Psycholinguistic dimensions of designing the future by adolescents and youth
Analysis of psycholinguistic features of future planning by teenagers and young people using the method of free associative experiment. Their construction of their goals in marital, family or professional plans, spiritual growth and other areas.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.03.2023 |
Размер файла | 1,9 M |
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National pedagogical drahomanov university
Psycholinguistic dimensions of designing the future by adolescents and youth
Lubov Dolynska
Olha Grinova
In today's rapidly changing society, the ability of an individual to effectively design their future becomes highly important. It is the youth when a person acquires the ability to realize the project of their future. Constructing life goals and plans for their implementation by youth is carried out in the process of information exchange, life experience expansion and reflection of their semantic cognitions in social communications. The success depends on the characteristics of their image transformation into concepts, their statements' reflection, and their interpretation of other people's statements. The article aims to reveal the psycholinguistic features of designing the future by adolescents and youth. The method of the free association test, along with the method of assessing five - year intervals, was used for empirical research. 120 undergraduate and graduate students aged 17 to 21 from the National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, Ukraine, participated in the study held in 2021. Its results showed that most respondents created their goals mainly in marital, family, or professional modes. The objectives of spiritual growth and personal self-realization were autonomously constructed only by a few respondents. Participants with explicit nuclear semantic cognitions and corresponding associative fields, including altruistic associations, revealed prolonged, consistent, realistic structures of their life goals. In contrast, respondents with underdeveloped structures of semantic fields mostly created intermittent, time-limited structures of life goals with somewhat formal cognitions of satisfying their needs in the future.
Keywords: designing the future, life goals, semantic field, free association test, adolescents, young adults.
Долинська Любов, Гриньова Ольга. Психолінгвістичні виміри конструювання майбутнього підлітками та молоддю.
У сучасному суспільстві, що швидко змінюється, здатність людини ефективно конструювати своє майбутнє стає надзвичайно важливою. Саме в молодостілюдина набуває здатності усвідомлювати проєкт свого майбутнього. Конструювання молоддю життєвих цілей і планів їх реалізації здійснюється в процесі обміну інформацією, розширення життєвого досвіду та відображення своїх смислових когніцій у соціальних комунікаціях. Успіх залежить від особливостей перетворення їхніх образів у поняття, рефлексії висловлювань, інтерпретації висловлювань інших людей. Стаття спрямована на розкриття психолінгвістичних особливостей проєктування майбутнього підлітками та молоддю. Для емпіричного дослідження, поряд з методом оцінювання п'ятирічних інтервалів, використовано метод вільного асоціативного експерименту. У дослідженні, проведеному у 2021 році, взяло участь 120 студентів та магістрантів віком від 17 до 21 року з Національного педагогічного університету імені Драгоманова, Україна. Його результати засвідчили, що більшість респондентів конструювали свої цілі переважно в подружньому, сімейному чи професійному планах. Цілі духовного зростання та особистісної самореалізації автономно конструювали лише деякі респонденти. Учасники з експліцитними ядерними семантичними когніціями та відповідними асоціативними полями, включаючи альтруїстичні асоціації, виявили тривалі, послідовні, реалістичні структури своїх життєвих цілей. Натомість респонденти з малорозвиненими структурами семантичних полів здебільшого створювали переривчасті, обмежені в часі структури життєвих цілей із дещо формальними когніціями щодо задоволення своїх потреб у майбутньому.
Ключові слова: конструювання майбутнього, життєві цілі, семантичне поле, вільний асоціативний експеримент, підлітки, молодь.
Main part
In today's rapidly changing society, the development of the human ability to effectively organize life becomes increasingly important. Therefore, designing the future by a personality reflects the development of their vital semantic intentions in the Spatio-temporal continuum of the life path and their further concretization in ideal images of future achievements, namely goal realization.
