Psychological Ways of Developing Pupils Attention at Primary School
Study of individual characteristics of stability, concentration of voluntary attention of students in grades 1-2, the specifics of its development depending on the organization of training in English lessons, especially in dynamics during the school year.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 01.06.2022 |
Размер файла | 33,7 K |
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Psychological Ways of Developing Pupils Attention at Primary School
Liashenko Larysa
Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant of the Department of Foreign Languages of Mathematical Faculties, Institute of Philology,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Kurytsia Alla
Ph.D. in Psychology, Senior Lecturer, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohnenko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi (Ukraine)
The purpose of the empirical research is: to study the individual characteristics of stability and concentration of random attention of pupils from primary school of the 1st and the 2d forms, the specifics of its development depending on the organization of training at English lessons, especially in the dynamics during the school year.
Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. The methods of observation, interview and conducting an ascertaining research are used as experimental methods. The participants of our research were 140 pupils from primary school of the 1st and the 2d forms of Kyiv schools (Ukraine). The experiment lasted during 2020-2021 years.
In the experiment we used experimental methods “Search for numbers", “Study of concentration", “Study of attention span", “Study of stability of attention", “Proofreading (Bourdon test)", “Schulte tables", the method of “Assessment of switching attention", Schulte-Gorbov's method “Red and Black Table", K.K. Platonov's method “Arab-Roman tables".
The results of the research. The significant individual differences in the stability of attention are confirmed to be ones which are conditioned by the peculiarities of the structure of attention. Experimental data obtained by us suggest that there is a relationship between the stability of voluntary attention with individual psychological characteristics of pupils from junior school (their attitude to learning, the interest to certain subjects, emotional and volitional qualities, temperament, mental states).
It was proved that the appraisal can also have a negative impact on the effectiveness of voluntary attention. The experimental study of the stability of attention on the material of the English language shows that insufficient awareness of social and, sometimes personal significance of learning, uncertainty in their knowledge of Grammar, poor spelling skills, ignorance and non-compliance with a certain system of mental actions were the reasons for reducing the stability of the attention of children of primary school when writing a dictionary dictation with comments in terms of evaluating their activities. Also our researches show that in primary school age the range of individual differences in the development of volume, switching and stability of attention is significantly expanded, and in relations to the distribution of attention, on the contrary, it is slight.
Conclusions. It is proved that the primary school age is a period of formation of various types of educational activity, mental activity of children, to master them pupils have to be well prepared.
It has been experimentally proved that a high level of the development of attention characteristics has a positive effect on learning success. We have found that there is a direct relationship between the level of the development of voluntary attention, the performance and individual motor pace of pupils. The results of experiments showed that children with a high level of attention development had success in all subjects. This success directly depended on the individual pace of psychomotor activity. The more higher the pace is, the better the children learn with well-developed attention span. Pupils with a low level of attention development have individual motor pace which is not directly related to their success. According to our research, under conditions of relatively there is low individual motor pace and low level of attention development. Constant attention training can somewhat stabilize the individual pace. In turn, a high level of the development of attention is a condition for the transformation of individual motor pace into a source of increasing learning success. So, we concluded that there was also a clear link between success of pupils from primary school and indicators of stability of attention. We'll say that the indicators of volatile attention, which we have allocated in our experiments, can predict the success of children in six months.
Key words: pupils' attention, attitude to learning, the interest to certain subjects, emotional and volitional qualities, temperament, mental states, a certain system of mental actions, the reasons for reducing the stability of the attention of children.
Психологічні засади розвитку уваги школярів у початковій школі
Ляшенко Лариса
Кандидат психологічних наук, асистент кафедри іноземних мов математичних факультетів, Інститут філології Київського Національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка, м. Київ (Україна)
Куриця Алла
Кандидат психологічних наук, старший викладач, Кам'янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка, м. Кам'янець-Подільський (Україна)
Мета емпіричного дослідження: вивчення індивідуальних особливостей стійкості та концентрації довільної уваги учнів 1-2 класів, специфіки її розвитку залежно від організації навчання на уроках англійської мови, особливо в динаміці упродовж навчального року.
