Psychological portrait of a modern university teacher: investigation and model creation

The directions and features of the professional activity of a teacher of a higher education institution. The personal qualities of a teacher of a higher school, which affect the effectiveness of his performance of all types of professional activities.

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National university of pharmacy

Psychological portrait of a modern university teacher: investigation and model creation

Hryhoriv Halyna Valeriivna,

candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, master's student at the department of educational and information technologies

Alokhina Nataliia Viktorivna,

candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, associate professor at the department of educational and information technologies


The presented article analyzes the results of research on modeling the psychological portrait of a modern university teacher. It is emphasized that the reforms and changes that are constantly taking place in the higher education system also apply to the requirements for teachers, including their personality and psychological portrait. Emphasis is placed on the relevance of developing a model of a modern teacher psychological portrait as a tool for self-development, as a standard for correct assessment of the quality of teaching work. It is noted that the introduction and application of such a model will improve the quality of educational services in Ukraine. The main directions and features of professional activity of the university teacher are revealed. The list of personal qualities of the university teacher which influence efficiency of his professional activity (educational, methodical, scientific, organizational, educational, etc.) is offered. The detailed results of the survey of students, research and teaching staff and administration of higher education institution on such components of a modern teacher psychological portrait as temperament, character, pedagogical abilities, pedagogical orientation (motivation), communicative competence, emotional intelligence, moral qualities, volitional qualities, self-control, self-esteem are presented.

It was determined that, according to the opinion of students, a university teacher should be a sanguine, extrovert, young person, with strong pedagogical motivation and highly developed communicative qualities, tactful, tolerant. It was established that for teachers themselves it is important to have a desire to transfer knowledge and experience, they pay attention to their own motivation, pedagogical orientation. The results of a survey of representatives of the administration of higher education institution are presented: sociability, decency, determination, responsibility, erudition, self-love make up the psychological portrait of a modern teacher. Based on the conducted research the model of a modern university teacher psychological portrait under the name `SOCIABLE MASTER' was offered.

Key words: university teacher, psychological portrait, personality, creation of a model, survey.


Психологічний портрет сучасного викладача ЗВО: дослідження та моделювання

Тригерів Галина Валеріївна, кандидат фармацевтичних наук, магістрант кафедри освітніх та інформаційних технологій Національний фармацевтичний університет

Альохіна Наталія Вікторівна, кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри освітніх та інформаційних технологій Національний фармацевтичний університет

У статті аналізуються результати дослідження щодо моделювання психологічного портрету сучасного викладача закладу вищої освіти. Підкреслюється, що реформи та зміни, які постійно відбуваються у системі вищої освіти, стосуються і вимог до викладачів, в тому числі до їх особистості та психологічного портрету. Наголошується на актуальності розробки моделі психологічного портрету сучасного викладача як інструменту для саморозвитку викладача, як еталону коректної оцінки якості його діяльності. Зауважується, що впровадження та застосування такої моделі дозволить підвищити якість надання освітніх послуг у ЗВО України. Розкриваються головні напрями та особливості професійної діяльності викладача ЗвО. Запропоновано перелік особистісних якостей викладача вищої школи, які впливають на ефективність виконання ним всіх видів робіт, що містяться у професійній діяльності: навчальної, методичної, наукової, організаційної, виховної тощо. Наведено детальні результати опитування здобувачів вищої освіти, науково-педагогічних працівників та адміністрації закладу вищої освіти щодо таких складників психологічного портрету сучасного викладача, як темперамент, характер, педагогічні здібності, педагогічна спрямованість (мотивація), комунікативна компетенція, емоційний інтелект, моральні якості, вольові якості, самоконтроль, самооцінка.

Визначено, що, на думку здобувачів вищої освіти, викладач має бути сангвініком, екстравертом, людиною молодого віку, з вираженою педагогічною мотивацією та високо розвиненими комунікативними якостями, відкритим, тактовним, толерантним. встановлено, що для науково-педагогічних працівників є характерним прагнення передавати знання та досвід, вони приділяють увагу власній мотивації, педагогічній спрямованості. Представлено результати опитування представників адміністрації закладу вищої освіти: комунікабельність, порядність, рішучість, відповідальність, ерудованість, любов до себе, роботи та оточуючих складають психологічний портрет сучасного викладача. На основі проведеного дослідження запропоновано модель психологічного портрету сучасного викладача закладу вищої освіти «ВСЕСВІТ ЯКОСТЕЙ».

