Creative potential of the personality of the future foreign language teacher as the basis of professional direction

Connection of intellectual and creative abilities of future specialists. The place and role of intelligence in the structure of creative activity and creative potential of an individual. Highlighting the main forms of manifestation of creative activity.

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Дата добавления 26.02.2023
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Chornous Vira Petrivna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanities of Communal Establishment, Higher Education «Rivne Medical Academy»


In this article a comparative analysis of research on the problem of the development of the creative potential of the future foreign language teacher, formation of the creative process and definition the phenomenon of creativity was carried out, the main forms of the detection of creative activity and the development of creative thinking in research of domestic and foreign scientists were highlighted. Creative potential is defined by researchers as dynamic integrative quality in a set of personal abilities, knowledge, skills, beliefs, relationships that determines the need, readiness and possibility of creative self-realization and self-development.

It was determined that creative potential of the future teacher of a foreign language is a multi-component and multi-factorial phenomenon, which characterizes a set of knowledge, abilities and skills, personal and professional qualities and abilities, aimed at creating subjectively new things in pedagogical practice and determines the possibilities of the future specialist in creative activity. Creative potential is determined both by objective possibilities and by internal personal factors, among which the leading role is played by abilities and a special attitude of the individual towards creativity.

The main components of the creative potential of the future foreign language teacher are highlighted: motivation for creative activity, focus on self-realization, cognitive needs, focus on goal achievement, striving for success; creative abilities, nonstandard thinking, imagination, fantasy, intuition; creative experience, knowledge, skills and abilities to solve non-standard problems; character features of the individual: activity, initiative, persistence, confidence, independence.

The main features of the creative potential of the future foreign language teacher, the major features for the development of creativity and the connection between the intellectual and creative abilities of future specialists are considered. The place and role of intelligence in the structure of creative activity and the creative potential of an individual are analyzed.

Pedagogical conditions for the formation of the creative potential of future specialist are determined: the development of students' creative abilities in the process of studying academic disciplines; creating training aimed at forming the creative potential of students; creative activity of students during pedagogical practice; actualization of acquired knowledge, abilities and skills in the process of educational work.

Keywords: creativity, creative potential of personality, creative thinking, intelligence, education, creative activity, future foreign language teacher.


Чорноус Віра Петрівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри суспільно-гуманітарних наук, КЗВО «Рівненська медична академія».


У даній статті було проведено порівняльний аналіз досліджень із проблеми розвитку творчого потенціалу майбутнього вчителя іноземної мови, формування творчого процесу та визначення суті явища креативності, висвітлено основні форми прояву творчої діяльності та розвитку творчого мислення в дослідженнях вітчизняних та іноземних вчених. Творчий потенціал визначається дослідниками як динамічна інтегративна якість у сукупності особистісних здібностей, знань, умінь, переконань, відносин, що визначає потребу, готовність і можливість творчої самореалізації і саморозвитку.

Визначено, що творчий потенціал майбутнього вчителя іноземної мови виступає багатокомпонентним і багатофакторним явищем, що характеризує собою набір знань, умінь і навичок, особистісних і професійних якостей та здібностей, направлених на створення суб'єктивно і об'єктивно нового в педагогічній практиці та зумовлює можливості майбутнього фахівця до творчої діяльності. Творчий потенціал визначається як об'єктивними можливостями, так і внутрішньо особистісними чинниками, серед яких провідну роль відіграють здібності і особливе ставлення особистості до творчості.

Виділено основні компоненти творчого потенціалу майбутнього вчителя іноземної мови: мотивація до творчої діяльності, спрямованість на самореалізацію, пізнавальні потреби, спрямованість на досягнення мети, прагнення до успіху; творчі здібності, нестандартне мислення, уява, фантазія, інтуїція; досвід творчої діяльності, знання, вміння та навички щодо розв'язання нестандартних задач; характерологічні особливості особистості: активність, ініціативність, наполегливість, впевненість, самостійність.

