The multiple identity status and psychological well-being of the Chinese and Taiwanese in the new sociocultural context
Multiple identity and psychological well-being forged in sociocultural context. Theories of multiple identities. De-identification and identity incompatibility. Multiple identity and psychological well-being. Sociocultural context of Taiwan problem.
07.12.2019 | |
898,6 K |
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4.1 Limitations
Our study has several limitations. First of all, majority of respondents had average or high level of income, which can influence their psychological well-being and self-efficacy. Second, we could increase number of respondents in order to improve readability of data. Third, the political views of respondents were not considered, thus, for example, we could divide respondent for those who support reunion with China, and those who don't.
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Table 1.
source: Chao, G. T., & Moon, H. (2005). The cultural mosaic: a metatheory for understanding the complexity of culture. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(6), 1128-1140.
Table 2. Social psychological approach
source: Lakshmi Ramarajan (2014). Past, Present and Future Research on Multiple Identities: Toward an Intrapersonal Network Approach. The Academy of Management Annals, Vol. 8 Iss: 1, pp. 589-659.
Table 3. Multiple identities hierarchies
source: Lakshmi Ramarajan (2014). Past, Present and Future Research on Multiple Identities: Toward an Intrapersonal Network Approach. The Academy of Management Annals, Vol. 8 Iss: 1, pp. 589-659.
Table 4. Descriptive statistics of all variables
Variables |
Generation |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
N |
Chinese Identity |
YoungGen |
2,3473 |
1,17069 |
65 |
MidlGen |
3,5867 |
,69222 |
56 |
OldGen |
4,6743 |
,54459 |
50 |
Total |
3,4336 |
1,29157 |
171 |
Taiwan Identity |
YoungGen |
4,6615 |
,60450 |
65 |
MidlGen |
4,5536 |
,49656 |
56 |
OldGen |
4,8133 |
,52881 |
50 |
Total |
4,6706 |
,55541 |
171 |
De-identification |
YoungGen |
3,5600 |
,90083 |
65 |
MidlGen |
2,6214 |
,64575 |
56 |
OldGen |
1,4360 |
,42893 |
50 |
Total |
2,6316 |
1,11511 |
171 |
Incompatibility |
YoungGen |
4,06 |
1,029 |
65 |
MidlGen |
3,20 |
,699 |
56 |
OldGen |
1,18 |
,560 |
50 |
Total |
2,94 |
1,435 |
171 |
Material cultural distance |
YoungGen |
2,6923 |
,57752 |
65 |
MidlGen |
3,0179 |
,34330 |
56 |
OldGen |
3,9500 |
,52732 |
50 |
Total |
3,1667 |
,71948 |
171 |
Inward cultural distance |
YoungGen |
3,4513 |
,64396 |
65 |
MidlGen |
3,6012 |
,35630 |
56 |
OldGen |
4,1933 |
,44206 |
50 |
Total |
3,7173 |
,59301 |
171 |
Interpersonal relations cultural distance |
YoungGen |
1,8500 |
,64620 |
65 |
MidlGen |
2,0670 |
,41966 |
56 |
OldGen |
2,7400 |
,58020 |
50 |
Total |
2,1813 |
,67029 |
171 |
Social interactions cultural distance |
YoungGen |
1,6423 |
,64039 |
65 |
MidlGen |
1,7946 |
,32018 |
56 |
OldGen |
2,1500 |
,53213 |
50 |
Total |
1,8406 |
,55952 |
171 |
Life Satisfaction |
YoungGen |
4,3731 |
,58484 |
65 |
MidlGen |
4,0357 |
,32132 |
56 |
OldGen |
4,2850 |
,46842 |
50 |
Total |
4,2368 |
,49650 |
171 |
Self-Esteem |
YoungGen |
4,2962 |
,63874 |
65 |
MidlGen |
3,8884 |
,51328 |
56 |
OldGen |
4,2200 |
,58606 |
50 |
Total |
4,1404 |
,60819 |
171 |
Self-Efficacy |
YoungGen |
4,1538 |
,65529 |
65 |
MidlGen |
3,7286 |
,52457 |
56 |
OldGen |
3,9660 |
,50004 |
50 |
Total |
3,9596 |
,59563 |
171 |
Table 5. Comparison of Chinese/Taiwan Identities, De-identification, Incompatibility of identities, 4 types of cultural distance, Life Satisfaction, Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy of 3 generation of Taiwan citizens.
