National cyber security system of Ukraine: perspectives of policy development and capacity building

The main need is to build a national cybersecurity system that will allow Ukraine to counter current cyber threats to its security, stability and prosperity. Characteristics of identifying the main problems that hinder the further development of NCSS.

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Research Institute of Informatics and Law of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine

National cyber security system of ukraine: perspectives of policy development and capacity building

Tkachuk Nataliya


Russian cyber aggression against Ukraine, which started in 2014, have caused an urgent need for building national cybersecurity system, enabling Ukraine to counter current cyber threats to its security, stability and well-being. In this research the legislative and institutional framework of the National Cyber Security System of Ukraine (NCSS) is studied, consistent steps of the State aimed at enhancing cybersecurity and its progress for the last five years are analyzed. This work focuses on defining main problems, which hamper further development of the NCSS, and offers comprehensive recommendations for enhancing Ukraine's cyber security policy, institutional framework and national capacities to address current multidimensional cyber domain challenges. The materials of practical activity of Ukrainian state authorities responsible for cybersecurity are used in the research as well as scientific works, open source publications, analytics, legislation of national and international level in the sphere of cyber security.

Key words: cybersecurity, Ukraine, cybersecurity strategy, cybersecurity policy, cyber threats.


In order to address multidimensional cyber domain challenges and to counteract current cyber threats of Russian hybrid aggression, the process of developing effective cyber security system has been started in Ukraine in 2014.

Over the past few years the legislative framework of such system has been created -- the Cyber Security Strategy of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine “On the Basic Principles of Cyber Security” have been adopted. The mechanisms of interdepartmental interaction and coordination as well as public-private partnership in cyber security domain have been established. A number of measures have been taken to increase capabilities of main state bodies, responsible for cyber security. International partnership in the sphere of cyber security has been reinvigorated, namely the NATO Trust Fund on Cyber Defence for Ukraine has been founded, aimed on helping Ukraine to develop capabilities to counter cyber threats.

However, the devastating impact of cyber-attacks on Ukraine's critical infrastructure and state information systems that have occurred over recent years, escalation of Russian cyber aggression and emergence of new global cyber threats have demonstrated urgent need to increase the state's capacity to counter current cyber domain challenges and to review cyber security policy.

At present the main problematic issues that hamper further development of the National Cyber Security System of Ukraine (NCSS) are the lack of effective cybersecurity policy implementation, low level of cyber-risk awareness and insufficient human capacity of the main actors of the NCSS. Among other problems there are absence of legal and organizational framework for critical infrastructure protection, outdated standards for cybersecurity, weak national legislation on cybercrime and necessity to facilitate public-private partnership.

The development of strategic directions for enhancing Ukraine's cybersecurity policy addressing current challenged is important for drafting the Cyber Security Strategy of Ukraine 2020-2025 as well as improving existent legislative framework in this sphere. In addition, the suggestions for enhancing of institutional framework of the National Cyber Security System (NCSS) can be applied in the ongoing process of reforming security and defense sector of Ukraine. Also the conclusions and recommendations of this research will contribute to defining further vectors of international cooperation, including development of further activities within the NATO Trust Fund for Ukraine aimed to help Ukraine develop technical capabilities to counter cyber threats.

The above confirms the importance and practical significance of this issues for the development of cyber security policy of Ukraine in accordance with the best practices of the EU and NATO countries, promotion of international cooperation and worldwide action to secure cyber space.

Purpose of this research is to develop well-grounded suggestions, based on comprehensive analysis and best international practices, for enhancing Ukraine's cyber security policy, institutional framework and national capacities to address current multidimensional cyber domain challenges.

Legal and Organizational Framework of the National Cyber Security System of Ukraine Cyber Security Strategy and Law

The key impetus for building cybersecurity system in Ukraine came from power grid cyber-attacks which took place on 23 December 2015 and is considered to be the first known successful cyberattack on a power plant [1]. Hackers were able to successfully compromise information systems of three energy distribution companies in Ukraine and temporarily disrupt electricity supply to the end consumers [2].

The results of this attack made the government realize that there was a strong need to develop necessary capacities and create effective cyber security mechanisms, which primarily would be able to protect Ukraine from cyber threats of Hybrid Warfare. Due to the increasing level of threats to national security attributed to the active use of cyberspace by the aggressor country for destructive influence on Ukraine's information resources and critical infrastructure it was necessary to make radical and rapid decisions. The first step for building the cybersecurity capacities became the creation of appropriate legal framework.

