Psychological Content of Facilitative Interaction
Analysis of the main principles of facilitative interaction in the process of interpersonal communication. Consideration of theoretical research methods: categorical, modeling. Characteristics of psychological content of facilitative interaction.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.05.2022 |
Размер файла | 31,5 K |
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Размещено на
Psychological Content of Facilitative Interaction
Nataliia Khupavtseva
Dr. in Psychology, Assistant Professor, Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne (Ukraine)
Iryna Vashchenko
Dr. in Psychology, Professor, Taras Shevchenko National Uni¬versity of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Психологічний контент фасилітативної взаємодії
Наталія Хупавцева
Доктор психологічних наук, доцент, Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет, м. Рівне (Україна)
Мета статті - визначити основні характеристики фасилітативної взаємодії, висвітлити соціально-генетичний механізм фасилітації як механізм культурної передачі інформації, окреслити принципи фасилітативної взаємодії у процесі міжособистісного спілкування, представити фасилітацію як феномен міжособистісного спілкування, що значно підвищує продуктивність навчання чи виховання суб'єктів навчально-виховного процесу завдяки їх гармонійному, демократичному стилю спілкування і толерантним, емпатичним якостям особистості учителя.
Для розв'язання поставлених у роботі завдань використано такі теоретичні методи дослідження: категоріальний, структурно-функціональний, аналіз, систематизація, моделювання, узагальнення.
Результати дослідження. Доведено, що фасилітація є феноменом міжособистісного спілкування, який значною мірою підсилює продуктив-ність навчання або виховання суб'єктів освітнього процесу за рахунок їх гармонійного, демократичного стилю спілкування і толерантних, емпа- тійних якостей особистості педагога. Фасилітативне спілкування по-роджує найбільшою мірою позитивні мотиви, а такі мотиви навчання, своєю чергою, створюють позитивні передумови не тільки до прийнят-тя школярем певної свідомої позиції («І я це можу» або «І я це зможу»), а й до гармонійної пізнавальної діяльності з метою опанування новими знаннями, уміннями, навичками, завдяки чому в нього формується ба-жання вчитися. Учителі-фасилітатори мають ніби «провокувати» са-мостійність і створювати передумови для відповідальної свободи тих, хто навчається. Ці моменти обов'язково мають бути враховані у разі складання педагогами навчальних планів і програм, під час формулюван-ня навчальних цілей і впродовж оцінювання результатів навчальної ро-боти. Усе це створюватиме найбільшою мірою сприятливі передумови для самостійного й осмисленого навчання школярів, активізуючи їх пізна-вальні мотиви, стимулюючи допитливість, що, насамперед, актуалізу-ватиме прояви солідарності й кооперації, взаємодії та взаємодопомоги в навчальній роботі, сприяючи становленню активної особистісної позиції і самореалізаціїпедагогів. Усе це, своєю чергою, фасилітує високий рівень когнітивного функціонування, всієї освітньої парадигми тощо.
Показано, що реформа освітньої системи має ґрунтуватися на пе-ребудові сталих особистісних настановлень учителя, які експлікуються у процесах його міжособистісної взаємодії з учнями. Виокремлено три основні настановлення учителя-фасилітатора: Перше - «істинність» і «відкритість»; друге настановлення описується в термінах «прийнят-тя» й «довіри»; і, нарешті, третє настановлення позитивно корелює з «емпатійним розумінням».
Виокремлено певні компоненти фасилітації, які створюють такий мікроклімат у колективі, що забезпечуватиме особистісне зростання і розвиток. Зазначено, що першим компонентом фасилітації є справж-ність, «природність», щирість особистості. Указано, що ще одним ком-понентом фасилітації є конгруентність. Іншим компонентом фасилі- тації є емпатійне розуміння. Доведено, що фасилітативна взаємодія є досить специфічним, активним різновидом переходу поведінкових па- тернів у стійкі сенсові структури, що забезпечують зміну особистості як школяра, так і самого педагога.
Висновки. Показано, що основні положення фасилітативного підхо-ду полягають у тому, що, по-перше, внутрішня природа (або сутність) людини є винятково позитивною, конструктивною, моральною і соці-альною, а, по-друге, ця природа починає експлікувати себе кожен раз, коли у взаємостосунках цієї особистості з іншою людиною (або іншими людьми) існує атмосфера безумовного позитивного прийняття, емпа- тійного розуміння і конгруентної самопрезентації.