Ключові слова: викладач, психологічний портрет, особистість, моделювання, анкетування.


It was the idea of Konstantin Ushinsky that the success of learning first and foremost depends on the teacher. Therefore, it is not surprising that nowadays discussions on the `quality of teachers', terms such as `competence' and `standard' are still in progress. In different countries these terms take on different meanings, which lead to different definitions of quality. However, `teacher quality' should be a general concept that includes not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also personal qualities - such as respect, care, courage, empathy and personal values, attitudes, beliefs, etc. In this case the relationship between the quality of teaching and the personality of teacher, his psychological portrait becomes evident (Tateo, 2012). And this is the area that can be worked on only by each teacher personally, of course, having a certain coordinate system, i.e. personality models, as well as motivation and desire.

However, according to the literature data (Kyriacou, 2000), the training of future teachers and the evaluation of the quality of teaching staff focuses more on `how to teach' rather than `who is a teacher' or `how to become a good teacher'. At the beginning of the 2019/2020 academic year, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine reported that 105,984 scientific and pedagogical employees, 44,876 pedagogical employees and 6,049 scientific employees work in higher education institutions. Higher education reform processes are underway to improve the material and technical base, optimize the educational process and methodological support, but the teacher, although the main figure in solving many tasks set for higher education, still remains out of focus. At the same time, the constant changes also apply to the requirements for teachers, including their personality and psychological portrait. However, what should be done in this direction remains unclear, especially to those teachers who do not have higher pedagogical education.

In addition, it should be noted that the range of requirements for the teacher's personality is related to the breadth of this professional activity. The latter includes not only teaching, but also scientific, international, methodological work and many other aspects. Therefore, the teacher's personality should not only change according to the surrounding context and conditions, but also include a variety of characteristics given the wide range of professional activity components. Thus, the task of creating a model of a modern university teacher psychological portrait, taking into account all aspects of professional activity, age and teaching experience, is currently highly relevant.

1. Theoretical substantiation of the problem

The author (Budyansky, 2017) defines the professional activity of a university teacher as a qualified mental work on training and education of highly qualified specialists from all branches of the national economy, the intellectual elite of the Ukrainian society.

The analysis of the literature data reveals that the professional activity of a modern university teacher is multidimensional and includes educational, methodical, scientific, organizational, informational work. It is an integrated complex of various types of work based on the theoretical knowledge, practical skills, teaching experience and personal qualities.

The author (Pidkaminna) in her work on the psychological and pedagogical model of a high school teacher and its implementation, points to the following necessary for this type of activity personal qualities, socio - psychological traits and pedagogical abilities: civic traits, moral and psychological qualities, scientific pedagogical qualities, individual psychological features, professional and pedagogical abilities. It should be noted that the requirements for the personal qualities of teachers are included into the System of rating evaluation of scientific and pedagogical staff of the National University of Pharmacy.

In general, the teacher's personality largely determines the quality of his professional activity, and psychological competence in the structure of personality is one of the most important and crucial components.

A detailed review of psychological studies of the teacher's personality is presented by author (Gqncz, 2017), who notes that to assess the role of the teacher's personality and create a model of psychological portrait of the latter existing theories of personality in general psychology can be used.

Due to the current lack of such a model, this issue is relevant. The creation of a model of the psychological portrait of a modern university teacher should take into account the requirements of the individual and can be carried out based on the comprehensive surveys of all stakeholders of higher education.

2. Methodology and methods

In order to model the psychological portrait of a modern university teacher, we chose the following components for further assessment: temperament, character, pedagogical abilities, pedagogical orientation (motivation), communication skills, emotional intelligence, moral qualities, volitional qualities, self-control, self-esteem.

A survey was chosen as a research method, using the capabilities of the Google resource, namely - filling out an electronic Google form by respondents. It was developed in Ukrainian and English; it contained 15 questions in order to determine respondents' opinions on individual psychological characteristics of a university teacher (including temperament, character, pedagogical abilities, motivation to choose a profession, etc.) and their connection with modern features of professional activity. The chosen method allowed conducting a survey among a wide audience in a short period of time. Furthermore, the capabilities of this resource allowed to analyze, store, process the information obtained and use it to formulate the results and conclusions of the study.

