, among other things, psychological readiness for professional activity is formed. Therefore, we used the historical-scientific method of psychoprophylaxis, which, by identifying the acquired knowledge with its, so to speak, «elitist» carriers, would make it possible to connect the mechanisms of positive associations. They should create a situation in which the student, first of all, gets to know himself, his individual characteristics and capabilities, realizes his interests, motives, desires, gets rid of misconceptions about himself, learns to be honest with himself. Secondly, he reexamines his attitude towards himself and takes responsibility for his professional development and development, and more broadly, for his entire life path. Thirdly, he masters the techniques of self-improvement, self-governance and self-control.

Psychological support of professional adaptation during this period of time involves determining the volume, quality and form of providing information about the enterprise, farm, department, specifics of activity, various services, about the team, its structure, traditions, group norms, social expectations regarding the newcomer, etc. As a rule, such information comes to an adapting person in one form or another, in sufficient or excessive amounts, but without any scientific justification. The above experiments conducted by us allow us to draw preliminary conclusions. Indeed, the professional formation of students is accompanied by critical moments, the most difficult of which is the crisis of professional training, which falls on the 3rd year. Providing psychoprophylactic help to students, by applying the proposed historical-scientific method, allows to prevent extremely negative consequences that can deform the personality. Accordingly, further development and testing of the historical-scientific method of psychoprophylaxis against a wider background is needed to recommend its use to teachers and students. At this time, we are processing the operationalized data obtained during the study of the levels of self-esteem, subjective control and optimism, the analysis of which will allow us to draw more perfect conclusions.

Conflict of Interest and other Ethics Statements The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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    статья [87,9 K], добавлен 02.09.2014

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