Доведено, що фасилітативний підхід наголошує, що людина вміщує неабиякі ресурси для самопізнання, зміни власноїЯ-концепції, цілеспрямо-ваної поведінки, а цілковите опанування цими ресурсами постає мож-ливим лише в тому випадку, якщо в суспільній групі створюється пози-тивний мікроклімат, що фасилітуватиме становлення психологічних настановлень.
Ключові слова: фасилітація, фасилітативна взаємодія, фасиліта- тивне навчання, компоненти фасилітації, автентичність, «природ-ність», щирість особистості, конгруентність, емпатійне розуміння.
Хупавцева Наталия, Ващенко Ирина. Психологический контент фаси- литативного взаимодействия
facilitative interpersonal communication
Ірина Ващенко
Доктор психологічних наук, професор, Київський національ¬ний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, м. Київ (Україна)
Цель статьи - определить основные характеристики фасилитативно- го взаимодействия, выделить социально-генетический механизм фаси- литации как механизм культурной передачи информации, определить принципы фасилитативного взаимодействия в процессе межличност-ного общения, описать фасилитацию как феномен межличностного общения, что значительно повышает продуктивность обучения или воспитания субъектов воспитательного процесса благодаря их гармо-ничному, демократическому стилю общения и толерантным, эмпати- ческим качествам личности учителя.
Для решения поставленных в работе задач использованы следую-щие теоретические методы исследования: категориальный, структур-но-функциональный, анализ, систематизация, моделирование, обобще-ние.
Результаты исследования. Доказано, что фасилитация является феноменом межличностного общения, который во многом усиливает продуктивность обучения или воспитания субъектов образовательно¬го процесса за счет их гармоничного, демократического стиля общения и толерантных, эмпатийных качеств личности педагога. Фасилита- тивное общение порождает в наибольшей степени положительные мотивы обучения, а такие мотивы, в свою очередь, создают положи-тельные предпосылки не только к принятию школьником определенной сознательной позиции («И я это могу» или «И я это смогу»), но и к осу-ществлению гармоничной познавательной деятельности с целью овла-дения новыми знаниями, умениями, навыками, благодаря чему во многом у него формируется желание учиться. Учителя-фасилитаторы должны как бы «провоцировать» самостоятельность и создавать предпосылки для ответственной свободы обучающихся. Эти моменты обязательно должны быть учтены при составлении педагогами учебных планов и программ, при формулировании учебных целей, в процессе оценки резуль-татов учебной работы. Все это будет создавать в наибольшей степе¬ни благоприятные предпосылки для самостоятельного и осмысленного обучения школьников, активизируя их познавательные мотивы, стиму-лируя любознательность, что, прежде всего, будет актуализировать проявление солидарности и кооперации, взаимодействия и взаимопом-ощи в учебной работе, способствуя становлению активной личности. Все это, в свою очередь, фасилитирует высокий уровень когнитивного функционирования, создание целостной образовательной парадигмы.
Показано, что реформа образовательной системы должна основы-ваться на перестройке устоявшихся личностных установок учителя, которые эксплицируются в процессах его межличностного взаимодей-ствия с учащимися. Выделены три основных установки учителя-фасили-татора. Первая - «истинность» и «открытость»; вторая установка описывается в терминах «принятие» и «доверие»; и, наконец, третья установка положительно коррелирует с «эмпатийным пониманием».
Выделены некоторые компоненты фасилитации, создающие такой микроклимат в коллективе, который будет обеспечивать личностный рост и развитие. Отмечено, что первым компонентом фасилитации является подлинность, «естественность», искренность личности. Ука-зано, что еще одним компонентом фасилитации является конгруэнт-ность. Следующим компонентом фасилитации считается эмпатийное понимание. Доказано, что фасилитативное взаимодействие можно вос-принимать как достаточно специфическую, активную разновидность перехода поведенческих паттернов в устойчивые смысловые структу¬ры, обеспечивающие развитие личности как школьника, так и самого педагога.
Выводы. Показано, что основные положения фасилитативного под-хода заключаются в том, что, во-первых, внутренняя природа (или сущ-ность) человека является исключительно положительным, конструк-тивным, нравственным и социальным качеством, а, во-вторых, эта природа начинает эксплицировать себя каждый раз, когда во взаимо-отношениях данной личности с другим человеком (или другими людьми) существует атмосфера безусловного положительного принятия, эмпа- тийного понимания и конгруэнтной самопрезентации.
Доказано, что фасилитативный подход подчеркивает, что человек имеет незаурядные ресурсы для самопознания, изменения собственной Я-концепции, целенаправленного поведения, а полное овладение этими ресурсами представляется возможным лишь в том случае, если в обще-ственной группе создается положительный микроклимат, фасилити- рующий становление психологических качеств личности.