Research on the components of the psychological portrait of a modern university teacher was conducted in National University of Pharmacy. 348 participants took part in the survey, namely:

- students of NUPh - 286 persons (including 256 domestic students of 1-5 courses and postgraduate students, as well as 30 foreign students studying in English);

- scientific and pedagogical staff of NUPh (Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Educational and Information Technologies, Technologies of Pharmaceuticals) - 55 people;

- NUPh administration (vice-rectors, heads of departments) - 7 persons.

3. Results and discussions

One of the first scientists who decided to assess the identity of a university teacher through a questionnaire was Lamke (Lamke, 1951). He used Cattell's theory of personality, the so-called `16-factor model' (Cattell, 1950). According to the obtained results, Lamke described the traits and behavior of successful and unsuccessful teachers. Using Cattell's 16 factors, he found that more successful teachers had above-average scores for factors F (liveliness) and H (social boldness). As for factor F, they were more talkative, positive, cheerful, calm, open and impulsive, while in factor H (social boldness) they were distinguished by artistry, sociability, interest in people of the opposite sex. Less successful teachers had below-average F-scores.

Among the components of the psychological portrait of a modern university teacher, which we investigated, the vast majority can be developed by the individual. However, temperament and extraversion/introversion, which are innate qualities and cannot be radically changed, are also important in the teacher's activity.

While evaluating teachers by type of temperament, students gave the greatest preference to sanguine (59% of domestic students) and choleric (30% of foreign students). We can note the coincidence of opinion on this issue among teachers and students.

Regarding extraversion/introversion, the results were as follows: 92% of domestic and 87% of foreign students believe that extroverted teachers become more successful in their professional activities, while only 8% and 13% of them choose introverts, respectively. Also, 89% of surveyed teachers believe that extroverts will be more successful in teaching.

Representatives of the administration gave a clear preference to sanguine and extroverts on the issue of temperament type and extraversion/introversion. The obtained results correlate with the scientific data related to this topic. Thus, a survey of a selected group of the best university teachers in the United States using the MBTI (Myers - Briggs Type Inventory) questionnaire (Boyle, 1995) based on Jung's theory of psychological types (Jung, 1971) revealed the predominance of the EIFP model (Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling and Perceiving). The ESFJ model (Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling and Judging) prevailed for `typical' teachers.

The next question concerned the character, namely - those qualities that a university teacher should develop. The following options were introduced with the possibility to choose one of them: attitude to work, attitude to other people, attitude to things, attitude to oneself.

According to the opinion of domestic students the teacher should pay the most attention to the development of those character traits that relate to interaction with other people (sensitivity, tact, respect). International students highly appreciated the importance of attitude to work (accuracy, diligence, honesty, creativity). The last position for both groups was taken by the attitude to things.

Answering the questions about the purposeful development of certain character traits, teachers gave the first place to the attitude to work.

Representatives of the administration were the only group of respondents who drew attention to the importance of the teacher developing character traits related to his personality at the same level as the attitude to work and even greater than the attitude to other people.

The second block of questions concerned pedagogical abilities and motivation. The aim was to find out the respondents' opinion on why a person chooses to teach and whether he or she can develop the necessary abilities. According to the results of the survey, domestic (foreign) students believe that pedagogical abilities:

- need to be developed - 56% (30%);

- can be acquired in the process of work - 23% (27%);

- can be acquired in the learning process - 20% (40%);

- are inborn - 1% (3%).

One can trace the correlation between the responses of students and teachers, namely, according to the latter pedagogical abilities:

- need to be developed - 56%;

- can be acquired in the process of work - 38%;

- are inborn - 6%.

Pedagogical abilities according to representatives of the administration:

- need to be developed - 72%;

- can be acquired in the process of work - 14%;

- are inborn - 14%.

As for motivation, the desire to transfer knowledge and experience is or should be in the opinion of respondents a decisive factor in choosing a teaching profession. In addition, a significant number of respondents chose the desire to engage in scientific activities and communicate with young people, which actually reflects the three main areas of work carried out by modern university teachers. A quarter of the surveyed domestic students chose the example of parents, while for foreign students this figure was minimal (1 person). In the penultimate place was prestige, and the least important appeared to be random choice, which indicates that pedagogical activities, according to students, person chooses consciously, which undoubtedly has an impact on further professional development.