A sensitive period of human life is adolescence. Within this age period, the boundaries of life perspective are broadened, social consciousness and selfconsciousness are formed, and young men and women can create images of their future in the temporal space of life (Gaspani, 2019). However, the number of social problems inherent in modern Ukrainian society cause various deformations in young people during their personal growth, in particular, in the development of their consciousness (Antiniene & Lekaviciene, 2019) and readiness to establish deep interpersonal relationships is weakened (Van Hoof, 1999); infantilism, external locus of control (Van Hoorn & Komlosi, 2000) and passive life position to themselves and their future prevail (Bazilenko, 2014; Maksymenko, 2015). However, youth is the sensitive period in the development of a person's ability to active and purposeful management of their vital activity, individual socialization in new groups, and personal and intellectual development as a whole (Zhuravlyova, Zasiekina, & Zhuravlyov, 2019).
All these factors determine the social significance and relevance of the study of the ability of modern youth to design their future.
Meaningful life orientations are the critical intentions of young men and women, which they seek to realize in their future (Klimyshyn, 2009; Slobodchikov & Isaev, 2004). Thus, a person of this age creates their meaning of life in inseparable interaction with society. Young people learn actively, internalize and transform the generalized experience of humankind, creating their semantic structures. A person, who becomes the subject of their meanings, acquires ample opportunities to manage their life (Zasiekin, 2020). Therefore, the greater the life experience of social communications a young person acquires, the wider his opportunities for creating their unique meanings and further realization of life goals are. The success of these transformations is mainly due to the specifics of the functioning of a person's language consciousness and verbal abilities because the concept is the central part of the personal meaning of an individual (Krok, 2018). The concept is a system of extralinguistic formations determined by human personality structures and expressed in the form of ideas (Zasiekina, 2005). Only these personal speech competencies determine the ability of a young person to establish relationships between the phenomena of their personal and social world, comprehend their life aspirations and define and formulate their life goals in the way of being clear to the young person and others and which are possible for implementation.
In modern psycholinguistics, much attention is paid to the study of the specifics of comprehension, verbalization and further autonomous reconstruction of ideas about a person's life. Chernysheva (2014) has interpreted the world image as the fifth mental quasi-dimension, in which a person discovers their social existence. The superficial human perception of this quasi-dimension is carried out through sensory cognition. The deep level of human cognition of a person's world is amodal, based on universal social experience. Tarasov (2006) points out that the high complexity of constructing an individual world image in terms of interpersonal interaction and exchanging life experiences is determined by the fact that people exchange meanings of words shaped by linguistic signs. By contrast, personal meanings of communicators may differ significantly, even inside one social microgroup.
The construction of individual ideas about the social world surrounding them provides opportunities for the purposeful organization of their activities, taking into account the influence of certain social factors. In psychology, the process of constructing a person's life is studied mainly in two aspects: spatio-temporal and value-semantic that do not deny but complement each other (Bulakh, 2016; Grinova, 2018; Dolynska & Penkova, 2016; Kronik & Akhmerov, 2003; Leontyev, 2003; Rubinstein, 2003).
Special studies are dedicated to the research of the chronotope of human life. In this context, Sergieva (2010) noted that the core of human linguistic consciousness is a projection of its existence. Hence, an active and orderly system of language units places a relevant version of the world image in the human mind. This type is characterized by chronotopicity, more precisely, by the temporal organization of autobiographical material. The formation of a person's life myth in the chronotope, in turn, is determined by the spatial aspects of their life and the specifics of social interactions. According to Rubinstein, the paraxial chronotrope, which reflects the «family» way of their existence in a person's linguistic consciousness, is cyclical (Rubinstein, 2003). The global chronotrope is a manifestation of the transition of a man to a qualitatively new, existential level of development of self-consciousness, which provides the ability of holistic understanding and further systematic management of a person's life (Sergieva, 2010).
