The use of special properties of color in the design-projecting of products

Analysis of the influence of the properties (long-wave, medium-wave, short-wave) of the range of colors on the sensations and psycho-emotional perception of a person. Accounting for these features in the design of jewelry, their promotion on the market.

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Дата добавления 12.06.2022
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The use of special properties of color in the design-projecting of products

1 Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

2 Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The purpose of the article is to analyze the influence of the properties of the range of colors (longwave, medium-wave, and short-wave) on a person's feelings, his or her psycho-emotional perception, and consider these features in the design-projecting of jewelry. Also, to create further prospects for expanding the consumption of such jewelry in both domestic and foreign markets.

Methodology. To conduct research, a set of general scientific approaches was used, in particular: visual-analytical, system-informational, modern methods of analysis of mechanical systems, and the method of classifications.

Results. The features of the influence of color properties on the psycho-emotional perception of every person have been revealed. The designs of jewelry have been developed using some specific color ranges that will create an attractive, festive atmosphere, to identify a wider and more effective application of these features.

Scientific novelty. Specific features of the influence of color and a certain color range on the formation of the appropriate psycho-emotional mood of a person have been identified, which must be considered in the design-projecting of jewelry. The variants of effective use of special properties of the color range of an enamel covering have been proposed to increase the consumers' interest in new developments of jewelry in both domestic and foreign markets.

Practical significance. Practical recommendations and options for using the appropriate color range of enamel covering that can create certain psycho-emotional feelings (good mood, creative inspiration, passivity, indifference, aggression, etc.) have been proposed to extend the application of enamel coverings in the creation and development of various types of jewelry.

Keywords: associations; color; color scheme; design-projecting; psycho-emotional state; enamel covering; jewelry.



1 Київський національний університет технологій і дизайну

2 Інститут технічної теплофізики Національної Академії Наук України Метою статті є аналіз впливу властивостей (довгохвильового, середньохвильового та короткохвильового) діапазону кольорів на відчуття людини, її психоемоційне сприйняття та врахування цих особливостей при дизайн-проекту- ванні ювелірних виробів. Створення подальшої перспективи розширення можливостей споживання таких ювелірнихвиробів як на внутрішньому, так і на зовнішніх ринках.

Методологія. При проведенні досліджень використано комплекс загально-наукових підходів: візуально-аналітичний, системно-інформаційний, сучасні методи досліджень механічних систем та метод класифікацій.

Результати. Виявлено особливості впливу властивостей кольору на психоемоційне сприйняття його кожною людиною. Розроблено моделі ювелірних виробів з використанням певних, специфічних кольорових гам, які будуть створювати привабливу, святкову атмосферу, з метою виявлення більш широкого та ефективного застосування цих особливостей. Наукова новизна. Виявлено специфічні особливості впливу кольору та певної колірної гами для формування відповідного психоемоційного настрою людини, який необхідно враховувати при дизайн- проектуванні ювелірних виробів. Запропоновано варіанти ефективного використання особливих властивостей колірної гами емалевого покриття з метою розширення зацікавленості споживачів новими розробками ювелірних виробівна внутрішньому та зовнішньому ринках. Практична значущість. Запропоновано практичні рекомендації та варіанти використання відповідної колірної гами емалевих покриттів, які здатні формувати певні психоемоційні відчуття у людини (піднесений настрій, творче натхнення, пасивність, байдужість, агресію тощо) для розширення сфери застосування емалевих покриттів при створенні та розробці різноманітних видів ювелірних виробів. Ключові слова: асоціації; колір; колірна гама; дизайн-проектування; психоемоційний стан; емалеві покриття; ювелірний виріб.



1 Киевский национальный университет технологий и дизайна

2 Інституттехничной теплофизики Национальной Академии Наук Украины Целью статьи является анализ влияния свойств (длинноволнового, средневолнового и коротковолнового) диапазона цветов на ощущение человека, его психоэмоциональное восприятие и учета этих особенностей при дизайн-проектировании ювелирных изделий. Создание дальнейшей перспективы расширения возможностей потребления таких ювелирных изделий как на внутреннем, так и на внешних рынках.

Методология. При проведении исследований использованы комплекс общенаучных подходов: визуально-аналитический, системно-информационный, современные методы исследований механических систем и метод классификаций.

Результаты. Выявлены особенности влияния свойств цвета на психоэмоциональное восприятие его каждым человеком. Разработаны модели ювелирных изделий с использованием определенных, специфических цветовых гамм, которые будут создавать привлекательную, праздничную атмосферу, с целью выявления более широкого и эффективного применения этих особенностей. Научная новизна. Выявлены специфические особенности воздействия цвета и определенной цветовой гаммы для формирования соответствующего психоэмоционального настроения человека, которые необходимо учитывать при дизайн-проектировании ювелирных изделий. Предложены варианты эффективного использования особых свойств цветовой гаммы эмалевого покрытия с целью расширения заинтересованности потребителей новыми разработками ювелирных изделий на внутреннем и внешнем рынках.