The teachers in the issue of pedagogical motivation gave the first position to the desire to transfer knowledge and experience, and the last position was occupied by a random choice that coincides with the opinion of students.

Regarding the motivation for pedagogical activity, which is seen as possible by the representatives of the administration, it should be noted the lack of random choice in the answers.

teacher higher education personal

As for the psychological qualities that determine the style of work of the teacher (authoritarian, liberal, democratic), the preferences were as follows:

- sociable, intelligent, tactful, cheerful teacher was chosen by the majority of students;

- passionate about science, creative, purposeful, tolerant, decent teacher was elected by the majority of administration representatives;

- teacher, who knows his subject well, demanding, honest, serious, responsible teacher was chosen by the majority of teachers.

One of the questions was designed as the evaluation of the main components of the psychological portrait of the modern university teacher on a 5-point scale. It's worth to mention that none of the proposed components was assessed as unimportant. The leaders among the students were motivation, communicative and moral qualities, self-control. In general, according to this block of questions, it is the communicative competence and the quality of communication with the teacher that students emphasize in their assessments.

Assessing the components of the psychological portrait of the teacher on a 5-point scale, the least marks teachers gave to emotionality, and the highest - to communicative qualities.

In the same question representatives of the administration revealed the highest demands. The lowest average mark was 4.1 for emotionality, and communicative qualities were rated on average at the highest score - 5.0.

Regarding the age of teachers, all groups of respondents preferred young teachers because they better understand students and it is easier to find common ground with them.

The opinion of students on whether there is a contradiction between the psychological qualities of a teacher who is focused on education and one who is focused on science was interesting. Among domestic students, 60% believe that it exists because it is a different professional activity, and 40% believe that it is not, because the university teachers should be scientists as well. Among foreign students, the distribution of `yes' and `no' answers was 57% and 43%, respectively.

In contrast to students, teachers mostly do not see a contradiction between the psychological qualities of a teacher who is focused on education and one who is focused on science. 55% of them are of the opinion that they are at the same time scientists and therefore do not have such a conflict. However, 45% of respondents expressed the opposite understanding of this issue, which indicates that it still remains problematic.

It is noteworthy that the views on the existence of such a contradiction are almost equally distributed among representatives of the administration. The answers were as follows: yes, because it is a different professional activity - 57%; no, because university teachers are at the same time scientists - 43%. This point of view is interesting, because for the administration, each teacher must be a scientist at the same time, and the relevant requirements are contained in legislative and local regulations.

To find out how the assessment of a teacher's performance during distance learning changes, the questionnaire asked whether respondents who think that teachers who work successfully offline remain just as successful in distance learning. The results among domestic (foreign) students were as follows:

- remain, because it does not matter - 44% (50%);

- remain, because change their approach to teaching - 38% (27%);

- do not remain, because the interaction with students changes - 17% (17%);

- do not remain, because they try to use traditional learning technologies - 1% (6%).

According to the opinion of the majority of teachers to work successfully they need to reorient in approaches to studying process.

Representatives of the administration believe that in any case, teachers under the new conditions remain successful, but for two reasons: remain, because they change the approach to teaching - 57%; remain because it does not matter - 43%.

In the future, according to all groups of respondents, the teaching profession will be significantly transformed, but will exist.

Finally, the questionnaire contained an open question in which respondents were able to express their own opinions and write down the psychological characteristics that they thought each teacher should possess.

All students' answers were related to communication skills, as well as humanity, tact, ability and desire to teach, transfer knowledge and work with students. Thus, from the point of view of students, the teacher should be a sanguine, extrovert, young person, with strong pedagogical motivation and highly developed communicative qualities. Open, tactful, tolerant communication is what students expect in interaction with the teacher.

In answering the same question teachers pointed out such psychological characteristics as sociability, tact, fairness, and often - stress resistance, professionalism, responsibility, decency. They think that the desire to transfer knowledge and experience is important, as well as motivation, pedagogical orientation. Teachers perceive their activity, first of all, as professional, including scientific, but at the same time also determine the importance of developing communicative competence for successful self-realization.

Among the psychological characteristics that each teacher should have, representatives of the administration noted: sociability, decency, determination, responsibility, erudition, love towards other people, work and themselves.

