Developing a creative orientation as a factor of becoming and personal growing of a child in educational environment of an institution of additional education
Analysis of the factors of the personal growth of the child in the educational environment of the institution of additional education. Features of the theoretical analysis of the phenomena of creativity and the creative orientation of the individual.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.02.2019 |
Размер файла | 34,7 K |
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Developing a creative orientation as a factor of becoming and personal growing of a child in educational environment of an institution of additional education
In the article the theoretical analysis of phenomena of creativity and a creative orientation of a person is carried out. The urgency and necessity of development of conceptual approaches to forming a creative orientation is proved. The author's model of forming a creative orientation of a person on the basis of age-related, system and creative approaches to activity in municipal space of a city is submitted.
changes in the society life make new demands to educational institutions of all kinds and types. The process of development of a child in the system of additional education is closely connected to processes of forming a creative orientation of the person.
Let's address to category of “creativity”. In cultural science creativity is considered as one of kinds of activity of a person transforming the natural and social world according to needs of the person. In psychology creativity is studied as a psychological process of creating new and as a totality of properties of the person providing his/her involvement in this process. «creativity is an ability to be surprised and to learn, a skill to find a solution in non-standard situations. It is aiming at opening new and an ability for deep comprehension of once own experience» (E. Fromm).
In modern domestic psychology creativity is submitted as a basis of the mechanism of development of mentality (Y.A. Ponomarev, A.M. Matyushkin, I.N. Semenov, N.V. Kipiani, etc.), and its researches are connected with laws of thinking (P.S. Altshuller, A.g. Vinogradov, O.K. Tikhomirov, N.g. Alekseev, S.M. Bernstein, V.N. Pushkin). Aspects of creative development of children and teenagers are mentioned in works of L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, P.Y. galperin, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.I. Bozhovich, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, A.A. Bodalev, I.S. Kon, N.D. Levitov, A.N. Leontiev, V.N. Myasishchev, V.A. Petrovsky, S.L. Rubinstein, V.A. Slastenin, B.M. Teplov, D.B. Elkonin, D.I. Feldstein and other scientists. In their works the essence of becoming of a creative person, which is determined by a congruent requirement for creativity and creative self-realization, is revealed.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky's activity had an outstanding significance for destinies of humanistic education and pedagogics of creativity. “children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, picture, fantasy, creativity”, he wrote in his book “I give my heart to children”. he initiated a development of ideas of “pedagogics of collaboration” which is widely developed in modern domestic pedagogics.
Abroad researches of creative basis of a person are carried out in the context of creativity as a special trend of a psychological science. g. Anderson, D. Atkinson, j. gettsels, B. gizelin, M.P. griffin, j. gilford, I. hassard, P.V. jackson, A. von Prondchinski, g. Murray, M.j. Stein, R.D. Strenberg and other scientists have devoted their researches to it. creativity comes from Latin “creatio” that means creation; from English “creation” that means creation, making, production; from French “creation” that means creation, constructive endeavour, work; and from german “Kreatur” that is creation.
creativity is a totality of those features of mentality which provide a productive transformation in activity of the person [6].
With the help of a category of creativity a searching-transforming, productive attitude of a person to conditions of his/her life are distinguished which differs from stereotypic and reproductive ones. Such notion includes two moments: psychological and gnoseological. From the first point of view creativity abstracts features of passing of a searching-transforming activity of a person. The gnoseology investigates conditions of origin and “nature” of creativity.
The metaphysical concept of antiquity considers creativity as an “obsession” of a person in achievement of a superior “clever” world [8].
Plato defined creativity as “everything that causes transition from nonexistence into existence” [11, p. 115].
Medieval thinkers identified creativity with supernatural displays, with an act of the Divine will [4].
In Renaissance a personality of an artist, his/her ability to transform the world during creative contemplation were brought to the foreground. The definition of creativity as an activity “under laws of beauty” just belongs to this period [17, p. 130-165].
Kant defines creativity as a unity of conscious and unconscious activity [9].
