The study of personality traits that affect the formation of coping strategies
Personality qualities that influence the formation of coping strategies and coping behavior of a person in the event of a complex life situation. Components of self-concept of personality, which contribute to the formation of behavior strategies.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.04.2018 |
Размер файла | 22,7 K |
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The study of personality traits that affect the formation of coping strategies
O.Y. Khudobin
O.V. Tsarkova
O.Y. Khudobin, O.V. Tsarkova. The study of personality traits that affect the formation of coping strategies. The paper studies the personality traits that primarily affect the formation of coping strategies and overtaking human behavior in the case of a difficult life situation. Mental coping strategies in situations of danger and the level of their appearance are analyzed. Personality traits that affect the formation of adaptive and non-adaptive coping strategies in a situation of stress are also analyzed. The components of self-concept of the individual, which contribute to the formation of overtaking behavioral strategies are highlighted. The main features of identity (genetic, psychological, social) that influence the formation and development of coping strategies of personality are determined.
The definitions of coping strategies in regard to phenomenological, social, psychological, behavioral peculiarities are compared. Attention is focused on understanding of the basic approaches of coping behavior by foreign and domestic researchers. The features of overtaking behaviors that perpetuate emotional and mental health are highlighted. It is distinguished that the classification and style of coping strategies used by man are depended on his psycho-emotional and personality traits.
The dependence of empathy on forming overtaking person's behavior is analyzed. It is determined in what way the temperament affects the domination of certain coping strategies, which components of self-concept influence the development of coping strategies person in a situation of danger. The prospect of further study of the characteristics of the formation of coping strategies of individual is outlined.
Key words: personality, quality, self-concept, coping strategies, research, development, overtaking behavior, life situation, danger.
O.Y. Khudobin the scientific contribution of the co-author is 50%, O.V. Tsarkova the scientific contribution of the co-author is 50%.
О.Ю. Худобін, О.В. Царькова. Дослідження якостей особистості, які впливають на формування копінг-стратегії. У статті досліджено якості особистості, які першочергово впливають на формування копінгстратегій та опанувальної поведінки людини при виникненні складної життєвої ситуації. Проаналізовано, на якому рівні психічного відбувалися застосування копінг-стратегії у ситуації небезпеки. Проаналізовано якості особистості, які впливають на формування адаптивних та неадаптивних копінг-стратегій у ситуації стресу. Виокремлено компоненти Я-концепції особистості, які сприяють формуванню опанувальних стратегій поведінки. Виокремлено основні риси особистості (генетичні, психологічні, соціальні), які впливають на розвиток і формування копінг-стратегій особистості.
Порівняно визначення поняття копінг-стратегії з феноменологічної, соціальної, психологічної, поведінкової сторін. Акцентовано увагу на розгляді основних підходів розуміння копінг-поведінки: зарубіжними та вітчизняними дослідниками. Виокремлено функції опанувальної поведінки, що сприяють збереженню емоційно-психічного здоров'я людини. Досліджено класифікації та стилі копінг-стратегій, які використовуються людиною в залежності від її психоемоційних та характерологічних особливостей.
Проаналізовано залежність рівня емпатії і формування опанувальної поведінки особистості. Визначено, яким чином тип темпераменту людини впливає на домінування тих чи інших копінг-стратегій, які компоненти Я-концепції впливають на розвиток, копінг-стратегій людини у ситуації небезпеки. Окреслено перспективу подальшого дослідження особливостей формування копінг-стратегій особистості.
Ключові слова: особистість, якості, Я-концепція, копінг-стратегії, дослідження, формування, опанувальна поведінка, життєва ситуація, небезпека.