According to the above mentioned results of the survey, a ten-component model of the psychological portrait of a modern university teacher was developed:

1. Temperament.

The most suitable for the professional activity of a university teacher according to our survey is the type of temperament sanguine/ extrovert. Withintheframeworkofourmodel, we propose to carry out psychological diagnostics and determine the type of temperament at the stage of choosing a profession (at least as a self-study). In practice, mixed temperament types are usually detected. This will mean that the future teacher, if he or she chooses this profession, will understand the peculiarities of his temperament, his strengths and weaknesses, and will be able to further use this knowledge to achieve success and professional realization.

2. Character.

Character is a component that develops along with the development of personality. It is especially important for a university teacher to develop it in the areas of attitude to others, towards work and towards himself. For this component, constant reflection and the desire to harmonize the `I-real' and `I-ideal' are important.

3. Pedagogical abilities.

Didactic, academic, oratory, organizational skills can be developed through professional pedagogical education (lack of which is one of the problematic issues of modern higher education in Ukraine) or by taking specialized courses, including through online resources. It should be noted that this is also a constant process.

4. Pedagogical orientation (motivation).

The profession of a teacher cannot be chosen by chance, it is not chosen because of prestige or by following someone's example. This choice should be a vocation - a sincere desire to pass on knowledge and experience to future generations, participate in the training of qualified professionals, communicate with young people, and engage in scientific activities. Only in this case one can talk about real pedagogical orientation, which is one of the greatest guarantees for teachers of success and satisfaction with their own professional activities.

5. Communicative competence.

Communication is the cornerstone of pedagogical activity. University teachers communicate with students, colleagues and the administration, give lectures and conduct classes, make academic reports and research papers, present the results of their own investigations. According to the results of the survey, the developed communicative competence is most valued by students. It is also highly valued by the administration and teachers themselves.

6. Emotional intelligence.

The study of psychology helps to form this component, which is the reason for the combination of pedagogy and psychology in the professional training of future university teachers.

7. Moral qualities.

Fair, honest, sincere, decent, determined - this is an ideal university teacher for everyone. The moral qualities of the teacher have a significant impact, firstly, on the course of the educational process, and secondly, on the formation of the personality of students. After all, the teacher not only imparts knowledge and teaches a certain discipline, aspects of professional activity, but also educates, serves as an example to follow, even if he does not pay attention to it.

8. Volitional qualities.

Developed volitional qualities are the component of the psychological portrait of a university teacher, which are important given the complexity and diversity of professional activities. A university teacher has a constant workload, he is engaged in research, involved in methodological, organizational and educational work. That is why without ability to concentrate, determination, perseverance, self-confidence, independence, patience will be extremely difficult to cope with all this.

9. Self-control.

The professional activity of a university teacher is characterized by a constantly high level of uncertainty combined with a high level of requirements. Therefore, it is not surprising that the ability to control emotions, thoughts and behavior greatly facilitates work, helps to prevent conflict situations and move through professional path with dignity.

10. Self-esteem.

Finally, it is important for a university teacher to have an adequate level of selfesteem and conscious reflection. This will help prevent professional burnout, understand the prospects for self-development, evaluate achievements and look for ways to selfimprovement.

To summarize given information and combine all the described above qualities we propose the model of the psychological portrait of a modern university teacher that can be described as a set called `SOCIABLE MASTER':



Communication skills


Abilities for pedagogy

Bright character

List of volitional qualities

Emotional intelligence

Moral qualities






The proposed model is a description that in two words combines all the necessary and valuable components of the psychological portrait of a modern university teacher. Due to its precise formulation the model can serve as a guide for all stakeholders in higher education system.


In order to create the psychological portrait of a modern university teacher, at first the literature data were analyzed and ten components (temperament, character, pedagogical abilities, pedagogical orientation (motivation), communicative competence, emotional intelligence, moral qualities, volitional qualities, self-control, self-esteem) were selected. Then a questionnaire was developed and an anonymous survey was conducted (respondents filled in an electronic Google form) among students (286 persons), teachers (55 persons) and administration (7 persons) of National University of Pharmacy.

According to the obtained results students prefer sanguine, extroverted persons with strong pedagogical motivation and highly developed communicative qualities, tactful and tolerant as university teachers. As for teachers themselves they wish to transfer knowledge and experience, work with their own motivation and pedagogical orientation. The administration of higher education institution representatives give a high value to sociability, decency, determination, responsibility, erudition in the psychological portrait of a modern teacher.