Ключевые слова: фасилитация, фасилитативное взаимодействие, фасилитативное обучение, компоненты фасилитации, подлинность, «естественность», искренность личности, конгруэнтность, эмпатий- ное понимание.
The purpose of this article is to define the main characteristics of the facilitative interaction, to show the socio-genetic mechanism of facilitation, the mechanism of cultural transmission, to provide the principles of facilitative interaction in the process of interpersonal communication, to present facilitation as a phenome¬non of interpersonal communication, which greatly enhances the productivity of education or upbringing of the subjects of the educational process due to their harmonious, democratic style of communication and tolerant, empathetic quali-ties of the teacher's personality.
The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generaliza¬tion.
The results of the research. We proved that facilitation is a phenomenon of interpersonal communication, which greatly enhances the productivity of education or upbringing of the subjects of the educational process due to their harmonious, democratic style of communication and tolerant, empathetic qua-lities of the teacher's personality. Facilitative communication generates the most positive motives, and such learning motives, in turn, create positive precondi¬tions not only for the student to take a certain conscious position («And I can» or «And I will do this»), but also for harmonious cognitive activity in order to acquire new knowledge, skills, abilities, due to which he/she develops a desire to learn. Facilitating teachers are supposed «to provoke» the independence and to create the conditions for responsible freedom of students. These points must be taken into account when teachers draw up curricula and programs, and when formulating learning objectives, and when evaluating the results of educational activity. All this factors will create the most favorable conditions for independent and meaningful learning of students, activating their cognitive motives, stimu-lating curiosity, which, above all, will actualize the manifestations of solidarity and cooperation, interaction and mutual assistance in the educational process. All this, in turn, facilitates a high level of cognitive functioning, the whole educa-tional paradigm.
We think that the reform of the educational system should be based on the restructuring of stable personal attitudes of the teacher, which are explained in the processes of his/her interpersonal interaction with students. We identify three main guidelines of the teacher-facilitator. The first is «truth» and «open¬ness»; the second setting is described in terms of «acceptance» and «trust»; and finally, the third attitude correlates positively with «empathic understanding».
Thus, it is possible to identify certain components of facilitation, which create a microclimate in the team that will ensure personal growth and develop-ment. The first component of facilitation is authenticity, «naturalness», sincerity of personality. Another components of facilitation are congruence and empa- thic understanding. Thus, facilitative interaction is a very specific, active type of transition of behavioral patterns into stable semantic structures that provide a change in the personality of both the student and the teacher.
Conclusions. The main factors of the facilitative approach are, firstly, the inner nature (or essence) of a man which is exclusively positive, constructive, moral and social, and secondly, this nature begins to explain itself every time in the relationships of the individual with another person (or other people). In such a way there is an atmosphere of unconditional positive acceptance, empathic understanding and congruent self-presentation.
Thus, the facilitative approach emphasizes that a person contains consi-derable resources for self-knowledge, change of self-concept, purposeful beha-vior, and complete mastery of these resources, which is possible only if the social group creates a positive microclimate that facilitates the formation of psycho-logical attitudes.
Key words: facilitation, facilitative interaction, facilitative teaching, com-ponents of facilitation, authenticity, «naturalness», sincerity of personality, con-gruence, empathic understanding.
In our research, facilitation refers to a personality-oriented approach, expressed in a global sense of trust of a person, in the tendency to personal growth, to the development and reali¬zation of his/her individual potential. Facilitation is a key con¬cept of non-directive, client-centered or person-centered psy¬chotherapy developed by C. Rogers. To understand the essence of facilitative interaction, the main principles of C. Rogers' theory are: belief in original, constructive and creative human wisdom; belief into the content of socio-personal nature, which implies the actualization of the constructive personal potential of the individual in the processes of interpersonal communi¬cation; the main concepts which are «necessary and sufficient conditions» of interpersonal communication, which contribute to the development of the personality and ensure the imple¬mentation of constructive personal changes («unconditional positive perception of another person», «active empathic lis¬tening», «congruent self-expression in the process of commu¬nication»); the ideas about the real stages of the group process, which takes place in certain social and personality-centered conditions (Rogers, 1983).
It was very important for our research to distinguish be¬tween two types of learning: unconscious and conscious ones. The first type of education is, so called, «impersonal one», in- tellectualized, evaluated from the outside space, aimed at mas¬tering the student's knowledge. Learning of the second type, on the contrary, is self-initiated, personally meaningful, such that has an impact on the personality as a whole. It is assessed by the pupil in order to ensure the mastery of meanings (or meaning frames) as elements of personally meaningful expe¬rience. The main tasks of the teacher are to stimulate and to initiate (to promote) conscious learning.