Mikhalsky interprets the chronotope of the life path of the individual as a holistic process that integrates personal and social designing of the future. In the dimensions of space, time and meaning, individual forms images of the ideal future and gives them personal significance forms the meaning of life. The individual projects these meanings into plans of his social relations, taking into account the available social opportunities and limitations of the embodiment of their meanings and concretizes them at the level of personal and social achievements - life goals. In the context of interpersonal relationships, a person being an active subject of their semantic structures transmits the meanings of their future to other members of their community and receives the meanings retransmitted by them. Thus, the formation of semantic structures of personality is characterized by high dynamics (Mikhalsky, 2015). In this context, we support the view of Leontyev (2003), who emphasized that individual creates semantic cognition through reconstructing the life experience of many people and one that will be transmitted to others and become a part of their life meanings.
The formation of a person's meanings as key intentions, intentions of the organization of their further life involves not only the internalization of other people's messages that reflect social life experience but also the decryption of the meanings of their messages. The operation of semantic formation reflects the transformation of personally perceived messages into their own semantic and the latter - into their meanings (Kalmykova et al., 2019).
The mechanism of comprehension is one of the central mechanisms of human speech, which provides modeling of the life path. Within a person's lifetime, the models of their life are characterized by diverse degrees of stability and certainty. In contrast to the present model, which the individual subjectively assesses as accurate and unambiguous (Leontyev, 2019), their designing of the future is done through extrapolating their life aspirations in the incomplete time of life. Therefore, probabilistic forecasting is another essential means of modeling and further verbalizing the image of the individual future of the person. Probabilistic forecasting reflects a person's readiness to be exposed to specific possible stimuli. Thus, the person, analyzing the influence of similar stimuli in the life experience, forecasts all context of that life situation of the future to which these stimuli are most inherent (Bernstein, 1990).
Thus, the individual forms their semantic structures by means of perception, internalization and creative reconstruction of social life experience. The development and specificity of the organization of human linguistic consciousness determines the global social and cultural meanings, which it distinguishes from the context of its image of the surrounding world. The individual projects their meanings into the future and, through probabilistic forecasting, determines the possibilities and specific forms (life goals) of the embodiment of their meanings in social reality.
The problem of autonomous human comprehension of the context of social values, autonomous formation of semantic structures and their further prolongation into the individual future becomes highly relevant in adolescence, because in adolescence it acquires social opportunities for the first time and faces the need to make irreversible life decisions and implement them into life choices of personal significance (Pittman et al., 2008). At a young age, which chronologically coincides with the period of being a student, the specifics of young men and women understanding and forecasting their future is determined by their focus on planning professional and personal life. As Gerasina (2017) noted, this, in turn, actualizes the need of young people in information and business exchange. Such exchange involves not only expanding the experience of communication of young people with different partners, but also the formation of a new level of communication, information and business which is characterized by the intention of young men and women to achieve their defined and predicted communication goals.
However, as Melnikova (2012) found out, the formation of images and concepts in the linguistic consciousness of an adolescent is often not sufficiently consistent and contains various contradictions. The use of concepts by young men and women in interpersonal interaction actualizes the images that correspond to these concepts in their minds. However, strengthening the relationship between these formations of consciousness causes rigidity and retards their dynamic changes. Accordingly, in the dimensions of designing their future in the period of adulthood, life goals become key concepts that in social communications reflect the meanings of communicators who seek to realize them in future life. Clearly outlined goals give certainty to the meanings of young people's lives as ideal images of such goals but at the same time reduce the fluidity of the process of forming these meanings (Bulakh, 2016; Grinova, 2018).
Thus, incompleteness and openness in the development of language consciousness of adolescents and young adults, namely difficulties in the process of transforming images of individual consciousness into concepts, a moderate reflection of their statements and limited communicative control - all these in the process of designing their future complicate the transformation of young people's lives in relevant goals and limit their probabilistic forecasting regarding the implementation of their own goals in society.
The research aims to reveal the psycholinguistic features of designing the future by adolescents and young adults. The method of the free association test, along with the method of assessing five-year intervals (Leontyev, 2003), was used for empirical research.