In 2016, the Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine was approved, where it was first recognized at the legislative level the urgent need to create a national system of cyber security as a component of the system of ensuring national security of Ukraine, which, above all, had to ensure interaction on the issues of cybersecurity of major actors -- state bodies, local authorities, military formations, law enforcement agencies, scientific institutions, educational institutions, non-governmental organizations and business [3].

The Strategy of Cyber Security of Ukraine provided the basis for the development of further regulations on cybersecurity issues. It defined main cyber threats to Ukraine, outlined the priorities and directions of state policy in this area and identified main state bodies responsible for cyber security and their functions. This legal document has become the basis for systematic action to build the National Cyber Security System.

The provisions of the Strategy have been further developed in the Law of Ukraine “On Basics of Providing Cyber Security of Ukraine” (Cyber Security Law), adopted by Ukraine's Parliament (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine) on 5 October 2017. This Law defined the conceptual apparatus, basic principles, objects and subjects of cyber security and cyber protection, main directions of public-private partnership in this sphere, outlined basics for critical infrastructure protection framework.

The law formalized the model of the National Cyber Security System, announced in the Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine, defining it as “a set of actors providing cybersecurity and interrelated measures of political, scientific, technical, informational, educational character, organizational, legal, operative, intelligence, counter-intelligence, defense, engineering and technical measures, as well as measures of cryptographic and technical protection of national information resources, cyber defense of critical infrastructure” [4].

The other legal documents that form the basis for cyber security legislation in Ukraine are the following:

The Constitution of Ukraine.

National Security Strategy of Ukraine.

Law on National Security.

Law on Information.

Law on Information Protection in Information and Telecommunication Systems.

Law on Telecommunications.

Law on Protection of Personal Data.

Other laws, as well as statutory legal acts issued in accordance with these laws.

The Decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) which are to be approved by a presidential decree, the acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine aimed at solving complex problems in the field of cyber security, also play an important role in shaping the legal and regulatory framework of the cyber security system. Among them should be distinguished the following:

Decision of the NSDC dated December 29, 2016 “On Threats to the Cyber Security of the State and Urgent Measures for their Neutralization” [5].

Decision of the NSDC dated 10 July 2017 “On the State of Implementation of the Decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated December 29, 2016” [6].

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On the Approval of the Procedure for the Establishment of the List of the Information and Telecommunication Systems of the State Critical Infrastructure Facilities” [7] etc.

The sources of international law, which form the basis of the regulatory framework for the National Cyber Security System of Ukraine, primarily include the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 7 September 2005.

Creation of the National Cyber Security System is a prerequisite for ensuring the safe functioning of cyberspace, its use in the interests of individuals, society and the state. The NCSS is an integral part of the Ukraine's System of National Security.

The Structure of the National Cyber Security System of Ukraine

The main actors of the NCSS are the following: the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, intelligence agencies, the National Bank of Ukraine. Coordination and control of the activities of the security and defense sector entities that provide cybersecurity of Ukraine is carried out by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) through the subsidiary body, the National Coordinational Cyber Security Center.

The State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine. This organization provides such functions:

* Development and implementation of state policy on the protection in cyberspace of governmental information resources and information, the requirement for protection of which is established by law, cyber protection of critical infrastructure.

Coordinate the activities of other cybersecurity entities regarding cyber protection, exercise state control in this area.

Ensure the creation and operation of the National Telecommunication Network, implementation of organizational and technical model of cyber protection.

Carry out organizational and technical measures to prevent, detect and respond to cyber incidents and cyber-attacks and to eliminate their consequences.

Inform about cyber threats and appropriate methods of protection against them.

Coordinate, organize and conduct critical infrastructure vulnerability audit.

Provide functioning of the State Center for Cyber Protection and the Government Response Team for Computer Emergencies in Ukraine (CERT-UA) [4]. An important role in cyber protection of the state

information resources, detection and counteraction to cyber-attacks and cyber incidents is being played by the State Center for Cyber Protection and Countering Cyber Threats (SCCPCC) [8], created on July 1, 2015 as a structural unit of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine. Creation of the mentioned Center has become an important step towards the development of the National Cybersecurity System in Ukraine. Among the main tasks are the following:

Asses of the state of information protection in governmental authorities.

Ensure the long-term functioning, security and development of the National Confidential Communication System.

Ensure the functioning and development of the antivirus protection system for state authorities.