Розглянуто основі ознаки творчого потенціалу майбутнього вчителя іноземної мови, основні чинники розвитку творчості, а також визначено зв'язок інтелектуальних та творчих здібностей майбутніх фахівців. Проаналізовано місце та роль інтелекту в структурі творчої діяльності та творчого потенціалу особистості.

Визначено педагогічні умови формування творчого потенціалу майбутнього фахівця: розвиток творчих здібностей студентів у процесі вивчення навчальних дисциплін; креативне навчання, спрямованого на формування творчого потенціалу студентів; творча активність студентів під час педагогічної практики; актуалізація набутих знань, умінь і навичок у процесі навчально-виховної роботи.

Ключові слова: творчість, творчий потенціал особистості, творче мислення, інтелект, освіта, творча діяльність, майбутній вчитель іноземної мови.

Formulation of the problem

In modern conditions of globalization the development of educational activity, the problem of training the future creative teacher for further professional work implementation on the labor market becomes extremely important. Special actuality it acquires in connection with the radical reformation of modern higher education associated with rapid dynamic changes in modern social conditions which require a person to have powerful creative reserves. The current state of education development in Ukraine is characterized by its reformation in all educational fields. Training of qualified educational workers is an important area of educational renewal. Innovative phenomena that are observed in modern education cause the need to change the guidelines for the teacher's educational activity and the requirements for his personal qualities.

In nowadays it is necessary to form a new type of future specialist who possesses intellectual and business qualities that will contribute to his productive professional activity in the education system. In modern conditions of the formation of a creative personality, the problem of defining creative potential as a scientific category is quite relevant. The strategic task of reforming education in Ukraine is self-realization and self-development of a creative personality. Every country cares about the creative potential of society and individuals in particular. Creativity is defined as integral component of a person's professional activity. The need for self-realization is relevant for any person and for a teacher it is relevant due to the nature of his profession and its high value status formed in the pedagogical tradition. Therefore it is important to lay the foundation for their creative self-development even at the stage of professional training of students in the higher education institution. The need to intensify creatively transforming activities in the conditions of new realities of social development caused the need for depth scientific development of the creative potential of an individual.

Research analysis. Creativity is considered as integral part of a person's professional activity. The need for the formation of a creative and competitive personality in the conditions of new realities of social development caused the need for scientific development of the problem of creativity.

The analysis of research and publications shows a significant interest of scientists in the problem of development and determination of the essence of the creative potential of the future foreign language teacher. Considerable attention in the modern science is paid to the issues of training creative personality (V. Zagvyazynskyi, N. Kichuk, S. Sysoeva); activation of creative activity of future specialists (D. Bohoyavlenska, O. Morozov); formation of creativity (V. Davydov, D. Elkonin, M. Nazarenko). A deep analysis of the formation of value orientations was made by both foreign and domestic scientists, among them Y. Gatanov, D. Bohoyavlenska, J. Gilford, O. Matyushkin, V. Molyako, K. Rogers, S. Sysoeva can be singled out.

The problem of formation the creative potential was considered in domestic and foreign studies from the standpoint of professional training of future teacher. This led to the accumulation of positive experience in the development of the main theoretical provisions on this problem. Thus, V. Bibler, M. Danilov, K. Kedrov, P. Kopshchyn, O, Korshunov and others considered the philosophical aspect of creativity in their works. The psychological foundations of this problem are outlined in the works of D. Bohoyavlenska, L. Vygotsky, V. Davydov, D. Elkonin, O. Leontiev, A, Luk, Ya. Ponomaruev, S. Rubinstein and others. The pedagogical aspect of the problem of formation of creative activity is considered in the works of V. Andreev, D. Vilkeev, M. Danilov, N. Kychuk, M. Makhmutov, I. Ogorodnikov, N. Polovnilova, I. Rodak, S. Sysoeva, M. Skatkina, T. Shamova, G. Shchukina and others.