Considering the concepts of «education», «teaching» and «learning», C. Rogers emphasizes that in today's world, which is characterized by constant change, the emphasis in the lear¬ning process has to be shifted from teaching to facilitation as a manifestation of a new thinking, as a real reform of educa¬tion, which can not be achieved either by improving the skills and abilities, knowledge and abilities of teachers, or through the development and the implementation of experimental pro¬grams and modern technical teaching aids (Rogers, 1982).
In the psychological paradigm, facilitation is seen as sti-mulating the development of people's consciousness, their independence, freedom of choice, rather than an attempt to make people dependent on public opinion. Thus, traditionally, facilitation is analyzed as a change in the effectiveness of the subjects of educational activities. Freedom does not mean per-missiveness and release from professional responsibilities. If leading professionals, leaders in education are able to realize their role as facilitators, the educational paradigm will poten¬tially change.
The discussion of the terminological problem of the defi¬nition of «facilitation» is indicated by the requirements for¬mulated by L. Onufriieva & Ed. Ivashkevych (2021). Scientists believe that, firstly, the facilitative interaction itself should be objective and holistic in a systemic-functional sense. Secondly, this term should be taken unambiguously: to denote one phe¬nomenon that has a fairly clear paradigm. It is unacceptable to denote several phenomena by one term and, conversely, it is undesirable when one phenomenon is denoted by several terms. The existence of synonyms is sometimes justified, and in some cases they are inevitable. Thirdly, the etymological aspects of facilitative interaction should be considered. Fourthly, it is necessary, if it is possible, to take into account the traditions having been formed in Psychology. Fifthly, the procedural and productive aspects of facilitative interaction should be sepa¬rated. Sixthly, the terminology of related sciences should be taken into account in an effort to avoid interdisciplinary con¬tradictions (Михальчук & Онуфрієва, 2020).
So, the purpose of this article is to define the main charac-teristics of the facilitative interaction, to show the socio-ge- netic mechanism of facilitation as the mechanism of cultural transmission, to provide the principles of facilitative interac¬tion in the process of interpersonal communication, to present facilitation as a phenomenon of interpersonal communication, which greatly enhances the productivity of education or up¬bringing of the subjects of the educational process due to their harmonious, democratic style of communication and tolerant, empathetic qualities of the teacher's personality.
Methods of the research
The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.
Results and their discussion
Data on the characteristics of the facilitative interaction are presented in Table. 1. Also they are diluted in the termi¬nological sense of the procedural side and the result of facili¬tative interaction. The main category in Psychology is a category that reflects the mechanism of transmission of culture from generation to generation. According to scientists, in relation to the indi¬vidual it is a mechanism that ensures the formation of the personality. To denote such a phenomenon in Psychology, the term «facilitation» is also used as a stimulus to the develop¬ment of people's consciousness, their independence, freedom of choice. To stimulate (from Latin) denotes «to encourage», «to motivate to action», «to promote», «to give a push», «to be the motivating reason», «to activate any to provide the activity» (Івашкевич & Комарніцька, 2020).
Stimulus (from the Latin Stimulus means «to drive») is the influence that largely determines the activation of psy¬cho-physiological functions of the subject. In Social Psycho¬logy, the concept of «social facilitation» is used, which was interpreted as a trend that encourages people to perform better simple or familiar tasks in the presence of others (Тлумачний словник «Multitran», 2021). The concept of «facilitation» sig¬nificantly enhances the dominant human reactions in the pre¬sence of other people. Both in the first and in the second cases it is a question of stimulation of the person. Stimulation in the process of pedagogical facilitation means «to provoke changes in the personality of students» (Rogers, 1983). The basic cha¬racteristics of facilitation are shown in Table 1.