А.Ю. Худобин, О.В. Царькова. Исследование качеств личности, которые влияют на формирование коппинг-стратегии. В статье исследованы качества личности, которые в первую очередь влияют на формирование коппинг-стратетий и совладающего поведения человека при возникновении сложной жизненной ситуации. Проанализировано, на каком уровне психического происходит применение коппинг-стратегии в опасной ситуации. Проанализированы качества личности, которые влияют на формирование адаптивных и неадаптивных коппинг-стратегий в ситуации стресса. Выделены компоненты Я-концепции личности, которые способствуют формированию совладающих стратегий поведения. Выделены основные черты личности (генетические, психологические, социальные), которые влияют на развитие и формирование коппинг-стратегий.
Проведено сравнение определений понятия коппинг-стратегии, с феноменологической, социальной, психологической, поведенческой сторон. Акцентировано внимание на рассмотрении основных подходов понимания коппинг-поведения: зарубежными и отечественными исследователями. Выделено функции совладающего поведения, которые способствуют сохранению эмоционально-психического здоровья человека. Исследовано классификации и стили коппинг-стратегий, используемых человеком в зависимости от его психоэмоциональных и характерологических особенностей.
Проанализировано зависимость уровня эмпатии и формирования совладающего поведения личности. Определено, каким образом тип темперамента человека влияет на доминирование тех или иных копинг-стратегий, какие компоненты Я-концепции влияют на развитие, коппинг-стратегий человека в ситуации опасности. Определено перспективу дальнейшего исследования особенностей формирования коппинг-стратегий личности.
Ключевые слова: личность, качества, Я-концепция, коппинг-стратегии, исследования, формирование, совладающее поведение, жизненная ситуация, опасность.
Problem statement. The problem of coping behavior of the individual came under review in psychological science during last twenty years. The need to address this problem is due to the intensification of human activity that provokes stress states in various situations. The specifics of human behavior in such situations can affect the duration of adverse conditions; emotional state, mood; health; efficiency.
Skillful, proper use of coping behavior strategies determines the further harmonious development of personality, promotes self-regulation. In a broad sense it includes all kinds of coping interaction of the subject with the situation, including attempts to acquire or mitigate, adapt or deviate from the requirements of a stressful situation. In a narrow sense, it means coping strategy and a way to overcome a stressful situation by human.
The conditions of modern life impose increasingly high demands on a person's ability to overcome life difficulties. The ability of man to overtake difficult life situations is an important indicator of the development level of the individual. The development of a wide range of effective methods and strategies of problem solving, the skills of their flexible use in accordance with the requirements of the environment increase the current potential of the individual and develop its psychological resistance. The researches of overtaking behavior as part of adaptive social behavior are important due to social instability and the presence of conflicting negative trends of society.
The special vulnerability of the individual, striving for selfassertion, self-actualization, fulfillment, success in life, serves as the basis for the studying of the topic.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Now Western science is actively developing branch of applied science the direction of coping behavior researches in regard to specific issues. For example, R. Briantes and his colleagues studied overtaking behavior of people with brain injury. K. Honey, M. Morgan and P. Bennet examined pregnant women during pregnancy and shortly after birth. M. Anshel and D. Anderson investigated the style of overtaking behavior of athletes. D. Konnor-Smith from America and E. Kalvet from Spain found significant differences in the sets of styles used by the students from other countries in overtaking in their cross-cultural study [14].
The purpose of the article is to expand the concept of coping strategies, to analyze the personal qualities that influence the development and formation of coping strategies, to identify the features of coping strategies in a situation of danger.
The main material research. The term «coping» exists at the intersection of three areas of psychology: psychology of personality, social psychology and health psychology [1].
Coping behavior or overtaking behavior is called the targeted social behavior that allows an entity to deal with stress or difficult situations through conscious action strategy, adequate to the situation. This is the conscious behavior aimed at active interaction of the subject with the situation: changing the situation or adapting to it [10].
Overtaking mechanisms are used by human consciously and deliberately [11].
R. Lazarus meant coping as a cognitive and behavioral amount of efforts expended by the individual to reduce the impact of stress in order to adapt. It was found that the assessment was the primary determination of coping: how a person evaluated the situation, in that way he overtook it. Now overtaking behavior is seen as a dynamic process that has to do with intrapsychological, actionoriented and social strategies used by people when they are faced with difficulties in order to change the alarming situation. The process of coping can be presented in separate stages.