Our empirical research involved 120 young men and women aged 17 to 21 who are native speakers of the Ukrainian language. The study was held based on the humanities faculties of the National Pedagogical Drahomanov University. The study of the meaning-making process by adolescents and young adults was carried out with the help of a free association test. The semi-projective method of assessing five-year intervals was used to study the further design of meanings as formations of the language consciousness of young people in the chronotope of their life path.
Comparative analysis of the obtained empirical data of respondents from different social groups on gender, social status, presence or absence of a job, and marital status did not reveal significant differences. Therefore, only some qualitative differences in the phenomenon under study in male and female participants aged 1719 and 20-21 are presented below.
Based on the results of processing the obtained empirical data of a free - associative experiment on the identification of the characteristics of creating a semantic field of their future by young men and women, we calculated quantitative indicators of all researched fields of nuclear formations of respondents projected by them in life perspective (see Table 1).
Table 1. Quantitative indicators of associative zones formation of nuclear concepts of young people's lives
Nuclear semantic concept of associative zone |
Number of associations according to the nuclear concept |
Absolute number |
per cent |
Happiness |
32 |
21.19 |
Family |
22 |
14.56 |
Future |
18 |
11.92 |
Social success |
15 |
9.93 |
Path |
15 |
9.93 |
Self-realization |
12 |
7.94 |
Profession |
10 |
6.62 |
Associations without a defined nuclear concept |
27 |
17.88 |
According to the results of the study, the most common nuclear association for the stimulus «meaning of life» was «happiness» (32 associations). The semantic field «happiness» structure is presented in Fig. 1.
Figure 1. Quantitative indicators of cognitions of the semantic field «Happiness»
The semantic field around this association consisted of such associations as «welfare», «prosperity», «stability in the country», «absence of problems», «material stability» and the like. The individual statements confirm this associative field's revealed structure. In particular, L.A. (18.6 years old) noted: «Happiness for me, first of all, is the opportunity to become a successful professional; I really hope I will.» According to Y.B. (17.5 years), «I consider myself happy now because I don't have any significant problems. I strive to keep it that way.». I.K. (20.2 years) commented: «In the current difficult social situation, it is difficult to be happy. Happiness is when there are all the necessary social conditions for me and my family». S.P. (21.6 years) also noted, «For me, the future is a big and friendly family. My relatives do not suffer poverty because I have succeeded and provided for their life».
Figure 2. Quantitative indicators of cognitions of the semantic field «Family»
Thus, young people generally associate the nuclear concept of happiness with social and individual positive space. At the same time, the happiness cognitions of young men and women still do not become clear and confident. Respondents aged 20-21 presented broader interpretations of the concept of «happiness» deployed in the social living space. They successfully integrate these cognitions with other associative areas of their meaning of life.
The second most crucial nuclear association for the stimulus «meaning of life» was the semantic field of the concept of «family» (22 associations).
The archetypes of the family are deeply rooted in the Ukrainian mentality, so in the individual consciousness of the respondents, the semantic field behind this core was not only associations of their marital relationships («love», «husband», «children», «marry»), but also broader ideas about their family («parents», «relatives», «health», «big family», «happy family», «help»). So, S.T. (17.3 years) explained, «I want to follow my parents' strong and friendly family: a husband, several children, friends and relatives who will often visit us.» KB. (18.11 years) said: «My parents have lived together all their lives and raised children. I hope that feelings of fidelity and responsibility will be the main ones in my family too.» O.I. (20.1 years) commented: «As a man, I am obliged to help my relatives - parents, relatives, beloved girl - in everything. If they are happy, so am I». DA. (21.5 years) i nterpreted her concept of the family in this way: «Family is love. And to love means to take care of the husband and children, to put their interests in the first place».