Table 1.Facilitation and its basic characteristics
Characte-ristics of facilitative interaction |
Facilitation as a process |
Personal aspect of facilitation |
Formative influence of facilitative interaction |
The result of facilitative interaction |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Socio-genetic mechanism of culture trans-mission |
To facilitate means to stimulate, to pro-mote, to activate (to facilitate is to pro-mote, to create fa-vorable conditions); to support, to help, to care, etc. |
Belief in the original, con-structive and creative wis-dom of a man as self-worth |
Belief in the socio-perso-nal nature of facilitative interaction, modeling of constructive personal po-tential of a person in the processes of interperso-nal communication |
The concept of neces-sary and sufficient conditions for inter-personal communica-tion. Facilitative in-teraction stimulates personal development, provides constructive personal changes |
Procedural nature |
Psychological me- chanism of synergy: cooperation, interac-tion, a dialogue |
Truthfulness and openness |
Acceptance and trust |
Empathie understan-ding |
Transfer and acquisition of knowledge |
Unconditional posi-tive acceptance of another person as personally signifi- cant one |
Personality development |
Self-actualization of the person |
Inventing a new solu-tion |
Formation of skills and abilities |
Creating conditions for meaningful lear-ning and personal development in gene-ral |
The actuali- zation of in-terpersonal communica-tion, the de-velopment of the individual educational route |
Stimulation of chang-es of students through dominant bifurcations, pushing them to create bifurcation models, mo-deling the positive condi-tions of interaction, va-rious feedbacks between the subjects of facilitative interaction (subject-sub-ject surveys, such as a dialogue, the interview, the discussion, a heuristic conversation, a debate, group forms of communi-cation and learning, etc.) |
Individual and group contacts with stu-dents, the organiza-tion of the learning process in dyads, group of free commu-nication and facilita-tive influence |
Student's de-velopment ac-cording to ge-netic and so-cial programs |
Congruent self-ex-pression in the pro-cess of communica-tion |
The desire to achieve indi-vidual goals in facilitative interaction |
Active empathie listening |
Self-sufficiency: the spiritual richness of the inner world of the individual |
Improving the properties of human be-havior |
Education of per-sonality orientation, his/her will, moti-ves, etc. |
Self-realiza-tion, forma- tion of self-at-titude, acqui-sition of per-sonally signi-ficant values |
Awareness of the impor-tance of learning, based on the peculiarities of in-terpersonal relationships |
Restructuring of per-sonal attitudes of stu-dents in the process of interpersonal interac-tion |
In the psychological literature it was noted that the socio- genetic mechanism of facilitation is the mechanism of cultural transmission: to facilitate means to stimulate, to activate, to create favorable conditions, to make changes and to influence, to support, to help, to care, etc.; a belief in the original, con¬structive and creative essence of a man as self-worth. The ba¬sic influence of facilitative interaction as a process is a belief into the socio-personal nature of facilitation, which actualizes the constructive personal potential of a man in the process of interpersonal communication. The result of facilitation is the concept of necessary and sufficient conditions for effective interpersonal communication that promote the development of personality and to provide constructive personality changes. The procedural side of facilitation at the lessons in high school is implied on the principles of synergy -- cooperation, interac¬tion, a dialogue; truthfulness and openness; the acceptance of another person as personally significant one; empathic under¬standing; the formation of skills and abilities which are appro¬priate for facilitative interaction.
The principles of facilitative interaction in the process of interpersonal communication at the lessons are: the develop¬ment of individual learning route, provoking personal changes of students through learning tasks that contain situations of cognitive dissonance, stimulating students to create them, creating positive conditions for interaction, offering different perspectives on content components; learning (mutual survey, such as a dialogue, the interview, group forms of communica¬tion and learning, etc.); conclusions on individual and group tasks with students, the organization of the educational pro¬cess in dyads, formation of communicative groups, creation of positive preconditions for learning and personal development of students.
It was noted that the facilitative aspects of student auto¬nomy are often impressed with their results: students realized and accepted the need to organize activities in the environment of interpersonal communication as personally significant ones, contributing to their own personal development and providing constructive personal change. Students seek to develop skills of empathic mastery of the context; students are interested in creating positive preconditions for the formation of meaning¬ful learning and personal development in general as a result of the restructuring of personal views in the process of interper¬sonal interaction; students are aware of their self-sufficiency. Facilitative aspects of human autonomy are actualized through four main methods of interpersonal interaction: persuasion, imitation, suggestion and infection, which are facilitative by their context.
Persuasion is the process of substantiating judgments or inferences. The imitation is the reproduction by a person of certain external features of the behavior, the actions and the activities. Suggestion is considered to be the psychological in-fluence of one person on another; this process is designed for uncritical perception of words, thoughts and desires expressed by different people. Infection is the process of transmitting an emotional state from one person to another, actualizing the semantic effect of perception in the process of interper¬sonal interaction. It was noted that when all these methods of interpersonal interaction were explained in the process of the activity, the product of this activity, as a rule, would differ in a creative, non-standard approach and, that is the most im¬portant, -- these products always all students like.