Ensure the functioning and modernization of the System of Secured Internet Access for the state authorities of Ukraine and the Secured Internet Access Point of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine [4]. The SCCPCC is also engaged in the introduction of the latest and advanced technologies in information and telecommunication systems, carrying out expertise of Complex Systems of Information Protection (CSIPs) and other information protection means, software and hardware in the field of information security used in state authorities, administrating and upgrading the Register of Information Communication Systems of State Bodies.

In addition, the main task of the Center is to ensure the functioning of the Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA), which is its structural subdivision. The unit was established in 2007. In 2009, it has been accredited to the Forum in Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) [9].

Functional tasks of CERT-UA involve accumulation and analysis of data on cyber incidents, maintenance of the state register of cyber incidents and providing state bodies and private owners of critical infrastructure with practical help in preventing, detecting and eliminating the effects of cyber incidents. Also CERT-UA organizes and conducts practical workshops on cyber protection as well as interacts with law enforcement agencies, foreign and international organizations on responding to cyber incidents.

The main types of cyber threats that CERT-UA counteracts include: malware, botnets, Internet fraud, DDoS attacks, exploitation of software and hardware vulnerabilities, unauthorized access to automated information systems, web resources and violation of the regular mode of their operation.

In addition, the Emergency Response Team of Ukraine provides the operation of a number of services available on its official website: accumulation and processing of information about the compromised IP-addresses, active monitoring of network threats, service for verifying vulnerabilities, functioning of on-line platform for reporting a cyber-incident [10].

The CERT-UA plays an important role in the National Cyber Security System as a practical unit that responds directly to a cyberattack, helps to restore network functioning and eliminate negative impacts of cyber incidents.

The most prominent examples of CERT-UA activity are the elimination of hacker attacks on the automated system Elections during the extraordinary Presidential elections in Ukraine in 2014, the localization and neutralization of the BlackEnergy virus on the objects of the energy and transport complex of Ukraine in 2015 and 2016. The CERT-UA team together with specialists from Cyber Policies, the Security Service of Ukraine, foreign partners, and private sector participated in counteracting and eliminating the consequences of large-scale hacker attacks against Ukraine in June 2017.

On February 2, 2018, a new unit -- the Cyber Threat Response Center (CTRC), was established within the State Center of Cyber Protection and Countering Cyber Threats. This unit is engaged primarily in providing cyber protection of state authorities and critical information infrastructure of Ukraine [11].

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU). This organization carries out following tasks:

Prevent, detect, suppress and disclose crimes against peace and security of mankind committed in cyberspace.

Carry out counter-intelligence, operational and investigative activities aimed at combating cyberterrorism and cyber-espionage.

Secretly check readiness of critical infrastructure for possible cyber-attacks and cyber incidents.

Counteract cybercrime, the consequences of which can create a threat to the vital interests of the state.

Investigates cyber incidents and cyber-attacks concerning the state electronic information resources, the information, protection requirements of which are established by law, critical infrastructure.

Provides response to cyber incidents in the field of national security [4].

The unit of the SSU responsible for conducting these functions is the Cyber Security Department, official name of which is the Department of Counterintelligence Protection of State Interests in the Sphere of Information Security. This counterintelligence body is the main actor of the National Cyber Security System which protects national security of Ukraine from cyber threats. At present it concentrates mostly on countering Russian cyber operations organized by Russian special services.

To achieve this aim, with the support of Ukraine's western partner states, serious work has been done to develop the SSU's technical and operative capabilities. Within framework of the NATO Trust Fund on Cyber Defense for Ukraine the Situational Center for Cybersecurity of the Security Service of Ukraine has been created in 2017 [12].

This is a unique structure as it combines functions and technical abilities of CERT/CSIRT with counterintelligence tools and instruments of special service and law enforcement body. It already proved to be very effective in countering cyber threats of hybrid warfare and greatly facilitated capacities of Security Service of Ukraine in Cyber Security. During 2018-2019 three regional Cyber Security Centers of the SSU have been established in the cities Dnepr, Odessa and Sumy [13]. Their main task is to counter cyber threats at the regional level.

Another important direction of developing the SSU capabilities is promotion of public-private partnership, impossible to counter cyber threats effectively without cooperation with private sector. Firstly, because more than 80% of Ukrainian critical infrastructure is privately owned and secondly, the nature of cyber threats and cyber space makes no difference between character of threats to public sector or to national security [14].

