The use of psychological techniques for the development of forecasting life scenario in youth

Analysis of gender identity influence on the formation of life. The formation of the life of the individual scenarios in adolescence. The diagnosis of gender identity influence on the formation of the life of the individual scenarios in adolescence.

Рубрика Психология
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 30.08.2018
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Zavatski V.Yu.


The article provides an analysis of gender identity influence on the formation of life of the individual scenarios. It is shown that socio-economic and political changes are the factors changes the perception of themselves and the overall picture of the world youth, and catalyze the process of finding their own harmonious life scenario or life path. It has been established that the individual life path or script must match the abilities and capabilities of the young man and at the same time be a means of self-realization in life. It was stated that in modern conditions the process of personal and professional self-education are associated with a number of difficulties, so the problem of the formation of the life of the individual scenarios in adolescence is becoming increasingly important. On the basis of scientific approaches the problem of the formation of the life of the individual scenarios and the problem of gender identity. We characterize the sample test, which was caused by the object and purpose of the study. This article describes the methods by which it was carried out the diagnosis of gender identity influence on the formation of the life of the individual scenarios in adolescence. The results of correlation analysis.

Key words: life plan, life scenario personality, way of life of the individual, prediction, psychological technologies, youth.


gender identity adolescence individual

Завацький В.Ю.

Застосування психологічних технологій для розвитку прогнозування життєвого сценарію у молоді

У статті наведено аналіз впливу гендерної ідентичності на формування життєвих сценаріїв особистості.. Показано, що соціально-економічні та політичні зміни є чинниками зміни сприйняття самих себе а також загальної картини світу молоддю, та є каталізаторами процесу пошуку власного гармонійного життєвого сценарію або життєвого шляху. Встановлено, що індивідуальний життєвий шлях або сценарій повинен відповідати здібностям і можливостям молодої людини і одночасно бути засобом реалізації себе у житті. Констатовано, що в сучасних умовах процес особистісного та професійного самовизначення, здобуття освіти пов'язані з низкою труднощів, саме тому проблема формування життєвого сценарію особистості в юнацькому віці стає все більш актуальною. На основі наукових підходів розглядається проблема формування життєвих сценаріїв особистості та проблема гендерної ідентичності. Охарактеризовано вибірку досліджуваних, яка була обумовлена завданнями та метою дослідження. У статті надано опис методик, за допомогою яких було проведено діагностику впливу гендерної ідентичності на формування життєвих сценаріїв особистості в юнацькому віці. Представлено результати кореляційного аналізу.

Ключові слова: життєвий план, життєвий сценарій особистості, життєвий шлях особистості, прогнозування, психологічні технології, молодь.


Завацкий В.Ю.

Применение психологических технологий для развития прогнозирования жизненного сценария у молодежи

В статье приведен анализ влияния гендерной идентичности на формирование жизненных сценариев личности. Показано, что социально экономические и политические изменения являются факторами изменения восприятия самих себя а также общей картины мира молодежью, и являются катализаторами процесса поиска собственного гармоничного жизненного сценария или жизненного пути. Установлено, что индивидуальный жизненный путь или сценарий должен соответствовать способностям и возможностям молодого человека и одновременно быть средством реализации себя в жизни. Констатировано, что в современных условиях процесс личностного и профессионального самоопределения, получения образования связаны с рядом трудностей, поэтому проблема формирования жизненного сценария личности в юношеском возрасте становится все более актуальной. На основе научных подходов рассматривается проблема формирования жизненных сценариев личности и проблема гендерной идентичности. Охарактеризованы выборку испытуемых, которая была обусловлена задачами и целью исследования. В статье даны описание методик, с помощью которых было проведено диагностику влияния гендерной идентичности на формирование жизненных сценариев личности в юношеском возрасте. Представлены результаты корреляционного анализа.

Ключевые слова: жизненный план, жизненный сценарий личности, жизненный путь личности, прогнозирований психологические технологии, молодежь.

Statement of the problem

Socio-economic and political changes, which are quite frequent in Ukraine, are factors to change the perception of ourselves and the overall picture of the world youth. These changes are the catalyst to the search of young men and boys own harmonious life script or way of life. Individual life path or the script should match the abilities of boys and girls and be the means of selfrealization in life. In modern conditions the process of personal and professional selfdetermination, education is associated with a number of difficulties, therefore the problem of creation of living script identity at a young age, becomes more and more actual.