Variables |
Mean Generation 3 (18-35y.o.) |
Mean Generation 2 (35-60y.o) |
Mean Generation 1 (60+ y.o.) |
Mean |
F |
Partial |
Chinese identity |
3,43 |
2,34a |
3,58b |
4,67c |
101,237 |
,547*** |
Taiwan identity |
4,67 |
4,66a |
4,55a |
4,81b |
2,970 |
,034 |
De-identification |
2,63 |
3,56a |
2,62b |
1,43c |
127,678 |
,603*** |
Incompatibility of identities |
2,94 |
4,06a |
3,20b |
1,18c |
183,561 |
,686*** |
Material cultural distance |
3,16 |
2,69a |
3,01b |
3,95c |
94,321 |
,529*** |
Inward cultural distance |
3,71 |
3,45a |
3,60a |
4,19b |
32,520 |
,279*** |
Interpersonal relations cultural distance |
2,18 |
1,85a |
2,06a |
2,74b |
37,269 |
,307*** |
Social interactions cultural distance |
1,84 |
1,64a |
1,79a |
2,15b |
13,695 |
,140*** |
Life Satisfaction |
4,23 |
4,37a |
4,03b |
4,28a |
7,864 |
,086** |
Self-Esteem |
4,14 |
4,29a |
3,88b |
4,28a |
7,971 |
,087*** |
Self-Efficacy |
3,95 |
4,15a |
3,72b |
3,96ab |
8,334 |
,090*** |
Note: Means with different subscripts are significantly different in Least Significant Differences post hoc tests (p < .05). **p < .01
Table 6. Correlations
Chinese Identity |
Taiwan Identity |
De-identification |
Incompatibility of identities |
Material CD |
Inward CD |
Interpersonal relations CD |
Social interections CD |
Life Satisfaction |
Self-Esteem |
Self-Efficacy |
Chinese Identity |
Pearson Correlation |
1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
N |
171 |
Taiwanese Identity |
Pearson Correlation |
-0,12 |
1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
0,119 |
N |
171 |
171 |
De-identification |
Pearson Correlation |
-,925** |
0,126 |
1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
0 |
0,101 |
N |
171 |
171 |
171 |
Incompatibility of identities |
Pearson Correlation |
-,870** |
0,022 |
,874** |
1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
0 |
0,771 |
0 |
N |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
Material CD |
Pearson Correlation |
,754** |
-0,041 |
-,781** |
-,781** |
1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
0 |
0,595 |
0 |
0 |
N |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
Inward CD |
Pearson Correlation |
,706** |
-0,086 |
-,683** |
-,699** |
,722** |
1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
0 |
0,264 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
Interpersonal relations CD |
Pearson Correlation |
,677** |
-,298** |
-,714** |
-,685** |
,760** |
,586** |
1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
Social interections CD |
Pearson Correlation |
,598** |
-,343** |
-,593** |
-,568** |
,651** |
,534** |
,773** |
1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
Life Satisfaction |
Pearson Correlation |
-,162* |
0,141 |
0,104 |
0,075 |
0,008 |
0,029 |
-0,081 |
-0,071 |
1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
0,034 |
0,067 |
0,174 |
0,329 |
0,915 |
0,707 |
0,291 |
0,355 |
N |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
Self Esteem |
Pearson Correlation |
-0,12 |
,199** |
0,069 |
0,061 |
-0,01 |
0,022 |
-0,121 |
-0,098 |
,824** |
1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
0,117 |
0,009 |
0,368 |
0,429 |
0,896 |
0,772 |
0,114 |
0,202 |
0 |
N |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
Self-Efficacy |
Pearson Correlation |
-,205** |
,196* |
,158* |
0,128 |
-0,073 |
-0,016 |
-0,142 |
-0,133 |
,802** |
,821** |
1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
0,007 |
0,01 |
0,039 |
0,094 |
0,34 |
0,837 |
0,064 |
0,082 |
0 |
0 |
N |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
171 |
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) . *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). |
Table 7. SEM model
Table 8. Fit Indices of the Path Models of the role of Aspect of Cultural Distance as mediator between Chinese/Taiwanese identities, De-identification, Incompatibility of identities and Well-Being, Self-Efficacy.
2/df |
1. Material cultural distance |
3.3 |
.997 |
.0250 |
.086 |
.152 |
2. Inward cultural distance |
3.3 |
.997 |
.0267 |
.086 |
.152 |
3. Interpersonal relations cultural distance |
3.3 |
.997 |
.0252 |
0.86 |
.152 |
4. Social interactions cultural distance |
3.3 |
.997 |
.0255 |
0.86 |
.152 |
Table 9. SEM model #1 with Material cultural distance as mediator.
*Only the significant regression coefficients in figures is indicated.
Table 10. SEM model #2 with Inward cultural distance as mediator
*Only the significant regression coefficients in figures is indicated.
Table 11. SEM model #3 with Interpersonal relations cultural distance as mediator.
*Only the significant regression coefficients in figures is indicated.
Table 12. SEM model #4 with Social interactions cultural distance as mediator.
*Only the significant regression coefficients in figures is indicated
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Life satisfaction The four items of The Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larson, & Griffin, 1985).
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Self-esteem. The four items of the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (Rosenberg,1965).
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The first measure we use is the General Self-Efficacy Scale (Schwarzer, R., & Jerusalem, M., 1995). This scale is a self-report measure of self-efficacy.
Items: 10
Internal reliability for GSE = Cronbach's alphas between .76 and .90
Validity: the GSE is correlated to emotion, optimism, work satisfaction. Negative coefficients were found for depression, stress, health complaints, burnout, and anxiety.
Example of the item: I can always manage to solve difficult problems if I try hard enough (1-Not at all true, 4-Exactly true).
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The problem of evaluation, self-assessment of personality as a psychological category. Factors of formation evaluation and self-esteem of children of primary school age. An experimental study of characteristics evaluation and self-esteem of junior pupils.
[28,6 K], 19.05.2011Theoretical basis of a role plays as a teaching aid. Historic background of game origin. Psychological value of a role plays. The main function and principles of game organization. Gaming technique. Classification of role plays. Advantages of a game.
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