Recognizing this importance, the Security Service of Ukraine has started a number of successful initiatives, directed on enhancing cooperation with private sector and building trust. Professionals of the Cyber Security Situational Awareness Center of the SSU on the basis of the NATO standards created the Malware Information Sharing Platform -- Ukrainian Advantage (MISP-UA). This platform provides on-line automatic information exchange between Security Service of Ukraine and Critical Infrastructure about indicators of compromise and possible cyber threats. The MISP- UA is not yet being used for international information exchange but it might be considered as further step for its development.

Through this platform the SSU provides to private sector timely information which is important to protect their computer systems from cyber-attacks and greatly contributes to enhancing the security of critical infrastructure. At present there are more than 30 Critical Infrastructure Facilities in the sphere of energy, telecommunications, transport, finance connected to the MISP-UA. The legal basis for such cooperation is the Memorandum for Information Sharing [15].

As the former Head of the SSU Vasyl Hrytsak has said, emphasizing the priority of such public-private partnership -- “Any representative of a large, medium and even small business can turn to the Cyber Security Situational Awareness Center for consultation and assistance” [12].

Another direction of cooperation with private sector is the engagement of so-called “white hackers” to responsible disclosure of information about vulnerabilities of computer systems of critical infrastructure and governmental authorities as well as their penetration testing. In cooperation with private sector the draft of Public Memorandum for cooperation with the Security Service of Ukraine on Responsible Search and Disclosure of Information about Vulnerabilities of Computer

Systems had been developed [16]. Work is continuing to create legal basis for involving young IT-professionals in conducting confident testing of readiness of critical infrastructure for possible cyber-attacks and cyber incidents, which is one of the functional tasks of the Security Service of Ukraine.

The National Police of Ukraine ensures the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, the interests of society and the state from criminal encroachments in cyberspace. It carries out measures on prevention, detection, suppression and disclosure of cybercrime, raising awareness of citizens about security in cyberspace.

The direct execution of these tasks is entrusted to the Department of Cyber Police of the National Police of Ukraine, established on October 13, 2015, which replaced the Office for Combating Cybercrime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine [17].

As stated by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Mr. Avakov [18], the purpose of creation the Cyber Police in Ukraine was to reform and develop the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, in order to ensure training and functioning of highly qualified specialists in the expert, operational and investigative units of the Police involved in the fight against cybercrime, who would be capable of applying at the highest professional level the latest technology in operative and investigatory activities.

The Department of Cyber Police consists of structural divisions, acting on the interregional basis and directly subordinated to the Head of the Department.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine on Ratification of the Convention on cybercrime [19] in order to ensure the international cooperation of Ukraine on combating cybercrime, the National 24/7 point of contact for the immediate assistance in investigation of cybercrimes is functioning in the structure of the Department of Cyber Police.

The number of crimes in the field of cyber security is constantly growing -- in Ukraine each year the number of detected cybercrime increases by an average of 2,500 [20]. Today, the former model of cyber police units is being transformed into the effective law enforcement body oriented first of all on human rights protection, which by its technical and professional capabilities, would be able to provide immediate response to cyber threats, as well as conduct international cooperation on neutralizing transnational criminal groups in accordance with the best European standards in this area.

Among the capabilities of the Cyber Police there are the following:

Ability to receive information on crimes from cyberunits of foreign countries.

Professionally analyze Internet resources and network systems.

Carry out sophisticated digital forensics.

Provide professional assistance to other police units.

Conduct joint operations with the international organizations such as the Europol, the Interpol etc. The Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Among the main tasks of these authorities there are:

Carry out measures to prepare the state for reflecting military aggression in cyberspace (cyber defense).

Carry out military cooperation with NATO and other defense actors in the field of security of cyberspace and joint protection against cyber threats.

Implement measures to ensure cyber defense of critical information infrastructure in conditions of emergency and martial law [4].

The division within the structure of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which performs the functions in the field of cyber security is the Department of Communication and Information Systems of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, subordinated to the Deputy Minister of Defense -- the Head of the Apparatus [21].

The important role of the Ministry of Defense in the National Cyber Security System is attributed to the progressing militarization of cyberspace and the actualization of the threat of cyber warfare as a new phenomenon in the world security environment [22-24].

According to the data of the National Intelligence of the USA, more than 30 countries are developing offensive cyber attack capabilities. So attacks against critical infrastructure and information networks will allow attackers a means of circumventing traditional defense measures [25] and can become an asymmetric measure in a military conflict [26].

With regards to the growing threat of Russian cyber warfare against Ukraine [27], cyber security issues are increasingly reflected in the strategic documents of the Ukrainian military sector.