Методи дослідження. Для розв'язання поставлених у роботі завдань використовувалися такі теоретичні методи дослідження: категоріальний, структурно-функціональний, аналіз, систематизація, моделювання, узагальнення. В якості експериментального методу використано метод спостереження, інтерв'ю та метод проведення констатувального дослідження. Учасниками нашого дослідження стали 140 учнів початкових класів (першого та другого) з м. Київ (Україна). Експеримент тривав упродовж 2020-2021 років.
В експерименті використовувалися методики «Пошук чисел», «Дослідження концентрації уваги», «Дослідження обсягу уваги», «Дослідження стійкості уваги», «Коректурна проба (тест Бурдона)», «Таблиці Шульте», методика «Оцінка переключення уваги», методика Шульте-Горбова «Червоно-чорна таблиця», методика К.К. Платонова «Арабсько-римські таблиці».
Результати дослідження. Підтверджено, що найбільш значущими індивідуальними відмінностями стійкості уваги є такі, що зумовлені особливостями розвитку структури уваги. Експериментальні дані, отримані нами, дозволяють стверджувати, що існують співвідношення стійкості довільної уваги з індивідуально-психологічними особливостями особистості молодших школярів (їх ставленням до навчальних занять, інтересом до окремих предметів, емоційно-вольовими якостями характеру, темпераментом, психічними станами).
Доведено, що оцінка результатів діяльності також може мати негативний вплив на ефективність функціонування довільної уваги. Експериментальне вивчення стійкості уваги на матеріалі англійської мови свідчить про те, що недостатньою мірою розвинене усвідомлення суспільної, а, іноді, й особистісної значущості навчання, невпевненість у власних знаннях граматики, слабкі орфографічні вміння і навички, незнання і недотримання певної системи розумових дій стали причинами зниження стійкості уваги підлітків при написанні словникового диктанту з коментуванням в умовах оцінки їх діяльності. Також наші дослідження свідчать про те, що в молодшому шкільному віці діапазон індивідуальних відмінностей у розвитку обсягу, переключення і стійкості уваги значно розширюється, а по відношенню до розподілу уваги, навпаки, - звужується.
Висновки. Доведено, що молодший шкільний вік - період формування різних видів навчальної роботи, розумової діяльності дітей, до оволодіння якими учні мають бути добре підготовленими.
Експериментально доведено, що високий рівень розвитку властивостей уваги позитивно впливає на успішність навчання. Результати експериментів показали, що у школярів з високим рівнем розвитку уваги успішність із усіх предметів безпосередньо залежить від індивідуального темпу психомоторної діяльності. В учнів з низьким рівнем розвитку уваги індивідуальний моторний темп безпосередньо не пов'язаний з їхньою успішністю. На нашу думку, за умов відносно низького індивідуального моторного темпу і низького рівню розвитку уваги постійне тренування уваги може дещо стабілізувати індивідуальний темп. У свою чергу, високий рівень розвитку уваги постає умовою перетворення індивідуального моторного темпу в джерело підвищення успішності навчання. Ми дійшли до висновку, що існує також чітко виражений зв'язок між успішністю учнів і показниками стійкості уваги. temperament mental state emotional
Ключові слова: увага учнів, ставлення до навчання, інтерес до окремих предметів, емоційно-вольові якості, темперамент, психічні стани, система розумових дій, причини зниження стійкості уваги дітей.
The problem of attention is one of the oldest psychological problems. Thus, scientists note that the paradigm of attention is central to any general psychological system, and it largely depends on the development of all other cognitive processes (Booth, MacWhinney & Harasaki, 2000). Different schools of Psychology, having their own views on the solution of this problem, have repeatedly offered their options in its formulation. But researchers have not been able to draw the same balanced con- elusions about the attention as a cognitive process. Thus, some scientists (Derwing, Munro, Thomson & Rossiter, 2009) offer a generalization of the possible causes of difficulties in the researches of attention. Firstly, scientists note, attention does not have its own, direct product (Crookes, 1989). Secondly, it is impossible to define the content of the process of attention clearly in general (Гончарук & Онуфрієва, 2018).
However, the most important role of the attention in human mental activity is recognized by many researchers (de Bot, 1992; Mykhalchuk & Khupavtseva, 2020). This is especially true for the schooling process, where the student is required to have a constant, sometimes very intense and focused concentration of mental activity (Біла, 2009). The researches of both domestic and foreign psychologists deal with the problem of attention development, although each of them solves it in its own way, in a special way, based on its own definition of attention. For example, researchers note that this terminological diversity hides the uncertainty and vagueness of many scientific ideas about the attention as a cognitive process (Bredart, 1991; Mykhalchuk & Onufriieva, 2020). The question naturally arises as to whether, in the face of such diversity, and it is possible to address the possibilities of attention management successfully and guide its development.