Representatives of a materialistic school of existentialism considered a personality as a bearer of the creative source which they understood as an existence (from Latin “exsistentia” that is “being”, from a verb “exsisto” that means “to leave”, i.e. a “break” to freedom. Representatives of an idealistic school connected invention, an ability to solve the task which arose in a certain situation with creativity.
In modern Russian pedagogics a great deal of research works is devoted to various aspects of creative development of children. Questions of co-creation of children and adults are investigated by I.P. Ivanov, g.S. Markin; questions of teachers' training for organizing creative upbringing activity are studied by A.E. Mozhar, V.g. Maksimov, N.M. Yakovleva, L.K. Veretennikova, S.V. Evtushenko. Investigations of V.E. Alekseev, P.N. Andrianov, N.S. Bogoliubov, N.A. Vetlugina, I.A. Zimnyaya, ju.F. Kathanova, S.A. Novoselov, P.I. Pidkasisty, M.N. Povolyaeva, V.g. Razumovsky, g.S. Rigina, ju.S. Stolyarov, N.M. Sokol'nikova, E.A. Flerina, A.B. Shchedro, B.P. Yusov and other scientists are devoted to problems of development of particular kinds of creative activity of children. creative activity was examined in thesis works of S.V. Evtushenko, T.P. Shcherbakova, O.P. Medvedeva, T.I. Rudoy.
I.P. Kaloshina offers an analysis of structure of a normative creative activity and its mechanisms (5, p. 168).
D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya examines creativity through the system of various units, one of which is intellectual activity (a measure of initiative and unity of affect and intelligence). how to form or organize upbringing of creativity? A reference point is considered a creative imagination.
Imagination is an advanced patrimonial human ability allowing the person to transform real things into an image or idea.
In order to be a searching-productive ability imagination should be specially brought up and developed, but not according to stereotyped patterns, and in an active interaction products of advanced cultural imagination.
L.S. Vygotsky suggested presenting a complete circle of creative activity of imagination as a way of elements taken from reality, which inside the person, in his/her thinking “were exposed to a complex processing» and turned into products of imagination. At last having been embodied, they again returned to the reality, but as a new active force changing this reality [3].
V.P. Kozlenko presented stages of optimization of the process of creativity:
1) a need of a child in a searching-transforming activity;
2) an individual approach and an analysis of motivational features;
3) a maintenance of constant interest in the content of creative work;
4) forming a social-positive motivation;
5) development steady interests and needs for their creative realization in pupils [6].
In the context of our research the backbone characteristic of a person is his/her orientation.
B.F. Lomov considers that the orientation “acts as an incentive system determining selectivity of attitudes to the activity of the person” [7, p. 11].
S.L. Rubinstein, L.I. Bozhovich, V.E. chudnovsky investigated the concept of “orientation of a person” in their works.
L.I. Bozhovich distinguished the following types of orientation: public, business and personal. Motives of self-affirmation, well-being, and personal success dominate under the personal orientation. If motives of helping others, knowledge, creativity predominate it corresponds to the public and business orientations.
Addressing to the concept of orientation, T.A. Florenskaya means a spiritual orientation. The spiritual orientation is the main reference point of life activity of a person, determines the character of his/her relations between people.
In pedagogics, psychology, sociology a value orientation of a person as a display of sense-creative activity is investigated by A.A. Volochkov, E.g. Ermolenko; a socialpsychological orientation of a person is studied by A.D. Donika, L.M. Medvedev; an emotional orientation of a person is considered by O.N. Dotsenko; a professional orientation is examined by E.F. jashchenko.
Institutions of additional education have got a huge potential for forming a creative orientation of a person since preschool age, primary school age, juvenile age up to the choice of profession and building the course of life by a growing person. changes in the society's life make new demands to educational institutions of all kinds and types. The social order to the modern education focuses on solving sharp social problems concerning the organization of life activity of rising generation. In this connection additional education today outgrows subsidiary-developing sphere and becomes a significant factor of self-determination and self-realization of a person that quite corresponds to a new educational paradigm.