The Strategic Defense Bulletin of Ukraine, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine No 240/2016 [28], defines the development of the system of cyber defense as a prerequisite for ensuring the state's defense capability. In turn, the inability to respond effectively to the growing number of cyber-attacks is defined as one of the main problems of the of the Defense Forces functioning in the context of existing and potential threats.

The document considers the improving of the information and cyber security system to be a separate operational goal, the implementation of which involves the creation in the Ukraine's defense sector of special units aiming at cyber defense, countering technical intelligence, implementing measures to protect information in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of Ukraine and NATO standards.

The Intelligence Agencies of Ukraine carry out intelligence activities regarding threats to the national security of Ukraine in cyberspace, other events and circumstances related to the sphere of cybersecutity.

According to the Law of Ukraine “On intelligence agencies” [29], the state bodies which provide intelligence activities are the following: The Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine and the Intelligence Agency of the Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

In order to increase the efficiency of the activity of the intelligence agencies of Ukraine, the Joint Intelligence Committee under the President of Ukraine was formed [30]. The Concept of Development of the Security and Defense Sector of Ukraine, approved by the Presidential Decree No 92/2016 [31], defines the main purpose of the development of intelligence agencies, which is to strengthen the intelligence capabilities of Ukraine on the basis of their concerted, precise functioning, coordination of their activities and enhancing cooperation with the partner special services of NATO member states.

Strengthening the capabilities of intelligence agencies in the field of cybersecurity through the creation of organizational, logistical and financial conditions for improving their operational capabilities is identified as one of the priority directions of the development of the Security and Defense Sector of Ukraine.

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). This organization executes following functions:

Determine the order, requirements and measures for the provision of cyber protection and information security in the banking system of Ukraine.

Provide functioning of the CERT-NBU.

Ensure the functioning of the cyber protection system in the banking sector of Ukraine.

Provide cyber and information security audit on critical infrastructure of the Ukraine's banking system [4].

Banks remain the main target of cybercriminals all over the world [32] and Ukraine is no exception. The overall assessment of the events of 27-29 June, 2017 showed that 70% of Ukrainian banks have been hit in one way or another by cyberattacks of the Petya virus [33], launching of which is attributed to the Russian special services [34]. The visible consequence of such attacks was stopping the work of terminals, payment systems, bank branches, as well as limiting access to Internet banking and international transfers.

The fact that banks did not survive a cyberattack had demonstrated that the problem was not only with the efficiency of IT department of each individual bank. Underestimation of potential threats, lack of proper software and neglect by proper budgeting of cybersecurity systems of banks -- all this testified to insufficiency of systemic approach to providing cyber security in banking sphere.

These conclusions made the National Bank of Ukraine as a regulative body take comprehensive measures directed on enhancing cyber security in banking system of Ukraine: the Center for Cyber Protection of the National Bank of Ukraine was created, the Computer Security Incident Response Team of the banking system of Ukraine (CSIRT-NBU) has been organized, Regulation No. 95 of the National Bank of Ukraine “On the organization of measures to ensure information security in the banking system of Ukraine” was put in force.

By this Regulation, the NBU has obliged banks to take immediate measures to strengthen their cyber security in accordance with the established requirements, based on international ISO standards [35]. Now the banking sphere of Ukraine has the highest level of resilience in comparison with governmental structures and other facilities of critical infrastructure.

The National Cybersecurity Coordination Center (NCCC), as the working body of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, coordinates and monitors the activities of the security and defense sector providing cybersecurity, forecasts and identifies potential and actual cyber threats, generalizes international experience in the field of cyber security; provides operational, informational and analytical support of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on cybersecurity issues.

The NCCC was created in June 2016 by the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 242/2016 and according to the former Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Mr. Turchinov, it were to become a system-forming element of the whole system of cyber security and cyber defense of Ukraine [36].

The Head of the Center is the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. The Secretary of the Center is the Head of the structural unit of the apparatus of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, whose responsibilities include cybersecurity.

The members of the Center are: the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Head of the Security Service of Ukraine, the Head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, the Head of the

National Police of Ukraine, the Head of the National Bank of Ukraine (with consent), as well as the Head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the Head of the Office of Intelligence of the Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the Head of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine. The main form of the Center's work is sessions which are held as needed, but not less frequently than quarterly [37].