The introduction of the word «facilitation» into the psy-chological sphere of foreign origin is explained, first of all, by the fact that it has been included in the psychological and pedagogical conceptual paradigm since the second half of the XX century. However, facilitation does not object at all to the consideration of pedagogical activity as a management process. Thus, scientists (Терновик & Сімко, 2020) emphasize that its basic components are such processes of interpersonal interac¬tion, which create the best conditions for the development of educational and professional motivation of students, promote the development of students' personality, allow teachers to in¬crease their professional and pedagogical potential and ensure the achievement of educational goals in general. This approach allows us to identify in the learning process such a function of pedagogical interaction as facilitative one (Crookes, 1989).
Thus, facilitation is a phenomenon of interpersonal com-munication, which greatly enhances the productivity of edu¬cation or upbringing of the subjects of the educational process due to their harmonious, democratic style of communication and tolerant, empathetic qualities of the teacher's persona¬lity. Facilitative communication generates the most positive motives, and such learning motives, in turn, create positive preconditions not only for the student to take a certain con¬scious position («And I can» or «And I will do this»), but also for harmonious cognitive activity in order to acquire new knowledge, skills, abilities, due to which he/she develops a de¬sire to learn. Facilitating teachers are supposed «to provoke» the independence and to create the conditions for responsible freedom of students. These points must be taken into account when teachers draw up curricula and programs, and when for¬mulating learning objectives, and when evaluating the results of educational activity. All this factors will create the most favorable conditions for independent and meaningful learning of students, activating their cognitive motives, stimulating curiosity, which, above all, will actualize the manifestations of solidarity and cooperation, interaction and mutual assis¬tance in the educational process. All this, in turn, facilitates a high level of cognitive functioning, the whole educational paradigm.
We think that the reform of the educational system should be based on the restructuring of stable personal attitudes of the teacher, which are explained in the processes of his/her in-terpersonal interaction with students. We identify three main guidelines of the teacher-facilitator. The first is «truth» and «openness»; the second setting is described in terms of «accep-tance» and «trust»; and finally, the third attitude correlates positively with «empathic understanding».
In such a way С. Rogers (1983) notes that if the teacher follows these guidelines (or accepts them as personally signifi¬cant ones) we will deal with a special interpersonal (group) pro¬cess that will lead to significant personal changes of the par¬ticipants. This philosophy of the scientist actualizes a person's belief that each subject has, in fact, personal self-worth, dig¬nity and the ability to self-government. C. Rogers (1983) em¬phasizes trust and acceptance of personal significance, which is inherent for each individual in the direction of personal growth, self-development and self-improvement. A study of the therapeutic process conducted by C. Rogers (1983) found that the patient's healing occurs when the client feels «ac¬cepted» and understood by the psychotherapist. Feeling «being accepted» and «being understood» is a rather rare experience, especially when the patient turns to a psychotherapist with a certain problem, when he/she feels fear, anger, grief, jealousy and others. However, through facilitative psychotherapy, it becomes possible to heal at the levels of acceptance and under¬standing, and this, in turn, leads to the desired psychothera¬peutic effect.
One of the important features of the facilitative approach is the formation of a sense of unconditional trust in the per¬son. Man himself has traditionally been seen by many authors (Гончарук & Онуфрієва, 2018) as being uncontrollable by na¬ture, lazy, self-interested, selfish, immoral and sinful. There¬fore, any person from the earliest childhood should be under constant external care and supervision.
Thus, it is possible to identify certain components of fa-cilitation, which create a microclimate in the team that will ensure personal growth and development. First of all, we will talk about the facilitative interaction between the therapist and the client, the parent and the child, the leader and the group, the teacher and the student, the leader and the subordinate. In fact, these conditions are also relevant in any situation, the purpose of which is the development of human personality.
The first component of facilitation is authenticity, «natu-ralness», sincerity of personality. The more the teacher is him-self/herself in the relationships with students, the less he/she will try «to separate» from students, the more likely it is that students will seek to achieve constructive personal change. Authenticity (or «naturalness») means that the teacher openly seems «to live» the feelings and attitudes that occur at the moment of cognitive activity and interpersonal interaction.
Another component of facilitation is congruence. If in the case of empathy it is a question of empathy for the emotional state of another person, then in the case of congruence it is a question of experiencing someone's own feelings, of their openness both to oneself and to other people. Congruence dif¬fers from authenticity, openness, honesty; we consider this quality as a necessary one and sufficient condition for effec¬tive interpersonal contact and relationships (along with empa¬thy and unconditional positive acceptance of another person).
