The professional realization of personality through the prism of value life regulators
Analysis of the problem of value orientations in the life and professional realization of the personality. Consideration of the motivational-semantic regulation, aspects of mental tension and disability in the professional activity of the teacher.
Рубрика | Психология |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.10.2018 |
Размер файла | 21,9 K |
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UDC 159.923
The professional realization of personality through the prism of value life regulators
L. A. Onufriieva
I.L. Rudzevych
value professional motivational teacher
L. A. Onufriieva, I. L. Rudzevych. The professional realization of personality through the prism of value life regulators. The theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem on value orientations in the life and professional realization of the personality is made. The analysis included the consideration of the value regulators of personality-based realization; the consideration of the motivational and sense regulation of personality-based realization; and aspects of mental tension and efficiency in the professional activities of a teacher. The polarity of value mediation of the teachers' professional adaptation, depending on their membership in the forms of professional identification, is confirmed. It is noted that a personality's stagnation in the professional activities of the teacher is aimed at solving the contradiction between the requirements of professional activities, the professional community and the abilities and capabilities of the personality. It is revealed that positive forms of a personality's professional identification under any objective requirements of professional activities are related to the motivational and sense regulation of behavior with the focus on professional realization, and negative forms of professional identification with an orientation to individual values. In case of prospective mismatch of personality and professional requirements (negative forms of professional identification), the processes of correctional regulation are aimed at organizing such professional activity that would enable a personalitybased strategy of behavior, a review of significant guidelines and the search for fundamentally new knowledge. The general tendencies of a specialist's professional self-consciousness development are singled out; the prospects of further scientific researches of the motivational and sense sphere of a teacher's personality are revealed.
Key words: professional realization of personality, value life regulators, peculiarities of a specialist's professional self-consciousness development, professional activities, professional activity, professional adaptation.
Л. А. Онуфрієва, І. Л. Рудзевич. Професійна реалізація особистості через призму ціннісних життєвих регуляторів. Здійснено теоретикометодологічний аналіз проблеми ціннісних орієнтацій у життєвому та професійному просторі реалізації особистості, який містив розгляд ціннісних регуляторів особистісної реалізації, розгляд мотиваційно-смислової регуляції особистісної реалізації, аспекти психічної напруженості та працездатності у професійній діяльності вчителя. Підтверджено полярність ціннісного опосередкування професійної адаптації вчителів залежно від їх належності до форм професійної ідентифікації. Зазначено, що стагнація особистості в професійній діяльності педагога спрямована на вирішення протиріччя між вимогами професійної діяльності, професійної спільноти та можливостями і здібностями особистості. З'ясовано, що позитивні форми професійної ідентифікації особистості за будь-яких об'єктивних вимог професійної діяльності пов'язані з мотиваційносмисловою регуляцією поведінки з орієнтацією на професійну реалізацію, а негативні форми професійної ідентифікації з орієнтацією на індивідуальні цінності. Показано, що у разі перспективної невідповідності особистості та професійних вимог (негативні форми професійної ідентифікації) процеси корекційної регуляції спрямовані на організацію такої професійної активності, яка забезпечила б особистісну стратегію поведінки, перегляд життєво-важливих орієнтирів і пошук принципово нового знання. До того ж з'ясовано, що така активність повинна бути пов'язана не лише зі зміною конкретно професійних, але й соціальних, морально-етичних норм поведінки та діяльності, вироблених і прийнятих особистістю. Виокремлено загальні тенденційні особливості розвитку професійної самосвідомості фахівця, розкрито перспективи подальших наукових досліджень мотиваційно-смислової сфери особистості педагога.
Ключові слова: професійна реалізація особистості, ціннісні життєві регулятори, особливості розвитку професійної самосвідомості фахівця, професійна діяльність, професійна активність, професійна адаптація.
The formulation of the research problem. In the third millennium, the problem on studying the value orientations of the personality is very relevant because of the need to implement corrective measures on the adequacy of the conscious realization of personality-based and professional potential of a person.