Another form of developing the interagency cooperation is conducting national and international cyber security trainings with the engagement of main actors of the National Cyber Security System. For example, in the beginning of March, 2019 such trainings aimed on working out joint mechanisms of response and crisis management concerning possible cyber threats to the election process in Ukraine were held. It was conducted on the technical base of the SSU Cyber Security Situational Awareness Center using simulated virtual infrastructure of the Central Election Commission of Ukraine [38]. This had provided development of effective cooperation mechanisms which were implied during further response to mass and advanced cyberattacks on elections infrastructure, which took place in March -- May 2019 during the process of elections of the President of Ukraine. Due to coordinated common efforts of state subjects of the National Cyber Security System the timely countermeasures were taken and the necessary level of resilience and stable functioning of election systems was ensured [39].

Consequently, due to comprehensive national efforts supported by assistance from international partners, Ukraine actually managed to build from scratch effective Cybersecurity System capable of countering cyber threats to national security that intensified with the onset of Russian hybrid aggression.

The proper legislation framework was developed, main state actors responsible for cybersecurity and their functions were defined, the coordination body was established, network of CERTs and Situational Centers for Cybersecurity was created, operative and technical capabilities of main state actors of the NCSS were raised by building in its structure new operational units, public-private partnership was initiated, international cooperation on cybersecurity was facilitated.

Main Challenges of Ukraine's Cyber Security System Further Development.

Ineffective Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation.

Though Ukraine has made a substantial step forward in cyber security domain, the main obstacle that hampers its further development is the lack of the effective mechanisms of implementing cybersecurity policies, in particular the provisions of the Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine and the formal approach to this issue by responsible state authorities.

The Cyber Security Strategy of Ukraine is a document of long-term strategic planning that defines the priorities of Ukraine's national interests in the field of cybersecurity, main directions, conceptual approaches to the formation and implementation of state policy in this field. The Strategy is a basis for further policy planning, developing of state programs and regulations on cyber security [40]. At the same time, in Ukraine, there is currently no effective system of state control providing objective assessment and guaranteeing its implementation.

According to the legal regulations the implementation of the Strategy provisions takes place within the framework of annual Implementation Plans, formed at the beginning of each year by the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine and approved by relevant Orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. However, the comprehensive analysis of their fulfillment by responsible state authorities has shown that these documents are mainly of a declarative character [41].

Most of the activities envisaged by Plans for Implementing the Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine for 2016-2018 [42-44] are currently not executed or partially executed. There are only a few plans provisions fulfilled with expected results. Among such there are adoption of the Cyber Security Law of Ukraine, creation of the Cyber Security Situational Awareness Center of the Security Service of Ukraine, and improving the requirements for the cyber protection in the banking sector by adopting the relevant Regulation of the NBU. Many other important issues still are not resolved:

The Register of Critical Infrastructure Information Systems as well as the legal framework for it protection is not created.

The Budapest Convention on Cybercrime in not fully implemented.

The secure data center for governmental bodies isn't built.

Any effective measures to stimulate the development of domestic software are not being taken.

The EU directives and standards for the protection of critical infrastructure is not implemented.

No system of cyber security auditing of such objects or main indicators of cybersecurity and risk assessment are formed.

A unified system of cyber threats detection and information exchange between the main state actors of cyber security is not created.

* Many gaps in cyber security legislation are still not closed etc.

Although all these measures and many others were envisaged by the Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plans providing specific deadlines for their fulfilment and a responsible state authority. For example, the responsible authority for executing 15 provisions from the existing 18, provided by the Plan of Implementation of the Strategy of Cybersecurity of Ukraine for 2018 (approved by the Governmental Order on July 11, 2018, No. 481-p), is defined to be the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine.

Moreover, timely and effective fulfilment of the Implementation Plans is hampered by untimely adoption of such plans on governmental level with the delay up to six months. For example, as at June 2019 the draft of Implementation Plan on 2019 is still not approved although it has been half a year since it should have come into force to ensure its relevant execution.

Reports on the implementation of the Cybersecurity Strategy, which are to be submitted by the responsible state bodies to the Cabinet of Ministers and the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine every six months are also perfunctory. No disciplinary or management measures are taken as a consequence of under-performance of planned activities. The unfulfilled plan items are simply being transferred to another year or ignored without any governmental control or public scrutiny over this process.

The NCCC on its plenary sessions once a year revises the state of Cyber Security Strategy implementation, but as it's only a collective coordinating body and its members are the heads of main government authorities responsible for cybersecurity in Ukraine, it has neither powers nor will to make state actors accountable for insufficient performance of provided tasks.

Therefore, while the comprehensive organizational measures to address the issue of implementation of cyber-security policy are not taken, it is difficult to talk about solving any other tasks of the development of the National Cybersecurity System of Ukraine in general.