Today institutions of additional education make an important contribution to development of a child's personality as a subject of target-setting and target implementation on the basis of expansion of educational space, increase of sources of the necessary information, giving an opportunity to assimilate intersubject and universal knowledge and skills. It becomes possible due to that fact that at each step of the basic education additional education offers its supporting module starting from features of development of a person in conditions of the certain age period:
? at the stage of preschool education it is a preschool training;
? at the stage of elementary education it is help in taking a position of a pupil, inclusion in different educational communities;
? at the stage of basic general education (secondary education) it is a support of self-determination of a person: broadening a spectrum of significant problems in various fields of activity and gaining experience of their solutions;
? at the stage of full general education (high education) it is a support of pupils in their professional self-determination, supplying with preprofessional training.
A teacher is at the sources of personal self-realization of a child. The teacher's professional skill is based on high professional-pedagogical competence and closely cooperates with a creative orientation of the personality of the child.
In the system of institution of additional education mission of a teacher is not in bringing children to results known beforehand, but in a skill and readiness to pass the “way” of knowledge at the level of personal growth together with them. In this case not only the level of professional skill is increasing, but also the opportunity of gaining new personal senses (self-actualization, self-realization, and personalization) is opening.
In educational space of the Palace just for each child there is an educational path which gives him/her huge opportunities for self-realization. Teachers implement models of educational-research activity in the educational sphere, which make teachers of additional education turn from the mode of teaching of ready-made truths to the mode of organizing a joint search with pupils.
In this connection development of conceptual approaches to forming a creative orientation becomes a command of time. It is necessary to provide teachers with necessary required techniques.
Teachers-psychologists supervising structural divisions of the institution make a creative spirit in the educational environment. They form the system of “communicative education” based on collective creative activity that transforms educational process in the institution into a kaleidoscope of creative works. Orientation to creativity, absence of a strong regulation of lessons, taking into consideration bents of children, establishing situations of success for them are the components of a microclimate cultivated in the creative environment of the Palace of creativity.
Today one of strategic guiding lines of innovative activity of the Palace of creativity of children and youth of Rostov-on-Don is an expansion of a spectrum of directions of experts' training, creation of conditions for forming a creative orientation and increasing a skill level of teachers.
In the institution it is developed a model of the general technology of vocational training based on actualization of a personal orientation of all interconnected contentrich activity-oriented components of educational system of institution. It includes:
? vocational training (seminars and practical trainings; refresher courses; professional practice of students of teacher's training college and college of culture; work of creative laboratories: “Interinstitutional interaction as a condition of becoming of a social maturity of a person”, “Steps of skill”, “Designing of socialpedagogical activity”; club “Young teacher”);
? scientific-research activity of pupils (Don Academy of Sciences of Young Researchers - DASYR);
? organizational forms of management and pedagogical monitoring;
? interinstitutional interaction and collaboration;
? a project approach to activity (project “Young scientists”, international camp “hope”, “School-DASYR-SFedU”, “School of an intellectual history”, Internet-projects, Internet academic competitions).
Today a system construct of experimental activity of the institution, a variant of organizing of full-time-correspondence courses of “teacher-researcher's school”, is created together with Federal State Institution “Federal Institute of Development of Education” (Moscow) as a refresher training centre, based on the conception of development of the institution for the teaching staff of the Palace of creativity.
We aspire to construct mechanisms of interaction and integration of pedagogical science and educational practice which facilitate dynamical, productive, practiceoriented development of the institution. During long years the Palace of creativity has been a centre for organizing educational practice for students of psychology faculty of Southern Federal University, Rostov college of culture and others.
Maintenance of clear succession and integration between tradition and innovations in the field of education, and creation of conditions for developing a creative orientation of subjects of educational process are of fundamental importance. The specificity of their activity provides enthusiasm, success, self-realization, and social recognition. And the need for creativity does not die away as a result of satiation, but intensifies inducing to creative activity.