It should be noted that the most amount of contemporary foreign studies of attention deal within the paradigm of Cognitive Psychology (Ivashkevych & Hudyma, 2020). In recent years, many theories have been created that substantiate the nature of attention, the laws of its functioning and development. In the paradigm of each of them, scientists have created identical models of attention. In such a way, the model of “selection” considers special attention (Dijkgraaf, Hartsuiker & Duyck, 2017) as a cognitive process that performs the function of selection and is a special mechanism or so called “Filter”), which is responsible for receiving and processing information. Within the theory of unique but rather limited resources (Mytnyk, Matvienko, Gu- raliuk, Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, Er., 2021) based on the results of their research hypotheses of two types of information processing and, accordingly, two types of attention. In the case of unconscious attention, the detection, registration and processing of incentives are automatic. The act of such attention arises without the intention of the individual, and the processes of attention as if (but only at the first glance) do not interfere with other mental activities; attention itself and its products are not currently realized. There is so-called “conscious” attention. On the contrary, it is characterized by the fact that the subject is very attentive, aware of the process of the attention and its products; the act of such attention is a part of the paradigm of other activities. Scientists called this type of attention active and identified it with the functioning of the central executive device or so called “processor with limited power”.
In turn, Ь.А. Onufriieva (Onufriieva, 2017) developed a neurophysiological model of random attention. The scientist proposed the development of “a multiprocessor hypothesis”, on the basis of which the scientist formulated some new definitions regarding the nature of attention. The general purpose of various processes of attention, according to the author, is to ensure the coherence of individual behavior. In the paradigm of this theoretical model we also carried out his empirical research.
The processes of attention by their nature are defined only as instrumental ones, and the need for them arises when the management of actions takes place in the context of actualization of sufficiently alternative sources of information. Attention is a whole group of different selection processes, the ultimate goal of which is to coordinate and manage the actions of the subject - real or future, motor or speech ones.
In Psychology the problem of attention was considered from different theoretical positions. In particular, the developer of cultural and historical theory L.S. Vygotskyi (Выготский, 1997) made a significant contribution to the study of the problem of attention. Thus, the author defines arbitrary attention as the direction of the process of indirect attention inward; the process itself is completely subjective to general laws of cultural development and the functioning of the highest forms of the behavior. This implies that arbitrary attention in its composition, structure and functions is not simply the result of natural, organic development of attention as a cognitive process, but the result of its change, restructuring under the influence of external sti- muli-means. Based on the results of experiments, L.S. Vygotskyi concludes that the natural origins of arbitrary attention begin, first of all, with instructions. Firstly, this function is performed by a pointing gesture, and then - is expressed by a lot of words. The development of the child's attention from the earliest days of his/her life falls into a complex environment in which there is a system of double stimuli. On the one hand, things, objects and phenomena attract the child's attention due to their properties, and, on the other one - the appropriate catalyst stimuli, such as words, direct the child's attention (Выготский, 1997).
The theoretical model of setting (de Bot, 1992) plays an extremely important role for the topic of our research. Attention is considered by scientists as a necessary prerequisite for the emergence and development of thinking, human will, a factor of activating the processes of perception and memory. The activity of the subject is always mediated by the setting - it is a holistic unconscious reflection of the reality as a situation of meeting an urgent need. The selection of certain impressions, the concentration of mental energy on them and, as a consequence, the clarity of the explicit relevant content of the psyche are determined by the setting, rather than the process of attention itself. According to this model the actualization of attention is characterized by the same thing, such as: long, to some extent, delay of our activity on the subject, as well as the fixation of our cognitive domains on the subject.