In psychological and pedagogical sciences the potential of an individual is described in the following psychological terms: opportunities, predispositions, abilities, needs, value orientations, personality qualities, inclinations, structured resources, creative impulses, internal energy, productive forces, needs to know oneself and others. In addition, the potential of the individual is associated with the processes of actualization, realization, deployment, reproduction, disclosure, embodiment, ascent to oneself, the desire «to go beyond one's own boundaries», self-expression, self-affirmation, self-realization, development (interactive, role, sociocultural), internalization.

The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of the phenomenon of the creative potential of the future foreign language teacher as the basis of professional direction.

The main material

The creative potential of a person is personal characteristic of a person and not a set of his personal traits, human individuality is unique and unrepeatable, and its realization involves the creation of something new that did not exist before. The characteristic of a creative potential is the discovery of one's own individuality, which is expressed in emotions and feelings.

Creative potential, by its nature, is an integrating quality of an individual, which characterizes the degree of his ability to set and solve new tasks in the field of his activity, which is of social importance. Therefore, it is necessary to measure creative potential not only by the novelty and significance of the objectified results of creative activity, but also by those changes in the personal structure of the subject of creativity, which lead to changes in the character and content of his life manifestation as a result of self-improvement and self-realization of the individual [8, p. 169]. creative abilities intelligence

Academician V. Molyako proposed his own concept of the formation of a creative personality and realization of its creative potential. The scientist defines creative potential as integrative property of the individual, which characterized the degree of opportunities to carry out the creative activity, readiness and ability for creative self-realization and self-development. Creative potential is a system that is hidden from external observation, the bearer of creative potential himself sometimes has little or no knowledge of his creative potential. You can talk about the real creative capabilities of a specific person only on the basis of the performed activities. Creative potential becomes not an imaginary, but a real projected value only when it is realized in inventions, constructions, books, films [7].

The system of the creative potential of an individual is quite thoroughly disclosed in the writings of V. Molyako. He singles out its basic components:

- predispositions, tendencies, that are manifested in sensitivity, a certain selectivity, advantages, as well as dynamism of mental processes;

- interests, their orientation, frequency and systematic findings, dominance of cognitive interests;

- curiosity, desire to create something new, inclination to solve creative problems;

- quickness in assimilation of new information;

- tendency to constant comparisons for further selections;

- manifestation of general intelligence, grasping, understanding, quickness of assessment and decision making, adequacy of actions;

- emotional coloring of individual processes, emotional attitude, influence of feelings on subjective assessment, choice, preference;

- perseverance, purposefulness, decisiveness, diligence, systematic work, bold decision making;

- creativity the ability to combine find analogies, reconstruct, tendency to change options, economy in decisions, rational use of means, time;

- the ability to make assessments, decisions, forecasts; quick mastering of abilities, skills, techniques;

- the ability to develop personal strategies and tactics in solving general and special new problems, tasks and finding the way out of difficult, non-standard situations [ 7, p. 91].

A new approach to definition of creative potential was proposed by D. Bohoyavlenska who looks potential as intellectual activity, which, in turn, is an integral property of a hypothetical system, the main components of which are intellectual and motivational factors of mental activity. Mental abilities stimulate the intellectual activity of the individual. A creative personality, according to D. Bohoyavlenska's research shows a positive attitude towards others, a desire for informal relationships in communication. Such individuals are able to empathize and sympathize with others, they try to be in the center of the team. These results indicate a connection between the subject's intellectual activity and activity in the field of subject relations [1].

Not only D. Bohoyavlenska and many other authors use the term «creativity» in the context of research on creative potential. Views on the nature of creativity are revealed in the works of S. Arieti, E. Krys, L. Kubi.