Addressing the problem

To address the problem of low effectiveness of cyber security policy implementation there are necessity to take a number of organizational and legal measures.

At the same time, the main priority should be focused on building strong political will and understanding on the highest state level of the importance of Cybersecurity for Ukraine's national interests, as well as commitment to take comprehensive measures to deal with existent problems of cybersecurity policy implementation even if it requires tough and unpopular initiatives.

Therefore, taking into consideration recent political changes in Ukraine in short-term perspective it is recommended for the Head of the National Cybersecurity Coordination Center:

Prepare a comprehensive assessment of the current state of Cyber Security Strategy implementation on the basis of submitted reports of main state actors, statistics and analytics (including international expertise such as MITRA) highlighting existent problems and recommendations, providing further submission of this assessment to the President of Ukraine.

Establish a number of high-level meeting and consultations with newly appointed top-officials of key state bodies, responsible for cybersecurity with the involvement of the main international partners of Ukraine (such as NATO experts) to identify and prioritize important issues of cybersecurity policy and cooperation in this sphere and to make further recommendations for its implementation.

In order to provide comprehensive approach to cybersecurity policy (from the National Security Strategy to the Cyber Security Strategy and finally to the direct steps provided by the annual Cyber Security Strategy Implementation Plans) to initiate including into the National Security Strategy of Ukraine for 2020-2025 (which is now being drafted by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine) provisions on following cybersecurity priorities:

Increasing the efficiency of developing and implementation of the national cybersecurity policy, implementation of the Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine.

Enhancing capacities of main state actors of the National Cyber Security System of Ukraine.

Rising cybersecurity awareness and cyber hygiene.

Developing the system of strategic communications in the sphere of cyber security.

Widen participation format of the NCCC sessions in order to provide more broad and effective dialog on cyber security issues and policy implementation. For example, providing the participation of Ministry of Information Policy and Ministry of Education of Ukraine is important within framework of cyber awareness and strategic communications issues, the role of the Head of Parliamentary Committee on Informatization and Communications could be important to facilitate cybersecurity legislation initiatives, the dialog with private sector representatives is essential for public-private partnership development as well as critical infrastructure protection issues.

In long-term perspective it is recommended:

Create the governmental executive body under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine responsible for the cyber security policy forming and implementing which would deal with cyber security issues and provide state control in this sphere on national level. As in present, this functions aren't vested to any actor of cyber security of Ukraine and in the structure of the Ukrainian Government there is no any unit responsible for cyber security. For example, this could be the Ministry of Innovations and Cybersecurity.

Deprive the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine of its function to prepare the annual Plans for the Cyber Security Strategy Implementation. This state body according to the law is responsible only for the sphere of information protection (cyber protection) which is far narrower than the whole national cyber security sphere. Furthermore, it has already proved its ineffectiveness in timely establishing comprehensive plans of action (Implementation Plans) for all the actors of the NCSS. This function should instead be transferred to the National Cybersecurity Coordination Center as the body representing all the main stakeholders of the National Cyber Security System.

Increase the role of the NCCC by adding to its functions preparing annual plans for the Cyber Security Strategy Implementation, Assessments on the Current State of Cybersecurity in Ukraine and Effectiveness of Cyber Security Strategy Implementation and providing strategic coordination and control on the intergovernmental joint cyber operations in the sphere of national security. This in its turn implies providing organizational changes aimed on increasing stuffing and resourcing of the Information Security Department in the Secretariat of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine -- the unit which provides functioning of the National Cybersecurity Coordination Center.

Launch governmental campaign under the initiative of the NCCC aiming on encouraging authorized state bodies taking concrete measures of disciplinary character up to and including dismissal and conducting criminal prosecution (in case of criminal negligence) to those responsible state officials who didn't provide timely execution of tasks provided by the Cyber Security Strategy Implementation Plans. If there are objective obstacles hampering its timely execution the clear mechanism of reporting and postponing are to be followed.

Another important instrument necessary to provide effectiveness of cyber security policy implementation is the appropriate public scrutiny of this subject. At present there isn't any open publicly available information on the state of the Cyber Security Strategy Implementation Plans fulfillment by the responsible state authorities. The annual and semi-annual reports on this matter which all the state actors of the National Cyber Security System are to submit to the government stay closed to the public, though according to the Law of Ukraine “On National Security”, content and state of implementation of strategies, doctrines, concepts, state programs and plans in the areas of national security are the subject of public control [40].