Human behavior can be carried out in two fundamentally different aspects. In the impulsive aspect, especially in cases of daily activities, attention does not play a primary role. The process of impulsive behavior is continuous and it is completely determined by the actualization of stimuli of the external and internal environment of the organism. The second, specifically “personal” aspect arises and unfolds in a complicated situation of interpersonal interaction. The actualization of this aspect is due to a special behavioral act, the object of which is the process of largely impulsive behavior in the face of certain complex acts of the activity. Such complex conditions in a great degree objectify the flow of impulsive behavior, turning it into one that is perceived and becomes directly the subject of human cognitive activity. This process, called by K. de Bot (de Bot, 992) the act of objectification, the scientist identifies with attention, emphasizing that only in this way the attention for the first time receives not formal but semantic characteristics. In the process of carrying out intensive cognitive activity through volitional acts, old attitudes change or new ones appear. Thus, the psychology of attitude defines attention as specifically personal, special and meaningful process, which is a necessary prerequisite for the transformation of attitudes of impulsive human behavior.
The purpose of the empirical research is: to study the individual characteristics of stability and concentration of random attention of pupils from primary school of the 1st and the 2d forms, the specifics of its development depending on the organization of learning at the English lessons. The latter will largely allow to explore and to analyze the arbitrary attention of pupils from primary school of the 1st and the 2d forms in the dynamics during the school year.
Methods of the research
The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. The methods of observation and the method of conducting an ascertaining research are used as experimental methods. The participants of our research were 140 pupils from primary school of the 1st and the 2d forms of schools from Kyiv (Ukraine). The experiment lasted during 2020-2021 years.
And a series of experiments involved the research of characteristics of stability and concentration of random attention at the first and the second forms in group activities in the presence of an adult. The situation reflected the usual conditions of pupils' learning activities during the English lesson. In this series of experiments we used the methods “Search for numbers”, “Study of concentration”, “Study of attention span”, “Study of stability of attention”, “Proofreading (Bourdon test)”, “Schulte tables”, the method “Assessment of switching attention”, Schulte-Gorbov's method “Red and Black Table”, K.K. Platonov's method “Arab- Roman tables” (Чернобай & Федотова, 2005).
The experiment was organized on the basis of the Jubilee Support Institution of General Secondary Education of I-III degrees of the Jubilee Village Council, educational complex “Specialized School of I-III Degrees - Lyceum” №20 of Obolonskyi district of Kyiv. The experiment involved 140 pupils from primary school of the 1st and the 2d forms, whom we divided into experimental and control groups in such a way:
- experimental groups:
E1 - 35 pupils of the 1st form of the Jubilee support institution of general secondary education of the I-III degrees of the Jubilee village council (studied according to the program with in-depth study of English);
E2 - 34 pupils of the 2d form of the educational complex “Specialized school of I-III degrees - lyceum” №20 of Obolonskyi district of Kyiv (studied under the program with in-depth study of English);
- control groups:
C1 - 35 pupils of the 1st form of the Jubilee support institution of general secondary education of the I-III degrees of the Jubilee village council (they studied according to the traditional program of learning English);
C2 - 36 of the 2d form of the educational complex “Specialized school of I-III degrees - lyceum” №20 of Obolonskyi district of Kyiv (they studied according to the traditional program of learning English).
The first stage of the experiment was conducted at the beginning of the school year (we mean 2020-2021). It contained three series. The purpose of all three series was to obtain a scatter of experimental data in the connection with important research objectives, as well as to identify at the time of the study of the level of stability and concentration of voluntary attention as the dominant characteristics of one of the most important parameters of personality of schoolchildren. Our experimental program has the aim at studying the peculiarities of the development of these characteristics of voluntary attention of children in different types of the activities, explained in different conditions of the educational process: in group activity in the presence of an adult (s), in individual activity in the presence of an adult (s), in the conditions of independent individual activity, out of any control by the teacher.
Organizing the activity of children in this way, we took into account the psychological and pedagogical conditions of the activity in which students usually have to be in class. In other words, under such conditions, we were able, firstly, to identify individual characteristics of the formation of stability and concentration of voluntary attention of children at the time of studying in typical conditions of the child's educational activities, and, secondly, to systematize empirical data on negative features of the development of these characteristics, which have to be taken into account when adjusting the measures of psychological, pedagogical and methodological assistance to children, especially in the process of their education at primary school.
While performing the task, the child and the experimenter were in a separate room. The task time was not limited. The pupil stopped working on his/her own initiative. This condition has created additional opportunities for us to study the individual characteristics of stability and concentration of arbitrary attention of young schoolchildren. In accordance with the general idea of this psycho-diagnostic technique, the following evaluation criteria were used: total time of cognitive activity; total concentration time without distractions; maximum time of one concentration; minimum time of one concentration; total distraction time; maximum time of one distraction; minimum time of one distraction; number of distractions; the number of completed task chains; the number of correctly completed task chains; number of mistakes.