The term «congruence» was introduced by C. Rogers (1983) to describe the dynamic state of the psychotherapist, which intersects various elements of his/her inner experience (emo¬tions, feelings, attitudes, experiences, etc.), which are quite adequately, undisturbed and freely «live», are aware and are expressed directly when working with the client. In the case of congruence (and in contrast to empathy) it is about the psy¬chotherapist's experience of his/her own feelings, about his/ her openness to himself/herself and to other people. Congru¬ence is a process of invaluable acceptance and awareness of a person's real and actual feelings, experiences and problems with their subsequent speech explication and reproduction in new behavioral patterns that positively affect other people (or, in other words, if a person follows the principles and features of facilitative interaction). Congruence is, at the same time, a rather dynamic state in which a person feels mostly free and authentic both in relations to himself/herself and in relations to other people, without feeling of the need to use psychologi¬cal protections. Congruence occurs when our inner feelings and experiences are fairly accurately reflected in our consciousness and reproduced in our behavior, when we can be perceived and seen as who we really are.
The other important component of facilitative interaction is the acceptance of one's own personality and the personality of another person (even in the case of acknowledging the short-comings of another), caring for him/her. When the teacher feels a positive, non-superior attitude towards the student, de¬spite even some negative aspects that may occur in the lear¬ning process with the student, positive facilitative interaction in this case is so conformed.
Facilitation also involves allowing the student to delve into any of his/her immediate experiences -- even sad, abusive, re-sentment, fear, anger, courage, love or pride. In this case, the facilitative interaction takes the form of useless care. When the teacher recognizes the student as a whole, and not in a view of certain preconditions, the facilitative interaction ap¬pears entirely tangential.
The next component of facilitation is empathie understand-ing. The latter implies that the teacher quite accurately per¬ceives the feelings, personal meanings experienced by the stu¬dent, and begins to communicate with him/her in terms of a complete understanding of the client. Ideally, the teacher pen¬etrates quite «deeply» into the inner world of another person, which can not only realize the meanings of another person, but also to master them, in addition, can master the meanings that are fixed outside the facilitative paradigm. Thus, facilitative interaction is a very specific, active type of transition of be¬havioral patterns into stable semantic structures that provide a change in the personality of both the student and the teacher.
As we came to understand which content facilitates the personal attitudes of the psychotherapist in the most degree, he/she became more and more aware of what facilitates the personal attitudes (teachers on the use of methods of education and training of the ward). Thus, we were increasingly interes¬ted not in the methods and forms of the activity in the class¬room, or in the content of education as such, which will form the basis for the formation of meaningful, productive and fair¬ly independent student learning. Just as in psychotherapy the successful implementation of these guidelines leads to the un¬derstanding of the principles and features of the organization of interpersonal communication between the psychotherapist and the client, and the facilitation plan becomes relevant in the pedagogical relationship between a teacher and students.
Facilitation is considered by us as a specific activity of the subject to the laws of attributive analysis proposed by foreign scholars. Such the analysis creates a certain algorithm of ac¬tions of the subjects of interpersonal interaction, given that each concept reflects not so much the phenomenon as the model of the concept, as well as reflects the content of the concept itself. The model of the concept of the activity and the model of the phenomenon are not one and the same phenomena. The concept should reflect the attributes, components, functions and structure of the phenomenon. The model of the concept can explain, for example, only the attributes of the phenome¬non and their structure, we note.
So, facilitative interaction is characterized by specific lin-guistic, psychological and integrative features. They need to be considered for the development of an appropriate training system and specific methodological recommendations. Let's define the basic concepts of facilitative interaction. First of all, Facilitative interaction is a united situational-thematic community and communicative motives of the combination of verbal statements consistently generated by two or more inter¬locutors in the direct act of communication. Facilitative inter¬action at secondary schools often takes a place in the process of organizing dialogues.
From the linguistic point of view dialogization is the pro¬cess of facilitative speech interaction, which involves the ex¬change of replicas that do not reach the scope of monologue statements. The term «dialogue» is understood as the process of conversation, and its result-text, but the text will not al¬ways be dialogically in the content.
The dialogue (from «dialogues», diagonal, logos) is a con-versation between two or more people. Expressions are short, often they are fragmentary replicas.
Let's show the linguistic features of dialogical communi-cation.
Dialogue as a product of coordinated verbal speech activity of two (three or more) interlocutors, is a coherent text that has all the main characteristics of the unambiguous unity. The parameters of the oral dialogue can be included:
-- referring to one or another sphere of oral communica¬tion;
-- the nature of the subject (one topic, a system of themes, several different themes);
-- a number of creators of the text (dialogue, trilogy, polygon);
-- functional style of speech (spoken, officially or busi¬ness, etc.);
-- degree of readiness of the subjects of speech act (pre¬sence of workpieces, thoughts and facts, degree of mastering the topic);
-- linguistic characteristics (normative language, compo-sition of the dictionary, intonational design);
-- situationality (the degree of support of speaking on in¬fant communication channels in the process of their speech contact and the reflection of this particular communication in the text);
-- depth and detail of the communicative development of the topic (or topics) that are discussed during the speech con¬tact.