Solution to this problem may lie in regular and transparent informing the public about current state and results of the Cyber Security Strategy implementation through publishing the reports mentioned above on the official web-site of the National Cybersecurity Coordination Center and the Government of Ukraine.

Moreover, in Ukraine there isn't any mechanisms of parliamentary oversight of the implementation of cybersecurity legislation. Sole adoption of a law cannot be enough to ensure that it works effectively and that the state budget for its implementation is not spent in vain. Therefore, to provide transparency of such procedures it is recommender to vest the Parliamentary Committee on Informatization and Communications dealing with cybersecurity legislation with new function of parliamentary oversight in the sphere of cybersecurity.

Ensuring high level of international cooperation is a very important element of cyber security policy in any country. In order to raise its effectiveness in Ukraine it's recommended to include the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in the structure of the National Cyber Security System through the amendments to the Cyber Security Law, providing it with appropriate responsibilities concerning organization of effective international cooperation in cyber security domain.

Rising awareness, cyber hygiene and compliance

Cybersecurity awareness and hygiene play a critical role in protecting national interests, critical information infrastructure, businesses and personal data against cyber threats [45]. At present cyber hygiene among state officials and operators of critical infrastructure of private and public sector stays insufficient in Ukraine. This facilitates illegal activities of malicious actors aiming on cyber espionage and cyberattacks on critical infrastructure.

Along with constant breaking of basic principles of cyber security and absence of adequate motivation for cyber hygiene another factor that greatly influences resilience of systems is extensive use of pirated software. According to the MITRE assessment “even if cyber security awareness was higher in Ukraine, it might have negligible impact on minimizing risk because of ubiquitous use of unlicensed software in the public and private sector” [46].

The systematic inspections of state of compliance with the information and cyber protection requirements in governmental bodies show little progress in this sphere during the last few years, thought the results of resent cyber-attacks on Ukrainian critical infrastructure should have changed common understanding of cyber threats and importance of cyber hygiene. The attempts of state bodies on raising cybersecurity awareness and hygiene are sporadic, have no centralized authority or any coordination. Occasionally, some actors of the National Cyber Security System launches separate initiatives in this sphere within their competence through publishing on their web-resources some warning information and guidance [47-49] but with no substantial effect.

However, there is an example of a very successful cyber awareness campaign in Ukraine on stop using Russian software and information services which has supported the state initiative of banning Russian software and social media. In 2015 the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine by its Decision from August 23, 2015 has imposed sanctions to Russian antivirus software products -- Dr. Web and Kaspersky, prohibiting its usage in governmental bodies [50]. In 2017 the sanction list was widened with other Russian software products as well as popular Internet platforms and social media (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Yandex, [51]. Though in the beginning this idea seemed to be unpopular among the population of Ukraine, due to active information campaign on behalf of the state the existent risks of using these products by Russia as an instrument of cyber espionage, sabotage and propaganda were effectively communicated to the public, which provided understanding and public support to this state initiative. Moreover, it gave new opportunities to Ukrainian business to develop national product.

The framework for cybersecurity awareness consists of three main elements that should provide any state within its comprehensive initiatives:

* Develop understanding and motivation. The primary task of Ukrainian government is to form understanding between necessity to follow cybersecurity requirements and promoting national security, prosperity of the nation as well as personal interests and well-being. People should clearly understand all the possible risks and consequences of their breaking the rules or ignoring basic cyber hygiene (especially if we are talking about the state and military servants or critical information operators) such as leakage of classified information, blocking of critical infrastructure activity, substantial financial losses, cyberterrorism, hazardous events etc. Ukraine's advantage is already formed motivation to protect the State and national security against external aggressor -- the Russian Federation. Therefore, the main task is to ccommunicate to public the role and the place of cybersecurity and cyber hygiene in this process.

Provide education and training. The platform for cyber hygiene is creation of educational basis which would provide some theoretical knowledge about cyber threats and basics of cybersecurity combined with trainings for obtaining practical skills. Such education should be built considering on target groups including school education, educational programs in higher education institutions, professional education, common cyber awareness initiatives, training for certain categories (e.g. state servants, military personnel, critical information operators etc).

Ensure monitoring and control. Without proper control it is impossible to provide sufficient level of compliance with cyber security rules even with a clear understanding of risks and having enough practical knowledge to do it. The most important element of control is possibility of implying sanctions in case of incompliance. Such monitoring and control should be organized on the national level by the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, on ministerial level by each responsible state authority within its structure and among critical infrastructure taking into consideration national requirements for cyber protection.

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