Let us describe the peculiarities of concentration of arbitrary attention of pupils from primary school. At the beginning of the school year, we obtained the following results, which characterize the concentration of children's attention. It will be recalled that the main evaluation criteria for the concentration of random attention. They were: the number of lines reviewed and the number of mistakes in the proofreading sample. The obtained data are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
The distribution of the pupils of the 1st and the 2d forms by the coefficients of concentration of attention at the beginning of the school year (within 10 minutes)
Groups |
The coefficients of concentration of attention (in points) |
0-5 |
5-10 |
10-15 |
15-20 |
20-25 |
25-30 |
More than 30 |
Е1 |
8 |
20 |
12 |
12 |
8 |
16 |
24 |
Е2 |
12 |
12 |
8 |
24 |
12 |
8 |
24 |
C1 |
36 |
4 |
12 |
28 |
4 |
8 |
8 |
C2 |
32 |
20 |
16 |
16 |
8 |
8 |
-- |
Total number of respondents (%) |
22 |
14 |
12 |
20 |
8 |
10 |
14 |
According to Table 1 we can see that at the beginning of the school year the highest concentration rate (more than 30) only 14% of respondents had. The largest part - 22% of pupils - at the beginning of the school year had a fairly low level of concentration of voluntary attention (concentration ratio K<5). Based on the identified characteristics of pupils' attention, we identified 5 levels of concentration of random attention. The basis for distinguishing these levels was the values of the concentration factor, which were determined depending on the number of lines reviewed by schoolchildren and the number of made mistakes.
Let us characterize the levels of concentration of attention. The first level is high. Pupils who did not make any mistakes in 10 minutes of their activity with the proofreading table were assigned to the group with the highest (1) level of concentration (K>40). During their activities, children managed to view most of the proofreading table, an average of 480 points. Their attention remained at a high level of concentration, despite the high pace of their activity.
The II level of concentration of attention (above average). At this level there were children with a concentration ratio in the range from 20 to 40 (20<K<40). They showed a degree of concentration above average. During 10 minutes of the activity, children on average level looked at the same part of the proofreading table as pupils with level 1 - 480 points, but although their attention was well focused, they made more mistakes, on average - 6.
The III level of concentration (sufficient one). This level was the characteristics of children with a medium level of concentration of their attention (10<K<20). Pupils from primary school showed a high degree of concentration in the first 5-6 minutes of their activities. During this time, they make a small number of mistakes, in average - 4-5 ones. But after 6 minutes their attention was exhausted. They began to make a significant number of mistakes - an average number was 8-9. With the amount of the activity they performed was almost the same as that of children who demonstrated levels 1 and 2; on average, they viewed 475 points in 10 minutes.
The IV level of concentration of attention (below average). At the IV level there were pupils of primary school of the first and the second forms, who had the coefficients of concentration based on the results of their activity for 10 minutes. They had the range from 5 to 10 (5<K<10). The concentration of the attention in this group of children is characterized by the following features: pupils make a lot of mistakes in the process of their activity: the average number is 21. But for 10 minutes they have time intervals, often inside the activity, when they do not make mistakes. At the same time, the volume of the revised part of the correction sample is much smaller than for children with a higher level of concentration of attention. It averages 370 of points.
The V level of concentration of attention (low). Pupils of primary school with the lowest (V) level of concentration (K<5) have the following features. During their intellectual activity, their attention is superficial, not yet concentrated. Pupils make a large number of mistakes: the average number is 29. For 10 minutes there is no time when children complete tasks without mistakes. They not only skipped the rings that had to be crossed out according to the instructions, but also crossed out those ones that were not marked in the instructions. The volume of the revised part of the proofreading table of these children was the same as for pupils with the IV level of concentration of attention.
To develop pupils' attention in our experimental research we proposed them computer tasks for testing Grammar. The pupils had to read a short story “Peter and his friend” and complete the tasks for the text.