Such kinds of dialogues are facilitative by their nature. Let's analyze the character of the speech material used in the dialogical speech on the basis of sentences that can be classi¬fied in terms of:
a) communicative purpose (narrative, questionable, induc-tive, occlusive);
b) syntactical complexity (simple, complicated, complex);
c) completeness or uncompleteness (common, unpopular, el¬liptic);
d) the degree of clipping (that is, the formality of the form before the moment of speech reproduction).
In the speeches of initiative subject, a significant place is occupied by questioning sentences (up to 40--50%), followed by narrative (37%). The answers in the first place are narrative sentences (up to 60%), in the second one -- questionable (up to 20%).
The basis of the language material of the facilitative dia¬logues is simple sentences (70%), most of which are widespread. Complex sentences are used much less often than simple, and in general are reduced to the transmission of causal and conditional-time relationships (with subordinate sentences of conditions and time).
The main factors of the facilitative approach are, firstly, the inner nature (or essence) of a man which is exclusively posi¬tive, constructive, moral and social, and secondly, this nature begins to explain itself every time in the relationships of the individual with another person (or other people). In such a way there is an atmosphere of unconditional positive acceptance, empathic understanding and congruent self-presentation.
Thus, the facilitative approach emphasizes that a person contains considerable resources for self-knowledge, change of self-concept, purposeful behavior, and complete mastery of these resources, which is possible only if the social group crea¬tes a positive microclimate that facilitates the formation of psychological attitudes.
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2. Івашкевич Ер., Комарніцька Л. Psychological aspects of comics as the paraliterary genres. Збірник наукових праць «Проблеми сучасної психології», 2020, 49, 106-130. URL : 2227-6246.2020-49.106-130.
3. Михальчук Н., Онуфрієва Л. Психологічний аналіз різних типів дис¬курсу. Збірник наукових праць «Проблеми сучасної психології», 2020, 50, 188-210. URL : 2020-50.188-210.
4. Терновик Н., Сімко А. Художня література як засіб формування підліт¬ка як суб'єкта пізнавальної діяльності. Збірник наукових праць «Проблеми сучасної психології», 2020, 49, 322-341. DOI https://
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6. Crookes, G. (1989). Planning and interlanguage variation. Studies in Se¬cond Language Acquisition, 11, 367-383. URL : 10.1017/s0272263100008391.
7. Onufriieva, L., & Ivashkevych, Ed. The development of learner's auto¬nomy by the way of the formation of social intelligence. Збірник наукових праць «Проблеми сучасної психології», 2021, 51, 9-32. URL :
8. Rogers, C.R. Freedom to learn for the 80'S. Columbus : Charles E. Merril Publ. Co., 1983. 312 p.
фасилітативний міжособистісний спілкування
1. Honcharuk, N., & Onufriieva, L. (2018). Psykholohichnyi analiz rivniv pobudovy komunikatyvnykh dii [Psychological analysis of the levels of construction of communicative actions]. Psykholinhvistyka. Psi-
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3. Mykhalchuk, N., & Onufriieva, L. (2020). Psykholohichnyi analiz riznykh typiv dyskursu [Psychological Analysis of Different Types of Dis¬course]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats «Problemy suchasnoi psykholo-hii» -- Collection of research papers «Problems of modern psycholo¬gy», 50, 188-210. Retrieved from 6246.2020-50.188-210 [in Ukrainian].
4. Ternovyk, N., & Simko, A. (2020). Khudozhnia literatura yak zasib for- muvannia pidlitka yak subiekta piznavalnoi diialnosti [Fiction as a means of forming a teenager as a subject of cognitive activity]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats «Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii» -- Collec-tion of research papers «Problems of modern psychology», 49, 322¬341. DOI [in Ukrainian].
5. Tlumachnyi slovnyk «Multitran» [Dictionary «Multitran»] (2021). Re-trieved from
6. Crookes, G. (1989). Planning and interlanguage variation. Studies in Se¬cond Language Acquisition, 11, 367-383. Retrieved from https://
7. Onufriieva, L., & Ivashkevych, Ed. (2021). The development of learner's autonomy by the way of the formation of social intelligence. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats «Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii» -- Collection of re¬search papers «Problems of modern psychology», 51, 9-32. Retrieved from
8. Rogers, C.R. (1983). Freedom to learn for the 80'S. Columbus : Charles E. Merril Publ. Co.
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