Практическая значимость. Предложены практические рекомендации и варианты использования соответствующей цветовой гаммы эмалевых покрытий, способных формировать определенные психоэмоциональные ощущение у человека (приподнятое настроение, творческое вдохновение, пассивность, равнодушие, злость и т.д.) для расширения сферы применения эмалевых покрытий при создании и разработке различных видов ювелирных изделий.

Ключевые слова: ассоциации; цвет; цветовая гамма; дизайн-проектирование; психоэмоциональное состояние; эмалевые покрытия; ювелирное изделие.


color perception psycho emotional design

In human life, color has a special meaning and plays a multifunctional role, namely: informative (warning, prohibiting role); decorative (jewelry, fabrics, clothing, etc.). Color has a direct impact on the spiritual formation of society. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish the effect of color on the human body (physiological effect) and the perception of this color by a human (psychological effect). Also, it is important to comprehensively consider the system of color-emotions as links of one chain, which are constantly in a causal relationship.

The properties of color (long-wave, medium-wave, and short-wave) and their direct impact on humans are accompanied by complex psychophysiological processes, the perception and understanding of which is an important and necessary condition in the creation and development of new models of jewelry. Designers-jewelers constantly use color as a means of creative expression and to effectively influence the consumer. At the same time, special importance is given to the aesthetic properties of color as one of the most effective means of aesthetic and emotional influence on the human psyche.

Analysis of previous research. The list of scientific works, where the issues of the design-projecting of jewelry are considered, includes the works of M.V. Kolosnichenko [6, 7], M.S. Vynnychuk [6-8], K.L. Pashkevych [8], O.V. Kolosnichenko [8].

The authors [6] in their work focus on the main stages of projection and manufacture of jewelry, analyze the factors influencing their creation.

The authors [7] in their article analyze the stylistic features of jewelry by shape, surface properties, compositional techniques, color solutions, and materials used in comparison with the styles of the costume.

The authors [8] in their scientific work deal with the issue of harmonization of accessories and jewelry in the 'costume' system in terms of the theory of artistic design.

It is worth noting that despite the extensive coverage of general provisions and recommendations on the design-projecting of jewelry by the above-mentioned scientists, the problem of using the special properties of color is still relevant.

Statement of the problem. Considering the relevance of the use of special properties of color in the design-projecting of jewelry, the purpose of the research is to analyze the characteristics of the impact (good mood, creative inspiration, aggression, indifference, passivity) on the aesthetic and emotional perception of these properties, which depend on individual characteristics of the human psyche, determined by the appropriate type of functioning of the nervous system (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, and melancholic). Such features are constantly manifested in the duration and brightness of the emotional perception of every person. The determination of the basic laws of aesthetic and emotional color for the consumer makes it possible to purposefully create jewelry of a predetermined emotional and semantic direction.

Color is a primary holder of information (both positive and negative), which is perceived without any effort and creates a subjective impression of the nature of the presented design. The knowledge of the basics of color influence on a person's psycho- emotional feeling is an important and necessary factor in the creative work of the designers who are engaged in the development and production of new samples of jewelry.

Results of the research

As a result of the analysis of literature sources [11, 13-15], it is found that spectral colors constantly affect the psycho-emotional state of humans. Such influence is associated with the formation of certain color associations, which are determined by age, occupation, ethnicity, education, temperament of every human. Such color associations are formed as a result of the objective and subjective feelings of every human of what is seen and is determined by color saturation, shape, and size of the appropriate design of jewelry.

The research of psycho-emotional influence of color on the person allows dividing the received results by the main characteristics into two groups, namely:

- chromatic colors (which in the light spectrum are the most saturated);

- achromatic colors (which do not have saturation).

According to their characteristics (depending on the length of the wave), colors can be divided into «warm» and «cold». The so-called 'warm' colors include yellow-red, yellow, and yellow-green parts of the light spectrum, which are in the range of 780510 nm and are considered as active. Such colors cause a good mood, increase efficiency, and improve well-being.

The influence of color on a person's psycho-emotional state is directly related to the length of the wave of a certain color of the light spectrum. Colors of the long-wavelength part of the spectrum, where red and orange colors in the range of 780-600 nm predominate, become a source of additional energy, creating a festive mood. Colors of the light spectrum in the range of 380-510 nm are classified as the 'cold' ones (purple, violet, blue, cyan) and are considered passive, which cause a feeling of inhibition of some important processes of human life, helping to restore the nervous system, relieving internal tension. The corresponding colors of the light spectrum, which are in the range of 590-480 nm (green, yellow-green), scatter and soften negative emotions, cause a sense of balance, calm.

Colored enamel coverings, which are characterized by the transparency of colors, brightness, variety of colors, and stand out with a special luster, play an important role in the creation of psycho-emotional influence on a person [1-5, 12, 16, 19-21].