I. Identify the word or phrase that needs to be removed from the sentence to make it grammatically correct.
1. Peter called me as a fool.
a) called
b) as
c) a
2. This is the house where Jack was born in.
a) where
b) was
c) in
3. Jack have visited them a couple of times during my stay in Mexico.
a) have
b) couple
c) of
4. Peter live half of a mile from here.
a) half
b) of
c) a
5. Jack don't think so that I Peter have time.
a) so
b) that
c) will
6. Despite of having a headache Jack's girlfriend enjoyed the film.
a) despite
b) of
c) having
7. He asked to her why she was angry.
a) to
b) why
c) was
8. He was very kind enough to invite Peter.
a) very
b) enough
c) to
9. Jack have bought a chicken in case of Peter stays to lunch.
a) in case
b) of
c) to
10. He want to know as to why Jack have been detained.
a) as to
b) why
c) been
II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate conjunction or preposition.
1. You may come ... you want.
a) wherever
b) ever
c) whatever
2. ... I was not there, I could not meet him.
a) As
b) So
c) Though
3. She was late ... she could not watch the program.
a) so
b) because
c) as
4. ... you broke the law you shall be punished.
a) Because
b) So
c) Hence
5. He won the match ... his injuries.
a) despite
b) though
c) however
6. ... he was suffering from injuries, he won the match.
a) Although
b) In spite of
c) However
7. He advanced ... he could.
a) until
b) as
c) as far as
8. I waited for him ... 10 o'clock.
a) until
b) up to
c) as far as
9. ... you have apologized, we will not take any further actions against you.
a) Since
b) Hence
c) Thus
10. I will remain ... I am.
a) where
b) there
c) either could be used here
11. ... I was younger, I could run faster.
a) When
b) Wherever
12. It was so dark ... I could not see anything.
a) that
b) hence
c) thus
We'd like to note that the significant individual differences in the stability of attention due to the peculiarities of the structure of attention. Experimental data obtained by us suggest that there is a relationship between the stability of voluntary attention with individual psychological characteristics of pupils from senior school (their attitude to learning, the interest to certain subjects, emotional and volitional qualities, temperament, mental states). In addition, individual manifestations of stability of attention are largely mediated by the conditions of their educational activities (change of different types of classes, the degree of complexity of educational tasks, the pace of this or that lesson, methods of pedagogical influences).
It was proved that the performance of appraisal can also have a negative impact on the effectiveness of voluntary attention. An experimental study of the stability of attention on the material of the English language, done by us in the experimental research, shows that insufficient awareness of social and, sometimes personal significance of learning, uncertainty in their knowledge of Grammar, poor spelling skills, ignorance and noncompliance with a certain system of mental actions were the reasons for reducing the stability of the attention of children of primary school when writing a dictionary dictation with comments in terms of evaluating their activities. Also our researches show that in primary school age the range of individual differences in the development of volume, switching and stability of attention is significantly expanded, and in relations to the distribution of attention, on the contrary, it is slight. We've to emphasize that there are resistant relationships between the development of the characteristics of attention and the sex of the child. In such a way, girls in the 1st and the 2d forms have better developed volume, switching and stability of their attention, and boys have better distribution of the attention. In the 3d and the 4th forms all the characteristics of attention of girls are better developed than of boys.
We'd like to note that the primary school age is a period of formation of various types of educational activity, mental activity of children, to master to which pupils have to be well prepared. Our observations of pupils of the 3d form indicate that their inattention to educational activity has not yet become generalized. The vast majority of inattentive pupils of the 3d form show insufficient attention only in a certain type of educational activity; later inattention can spread to all subjects in the whole. Inattention at the same time begins to become a characterologi- cal feature of schoolchildren from primary school.
In our researches we've studied the relationships between the level of the development of traits of attention and students' individual performance. It has been experimentally proven that a high level of the development of attention characteristics has a positive effect on learning success. We have found that there is a direct relationship between the level of the development of voluntary attention, the performance and individual motor pace of pupils. The results of experiments showed that children with a high level of attention development had success in all subjects. This success directly depended on the individual pace of psychomotor activity. The higher pace is, the better children learn with well-developed attention span. Pupils with a low level of attention development have individual motor pace which is not directly related to their success. According to our research, under conditions of relatively there is low individual motor pace and low level of attention development. Constant attention training can somewhat stabilize the individual pace. In turn, a high level of the development of attention is a condition for the transformation of individual motor pace into a source of increasing learning success. So, we concluded that there was also a clear link between success of pupils from primary school and indicators of stability of attention. We'll say that the indicators of volatile attention, which we have allocated in our experiments, can predict the success of children in six months.
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