Value orientations are considered by scientists as promising lines of a personality's consciousness, and value stereotypes are viewed as a real component of the perception setting, which accumulates previous experience of the individual in a kind of algorithm of relations to a particular object. The notions of «value representations» and «values» in psychological literature are often interpreted as synonyms. The scientist D. O. Leontiev considers the concepts of «value representations» to be a mirror reflection of «values» [6], which can be interpreted as social ideals produced by social consciousness; substantive embodiment of these ideals in the actions of concrete people; motivational structures of the personality. Value representations and value orientations are considered as individual forms of representation of subindividual values, while the notions of «values» and «value orientations» are associated with both realized and to the really significant values.
It is known during the historical development the psychology of experience and the psychology of behavior were the most controversial to each other. A certain convergence of these two methodologies occurred in connection with the events of the Second World War, when European psychologists (Freud, Levin, Keller, etc.) began a massive visit to the American continent. So a «hybrid» understanding of psychology appeared: American psychology is not limited to the concept of behavior, and in Europe the psychology is often defined as the science of experience and behavior. Following the opinion of D. Kovach [4], we can say that in relation to the psychology of experience and psychology of behavior there was an insignificant compromise rather than a program association.
Analysis of recent researches. At the present stage of the psychology development there is a methodological synthesis due to the intensive experimental work, which allocates such initial concepts for the definition of psychology as stimulation, organism, behavior and experiences. Being attentive in their interpretation in psychology, one can say that they are united by the regulatory principle of functioning.
The reasoning of the use of the construct of mental regulation in the study of mental phenomena follows after the methodological implications and criteria used to classify scientific activities. In foreign psychological literature one can find a number of references to the regulatory concept, and in particular in the works of D. O. Hebb,
J.R. Kantor, K. Levin, Z. Freid, E. Tolman. As for domestic psychology, the regulative understanding of psychic phenomena is expressed not only by the tradition originated from I. M. Sechienov, but also by the general methodological orientation of the allocation of the principles of determinism, the connection between the consciousness and activities, development, the unity of the historical and logical, personality-based approach (K. O. Abulkhanova-Slavska, O. M. Leontiev, B. F. Lomov, S. D. Maksymenko, S. L. Rubinstein, K. V. Shorokhova and others).
In the context of the problem, from the point of view of the main types of human behavior, the following three levels of regulation are distinguished: reactions regulated by mental states (activation, emotions); reactions regulated by mental processes (perception, memory, thinking); reactions regulated by the personality traits. At the same time, all three levels of regulation in a certain hierarchical sequence can participate in a specific human behavior. It is well known that mental regulation is not carried out right now: information in the brain acts as a continuous regulator of not only ongoing behavior, but also behavior in the future.
As for the notion of «values», their regulatory meaning is indisputable. If to follow their functioning from the development of social ideals in the human consciousness to the motivational «models of the need», then the general model can be represented as follows: social ideals are assimilated by the personality in the form of «models of the necessary», which begin to motivate to the activity, where objectively embodied values, in turn, become the basis for the formulation of social ideals, and so on and so on in the infinite spiral.
The purpose of the article consists in the theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem on value orientations in the life and professional realization of the personality which would include the consideration of the value regulators of personality-based realization; the consideration of the motivational and sense regulation of personality-based realization; and aspects of mental tension and efficiency in the professional activities of a teacher.
The main material research. The psychological model of the structure and functioning of human motivation and his development in the process of sociogenesis specifies the understanding of personality-based values as sources of individual motivation that are functionally equivalent to needs. Personality-based values are formed in the process of sociogenesis, while it is quite difficult to interact with needs. Recognition of values by actually immanent regulators of the individuals' activities does not deny the existence of conscious beliefs or ideas of the subject about their own values, which may not coincide with them in terms of content and psychological nature.
Therefore, considering the phenomenon of human values there are visible interfunctional relationships between its content and the sense of regulatory variables both in the field of stimulation of the body, and the field of behavior and experience. The essence of the concept of «value regulators» represents a person as a subject being able to evaluate his own values and to design the movement towards future values. In this case, the value regulators are approaching value ideals, the hierarchy of which characterizes the value of the personal values for a person, and acts as the ideal end-points for the development of the values of the subject.