As it was presented, the individual projections of the young people's future are closely connected with the general family projections. At the same time, young people aged 17-19 mainly project their parents' relationships on their future family relationships. Respondents aged 20-21 are already more specific in planning their further actions to help their loved ones in their self-realization. The cognitions of «family» and «happiness» among the experiment participants at the age of late adolescence are closely interrelated in their formation.
The third-ranked nuclear semantic formation of young people's language consciousness is its own «future» (18 associations).
Figure 3. Quantitative indicators of cognitions of the semantic field «Future»
Respondents' aspirations to acquire the social status of an adult, to obtain full social, in particular, material independence from parents, and deprivation of social influences of significant others were manifested in the semantic field of this core, namely in associations of «independence», «adulthood», «freedom», «master», «be free», «manage your life». The respondent Yu.K. (17.9 years old) explained her associations: «I want to become a real adult, make my own decisions, without depending on anyone.» ST. (18.8 years) explained: «The most interesting thing in my present life is to independently plan what I will do and see how these plans come true». D.A. (21.2 years old) noted that «Now I am in the process of life's search. In the future, I strive to have clear goals, successfully achieve them and not be distracted by pranks.» VA. (20.5 years) commented, «I often think about what my life will be like in 10, 20 years. Each time I imagine the distant future more and more clearly».
Thus, at the age of late adolescence, the future for the individual is not only a period of their lives but also an aim which includes the desire of young men and women to have personality changes. At the same time, young people aged 17-19 gain experience of social autonomy from the influence of their parents and older relatives. As a result, they develop the ability to organize their lives independently.
The cognitions of young men and women aged 20-21 reflect more on the activation of goal-setting processes and the development of ideas about their ideal future in the middle life perspective.
The concept of «social success» (15 associations) reflected quite the pragmatic aspirations of young men and women to achieve significant material wealth, popularity, and fame.
Figure 4. Quantitative indicators of cognitions of the semantic field «Social success»
These aspirations were embodied in such associations as «money», «wealth», «own house», «car», «gold card», «recognition», «celebrity», «fan club», «everyone respects» and others. Individual consciousness reproduces the so-called «brand» motives prevalent in modern society.
Thus, young men and women aged 17-19 noted that achieving their social success means «Becoming famous throughout Ukraine, appearing on television» (Z.K., 17.5 years), «Becoming a famous blogger, having many fans and my own popular channels on Youtube and other portals» (M.Y., 18.3 years).
Compared to them, respondents aged 20-21 are reoriented from striving for fame and public recognition to understanding the concept of «social success» to implement their life goals in the social space effectively. Thus, S.P. (21.2 years) noted, «Social success for me means becoming a highly qualified specialist, having appreciative clients and helping people solve their problems». О.Т. (20.5 years) commented: «Financial achievements are important. But to become successful for me means achieving the goals of self-realization that I have set for now».
We can state that during late adolescence, the semantic field of the concept of «social success» also dynamically changes. Young men and women are reoriented from the formal signs of their recognition to the desire for the successful realization of their life aspirations.
The semantic field of the «path (way)» concept consisted of 15 associations.
Figure 5. Quantitative indicators of cognitions of the semantic field «Path»
Such associations as «path», «difficulties», «self-determination», «choice», «necessity», and others reflected not only the desire of young people to construct their future autonomously and are aware of its complexity but also, at the same time, the existence of blurring of their life aspirations in specific images of life achievements. This indicates that the way of life is more remote and abstract formation, and as a result, the associations are not saturated with specifics or global meaning. In this context, I.B. (18.0 years) noted: «In general, I imagine my life as a bright and positive path. But I don't see where I'm going.» T.K. (18.4 years) noted, «It is not always possible to successfully plan for the future. At such moments, I feel that I am standing still and cannot move forward.» According to A.A. (20.5 years), «In life, it is always necessary to make the right choices, although they are not always pleasant.» K.O. (21.0 years) commented on feeling happy when he/she succeeds. It is challenging to construct their life path cognitions for respondents aged 17-19. Therefore, their ideas about life prospects are not elaborated yet. For participants in the experiment aged 20-21, the activation of cognitions in the semantic fields of «social success» and «future» allows them to elaborate their ideas about their life goals and, accordingly, interpret the cognitions of their «road» to the future as a process of overcoming life difficulties to achieve life goals.