There are many classifications of coping behavior. R. Lazarus and S. Folkman identified problem-focused coping style and emotional-focused style [13].
Researchers I.M. Hranovska and R.M. Nikolska divided coping strategies for the purposes of discussion into three groups [9]:
* behavior different behavioral strategies of removal the force of tension caused by external and internal factors;
* emotional processing emotional relaxation to relieve stress or the force of tension or to seek social support;
* knowledge strategies that neutralize tensions of stress through changes in the subjective assessment of the situation and the corresponding changes in the level of control.
Many researchers consider to study constructive and unconstructive coping. The use of non-constructive coping usually only increases stress, and negative effects can lead to problems at work, in the family. Constructive ways of overtaking include: pursuing a goal on one's own; appealing for help to other people involved in this situation or experience in solving similar problems in the past; careful thinking of problem reasons and different ways to solve it; rethinking the problem situation; changing oneself in system of common stereotypes and attitudes.
Researchers Paul Kohn and Collin Obren-Wood suggested that individual style is quite stable capture for everyone. But special usage of specific strategies depends on the situation. For example, in a situation of uncertainty it is often used emotional and unproductive style. Productive styles are more preferred in certain situations [13].
Speaking about the style of coping, you should identify the presence of different types of people with different attitude to specific obstacles. Among them there are active and passive, optimistic and pessimistic, unconfident and confident, bold and timid.
Active people rely only on themselves and prefer constructive and transformative strategies to overcome difficulties. They think they always control the situation, and if they do not, it is a temporary phenomenon.
Passive type does not consider itself to be able to change or control a reality independently. For such people the environment is always unexpected, and it does not require them any additional effort. Their self-esteem is not very high and the outlook is rather pessimistic, but they can sometimes show the much needed ability to «go along with the tide», taking what life brings.
People use overtaking mechanisms consciously and purposefully, and the coping style is laid early enough, according to some data still in their teens.
According to the views of K. Yung, E. Erickson, D. Huttman, personal development makes coping behavior more successful, improving its strategy. In early adulthood active coping prevails, later passive coping comes the turn, corresponding to the changing circumstances of life physical restraint, less social resources and chronic diseases.
Consulting and psychotherapeutic practice shows that overtaking style in the process of passing therapy by human may be actively adjusted and evolved at different age stages. Every serious test of life is the impetus for self-improvement of style upon the condition of comprehension of the experience, its successful adoption and interpretation [7].
Overtaking difficult situations requires human exertion and implementation of his capabilities to a higher level. Resources are all that a person uses to resolve a difficult situation. It is assumed that the overtaking process is essentially the process of mobilizing personal resources, environmental resources and the process of their usage. There are the following types of resources of overtaking behavior in difficult situations [5]:
* physical (health, stamina, etc.);
* personal (self-esteem, locus of control, morals, beliefs, etc.);
* social (complex of relationships and interactions between people that is able to mobilize or provide assistance in overtaking difficult situations);
* material resources (money, equipment, etc.).
Understanding of human behavior, reasons for success and failures, vital problems of the individual features are impossible without self-concept, the central personal education, which is seen as a dynamic system of understanding and assessment of the man himself, his capabilities and peculiarities. Self-concept, contributing to the achievement of the internal consistency of personality, is an active regulator of behavior, an important factor in the interpretation of the experience source and expectations of future achievements [6].
Characteristics of self-concept and overtaking behavior mutually influence each other. This influence is complex and includes feedback from many previous successful or unsuccessful attempts to overtake. Thus, in numerous studies the fact, that the successful experience of the usage the active strategies potentiates increasing of self-esteem, is established.
Following problems of overtaking especially meaningful consideration is paid to external and internal locus of control beliefs as different contentions of human in its ability to control and influence events, and cope with difficult situations of life. Internal locus of control is associated with a sense of human strength, dignity and responsibility for what happens on their own self-esteem and autonomy of the individual and has a regulating effect on many important aspects of behavior in difficult situations [2].