Enamel is an ordinary easily fusible glass with a melting point lower than the melting point of the materials (gold, silver, copper, tombac) that cover them. Over time, colored enamel coverings do not change their original color, are not afraid of moisture and temperature fluctuations. The occurrence of enamel and the process of its application have a rich centuries-old history [10].

To obtain ordinary enamels, it is necessary to use the main material - flux (quartz sand - SiO2), to which various dyes are added (to obtain colored enamels), and then this mixture is remelted again. When obtaining colored enamels, different dyes in the form of metal oxides (iron, copper, manganese, cobalt, chromium, nickel, antimony, iridium, etc.) are used. The color of the enamel (strength of tone, density) depends on the percentage of dye, and the more it is, the brighter the color of the enamel. To weaken any color, flux is used, as water is used in watercolor painting [13-15].

Various materials from which jewelry is made (gold, silver, copper, tombac) use enameled coverings with the subsequent firing of such samples. In the process of firing, enamel coverings are melted to the metal surface, forming a strong, bright, and shiny colored film.

For enamel covering of certain samples of jewelry in the most jewelry-adapted software environment for three-dimensional NURBS modeling Rhinoceros 3D [9, 17, 18], the designs of pendants (metal - silver) with twelve zodiac signs were developed in accordance with the Chinese Zodiac.

Individual features of the human psyche provide for the appropriate type of structure of the nervous system, which determines temperament. Human temperament is manifested through speed, strength, balance, and tension to the reaction of stimuli of different nature, which is characterized by stability and brightness that is expressed via moods and emotions.

According to the results of the analysis of individual features of the human psyche, it is found that there are different types of personality, namely: phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric, and melancholic. All these features of the human psyche must be considered when using colored enamels in the development and production of jewelry. The examples of psycho-emotional perception of color by a person, depending on temperament, can be demonstrated by the analysis of designs of jewelry, presented in Fig. 1-4.

A consistent analysis of the proposed samples of jewelry made in different colors is presented. Such consistency and detailed analysis (of color and background) allow the consumer (according to their temperament) to choose necessary jewelry. Fig. 1 presents the designs of jewelry, made in red on a gold background. These are the signs of Sagittarius, Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo. People who choose this color range have leadership qualities and love to lead. If such people are not hindered by ambitions, they can achieve a lot on their own. Red color, influencing a person, strengthens memory, activates mental activity, adds energy and vitality, increases muscle strength, stimulates creativity, excites the nervous system, and causes the illusion of warmth and sunlight. The background created by yellow color inspires philosophical reflection, stimulates the creative imagination, and strengthens the intellect. They yellow color makes a pleasant impression and is a characteristic of active and hard-working people.

the need for peace. Such combination of colors (blue and white) enhances intelligence and increases the efficiency of mental work. It is characteristic that such a color range is inherent to self-sufficient, self-confident people who have achieved success only by their perseverance and constant tireless work.

Fig. 3 presents the designs of jewelry, made in green on different color backgrounds. These are the signs of Virgo, Libra, Taurus, Aries. One design is made on a yellow background, and the other on white. It should be noted that yellow and white backgrounds are harmoniously combined with the basic green color of the main image.

The influence of the main green color on the human psyche is multifaceted and is manifested in the normalization of cardiovascular activity, improves metabolism, alleviates nervous tension, and neutralizes aggression. At the same time, the combination of such color range of the basic green image on a yellow background corresponds to the feeling of inner stability, consistency, self-affirmation, and self-confidence. Such jewelry is chosen by a person who feels confident, has a well- developed sense of self-worth, freedom, and is capable of constant self-development.

The analysis of the combination of the basic green image on a white background creates a feeling of calm, security, and selfsufficiency. The basic green image of the corresponding zodiac sign on a white background characterizes a person who has an overdeveloped intuition and imagination, which emphasizes his reliability and integrity. Fig. 4 presents the designs of jewelry made in achromatic (gray) color and, at the same time, on a white background. Such combination of gray and white creates a color harmony that determines a person's character, characterizes his inclinations and mental composition. It is important to note that this color range is perceived by humans as the color of wisdom, which gives a person confidence and strength.


The main compositional function of color is its effective ability to emphasize and focus the consumer's attention on the most important elements of the new development and highlight them, creating conditions for understanding and perception of the new model. The use of certain color associations makes it possible to effectively form specific tasks of the composition, which must be considered and constantly implemented by designers-jewelers in the development of modern samples of jewelry. Also, it is necessary to know and consider an important feature of color that attracts consumer's attention and forms his assessment of the new model. The learning and effective use of the basic laws of psycho-emotional influence of the properties of color, background on a person is a necessary and mandatory element of the practical activity of designers- jewelers in the development of new jewelry. Such features must be considered in the creation of new compositions of a certain emotional and semantic content for people of different ages, genders, professions, and temperaments. The designer-jeweler must understand and know the possibilities of color preferences of different age (educational) categories of population, which are future consumers, considering the considerable potential of color compositions that can change the psychophysical properties of new developments.


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