Young people interpreted the concept of «self-realization» within 12 associations.
Figure 6. Quantitative indicators of cognitions of the semantic field «Self-realization»
These associations embodied their desire for self-realization in various spheres of life, including «popularity», «career», «hobby», «creativity», «social activity», and more.
O.P. (17.1 years) noted: «I strive to realize myself, to become successful and famous.» A similar interpretation was given by S.B. (18.0 years): «I dream of becoming a famous person.» G.A. (20.2 years) commented, «I see self-realization first of all in a career, in respect for other people». According to I.K. (20.5 years), «Selfrealization involves the completion of planned important affairs. I want my loved ones to be proud of me».
This indicates that the respondents saw their further self-realization mainly in the social world. Unfortunately, among their associations, there were no implicit aspirations for self-development of their features or expansion of their spiritual potential. During late adolescence, the cognitions of the semantic field «selfrealization» and «future» become more specific. The ideas of young men and women about their self-realization are reoriented from the desire for social recognition to the focus on the implementation of the project of their future.
Although professional self-determination in psychological science is traditionally considered to be the leading activity of the individual in adolescence, the concept of «profession» among all the semantic constructs of the respondents formed the narrowest field: only ten associations.
Figure 7. Quantitative indicators of cognitions of the semantic field «Profession»
These associations reflected both the desire of the participants of the experiment for professional growth («training», «skills development», «professional experience») and the focus on formal aspects of the results of further work («position», «cohesive team», «comfort»). Thus, young men and women in designing their future strive to «work in a comfortable environment and a close-knit team, have a decent wage» (S.K., 17.6 years), as well as «get a high position, make a successful career» (O. Sh., 18.3 years). Compared to them, respondents aged 20-21 not only create social goals for their professional development but also plan the means to achieve them and attract additional resources. Thus, A.L. (20.2 years) noted: «I am going to constantly study, take various pieces of training, develop my potential.» E.S. (20.8 years) commented: «I understand the need to constantly improve my skills, build capabilities in order to make a successful career».
It is significant to note that 27 uncertain («fate», «further life», «will continue») and unstructured negative («problems», «difficult life», «lack of freedom») associations testified the participants' unclear formation of ideal images of their future in the chronotope and indicated their willingness to accept social difficulties and insufficiently developed motivation to make their efforts to overcome these difficulties.
To study the specifics of the concretization of the researched nuclear semantic constructs at the level of ideal images of life achievements in the future, we used the «Method of five-year intervals» (Leontyev, 2003). Furthermore, based on the scientific provisions developed by us (Bulakh, 2016; Grinova, 2018), all participants were included in the following types of structures of life goals:
- intimate and personal, reflecting the focus on the formation of family and marriage relationships, the birth and upbringing of children;
- a professional type which embodies the desire of the individual for professional growth and career;
- a spiritual type that underlines young people's desire for spiritual growth and self-development.
In the chronotope of the future, each of these structures can be short-term (goals are presented for the next 10-15 years), long-term (life goals are formed before the age of 50-60 years) and long-term (young people design life goals during retirement age). The structure of life goals can also be holistic and intermittent (life goals are not presented in all 5-year intervals). The results of the quantitative distribution of respondents by the structure formation of life goals are shown in Fig. 8.
Figure 8. Quantitative indicators of life goals formation of young people
psycholinguistic adolescent associative experiment
As it can be seen from Fig. 8, the intimate-personal structure of life goals is the most significant to the participants. The amount of respondents in this structure is 16.66%, presented in the short-term perspective, have clearly shown nuclear concepts as «family» and «happiness», which are detailed by such associations as «children», «marriage», «well-being», «family welfare». Thus, it is once again confirmed that young people construct vital goals of marriage, birth and upbringing of children and care for their own family. Furthermore, they set goals for their future, mainly for the next 5-10 years of their lives. The cognitions of «happiness», «well-being», and «selfrealization» are embodied in the desire for harmonious family life, the acquisition of one's housing and other expensive things, and the material well-being of one's family.