Considering the communication resources of overtaking behavior in a broad and comprehensive sense as socio-psychological construct, it is organized in emotional and interpersonal understanding. The most severe of these include empathic affiliative abilities.
Empathy as a personal resource of overtaking behavior is most evident in the man experience of his ability to take the position of another person, to see the problem from a different perspective, to differentiate shades of emotions, feelings and states of another person and himself. As a result, the problem is realistically differentiated, contributing to its successful resolution.
The capacity for emotional empathy increases the likelihood of support perception and allows the use of overtaking shared resources. The research within the concept of overtaking behavior have shown that low levels of empathy promoted passive behavior aimed at isolation, reduced the capacity for cooperation and positive motivation in relation to others and to themselves.
It was established that low human affiliative capacity reduced the effectiveness of social support. Affiliative need is an orientation tool in interpersonal contacts and regulates emotional, informational and financial social assistance by building more effective relationships. It was also established that low levels of affiliation contributed to respond to difficult situations by direct reduction of emotional tension and usage of avoiding strategies, prevented the use of search strategies of social support, influenced the formation of low self-esteem.
In the process of overtaking of difficult situations it can be difficult to find a balance between some loss in case of the care and preservation of thought of oneself as an independent person, which could lead to the selection of inappropriate behavior strategies to these conditions and reduce the effectiveness of the overtaking.
The election of a strategy for overtaking behavior is also determined by human temperament. E.P. Ilyin believes that high emotional state of cholerics and melancholics promotes active usage of coping strategy behaviors in childhood. Calmer sanguines demand less early development of psychological defenses that they manifest mostly in mentally or socially difficult situations. The slowest development of overtaking behavior strategy system is seen in phlegmatic children, which by their nature are not prone to conflict and, according to E.P. Ilyin, avoid experiencing of threats [8].
One of the determinants of personal formation of overtaking behavior strategies is human sensitivity to stress in difficult situations. Among them, L.F. Burlachuk includes [7]:
* sensitivity to emotiogenic situations (degree of sensitivity to conflicts at work, family, personal life);
* sensitivity to disturbances in the habitual rhythm of life: situations of violation of the usual regime of work, rest and nutrition;
* sensitivity to psychophysiological cathexises: situations characterized by stress, active professional activity;
* sensitivity to physical activity: situations requiring increased physical activity;
* integral factor that characterizes the overall level of susceptibility to pathogens situations.
Thus, overtaking behavior depends on the type of nervous system, the experience of the individual, resulting in an environment where it was evolved from earlier developed behavior skills and level of cognitive structures. It is obvious that the psychological stability as a personal education is formed simultaneously with the development of human and origins of its formation are related to the early stages of ontogeny.
Dispositional factor of overtaking behavior appears to us as the ratio of the unity of individual psychological and personality traits, qualities that characterize the whole subject, giving a choice of strategies and style of behavior in difficult situations.
Individual psychological and personal traits can serve as a subject of overtaking and make the dispositional factor of overtaking behavior. Popular, due to the cognitive revolution in psychology, problems of stress-coping were involved to explain the differences and difficulties in adapting to the changes of personality in society.
Man «who overtakes» is considered in this scientific paradigm like that who has a special personal disposition, reserves high stress resistance or resilience.
This integrative quality includes:
1. The motivational component resistant intend to take action and get results, confidence in the ultimate success, despite the setbacks;
2. The particular perception of a difficult situation as stimulating the development of their capabilities («joy of overtaking»);
3. Features of self-concept, allowing a person to be the subject of control over the situation that can withstand circumstances (L.I. Antsyferova) [4].
Phenomenology, reflecting different aspects of successful overtaking of personal life difficulties, in different approaches to foreign and domestic psychology is marked by such terms as will, ego strength, internal support, locus of control, focus on the action. In foreign psychology this concept is fully revealed with the concept of «resilience» entered by Salvatore Maddi. Vitality is a special pattern that allows you to turn changes to abilities and personality traits, allowing to cope efficiently with distress and always towards personal growth.