Taking into account the literature data and the results of the conducted questionnaire, each of the selected components is described in detail and a model of the psychological portrait of a modern university teacher under the name `SOCIABLE MASTER' was formulated.


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2. Kyriacou, C. (2000). Stress-busting for teachers. Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham. Open Journal of Social Sciences. [in English].

3. Budyansky, D.V (2017). Zmistova charakterystyka profesijnoi diyalnosti vykladacha vyshoji shkoly ta jiji mozhlyvosti dlya rozvytky rytorychnoi kultury. [Content characteristics of the professional activity of a higher education teacher and its opportunities for the development of rhetorical culture]. Cherkasy: Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University [in Ukrainian].

4. Pidkaminna, L.V. (2010). Psychologo-pedahohichna model vykladacha vyshoi shkoly ta shlyachu jiji realizacii [Psychological and pedagogical model of a high school teacher and ways of its realization]. Kyiv: Visnyk psychologii i socialnoi pedagogiky [in Ukrainian].

5. Goncz, L. (2017). Teacher personality: a review of psychological research and guidelines for a more comprehensive theory in educational psychology. UK: Open Review of Educational Research [in English].

6. Lamke, T.A. (1951). Personality and teaching success. The Journal of Experimental Education. [in English].

7. Cattell, R.B., Eber H. (1950). The 16 personality factor questionnaire. Champaign, Illinois: Institute for Personality and Ability Testing [in English].

8. Boyle, G.J. (1995). Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI): some psychometric limitations. Australian Psychologist [in English].

9. Jung, C.G. (1971). Personality types. Princeton: Princeton University Press [in English].


1. Tateo L. What do you mean by `teacher'? Psychological research on teacher professional identity. Brasil: Psicologia & Sociedade, 2012. 344-353 p.

2. Kyriacou C. Stress-busting for teachers. Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham: Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2000.

3. Будянський Д.В. Змістова характеристика професійної діяльності викладача вищої школи та її можливості для розвитку риторичної культури. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького. Серія «Педагогічні науки», 2017 (15).

4. Підкамінна Л.В. Психолого-педагогічна модель викладача вищої школи та шляхи її реалізації. Вісник психології і соціальної педагогіки. 2010.

5. Goncz L. Teacher personality: a review of psychological research and guidelines for a more comprehensive theory in educational psychology. UK: Open Review of Educational Research, 2017. 75-95 p.

6. Lamke T.A. Personality and teaching success. The Journal of Experimental Education, 1951. №20 (2). 217-259 p.

7. Cattell R.B., Eber H. The 16 personality factor questionnaire. Champaign, Illinois: Institute for Personality and Ability Testing, 1950.

8. Boyle G.J. Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI): some psychometric limitations. Australian Psychologist, 1995. №30 (1). 71-74 p.

9. Jung C.G. Personality types. 1971. 178-272 p.

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  • Theoretical basis of a role plays as a teaching aid. Historic background of game origin. Psychological value of a role plays. The main function and principles of game organization. Gaming technique. Classification of role plays. Advantages of a game.

    курсовая работа [50,7 K], добавлен 26.04.2013

  • This article suggests specific ways in which college teachers can foster relationships with students that promote motivation and satisfaction. Fostering personal relationships with students. Motivating students to work. Handling interpersonal issues.

    статья [18,6 K], добавлен 10.05.2014

  • The definition of conformism as passive acceptance and adaptation to standards of personal conduct, rules and regulations of the cult of absolute power. Study the phenomenon of group pressure. External and internal views of subordination to the group.

    реферат [15,3 K], добавлен 14.05.2011

  • Unhealthy food, lack of sleep, passive lifestyle, related works. Survey, Passive Lifestyle, Lack Of Sleep, Nutrition. How often pupils have negative feelings. Teachers' complaints. Can we do to reduce these negative displays of pupil’s behavior.

    курсовая работа [25,5 K], добавлен 18.05.2015

  • Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.

    презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 08.10.2016

  • State of the Honduran education system. Structure of the Honduran education system: Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education. Higher education - University and National School. Adult education and professional training. Current trends in education.

    реферат [23,1 K], добавлен 15.05.2008

  • Steps of education in the USA: a four-year high school and eight-year elementary school. Separation of the higher education: liberal arts and professional. Difference in the American system of school education from the systems in other countries.

    презентация [2,2 M], добавлен 08.06.2010

  • Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.

    отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013

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