Among 26.33% of respondents with an extended structure of life goals, the concepts of «family» and «happiness» are complemented by «social success» and «profession». Within their own life goals, there are significant aspirations that reflect not only the formation of their own family but also the ability to provide for themselves and their families, as well as the desire to realize themselves in the profession (target concept «interesting work») and family life. They embody the cognitions of «social success», «happiness», and «profession» in the desire to make a successful career and get a position that will contribute to the well-being of their family and provide ample opportunities for caring for children and loved ones (remote, part-time work). The cognitions of «happiness» and «social success» are also realized in ideas about the further growing up of their children and their achievements in education, creativity, and sports.
We found out that 8.33% of respondents with a long-term structure of life goals. They formed the semantic concepts of «family», «way», and «social success». Among their life goals, there are aspirations like «to give children an education», «to provide children and grandchildren financially», and «to pay for children's education abroad.» We believe that the nuclear concept of the «path» forms an associative field of cognition that reflects the predictions of future life difficulties, and intends to construct their life goals with more life resources for themselves and their families.
The professional structure of life goals of the participants of the experiment was somewhat less definite. Respondents with a short-term structure (11.66%) prefer the concepts of «happiness» and «self-realization». They form goals only in the short term, reflecting specific social achievements. For example, respondents strive to get a well-paid job to purchase housing, and a car, receive various awards and have the opportunity to go on holiday abroad. They also imagine their self-realization as an opportunity in the future to demonstrate their achievements to friends and post them on social networks.
The long-term structure of life goals was constructed by 18.33% of respondents. They have the most apparent nuclear meanings such as «self-realization», «profession», «path», «social success», and «future». They embody the cognitions of their «profession» and «social success» not only in their striving for material enrichment but also in their efforts to improve the well-being of other people. The cognitions of the «future» are embodied in the respondents' desire for life-creation in the profession and the spread of their creative developments among many people. Young men and women specify ideas about their» path» in predicting difficulties on the way to achieving their life goals, readiness to make many efforts to overcome them and achieve goals even in a socially challenging environment.
Only 5.00% of boys and girls constructed a long-term professional structure of life goals. Instead, they embody their semantic constructs of «profession», «path», and «family» in focusing on achieving a high level of professionalism, complex and creative work, striving to benefit many people with their work and spread their life experience in society. In ideas about their future, professional and value development are closely connected. Therefore, it is believed that a successful path of professionalization will also contribute to their positive impact on the personal development of children and grandchildren.
In the short-term perspective, 10.83% of respondents demonstrated the spiritual structure of life goals. They embody their semantic concepts of «self-realization», «happiness», «path», using rather abstract purposes of «creative activity», «selfsearch», «opportunities to do your favourite thing», and the like. Young men and women demonstrate their focus on self-knowledge, self-analysis of their «I», and the creation of an autonomous image of their ideal future. However, their ideas about the specific forms of accomplishing such goals have not yet been determined.
Having an extended structure of life goals, 5.83% of young people supplemented nuclear semantic constructs with «family» and «future». These respondents strive not only for personal and spiritual growth but also formulated goals of decent moral education for their children, «mentoring» for young people in various social groups and promoting the development of humanism values in modern Ukrainian society.
In modern psycholinguistics, the world image is viewed as an essential construct of human language consciousness, which is formed in the internalization and creative transformation of social experience. The high complexity of a person's construction of their world image is explained not only by the need of the recipient for communication and perceiving the system of common values in the context of messages of another communicator but also by the need to decipher the individual meanings inserted in these values.