The style of coping strategies is meant as overtaking combination of behaviors that people use more often and consistently. R. Makkri and P. Costa highlighted correlates of coping styles: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience (including the level of intelligence and culture), the willingness to meet others (love, friendship, consent), consciousness that is understood as honesty and responsibility. These qualities represent and shape the perception of stress by a personality. P. Costa, M. Somerfeld and R. Makkri found that people with high neuroticism are notable for non-adaptive ways to respond to stressors, including self-blame, wishful thinking and living in a passive state. It is found that extraversion is associated with such methods of overtaking as reactions, jokes and contact with other people [14].
Thus, the study examines human self-regulation, based on its own ability of its activity organization in the form of individual tracks. Attention of researchers is involved in those human characteristics that allow to carry out conscious and purposeful behavior and show some level of integration of its qualities. Integrative characteristics include control of behavior as a mental level of behavior regulation, which is one of the foundations of self-control and integrates the cognitive control of emotions and volitional control [3].
Conclusions. As a result of theoretical analysis it is revealed that resources and performance criteria require personal and external coping resources. In particular, the personal resources include features of self-concept, locus of control, a complex of communicative abilities and level of cognitive development.
Coping behavior is a change that depends, firstly, on the personal characteristics of the subject (sometimes personal coping resources), and, secondly, the characteristics of the real situation. Thus, two main determinants of coping behavior are distinguished: the personal and situational determinants. Some additional determinants are also distinguished: age, gender and socio-cultural characteristics that, in our opinion, can be combined into a group of socio-demographic determinants of coping behavior.
The prospect of further research of the problem provides the development of the prevention program on non-adaptive coping strategies, development and formation of highly efficient adaptive and coping strategies, and also the experimental study on measures of the impact of human personality traits on the choice of behavioral strategies.
coping strategy behavior personality
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курсовая работа [25,5 K], добавлен 18.05.2015Influence psychology of cognitive activity and cognitive development on student’s learning abilities during study. Cognitive development theory in psychology. Analysis of Jean Piaget's theory. Her place among the other concept of personal development.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 13.04.2016Джон Броадус Уотсон. Американский психолог, основатель бихевиоризма (от англ. behavior - поведение), одной из распространённых теорий в западной психологии XX века. Со времени бихевиоризма психология стала бурно развиваться, как экспериментальная наука.
биография [22,9 K], добавлен 23.11.2008Research of negative influence of computer games with the elements of violence and aggression on psychical development of children and teenagers. Reasons of choice of computer games young people in place of walk and intercourse in the real society.
доклад [15,3 K], добавлен 10.06.2014What is conflict. As there is a conflict. Main components of the conflict. The conflict is a dispute over what. How to resolve the conflict. Negotiations search consent of a compromise. Subject of the dispute. The decision brought. Suppressed discontent.
презентация [50,7 K], добавлен 21.03.2014Основные направления прикладных исследований в социальной психологии. Сравнительная характеристика структурных компонентов программ социально-психологического и социологического исследования. Сценарий фокус-групп по проблеме "Насилие в семье над детьми".
контрольная работа [31,8 K], добавлен 08.10.2012The term charisma has two senses: compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others and a divinely conferred power or talent. Fundamental Secrets of uniqueness and success. How to use the full force of his charisma to succeed.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 11.03.2015The definition of conformism as passive acceptance and adaptation to standards of personal conduct, rules and regulations of the cult of absolute power. Study the phenomenon of group pressure. External and internal views of subordination to the group.
реферат [15,3 K], добавлен 14.05.2011The study of harm to children from watching American cartoons. Problem of imitating negative or mindless characters from cartoons. Leading role of American cartoon industry in the animation history. First steps in the progress of a child’s development.
эссе [16,3 K], добавлен 11.04.2013