Such a comprehensive regulatory understanding of the human values causes two important methodological consequences: the teacher should not be limited to the registration of behavior; he must also measure a permanent and actual experience. The teacher masters a deeper and casual approach to understand why the personality does this, and not otherwise. The most convincing are empirical facts obtained in the original experiment conducted by O. Y. Nasinovska using the method of indirect post-hypnotic suggestion. By virtue of the experimental study of M. B. Kuniavskyi, V. B. Moin, and I. P. Popova, four groups of reasons were identified, which may explain the differences between value constructs, being declared, and values that really encourage human activities with personal values [5; 6].
The experimental data give rise to new issues, one of which is prominent in the foreground. This is the problem of the correlation between the recognition of psychological reality as the real values that are integrated into the motivational structure of the personality and the value representations of the human consciousness, where the integration link is the vital regulators of behavior.
The vital regulators as a component of human value orientations concern first of all its sense sphere, namely, the meaning of life. At the present time, there are various definitions of the meaning of life. Despite the fact that the problem of the meaning of life is interdisciplinary, it becomes of greatest importance in psychology, where the phenomenon of the meaning of life is given a special generating force. The meaning of life, in its deep sense, is not a psychological, «buffer» entity, it is not emancipated from the «external» and «internal», it neither was and nor is one or the other, it is the fact that is more than a person who is, probably, a certain «superpersonal» formation [10]. One can say that this is «Me»-spiritual of a person.
The meaning of life as a way of relation to the world (S. L. Rubinstein) is realized in various spheres of life, and, in particular, in a professional one. A human, realizing himself in the profession, finds his place in life. Based on two main ways of life described by S. L. Rubinstein (the first way is life that does not go beyond the bounds in which a person lives; the second method is the intensive development of reflection), O. R. Fonariov identified three modes of human existence: possession, social achievement and subservience [10].
In our time working people quite often have a tendency to show a profound personal dissatisfaction with life in general, and, profession, in particular. Especially a lot of them are young people, the working experience of which is less than three years. Such data is alarming, because the future life is devoid of meaning, and, accordingly, a person is in a state of psychological instability, loss of «oneself».
In order to implement a regulatory approach in the study of the human value sphere, a system of values interpretation was developed through the prism of such initial concepts of psychology as behavior and experience. The most optimal option is when the meaning of life and professional activities coincide. However, this option is also possible when they contradict each other. It all depends on the regulatory determinants of the value and sense sphere of a personality [7; 8].
M. Rokich gives a classical definition of value as «a firm belief in the fact that a definite way of behavior or the ultimate purpose of existence, which from the personal and social point of view is more significant than the opposite way of behavior or the ultimate purpose of existence»; its main features: 1) the total number of values acquired by man is relatively small; 2) all the people have equally the same values; 3) values are organized in the systems; 4) the origins of human values are observed in culture, society and its institutions and personality; 5) the influence of values is observed in all social phenomena to be studied. Using the author's classification of values for terminal and instrumental, we came to the conclusion that adaptive and non-adaptive forms of value and sense regulation are in relation to each other in the reflected position. It means that the person's conviction that the ultimate goal of individual existence from the personal and social point of view (terminal values) depends on the conviction that a certain way of acting from the personal and social point of view is more prevalent in certain situations (instrumental values).
Consequently, the psychological reality is that it defines the peculiarities of the deployment in time of the dynamics of human life, part of which is the dynamics of mental processes, properties and states. It contains and constantly generates those factors that serve as parameters, which are based on recognition of the suitability of patterns of behavior stored in the personal experience of man. The construct of value regulators explains the result of projection into actual psychological reality. It is clear that such design has its own individual characteristics, which are the values and meanings, providing the person objectivity, reality of its existence. This becomes clear if one imagines a person as a special spatial and temporal organization transforming the «objective reality» (the world to man, without man) into the world full of colors and sounds, categorized by the meanings of the objective being the basis of objective consciousness [2; 3].
Primarily, the behavior of a person in the objective world acts dependent of values. Subjects, associated with certain patterns of behavior, can initiate, run these schemes (L. S. Vyhotskyi). If the opportunity to interact with a certain subject is updated, a classical model of the «subject's exit beyond the requirements of the situation» appears. Such a model can become a cause of both the origin of acts of self-realization (the transition of possibilities to reality) andthe fixed behavior when the subject reflects the stereotypical effect in relation to it.