Further human activity in organizing their semantic cognition implies the need for their organization and integration into the chronotope of life. The concretization of an individual's meanings in the chronotope of their future occurs in the form of life goals - ideal images of those achievements that person seeks to realize in his/her life and transmit into future life and the processes of meaning-making processes of others.
The results of the empirical study allowed us to state that the semantic field of the phenomenon of designing by young men and women of their life paths is clearly structured. Their most pronounced nuclear concepts are happiness, family, social success and future. During late adolescence, the semantic cognitions of young men and women who form these nuclear concepts change. Thus, young people's ideas about «happiness» spread in the social space from their lives to the well-being of significant others. They are being integrated with the constructs of other semantic fields, particularly «family» and «social success». In the semantic field of «family», there is a shift in emphasis from constructing ideas about one's ideal family to the desire to help one's loved ones and take care of them. The cognitions of the semantic fields of the future and social success become more apparent and less mercantile, aimed at finding the best ways to achieve life goals.
The concept of «path» reflects the desire of today's young people to design their lives autonomously. The abstractness of the cognitions that make up the content of these semantic fields reflects the high complexity of forming a complete image of one's future as a young adult. However, during the age under study, the respondents' cognitions in these fields become clearer and reflect specific plans to achieve life goals and readiness to overcome difficulties.
The narrowest field of associations was found in the core of «profession». Although professional self-determination is the leading activity of a person in youth, modern young people project the existing meanings of life in the processes of professional self-realization quite a bit. However, the respondents did not indicate the meaningful aspects of their further professional growth in the interpretation of the cognitions of the semantic fields of «happiness», «social success», and «future». Therefore, unfortunately, we can state that the respondents of adolescence age integrate the most relevant and personally significant components of the semantic field of designing their future mainly with the formal aspects of professional growth, i.e. career and material benefits.
The success of young men and women in designing their future is largely determined by the development of their ability to create a clear structure of life goals deployed in time. We can state that in late youth, a person does not yet construct a balanced project for their future. Most often, young men and women are dominated by aspirations for self-realization either in the intimate-personal or professional aspects of life. The basis for forming these life goal structures is formed by the cognitions of the associative areas of «family» and «profession», respectively. Since «family» is the broadest associative area of the concept under study, more than a half of the respondents project their future regarding intimate-personal relationships. On the other hand, the associative area of «profession» among boys and girls is much less pronounced than that of «family». Therefore, only for a third of the respondents, the cognitions of the professional line of life design became a priority.
The duration of the projection by young people of their life goals in time is determined by the integration of the semantic fields of «family» and «profession» with other associative areas. Thus, the integration of nuclear semantic constructs and related associative cognitions of these fields with the constructs of «happiness» and «self-realization» is manifested in their creation of a short-term perspective that covers only the near future and involves employment, marriage, and having children.
The integration of «family» and «profession» cognitions with ideas about one's own «future» and «social success» contributes to the construction of a long-term structure of life goals. We believe that, unlike ideas about self-realization at the level of specific achievements, young people interpret success in life as a productive life activity for a long time. In contrast to the short-term one, in the long-term structure of young men's and women's life goals, the integration of the cognitions of the semantic fields of «family» and «profession» has taken place already.
The long-term structure of life goals was found only in a small number of young men and women. Nevertheless, they successfully implemented the integration of the priority cognitions of «family» and «profession» in the intimate-personal and professional lines of the future following the associations of the most subjectively complex associative area of the «path». The latter reflects the holistic ideas of young people about their future life path. The formation of such ideas in young men reflects their maturity.
The cognitions of the associative area of «path» are also pivotal in the semantic field of designing the future of those young people who form the spiritual structure of life goals, which reflects their focus on further personal self-development.
Thus, we can state that both the formation of the associative areas of the semantic field of the concept of designing a life path and their integration determine the focus of young men and women on designing the future in the intimate-personal, professional or spiritual aspects of life, as well as the duration of the deployment of their life design lines in time.
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