I. Lvova, following approach of D. Bohoyavlenska, singles out four groups of personal qualities of a creative subject, which constitute the creative potential of an individual:

- worldview qualities: an active life position, optimism, harmony, humanity; devotion to one's ideals and principles; a high sense of duty, patriotism, a high level of development of aesthetic feelings; a desire for the process of creativity, discoveries, spiritual growth, self-discovery, self-expression;

- valuable qualities: benevolence, tact, sincerity, diligence, criticality;

- intellectual qualities: foresight (the ability to predict events, actions); inquisitiveness, observation, a sense of humor, flexibility of the mind (the ability to make adequate decisions, depending on the situations); variability of thinking, independence of thought, a high level of intuition development, erudition, enthusiasm for the content of the activity, the ability to analyze and synthesize; originality, initiative;

- willed qualities: purposefulness, perseverance, courage, ability to complete the work started, ability to assert oneself, endurance, courage and resilience, self-confidence [6, pp. 45-46].

According to S. Sysoeva, creativity is determined by creative activity is a foundation of a creative personality. The author considers creativity as a set of those features of the mind that ensure productive transformations in the activity of the individual. S. Sysoeva defines the signs of creativity: originality, semantic flexibility, figurative, adaptive flexibility, semantic spontaneous flexibility, ability to perceive shortcomings, gaps in knowledge, insufficient elements, disharmony. The author also points out the existence of the dependence between creativity and such traits as a tendency to self-actualization, quick thinking, impulsiveness, independence of thought, originality [9, p. 130].

V. Lyhvar defines creative potential as a set of creative abilities, necessary for creative activity, and notes that driving force and core of creative potential are internal factors of the individual. They are important factors in person's self-development, self-realization, self-activity, free actions. The scientists emphasizes that creative potential is a universal, integral quality of a person, the meaningful determination of which is manifested in creative activity through the acquisition of material and spiritual values, self-development and self-realization of the individual [5].

The study of the problem of the development of the creative potential of the future teacher of a foreign language makes it possible to determine that the potential is formed in the process of acquiring new knowledge and practical skills during the educational process and practical activities. An important role is played by self education which allows you to direct pedagogical work in classes and outside of school hours to pedagogical creativity and also creates conditions for the development of the creative potential of future foreign language teacher and makes it possible to improve the educational process.

Innovative pedagogical experience is the basis of the creative potential of the future foreign language teacher and the result of creative pedagogical activity, which can be defined as a search in conditions of uncertainty. Pedagogical creativity is considered as a special type of activity of the future foreign language teacher, aimed at creating qualitatively new products that have subjective and social value. The personal aspect of pedagogical creativity, a set of mental qualities, characteristics of a creative personality, which includes imagination, flexibility of mind, divergent thinking, internal motivation and a set of other mental properties, is effectively studied, using factor analysis and other statistical methods that allow describing not only the personality of the future teacher of a foreign language, but also the impact on the productivity of his pedagogical work, social situations, education, gender, age and other factors. The foundations of the creative potential of the future teacher are formed in the process of professional training and develop in the future pedagogical activity.

Among the structural components of the creative potential of an individual, the central place belongs to the qualities of thinking. J. Gilford claims that such characteristics of thinking as speed, flexibility, originality and accuracy are of particular importance for creativity [12]. This position is also followed by E. Torrens. It is quite natural that well-developed logical thinking is necessary for productive creative activity, since the creative process begins with formulation of a problematic situation: analyzing the existing situation, identifying its imperfection, proposing the ultimate goal, identifying the contradiction between the given situation and the ultimate goal. Developed intuitive thinking is important in the structure of a person's creative potential, since a new idea is the result of crossing two independent lines, a leap of thought aimed at overcoming a psychological barrier which is carried out at an intuitive level [13].

Formation and realization of creative potential are dependent on internal factors, among which natural conditions (general giftedness, predispositions) are of fundamental importance; experience (knowledge, skills and abilities); character features (independence, initiative, strong-willed qualities, motivation, self-regulation) [8].