L.S. Vygotsky wrote “Education should be organized in such a way that a child was not brought up, but the child brought up himself/herself”. In our opinion, it is only possible in the context of a creative collaboration of children and adults and pedagogics of creativity based on motivation that is on a constant impulse to purposeful creative activity.
It is necessary to consider upbringing of children in creative activity as forming a certain orientation of the person, becoming a unique individuality which realizes in culture and develops culture.
“… In order to one person beneficially influences on another person, introduce creativity into your life!” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky who initiated development of starting points of pedagogics of creativity which is a special area of the pedagogical theory and practice. In the focus of its attention there is a search of deep-laid mechanisms of forming a creative orientation of children, starting from the interests of a person and society, working out scientific foundations of creativity, and their embodiment in specific techniques and technologies.
In 2009-2010 academic year at the Palace of creativity of children and youth of Rostov-on-Don with the purpose of forming uniform approaches of teachers of additional education to organizing an educational process in conditions of purposefully organized creative activity originated from pedagogics of creativity the refresher course called “creative activity as a factor of socialization of children and youth” for teachers of additional education have been organized in the context of experimental activity together with Federal State Institution “Federal Institute of Development of Education”.
Within the framework of the given course seminars and practical training have been organized, round tables and the masterclasses have been carried out. The subjects of the given masterclasses have been determined by necessity of revealing technologies of support of creative activity which ensure the process of socialization of a child in municipal educational space.
During the given work scientists, teachers, psychologists have submitted technologies of involving children in creative activity; have considered sides of the system of forming a creative orientation of a person which provide youth with mastering perspective types of thinking: project, problem-focused, aimed at expansion of horizons of knowledge, communication, creativity, and professional self-determination; have determined motives and approaches to organizing the system of revealing and supporting gifted youth under conditions of purposefully-organized creative activity.
In the institution technological support of organizing creative activity is provided with sense-creative, informational-communicative, research, personal-developmental technologies, technologies of pedagogical support, organization of cultural practice, social project planning, etc.
Immersion of a child in the process of activity during the lessons of children's unions of the Palace of creativity assumes:
? realization of the creative approach to activity;
? orientation toward the age of the child;
? introduction of the system of becoming complicated tasks with elements of searching own independent solutions;
? accessibility, simplicity, expressiveness of the material and use of visual methods;
? use of problem tasks and methodical techniques of emotional influence;
? forming abilities of pupils for improvisation;
? comprehension of senses and recognition of achievements (competitions, exhibitions, games, shows, festivals).
The mechanism of creative realization of a child can be submitted in the following logic sequence: from perception - to reproduction - to reproduction in creativity. In the given logic a child is given an opportunity of self-realization in activity. It is also predicted the trajectory of growth and development in process of knowledge, communication, solving significant problems, achieving success, interest in extension of creativity. So social experience of pupils is being enriched, and their subject, frequently leading, position is being formed.
In accordance with the united opinion of children, teachers and parents, the efficiency of used technologies is proved with that fact that today pupils of the Palace of creativity are mastering decision-making, aspiring to approach the process of their professional becoming and career. They are charmed with the predicted prospects of the future.
educational creative personal
educational creative personal
1.Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. Intellectual activity as a problem of creativity. - Rostov-onDon, 1983.
2.Bozhovich L.I. Problems of forming a personality / Ed. by D.I. Feldstein. The 2nd edition. - M.: Publishing house “The Institute of practical psychology”. - Voronezh: Scientific Production Association “MODEK”, 1997.
3.Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity at child's age: the psychological sketch: Teacher's book. The 3d edition. - М.: Prosveschenie, 1991.
4.Zubov V.P., Zubova M.V. Aesthetics of the Middle Ages // The history of aesthetic thought. In 6 volumes. V. 1. The ancient world. Middle Ages in Europe. - M., 1982.
5.Kaloshina I.P. The structure and mechanisms of the creative activity (the normative approach). - M.: Publishing house of the Moscow State University, 1983.
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