Психологічні умови ефективної професійної адаптації психологів-початківців

Основні професійні вимоги до психолога, що склалися у провідних теоретичних моделях. Особливості фахової підготовки вітчизняних психологів-практиків та визначення чинників розвитку готовності до ефективного вирішення завдань психологічної практики.

Рубрика Психология
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.09.2013
Размер файла 47,5 K

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Ключевые слова: профессиональная адаптация, профессиогенез личности, психологическая готовность, специальная подготовка, профессиональная подготовка, индивидуальный стиль профессиональной деятельности психолога.

Bondarenko I.I. The Psychological conditions of the effective professional adaptation of the psychologists-beginners. - The manuscript.

Dissertation for a Candidate's degree in psychology. Specialty 19.00.01 - education and developmental psychology." The Institute of Psychology named by G.S. Kostyuka, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. - Kiev, 2004.

The dissertation is devoted to the exploration and the determination of the organizational peculiarities of the professional psychologists training as the condition of their effective adaptation for the solving of the psychological practical tasks on the primary steps of the professional genesis. It was found out that professional adaptation is a prolonged process witch simplifies processes of the professional trainings and the professional activity and allows the object to turn from typologies knows ledges to the skills to act depending on situation and after that to making the concrete professional factions. It was determinate the general professional requirements for the psychologist - expert and made up the theoretical model of the adaptation process of the psychologist- beginners. The practical realization of the exploration results is in the discovering of the methodology that forms special skills consultative and therapeutics work that could be used in the training process.

Key words: professional adaptation, the professional genesis of the personality, the psychological readiness, the professional readiness, the professional training, the individual style of the professional activity of the psychologist.

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