The presence of value and sense issues transforms the objective world of man into reality a living space that is sustained by sensory regulators, and at the same time, it is one that is constantly expanding in order to preserve life and its implementation.
Value coordinates of the human world make a man coherent with other people, with the future, but not yet with present, only possible, which opens reality for the development, that is, life. This is confirmed by the psychology of social cognition, authored by H. M. Andrieieva. She argues if a person really exists in a constructed world, it is impossible to give up his emotional feelings, as well as to ignore other psychological processes, such as motivation. Today, among all the elements of this line in the socio-cognitive situation, only two elements are the most fully disclosed: the role of social institutions and the phenomenon of perceptual protection.
With the help of the analysis of social settings in the psychology of social cognition, two important problems related with the cognitive approach are solved. They are the inclusion of emotions in the cognitive process and the relationship between cognition and behavior. Attitudes direct the search for social information: the subject demonstrates the selection of information, depending on the totality of acquired attitudes. The phenomenon is referred to as a bipolar method for selecting «attitude-relevant» information. Values should exist in the form of willingness to implement a ready scheme of behavior, without changing each situation in the problem. However, values contain not only the pattern of behavior, but also a holistic psychological situation, which includes meanings, evaluations, plans, goals of behavior etc., that is, almost everything that can be determined as «psychological reality». In the new psychological reality, the «established» psychological reality begins to manifest itself, which absorbed the value and sense components of the human world, determining the very possibility of transforming the «objective reality» into the space [9].
In the conception of human life, K. O. Abulkhanova-Slavska distinguishes those individuals who daily «empirically» reproduce and repeat the actions and simple duties necessary for the maintenance of life, and those who, organize their lives themselves. Therefore, one should agree with K. O. Abulkhanova-Slavska that such a «way of life» is possible when there is an «interweaving» of the personality in the context of life events, situations, cases in which
280an individual is not self-determined in relation to them, but he reproduces the logic of his life himself in the possible limits [1].
Consequently, meaningful life regulators assume self-determination, which relies on personal reflection. Only in the scientific abstraction the individual can be disconnected from the circumstances in which his life takes place, but in this case one must still search for a «conceptual bridge» to combine the torn unity. A person who relies on his own reflexive abilities is able to assess the circumstances of life and his own livelihoods, his way of life and become in the position of the subject of their active correction. But it requires a tremendous effort and energy and activity, since in the natural state all these act as a manifestation of a single psychological system being capable of self-regulation. Moreover, the significant regulators, from our point of view, are the system-wide property that can not only block the human out of the limits of the constructed behavioral schemes, but beyond the limits of life circumstances. Thus, they can block the making of certain life circumstances in the consciousness. Such circumstances are related to the unsuccessful implementation of stereotypes in other circumstances, besides, they can block in the minds the circumstances associated with adequate opportunities to leave the requirements of the situation.
The theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem on value orientations in the life and professional realization of the personality is made. The analysis included the consideration of the value regulators of personality-based realization; the consideration of the motivational and sense regulation of personality-based realization; and aspects of mental tension and efficiency in the professional activities of a teacher. The polarity of value mediation of the teachers' professional adaptation, depending on their membership in the forms of professional identification, is confirmed. It is noted that a personality's stagnation in the professional activities of the teacher is aimed at solving the contradiction between the requirements of professional activities, the professional community and the abilities and capabilities of the personality. It is revealed that positive forms of a personality's professional identification under any objective requirements of professional activities are related to the motivational and sense regulation of behavior with the focus on professional realization, and negative forms of professional identification with an orientation to individual values. In case of prospective mismatch of personality and professional requirements (negative forms of professional identification), the processes of correctional regulation are aimed at organizing such professional activity that would enable a personality-based strategy of behavior, a review of significant guidelines and the search for fundamentally new knowledge. The general tendencies of a specialist's professional self-consciousness development are singled out; the prospects of further scientific researches of the motivational and sense sphere of a teacher's personality are revealed. Therefore, the theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem on value orientations in the life and professional realization of the personality includes the consideration of the value regulators of personalitybased realization; the consideration of the motivational and sense regulation of personality-based realization; and aspects of mental tension and efficiency in the professional activities of a teacher.
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