The internal factors affecting the formation and realization of the creative potential of an individual include: natural conditions, endowments, general giftedness, experience, knowledge, ability, skills); character features (independence, initiative, willed qualities); motivational indicators (self-development, self-regulation). At the same time, the important role of character qualities, which perform the function of means of influencing natural gifts, helping to transform them into creative activity was noted [3, p. 17].

Pedagogical conditions under which the process of forming the creative potential of students takes place include:

- actualization of creative potential of students in the process of studying professional educational disciplines;

- organization of creative and dialogic training aimed at forming the creative potential of students;

- stinti Hatofii of tile activity of future tender regarding to me manifestation of the acquired abilities and skills of creative work in the process of pedagogical practice [4].

Creative potential and creative personality have tendency to express themselves and get achievements according to their capabilities. Only the personality itself can realize its creative uniqueness. Creative activity is a condition for identifying and developing the creative potential of a future teacher and mechanism for realizing his creative abilities. In the process of productive activity creative potential is realized and accumulated in the creative activity of the individual. Accordingly, the creative potential and creative activity of the individual appear together, complementing each other [11].

Among a number of factors that influence the formation and realization of the creative potential of an individual are predispositions (as innate quality), social environment (external conditions of influence) and personal activity (life position of an individual), the last factor defines an individual as a unique holistic system that possesses the potential continuous self-development and self-realization [10].

The definition of creative potential as an integrative property shows that the establishment of any potential formation can be imagined as a multi-level process, in which at each subsequent level already formed abilities enter into a new synthesis with personal and psychological formations: interests, needs, motives. Integration is characteristic both for temporal levels of creativity (past, present, future) and for reproductive (which includes the reproduction of a previously updated level in the light of new creative tasks) and productive components. The concept of creative potential characterizes the set of fundamental properties of a person, which are integrated into his capabilities and are able to ensure an effective flow of productive activity, in which the person is included. The most difficult in the context of these issues are the problems of developing the potential of an individual [2].

The analysis the various theoretical approaches to revealing the essence of creative potential allows us to identify the main characteristics of the teacher's personal abilities: ingenuity, imagination, critical thinking, openness to everything new which allows us to bear full responsibility for our actions and understand them. However, creativity is impossible without an ideal, it is also impossible without another essential prerequisite, personality. Therefore, the creative process is the objectification of personal potential directed by an ideal [2].

Therefore, potential should be understood as dynamic integral formation that determines the resource potential of human development and its ability to master and productively implement various types of activities. Potential is formed throughout life, beginning in childhood and continuing through adolescence and young adulthood. So, at the beginning of life a person strives for the development of his potential and then its full disclosure. From the point of view of many scientists, creative potential includes the properties of a person: thinking, memory, knowledge, beliefs. Common to all definitions of a potential is its ability to bring an individual to a new level of life activity. The foundations of the future teacher's creative potential are laid in the process of his professional training.

Thus, the potential that a future teacher of foreign language should possess, on the one hand, emphasizes the specificity of pedagogical activity, on the other hand, creativity in the teacher's activity.


The creative potential of an individual is a complex dynamic system of psychological qualities, the integral integrity of a perso n's natural and social forces, a set of abilities, opportunities and properties for the implementation of creative activity, the production of creative strategies and tactics in this process, which allows finding a unique, fundamentally new solution to problems, as well as ensuring the individual's subjective need for creative self-realization and self-development.

Creative potential is a prerequisite for the creative process, on the one hand, and its result, on the other ones. Creative potential is put in everyone and this opens up potential opportunities for its development.

The study of the problem of developing the creative potential of a future foreign language teacher makes it possible to determine that the creative potential of a teacher develops significantly during the period of acquiring new knowledge and practical skills during professional training. A special feature of every future specialist is self educational pedagogical activity, which allows you to direct your own pedagogical work in classes and outside of school hours and also creates conditions for development of students' creative potential and improvement of the educational process.

We see the prospect of further scientific research in the search and creation of effective ways of diagnosing the creative potential of the individual.


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