Analysis of the last researches and publications

The problem of life script or individuals way of life the subject of many studies by ukrainian scientists (G.A. Ball, Y.A.Bohonkova, A.V. Brushlinskiy, M.I. Borishevskiy, N.E.Zavackaya, G.S. Kostyuk, S. D. Maksimenko, V.A. Romanets, S. O. Tatenko, T.M. Titarenko, V.V. Tretyachenko and others), and foreign (A. Adler, E. Bern, W. Buhler, E. Erickson, A. Maslow, the Same. Piaget, C. Rogers, W. Frankl, Z.. Freud, E. Fromm, C. G. Jung, K. Jaspers) scientists.

Awareness of their individual life paths have the youthful age

Youth age is the best time to build your future (Bekh I.D, L.I. Bozovic, N.E. Bondar, M.I. Borischevsiy, B.S. Bratus, P.S. Vygotsky, L.L. Gilova, М.Р. Ginzburg, H. E. Golovakha, E. Erickson, B.V. Zeigarnik, I.S. Kon, G.S. Kostyuk A.N. Leontiev, S.D. Maksimenko, V.M. Piskun, L.V. Potapchuk, V.O. Tatenko, T.M. Titarenko).

As an aspect of identity gender identity significantly affect the construction of personality at a young age, his life path (S. Boehm, W. Berne, O.. V. Litvinova, M. Mid).

The purpose of this article to present the results of socio-psychological studies of gender peculiarities of formation of life scenarios personality.

Presentation of the basic material

The sample was 281 test, male and female, aged from 17 to 22 years. All study were interviewed at the place of training.

The presence of just such a selection was determined by objectives and goal of the study. At the first stage of the research, the analysis of theoretical sources on the subject of research. It was found that, according to М.Р. Ginzburg, as structural components of the life scenario you can imagine semantic future (personal) projecting themselves into the future and temporary future (actually planning). In this study, the life script determines exactly how the semantic system of personality, which includes representation of the person of own path in life. This system is the base for including gender subsystem. Gender characteristics of the personality can be represented as a complex of ideas and experiences related to socio-psychological article. In a Large sociological explanatory dictionary given is a concept of «Gender identity awareness of them as associated with cultural definitions of masculinity and femininity. The concept is not valid outside the subjective experience and serves as a psychological interiorization masculine or feminine trait, arising as a result of the process of interaction between «I» and the other». In the textbook of N. Smelzera given this definition: "Gender identity is connected with our view of floor - feel if we actually a man or a woman".

I.S. Cletsina thinking about gender identity writes that it refers to the aspect of self-consciousness of personality, describing the experience of oneself as a representative of the floor, as the bearer of specific sex-specific characteristics and peculiarities of behavior, relates the concepts of masculinity/femininity. An umbrella term stands category «masculinity/femininity», which is a marker and correlate the male or female identity.

Then was elected techniques and a program for the study. On stated stage have conducted an empirical study of gender peculiarities of formation of life scenarios identity in adolescence. For the diagnosis of the impact of gender identity in the formation of life scenarios identity in adolescence, we used the following methodology: a methodology S. Boehm «Masculinity-femininity» and «Scale total self-efficacy», R.Schwarzer, M. Erusalem, V.Romek, questionnaire temporal perspective F. Zimbardo, the «ratio «Values» and «Accessibility» in various spheres of life» (A.V. Fantalova), the «Life plans» (author's development), the «Meaning-life orientation is adapted D. O. Leontiev, a technique of diagnostics of achievement motivation So Ehlers, methods of diagnostics of motivation failure avoidance of the So-Ehlers, a questionnaire (author's design). To use the methods of mathematical statistics was used in the statistical software package SPSS (version 19.0).

To clarify the objective characteristics of the respondents used a questionnaire (author's design). The questionnaire consists of the following questions: name, age, gender, group course; assess the success of Your training; assess the prestige to your future profession; how much free from teaching load time You spend on selfeducation; at this stage of life You are more oriented towards well-defined objective in the future or until forced to focus on routine operational objectives; You take regular part in University concerts, KVN; You take regular participation in the intelligent competitions (competitions, games and etc); do you know foreign languages (or purposefully study them outside of a University course); assess the state of their health on a scale of 1 to 10); do you have any Hobbies (such as sewing, knitting, fishing, sport); delay you regularly money to some major purchase in the future; whether you have a successful experience in the business (including network marketing); if you have a desire to permanent relations with the purpose creation of family; whether you love children (play with them, to walk, to watch); do you help the disabled, orphans, homeless constantly.

According to the results of the questionnaire survey, 56.5% of the respondents answered that they are forced to navigate the life on temporary tasks, but not for the General purpose of life. Many respondents already now have to take steps to form the basis of their future. In particular, 13.2% of studying a foreign language outside of the standard University course, in average, 50% of free time, respondents is engaged in self-education. Take part in public events, KVN, creative contests, concerts) with 20.9% of respondents, 15% of the respondents regularly take part in the intellectual competitions.

57.3% of the respondents save money for a significant expensive purchase in the future, 17.1 per cent already have an experience of your own business. Motivation stable relations with the purpose creation of family in 76,3% and 79% of them indicate that they love to take care of children. 30% of respondents indicate that regularly help the poor. Self-assessment on a scale of 10 the success of the training is equal to 7, prestige of the profession is estimated to average 6.6 out of 10, self-reported health is also above average 5 points and is 7.7 points.

Orientation for the total life purpose, participate in public events and intellectual competitions and saving money for the future of distributed between boys and girls evenly. But the experience of their own business are mostly boys (U=4, p=0,046), motivation to create a family and love children are mainly girls (U=7,1; p=0.008), they are also more inclined to help the poor (U=4,1; p < =0.043).

The next phase of research was conducted methodology S. Boehm «Masculinity-femininity». Test results in psychological methods were transferred to the T-points on the basis of the authors of the norms of the tests. The choice of the T- scores is due, on the one hand, their convenience interpretation, on the other - the detail of the scale in comparison with the walls. In General, T-points is the standard scale with an average of 50 and a standard deviation of 10, normative interval is 40-60 T- points.

Indicators gender identity for the whole sample are within normal limits, we cannot say that these boys and girls in General have high or low indicators of masculinity, feminity or androgyny. Masculinity naturally higher in boys (U=12466; p<0.001), femininity is higher among girls (U=7592; p=0.002), but androgine has no significant disagreements.

To explore the link between the type of gender identity and common meaning in life, was conducted by the method of «semantically-life orientation, adapted from D. O. Leontiev. According to this technique and found that the representatives of androgine type evaluate their life as more efficient (H=7,82; p=0.02) and more confident in their ability to control life (H=6,8; p=0,033).

Next were held technique of diagnostics of achievement motivation So Ehlers and methods for diagnostics of motivation failure avoidance of the So-Ehlers. During the research the following results were obtained: motivation avoidance of failure is very high in фемінінного type, but reasonable in others (H=10,46; p=0.005).

Representatives of androgenic identity evaluate their past better than others (H=10,1; p=0.006), fatalistic view of the present them at the average level, but in masculine type he has the tendency to decrease (H=8,35; p=0,015)

Next was held technique of «ratio «Values» and «Accessibility» in various spheres of life» (A.V. Fantalova). Gender identity is very little correlates with the elected values, but the availability of values has some correlation. In particular, a representative of androgynous type is considered more accessible and interesting work and a good friendship, but less than all available believe the beauty of nature and art.

As for the the relationship of life plans and gender identity, at age 20-24 share the same plans in all three types. Same plans: education, self-education, care of the parents. Representatives of androgynous and feminine band plan for the period to leave Ukraine.

Unique to androgynous identity has plans to find the meaning of life and creative plans. For masculine identity unique plans for this period is secure life and success in sports. For feminine identity in this period are important holiday shopping and status.

At the age of 25-29 years and a lot of plans that match: marriage and childbirth, successful career, caring for children, secure life. Representatives of androgynous and feminine identities are not unique in their life plans for this period. But representatives of masculine identity type are unique to their identity plans: to leave Ukraine, buy avtivku, mark up skills.

Representatives of androgenic identity plans partially similar to both of the other identities: as representatives of femininum identity they wish for in this age to educate their children, to have a prosperous life. As representatives of masculine national identity, androgynous wish to care about the children and held a management position.

Representatives masculine national identity in the age of 30-39 years, wish to care about children and their parents, to travel, to occupy a leadership position, but all these plans coincide with other types of identity. Have your own business representatives also plan to masculine national identity, but representatives of femininum identity should also this plan.

Representatives feminine identity in most plans that coincide with other types: to educate their children and take care of their parents, to live securely, held a management position, own businesses, to travel. A unique plan feminine identity is to build a house in the 30-39 years.

At the age 40-59 all types of identity form plans rest of taking care of grandchildren, taking care of elderly parents. Plan to retire is relevant in this age androgynous and masculine national identity, but not for feminine. Plans to live happily and to travel characteristic of androgenic and feminine identity. Provide education to their children and live prosperously is the plans of 40-59 years, which is inherent in the masculine and femininum identity, but not androgynous. A unique plan for this period is to live for yourself, which is inherent only to representatives of androgenic identity.

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